gum; Watch our Bargain Tables For the Next Few Weeks b rat, M 11....uht-::._J rc,1 u 'i m4 in broken lines of slippers and b , .1 I tt',m won-k m.- am offering the following goods; W nun-.1. Brown krl tyxiorrls, cuban heels, re- ulm at! to, ....r"'-'"" w............-..----.'".'. &Tli w, mon's Brown Calf, 2 strap slippers, cuban a m hunk. Hahn-ell to..-..-....-.----' c A mum! lot of Ms.sses Brown and black kid bals 1 m It ' . " _-_-..-.. 0 Easilirst Shortening. . . . .. Camel Dates (Sugared) . . . , Red Salmon, large tins. . .. Canned Corn and Peas. . " . Pure Money. 5 lb pail. . . ., Palmolive Soap. . . . . . . . . .. Fols Naptha Soap. . . . . . . . Jpecia/s for 2luturduy at 'rFkechos'rs x 'rrlc0teehatie A Saving“ 4-door Sedan T 5985-90 m - " 795-99 FORD MOTOR CO. or CANADA, LIMITED, FORD, s“3.00 andl 516:0 SMITH BROS. - - DURHAM 0n the Sedan Priomok 1 sm- was married at Preseon. Ont. and tor 10 years the late Mr and Mrs. Monk resided In the townships of Pn'nlinl‘k and Brant A family of sov- o-n sons and three daughters survive. levro- at? also " grandchildren and " great 'rrandehudrtut. York after a three mongh'i' voyage o............-'.. UH‘ ...............4for "In ILL: All prices quad are I and do not include G On or about January ist, 1924, the Ford Motor Co. ol Canada, Ltd. will be in production on a new Four-door Sedan and a new Coupe iden- tical with those now being produced in the United States. The prices on these new models will be. We have on hand a limitcd nwnbcr prescnt Coupe and Two-door Scdans (an be obtained at the following prices: This Iran's statement nroduction policics r rumors that have New cars and prices in Ca swing, in price on pres opportunity of this winter. Wish winter close ct Sum-3. this differential in price should be all the. mcrc attractive. You can obtain the advar,tcps cl closed car comfort and distinction by availing yourself now oi these prices. o....... 2201b ‘......4for25c o.'....... 20c ..o.qo.... 150 ‘...........75c ..... 3forMo ...... 3for250 4Usror Sedan . - Coupe - . . " Con pe wdoor Sedan gun-n D. B. Ford, Cr ’anpa at (i mrrct:nnchsirg and ie, made to seal: Al the w circulatrd rcgnrdirg Ford Samaria. Tue. considerable {sent mcdols, give", you the ing your icrd clorcd cu On the coupe NOW t.t L13? - . $685.00 el" Sedan . $085.00 3 - - 595-00 Eh: Durham gain†Durham ppvsbyterian Church. was; Mr and Mrs Edward Farrier. their fairly awn ttllrad on Monday evening - l 30') WNlington with his wife and child somthitv: ovr't' ly-i, WOW" being Pr":' l from Alpenia, Mich., and Mrs banana! 'mt,-- tn hear Prai'vstzot‘ Frank WesAv- 1 of Dornoeh, wore welcome $104.5 of FU', Mus. Bath" and his choir of Walk- l, Mr and Mrs Wm. Lunm-y “THU!†wton Presbyterian Church in recital _ Mr Edward Farrier was a wine] male work. The choir were over 32 strong of Mr. Lunney on the Gravel Ilorrd, 55 and placing tho number behind moi wars ago, and when Mr. Lindsay was choir railing to the comfort of all. re- I ieaoer. quired a little time. This community desires to most Rev. w. H .nurgoss. pastor of â€V" hoat‘lily congratulate Mr Fletciu-r Mc. Prc-sbyturian Cuurch, Walkorton, andl Loan on his recent step, and wish ' lan oecaslomt1 wvicomo “am". “we“ him and his fair brHo, a mm! lumpy 1aommpanit-d the party, and tho duties 1 union. For chairmanship wvrr hand-d over tol Mrn McKinnon and son Bobs and 'him by Rev W. H. Smith and 1Tyr.':1'srrs Walker of Toronto. accompanied ’ont the evening mad" pertinent Hugh), Mr and Mrs Donald Brown ot marks as the occasion required. it iGiasgow, Scotland, visited Mend! is pvldont that a warm fooling exists', herd last week. A longer visit “mm by tits. pastor tor his choir and this have been much appreciated by thcit feeling in turn is rectproeatod by many friends. them. - _ 77 Mr and Mrs Alf Fiddis and daurhtm I ___ --" l, Professor Weaver oponvd the own-t _ ing's rwrital. by a pipe organ number.' !“Grnnd March in D," by Guilman. fol- glowc-d latcr by two more popular and iwoll known numbets, "The Rosary" tand "Humoresque," as well as one of his own numbers, the "Cuckoo Bong." 1 But perhaps his theme and varia- tion of a Scotch air-“Annie Laurie." showed up the Scotch clement in the audiomcv better than anything elso ,that was rendered. By request of RM. Mr Burgess, he' rendered Harmel's “Hallelujah Chor- as," and this number called the chris- tian's National Anthem, brought forth well deserved applause. This number is regarded as man’s highest enort in) praising God and even Handel himself said when he composed it "That I saw God on the throne and the whole world worshipping Him." Professor Weaver is quite at home at the pipe organ and his nboundinz energy finds vent in his stirring selections. The choral work showed training ol' ‘a high order and appeared to hum mom pianissimo and forte sections I well under control. Their rhythm and Presbyterian Choir. Recital attack was also marked and their ren) dering oi the anthem "Daughter of Zion" served to show these qualities. Solo numbers were. contributed by Miss Marie Schwindt. contralto; Mrs. Rowand and Miss Hymphan. soprano. and Mr. Jas. Scott. Port. Eigin. tenor. At the close ot the entertainment. lunch was served to the members of Walkerton choir and their friends who accompanied them over. The tables were tastefully decorated with geraniums and asters and that the ‘visitors appreciated the luncheon tem ‘dn-red them, was evidenced by the kind remarks of Mr Harry Pletsch, $985.00 '7 55.00 ol i"n:rent Mulels Thursday, Sept. 27. 5295.00 of the which ONTARIO d 1923 i;- " i% THE DURHAM REVIEW who on boholt'of the choir, ten.dered a vote of thanks to Durham choir for their kindness and this was followed by hrarty clap of the hands. 'About $65.00 was taken in door. This community desires to mus! heartily congratulate Mr Fletch-r Mc. Lvan on his recent step, and with Ityt' him and his fair bri'lo. " mm: lumpy union. Mm McKinnon and son Bobs and Mrs Walker of Toronto. accompanied by Mr and Mrs Donald Brown ot Glasgow, Scotland, visited tripnds here last week. A longer visit Wank! have been much appreciated by their many friends. Mr and Mrs Alf Fiddis and dattphter Marie, ot Chesloy, Mr and Mrs Russrl Fiddis of Vesta, called to sew their slstpr, Miss Eva Fiddis Saturday PT. cning, on their way to visit Durham and Edge Hill friends. Mr Donald McGlllivray of Elmwood, was a visitor with friends here ave: the wok end. coming out to meet his nieces, Mrs Walker and Mrs McKitr non of Toronto, and Mr and Mrs Brown from Scotland. The old gon- tleman had been very much disap- pointed to find them gone only 10 mln. utes when he arrived. Mr and Mrs Dan McLoan. Abvr- den, acompanled by Mr and Mrs Bib- zonvr and son Ernest of o. Sound. waro the guests of Mr Donald Mr.. Kechnie and daughter Mary, Sunday. We were pleased to have a visit) from Mr and Mrs Will Rogers. Hot. stoin. while up to Durham acting as judges for the fair. Mrs Rogers was teacher here some. 35 years ago and still has a warm spot in her" heart for dear old Mulock. She took much pleasure in going back to see the old school and talking to the children whose parents she taught wars bo. fore. Mr and Mrs John McKechnie. Mr. Sandy Brown and sister, Miss Kate. spent Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs Hugh McDonad. Durham. Mr and Mrs Andrew Hastie, accom- panied by Mr and Mrs Alex Menon. ald, attended the funeral ot Mrs. Wm. Christie, Mooresburg. Tuesday of this wook. Mr and Mrs Jack Caswell Spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs S. Davey. The U. F. o. had a very intervstiug meeting last week and there was a. splendid attendance. The young poo- ulv gave a varied program which was much enjoyed by all present. A general house cleaning bee was lmlrl at the church rhis week, the Ind- les leaving everything spick and span, Sorry to hear that Mrs F. Kelsey is in wry poor health at present and huw- soon to hear of lwr complete re- covery. The Thankofferlng meeting of the Missionary Society. will he acid in the church Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 3rd, Mrs Sillars will _uidrt'r':t the mowing and lot all make a spvvial n'lorl to be rrvsont, My and Mrs Arch. Watson xisiittd “Sch Mr and Mrs Noil Mclmun IN- first of the \vak. NV and Mrs Iva' 1-- SItmmy al‘to-vz'nv. with n other at A'srri.'tu"t. The thrasWr; machines are 'lcts- icp mach othc.' iwr'liv wvll on this lino uni will make shun work of this suns Mrs D. Mcunnrri“ and hmthc-r lug us McCormim; spt"It Sunday “in MI r," Mrs meia Mela-an. Housed to hair that Mrs R. Mcuwo. (nee Myrtle Crutchley) is making wry favorable progress toward recov~ PO', at'tnr rveeiving tlw insulin ttwat. mnnl in Durham Hospital. Mr Clarence Thompson is nngagt-tl with Mr w. Firth for a few weeks. 'i, Mrs FCrnes: Lvuck passed nv.':'.:- m i in" homo of bor mothrr on Sninhw _ night, inn-Imam to take place Wain-~5- §duy al’tornooa to Williamsford. ‘1 Mr and Mrs Kennedy and family, 'Sundayod with Mr and Mrs Frvn E Showell. Rev Mr Tait of Toronto occupind lho pulpit on Sunday in the {thieves or Rev. D .Sillars who spvnt a. row mus in Southampton. Mr and Mrs Disney, aocompaniH by the ion-nu; :1 mother, spa-11* tht Week end with Mr and Mrs Runnings. Mr and Mrs Will Smith spont a iPW days with the latter's brother and sis- ter in Emprsllo. Mrs A. McIntosh Sr. left for Owen Sound after spending three weeks with her daughter-in-law, Mrs A. Mr. Intosh, (Arrived too late for last week.) Thrashing Is the order of the day, there being no has than three ma- chines on the line. Rev W. H, Smith held a baptism and prayer meeting at the home of Mr. Arthur Edge on Friday night. Messrs Archie and Hector McDon- ald are Butshintr harvest on the South Line this week. Miss May Reetor of Markdale, ls spending a few days with her friend. Miss Ella Ritchie. ROCKY SAUGEEN mumcg DORNOCH EDGE HILL Clark an“; the mem' at the!, Mrs. I Owen Miss M. McLean and Miss Floyd.‘ teacher. were week end visitors at the McDonald home. Mr. and Mrs Thos. Glencross and Mrs. Wm. dreenwood motored to Owen Sound Saturday to attend the funeral of Mrs Greenwood’s sister. Mr. and Mrs John Brown and fam- ily of Egremont, also Miss Jane Ril- tshirt spent the iirst of the week with fir. and Mrs. Goo. Ritchie and family. (For this Week.) A most “by Friday "venir7, when a large Prieeville werr A most r1 Joralo' time was Spent (ml Friday monk: at lite McDonald honle when a large crowd from around| Prlcr'vllle warn present. also quite a number from Kdge Hill. Tho usual past time-dancing and card pla.vlnzl, were in order. The 'Mae's" from? Pricoville were well repesettted. I Mr Geo. Ritchie has been under the Dr's care for this last wevk with a slight attack of pneumonia. Mr and Mrs Russel Fiddis of Chen- ley, spent the first of the week visit- ing the Glencross and McNally fami- lies. Mrs Fiddls was formerly Miss Robertson who taught in this school three years ago. ' - --- -“ "- llllrr ir'"'" “aâ€. Mr and Mrs Allan Brown of Earn!- mont, spent. the first of the week with Mr and Mrs Jos. McNally. Mr and Mrs Jno. Robinson of Hep- worth, spent the first of the week with Mr and Mrs David Robinson and family. Mr Robinson returned as far as Chesloy with them where he will remain for a few days. Thrashing ls pretty well ovm- around here and corn cutting and silo filling will be next in order. Mr. John and Miss Kate Manydvn lattcndod Hanover Fair Wednesday. September IT. 1923 1 Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at above tinte and place. Members all present. Minutes of last. meeting were read and adopted Rehkoptu-Mather: That R. Twarm lay be paid $11 and Jas Charlton $15 for sheep killed by dogs : T. H. Lawr- Hoe" $1 and H. R. Ridden $1 [or in- ioectitur.-Carritd. - _ -- .. - N‘L..A "An‘l MH. mmkopf---Matlter : That Noah Mil- ler be paid $15 and Hugh Crawford $10.87 for erecting wire fences accord~ ing to brqaw.---Carried. __ - . . ML». -t-..a, u... w v, ....V. Grierson--MeDonald --That where- as at last meeting, an account of it 50 was paid to Durham Hospital for caring for the late Mrs Ireland of Ben- tinck, we are informed by Mr lrelnml that the account should not have been forwarded to Council as he was canal. bio of paying same, the amount being retunded.--CarNed. 1 McDonald-Mather '. That, whereas a. petition has been before Council re- suesting that a by-law be passed pro- hibiting the coasting of wagons and riding of bicycles on the sidewalks of Elmwood, we authorize the Clerk to draft a by-law for the next meetinq.-- Carried. Harod McKechnie Collector of Taxes Applietttion for Collector was re- ceived from Harold MeroShnP: iiiixaiii-C.iUiiGon : That Harold McKechnh- be appointed Collector of Taxes for this year.--ctwt1tyi. MeDonald-- Grierson : That Slrat- ford Bridge Co. be paid $1,700 on ac- count and the Treasurer be authoriz- od to My balance due by order of Engineer and "eeve.--Carricd. Jas. Walsh, 62 loads ..........$4.9 H. Stanborough. 47 yards ...... 4.7 Wm. Bell, H loads .....r.'..". LI R. Grierson, 1 day ............ 2.1 G. Hay, 2 days ................ " R. Bailey, 1 day ................ 1A T. Showell, 2 days e............ 3.6 J. Past. balance due e.......... 2.1 A. Campbell, 59 loads ......r... 4.1 Jas Park, and others, work ....23.1 G. Reay, 75 yards .............. 7.3 J. Miligan, 53 loads ............ 4.: E. Edam 99 loads .e............ T.', W. Grivrson, 10% yards ........10.' J. Reay, 71 loads w............. 5.1 F'. Breutittttn, 5 hours ......e... l." W Pokrundt, 10 hours EE...,.. 2/ W. Schmidt. work ............ 5. H. Me.v.wrscltntidl, work . . . . . . . . G. 1 It. Bennington time ..... . . . . . .. l, E. Rehkopf, 1 day KK.......... 2. N. Miller, 20 yards . . . . . . . . . . .. 2. l J. Gondvr, xx yds and road .... It). l A, Hamel, 1113 Ms and road .... 5. E. Pctiley, 10 yds ... . . . . . . . . .li l. iw. Millrr, lo hour-.4. ............ l. 1 Hum; Ebminn, in hours .......r 2. [A. Moyer, gravel . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. fl, i, H. Sulijm-l, fit) yards .......... G. Ell. Subjwi, R hours ............ l, l,.'. Urstadt, Elmwood division ..l,5fi, t H. W. Hunt, 2 days not: bridges 5 H. W. Hunt, 5 days impairing .. 16 'J. White and min-rs. work and material, (ruin-rt S.L. J. Hudson, rvpair bridge 0:10 meeting ot Council Tho Hon. G S. “wiry. 'Intut"io's', Minister of Public Works and High-i Ways, was at Stratford recently mull was asked to develop the provincial', highway system round about Strata ford. Mr. Henry in reply was VFW: cautious, and intimated very clearly), that. the Government was not dispos-1 led to go ahead very fast in building; now roads. Hire said that is was cor-l tain that the expenditure for roads3 1would he less next year than it irii'/ (iii; year. He contended that moi iDrury Government, had gone ahradl l too fast and the present Government} 'woul try to reduce the expenditure [upon roads. This is consistem teirlt ng. Henry's contentions while in op- position and no doubt an effort will itre made to carry out this policy of lreduclng expenditure. But " we. Imember that prior to the election ‘whlch placed the Drury Govornnu-nt .nln power, one of the chief plan!†in " the tr. r 0. platform wrath» oppo- sition to the heavy erpeaditwe on J. Hudson, repair bring ........ “in Ono meeting ot Council ........ 13.75 Itvhkopf--Crriersott: That We ml- journ to mm-t on Monday, Nov. am, for transaction of general business. REDUCING ROAD EXPENDITURE ENTARI Bentinck Council (For The Accounts TORONTO J. H. CHITTICK as spent on Noah Mil- ltr, C'lrrk $4.96} 4.7m LI21 2.75. 2.0!) MM: 3.6cr 1.w Isaac. ?.f/ Lawvenev--HooIwr-- E"? of the bride's pare 5;;':‘,:'l'0li10lli, on Wedm 'irir b3 law. Mr Hump lii.75, Lawrence, to Miss 1 of Mr and Mrs J: 5st.r.V Mr J A. Mann's um ‘Itlu-‘k 'lborn" v.on lamina-ex. race Wedlum 3.60 2.“! 4.7: pro.ot"a1 loads, diture was ircret ished. " “cult wouldn't 1' if tt the opposition s! 1.15 Hon. Mr. 119Ҡroads than twen Yet stranger thi roaum - -, Yet stranger things have and the demand for stood stronger than perhaps Mr. lizos at pre-sea-Chris""'" 313K 1.8" Farmer Nets Lime from Price of Loaf of Bread LU!) According to a (Havana: ...._. _ _ cago. the wheat used in making a ten l, cent loaf of bread nets the farmer 1.6 T cents, according to figures of tue: American Farm Bureau Federation: made public recently. _ "The price of grain to the farmer must be raised 100 per cent or tho price of bread must be lowered," Sam- uel Guard otrteitrl of the Federation, said in making the announcement. "The farmer is entitled to 28 per cent of the price of bread, accordlng to statistics of the Agricultural In- quiry Commission if the tanner is getting his just proportion now the -;-tpr. should pay Just a fraction Less than 92 [U alum-u..- qulry Commission If getting his just propo consumer should pay 1 more than tive cents." h'h 'ul 4x, It is explained that l weighing 195 pounds, I 4% bushels of wheat 280 loaves of bread. ' $4.50 for the wheat " 280 loaves of bread. A live financial Institutlon of Detroit cart-lea a. card in its window, to the effect that there are three sorta at folks In the world of business. vim: Those with a Wishbone, those with a Jawbone and those with a Backbone. One class wishes. another talks and the third goes to it and does it. iji:(.i,i'j,i.ti2lL)2ll.E " YEARS AGO 1 From the Review fyle of Sept. 29,1898‘ A Literary Society has been organ- ited in connection with the Model School. The first meeting was held Sept. 2lst and the following ottieets were elected. Hon. Press.--" Allan: Pres., Mr'Thompson: Vice Pres. Miss L. Anderson ; Sec’y. Miss M. Mcan: Tress, Mr. Beattie: Editor of the paper, Miss Laidlaw; Sub. editor, Miss M. McLean: Executive com.; Miss N. Ewing, Mr J. Young, Miss L. Wolfe, Mr C. McKechnie. wont, an v. ....,..,-_____,_ Dr. Somerville, o. Sound, present- ed a hearty and unanimous cull front Chatsworth congregation to Rev. Jun. Little of Latona. The call was sus- tained. put into Mr Ltttle's hunds and the congregations cited to appear at a meeting in o. Sound on Oct. 11th. This week Mr A. D. McKenzie, “Tailor McKenzie" as he has been long known, leaves with his daughter for Mine Centre where his two sons are located. John L. has been busy this week making the necessary ar. rangements. Mr Allan McFarlane ni- so accompanies them. Mr and Mrs Thos McAlllator lastlt week left the Normanby homestead“ for far away Oregon, where some of. I Mrs McAlllstor's friends (Rumor-l: lord's) are settled and 1Gs,persrur.l, By hitch in train arrangements thoyll were "left" a day in Chicago but a lot. 1 , ter writen since conveys the newsl, that all went wall subsequently. They I intendno stay a year anyway and may 1 possibly become permanent resldpms‘ ol' the glowing West. Lawson-tn Bentinck, near Durham.1 on Sunday, 18th inst., Mrs Wm Law-) son Sr., aged 72 years, 6 mos. I Hill-ln Earemont, near Varney. all the residence of Mr Boglo. 15th lush} Mrs Thus. Hll, aged 73 years. 1 McIntyre-Isaac-At “Melburno Hall',! ' near Dromoro. on Wednesday. “an: , inst., by Rm: D. L. Campbell, Mr I).C F Molmyrr‘. Balsam Valley, to Miss' Lizzie, daughter of Mr and Mrs Jam Isaac. i Lawiwuct---Hoopvr--At tho wank-2w“ of the bride's part-ins. 21st mm. ling-l wwont, on Wednvsday, Nth inst.l ' tc, Luz My Humphreys, Mr los, NH . Lurvrenrus, to Miss Myrtle, dangnmri ', ot Mr and Mrs Jas Hooper. , Mr J A Hm Hrs 3 your old pacer. '[tltlnk 'l i-m'n" v.01) first place In ".e' ‘urrm rat-n \\'(-dm':day at Wal"src'on cm it ran Bxhiinton Tho cost of living could be redue. ed it WI) could prevail upon the Joneses not to no so fast. 15 YEARS AGO From RM‘iow fyle of Sept. 2t, 1908 Minn-in Durham. on Thurmiay,sept. 17th, to Barrister and Mr, W. P. Dunn, a son. M " tNally-Brodle: In Iesday, Sept. 9m. Jr.mirrson, W. T. k. llrodio. hull: oi 't he edirv: in rhi..1, .-----" an two cents is Returned to the grower of Wheat _--------" ding to a dispatch from Chi. A? wheat used in making a ten J of bread nets the farmer 1.6 according to figure" of the “A...“ mama“ Federation, -"'"-" , wads. and yet that emu-n- ts ircreaaed instead or dimln " vould be a strange thing. i' if three years 1mm row smon should be aeeusiM the . Henry of spending: more on an oven the non. Mr Biges'. . -,.oxa _ a barrel of flour is obtained from u and will make The farmer gets it takes to makv strange '1"l,','r'i rars from row e amazing the I "unit'"""',',:,', tho Tm " Durham, mlivm more on! can" of a", on. Mr Sign! 1 ---- IV? La/ard/ NOTICE " hereby given that I my“ mod roads ls: transmitted or delivered to the. pp... Mr 110mm reg-15mm a.ien.tet.t,t Sectmn 10 or the “1'“ k Liiuian Ontario \oters List Act," the crspitu, , . ' . ~requnred by said SecIlon to be n‘u __ -ottaxA "r delivered of the list to the farmer per cent or ttte lowered." Sum the Federation, announcement. Durham on Wed, asâ€. s.rursrcesseee-"-e" l Voters' “0110!: ll "M‘Wo' - transmitted or delivered to tho Pet" none mentioned in Section 10 of Hm "ontario Voters' List Act." the copie, required try said Section to be M, giransmitted or delivered of the list “nude purauoni to said Act of all pm 1sons appearing by the last l‘vvisml Assessment Roll of the said Munir: jimmy to be entitled to vow in th.. , said Municipality at elections for mom ‘bers of the Legislative Assembly and In Municipal elections: that said list ‘W35 first posted up in my omm' at 1 Durham on the Mth day of Sl'uH-mhm 11323, and remains there for insro Yuan. Electors are called upon to M ,mine the said list and if any ornir- Arte.', or any other errors are loumi Itherein. to take immediate [iron-ml ings to have the said errors corrected I wording to law. I'Inllxl' at Durham thitt 25tlt day of NOTICE it hereby given that l have transmitted or delivered to u... pup sons mentioned in Section 10 of tin- "ontario Voters' List Act," the copier, required by said Seciion lo be M, iransmiiied or delivered of the list made pnrsunni to said Act. of all pm sons appearing by the last runâ€... Alannamenl Roll of the said Mum†" Dated at Durt September, 1923 Tenders will be received by the m. derslxned up to the In any of Oct. ober next. for the turte ot the follow- Ing property '.-- 1. Lot. " on the west side or Quw-n Street. Durham, containing 22-luo acres. more or loss. - . -= "" '.. Ill- 2. Btrst division of hot 30, In the First Concession of Bontlnck. co" tuning tro mm. more or less. The highest or my tender not new. tsarti.v mooted. _ -.%.NV inini‘.†or Farm Smck. lmplemo-uua. Grain, Ete., and use the Farm Lands and Buildlnzl ot the late THOMAS TOMPKINS comprising Lot Number Forty mm and the East Half of not Pom two in the ttirat concession north at the Durham Bond in the Township ul Bentluck. Seventy-Ive acres, (aubjem to reserve bid.) Ott the Premises n Two O'cmcn. u. Slturdly. September "th, 1923. For further particular: and mud: "on: of we. apply to the undersigned MOSES JACKâ€)! J. A. PATERSON Executor: of the Emu of Thoma..- Tompklns, deceased clo Mills & Paterson, Hanover, Ont. LN THE MATTER of the 'tstate ot Archibald Sinclair Hunter. late. of the Town of Durham, in the Counts of Grey, Hardware Merchant. de- ceased. NOTICE is hereby given. pursuant to section " of the Trustees Act. fl B. o. Mrt4, Chap. ttt, that all credi- tors and others having claims or de manda against the Estate of the iutw lArchibald Sinclair Hunter, who din-ti ion or about the Twenty-second (in: IN May, 1922. at the Town of Inn (ham, in the said County of Grey are (required on or before the First dam got October, 1923. to send by pos' 1 prepaid. or to deliver to A. B. Curt-v) I Solicitor for the Executors oi the lay illrill and Testament of the said d.. ( ceased, their Christian names and an: I names, addresses and description E the full particulars in writing at lili‘il ‘claima. a statement of their amount and the nature of the security, it an) gheld by them. ROB? AND take further notice that am such last mentioned date tho said " ecutors will proceed to distribute ll useta ot the said deceased amm: the parties entitled thereto. hum regard only to the claims of which tln shall then have notice. and that I: said executors will not bo liable " the said assets or any part tllvrt-u: any porson or persons of whoso (‘ltil notice shall not have been rut-MM by them at the timn of such distill lion. CREDIT AUCTION SALE son SALE BY TENDER DATED at Durham, thi day of september, 192:: Meiotte and Magnet ('ruun 31m armors, Lister and Canuck Ram in". Pump Jacks. Grain Grindvn. Enallage Cutters, Farm Liuh' Plants, I variety or ttsed '%spatct- lore In good condition. 1 bay mare 5 yoars old, “wick: over 1500 Ibtt. GENERAL REPAIRING Spechl attention to all mukrs of Cream Separators. Tools sharpened. um: summed. DURHAM [MCI-“NE SHOP (Nearly opposite Post oitlrv) F. W. Moon, Machinist. etc. Clerk of the In wall known as the high-awn; School. Keen demand for our thy-up um all the time. Write tor run lune. Commence NOW. FALL TERM OPENS AUG. 27th NOTICE TO CREDITORS EXI‘th By their Solicitor. A. n. CUttlll YONG Ind Charlet, Sm, Toronto BRIGHAM. Auctioneer i’rémlus " Two o'clock. on Catalogue tree. W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal I., 27. OLIVER S. IiUNTFlit, MARGARET L. IiU.NTEil FOR SALE is. crimes: Solicitor Durham. Ont, w. B. voLI.r'.r. Town of Durham I923 Sv‘ IQ. of or Comprislmz 1 and t " It, Coy "out 90 were.» we," watered. " Chris"? 8' Two bugging, putt" wry (MIN. largo- ooal or tttie. Apply to M â€000.00. 150 an" I... mt half of lot :1 i. win- thir buir , not was WW- ', and. " miles Iron: ' pm. Will also tosll "I' " “lumenâ€. Apply r write "ttmli0linlrrtr" 7 --- rYff'r? -' Suits & A Clothing Expe on Tuesday. FAI- I"0Il tiM.t HILL. y mun ran RENT FOR SALE YOUR 0P L M. fiACNI) to Measure. tk Fabrics at too an 'on. l, W App He will wivey tion whirl: er If" Tor! ttPr' To clear Sour iblc SI (K loth Frr-gtt.tgWl l port) HARD $25 WWW