West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 27 Sep 1923, p. 1

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VOL. XLVI. N0. 39 "fiuatr'.t., trrtattr,pjyi'li-,lit 925E .1 'tee-s-Aus" of I! t ~m-l'iul price Mr this Budding Re Telep obl d M fl" s',ii,/ii6isi Es; Alexander Farm aetrte Accounts Renfrew C ot aecottuts mus! ttt' or service is to be cut mum- is wry rrlucmm t rviee to any subscritr w cooperation of all a in gvtling their at" kill a Cross Hospital Hush Holders of 1023 Victory Bonds may exchange through any of I ily Bramlies their holdings maturing November lst next for New Dominion Government 5 per cent bonds due 1928 or 1943. (uh applications for New Loan received,or, if desired, matur- ing Bands will be collected and credited to dustomer's account. No charge whatever for this service. Our M umgers will be pleased to give full particulars. w a their Exams M " I’ll ll K AT tl M r ".C.Shinglet H M Mun tit THE STANDARD BANK or CANADA sell know pr his ROC) ht lroubl will be 1 Oct. 211 c, tor 5 iHtDOf M all tl ra " ur iou ”wham- nposit in Is wry urti- local Mana- hv iact that which is I Among th M r Fran Dominion of Canada New Government Loan ully com- :mm- and h pron " bo ivie th or " low tt nu w wfon North h In Al r ight o f 1iit ion " Mi Wtstak it " in " Building a New Vcnandah Mr. Burl Stom-ousv is P cement pillar and blork vor his homo on Countess St. wl arr-ally. to the gu-m-rul appe Grand Concert in Town Hall A grand cont-m will be zlu- Town Hall during “‘ka ( by artists. Kraduates of or, [or tho Blind, Miss Gretta violinist, and Miss Gladys S h. by artists, graduate-s of Ont. for the Blind, Miss Gretta L \iolinisv. and Miss Gladys Sin: ist and soprano: Miss Kathlet etocutionist. They formerly u Chautauqua circuits. Watch ft No Early Winter An 'lndian trappvr in the T District. Northern Ontario. "ts' Han- h as his opinion that the tit Varney mu at" aolt h. U. " lu'. Sum.- or Ine 1 are it Your) difficult S} a bn-auIilul costumed Japanese. Chinese an hers in pretty custux Car Turned on Side While motoring along tho in from of Mr Murray R Monday night. Mr H. H. Ko the gas and released the wheel of his Chevrolet to pl over his little son. Then nt cur almost in the ditch, t turn it out. but with little j the hose) gravel, it tilted ( side. breaking the wind banding two haulers. Mr K urtvry cut in his wrist try shield, and Miss Myrtle hump against tho- back o lk Illl"l.¥ Lu. ... V", shield, and Miss Myrtle received a bump against thrs back of car. hm neither injury was serious. Mr Koch ascribes the accident simply to over- confident'" on good highway: had it been a sideroad, he would haw used more caution and brought the car In I” John nu much c1 lowsly v Hart" tinte Wu our? Night in Fairyland." hr Hunt of llw mason will hr pm- Hl in the Town Hall, Durham. on nbvr 5th and 6th. This is "A h! in Fairyland". the vm-Juvenile aim] success. Over Ml local child. :m- IakinL' our! and they haw ar in of (iiii1tt ii3ttittiitgi fltttitittt a most ch on" you tr highly of harvest Is on. Wu l row top, will har Anniversary ', Anniwrsu kn mm» to us whom in va Wteit- er. When in Vancouver We cal- the office of our Dr. Brown. rly of llolstviu. He made a date ['0 for us to dine with mom and ul a delighlml time.. I had not "tt Hrown tterore, but found " st charming woman and ever.t 1m mvel over there sow-3LT; so y or Dr. Brown. . . Wm! our .st is ovrr and tlie Inn-shin»; wrll Wt. commoner to thraeh to-mor- tclt ill Mo (I th lotion is being pro‘ M. Drake, under the udiun of the mouse is erecting a ml him-k vurandalt to ,untess SI. which adds gvnrrul appearance. in Town Hall _ II n pa rl rel', m Ell wr in thr- Timmins Ontario. last week Mun that the North- lot or pleasant mild yrur and that the nd and early winwr ' basal his prognos- " signs he noted in m: the animals and fet.tuiis connected ttl 1. . under the ants- rr-ys' Chaplo-r l. interesting itvrr.ts tilor girls' dimer fairy play. anu ul Gypsy num- 21es ll g tlte Gnral'raxa 1y Ritchie's on R. Koch shut off the whccl the to place a robe tten noticing the itch. he tried to ittle juice on, in Jted ovcr on its windshield and Mr Koch had an ist by the wind. Alta Lammie, :5 Slay. pinn- yathletrtt Sells erly were on mm for date. J1 (h YP'.'.' the , give" in of Oct. 15. Timmins ir um urt hor b _ will Wit) Tin .ll'Q ’Lucan Won first Final Q from Durham, 3 to Playing " the first tittal for the North Wellington Busvhull League Junior Championship on Wednesday. Lumn can)» from bvitind in the last thrw innings and nosed Durham our. by our run, 3--2. It was undoubtn-d ly the best ball game ever played herc and our Juniors are deserving of great credit for the tip-top brand of bull they r.\:hibited under handicap. This latter was owing to two of the regu- lar loam being oft the "ne.up,---A. Kress being now at Kincardine H. S. and Erin-n Schulz. the catcher. who mun-s up from Toronto Normal for thc gunw, lhcn broke his arm at atlr lmic spm-ts in lllc' morning. Pitcher Harold Mnuntain donned the eateher's musk and mit, and did remarkably writ. game Durh '"ame fur would im rd u'hvu hit a 'd-base tly's single. swam] and ptteh. In tl Hidden sac Mum! the winning, run wmcn oIoul?" min tltrew to is. IO twtitu, the bath-r “his bm out' out. it was a sad end. ing lo a brilliant gums». Snappy field ing was m evidence on both sides, and outside of tlw pitchers' buttlv. tlw tpaturt"s were» brilliant can-hos by Vollet, Stank-y and Moorhead. The latter also stole three bases. Ll CAN AB. R. H. Pl). A. E. Chown. 2nd 4 " " 4 2 " Qtnnhwx t. 3 " " 1 " " Ll CAN Chown. 2nd Stanley. f. Mara. 5.5. CON (‘mnslom 3rd Mundy. f. 2 hl'RIIA.“ It. Burnett. 151 H Mountain. c, Goldsmith. p. Vollet. 3rd Elvidgv. S.g. Moorhead, L f. Corbett, c. r. McLeod. 2nd I Kress, r. r. Goldemith and R we: alums! emin tme and hits Wm Laudvr, 1'. f. 2 U u u u u vnu-s-McFarlane and Hasliv. c) riston. The svcond game will be played inl Lucan next week, date yet unsettled.} Durham lads are coutident, that with) rum bunks, they can yet win out. l Iatcatt Rob Roy Grain Prices-We are paying 40 IO 45c for Oats. (Joe mr Barley, 65c to 6hic for Buckwhem. 31.2.. to $1.25 fur Peas and We to 95c for What at our t-levator this wwk. Rob Roy Mills Limited Broke His Wrist A most unfortunate) accident hotel] Er- be-n Schulz Wednesday morning, when vaulting: at the High School] His pole was not heavy enough and bending under his Weight. he drop-1 wad back when he saw he couldn‘t clear the bar. He held out his right hand to break his fall and his Weight snapped the bone unevenly at the wrist. He had left Monday for Town. to Normal and returned Tuesday night .10 catch for Durham in their final plume Wednesday against Lucttn. Tho zit-(idem made playing impossible, but H. Mountain ab]; filled his position. P.e returned lo Toronto Thursday with mm in sling. 'iTiriiriiiiirimmsmur, SEPTEMBER 27, 1923 on Mum-ln'ud's hit " slum-(l in 7th when Filmorv Laser and cunu- home on Mun- lglv. Mar" singled in Nb. stole and reachrd home on a wild ls llio- um Filmore got a walk, s.crccwiticrul, and the forum-r the winning run which Moths. rm: to is. IO i'vtiro- the balh-r m out' um. it was a sad end. a brilliant gums». Snappy field I; in evidence on both sides, 1uruan as two runs a; Iva, ' counted. Goldsmith ban usvr in nvxl innings a! Moochod's hit 3 o u 1 n s. 3 " l 2 n I. f. 4 " l 2 n , f. 3 l l I " nd 3 " 1 2 U . l 0 n U " f. 2 u 0 " " McFarlane and Hastie, " and Ridden. the hurlers entitwly mustwrs ot tht s wvrv a scarce avtielc. d first in the fifth when walk and lhrm- sum-rs- n-rv hit by pin-her, fow- homv. Mountain lifted LAN and Stanley made " at“). which saw-(x lhr tf o U u u U " o (l " u n 10 ll " lwt'vll Er " U U " With which is incorporated the Holstein Leader " li',' near by, and should have a success-l ville. Il'ul business. l Mrs E. McClucklln and daughitu'. (Durham Club Elect Officers iMiss Minnie. lt-l't 'rlrursday last fer ' The Durham Club of Toronto have Toiw.tlo, an”. spending maul t'mw 'itvorraMzratl again for winter's work‘wilh tlw l'ormvr‘s sou. E. D. in Iowu. .und hold tlwh- annual running 31(lll~::\h-s. McClocklin has not had gcs4 day night, 'Sept, 17th at the Quwmhvulth for a fcw walks back. but at in“? Tea Rooms, 32 King St, WWI-l time ol' hun'iuiz t.1slt cov.siil:uudsly my l'l‘ho following are the nvw caste 01"”; tolllce-rs of the Club; vresimmt--Missl Messrs. Malcolm and Dough! Ins } May McCloekiin: Vice Pvrascuient--Mrsl liilmon, the mrmer's sistvr and tluuvi» icunv.inrrham: Srstwetttr.v .-- Miss irlitlnu' Misses Kate and 1mm, and Miss iDavis: Tivasuiwr--Miss Allie GNU” :iLillian McGregor, of the county linv. lconveuor ol' Supply com.--Mrs Wm.) Sullivan and Brutus, visited llu- first ,Ilu\\stu‘. '. (tonwnor or Social Com.- " Ur the week at My. C. Itamtup-'rr. in”. Mrtlrnw. I Mr and Mrs Jno. Burgess. lln- lat. ( -.--- -.------- ju/s mother, Mrs Allan Mriii.riiioli, i t . ' . s'. iN‘Hss I‘Istht‘l' McComb .aml Mr lit-l4}. IML Fares; l)is'.ritt iiliy?fmgly/eit s‘pent It first ol the MM; will, 1mm“ Sound tiiends. " it it House for Sale Good two story frame dwelliug on Lambton Street : hard and soft water, bath, furnace electric light. etc. An- ply on premises to Mrs Geo. Young. Durham. Restaurant in New Hands Aftrt rutainlng possession a little May a erk, Mr E. V. Runciman last week sold th" restaurant and contac- tinnury business he had bought from Jas Gibbtms, IO Mr Rubi. Lindsay, I'urxnvr growl- here. Both Mr and Mrs. Lindsay are natives of the tom“ or near by, and should have a success- " n ll " " u 1 TIre ladies of the church su-rvml u l dainly lunch and supper to all llw del. lvgates and visitors. The Noverntwr ldlstrict met-ling will be held in Grand {Valley on Tuesday, November (Elli, land the subjt-cls to be discussml will ‘bv Missions and Christian steward ship. Death of Mr Adam Cranston Relatives here received word llll‘l‘; week that Adam Cranston of Antler. North Dakota, had died on the 15th at September, at the advanced age of h tit years. He leaves as: chief mourn- I. H's his wife, and nine children, all 0 living near the home. A nephew. Mr. r Alex. Cranston, lives near Itornoch: l, Mr. Geo. Binnie. Glenelg, is also a“ _ nephew, and nieces are Mrs Thos Mo ') "lit'r, Mrs John "ell, Mrs John Weir J and Mrs W. L. Dixon. l Mr. Cranston was born in Roxbor [l .oughshire, Scotland, and came to Can. I ada a young man. Some fifty or moo I years ago he was a well known per- ', isonage in South Grey. At that time I \he lost his eyesight, but though blind ;he was blessed with a most optimis- itio nature and being strongly musi- nenl. he formed and conducted singing. ', classes for a number oi years, using Mthe sorta system. aiding his pupils 1 by means of a chart. which_he could ", use effectively in spite of the handi- t , cap. Quite a number of the older sort. .thicn includes the writer, will yet I I cherish kindly memories of the aim:- iing schools conducted by Adam Crau. - I ston. He had a wonderful memory; land his command of the Psalms as (sung in Presbyterian churches, enab- l led him to act not infrequently an pre- icentor. and he knew a hm:- number ;of hymns "S well. 1 Mr Cranston was int“llim-m to a ldegree. kindly and genial, and in his. cheerful presence as We retm-mlwr \him. one, never thought. of his aftiie. l tion. The career of this man making M him. om: never thought of his with»! tion. The career of this than makingI his way in the world and Radium: i' . touch with public affairs. though blind, is an example and mm. "iotil to those not so attiieted. in his Lame“ life he was happy, loved his family. and was loved and revere" in tum. He had a beautiful old one. To all his loved ones we extend sympathy, though the occasion does not (“all tor ‘griet‘: he has been gathered as al sheaf ot corn, fully ripe, and Wt' lay l',',',',',', tribute fondly on his tomb. BORN RIMMER-a At the Red Cross Hospi- tat, Durham. on Tuesday, Sept. 25, to Mr. and Mrs H. Rimmer, a son. little TORONTO Mrs Geo. Mulrie of Grand Vallvy. was a visitor last week with in r mus» in, Mrs E. Mills, Upper Town, and also with her rwplww, S. D. Croft. Mr. J. A. Black and daughter Katy. brl of Chesley. with their guests, Mr and Mrs G. Mateo-ken and daughh-r of Stratford, were mill-rs on Durham frionds Sunday, c-n mule to Prime- ville. Mrs E. McClocklin and daughter. Miss Minniv. loft Tharstiay lust for Toronto, ul‘wr spending :‘onw thaw with the t'ornwt"s sou. E. I). in town. Mrs. McClocan has not had my! health for a h-w “‘9ka back, hut ut lint: of having: tlslt considrrubl) bit, ter. Miss Katie Kelsey left Monday for "l North Bay whvrv she will attend h-": Normal School. Miss Vida Ritchie, I daughter at Mr and Mrs David Ritch- f ie, has also left for that town to attend t the same school. Misses Sarah McCallum and Esther Petty have left to attend Stratford Normal School. Also Miss Florent-t- Mollyride from s S No. It Normanby will also attend Normal thew. 1 Interesting visitors from Scotland in town this week are Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brown of Glasgow. a nephew of the late Well know Alex Brown ol Wit-Willa and the late Mrs liobkirk. Crawford, and cousin of Mrs. Neil Mc. Kinnon and Mrs Walker of Toronto. land Mrs Hugh McDonald. Upptu' Town and a host of other triendu. With the Toronto friends named they Itool-t in Toronto Show and since have been visiting relatives in Pricvvillt- . and Durham neighborhoods. We Wel't' . pleased to tiateruize with tho Old ' Country visitors who can give more I vivid impressions of conditions in the- _ Old Land than one git-ans from the \ papers. They are pleased with tho 1{leountry and climate and will carry g back with them many pleasing assou " lotions. Mr. Brown visitvd Rocky " Sauneen cemetery one day last Wonk i. and here he found the minus on the t ltontb stones of many of his kin. as: d red Mr. and Mrs Jas. timid of vittt6'true- _ l'l'. are visiting the i'ormer's MAN‘S. “ Mrs. A. Smith and Mrs Jas. Petty, Normunby, for a week or two. it is} H years since Jim last saw his t-urly i* home and in that time many moment-j mus moments have come his way,--; some of them fortunate, (when luff met his wife) and others not so for-{i tunat. as when he lost his left arm?1 *and two trnrers of his right hand in' {an acident at his brother i1e.ees.'./ l lumber mill four years ago. However “ Ihe is far from incapacitated and his’ ispirit and ardor are not dampened in' like least. En route East they stop-1 iped at Biggar. Sssk.. and Brandon, to visit his sisters and brother, Lydia, \Louise and Ernest, and will in a few days leave for Ottawa where they , will visit Mrs Gadd's friends and iii) early home. Prom here they so on to “Montreal and New York and across! tthe American continent to Chicago} ‘and Denver and will also explore the ‘Grand Canyon of colorado before re- turning to Vancouver in the early i. winter. We were pleased to enter- k tain this old Normanby boy tor a " gig" time Monday. 'il McKinnon and sish-r. er of Toronto, aim-unnum- ousins, Mr and Mrs Donald Glasgow, Scotland, lo Dur. wm-k. and have visited of Grand Valh-y. _:':'niri:Ci'i'sri,-f_, .Qgezeee'éeesssse seesassees 'sit, s not so for-'W , t I ‘his left arm _ tti m _it.ht 13:22.32. , w Swat the Flies Now 'll " "'"v6qm_' FL. mplore "lu‘w before rriit't the HUM" . til M BETH l to Mllvr- “a . C a it "h NIGHT ili nRnAlill)" 1W. (ll 1y.j.leyit Fly tl Dragon Fly F Town Hall, Durham Friday and Saturday, at 8.15 o'clock. SPECIAL COSTUMES AND Ml Tickets Now on Sale Plans open Saturday, Sept. N, at McBeth's Drug S ADMISSION 2 Reserved Seats 50e. Cooler Weather brings Coughs, Colds & Sore Throat Carr's Cough Cure gives quick relief. Hunrunuul and only perbottlss------- l. (C Taxative Cold Tablets with Awirln. recomnwnllml for Cold in tho head per box.................. vr leers, Bromide 0uirtitte Tablets, reduce fever and reduce fever and break a cold per box...., Nyal’s Creophos, the great TONIC AND That. F. BUILDER. protects the system against frequent colds. Large bottle for... ...... . F .31- Wampole‘s Cod Liver Extract. awell-krwwn Tonic and Builder per i,ltt'C.1.f.'.'.'.C'C.'...1 Published Weekly at $2.00 a year In dunno. To Alu: $2.50 a year in advance. C. RAIAGE & SON. A NEW issue at Dominion of Canada 5 ' Bonds dated October 15th, in denomination: of $100, $500, and $1000. maturing in 1928 and 1943, is now being offered to the public. Holders of Victory Bonds maturing November Ist, 1923, may convert their holdings into the new loan an advantageous tirrms. Bunds of tlmuld issue will he accepted for conversion at par, tho holders retaining their November coupons; '1 be new five year Bonds are offered at 99 and inton-M and twenty-year Bonds at '.ttiti and interest. These Bonds are a subwripticns will be I be made at any Bram particulars will be fm :1:1:.I;ti:“:f;hxi“‘“L233:.:.-::::‘;:,:?Ffi?'f%" $1 .00 "mqt,"l, 5:3 "liiiCr,,."t,rl',,c.ti,oatt'l'r).k..".r(riO McFA00EN'S DRUG STORE The Reaam MN MISS E. M. DRAKE I. w - '7 . "9a:a:ia.'dt ..a.a:ssaaataraas:"" Don't allow them NEW GOVERNMENT BOND ISSUE THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA An all-Juvenile Musical Success wlth 60 local Children, in the nds are an attraetivei as will be receivedand e any Branch of this Ba will be furnished upon Successors to Fly Pads 'l'angleiont ny Powder Fly Swatters Insect Powder, Etc. n to live over the winter. these fly destroyers: Onctober' 5th and 6th M aanrlane & Co . ve investment and Id eonversions may Bank, where full um request. nring November ngs into the new {ands of theoId sion at par, tho o.turttror.,"s. The Draught presents. thtnranncul To vuiild States, , SON. Publislte" DURHAM angleioot and Stanune F " Store Ftstl till" 250 25c 30c V. tes e of

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