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Durham Review (1897), 20 Sep 1923, p. 8

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.l , Good Luck! Goad Judgment 20tt an. an! b. rm trom Hols Barn 1.0 x a" ”any QUINN} (itaafields Underwear now. Wilt also and implements. New Pleated Skirts Is thought to so a long war,trut . Euro-mom. gnod tspring boot 2% mil, is gnod judgment. The u udorwoat that is always Reliable. Call and see our M goes further. TO USE . L. GRANT "on” (rtt W - - ------ m F “II "PM 5 "r. Every Day Bargain Day i" “(I FOR SHADE Sovereign Flour. Eclipse Flour,“ hite Lily Pastrv Flour Gheat Cereal. Rolled Oats. Bran, Shorts. Feed Flour, Oat Chop, Urlmped Oats. Mixed Chop, Mixed Grain for Poultry Food, Blatchford's Calf Meal, Pig Meal and Poultry Feeds. They will please you Our prices are of the best quality and our lrour is guaranteed. Our prices are right for spot cash. Highest Ptice paid for any quantity of when! deliver. ed at the mill. Goods delivered everyday. The People's Mills Phone No 8. Dar or Night. BANK. "IL! Early in the history of the Bank of Montreal its odlicers realized that to attain its highest usefulness, a bank should serve with equal readiness and ability all classes of customers in every department of banking. ot' At each office of the Bali mall accounts are tandem; and (It: some painstaking attention is J. - "ti, govt to every mm. * halt ttood clay loam. lots T I'.',. Euro-mum. 3V. mlles in, nvur school. Bank in, erment stables. frame " wall. well I‘o-nm-d. Ate liilllllllllE, LT'dag n Reid THE PEOPLE'S MILLS of lot 21 and 22, con. lair buildings. plenty wan-r. t. mile from "3 from village of bro- o sell crop and stock 'r, Apply on premises JOHN McGOWAN Tr't or (NT! l Fleming Reid, No. l. Holstein lt R. No good ear The children's school mir was mm: thr, Monday in Anon and if the re”. "e-ree-rr-er-ere-ee-er-"-'-""-"-'-"-"-"-. -.r __- w - ------- ---T7_-a.------"--'- Porte n: th" three do-lo-galvs from old) lot :u'l Ayr' tru", it surw 'as a 'utrihet"ttttet.ttf.ter,'t, mick sul'rvhs. That Normanby haw; . the paw wt [or the thr tGr/ships/t LOCAL I'D PERSO'AL 19 both mr iner and crowds, “1 'r,','3ii3diiiiLiaL.ULi-d' a '.x.owlvdxml tact and the km-n com", l pinion in 11ml. wgrtablvs, oakirur,l D36: gt'; 'tf",",,'.' J; Sid a}; my . F ' .; .1. In. wan most, . A 5 . ',', Fr it.1'l',ir,,d' ttun'. o'"', l 'vanm- D" IH- _ Reid, motorpd by w“, of London and Viz; it ,,->,.;,. takit in the mm,“ nil/lar,?,?', to Cass City, Mich., Thursday . . ' ' _ V V . lot last week where they visited Wm " Aw! t tl . tact that n th . 11”“)? T: 1"0' J' J,'", "1“: ttrt l",'.:',' that; Merclttult, returning Monday evening. Li'vmv-r I S pl No, 1 r-arricrt off .5" and Mrs R. J Arnill and family HM hr I pxizw lot {nun-hing urd their visited ttt Mr and Mrs Andrew Port- -._. .. ,. CfN m, er's, Paisley, the first of the week. ty IW Juum‘u v, .... - boy's raw of 10 years, no less than 'tl "ntert'd. S, S. No. I can-rim off the tlrst Prize for marching and their new hut-her. Miss Thuell, is to bo, wugratulmml on their splendid show. Mum» or 'Ioromu, 'I'mnnlo on Sundu eal, on the form. Mr. and Mrs J. I and her sister. Mr rum-m1] again th Prr.mirr Fo-rgus-u is evidently anx-i, inn.» to put the U. F.o. fellows mt at" bcsicess in the Hottae, but be mag; rust assured, notwithstanding his au- tocratic disposition. they will be tiwro‘. whether as the ottleial opposition or otherwise. to keep the crafty Premier straight in his timber dealings and guns-ml {on-sight in the best interests or the prosinre. " the weather durin it the past months has not been suitable for the _ maturing of the corn. it certainly has . - - n -. I.. " th" weather durin g the pasti'o t months has not born suitable for the) ham maturing of the corn, it certainly has" M been great for turnips and manreis/ted and in a Inraisurv for potatoes too. ban Miss Wilson of Hanover, our pop“, R Mr tearher, is going after her duties tals in a wry business like manner until Mr with her ten years' "sperientre, she; y Rives "very promise ot an uptodaw‘ ing tear'hrt'. i , man's st attic on Mi' and Mrs Jas. l mm, ot Azinmun, Linn» of Toronto, -mnto on Sunday BLYTH’S CORNERS Holstein Branch: AT A. REID. Manager The wifr's summer furs and the tn's straw hat both got carted lo tho it on the same trip. former "oefiin, Mt. Forest Ant " Mcilvridv. «In tlie tame day IO 4-,. Vim-mt and aonme ' and Mr and Mrs. motoro-d up from y last for a mint r lady's pun-ms, tair was MM" and If the re-l Dnrham .1 munit- 'liii'""ifLiirEaN LEADER Don't forget to come to Holstein Show, September 25, 26. Bigger, better and busier than ever. A grand concert will be glwn by the Fax Fun Co. on the c-venlng of the 26th. Plan of Hall and ticketsat telnphonp office. Mr. Koch. Misses Davidson visited at their homes over the week end while Miss Floyd spent over the weok end in Durham. Miss Jessie Mossop of Toronto, is visiting at her aunt's, Mrs Jas Eccles. Miss Swan of Prescott, is visiting' at Mrs. Adam Main's. Mr and Mrs Thorne, Miss Dora. and Wm. Theme. with Mrs Johns. motor- ’m! to Collingwood the first of the l week. Mrs Thorne and Mrs Johns re- imainod in I'olruuorood for a few days -'and tin-y purpose» going to Kitchene-r [to visit trio-nus before their return ': home. Mrs Manor yand Mrs Mciiroy visi. ttvd at Mrs (Run) Moftatt's, Mill. thank. Ontario. Rev. Jos. Philp. chaplain of Hospiw tals, Hamilton, spent a few days with Mr and Mrs J. ll. Philp recently. Miss Phair of Brantford is visit- ing at the home of Mrs Petrie. Mr. David Mark. Chicago, brother to Mr. Jas Mark of Mt. Forest. is vis. iting many old friends around the vil. lage and also spent a little time with his niruw, Mrs Thus. McMillan. Mr. Mark was in attendance at the School Fair Tuesday and remnrkt-d in con- versatiort that 50 years ago he was in attendance at a picnic in Holstein'" [ Park. LF'ATH---in Holstein, on Wednesday, Smut Huh, to Mr and Mrs John Leith, a. daughter. Many m-liool children in this nnd surrounding sections an- lookim: for" ward Pager” to the school fair in Holstein to-morrow. Wer hope all will hun- a share in the prizes but "very. ont- cannot com" first. However all can be good losvrs and 11thin in im- other"s success. We congratulate Willie Ferguson oi No. 9 for taking first prize for new mom and Poton schools in the home gartlmi contest. Mrs J. Mather had the pleasure last week of "ntertainitur hvr uncle, Rev J. Philp of Hamilton. About 25 of the Dromorv W M. S. ladies gathered at Mrs w. J." Philp's last Thursday for their September mowing and had a very c-njoyublc ant-moon. Last week Mr A. Merchant. accom. panied by Mr and Mrs Wm. Reid and Mr and Mrs D. Bruce, motored to Cass City, Mich. to visit w. erch- ant. Mr. Pratt. well driller from Durham. is busy with his well digger at Mil ford Hilton's. Mr. A. Ross rrcvntly purchased a Fordson tractor. Mrs It. A. Nicholson spent a few days last wwk In Holstein, visiting Mr and Mrs Hiscock. Mrs It Finder. Orchard. was a wank end guest at her mothvr's. and also visited her uncle, J. Dunstan at Dro. more. Mr and Mrs Dodds, Fuirbaiyn. were guvsts at Mr N. McDougall's last. week. Mr F'ncrett morn, accompanied by News” J. bowling. George and Orme Hunt, motored to Burlington and vis- itui at Rev. W. Hunt's. also going on to tho truit district around Grimsby They report a sphndid trip. lots of peaches going to waste, Miss Ethel Hunt is this week writ. ine ott exams on a couple of subJeets that she came short in a tew marks at the ran-m examinations. " hope she will succea-d. Miss Ruth Eurir intends leaving for Toronto Normal College which opens on the Mth inst. sue has been a very successful high t.chool student so we tut-I sure she will come our. ahead this time. Misses Edith Hunt, Tho-rum and Its one, are going to Continuation school in Holstein. It is the latter's first year. Good luck to all. This school has been in a nutm- of excitement the last 191' days ttet. ting ready for the school fair in Hol- stein Tuesday. We believe there will be quite a number of exhibits and the ter‘Sli will be picturesque so we hop" is. S. No. 4 will win a few prizes. Comprising 100 acres, lots 3 or P. and l o/ ti, Con. 1, W.O.R., Br.atirteit About to acres cleared, both fifties well watered. Apply to Mrs. Wilkie. 61% Christie Bt., Toronto. SOUTH BEND YEOVIL FARM FOR RENT. BOI{\ THE DURHAM REVIEW Eight Schools Competed at Egremont School Fair Township wide interest was evi- denced at the second annual Egre. mont School Fair at Holstein last Tuesday, when in spite of threatening rain all day, at times a drizzle a large crowd gathered at. Park and Hall to rompeting. In additton to no. 1"l .'..."""'. -- __ - (Holstein). No’s IO, ll and 13, which‘ Wooden Mat1et--Arwin Matthews 1M entered last year, four more sections'; Arthur Fidler 3, Kenneth Alles 9. , Went in,--No's 4, a, 12 and U. S. s.lcecit Johnston 3, Gordon McMillan 'il No. 2 (Orchard.) {Leroy Ketchabaw 9. Shingllng seat This provided keen competition inl -Earl Hunter 4, Denzli Haas 3, GOF‘ all classes and in potatoes. there were l, don Piester ll, Leroy Ketchabaw 9. h 26 entries. More and better bread} Loaf white bread-Gladys Rawn 4,1 than at other fairs, is also reported 2 Katherine McLean 11. Willa Wilson by the judges. Worthy of special! 10, Margaret Wilson IO, Muriel Halli- mention were the eight insect caller-l day 4, Margaret McArthur 10. Oat-li tions. the first prize entry of Jean El-i meal cookies-Mavis Snell ll, Gladysfl lis being especially good. lHalliday 4, Margaret Wilson 10, Bea-I. ngemont Pair was the seventh out' trice Smith 3, Edith Hunter 12. Mary il of l9 school fairs being held in Greyl Piester 11. Dark layer cake-Eileen/ [ County. by T. S. Cooper, Dept. of "G-l, Gibson 3, Grace Schram 2, Olive [ ricuiture representative and his sta/H)???.?" 4, Vera Allan 3, Beatrice With hi mwere A. W. McKenzie. f/Ci Smith 3, Isabel Haas 3. Apple pie--; sistant rep., Ernest Robinson. Physic-I Milton Schenk 9, Jean Smith U. 2.’ al Director Owen Sound Y. M. C. A.,l\'iola Johnston 3, Gladys Rawn 4, isa.! who handled the sports, W. B. Orr.‘ bel Leith 3, Catherine McLean ll. y/ assistant: Clare Mercer. judge oil, fudge-B. Davidson 3, Mae Davis, Poultry and Eggs ; three lady judges. 12. t Mrs T. Tuck, Miss H. Matthews.‘ Girls' work bag-Amanda Matthews' Markdale; Miss Johnston, Roekiyn,ll'2, Margaret Wilson lo, Marion Hey) and Miss Saunders, the seeretdry.ldersou IO, Mary Plester ll, Jessie They kept things moving and stave) Hooper l?.. Clothes pin apron-Jean parents and children an interesting ii/ Renwick 13, Mary Plester ll, Margar-‘ ternoon. let Wilson lo, Jessie Hooper 12, Glad. No 12 Egremont. school was award-l ys Rawn 4, Isabel Haas 3. Doll quilt ed first prize in the parade, judged! --Irene P1ester ll, Lizzie McKenzie 2, as to marching. deportment and man-l Willa Wilson IO, Grace Schram 3. nor of displaying identity of the‘ Hand hemmed dish towel - Mary . school. Holstein school was second,1 \Voodyard 3, Edith Hunter 12. Margar- ' and No. 4 third. A pleasing texture et Irvine 3, Wilma Hilton 3, Isabel _ at the Park was the presentation or) Hustle 13. liene Plaster 11. l the Entrance medal to Miss Margaret: Writing, 4th and 3rd book pupils--- . Arnili for highest at Holstein. Miss' Jean Haas 3, Margaret McArthurln, 1 Davidson presented it and Mr W. J.1Jeatt Smith u. 2, Eilt'en Gibson 3. _ Sharp gave the address. Olive west,l Amanda Matthews I?., Margaret Tyn- I daughter of the Parsonage. won [held-3'13. Writing. 2nd and Ist book-F " girls public speaking contest in a tine; Cowan 4, Hazel Smith 3, Marion Hum oration. Irene Plester 'tn.! Kalht‘rinv: illon in. Ethel Lawrence 12, Martha McLean. both No. ll. were 2nd and! Lawrence 12- lslay Sim 3, 3rd, and lion. Gardiner, also No il,), Drawing, baseball and bat-- Willie was tht' only boy orator. tFerguson 9, Jean McKenzie 4. Cai' ' "In" “tinstnn lit, Catherine McLean it by the Judges mention were Murray howling (No boys' driving contest. thur (N0 10) was sect) 11mm} (N0. 3) third. lln-ws (N0. le.) had tlu all to hwrsvlf. Many tight races were pulled otrby: different ages of school chiltlren.‘ badges being awarded as lst to fithl, prizes. The teachers' race was il; hummer. with four ladies and twoi men entered. The latter Were handi-E capped a few yards, which proved'; their undoing for the girls breezed in; ahvad--Miss Edwards of Holstein Con. 1 School in the lead, with Miss Thaler‘ of Orchard and Miss Davidson. Hol-, stein. almost even with her. A coup-' le race proved amusing. the pair hav., ing to hold hands in the race and reaching ‘he mark, the man placed his coat on the girl, buttoned one but- ton and raced back. Miss Edwards and Mr. Orr came in first, Miss Della JMt-l-Iaehern and Mr Alex Calder next. l Special prizes were donated by Miss Davidson, Holstein and Dromore In, stitutes, and Mr Geo. Fenton gave a lst. and 2nd to each school, of 40c and 25(- worth of seribblers and pencils. l to the two pupils taking highest tot I als of points. PRIZE LIST t (Figurvs arm-r names indicate num-) her of School Section to which pupill belongs.) [ (Names in order ol merit.) "navy colt-Murray howling 4.Par. ker Eurig 4, Harry P'uulor 3. Calf (twwf)-- Cannon Tyndall '3. Market lamb (short wool) ---Parker Eurig 4. Iitmneth Alles 9, Earl Hunt 4. o.A.C. Barley No 21---Robbie Alt. ken 3, Alex McEachern ll, Frank Co- wan 4. O. A, C. Barley No.21 (1 quart Emmy-No name lat. John Lewis 3, 12 Potatoes from plot-Arthur Haas 9, Edith Hincks ll, Geo. Calder ll, Jack Nicholson 10, Parker Bum: 4, Isabel Haas 3. 5 Mtuurels---Krmer Bil. ton 3. Earl Hunt 4, Sammy Mckenzie 3, Norman Watson 12, Don. Mel-Each- ern 10. 5 Turuips--rhiward Brooks -. 5 Beets-Isabel Hastia 13, Olive West 3, Grace Calder 11, Islay Mc. Ettchrrn ll, Marg. McArthur 10, Nel- lie HargravP 13. 5 carrots-Bobbie Christie 3, Edith Hunter 12. Irene Me- Call 3, Frank Comm 4, Robt Calder ll, Bruce McKenzie 3. 5 Parsnips --Mariott Hamilton IO, Mavis stielltt Edith Hincks ll, Leone Henderson 10. Inez Leith 3. 5 onions-Marion Hen- dorson IO, George Sivvenson 3, Edith Hincks ll, Earl Hunt 4, Robert Nich- olson 3, Margaret Christie 3. Coll. 5 variellos of apples correctly ttamed--. Ernie Hamilton IO, Ruby Watson IO, Arthur Haas g, Florence Pattern)“, Frank Htany 3, Ronald McArthur 10. Begun ot Astvrs--tslay Sim 3, Wil. lie Wynn 11. Swan peas-Marie Aitken 3, Robert Nicholson 3, Ken. neth Alive 9, Mae Andrews 12, Willa “Flu Aura a. flint ...a%..'-"- --. Wilson 10. verbenas--Milton Schenk 9, Marion Hamilton IO. Cosmo- Florence Patterson 12, Muriel Halli- day 4. Beatrice Smith 3, George May- or 4, Isl: McEachern 11. Cockorel - Margaret Wilson li), Lorne Schenk tr, Robbie Aitken 8, Ed. ward Brooks S. Elmer Troup 9. Ivan Hincks II. Puttet--Mtiret Wilson ling (No 4t won 1110? contest. Ronald MrAr-l was second and Frank; I third. Amanda Mal-1 ) had the cirls' contusl. A [ 10, Edward Brooks 8, Elmer Troup 9. Robbie Aitken 3, Willie Ferguson 9. Cockerel & Puuet--Mrtie Schenk tr, -- A “uh”... 1n UUCICIL'I a. a an». _--_ Milton Schenk 9, Margaret Wilson 10. Ivan mocks ll, Earl Ross 9. Edward Brooks 3. Dog. white "trs-astute' Haas s, Dentll Hm t, Margaret Wil- son 10, Murray Aitken s, Gordon Me. Mlllan 3, Frank Hearty 3. Do: brown "trs-Raitt Rife 3, Kenneth Alles 9. ‘Wllla Wllson 10, Geo Stevenson a, inllle Ferguson 9, Earl Hunt 4. l 20 weeds mounted & Gined---Mtusl ‘ion Henderson IO, Gladys Hallway 4, (Lizzie McKenzie 3, Beatrice Smith 3, 1Hazel Smith 3, Jean Haas 3. Weeds 1& seeds in bottle, named-Marion itynltrso,,? 10, Jean McKenzie 4, Alex Sim 3. special-Johnny Hooper 12, I Murray howling 4. -t5N'rATttly Arte TORONTO l Writing, 4th and 3rd book pupils-- 'Jean Haas 3, Margaret McArthurln, (Jean Smith U. 2, Ellvvn Gibson 3. (Amanda Matthews 12, Margaret Tyne i dall 3. Writing. 2nd and lst book--F l Cowan 4, Hazel Smith 3, Marion Hum- lilton lo, Ethel Lawrence 12, Martha l,Lawrenor 12. [slay Sim 3. 1 Drawing, baseball and bat-- Willi" iFerguson 9, Jean Mckenzie 4, Cat" ', man Bunsion lo, Catherine McLean 11 iMargari-l Wilson 10. Drawing. map 'of Grvy--Martha Lawrence 12. Lolita Ellailey 12, Ethel Lawrrmce 12, Frank (Cowan 4, Florrnce Patterson l2, Wal- {lace Adams 12. Special. Christmas (card-Amanda Matthews 12. Carman llsunston 10. Special. coll. of Inserts-Jean Flllis 3, Lizzie McKenzie 3. Special, candy FORD IOTOI COMPANY " CANADA, Lilli). Weekly Purchase Plan (lr, . - is all you need to pay ttrk, ht" "FM , ti . down for a Car, Truck or Tractor When the weekly payments, together with interest, equals one-third the price of the model you desire we make delivery. The balance can be paid in forty-eight weekly or twelve monthly equal instalments. Ask us about the F d W Purchase Plan. or eekly SMITH BROS. DURHAM afriii"iiti6tr%r at Wil- them; 12. an Me. Spechl. brown tstitute. ht ales 9, ttr Fldler tron 8, lie Perm 4. (Potatoes s-scar" Hus 3. -tiegie McKemle 3. - um..." 3. Speck]. vegetable Gmd---wsuityfe Adams 12, “argue: Tyndall 3. Dolls "eciat--ol!ve West s, Imam WU son 10. Speck“. damn; on 'root-- Halon Henderson 10, Amanda In Ahewtt 12. A -_-----. tvomen's " Must Use Excise Stamp New On and after Oct. Ist, anyone pay-i ing a bill by cheque, will no longer be at liberty to satisfy the demands: of the Inland Revenue, by taking al two, tour or more-cent postage stamp‘ from his pocket book and affixing it tot the cheque. Nor will the receiver bi" at liberty to pay tax on his receipt ii/ this Way. Both must amx Customsl Hind Excise stamps to the required “value and in order to obtain their supply of these stamps. they must um wither to the Customs and Excitw 1rstfirass m to a branch of a. chartered at liberty to this way. and Excise value and i supply of tt either tot ottice or to bank. bank. A notice has been issued by the de-l partment and reached various public l bodies, reading as follows: “Postage stamps shall not be used for the pay. ment of Excise stamp taxes after Sept 30, 1923. This applies to excise stamp orders, travellers‘ cheques, stock and bond transfers. receipts, matches or playing cards. 1 After that date, excise stamps only, shall be used. Excise stamps may" ibe purchased from any Customs or ‘Excise (mice or branch of any char- tered bank in Canada." i l What the payer or payee are to do ‘in places, of which there are many Ithroughout Canada, where there is ‘neither customs office nor branch 'bank. is not stpeeified. The only .method that the leading trade assoc- iations Were able to suggest, me; that such people should send in to the nearest city for a big enough supply I at a time to carry them over a fair _ period and keep a sufficient stock on _ hand to be sure at never running out. This wevk School Fairs Mar thon- has atsthorized a Method of Collecting We on that Date SCHOOL FAIRS IN GREY or. CANADA ' Limited by which SIP‘I'IIBII 20, 19” ' 3. Fred: oorreneelrettoof Mn. The number in - able iiiiUr-waore'i increasing yearly but there are - wt Tyndall 3. iiiG.l yet to enter. They are All can“ to 'st 3. Margaret wsrl take part. if every school “I eu- , damning on wool- aged. the print list for (inch and ev- n 10, Amanda 2cre', clan would be Increased consid- l enhly mowed. omore Women's y,:) The people who attend the Fun rden inodueur-ret' are amply repaid for the time spent .. “'n ‘Thure .1? many. however, who do mm “A” mend tht is tlw beginning of in Grey County. This are 174 schools in 19 I t95e 3566mm Ist leading trade masoc- ' to suggest. tin mould send m to the a big enough supply rv them over a fair uscd for the pa)- p taxes after Sept " to excise stamp nequos, stock and Pints. matches or payev are ttt do here tire many where there is 4o nor branch ed. The only Tax Ettoetr I ""Cd w..... eany Inca-Md. n's ,r,s,s,-) The people VI --Artte ure unply rep]: S, mt} There we may. - "-' mum that could "gschool Mn. TIC Dunn-u- -e"_" -- a! Incl-alias yearly but were at we " yet to enter. Ther "* til wnnted to " take pnrt. If every school “I en- " aged. the prize list tor etch and ev- t "v than would be increased consid- l [lemon has been the pup... -‘_V of B. S. No. 13. for two or three years itrack, and on this occasion more than her former scholars wished to do her \honor. for a great many mothers or H her pupils. as well as other friends. 1 were also present. l The night was given over to fun L and the chief tableau centred around _‘ a mock marriage ceremony. where 't Miss Agnes Renwick. as the otiicinting a: clergyman. read something that was l ‘1 never heard at any marriage cere- .mony trerore--irt Egremont at least. “I Mrs R. Taylor as the groom and Mrs ' John Renwick as bride, were art-seed " in old fashioned garb of our grand l" fathers day and appeared and acted ’t‘ as if it were not their first time before p a minister. Following the "cert" _d many" the signing of the register was " a necessary duty. and while this was .being done, Mrs S. Patterson sweetly- IVI rendered a wedding solo. {V} This was all very enjoyable to look 5r upon, but following the good wishes. m the good time in one sense, ended for Aim! Kenton. for little Miss Dorothy do: Taylor came forward to Miss Benton " and requested her on behalf of the . bs..4Ac. I”! of the "vonintr. to open the The home of Mr and In Robert Taylor. Dromorr. was en fete Friday evening last. when they entertained I large number of friends. the mason d'etre being Miss Eva Kenton. who this Wednesday. Sept. 19th, is pining heart and hand in marriage with Mr. Alex. Milne of the same village. Miss w Kenton has been the popular teacher' , of S. S. No. It, for two or that years itrack, and on this occasion more than her former scholars wished to do Mr ‘honor. for a great may mothers ot lhnr mums, as well " other friends. Miss Eva anion “Wed This was all very enjoyable IO noun upon. but following the good wishes. the good time in one sense, ended for Miss Kenton. for little Miss Dorotln Taylor came forward to Miss Benton and requested her on behalf of the bride (e.) of the evening. to open tho many wedding gift parcels. Miss Benton proceeded to do so and to hm great surprise. found them all to be addressed to her and accompanied with Rood witches, some having hur.e omus little verses attached. Httttv beautiful gifts were contained in the wrappings and in a flight degree oonveyed the feelings of the section to Miss Kenton, who was too Over" come to reply. A buffet lunch followed and a "wed. ding cake” with ring and button et all tho trlmlngs. were to be found In its body somewhere, and also gave spice to the evening‘s fun. - ple VIM attend the rur- repaid (or the time spent. runny. however, who do not -" "us. i "In; 1"trii; was given over to fun , able-nu oentrod noun-l rinse ceremony. where anick. as the oncmtnz ' spend the rig. The “' WI nnd your tor the My: VOL. XLVI. N0 -i'j,,'s,CI-'s.,i-,"r,.i..-').-,8t: N: .127 Eff-EOPIC a Received

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