West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 8 Nov 1923, p. 5

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GREETING CARDS & 3 Tapestry Papers in Allover Patterns, regâ€" 30c ular price from 374¢ to 50¢ roll. Sale price Bedroom Papers in stripes and all over patterns in white and cream shades. Reg Price from 20 to 25¢ a roll. Sale price 15c. We are showing a beautiful line of engrayâ€" ced Personal Greeting Cards. These should be ordered early to avoid disappointment. Call and look over the samples. The Review to Jan. 1, 24 only 35¢ Remnants of 4 to 10 Rolls HOoV. 8, 1923 Jeweler Now is the time to paper your room. Get your requireâ€" ments early as the supply is limited. iving Room paper in Allovar pattern in grey shade. â€"Sale Price 20c per roll Reasonably Priced and Beautifully Engraved D. C. TOWN UD WUait ?aper date Special Price on Mixed Feed NO TOWN DELIVERY Terms Cash Business hours 8 a m to 5 p m $329.00 per ton We have a limited quantity of Chieftain Heavy Mixed Feed that we are selling at sc 5a n ner tolIt packed in second hand Sacks or V packed in new sacks. TAais s tq? Ca while it lasts. ces this month. oo 77]0](00/1711’6 ROB ROY MILLS, Limited ROB ROY MILLS, CHRISTMAS s the carload price. Get a fewto ns Aasts. â€" Other Feeds at special priâ€" $30.00 per ton No Towna Delivery Terephone day No 4, night 81 TBRMS CASH Optician Halloween passed off without any serious pranks this year. Our school teachers put on a concert in the school, consisting of a splendid proâ€" gram and lunch and eyeryone tells of a good time. , A very enjoyable evening was spent Friday last at the home of Mr and Mrs W. A. Aldcorn, when a party was given in honor of Miss Berta who expects to soon return to Moose Jaw. Miss Ella McKinnon of Toronto, spent the week end at Mr W. A. Aldâ€" corn‘s. Mr Ed. Watson and family of Durâ€" ham, spent Sunday at the former‘s old home in town. Mr and Mrs Chas. Gilby and Mr. Jack Gilby of Chatsworth were the guests of Mrand Mrs Dave McDonald on Sunday. Miss Bertha James is visiting with friends at St. George. Miss Lizzie Mather is spending this week with friends at Hanover. Word was received here of the death of Miss Adele Brawley, youngâ€" est daughter of Mr and Mrs W. Brawâ€" ley, who resided here for a couple of years when Mr Brawley was C. P. R. agent. We believe we are voicing the sentiments of the community when we extend our sympathy to the berâ€" eaved family. ”Mrs Hazard is in Ceylon nursing her sisterâ€"inâ€"law, Mrs Corrigan. / Miss Doris McLean spent the week end with her aunt Mrs W. J. Bowes of Markdale. Rev. P. McLeod occupied the pulpit in the Presbyterian church Sunday. Mr McLeod is an able speaker and delivered excellent sermons morning and evening. We haven‘t heard who will preach next Sabbath but after that the congregation will be asked to make a choice. We have had six exâ€" cellent speakers, but we understand two of them have received calls elseâ€" where. Dromore Anniversary Services Anniversary services will be held in Amos Church Dromore, Sunday, Nov. lith when Rev J. A. Matheson, of near Orangeville new Moderator of the Synod of Toronto and former Priceville pastor, will preach at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p.m. Fowl supper Monâ€" day, the 12th, followed by fine proâ€" gram by Durham and other outside talent. Mrs John Ferguson is visiting Mrs Hickling and other friends in Fleshâ€" erton this week. Gordon McLeod, who underwent an operation in Fergus Hospital a couâ€" ple of weeks ago, is improving and will soon be able to return home. Mrs Alex. Ferguson who had a sale last Friday, intends moving to Torâ€" onto to live with her daughter Marâ€" garet We notice Dick Hardy home workâ€" ing on the farm again. No place like the farm Dick. In ever loving memory of our dear son and brother, Private Archibald Arthur McKinnon, who was killed in action, Novw: 6th, 1917. Just a thought of sweet remembrance Just a memory fond and true, Just a token of affection Just to show we think of you. â€"Father, mother and sisters IVâ€"Beatrice Grasby, Allister Lawrâ€" ence. â€"$r HIâ€"Catherine McLeau. Jr IIItâ€"Jean Clark, Margaret MeLean, Willie Legate. Ist â€"Clarence Ritâ€" chie Herbie Miller. Sr Prâ€"â€"Rhena Clark, Muriel Brown, Chester Miller. Jr Prâ€"Archie McLean. PRICEVILLE xfi Mr. Farmer, if you are considering selling all or only part of your liveâ€" stock this winter, the Review will give it that publicity that will enable you to realiez larger prices. An adverâ€" tisement inserted for a week or two, will dispose of your wants for you. Lot 7, con. 21, Egremont, containâ€" ing 100 acres, about 85 acres under cultivation, balance hardwood â€" busn. Convenient to school and on the premises is a frame barn 42 x 65 with stone foundation, concrete _ stables, also hay barn 30 x 50 with stone basement : hog p°P 20 x 40. 12 roomed brick house with â€" furnace, woodshed, drilled well with windmill and concrete water tank. 30 acres clover. This farm is well fenced and in a good state of cultivation. Apply AT WwATSON‘S DAIRY, R. R. No 4. Durham Is well known as the highâ€"grade School. Keen demand for our Gradâ€" uates all the time. Write for cataâ€" loeue. Commence NOW. SWINTON PARK Yonge and Charles Sts., Toronto §. NO. 2, BENT. & GLEN SCHOOL REPORTS IN MEMORIAM FARM FOR SALE M. E. Lamb, Teacher COFFIELDâ€"McDONALD } RYANâ€"McDONALD { On Tuesday morning, October 16th, pretty Autumn weddings were solâ€" emnized in St. John‘s Roman Catholic Church, Glenelg, when Catherine, secâ€" ond daughter of Mrs G. McDonald, was united in marriage to Joseph Cotâ€" field of Detroit and Christena, youngâ€" est daughter, to Mr Edward Ryan of Toronto. "'i‘i\;-h‘uptial mass was celebrated by Rev. Father McGoey at ten thirty o‘clock. x The charming brides entered the church to the strains of Lohengrin‘s wedding march, Miss Catherine lookâ€" ing charming in a suit of brown duveâ€" tyn with hat to match and fur of erâ€" mine. Miss Christena look equally well in a navy blue suit of poiret twill and sand hat and shoes to match, with brown martin choker. They both carried boquets of sweetheart roses and maiden hair fern. Little Evelyn McGrath and Margarâ€" et Eddy made two very pretty flower‘ girls in dresses of white organdy and veils and carried baskets of t'orget-me«‘ nots. _ After the ceremony a dainty: wedding breakfast was served at the home of the bride‘s mother. The dinâ€" ing room was decorated with streamâ€" ers of white from every angle of the room, while from the centre of the room hung a white wedding bell. Mr Coffield‘s gift to his bride was a string of pearls and that of Mr Ryan to his bride a bar pin of white gold set with diamonds. Only near rela: tives and friends being present at the nuptials, the happy couples left on the 4 p.m .train for Detroit, Buffalo and Niagara Falls, after which Mr and Mrs Coffield will make their home in Detroit and Toronto. The fair brides are real homemakâ€" ers and the good wishes of a wide cirâ€" cle of friends are extended to them in their new sphere of life. Sr IVâ€"Christine Goodchild, Donald Young, Vera Mountain, Myrtle Dean, Lizzie Hind. Jr IVâ€"Clifford Moon, Ernest Neayâ€" es Irving Storrey, Martina Simpson, Jasper Traynor Jno. A. Graham, Principal Sr IIIâ€"Elsie Willis, Norman Mellâ€" raith, Roydon Connor, Roy Wiggins, (Hazel McLean and Raymond McGirr) ea Jr IIIâ€"â€"Dorothy Pickering, Clen Rowe, Arden Whittaker, Gordon Mcâ€" Crae, Caroline Mitchell, Annie C. McKenzie, Teacher Jr III Aâ€"Ada Chapman, George Hay, Wilma Smith, Violet McLean,| (Evelyn Baird and Mary Tobin) eq. â€" Jr III Bâ€"Jean Collinson, Sam Glasâ€" er, Lawrence Whitmore, Oral Chalmâ€" ers, Nelson Lowe. Sadie F. MacDonald, Teacher Sr II Aâ€"Norman Dean, Margaret Storrey, _ Arthur McClyment, Merlda Havens, Wilfrid Middleton. } Sr II Bâ€"Charlie McKechnie, Janet \\Vmson. Teddy Elliott, Clifford Mc Girr, Ruby Willis. DURHAM PUBLIC SCHOOL Annie MacDonald, Teacher Jr II Aâ€"Annie Campbell, Helen Young, Jean Grant, Louise Jamieson, (Genevieve Saunders, Gordon Grant and Donald Knight) eq. Jr IL Bâ€"Evelyn â€" Hall, Kelso Mcâ€" Cawley, Gerald Falconer, Clarke Lloyd Elsie Falkingham. Mary E. Morton, Teacher Sr Iâ€"Goldie Glaser, Norman Falkâ€" ingham, Percy Montgomery, Agnes Walker, Percy Greenwood. J; I-;Margziret Sibbald, George ley, Jean Atkinson, May Braithw Hazel Moore. Edna A. Browning, Teacher PRIMARY CLASSES Sr Primer Aâ€"(Florence Havens & Wilfrid Montgomery) eq. Lilian Colâ€" linson, Catherine McCawley, Margaret Wilson George Braithwaite. Sr Primer Bâ€"Gladys Ritchie, Olivâ€" ene Yirrs, (Arthur Koch and Gordon McGirr) eq., Susie Bell, Violet Hind. Donalda MceEachern, Teacher Jr Primer Aâ€"John Greenwood, Harâ€" old Trafford, Iris Hugill, Ross Wilson, Mary Pickering. Jr Primer Bâ€"Shirley Mclntyre, Jack PNBORT S CE CR Jr Primer Bâ€"Shirley Mclntyre, Jack Gagnon, Clara Thompson, Gordon Mcâ€" Comb, Oleda Hahn. U. NO. 10, GLENELG & EGREMONT V.â€"A. Hooper, M. MecPhail. Jr IV â€"F. McEachern, G. Eckhardt, A. Mcoâ€" Kinnon,* T. Welsh. Sr. IItâ€"H. Curdt, A. McPhail, M. Proudly, A. Eckhardt, K. McKinnon. | Jr. IIIâ€"F. McPhail, A. MeEachern,* A. Proudly, M. McEach ern, M. Eckhardt. Sr. IIâ€"G. McKinâ€" non,* R. Mcintyre* (equal), R. Mcâ€" Eachern, J. J. Eckhardt. _ Sr. Iâ€"M. MecPhail, A. McKinnon,* A. McEach ern. Sr. Pr.â€"A. M. Mclntyre,* A. M. MeEachern, C. Proudly* (equal), E. Eckhardt. Jr. Pr.â€"D. McLeod, F. Mcâ€" Eachern, W. Proudly. (* present evâ€" ery day.) *Denotes Honours Sr IVâ€"*Katie Haley, Arthur Mcâ€" Clocklin. _ Sr IIIâ€"*Charlie Timmins, Graham Timmins. Jr 1iIâ€"*Catherâ€" ine Timmins, lola Noble. Jr IIâ€"*Ewâ€" en McNab, George Blair. Sr Iâ€"*Vioâ€" let Banks. Jr 1â€"*Willie Peart, *Isaâ€" bella Kleist, Mary McNab, Gordon Noble. Sr Prâ€"*Ada Banks. No. on the roll 14. Average attend: THE DURHAM REVIEW HYMENEAL 12.6 Mrâ€" and Mrs Ryan in Islay B i.iizle Schaefer, Teacher NO. 5, GLENELG B. J. Allan, McCuaig, teacher Ash aite 8. 9. No. 9, GLENBLG ‘ IV classâ€"M. Hargrave R. McFadden A. Arnett, J. Dunsmoor. . Sr IIIâ€"D. Arnett, R. Hargrave, M. Hopkins, L. Jacques, O. Hopkins, K. Dunsmoor. Jr IIIâ€"B. McNally, G. Hopkins. _ Sr. IIâ€"E. Robins, V. Robins, E. Lawrâ€" ence. Jr IIâ€"R .Dunsmoor, M. Dunsâ€" moor, C. Hargrave L. Robins. Sr Pr. â€"C. Jacques, 8. Greenwood, F. Arnett D. Lawrence. Jr Prâ€"O. Ball, C. Mcâ€" Nally, O. Dunsmoor, G. Greenwood, D. Aljoe, E. Dunsm”r. Pr Aâ€"R. Lawrence, M. Harrison, A. McGirr, M. Brown, M. Robins, D. Dunsmoor. Jr IVâ€"Christine Anderson*, Doroâ€" thy Ritchie, Armonell Glencross*, Arâ€" chie Greenwood. Sr IIIâ€"Lena Bell*, Blanch McKechnie®, Dorothy Robinâ€" son*, Mae Bell*, Dan Firth*, Jack Anâ€" derson, Grace Paylor, Ralph Staples, Myrite Glencross*. Jr IIâ€"Irene Mcâ€" Kechnie*, Mary Scheurman, Tom Mcâ€" Nally. Jr IIâ€"Adeline McNally. Sr I â€"Alva Greenwood, Olive Allan. Jr 1 â€"Isabel Firth*®, Mary Anderson*, Ruâ€" by Staples, Jim Bell. Sr Prâ€"Davey Allan, Viola Neely, Daisy Street. Ir. Prâ€"Margaret Firth*, Willie Glenâ€" cross*®, Aggie Anderson*, â€" Gordon Greenwood. Pr (a)â€"Willie Scheurâ€" man, Geo Scheurman, Walter Street. Those present every day marked *. No. on roll 34. Average attendance 30.85. is Armetta McKechnie, Teacher S. S. N0. 11, BENTINCK IVâ€"Norman Ritchie, George Hopâ€" kins, Clifford _ Roseborough, Allan Picken, Carman Roseborough. Sr IH â€"Lawrence Hopkins, Maple Armâ€" strong. Sr IIâ€"Pearl Roseborough, Violet â€" Armstrong, Maudie â€" Picken, Tommy Milligan, Reta Vollett, Elwin Vollett. Jr IIâ€"Sicily Hopkins, Allie Hopkins. Jr 1â€"Arnetta Manto. Pr A â€"Clarence Ritchie, Irvine Webber, Jim Armstrong. Pr Bâ€" Raymond Hopkins, â€" Dawson _ Vollett, Freddie Roseborough. Pr _ Câ€"Irvine Mounâ€" tain. IN DAYS OF YORE 25 YEARS AGO | From the Review iy!e of Nov. 3, 1899 McQuarrieâ€" McCormackâ€"At the resâ€" idence of the bride‘s father, Alex. McCormack, on Tuesday, 25th Oct. by the Rev Jno .Little, Duncan Mcâ€" wmarrie to Miss Eliza McCormack, both of Bentinck. Hincksâ€"McLeodâ€"At the residence of the bride‘s father, on Oct. 26th by Rev J. A. Matheson, David T. I‘incks to Mary J .McLeod, ul1 of _ (:tcnelg. V/acon â€" MeLearâ€"â€" At the Manse, Lornoch, on tCot. £6th, Wm James Watson of Mimico, to Miss Jessic Ann, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs A .McLean, Rocky Saugeen. Died, near Bervie, Bruce Co. on 25th October, Benjamin â€" Peterbough, broâ€" ther of Mrs B. Male, Durham, aged 65 years. Mr M. N .Clark, Aberdeen, has left for Alliston ,to assume the Principalâ€" ship of the Public School there. 200 3C30NC 0C 20 30 36\30 3@ 30 Messrs Calvert and Geo. McKechnie are about closing up the season‘s business in the buying and selling of cattle. Their â€" transactions for this season have been mainly on Manitouâ€" lin Id., having handled only about 150 head from the County of Grey. They have made 7 shipments of cattle and 4 of sheep from the Island and 1he‘ amount of money changing hands has: been over $30,000, This must have been a good thing for the Islanders and we have no doubt the firm‘s entâ€" erprize has also been rewarded. On Friday, 21st Oct., an old pionâ€" eer of Glenelg Tp. Mrs Angus Mcinâ€" nis, passed over to the greater numâ€" ber, surviving her husband by about 5 mos .only. A family of 3 sons and 3 daughters survive son at home is Peter old homestead. Edge Hill corr.: Glenelg promises to furnish at least one new aspirant for County Commissioner in the perâ€" son of John Staples. Mr Jos. Firth Jr. is in the field for Township Counâ€" cil and is likely to be returned. Mr and Mrs Robt. Lawson and famâ€" ily, who for some years have been in afilinan eamernal io Tnrham this week Bentinck Egremont Normanby Glenelg Sullivan Durham Hanover Neustadt Chatsworth . NO. 3, GLENELG M. M. Acheson, Teacher survive her. The only is Peter who lives on the F. Kerr, Teacher f Du 2180 2267 160 247 $0 HEAD OF CATTLE 60 BREEDING EWES 2 BROOD SOWS will be held at the STOCKYARDS, PRICEVILLE, on THURSDAY, NOV. 15th, 1922 at 1 p. m. 2 good young cows, expected shortly 4 Heifers _calf ‘ 12 steers and heifers, rising 3 years old. 10 steers and heifers rising 2 years old. (All Black Polied Angus Calves) 2 Spring Calves 60 breeding sheep, 30 of them Shropâ€" shires 2 brood sows, due 1st of December 6 ram lambs for breeding purposes TERMS : $ months credit on apâ€"| proved joint notes : 6 per cent per| annum off for cash. | J. STOTHART, ... D, McPHAIL, Proprietor Auctioneer . On behalf of myself and children, 1 wish to correct an error that has been circulated around, and that is that my husband has left us. Such is not the case. Offenders have no consideraâ€" tion of what it means to us. y CREDIT AUCTION SALE mhwanist and Choirmaster Presbyterâ€"| _. HONORGRADUATE of Torono. Organist and Choirmaster Presbyterâ€" * P x ian Church, Walkerton. U'“'!"'."‘v graduate of Royal OCollege * s of Dental Surgeons of Ontario Rooms Concert Organist and Pianist, Vocal Over J & J HUNTER‘S New 8 FRANKWEAVER, Mus. Bach. Specialist prommammnmmnmmmm mmmmmmnsmeemammmen First class instruction in the famous Grtapwri Italian method of voice culture and | ]. F. GRANT' D.l piano and organ playing. 20 years [ONOR GRADUATE Tor practical experience, | en um‘l\c{u Colege 1 For terms apply at the residence ofvou..:'_‘“ .vle:“.lm:l“ Dr. J. F. Grant, Bruce Street, on ‘ site Pmt};'fl‘;c:.‘ Saturday, from 4 to 9 p. m. dWb teriiirsse ie e ce ie e GENTLEMEN! _â€"What about your New Suit? Select Right Goods â€" Get Measured Rightâ€" From Right Materials A full stock of import (guaranteed) best Goods, also cheaper Canadian now in stock. Best of trimmings, made on quickest notice by the old reliable. Lots of samples to choose from and right prices, ranging from $25 to $50. We are Agents for the Stockwell & Henderson Co., Dry Cleaners & Dyers of Toronto. All Repair Work and French Dry T cuaning Done Kw J. C. NICHOL, Merchant Tailor . | CHIROPRACTIC Main entrance, Middaugh House, one | door West of Douglas, the Jeweller The Science that adds Life to cenmmmmmmmmemmmnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmun mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmemmm en years and years to life. Good house and lot, splendid locaâ€" | tion in Pricevillie, owner obliged to ; In Durham Tuesdays, Thursdays and sell owing to ill health. Position as Saturdays keeper of Priceville Fox Co. Ltd. goes with purchase to suitable pemson. | DRS' c' G- AND For price, terms and all particulars BESS'E McGILLIVRAY apply to the undersigned. _ _ _ Chiropractic Specialists The Durham U. F. O. Live Stock Association will ship stock from purâ€" ham, on Tuesdays. Shippers are re quested to give three days‘ notice. Clifford Howell, Manager Dhana 02 P 1.«1 Durham Phone 92 r FARM FOR SALE For $4000.00. 150 acres good early farm, east half of lot 21 and 22, con. 19, Egremont, fair buildings, plenty of good spring water, % mile from school, 2% miles from village of Droâ€" more. Will also sell crop and stock and implements. Apply on premises or write FARM FOR RENT. Comprising 100 acres, lots 3 of 9, and 1 of 11, Con. 1, W.G. R., Bentinck About 90 acres cleared, both fifties well watered. _ Apply to Mrs. Wilkie, 618 Christie St., Toronto. rammron sut, .,, .. SCHOOIL North part of Lot 7 and 8, con 22, Egremont, containing 66 acres, 55 ; ; acres cleared, balance hardwood bush. “Ith :E::z:);ro\t‘)’:gr‘og'fi'l‘!c(;q;ulpped to In a good state of cultivation : frame barn 44 x 50, stone basement, conâ€" 1. Juntor Matriculation crete stables, drilled well and cement ‘2. Entrance to the Normal Schools tank at barn. k & R Each member of the staff is a Univ» Also lots 6 and T, con 4, 8. D. K ersity graduate and an exneriznged Glenelg, containing 110 acres, OD€ reacher. hundred cleared, in good state of cutâ€"| â€" Intending pupils should prepare to enâ€" tivation. On the premises is A brick ter at the beginningof the fall term. house containing 7 rooms with frame Information as to courses may be obâ€" woodshed attached, drilled well at tained from the Principal. door, never failing spring making this _ ‘The School i * creditable record in a good stock farm. . This propert) the past which it"h.u- to maintain in will be sold at a right price to a qu‘ct the r::u(c. purchaser. Having gone into the â€" Durkham is an attractive and healthy dairy business, this property is to" :own and good accommodation can be TE CIOrl IA.. oomwontanan â€" Abbke a#: Mind.tm*r:t:; LoWw ces s oie somnmen Also lots 6 and T, con 4, 5. D. K. Glenelg, containing 110 acres, one hundred cleared, in good state of cur tivation. On the premises is a brick house containing 7 rooms with frame woodshed attached, drilled well at door, never failing spring making this Mrs. Fred White, Upper town (ea shork ; Residence: PRICEVILLE ing cows, expected shortly | rising 3 years, supposed in Telephone 2, .r 1.5, xoTICE TO FARMERS J. HILL, Varney, R R. No. 1 FARM FOR SALE. NOTICE TORONTO FOR SALE WwATSON‘S DAIRY, R. R. No. 4, Daer>» ANDREW FORD Priceville, Ont. 2% miles Graduate, University of Toronts Successor to Dr. Mair. Office and MAIN STREET, MOLETEIN, ONT, Member College Physicians and Burgeont Ontario PFICE: 0O J. P. Telford*ofice, nesas o ly‘ Oppdl'oq Registry o.«.‘ mnw;: @econd house soutn of Registry east side or Albert At. 9â€"11 a. m Telephone 001-rm|cuun batween OMce a Rosidence at all nours. Office and residence, corner Countess and Limbton, opposite old Post Offise Office Hours : 9 to 11 a. m., 1.30 to 4 g. m., 1 to 9 p.m., Sundays and hursday afternoon excepted. J. L. SMITH, M.B., M.C. P.S. ‘ :Middaugh House, â€" DRS. JAMIESON & JAMIESON OrFICE 2â€"5 Afternoon Hours: 7â€"8 Evenings « J. G. HUTTON, M.D., C.MO. W. C. PICKERING, DDS, LDS Licensed Auctioneer tor Co. (#rey | Ferms, moderate nnzo-nn for salee a | to dates &c., must be m at the Review Of | fce""Durham. Cortespondence addresio« | there, or to on P."O.. will be promptl | atsended to, Terms on »ppiioation to O N :a â€" _ ver Jaweliry stare nd oppo HOIOI GRADUATE Toronto University, Gre dhate loy-l College Dental Surgeon Dentistry in all its vrauches. A. B. CURREY DURHAM â€" AND â€" HANOVER S@r Mt MoePusil has a selephone in bis re dence in Ceylom. J. F. GRANT, D.D.S., L.D.S. Call and See us. Consultation Free. DR. 0. E. CARR, B.A. for BUSINESS OR MoyNT FOREST ONT. Individual Instruction ensures raâ€" pid Progress. The Best Time to enter Our School is NOW. Catalâ€" ogue Free. DpUREAM SIGL RhrmasiNpflege) DR. C. McLELLAN Except Bundays C. A.Fleming, P.C.A. G. D. Fleming., Principal Secretary Oflice on Lambton St INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION permits you to enter any day at Enroll Any Day and start your studies in Comâ€" mercial, Shorthand or Preparaâ€" tory Courses. Unequalled in Capadaâ€"unexcelled in America. Catalogue Free. D. KePHAIL. or to C. RAKMC W. A. TRIMBLE, Principal D. McPHAIL moUnNT FoREeyt 2iâ€"4p am. SHORTHAND TRAINING Owen Sound, Ont 1â€"9 p. m 5t ul viP * & yÂ¥ We

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