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Durham Review (1897), 27 Sep 1923, p. 8

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m. and In Wilson nnd the form. er’u mother of Human. and " In. Rawn's In! week. They had been motoring as In! as Markdalr. Mrs w. H. Sim. Yeovil. visited her mm here this wwk. There - be M In.» about the air ' mm and ot the Ber ham or house burned Emmy MeAutay i.s on? this an! ed in! wow-II In. stock with t crop consumed. 3M 'to hear it tlFl by insurarue. " Rec-p their bun-m newt know In yum, pro Al ma Evrryont- is looking forward to having a good time at the Letter Brow Anniversary next Sunday and the fowl supper on Monday evening. A good program and supp" ls assured Rally Day svrvicos at Letter Breen on Sunday were rte-II carried out, the rhildrvn doing their part well. Mr. Wash-y Hallway took ehartte ot pro if”. This :wction feels very proud ovo-r im- good showing at the School Fair in Holstein last Tuesday. They Butt. cM-olml in winning 3rd prize lor par- sim- and thirty prim-s for exhibits. amounting to "0.75. Eight lsls and sow-n 2nds is uplrmlid with sew-n rr"nool.n to t-onlpe-lo- with and the ttrstt rims. m enter. The following are the mum-s of the sucosst'ul pupils: Kart Hunt. lst ror pettr and shing- ling: rival; no for mango-ls: 3rd for hush; lth for onions; 6th, brown 'rt ‘im' hm!) can: Prank Covan: but, writing sheaf; 4th, map and carrots grain, Pte. pie ‘6 rd: and Lead. um» Writ) . 3M. brown Lag-r mic Namath um": t.'. mm Kenneth bowling; "Ord, corn George Moyer; Ith, cosmos. We congratulate both warm-r and pupils as their mum Ware not won without some extra hork outside school hours and hope thvr may do "on better next year. The thrashing was att ttuishod up on Saturday for this year and all feel wavy tott. lll'lvl! Purkr'r Furlzz 1 "t, potatoes. 0mm llallid" ookies; 2nd, w Jean Mutt-male Gladys [lawn '. luv, bread c.. llh. a; r pie . 5th, rlolhrs pin apron. Murray bowling: Three tgt4 Io mu- m". driving and bird hem-a Parker Furl: : Is! lamb; 2nd coll ‘rn homi- ‘N‘io SOUTH BEND Every " Bargain Day Sovereign Flour. Eclipse Flour. White Lily Pastry Flour il heat Cereal. Rolled Oats, Bran, Shorts, Feed Flour, Oat Chop, Crimped Oats, Mixed Chop, Mixed Grain for Poultry Food, Blatchford's Calf Meal. Pig Meal and Poultry Feeds. Our prices are of the best quality and our Flour is guaranteed. Our prices are right for spot cash. Highest Price paid for any quantity of wheat deliver. ed at the mill. Goods delivered everyday. llallilhy '.'turt. “a t ds He" " I Mu}:- THE BANK OF MONTREAL at all its Ynclrs will, accept - subscriptions for the new Dominion Government Bonds, or effect the exchange of Victory Loan Bonds due lst November, 1923, into bonds of the new issue. THE PEOPLE's MILLS " bs JOHN MCGOWAN nomething mum] . or ground of the; and. as. there is a in! "vr"dy year. Mr is the unfortunau- piret his barn burn- a ham! outlook tor r whole y-ason's DOMINION OF CANADA LOAN 1923 Is' Cttd, drawing , Mrs Val. Eurlg that she ts im- 6-r roeettt. iine"ts. [Llltday Is expert the hospital and ,rtrinlrtR of the ".'.'t~v9r we are anially covered ise people that nsured, as Tre? I tire may laina 3'" .1... ‘ml cosmos 2nd Full particulars will be gladly furnished at any branch of the pill “N BANK OF MONTREAL rm " h 2nd Lird. lot thankful for the bountiful harvest God has given. There was a very good yield of grain and plnuty of Iod- 'ii;n;r" the "Set. The severe tron lately did some damage to the corn that was not cut. ' The marriage at one ot our popular young ladies took place at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs John Kenton. Dromore. on Wednesday the 19th inst. at 12.30 when their second daughter Eva became the bride of Mr. Alex. Milne Jr. only son ot Mr. Atex.' and the late Mrs. Milne. I During tho playing or Lohengrin's Wedding March by Mimi Agnes Ren-I . wick, the bride entered the parlor, es- icorted by her father. and took her :place beside her future husband, he] i tore Rev. W J Burnett. who conducted itho- marriage ceremony. ( i The bride was dressed in white silk icrvpe and wore a tulle veil with a 'eoronet or orange blossoms and car- |ried a shower boquet of Ophelia ros- es. She also wore a rope of pearls. I the gin ot the groom. After the cer- ;emony and congratulations. a dainty Wedding breakfast was served. the table being prettily decorated with 'pink and white ttowers and centred 1 with the Wedding cake. AT The immediate friends of contract-' ing parties only. were present. The groom's gift to the organist was a beautiful ivory manicure roll and to, Misses Bessie brimmit- and Bella' llunslon. ladies in waiting. pieces ofi china. The bridal couple took the: afternoon train from Mt. Forest for Toronto, Niagara Falls and Buffalo. The bride's travelling suit was of navy blue tricotine, embroidered with grey. On their return they will take up res- idence on the groom’s farm just east of and adjoining Dromore. Congratulations and beat wishes are given to the popular young coup- le and the section and many more. wish tor them much happiness in their new relationship. Miss Peart of Tavistock. was a rec- ent visitor at the home of Mrs Robt. Renwick, Jr. and other friends. Mrs Walker (nee Janet Hay) is vis- iting at the home or her mother. Mrs Wm. Hay. Mr. W H. Hunts-r has rocenlly been filling silos for R. Taylor. Stanley Wil- lialms. R. Keith, w. Wells and others with his kerostme tractor. Mrs. Joseph Moore has returned art. er waiting upon her sister. Mrs P Muir. in her last illness. The Dromore Branch of Women's Institute will meet in Russell Hall on Wednesday afternoon, Oct 3rd at 230 o'clock. The Holstein branch have and take charge of the meeting and an interesting program is assured. We would like to we Wary lady of the community prom-m. DROMORE Durham 3 Low. AND PERSONAL; HOLSTEIN LEAD ER Commencing the lat ot October, the. Library Board is offering 15 members ships for $1 to new members. Come in and be a member of the popular Library. Also the Book com. are at present preparing another list of new books. Further notlce'wlll be given when these books will be ready tor circulation. Miss Sturdy, missionary from China but formerly of Conn, visited with Mr and Mrs John Manary recently. Miss Reta Roberts who is teaching at Drayton, visited at her home over Sunday. W Mr -and Mrs R. J. Arnill. with Mr and Mrs Buller. motored to o. Sound the first of the week. Messrs John Manary, Earl Dunstan motored up Tuesday evening from Toronto to attend the Fair. Mrs Knight of Denver, Colorado, is visiting her mother, Mrs Durant. Miss Floyd went to her home in Chesloy to attend the wedding of her sister. We extend our best wishes to Mr. J. Fletcher McLean, local garageman and Miss Reta Rogers, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs W. H. Rog- ers, who wer" wedded at the Baptist Parsonage, Mt Forest, On Tuesday ot last week 5 Our smiling 'Bride Prosklent," Mrs [Fletcher McLean, abut presided. Aft- 'vr business was owar. Mrs Coitidge ln-ad a beautiful poem entitle-l "Mum- M1," by Wilfrid Camplmil and th m. I “he were absent mm -l a Na} n-m'. -"u= must cmwr'nulan Mrs Coluridptn ‘nu her wotutertul mummy and tl-ep emression which was very much ru- jm‘rd by all. Greene Swift's traveller from Lon- don, will be at R. J. Arnin‘s store on Tuesday, Oct. 2. to take orders for Gents' fall Suits and overcoats. Your measure and a good fit guaranteed. Mr Arthur Abbs made a business trip to Owen Sound recently. Miss Mary Drimmie arrived at the home of her relatives, Valentine Ailes and family from Scotland last week and will visit for a time around here, previous to going on West. At a meeting of the Directors of the Egremont Creamery, Sept. 14, it was decided to run the Creamery this com- ing winter under the capable. manage- ment of Mr Arthur Abba. The regular meeting of the Women‘s Institute was held VV'mlnesdt-y last at the home ot Mrs Tuck, Ct.' ladies being present. _ Mrs Petrie also yaw a travelopue on Italy. Questions were asked and all found itm' talk Tory instructive. A dainty lunch was served and a many vote of thanks was tendm'rd to the hostess and this ulna-(l the Sept unbel- meeting. l‘hr next meeting will bu held at Ilu- home of Mrs L. B. Nicholson, 3r:l Thursday in ()41'oovr. BORN MCF'ARLANE-- At Tregarva. Sask., on Sunday. Sept. 9th to Mr, and Mrs. Andrew McFarlane (nee Rita Sharp. South Bend) a daughter. The home of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Finder. Holstein. was the scene of a pretty wedding on Wednesday, Sept. 19th, at 12.30 noon, when their eldest daughter, Grace May, was united in marriage to Mr. Frederick Rothwell. youngest son of the late Mr and Mrs Alfred Rothwell. Toronto. Rev. L. E. West ulllciated. The bride, who was given away by her father. looked pretty in a gown ot silver grey canton crepe and carried a boquet ot sweetheart roses and maid. en hair tern. She also wore tho groom's gift. a rope of pearls. Miss Gertrude Pettigrew of Toronto, played the wedding march. After the lunch- eon. the happy couple left on the aft (-rnoon train for Toronto where they will reside on 94 Kenneth Ave. Those who were present from a dis. tance worn, Mrs Williamson and daughter, Miss Jean, Mrs W A. Bell, Mrs Letter: of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilton of Walkerton. ROTIIW ELL-PI NIDER HYMENEAL . "r; THE DURHAM REVIEW All roads led to Holstein on Wed. nesday last, where the “World's Fair" was being held. The Direc- tors seem to stand in good with the weather man for on both days ideal weather prevailed, indeed, if anything the second day was too hot. The township as usual huge] out in large numbers, the gate ceipts amounting to about $260.00 which eq- uals last year at least. The Hall was filled with choice specimens of the products of farm, garden and home. The ieaturo ol' the Show is the splendid exhibits of cattle. Tho Judge informed us he had examined 169. hair of them thoroughbred and he found amongst them animals of first class quality. Keen contests took place in most instances and We refer our readers to the prize list for the winners. The shady show ground with the maples taking on moi? beautiful fall adorn- ment, was a good place in a hot day. The concert was described to us as "an unqualified success." How could it be otherwise with such talent as James Pax and the three brilliant eu- tm-tainors accompanying him ? As a humorist Fax is clpan and easily the "daddy of them all" as one enthusiast put it. Every sent was sold and the: aisles. "chaired." PRIZE LIST GRAIN l COIL, unthrasltetl - Wm. Ramage. Fall Wheat, white-T. IJlugwall, Jas. McDonald, H. Comm. Spring wheat-- W. W. Immune. Baiie.v---W. W. Ramago, Thus. Dingwall. H Cowan. Oats, long white-Wm.. Ramage. T. Dingwall. Peas, tsmall-T. Dingwall, F. Reid. Peas, Jasge--W. h'airbairu, W. Rarnat. 6 (an corn-N V Mat- tln-ws, A. Hunter. Coll. graitr--T. Dingwall, W. Ramage. Sheat Dais- w Ramuge. Timothy-W. Ranmge. Fhax---W, Great & Sou, T, Dingwall. Sursilower--J. A. Ferguson, Geo. Sea- man. Fcans-K, Raid, J. A. Fun ,fus'00. bull's & VEGETABLES l i',ash. Potatoes-d A Ferguson. 'A'.l J. Wtt'sott Swed '-D Bruce, W J Mc. D..ugalll. Red Mttngel-J A ngnlsou. Yellow mangel--N lw‘d, J A F'TQHSUH. Sugar Lteets--Maitt Paots., J A F'r'ry,tte l on. Long red cmrots--at Christin“ Mair. Eros. Show ted ctu'rotu-r', V Matthews, T Ellis. Long beets-d A! Ferguson. Short beets--R Christie,! Mrs. Tuck. Table pumpkin-F. Reid.‘ Geo. Seaman. Pavsnips-l A Forgus-' on, Geo Seaman. Seed oniomr--J. 'i') Ferguson, F. Reid. Dutch setts--Geoi Seaman, C Drumm. Potato onions---; 1) Bruce, R. Aitken. caurmower--c/ Drumm, Main Bros. cabbage-H. A.) Ross. Geo Seaman. Field pumpkin-) W. Halliday, J A Ferguson. corn---' Main Bros., J A Ferguson. Celery-- Miss Christie, C Drumm. Squash- J A Ferguson, Geo Seaman. Table squash--) Reid, C. Schenk. Coll. beets, turnips and mangels--J. A. For. guson. Coll vegetables-d A Fergus- on, Main Bros., Geo Seaman. JNO. McGOWAN, Judge FRUIT Collection-W Ramage. Coll. win. ter apples-H A Lamont. sp.vs--H. Cowan, T Ellis. Russets-N Hors- burg, H. Cowan. 12 winter apples-R. Aitkvn 1 & 2. Large tall apples-N. Hamburg. W Ramage. Small fall ap- ples-H. Lamont, H Cowan. Pears“ Jas McDonald. Crabir--W Ramage, N. Horsburg. Tomatoes-Mrs Hostetter. ‘G. Seaman. Citrons-G. Seaman. l Main Bros. FLOWERS Cut fiowers--Miss Morrison, Great & Son. Hand boquet--Groat & Son, Main Bros. Coleus--R. Sim, Mrs Ged. des. stocks-Mists Ross, R Renwick. Dahlias-Groat & Son, W. J.Philp. Agters--MiBs Ross, R. Sim. Gladioli -MItss Morrison, C. Drumm? Panslcs --Miss Morrison, T Ellis. Marigolds-- Miss Morrison, T. Ellis. zlnniatr-F. Reid. verbenas-T Ellis, Miss Morris. on. Beaonias-Herb Lamont, Mrs. Guides. Geranium---] R Philp. Miss Christie. F'uchsias---Mrs Geddes. S. Peas-Main Bros, Miss Christie. Table boquet--Groat & Son, J R Philp Coll House Plants (20 var.r--Mrs. Geddes. Coll. house plants (12 var) Mrs Geddes. Coll house plants (q var0--A. Hunter, Mrs Geddes, Groat' & Son. Geraniams--Mts Geddes, Hy. dangea--A Hunter, Great & Son. ol, eander-- C. Drumm, Mrs Geddes. Ferns---, R Philp. Hanging basket--- Mrs Petrie, A. Hunter. Floral novel- ty--Groat & Son. Main Bros. PASTRY Bread from Milverton Jewel flour--- E V Matthews, F Reid. Bread from Banner ftour--Mitw Christie. F' Reid. Home made bread-Mrs E Robb, W. F'airbairn, J A Ferguson. Brown bread -3 S Woods, Mrs Hostetter. Miso Christie Currant bread-J R Philp J. S. Woods. W. Fairbairn. Plain buns ---J A Ferguson. Mrs E Robb, J R Philp. Fancy buntt---g A Ferguson, Grout & Son, C Schenk. Rolls-Mrs Robb, J S Woods. Tea tittitts--Mr.q Hotrtetter, E V Matthews. J F Steven- son. Bran buruita- Mrs Hoatetter. J S Woods. J R Philp. Boston brown bread-Mr. Robb, C Schenk. J S Woods. Beotteg--R Christie. Miss Christie. J A Ferguson. Dart fruit. Cake-W Fairburn. W J Hum. V. Adams. Light fruit enhe--W J Pimp. he Show is the of cattle. Tho he had examined thoroughbred and D. FLETT. Judge 65??le W Fairbalrn. Light layer SI rs. Robb. Lemon pie-Miss Chrisuegter. n. l ' mun. -- . . is Tuck. J. Renwick. Raisin pie---; Eccles. Miss Christie. Mteete,.'d? , . Adams, N. Horsburgh. Mrs 'l:iu.liiiGiriv. Novelties - R. Christin . [eat pie-M. R. Philp. School lunch- mrning--Mrns Hosstettor, it (,hlislle. ', roat & Son. J. Gnstort, W. J. Philp. 2 Emb. eusshion--B. chles. Mrs Peta". ( forklngman's tea--Mrs Robb, J. Gii‘iCushion a.o.k. - W J McDouzall. tori. J. S. Woods. Coll. btrkirur--iWork, not tissted--2. Renwlck. liie . S. Woods, Mrs. Robb. Honey in l Christie. puttover--R. Sim, R. Alike“ Dmb--R. Sim. Extracted ttoriey--iHoutse dress-T. Ellis. R Christie. im, Geo. Aitken, J. S. Woods. Apple Antiquities-Mrs Petrie, G Fenlon & elly--Miss Ross, J. R. Philp, Currant?Son. Table runner-B. Hewlett. C -elly--Groat & Sou, Mrs Tuck. Jelly,' Drumm. Door panel-W J Philp, R. o.k.--Main Bros., C Schenk. Orange ", Taylor. Patching-Miss Christie. 1armalade-Miss Christie, R. Chris-' HOME MANUFACTURES _ in. Maple sugar-W. J. Watson.‘: Yarn-d C Fairbalrn. Socks-dt A .iaple candy-W. J. Watson, N PTtitflf1oto,'1. Socks, tine---' C Fair- Iurgh. Maple syrup-W. J. McDoug- balm, C. Schenk. Mitts, coarse-J. ill. H. A. Ross, T Ellis. Mustard‘ A Ferguson. Miss Morrison. Mitts, rickles--Mrs Hostetter. Jno. Rice.itine--g C Fairbalrn. Ladies' mitts-- Jhili sauee--R. Taylor, C Druan. Miss Morrison, J A Ferguson. Hook- Jatsup--J. R .Philp, C. Drumm. Coll. 1. ed mat-d R Philp, Miss Morrison. tuit--C. Drumm, J s Woods. Coll. . Mat, not hooked-Mrs Hostetter, F. sickles--C. Drumm, R Taylor. Colll Reid. Coll. matlb-Miss Christie. wgetables--d S .Woods. Doz. white; Mrs. D. Campbell. Priceville, Judge ,ggs-W Fairbairn, W. J. Philp. Dozl POULTRY )rown eggs-Mrs. liostetter. R. sim.l Grsese--John Gilstorf, w Raniage. Sealer peaches-d. Rice, J. A. Fer-1 Peter McPhee. Turkeys-l. C. Falts :uson. Sealer strawberries-L. B.’ bairn. P1c:ks--llr, Ramage, C. Sclienk Nicholson, ll Taylor. Cherries--) It, W. T: Pinder. sprirur Geese-goo GU. Philp, L. B. Nicholson. Plums-J A 8P"- J. Robinson. Spring Ducks-C F' IIs G s ' R ' b ries" Schenk, J. A. Mather, w. T. Pinder. erg 5'fll" eo ' eaman. asp er "s, Barred Rock hetr---W. Pinder. Barred --R Sim, R Taylor. Pears-W Fall" Rock cock-R. Irvin l a 2, Jno Eurlg balm. Sealer peas-C Drumm, W. White Leghorn-W. T Finder. Henry Fairbairn. Beans-Mrs Hostetter. C. Cowan. Pr Dorkings---Peter McPhee Drumm. Corn-Miss Christie, L. Ik", Wyandotte--- J. D. Roberts. Wynn- Nicholson. Tomatoes-g R Philp,) dotie chieks--J. D. Roberts. Minorcas‘ Mrs Hostetter. Soap---] A Ferguson, --c. Schenk. Aneonas-d. Robinson. Mrs Hostetter. 2 pr chickens (Eaton: W H. Fisher, Judge prize)--J. Gilslorf. ; B 1ofle.etrciehvde?o'e,Ar5m N ' , ' , roo are-John Gistorl', . ce. Mrs. J. C. Adams, Judge i3-yr filly-Wm" & Son. Spring colt DAIRY 1,.-Vuo Rice. J. Gilstorf. Spring tlily--- Butter in fancy shell shape-F. Reid' John Gllslori'. Team-C. Gilstorf. J. A. Hunter. 30 lb tub butter-O Seavi Gilslori "'i"sti1u"pip"c""tort 'll") .20 lb tut-R','"', Ellis. Mrs Itobb; Brood mare, spring coil. 2-yr. filly G. 'pietuntui. ,1" Crock-D Bruce, ---All Jno. Gllstorf m. Tetutt--And G Seaman, T.?. McDougall. 6 lb. Hunter, Jno Giltstort', Brown Bros. prints-d C Fairbairn. J T Stevenson. Best trttimal--John Glisten“. J. A Ferguson. 15 lb croek-G Sea-', AGRICULTURAL man,, J T Stevenson. 5 lbs moderate: Brood mare-doa Bowling. A. Ross. ly salted-F. Reid, J A Mather, Great _ Spring eolt--Jos Bowling. Spring " & Son. 1 lb. butter-O A Ferguson, ly--Jno Eurig. Alex. Roms. Tyr ting-. Jno. Gilstorf. lEdgar {lax-digits P. 1f.2tgd,','.', Dow. ' mg. -yr e ing-- . . a er. l-yr. , . FINE ARTS . wtill.v-Alex. Ross. 2-yr geldiutp--goun Stettci work-d R Philp. Painting Burlg. Jog bowling. Team-AJ. Gil. on satin-d C Fairbalrn. J R Phllp. storl'. W. B. Atchison, H. A. Ross. Landscape-E V Matthews. Figures Best tttttmai-W. 8.,Atchlson. _n v Matthews. Paintlun on glassi GENERAL PURPOSE FINE ARTS iiiir-LG. Ro Stmci work-d R Philp. Painting" Burlg. Jog Do on satin-d C Fairbairn. J R Phllp. start. w. s, Landscape-E V Matthews. Figures Best tttttmai- --E. V. Matthews. Painting on glassi GENE! --J It Philp. Coll. snaps-W T Find-j Brood mare er. 'rasiiterm.v--G Fenton & Son, W. Seaway). W. r J. Philp. $532.3: 2‘3; --J It Philp. Coll. snaps-W T Find-j Brood ters-rc: Mellow. Goorgo er. 'rasiiterm.v--G Fenton & Son, W. St‘wlifn- W.T. Finder. .sprtt.y.r ttty? J. Philp. !!yrcr.E. J. McRobb. bpring ttlly--W. , , [ T. Finder. l-yr gelding-Geo Seaman. CHILDRENS WORK I 2-yr filly-J. A. Ferguson. Team-E. Loaf bread-C. Schenk, Muriel Hal- J. McRobb, W.Halliday, W. Falrbairul liday. mms-C. Schenk. T. Ellis. Best tuotal-J. A. Ferguson. Biseuittr--W J McDougall. Layvr ROADSTERS l eaire--C Schenk, w J MéDougaiI. An , Brood mare ---Caeo Aitken, u.':.!!. ple pie-Muriel Halliday, C Schenk. §méth- Spring tilly 'd 'rl-tttltr-tIll: Water color-T. Ellis, J A Ferguson. 'f.e.i.1y..0..ee nitken, Geo bellman; I-yt' Pen and ink sketch-d R Philp, T an. (.ieivd,.,oJ/y1tnt'.-.,fi,o,et.kilrown its: tis. 2tafe)rrduSf.'e"T:irdl'ltri, A. Calder. Best animal-E. L. Moore corn- N‘ 5 . --, ', COACH AND CARRIAGE Cowan, Muriel Halliday. "oll--J. R.) Carriage ttorse-it. Aitken, H. A. Rawn. Crochet work-W J McDoum, Lamont. Jno Caulfield. Lady driver-- all, R. Christie. Hemming--W J Mc-. Alex Henderson, E. L. Moore, Alex. Dougall. R Christie. lteets--H Cowan." Calm-r. Best animal-R. Aitken. Wash cloth-W J McDougall, T Ellis.) COMICAL OUTFIT Drawing-lack Nicholson, T. Ellis., Brown 13105.. Bert Eccles, Alex. Button holes-R. Christie, J A Fergus-y Henderson, Alex. Pte. on. Wood carving-Jack Nicholson! CATTLE shii',rlt,olv,t,, Judge n ---R. Christie. Bird house-JI - , Tania", R. Christie. ', Bull--H.A. Ross, w.'r. Finder. Bull C L. Grant, w A Abbs, Mrs ly.', YYY 1. year-R. Aitken, E.J.MeRobt, Campbell Judges t,..co.t-e, MeRobtr, R. ytken.., '2-yr. Lara", WORK 'i/i"'iie,tffioAl"ti'fi.iAeia't,' fi%"/ltif t ' .-- ' . e . Coll. quilts-- R Christie. Crazy Heifer cali' under 1 yr-R. Milton. 3. qttllt---R. Christie, bog eabin--J R: Fairbairn2&3. Bestanlmal-EMcRobb Philp, Miss Christie. Ornamentalj HEREFORDS quilt--R Taylor. J A Ferguson, F.'; Bull-W. A. Lawrence, W. Gillies, Reid. Any other kind. quilt-Miss' A. Hunter. Bull l-yr-J. bowling, A. Morrison. J T Stevenson. Fancy bed Huntvr. Bull under 1 yr.--A. Hunter tspread-B. Eccles. Down comforter--' J' Dowling. ue." under 6 mott.-E. c. Drumm. Comforter, any ici-LC."".',"'?,'!?),,',. Dowlintr.A. Hunter. Cow ‘Drumm, R Taylor, w J Philp. Knit- Tf,o.t.ree,re",teytuyli,et Hei- ited coverlet-R. Christie. Buttet set fer 1-yr.--AY. A. Lawrfnce. E. Gttrd. _--B. Eccles. w T Finder. Crochet lg”; A. Thomas. Heifer f?:"t-PH. icurtalns --Mt's Hastetter. Curtains.- 1t1T"i,l fi,,',' J. bowling 2. Heirer ‘any other-A. Hunter. Knitting in: ',iglt-dut',.'1i'."L,d,'ie.r if"? “if 1'l',Ullt Drumm, F'. Reid. Table cloth, Dowling. Best iiiiiia.iii."a 'id,'),',',',',,,,',:, :and naplrimr--W T Finder. C Drumm.l JERSEY . ' ' " T Stevenson. Home laundry-Miss' Cow-l. D. Roberts 1&2. Heifer --B. itccies. y T J1ey f..'.?..?.'.? 't'i,1.'r2ice' '1"'i"t'"s. 113:5} curtains -Mrs Hostetter. Curtains. calf--) bowling Hell any other-A. Hunter. Knitting in' months-W. A. Lawn-m wool-C Drumm. F'. Reid. Table cloth, bowling. Best animal-v and napkins-W T Finder. C Drummp JERSEY J T Stevenson. Home laundry-Miss Cow-d. D. Roberts 1 Christie, J It Ploilr. overalls-R. call-U. D. Roberts. Sim, T. Ellis. y3hirt-Miss Christie. J. ' HULSTEIN A. Ferguson. Machine made shirt--' Cow-d. A. Ferguson. R. Christie, T. Ellis. Working apron! GRADE GATT --T. Ellis, R. Sim. Fancy apron-C.) byr Bteers---R. Aitken Drumm, R. Taylor. Night daess-C.'; Cowan. Pr yParliug Btee Drumm, R. Taylor. House dress-it.) Idt2, W. J. Watson. C0 Sim. Crochet corset cover--) Taylor/ E. L. Moore, J. M09053" w J Philp. Camisole-R. Renwick. m -ir,l't.t,e'r1':. E. L. Moore Taylor. Crochet pinowtr--Mrs Petrie,; viz” e "af/e Brown: IV J Philp. Emb. pillows-C. of.i'ii,'ii,'l amen. eifer ew-c, H. A. Ross. J. McDouah J. Renwick. Pillows a.o.k.---Mrtt Robb; --H. A. Ross, R. Allken W. T. Finder. Day tslips-J. Renwick.) Dairy ttow-R. Irvin " Pillow and tsheet-d A Mather, W. T.: --rt. Aitken, W. J. Watt: Finder. Emb. toweu--C Drumm, w.) tuutttl-E. Gardiner, w. Ramage. Bath towetg--R Renwick.i A, Hunter. Boys' and J, Renwick. Fancy toqreltr-C Drumm! Harry Dowling, Parker Mrs Geddes. Table cover-Al Drumm.i Sim. '"le,uA,'tt: W J Phllp. Dresser drape-C Drumm.; . e ner, [ R. Taylor. Emb. iiitriirraFi.),d,!,',df,eo't' books ror tute Drown. J. Renwlck. Colored centre-l ere not avattnttte. Neee--B. Eccles, R. Aitken. Centre-; ----_- piece tLo.k.-R. Ren'ick, W T Finder.“ in“ ca Emb. in eotton--43 Drumm. W I Pimp” e' Emb. in ttith-R. Christie. Eyelet’ “mum ot Small no emb.-- J Renmk. Hrs Hoe':";.;'))).!:,.?":?:.;', 20th. lie-m. Shsdow emh.--R Christie. Roman present. emtrc-R. Christie. Coronntion embâ€"l MeDottttnid--AtreMein-, TORONTO 9+»: R. Christie. Tray etotte-c. Drumm. w 'I run”... Crochet In woot-Miss Ross. I R Philp. Fancy wool wrap-P. Reid. Crochet, aittow-T. Ellis. Mrs Patric. Knitting. ootton--4 T Stevenson. J R Phllp. Fancy srttawi---P. Reid. Fancy sutrsretctr--3 S Woods. Fancy work iri--k. Reid, Miss Chrlsue. Fancy hGdeeretostts--A. Hunter. R. Taylor. Collar and m1trts--Mltst' Christie. Wool gaetret--W I McDougall, F. Reid. Bootees--Miiss Christie, F Reid. Fan- lcy oreater--C Drumm, Miss Chrlsllo. ‘Knlted searr--R Taylor, R A Nichol- son. Wool tam---W J McDougall. Boudoir Cap-- J T Stevenson, C Drumm. Irish crochet-C Drumm, F, - mud“, w Fain "CtCH . ..._-_, v Booteets--Mism Christie, F Reid. Fan- 1 cy oreater--C Drumm. Miss Christie. Knited seart--R Taylor, R A Nichol- son. Wool tam-N' J McDougnll. Boudoir cap-- J T Stevenson. C. Drumm, Irish crochet-C Drumm, F. Reid. Tattink--g Renwick, W. Fair- bairn. Drawn work-W I McDona- all. Handkerchief case-W T Pindor. Miss Christie. Tea eose.v--Mrs Patric Tea com-y. a.o.k.--MHs Christie. Fin cushion -w T Finder, Mrs Robb Table mac-- J. Renwick, Miss Christie. Whisk hoider--Groat & Son, Miss Christie. Burnt wood ,vork---A Hun- ter, W. T l'inder. Billion tiotes--rt. Eccles, Miss Christie. Mending-iss Christie. Novelties - R. Christie. . I. l‘hn‘ulln Mlnules of speck! meeting held on August 29th. Heather; of Council all Cow-g.' A. Ferguson. GRADE CATTLE 2-yr Bteers---R. Aitken, R. Irvin, H. Cowan. Pr yearling 'tteertg---R. Aitken 1& 2, W. J. Watson. Cow-A. Aitken E. L. Moore, J. McDonnld. byr heifer --H. A. Ross. E. L. Moore, H. Comm l-yt heifer--Geo. Brown Idi2, W. J. Watson. Heifer ealr--41eorqpa Bmwn, H. A. Ross. J. McDonald. Steer can --H.A.Rosts, R. Aitken, H. Corn. Dairy ttow-R. Irvin IE 2. Fat steer -Il. Aitken, W. J. Watson. Best bcot tuutna1--E. Gardiner. W. A. Lawn-nu. A, Hunter. Boys' and Girl-6 Cair-... Harry Dowllnx. Parker Eurig. Alex. Sim. Milton Ailken. George Dovney. Bolton. Judge Judged hooks for Sheep and Stine were not "nimble. r1stle. Punch worg--R Renwlck. to the communlcntlm etotte-C. Drumm. W T Finder. 1 speremun. Oven wt In wool-Miss Ross. J R tor Mrs Jessie HIV . Fancy wool wrap-F. Reid. "stained re 1 Ditch let, aittou---T. Ellis, Mrs Petrie. Calder be nun-newt] tA--- T 'r “WWW”. J R manor and report at W .. n,“ MeDotmaid---Atrerdetn-ht reference ld. Flatt:v “my work b. Fancy R. Taylor. .emrtnatB" 27, "B-'"""--" to the communication “on Imm & Spereman. oven Sound. solicits)" tor Mrs Jessie luv. u to dam-ca susuined re A Ditch. that Der. Reeve Calder be instructed " look into Hill mutter and mm It Sept. Nth and. inx of Council. ca.rel: "i'riouaeras--ertr: Thai we in- struci the Clerk to prepare a By-Inv for stopping up part of highway be tween lots " and Mk (Jon. ti, Town- ship or Egromom, and ttrr selling the land inciuded there-in. Carried. - ... a-,ostht. the Bat. W By-IR' No, ary of the A passed. passed. By-law No 443 to strike the rum for the your 1923 was passed. the dif- terenura"'s being sub-divided at! fol- lows: County ri---tl 7-10 mill-,Town- ship rate---? mills. tgettool rate--' 2-10 mills. also a speck! rate of , 8-10 mills as per requisition of Police Vii Inge Trustees. together with menu-- on the several School Section: II! per Trustees' requisitions. which are as follows: U. No t--li 5-10 gl" U. No 2---9 9-10 m., U. No 3--No levy, No. - --r. - “I- e-a 2-10 Ill.. No4 '--5 5-10 m., No. 3.. 5-. ..-s 5-10 m,, No. ir---' 6-10 1 4-10 m., No. T---8 7-10 l 2 2-10 m., No, 9-2 m, No (Continued on Page eompanied by Mr R. I tended the Wedding of Robertson to Mr Thoma Ripley, Wednesday. Sept compumru u; -- h tended the Wedding or Miss Nellie Robertson to Mr Thom“ Donley - Ripley, Wednesday, Sept 1901. Mr and Mrs Donley are \‘isitunts at Orchard at present. Miss Marjorie Stevens of Mt For- est, spent the Week end with her rel- atives here, Mr and Mrs Robertson. Miss Thaler. teacher. of Orchard. spent the Week end with friends in Mt. Forest. She also attended the camp meeting held at Walkerton on Sunday. The meetings were splendid. The youths and maidens of this village accompanied by the young married folk. spent sn enjoyable night Monday of this week at a corn boil held in W Finder's pasture theld. As everyone knows, the weather was ‘ideal Ind the moonlight conferred es- tra favors upon us . " must be said "There were merry hearts in the vil- lage that night." Mr Forest. the contractor for bridg- es on the provincial highway. and his wife, spent a week end at her home Princeton. An accident occurred today Mm- Ming the Orchard hi" culvert. Otte of the horses rolled down the em- bankment upon the culvert tad was only saved trom a sudden death try drowning. by the remarkable presence of mind ot Mr. Chilton. 7 James Welnmuon Lamb ts enjoying a few days holldty In Toitito. On Sunday. Sept. " Rev Mr Henry ot Owen Sound. will take charge of we service in Bt. Paula church. FUrre- nunl. at 3 p. m. In 'he absence of nu: rector. Mr. Wttealaa. Mr W C Oickem and r-llss Irene Shun-,1 of Kitchetot vial tod recently with Mus Ella Wilson. The annual anniversary survlres will be held in SI Paula church an Sunday, Oct. 7th conducted by Rev. hit Wile-ulna at 3 (am. Service try Rev. Mr Richards'n of Mt Forest at Mrs A Bell I: sandng a .'ew weeks with her grand daughter, Mrs Wm. Gordon. Mr R. O'Brien, superintendent on the provincial nlxhwuy. nvmmpaniod by Mrs O'Brien. -/iei':ted "menus ut the home of Mr J. C. (gum-n. Mrs David Gordon and chiidwu spent I few days with reladves in and around Varney. Our teacher. MISS MoBrldn has bum rather indisposed With an attack ot (onsllms but ls able to Be on duty again. The U. P. o. u "tthte a m. m otaatt 1"tteegsataGGfiie"ii"'C ”mu" Ctt. " '. oe-tac both tn ttttltr and “I “I. M In aha Mr and Mrs C. With-row, Norman- by, were recent gut-m of tter parent: and also of her sister. Mrn Roy Me Gillivuy. Best wishes to M: and Mn; F. Me, Leln (nee Reta Roam-s) who last week sun-ted life's nutrlmonlnl Jotus ney. A number from hen- Awarded Hm Presbyterun Jubilee tAVTieee in Mt. Forest Ind were interval-ad and MI- lled try the urban lieu-gen won minister-I. click. etc. I“. Ethel Anee let! In! Salinity for Mam when she in: Int-en I and mm. The - ot our former teacher. 'a1t1eyarstIiavGii"iL7ii'Ti'e' that. of he: (use Int mee. “a I. - A ' anew-In. I eu- of lou- nnd' ai-TC I!" inhhtELw W Beaud. 'trd. em to be tauiTtu'ii',7, The school fair in iiolhlnin lam week was a decided tittccess-tue children from the various qoltou'.s., do- ing their pan well. And now many Ire looking forward to the World's Pair in Holsiein tomorrow and hom ing for as good I city as the past few have beetr-tiue typical Amman any: Harvest Is over and lilo illsinc. plowing and various other {all duuvs are keeping all busy. Mr and Mrs Httrvtv 6mm tisitrd friends in “stowel Frida" lust and ”(Ned the "tt Fair there. 'urle Fetus visited her ttist: r Mrs. A. Henderson Saturday and was ac- cumulated luck to Durham ws Mrs. W. J. Phllp who spent the week end with her daughter Robenn ALLAN'S CORNERS tequttu""'"" MT...-'- --- U. No t---li 5-10 P: u, m., U. No 3---No levy, m., No. b-a 2-10 In.. L, No. ii---' 6-10 m., No _ No. T---' 7-10 m., No. No. 9-2 m, No. TO-", " and 16. Con. 5. 11)“: .emont, and (or selling the. led thereln. Carded. lo. 44; decreasing the ul- Aasossor 850 nor year was son Roy, ac- Robertson. at- tro 510 tt-- WA} VOL. XLVL NO Just Rece Monthly Lumber Y: rc Lou the or H tberr Um.- it Hurdim: run ova-r. il Hill In. C A, “his Marion (Quilt-Inn an “lying dot" the Robbins tgtteettaitt In: Haw“! Fen-val at St Harvard nun-mun u 3 p.m macho-r Hunt of chum wi Church, I €23; 'r, crf2.1.1(.l'tfi, 'iiicilfii.C.)c,8lgt' on rhurvh not"! 1 " dun-d In the Tow Octdwr bth and NIH" in Pain-Hal mu Md " “min rowdy stark-d r whirl: will asnurr whole- prodttrtiot by um FI. M. I Hugh " t which A Night t Tht. i'\|'H MI an" III acher will be. tor of Mt Fun _r' will be In tttwh, Durham I M od urc- (Add! to Mee Sm urn in the MM und ti H Our M tl No char; olders i IT Bra ew ffl,'l " " U

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