West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 27 Sep 1923, p. 3

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. t . WWW le A Elephant l mmns or mum . . at. are - train- ed. & ma: ar s certain kind of “on:~ ---- :00!) bet ..n‘.\'v habitual with them. In How to Tell Whether Your Blood art, sag-.4 m. "harlee Ma or in Tm . . pm: Wild Animals In Maggy Junglog,‘ Needs Revitalizing. thav cu:- fmm habits more rupMIr The symptoms ot general dobm” than any other animals I have eve: vary lccording to the cause, but weak- Brrssr:. MM, " -a......... “run“! a candanrv to 31:: 2", J":','.' 2;:me “PM”, The symptoms of xenon! dobitttr I"). “0 "Of, ury “coming to the cause, but week- In Bhrma theety u I l.tteo I. dun present. . undone, to milla. and 'c:e'iii"ii'iti 0 ',,"hS/,u."Sl.: persplre and {nine easily. rusting in t th 1 l' "0 or rua. the are, sometime: black trpots M " y-" ".t unto position for the “we. in; before the eyes. week back, verti- Ptr-hints with their bwdn, they run the so. wakefulness caused by inability to Msgs up two “mined skids to the plat-1510p thinking and unretreshing sleev- tcrm; two ole-thanks do the pushintr.1 The can“ of the trouble Inky be lame and . thtrtl elephaat acts as boss. The -2rl.ln on the system, or it they be men- boss M"! ttot he an extremity i-meni- tal mphyelcal overwork. sometimes In- Bent 32mm}, he is taught s-lmply that sumclent nutrition due to discard" ttits 1": ittttst 8011p the skids in a cor- ' ttiatucbtutee. tam war. amt that he must keep the " you have any or all of those ump- two pastrers won. In his trunk he toms try building up the blood with carries a tow links or anchor chain, Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. and an the whit-h he 11w; as a whip if one ole- new blood courses through your veins Want mun mmmt. When the log is there should be, an increm in your on mu ifarf rm thr. pushes turn and appr-tite, a better digestion and so0tt PIN} Isar"r. tor annthr-r. The boss ele. a rrnewal of strength and vigor. ptucn _ mm- llnilupnrgwl mm tts' You can get these pills through any can "t..l the in “It h an! let w on w Mr. Cabin Coot President. was tn Mark Twain. and II he tells of the lam One that he is I an; concerns an only lite, when mum country pap W "I'll any I dam been studying the na- h” cl one woman Pr ton mars." Do . IMF)“ S In Germany on “ii-KI,“ curiaiec and b. other piece' of machinery in which the beating wort. undo! pronoun. dow r Low down purities hoop I Linwtuue bonringt' are Advertise" Please Note. Premier Baldwin Has Romantic Son. nd was '" " of the famous humorist. 1.1 har he is never tired ot relat- W M'L'X‘HS an episode in Stark's' te, when ho was editor of a; mum" paper. , and on ttia desk one morning r from a myontittona sub-1 saying he had found a spider T aper and nuns whether that ign or good lack or bad. The T t minted tho following gnu-z n A Nature Student '" tn tor nature study. old tt he .e-r. he was milk I' ot" " "This Is my work; my blessing. not - . ' “Y.“ '" . ”pen 3 my doom; 1 lt75; 'ii"c F.. hc, [leak t'llc- “turning of all who live, I am the one by: 1tfl;FC9 " r, mu a suwnsfltlvu.‘ wh- whtrrtt i, "" ' L: he had tound a spltlor Ti;is “wk (um best be done, in the arrl trslrtmt wl:--l‘wr thut rlght way." i c' good ink or bail, Thy Tiles shall I sec it not too great. nor, N Y Fluted the following am small, I . Cl To suit my spirit and to prove mr, u' Hun mule-r ln the naw+ powers; ‘ _ m, Maul” gum! lm-k rmr bod Them shall I cheerfully grpet 1110I - 1llllll T I'm spi.'lt'r ".tc menu} laboring hours. I ilh - Still : (Lo page to we whirl, And vlwerful turn, when the long " "W ' Bur l: :‘w advert/ng in vur shadows fall I Evidence Lacklng. 3' 'cts mrx go to that shut" At ¢-\P!:llle, to play and love and rest.‘ "Whv did she fail in her breach-ot- t .Ix"'o$S the (in): and haul Hw:':.n<c~ I know tor me my work is promis'e sult?" F JIM"! pmcu 0"" ttttcr best. ' "She made the mistake of letting -- _ A - - . I ___ ‘-_ J..-bn...I ot when airerier" " with ration. , " SUD“ " tho the " Demise. the new v.3. an lntimnto friend of .1 many are the stories ' an elephant crew «is. If so he waiu platform before he ff through the can! running. He trtot . tutu wnwuu- the barbed , ot interest ther'eether on a L Btvcause they vance in a mnirully the en- manner. Th an teoding time owning can td down the run- "stand to." n elephant crew n'nmnv felt ot Ms " been alre In eountr ah abl Irtnt " s tt wh he I doomed; but It in, an be la free an uteiy helpless. lon't know the the other, add. m was adopted. Mule gypsy me- ' name Oliver hte " rim at sided w of it has written a decay of .h is to be s a London is about to , may co to He say. ho re going on. t'SS attracts t as so cou- IS. He says before work and _ whether union that a gigantic Ives to re. yitather to M th facts ht ss drops it od the one side without Pat they use they the en. i""7"" being used', pits" o, h arse, he at if the ttttood at a Mr nun low aunts d the Timer ter’a tt 'the in tas" J, JiGGr 1",ver,"rore, sometimes In- sumaont nutrition due to dual!“ diattr.'atmee. " you have any or all or those lymp- toats try building up tho blood with Dr. Williams" Pink Pllln, and an the new blood courses through your veins there should be, an inc-rem In your appetite, a better digestion and soon a rcnewal of strength and vigor. You can get these pills through any dealer in medieine or by mail, post- paid, at 500 a box from the Dr. Wil- liauns' Medicine Ctr. Brnckvllle, Ont. Veterans ot the Great War who' served in the front-line trenches In Franco will be able to sympathize with Vrivato O'Grady. Some of them can renwmber seeing the posts that hold. the barbed wire oat in from come to-‘ gether an a moonlight night and " vunve in a stealthy and threatening manner. They know how they felt as evening (mm- and they prepared to “Hand m." They can understand how, O'Grarly felt when after a day of hard, titrhtlrut under a blisteslng Phlllpplna sun he was assigned to sentry duty. The battalion camp was not more that a quarter of a mile from a Curr lug beach, and O'Grady's post was " the water's edge. As darkness fell and the stars came out he felt weak and depressed. He glanced at the line at a titNs crested wave and watched it charge toward the shore. He glanced at a fiat melt lying some dozen paces away. What! Did the rock move? It certainly did! (mm!) run when after a day of hardl The mother ot the murdered Czar fuming under a blistexlng Philippitra has been staying with her sister, ,lltt hr was assigned to sentry duty. Queen Alexandra. mother ot the King. The battalion camp was not morrThe two widowed queens are lnsepar- that a quarter of a mile from a cureatrle. More than once recently when Eng hum-h. and O'Grady's post was at I have sauntered Into Hyde Park on a1 lhe water's edge. As darkness tell sunny afternoon to listen to the band and the Mars came out he felt weak of the Grenadier Guards I have seen and depressed. He glanced at the line their open automobile drawn up under " " lire crested wm‘e- and watched it the trees BO they might enjoy tho charge toward the shore. He glanced music. Of course. everybody knows at a flat molt lying some dozen 1meetr, who they are, but no one is so bad away. What! Did the rock move? It: mannered as to go near and stare at certainly did! i them. Queen Alexandra, however, has He looked in the opposite direction. 7 always the brightest smile for anyone Another tiame-tippM wave was rolling who salutes her as the car drlves toward I number ot rocks lying a along, but the Dowager Empress of short (“stance from the water. Those, Russia always seems to be wrapped in rocks moved too! Very slowly they) tsatin-as well she might be.~Sir started to meet the ineoming wave.fJohu Poster Fraser. He shouted "Halt!" and brought his: - _ -----t:--r- gun to boar. The rocks halted, and O'Grady rub. bed his eyes. What had happened to him? He had glanced back over his slumhier toward camp. A rock directly behind him was Coming toward his. Ah'. Sneaking up to bolo him In the bark! o'Gmuiy rushed madly at it and dashed the batt at his gun against its hard surface. Then he mapped his lorehuad. Just a common rock on the He Evoked up and down the shore. There they were again! Rocks every- wiirro were moving toward the water ~eziging. creeping, crawling by ones. by twee, by threes and in large groups', Then the sentinel’s nerves gave way. The whole battalion was awakened by his yelling like 3 Com. unuhc as his rifle spat tire in the dark. Tht'rty are 1mm: ways than one or Impre'"s"'"n V 'bocmning a British subject. and one pressions. ‘of the strangest )et revealed that is, _-------" Ve""" ttor a Yorcign-lmrn woman to any 150 " I{or the privuetro of ' i .: through ts' Belle. inmrriage form with an Eiagl!slunan,: I whereupon she automatically takes on, iher husband's nationality. l l It is said that recently an Austrian; Thousands lawman, who had dittieulty in becom-iuue learned l, in; naturalized and wished to take the statements ol short cut, ottererd an elderly and lm-ithe tmtmen jecunioys bachelor of her aeetuountOuts that tlr once about 8150 it he would marryllfair to relate her. On his agreement the ceremony i benefit of an! hook place at the Ragitry once. theithe case wit ;brido and bridegroom agreeing. as known eloctr lthoy ion. the building. - to so. 1066 Berri St ' each other again. " couldn’t l The Home one. note. that seven! ltcly ondom "tarriaaer' ot am sort have ukonlto and out When it was safe to approach him it (Link half an hour to calm him and to prove to him that his treacherous, traveling rocks were only immense but innocent turtles making their nightiy visit to the water in search of food. Lot me but do my work trom day to dar, In field or forest, at the desk orloom Ir. roaring market-place, or tranquil room; Let me but ftnd it In my heart to say, When vagrant wishes beckon me astray~ Private O'Grady s Nerves. Keep Minard'n Llnlmcnt In the noun. Pays a Man to Wed Her She Can be Briton. Failure mean my. is the only high road to Wérk. --Henry Van Dyke Louis Philippe, Duke of Orleans. on ot the French Royall“: who came back to London in very indifferent health as I result ot bis recent 91-! pediticn to Africa, unlike his dawn? Queen Amelia of Portugal, and his’ nephew, King Manuel, who are con- stantly to be seen around London. goes about very little. He is rather grieved at being exiled trom France though in his young days. you remem- ber, he more than once insisted on go- in; there, claiming his right as a f'reue'otnan to serve as a conscript in the mmy. He used to live at York Home. 1i:ckealratu-his sister Queen Amelia was burn there-and at one time I was a frequent visitor to the house. The grounds are on the banks of the Thamm with the most exquisite howers ct roses; but the chief thing alwul York House is the big marble swimming pool specially built by the Duke and decorated with the Orleans arms. We have seen practically nothing of the Queen of the Netherlands who, with her Prince Consort and her daughter. the Princess Juliana, have; been here in England tor a month's' holiday in the poet Wordsworth's country at Grasmere among the lakes of Westmoreland. They have had the quietest or times and their wish tor unobtvusivettess has been compiled with. The Prince Consort took his daughter, Juliana, long climbs in the mountains while the Queen devoted a good deal of her time to water-color painting of the lake scenery. The Dutch royal family never came near London, really for fear they might get engulfed in the gai-eties of the season. an excuse for hiding utterly worthless stuff under a maze ot orchestral color- i ing. It a composition has real musical {attributes these may be easily discern- ',ed when played upon the piano. in fact the piano is such a peculiar per- lsonal instrument that it is possible tor the works of certain commando ibe properly set forth only try their i creator. 2min: . “a _ _ 1 V2? ":itF, tx iiiiiiij,i(;-f,i I Mk I r..?.. ii.", 5': a ,. I 'A ts c.. iiSill! , Evidence Lacklng. _ The general popularity of the piano, that instrument which has long been a chaste unit of the furniture of the home, is not the result of some arbi. trary choice of the householder. Ae- cording to a famous pianist the satis- faction which the listener finds in this instrument is the result cf the corn. plex tonal effects which it is capable of producing, and also of its peculiar adaptability tor conveying fully and directly the message of the performer. What a remarkably personal instru- ment the piano is. It is capable ot im. pressing upon auditors with unique thoroughness the personality of the artist or the character ot a work. It music has any value that tact may be determined by playing it over on the piano. We frequently hear composers say that their compositions tor orches- tra show to advantage only when pre- sented by an orchestra. and that they should never be Judged when played upon the piano. Thls, it seems. is only “She made the mistake of letting him make love to her by radio instead ct through the mails." What is wisdom "but having a great deal to say and keeping silent? It takes 1ess'etrort to make good impressions than to re-make bad im- prtsy_io_rt..t: Relieved Rheumatism, Too, Says Contractor Thousands ot people everywhere have learned of Tunlac through the statements of others and have talien the treatment with such splendid re- sults that they in turn deem it only fair to relate their experience tor the benefit of sutterimt humanity. Such is the case with L. Desonneaux. well- known electrical contractor. living " 1066 Berri Bt., Montreal. who lay-2 “Ii Eéuldn't'do otherwise than pub- licly endorse Tanlac tor I was lucky to and out about the medicine the same way myself. For nearly a yen- l suffered from Indigestion. and also had rheumatism in my lest. About. tb month ago I was laid up . bed tor two A Personal Instrument. Royalty in Hiding. VaNatlttrt--tNtttwirt, Racial orlttlrt-Angltr8axon. Source-A given name. There I: no particular distinction in being able to trace ono's family name back to a. Norman-French origin in old England. Probably a majority ot Eng- lish family names are derived from Norman sources, which is strange It first thought, considering that at no time was the pull: ot the population in England Norman. The paradox is explained by the tact that the Normans. being for sev- eral centuries the rulers of the land, dominated it in the matter ot language and names, though numerically weak- er than the AngloSaxon element, un- til finally they were absorbed, and fol- lowing the political severance with their old land, Normandy. drifted will. ingly into the “melting pot." Thus, during this period of domin- ance ot the French tongue, say through the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, the historical records show a very small] minority of the old Anglo- Baxon given names. Anglo-Saxon names, indeed, disappeared for a time more completely even than Anglo- Saxon speech. But Gre and there they were to be found. Among these rare Instances are several Godwin, spelied variously "Godewiu," "Godwyne" and "Godutr." They became familiar names, as did other given names. by the addition of the termination “son" or the preflxing ot the Norman "tla" with the same meaning, and in the course ot time these again have been dropped. The form Goodwin is explained by the tact that the "o" in Godwin origin- ally was pronounced long, as in "hole." and that the spelling "ou" also at one time had the same pronunciation. BABY’S OWN TABLETS OF GREAT VALUE Mrs. Hermadis Chagnon. Ste. Theo. dosie, Que., wrtttar.---"Baby's Own Tablets have been of great value p me in keeping my little one well and I would not be without them." Thou. sands of other mothers say the same thing. They have learned by actual experience the value of the Tablets in regulating the bowels and stomach; banishing constipation and indiges. tion; breaking up colds and simple levers; and keeping the baby free from the many simple ailments of childhood. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. "How do you know you lover me?" The modest maiden said. Tho Iover's eyes were big, round eyes, And high he held his head. "Because you're fair as angels are, Because your eyes are dreams! Because without you all the world But tame and empty seems. Because when I am far from you Life seems but Death, alway. l cannot live without you, dearl" She sent the man away. "How do you know you love me?" Again the maiden said. The lover’s eyes were sleepy eyes, And down he cast his head. “Because when e'er I knot my tie, I always think of you. I wonder it you'd like the rod, Or would prefer the blue. Because whene'er I shave myself, Your face comes in the glass, And I am sure to cut myself." He won the little lass! There is plenty ot work to do. Bud- ness is merely work. Speculation in things already produced-Oat is not busdnese. It ls just more or less re-l spectable graft. But it cannot be leg- islated out of existence. Laws can do very little; Law never does anything constructive. It can never be more than a policeman. and so it is a waste of time to look to our state capitals ori to Washington to do that which the} law was not designed to do. As long? as we look to legblatlon to cure pow; erty or to abolish special privilege we' are going to see poverty spread and1 special privilege grow.-Henry Ford. i, -------eP---- i Some people's idea of taking life easy seems to be making it hard for) the rest of us. _-__ i weeks with this rheumatism and a bad case of grippe. I lost about eight pounds and felt mhetjnblo. "Three bottles of the Tnniac treat- ment. besides greatly improving my rheumatism, has made my eating and digestion better than they ever were. I have regained my lost weight, and am feeling extremely well. Taniac in great." - Tanlac Is for sale by all good drug- gists. Accept no substitute. Over " million bottles sold. Speculation and Respectable Graft. Tanlac Vegetable Pllls are Nature's own remedy for constipation. For sale anywhere. GOODWIN Surnames and Their Origin Twi, Lovers. v” IA‘nIU --Gelett Burgess TORONTO variations-ttttke, Oakbolc. Oakley. Oakover, Oakshot. Oakulado. Otter, Noku. Racial origirtu-ErtgOh. Source-A locality. Here ls another group ot tamlly names belonging to the locallty Gaul- llcstion. One and all of these men apparently sprung up tr'nnuttaueottsV and quite naturally in nearly all parts of England, at least in all parts where oak trees grew. Consequently the pot- session of this name is no guarantee of relationship, even a remote one. with other persons bearhig the same name or ones similar to It. The original forms of the name. of course. were nearly always preceded by words that show it was at Britt merely a descriptive phrase. In the old records we find the Norman pne- tixeg "del" and "de," meaning "ot," used with it. and also the Anglo-Saxon "atte" Cat the"). Old spellings of the name: include "dell Oke," "atte Oke," "atte Ok," "del Okes," 'de Okou." "de Okholt." "de Oclee," "de Akelegh." "de Okovere," "do Ocslade" and "Oker." The last of these is simply “oak-er," that is, a contraction ot the old "wore,' meaning "man." with the word An oak "hott" In an oak thicket. An I oak “s ade" ia a grass-covered open space in an oak forest. An oak “lav."l "lee" or "letrh" is either a shelter or pasture near oaks. An "over" lo flat land near the sea or a river. It oaks grew upon it, the medieval English called it an "obovere" or "okeovere." The termination “who? in the name Otrkshot is simply a contraction of "holt" to be found in a great many Intriish place names. The name ot Nokes ls a contraction ot the form “mm-3n Okes," lnwhlch the "n" of the mxrtix has been carried over to the lname. BLr--"rt's hard to realize there ar‘e thousands and thousands of people in Europe of the lower classes only halt clothed." Ite2tor---"Yes'; And there are thous- ands and thousands in this country of the upper classes In the same condi- tlon." MONEY ORDERS. Pay your outoCtowt1 accounts by Dominion Express Money Order. Five Dollars costs three cents. Oysters are nerirous creatures, and it is said that a sudden shock such as a loud thunderclap will kill many hun- dreds of them. Two-pronged forks were introduced into England in 1608. They were first made in Sheffield. Three-pronged forks came into use in 1750. w Classified Advertisements [wan .oEEa--tl0rm ”on " on!" (locum. {any "e lee? run-Ila. UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all a. mu: us 15500“! IBIS! \ymuw Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets or Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out try physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain Handv "Barer" boxes of 12 tab1et.--Ahrtr trott1tof N 1nd 100~Druuilm iiiiGiisi 'Moulnmapuuu “a! yum-4mm." Handy "Bayer' Vitamin“ “no PM“. OAKES ASPIRIN iiiruGautt. him. Non mu. Old Miatret---"So you are going to my friend over the way, Bridget? Did you tell her that you hare been with me only two months t" urtttiet--"Yes, mn'am, and she ma tt I could stay with you two months that was a good enough reference for Ask for Mlnnrd'n and take no other. You have heard of the old lady who always had something good to say about everybody, and when someone was slandering the devil, she protested that at least he had something com- mendable, and that was his per- sistency. America's Monger Dog Remedlu 261mm Bi. 80% Daily use of Cuticun Soap. Dint. ment and Talcum helps to prevent Ikin troubles. fdt1'ett2aW3'/,tttl'ra Pstr.e,t than. MIC. mtstatent_0e. Taleam It. "Cm Sup chin-without nu. 0nFace.ltchedandBurned. Causetiktrirs of Sleep, " Iran troubled awfully with pim- pies on my (we. Little white spots formed " tiret which inter broke out in large. ted pimples that fumed and salad over. They lubed and burned muting Ion of deep, and my face wu dusfigured. “can: remediEs were used with- out success. A friend recommended Claim 'oap snd Qinttpcm s9 I purchased come. and am “in! them about a week! got relief. continued using them and in a month we. completely heeled." fSlgned) Min Lilian Warner, Wil- hmabul’g. Ontario. packbt BUIIGURA HEAlS [ME PIMPLES One Neighbor of Another. " of "Bayer Tablets 9! of Bayer Inuhctun of may: ms my"; 13.2-2- DOG DISEASES and no! " Peed 1mm Fm to my Adamo Ivy the Author. w. CLAV GLOVE! CO., In. I20 Van Nth the! New You. U.B.A. (7* Bill ur i _"ii';i'itj)ss-, in?“ l White mum's Handicap. to. African travelers tel. us that tho " .white rhinocero' frequently dies from th leaning poisonous plants which have no ltlrff.it. on the black one. probably be rid muse the tine scent of the latter tau. hn him it In dangerouI. "Immu- tl, flllilhlji) my EVES quc WARTS Attractive Proposition Tnlillllitllrrlilllill M MONTHS Weak and Nervous. Made Well by Lydie E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Wobbwood. Ont. -" I was in a very weak and run-down net-mus mndition, always tired from the in no Igot up until I Want to bed. SIcep did not rest me at all. My sister recommended Lydia E. PinkhnnN Vegetable Com- pound to me and others told me about it, but it wu from In sister's advice that I took it. It dig rrt take 1org until I felt stronger, In adnches left me and my "petite cun- hack to me, t am a farmer's wife And have many things to do (Amide the Mun Inch " milkmg, lookin‘ after the why. and other choral. I ily ru-umnend an Vegetable. Com and to all who hawth- came trouble I gadget it is I fate medi. cine for women." - rs Lows F. Elw- BER. Hillcrest Fm. Webbwood. Out. Another Nam: Vola- Fitds Edit! .0, - gtitn “a mum: I...) -- We. on “to Port Huron, Wettien..--"'i tsuffered for two in" with paws in my aide, and If I wor ed very much I III nervous and just " tired in the mammal when I went totted. I was sleepy the day and didn't feel like doing anyth and wuoo nervous I would him my Mer mill. One of my friends told ms about Lydi- E. Pinkhun's Vegetable Com- pound. nnd It help me so much tint l 5ooatfiltilnr."-e mamas Baum. 'oi-ttth St, Port Huron, Hick. Women who suffer from an feminine 61mm. should try Lydia s'l'S'f/ll'llllq “an”. Com). _ iand. 0 irua." unit so: " um... nun-mu co. m. " “an. - VIII. mly Cleanses and Beauttiits Wrtre Mama co. c1uc~ foe he. Mon he Cu. Mln-rdl. applied he driel up and remuvea Warts. issue No. @EIEBT5 tttrt' PLM 6 I? you roll your WWI @327? Ib-' his” ask fbr PIE, $5; (on Q (as u we L1 "

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