West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 22 Nov 1923, p. 5

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Je l Th en cccctilhh Ti KOV ?22, 1#3 The Review to Jan. 1, 24 only We are offering many good Speâ€" cials in several lines of SPECIALS at Brigham‘s Store Extra Heavy Shaker Flannel Ticking, preâ€"war goods [ E4 W x$ HL.I0O fOL........:szcrccuc«s 85c yd ) 35 * | U Blue Denim, good for Go Men‘s Heavy Overalls, 1-.;1.~l.v‘4.-)(" O . .c cercersien‘s «at es 65c yd | wWM. BRIGHAM DRY GOODS This is preâ€"war goods and needs to be seen to be apâ€" preciated. Standard Reâ€"cleaned Screenings We have a few cars o Screenings that we offering sacks included, or $24.00 i Mill. We are also offering $23.00 per ton, in Buyer Terms Cash Business bhours 3 a m to & p m TERMS ; Cash Only. ROB ROY MILLS, Limited ROB ROY (At the Middaugh House Corner) y, | _ PRICEVILLE ) offering Whole Screenings at in Buyer‘s sacks at Mill. cars Standard Reâ€"cleaned ffering at $25.00 {per ton, s24.00 in Buyer‘s sacks at MILLS, Limited No credit given to anybody No Town Delivery Terephene day No 4, night 81 All New and Fresh Fruits & Groceries Seedless Raisins...... .. 2 ibs for 30c Figs, Dates or Prunes .. 2 lbs for 35c Assorted Mixed Peel .. ...... 40c ib Good Red Salmon...... 25¢ large can Golden West Baking Powder, large size, extra good...... .. per tin 25¢ Procure these Now for At Middaugh House Corner your Christmas Baking 3Dc Toronto to remain for some time. There are left some lonesome looking "chaps" around here. Rev. W Curran and W.G. Watson were in Owen Sound on Tuesday on church business. Mis Annabelle McLeod of the Durâ€" ham Hospital staff spent a few days visiting her father A. D. McLeod. Miss Bertie Aldcorn left last week for Moose Jaw, where she will reâ€" sume her work as nurse, Bertie‘s smiling face will be greatly missed around town. A. B. Mcbdnald spent Thanksgiving with his sister, Mrs T.C. Mino, oi Owen Sound. Mrs J. A. Ferguson of Mt Forest, and her daughter, Mrs â€"â€", visited her brother, Mr F. McKinnon over the week end. Mr Stanley Ferguson of Toronto, visited his parents rM and Mrs T. A Ferguson and sister Edna over the Thanksgiving holiday. Rev Geo. I. Craw of Springfield, ocâ€"| cupied â€" the Presbyterian â€" pulpit on Sunday. A united meeting of the: congregations of Priceville and Swinâ€" ton Park will be held in St Columba church Priceville on Tuesday afterâ€" noon of this week for the purpose of deciding on a minister. We underâ€" stand that two and possibly three have received calls elsewhere. , Mr Jack Whyte of Toronto spent Thanksgiving with his brother, J. G. on the 0. D.R. PA Mr and Mrs C. Gilby and family of Chatsworth visited â€" at D. H. MeDonâ€" ald‘s on Thanksgiving. Mr Charlie McLean came up from Shelburne and spent a few days here. | Miss L. McFarlane spent the holiâ€" | day at her home near O. Sound and | Miss Jelly at her home at Shelburne.. Mr Willie McKechnie and Mr Elâ€" ford Watters who have been assisting their uncle, R. Watters of Heathcote, have returned home. The Presbyterian â€" Sunday School purpose holding their annual enterâ€" tainment about the middle of Decemâ€" ber. Watch for the date and make up your mind to attend. \ â€" DPr O. E. Carr spent Sunday in Owen Sound. Glad to see Mrs John Burnet out to church on Sunday after her recent illness. Mr and Mrs â€"â€" of Toronto, visit: ed their daughter, Mrs John Oliver, of the O. D. R. after Thanksgiving. Mr John Stothart held a successful stock sale at the CPR stock yards on Friday last. Mr John A. McDonald, Edge Hill, was a caller Sorry that the newly established home of Mr and Mrs Wesley Heard, has been sorely afflicted during the past three weeks. First Mrs Heard, (nee Allie Harrison) had a severe atâ€" tack of quinsy and for several days\ was under the Dr‘s care before she showed signs of recovery. Wes was | stricken with blood poisoning, start-l ed from a scratch on his hand and| which has been very serious. He is: at present we believe, considered slightly improved but still far from ; well. | Mr Neil McLeod is also under the weather these days. Something unâ€" usual with Neil and we hope he may soon be around again. i Mrs Robt. Knox is spending the week with her daughter Mrs Mead. Durham â€" Road, while Mr Mead is taking in the Fat Stock Show in Torâ€" onto. Mrs John Renton and son Arthur of Dromore, spent Monday evening with Mr and Mrs John Aldcorn, kindâ€" ly enquiring after friends in the West. Mr J. H. Richardson is suffering from neuralgia in the face. The 20th day of November is the day appointed for a joint meeting of 11 onl unc c Mc Te .wms ;gé 1;;1'ceville and Swinton Park conâ€" gregations to be held in Priceville I wtwe Le slwinw a PE eeretnie it e o sece church for the purpose of giving a SWINTON DURHAM in town on Tuesday. VICINITY cal Ito a minister. These are troubâ€" lous times in that matter as in all others but we hope for satisfactory arrangements. Some of the Swinton boys attended the shooting match in Hopeville on Saturday last but so far we have not been invited to eat any fowl. Mr and Mrs Jas. Kennedy and litâ€" tle daughter from Shelburne, visited Mr and Mrs Jno Aldcorn Sunday last. We notice in our graveyard that two nice monuments were placed while we were in the Woestâ€"one to Mr Joseph Phillips, the other in memory of Mr Archibald Campbell, son ofMr Donald Campbell, now of Orangeville. There are also two new ly made graves this fall, both old people and long residents of this place, namely Mrs Hardy Sr and Samâ€" uel Kinnell‘s. "The Forester," organ of the I. 0. F., published in the November issue, _an excellent cut of Rev J. A. Mathâ€" "son, B. D. formerly of Priceville. He is a veteran member of the I. O.F. } The Forester says : Rev. Mr Matheson Eulogized Brother Matheson was born a little more than half a century ago in Boulâ€" ardarie, Cape Breton, N. S. He reâ€" ceived his early training in the Sydâ€" ney Academy. _ He is a graduate of Dalhousie College and later of Pine Hill Presbyterian College, where he won the degree of B. D. His first charge was in High River, Alberta, where he joined the Order, and served with fidelity and success for six years. _ Coming to Ontario he was minister of Priceville for over 20 years and financial Secretary of the Court there, until he moved to his present charge at Mono Mills. He is an exâ€"chaplain of the High Court of Central Ontario. He was unanimously elected to the Moderatâ€" or‘s chair of the Synod of Toronto and Kingston at its annual meeting in Octâ€" ober last. He is also Clerk of the Presbytery of Orangeville, a position that he has occupied for eleven years. Our Brother is a fine type of the village and country pastor, who seeks service rather than distinction and plays a very important part in mouldâ€" ing the character of the community and promoting that righteousness that exalts a nation." (Intended for last week.) Mr and Mrs Roy McNaulty and family spent Sunday with the former‘s parents, Mr and Mrs J. MeNaulty, Proton. 3 7L7{r Geo. Mason of Toronto, spent the week end at his uncle‘s Mr Wim. Mason. Miss Elsie Cook spent Thanksgiving at her home in Fergus. Mr and Mrs H. Crowell and family motored up from Brantford and spent the week end at Mr Angus McCannel‘s Mr John Wright spent a few days in Toronto last week. _ Mr. Geo Black has arrived nOme | from the West. |__Miss Marie MceCannel Sundayed \ with friends near Flesherton. \ _Our deepest sympathy is extended to the Parker family in their sad bereavement. l\ilSS Annie McCannel and friend of Toronto spent Thanksgiving at her home here. (This week‘s budget) A number of our youth and beauty attended the ball in Hopeville Wedâ€" nesday night. { Misé nMry McDonald of Dromore, is staying with her sister, Mrs Angus MceCannel. Miss Annie McLean of Wideâ€"aâ€"wake | Land, visited â€" recently at Mr Ed.| Heard‘s. i (This Week‘s Budget) Mr and Mrs Dan McArthur and son Stewart visited at Mr Angus McArthâ€" ur‘s on Sunday last. Mrs McKeown is getting alongy nicely, her daughter Sadie retnrning to the West on Saturday last. Mr;D(‘maId McFarlane has taken a slight stroke but we hope the patient will have a speedy recovery. Mr Earl Wilkins spent the week end visiting Priceville friends. A number from this vicinity attendâ€" ed the congregational meeting at Priceville Tuesday for the purpose of selecting a minister. Mr Allie Mclnnis, who is attending Toronto Normal, spent over the holâ€" iday at his home here. Miss Richmond, teacher, spent the holiday with her people in Chesley. Rev. Mr Matheson, accompanied by Mrs Matheson, visited Mr Joun Mcâ€" Arthur en route to Dromore where Mr Matheson preached | anniversary services on Sunday last. Miss Mary McCannel spent a fow days with Miss Marie McArthur. Our Good Roads are about at an end for this season. Miss Marie McArthur Toronto for a few days How the Carter Scholarship Originated The Carter Scholarships were esâ€" tablished by the late J. I. Carter of Sarnia. The scholarships were first awarded in Sarnia but were later exâ€" tended to all the counties in Western Ontario. _ They are cash awards of one hundred, sixty and forty dollars, provided by a fund left in the will of the late Mr. Carter. | It is entirey a county competition since there are three scholarships for each county. SWAMP COLLEGE THE DURMM REVIEW Geo Black has arrived home "THE GLEN" has gone to the week IN DAYS OF YORE 15 YEARS AGO From the Review fyle of Nov 19, 1908 Mr John Clark left for North Bay Tuesday morning where he will be assigned high constable duties in the new northern regions traversed . by the G. T. P. and will likely be absent for several months. HUNTâ€"In Durham, on Friday, 13th Nov. Mrs John Hunt, after an illâ€" ness of five or six weeks duration.| Mr Lawson of Vancouver city is! spending a few days in Varney vicm-i ity, visitng old frends and trying 10 sell the property of his fatherâ€"indaw, Wm. Smih, who has taken such a fanâ€" cy to British Columbia that he inâ€" tends to make it his permanent home. On Tuesday noon the 10th inst, the dwelling house of Donald McDougali, lot 45, con 2, SDR, Glenelg, was comâ€" uW & â€" P P TV SV y ET O2T. rea pletely destroyed by fire. By the time Mrs McDougall had noticed it, it had too much headway to be extinguished. s n es PC PRPDWTT RAURUICCE The wind being favorable the barn |; escaped without any danger. Under| the circumstances Mr McDougall was |. lucky to secure a vacant house on Mr Neil McKinnon‘s place alongside, beâ€" ing the late Mrs Jas. McDonald‘s. On uSnday and Monday, 8th and 9th, Hampden had gala Jubilee days when the past was recalled with lovâ€"| ing hearts and the future looked forâ€" ward to with confidence. Rev J. R. Craigie, â€" Toronto and Rev W. C. Dodds of Rockwood, both former pas~l tors ,conducted the Sunday services. On Monday evening Mr Arch Park had‘ the honor of the chairmanship. | 25 YEARS AGO From the Review fyle of Nov 20, 1898 Follisâ€"Mcelntoshâ€"At the residence of the bride‘s parents on Oct. 5th, by Rev J. Little Mr John Wesley Folâ€" lis of Owen Sound, to Maggie, eldâ€" est daughter of Mr and Mrs Alex. McIntosh, Dornoch. Mr John Lambert of Guelph has been in Durham laying cement walks for the Guelph Paving Co. _ He took to Guelph with him a sample of the marl from the farm of Messrs Mcâ€" Kechnie, 600 acres in and adjoining the town. t ol ce manl 20e oo ie UIPC ANTTCTCY Last week at Edge Hill Mr Joseph | Firth Sr. at the age of 87 killed and‘f dressed a beef without any assistâ€"!= ance, only to have help to hang same. The sale on Wednesday last of Mr H. Parker‘s thormghbred stock was largely attended, ‘the fame of his stock and liberal advertising bringing many from a distance. 39 head were sold at about an average of $60 each. The highest price realized for one beast was $150. The auctioneer was a Mr Gaunt from St. Helens, Ont. and was well read up in the various points of the good families. There were no fewer than "12 wise men from the East" present, among them being Wm Aldcorn who bought 2 head and Neil McMillan 1, both of Swinton Park : Jno. Watson, 2 heifers and A. Mcllâ€" vride, bull and heifer, Proton Station: A McCuaig and W. Nichol, each a cow and calf : And. Mellvride, Sr, each a cow and calf. Wm Mountain, Alex MeDonald, T. Scarf, S. Wrighl,‘ Arch. Hunter, Thos Mighton, each took home a cOW : Arthur Johnston, 2‘ cows : W E McAllister, a heifer: wWm. Scarf, 2 heifers : Harry Willis, bull calf : Wm McLellan, 2 heifers. Mr. Parker‘s enterprise in â€" supplying 80 many hgh class animals should meet with its reward. Warden‘s Salary Remains the Same. At Tuesday‘s session of Grey Counâ€" o tv Council in Owen Sound, the salary At Tuesday‘s session of Grey Uouu-‘ ty Council in Owen Sound, the salary of the Warden was kept at $200.00. Reeve McCuaig of Glenelg, brought in a bylaw to reduce it to $100, but after considerable discussion it was thrown out in committee of the whole by a vote of 16â€"7, in favor of amendment to keep it at the same figure as forâ€" merly. Mot_her Had to Be Parted From Baby Boy Little Jack is in a distant city. His mother is many miles away, and true to the old saying about distance makâ€" Ing the beart grow fonder, Jackie‘s mother longs and longs for a sight of her little man. Now if it were only a case of miles and dollars she might somehow or other come home occaâ€" sionally, but It‘s more than that. She hagvconsumptlon. hen she thinks of the once happy triangleâ€"mother, father and childâ€" its mighty hard to keep from tears. She won‘t let Daddy bring Jack down to see her, despite the tug at the heart strings. “N"L" she says, "Jackie 1 at DC L1DLt wat eanâ€" murt not ¢Qm& e mig" EL NeR sunption tooa." 50 .rad‘ \lFt-i vfi.‘fi his granémothor, Daddy works in & machine shop, and mother is feithâ€" fully ebeying doctor‘s and nurso‘s Orâ€" ders at the Muskoka Hospital for Consumptives. She hopes to be home for Christmasâ€"healthy and happy: Contributions to aid Muskoka Hosâ€" POsNCUs CC _UECLS samnt ts Hon Toronte. DF URABUDMEC~â€"~UTC 14 Wfaucltatea H Contributions to aid Muskoka Hosâ€" ital in its work may be sent to Hon . A. Charlton, 223 College@Sweet DON‘T HAVE Leave your order for a Stone BedWarmer Price $1.00 at The Variety Store COLD FEET Tyu8F4 8# LADIES ! SALE OF SPIRELLA GOODS "First Here, First Served", whlle] the goods last â€"any size, any price, any type. â€" Sale now in full swing of this secondâ€"tonone garment, _ Also a full line of Rubber Goods, from a car tire to a rubber glove., made by the Miller Rubber Co., now owned by the Spirella Co, Niagara Falls, Canada GENTLEMEN! | ormice: over 1. P. Tellord o6 "_â€"What about your New Suit? ) , 2 17. Ubjosie Regisay Once, °â€" / *‘ DENCK : Becond house south of Registrp Select Right Goods â€" Get Measured | _ 900¢ 6n east sige or Albert Bt. i Rightâ€" From Right Materials . |, OFFIOE HOURS A & |Â¥â€"11 a. m iâ€"1pa. 1â€"2 p. m | A full stock of import (guaranteed) | Talephone Comm mucaaga b»twe>a foe best Goods, also cheaper Canadian | 8 Residence at all nours. now in stock. Best of trimmings, made | *â€"â€"=â€"â€"â€"s4â€"eeeeey on quickest notice by the old reliable. | Lots of samples to choose from and "' L' SM|TH! "-B-' u-C. P-Sc right prices, ranging from $25 to $560, Office and residence, corner Countess We are Agents for the Stockwell & , and Limbton, opposite old Post Office Henderson Co., Dry Cleaners & Dyors Office Hours : 9 to 11 a. m., 1.30 to 4 of Toronto. Q' m., 7 to 9 p.m., Sundays and All Repair Work and French Dry hursday afternoon excepted. TR um ui l ol P t e e MRS. J. C. NICHOL, \| Residence Pariors, Middaugh Apart‘ts | &8 Cleaning Done *emmmmat ow e antraie J. C. NICHOL, Merchant Taitor ; DRS. JAMIESON Main entrance, Middaugh House, On@ | Qrricek 2â€"5 Afternoon door West of Douglas, the Jeweller | Houz®s: 7â€"8 Evenings a _ eenennmmmmmmmmmmmmmmemmmmmmmmermmmmmmeremmenames Except Sunday s Good house and lot, splendid locaâ€" tion in Priceville, owner obliged to w' c' P|CKER|NG, DDso Los sell owing to ill health. Position as _ HONORGRADUATE of Torono, keeper of Priceville Fox Co. Ltd. ) University, graduate of Royal OColl goes with purchase to suitable person. of Dental Surgeons of Ontario Roome For price, terms and all particulars Over J & J HUNTER‘S New Store apply to the undersigned., womnnnmnmmmnenes~ oo omm ome commmmnmmmmmmmnmemmmmmemmmmmmcnmmmmengma The Durham U. F. O. Live Stock s1te POst UIHCE, Association will ship stock from Durâ€" puuumummmmummmmuaammnememuererumem ham, on Tuesdays. Shippers are reâ€" quested to give thres days‘ notice. A- B- CURREY Clifford Howell, Manager DURHAM â€" AND â€" HANOVER Phone 92 r 1â€"1 Durham _/ Barrister, Soliecitor, Etc. Did you get your Britishâ€"American Gasoline toâ€"day? Sold exclusively by Smith Bros. Smith Bros. \_ Liconsed Auctioneer tor Co. (irey enerenmmrmmmmmmmmnemmmmmemmen mm * . $CPIDE, -Jdenn Amu‘e-q: for sales a FARM FOR SALE s?«?&m;.:;-“m&iuukflw | there, or to Céylon P.‘0 . will be promptly For $4000.00. 150 acres good early | sttended 4o, Terms on eppiication to farm, east half of lot 21 and 22, con. | D. MePHAIL. Ceylon 19, Egremont, fair buildings, plenty or to C. RAMAGE, (Durham of good spring water, *4 mile from | age Mr M«Pasil has a telephone in bis re school, 2% miles from village of Dro.| dence in Ceylon. more. \\'“l a‘SO S(‘“ ('I'OD and stock uzen mmmnnnmmenmemmmmmmmmemmemmemeemememeememmmrpmmeeeemmmen and implements. Apply on premises | CHIROPRACTIC or write | Comprising 100 acres, lots 3 of 9, and 1 of 11, Con. 1, W. G. R., Bentinck About 90 acres cleared, both fifties well watered. _ Apply to Mrs. Wilkie, 618 Christie St., Toronto. Lot $6, con. 2, W. G. R., 2% miles from Durbham, containing 86 acres. 70 acres under cultivation, balance in hardwood and swamp, bank barn with extension shed and stone . stables. 7 roomed house, brick with extension w L as RoP P TY h. ) doke tuintmenn id tds kitchen and woodshed, well watered by never failing spring at rear of farm, also spring feeding cement trough near buildings and cement curbed well at house. For further parâ€" ticulars apply to Lot 7, con. 21, Egremont, containâ€". ing 100 acres, about 85 acres under cultivation, balance hardwood busn. Convenient to school and on the premises is a frame barn 42 x 65 with stone foundation, concrete stables, also hay barn 30 x 50 with stone basement : hog pen 20 x 40. 12 roomed brick house with furnace, woodshed, drilled well with windmill and concrete water tank. . 30 acres clover. This farm is well fenced and in a good state of cultivation. Apply AT WATSON‘S DAIRY, R. R. No 4, Durham FARM FOR SALE t';;’;“'“é'm;'r";;-s'â€"-â€"l: El\orth part of Lot 7 and 8, con 22, Canadaâ€"unexcelle gremont, containing 66 acres, 55 Catalogue ] acres cleared, balance hardwood bush. | In a good state of cultivation : frame | C. A.Fieming, P.C.A. barn 44 x 50, stone basement, conâ€" Principal crete stables, drilled well and cement | tank at barn. cnmmnmmmemmnmmmmmmmmmmmmnmmnmmemmmmmmmmmmmmm Also lots 6 and 7, con 4, 8. D. K. | Glenelg, containing 110 acres, one| hundred cleared, in good state of cul-;DURMM tivation. On the premises is a brick nouse containing 7 rooms with frame woodshed attached, drilled well at m&m door, never failing spring making this a good stock farm. . This property ‘ will be sold at a right price to a quick gCIEI@@IL purchaser. Having gone into the dairy business, this property is too _ The School is thoroughly equipped to far away for convenience. . Apply at ‘take up the following courses : WwATSON‘S DAIRY, 1. Junior Matriculation R. R. No. 4, Durbham 2 Entrance to the Normal School8 NxOTICE TO FARMERS Is well known as the highâ€"grade School. Keen demand {or our Gradâ€" uates all the time, Write for cata logue. Commence NO\ Catalogue free. Yonge and Charles St=., Toronto ONTARIO ARC TORONTO FARM FOR SALE. FARM FOR RENT. HHILL, Varney, RR. No. 1 FARM FOR SALE . Priceville, Ont ANDREW FORD, | WILLIAM SMITH, R. R. No 3, Durham | J. G. HUTTON, M.D., C.MO. Graduate, University of Toronte Successor to Dr. Mair. Office and MAIN STREET, HOLSTEIN, ONT. Residence : _ PRICEVILLE Telephone 2, .r 1â€"5. Office and residence, corner Countess and Limbton, opposite old Post Office Office Hours : 9 to 11 a. m., 1.30 to 4 q_. m., 7 to 9 p.m., Sundays and hursday afternoon excepted. DRS. JAMIESON & JAMIESON n'ii&“fi?fl‘(‘iflfi"fiifil Burgoon _ Dentistry in all its vranches, O N :a â€" â€" ver Jaweliry stwe nd opp o site Post Office, HONOB GRADUATE Toronto University, Gra A@nate Roval Coliege Derial Burgoon Member College Puysictans and Burgeom J. F. GRANT, D.D.S., L.D.S. The Science that adds Life to years and years to life. Call and See us. Consultation Free. DRS. C. G. AND BESSIE McGILLIVRAY In Durham Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays Middaugh House, â€" _ Durham â€"»< â€" Each member of the staif is a Univ» ersity graduate and an exnerienced teacher. Intending pupils should prepare to en« ter at the beginningol the fall term. Information as to courses may be obâ€" \tained from the Principal. el| The School has a creditable record in iâ€" 1 the ?ut which it hopes to maintain in aâ€" | the future . \_ Durham is an attractive and healthy | town and good sccommndation can be _ 1| obtained at reasonable rates. DR. 0. E. CARR, B.A. for BUSINESS OR DURBAM Individual Instruction ensures raâ€" pid Progress. The Best Time to enter Our School is NOW. Catalâ€" ogue Free. DR. C. McLELLAN Office on Lambton St INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION permits you to enter any day at Enroll Any Day mounNnt FOREST ONT. Chiropractic Specialists W,. A. TRIMBLE, Principal D. McPHAIL SHORTHAND TRAINING P.C.A. G. D. Fieming 5 J +d t * * * \ Â¥ Â¥ &

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