West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 29 Nov 1923, p. 1

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VOL. XLVI. NO 48 More Radio Fan: Fanwel! Social Night t" Eyo-sight Specialist Coming Prm. It Kata, the noted oywslgnt muluwiml spo-ciulist of Ltstowet.rreit human and rwommvuded by thou- sands for his new work in rollpvlnx s.t..cisrFtt trumtrlr., rvv strain. headache v: , -v.-QWN@4 Hons”! men's Class Refused Grant to diam Sell eeemtter Won the blot nu». ll, ' be' whict'uaig. tilt-urn; KI‘I'VQ' Hahn ot N,vrr.tunhy and min-rs all ur- xni a tam months' wait. llrrve Smith of Shannw Lake “an! further and thought Hanover Hospital more or Irss superttuous seeing there was one in Durham. and declared Grey should Ho! be tt tsufferer from what he eaited “intertovn competition"! Reeve The- W of Hanover was the only mem- ber voting against the deleting tt. mendment, and had the nerve to this: Hanover M a more uyquale Hospital than Durban. 'ttttr"." alpha at n " quite " hung l Concert and Box Social il Irwr ream A sin Now M of Jt '0!” " In Land to Government fl J]! cw Brunswnc Well Done HIT Grain Prieetr--'ve m ttre for Oats. 55 to We to kit.- tor Buckwheat. for “was at our elevator Rob Roy Mills Ltd. Wanted. Apply MRS. R. LINDSAY W mbvr Review Art sis now tt nmnnn .s'oun all tu turn tl cCuaim t M r ht " rit Hanover Hospital svssiort of Grey Co. a m-rtain livelinvss w 'strain. new m. will that "urhant, Tu m- method , enjoying evening:- II be In: a x ammo-r, when tik " and received ', H w apply Hi try present da he l r hildre M r ”worm all tt Mer'addetr, thought to Box social The retain- McDonald Apply at No M rm among ot Christin v India! our ill hold I radio distant trurdr which it ‘rt kra " over tti h ly ‘u and Kali. will and arm vit the wont ol tho tl wilt I) H 'sl tl H ty LO,yr--A mink In: neck meet. Be Wald cfiered. To "ENT-in Lower Town, 5 rooms. all t'onvettienees. For immed iate use. Apply at Review omee. Photograph. Christmas rates now on. 15 photos on the dozen. Call early. i" F. W. Kelsey’s Studio Christmas Concert Dee. Mst Come to the Christmas concert on Friday, Dee. 21st at x o'clock in U. S. B. No. I. E schoolhouso lrvshmvnts. A Chance to Make $10 1'ts,ist thr. (‘nnsolidu tion No Partnership in Milk Business Last week we announcer] Messrs. Alex. McDonald and Firm-st Rum-bar ough as partners in a new dairy bus; iness In supply the town. Mr Rose borough has sitttte dropped out mu Mr. Mrllonuld will carry on the bus inteos himself. He eornnwnvywrl SPF vim- throughout the town on Monday Oddfenows Elect New Officers Gtwy Ludw- No. Hi!) l.U.().F, on Monday night, c-Irctc-d the following Monday night, vie-clad the lol onion-rs for the coming term: Gratur--C'ameron Lauder: Vice ---Robt. Whitmore: Rec. Sec'y Stonvoust-z Financial w%'c'y--- Klnner: Treasurer-- Rev. l Smith. r0 ing for the dent Men's Class Away to Good Start Tlt" Mvn's Bible Class in the v. . . an Star Theatre, which unopened for it; "inter months nu Sandal) aim" l-(L was w-Pl (thumb-d. Mm“! " x'in'r SI .11 Pres. Trail Rangers Organized The young lads of Durham Prestr.w to-rian Church met last week and for- med a Trail Rama-rs group, electing the lolluwing officers: Mentor-Hats old Mclemiv; Chief Rangor---Ste wart Mellmith: Sub Chief Ranger-- [mallard McComb: Tally-David Mar- shall: Cache-- Fred vollett. The boys range from 12 to 15 years of age and are a Junior group to the Tuxis boys. About 15 have already joined up and they will hold their meetings each Monday evening in the school- room of the Church. Has Taken M r. Wm. movtrd to town and took possession on Monday or the blacksmithing bus- mess. rvcently purchased from Mr. Ham. Allan. He has two sons and two (laughto-rs but only Mrs Burnett and ont' daughter came with him. as the other tlaughtvr is at Dundalk High School until Christmas, and the boys alt-v elsewhere nngagpd. They occupy Mr Allan's former.home, he and Mrs. Allan having moved in with his broth. er David. and will rn-main in town. We wolcmtw the linrnrtt family to our citizenship. iness. recer Ham. Allan 20 Years away Mr. Rubi. I following Review ir home. Al nearly 20 f rim its Jt snow yo-t. Thts taunt-rs are nearly all through thrashing : the grain is turnin gout well. whvat from 20' to 5!; bushels tun-r now. At least that is what they tell me as I don't get away from tho city often for it keeps mi' busy attending fires. I have been on the city's tire staff for 10 years and this you! to date we have had 108 runs though none of them serious." Appreciate: Rev. Mr. Cameron. Indium in A letZt-l‘ trom Edwin J. Reid, B. A..' of Cremona. Alta., has a reference to1 Rev. Mr Cameron. late Baptist pastor here. worth repeating: “l was privileged to attend col- lege with Ebenezer Cameron at Mc- Master University during the years vt96--ts99 and have heard him preach in Alberta several times during the Autumn of 1923. From my acquaintance with him, I can very heartily testify to his sterling worth and moral and social qualities. However Mr numerous specialty is hls splendid New Test-a.- ment sermons. I consider them the IO ill t-quul if not the superior to many of our city pastors earning high salaries. Hts exposition of New Testament tent-hing: will “any the most critic- " I would recommend him to any church desiring a-good preacher." li.. the hut-lu-r. A H'H’ inn-ast- series of topics is being planned the Winn-r. Ofrteers elwu-d tor term were R. L. Saunders, Provi- touch m tb rm were M. L. saunm-r James Lloyd, Secretary prs Mrs R. J. Mocutoad, Durham w in the house “ht-n I com" Although away from Grey for / L'" yrurs, the Review keeps me teh with Priceville and Durham Is. We have had one of tho hc-nutiful falls I have ever seen- mt like. summer and no sign ot Mm El ttitltititi, thtgittt): icvvill to the Kit he Consolidated Municipal I?.. a township Council may aw for granting a prize not $10 for the best kept road- front and farm house sur- in men public school suc- un zre-mont and Normanby Good program and re. Admission 25c and 150. Possession Burnett of Hopeville, ha nu! it 1traya.t altv Ll. “but“ i HI nasalu tuudiun i'u J. Reid, B. A., a reference to Baptist pastor rm: Nohlv Vice Grand out mm: the bus out] SPF Monday W ll Burl H d ot all is Death of Donal] McFarlane Tuesday, November 2ith, the end Cam" somewhat suddenly to the above gentleman. for itowas thought he was holding his own and likely to recover from the stroke ol one week ago. But death intervened and he has joined the majority at the age of 75. iJiridiia, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 29, 1923 Mr McFarlanv was a truv Christian ttcntleman, adhering strictly to all christian principles. In politics he was Liberal. Always willing to Rive a helping hand to those around him, of a kindly and hospitable nature,he was beloved by friends and neighbors and his memory will long be kept grew). P,esides his own immediate family, a sister will mourn, Mrs Jas. MeCannel, near Collingwood. A sis- ter Mary Ann died 15 years ago. Dundalk Boy is Grey Co.’s Member of Boys’ Parliament Very few Durham citizens were aware that tin-re was a Parliamentary "lcction on in town on Saturday. Pol- ling was held in the Public Library from 12.30 to 4 p. m. and the purpose was to elect a member to represent Grey County at the Boys' Parliament in Toronto. [ l 0an Sound also elects a member and there were two candidates in the re-Sl of (in-y County-Wilfrid Lock- hart of Dundalk of the "Advance" parry 2.1.(1 EImr-r Ctut of Thornttury, of tho "Ahmek" “My. Lockhur: is th-Cio‘d by a goo-l mejority, but we have nu! learnt! mu ftgures. 0qu properly rvgisterml Tuxis bop: mu! Trail Rawprs wmo eligihit' onlr properly rvglsterml Tuxis bop: :nul Trail Rawprs wmo rliglblv I? mic. Rev. bulllcld of Ma {Wr'l was I'.vturning'Otrur' 'r and thero Wow about Is? volt-rs on the printed list. " of tln-sv Wore Durham Tuxls and Trail Ranger lads and 32 of thum Ch" "veisvd their franchise Saturday. Th" vain stood 31 for Louhhart. t for Car:- in Durham. Cecil McLean war: Den. Kunming Ofrtcer and Irvine Sharp" Poll Clerk. The big human vote lulu-n by The big human votes tum-n by (ire). f'ouni.s"s m'w buy M. t'. may bo ('l'utlils‘d to his visit here last Friday vi,rht--the last arming of his (um- paigu. Lockhart, the new nu-mlwr is, Is or 19 years old, of propossvssiug :mpuarance and he made an vNevllen1 :0 minute speech to the Durham boys and frivnds at his meeting in the Methodist Church. He fully enunci- ated the platform of his party, and won hearty applause. Two other; liundalk lads who accompanied him. also made good speeches supporting‘ Illeir candidate. Albert Kress and' Irvine Sharp spoke in the discussion or the platforms. Dr. Grant, Mentor of the Taxis. H. Griff. Mentor of the Baptist Trail Rangers, Rev's Peters and Smith, Messrs W. lrwm and P. Ramage also were speakers, expres- sing their co-operation in the work of developing the tour-told life of our boys, and appreciation of the boys' addresses. The Boys' Parliament will consistl of 106 members from all over Ontarial This is the third to be elected. Ses-l sions will be held in Toronto on new 27th, Mth and 29th. The Ontario Gov't has granted the use of the Leg- islative buildings tor the sessions. The membership is divided on the party syntem, with Hon. Alan Van Ev- ery, leader ot the "Amek" party and Hon. Claude Gunthle, leader of the "Advance" party. The leader who has the largest number of supporters after the elec- tion, wil be called upon by the Lieu.- Governor, Dr. Day, to form a govern- ment. triiad in 1886 married Miss Mary m-n, sister of Mr John McQueen, m. and the union was blessed ive daughters and' four sensual! P mad" an vxc"llen1'i to lhe Durham bowl his meeting in llw: 1. He fully munci-' of his party, and‘ mse. Two other} h With which is Incorporated the Holstein Leader it _ Mr. Thos. R. Ilendorson, St. Georgo ‘ in sending subscription to the Iteview "rreatlits appreciation for which We (thank him warmly. He says : "W" ‘Vv'OUld not like to be without the llc- 'vivw. This. subscription will almost 'complete a twenty tiv" years' sub- 'iscyiption as we will be married twen- ty iivv your-s next June and have only hum without it tin- fipst few months lot that time. We are much interest. :(‘d in the [N'Olllt' and the doings up itlwrn. vspeeiully Yeovil, liromorv and ISwimon Park, those being our birth Imam-vs, but Hoisteih, North Egrumon' iand Priceville arv almost equally in- Item-sting. We would indwd miss the ',"PricevUlo and vicinity" news." coal hon Moorhead Trinity Church Guild will hold their annual bazaar on Saturday, Dec. 15th, in the Public Library. Fancy work, home made baking, candy and vexe- tables. Donations will be thankfully revolved. Red Cross Bazaar a Success Trinity Church Bazaar The ladies of the Red Cross Society held their annual bazaar on Saturday last above McLachlan Bros. Grocery Store, and all afternoon were busy exchanging all forms of hand and fancy work for perfectly good money. Afternoon tea was also served and at the close of Hit day's sale. the India-a mre the richer by about $300, xhiclt was 'rratit.viug to them. The b'uan.‘ was not on as large a scale as the one held last year and the ladies con- sider this amount well worth their of. forts. Very little was left undisposed 25 Years' Subscription Royal Winter fair, Toronto, Attracts large Numbers J. B. Rombough of P. E l., but form. erly of Durham, a Fox Prize-Winner The huge Coliseum Ahat in National) Exhibition time is given over to Gran-ll Opera performances, is now used tort performances of turf drivers and it is‘ here that the horse is king. Motor cars may supplant this animal on the1 thoroughfare but here the motor car takes a back seat, as any one who pet-uses the daily paper, will note that a seven passenger ear is humir led to the dust when Miss Dorothy Wood, the daring Edmonton equest- rlenne, does the thrilling act of land- ing clear over this car with her twol equities! There are also exhibitions of hurdle jumping that keep the and-Il ieneu in one round of thrills and the ‘musieal ride of the Royal Canadian lDragoons is an ever popular feature. , Flon'ers. fruit. dairy products. hon- iey. chickens, etc.. ete., etc.. and in, fact everything that one ever thought, iot', could be found here, and the big: crowds that visited the Fair daily is} 1 ample proof of the hold the Directors) EM this Fair have on the people of the; (Province-the farming community irli l, particular. l l l'nder the Grand Stand in Exhibit 1 lion Park, there was ever an interest- 'ed crowd to view the foxes that wen" there to be admired. Here We Were Ip"'tts.ed to meet again J. B. Rom- Ibough. a former Durhamite. but now of Charlottetown, P. E. I. Mr Ronr ibough was the kindest of hosts while Ion our Maritime trip the past sum- " mer at his home, and of losing inter~ l est in Durham and its people he will ' never be guilty. Mr Rombough in- While in Toronto this werk a Ile- view t'eprv.sentative spent all too brief a snaco of time, viewing the sights of tlie Royal Winter Pair at Exhibition Park. with its many-sided interests. To do the Fair Justice it should hr given unlimited time --and that somv. If there happened to be a cynic visit the Fair, they would leaves the grounds with a changed imprts- sion {ind would realize that Canada's status as a nation was vxetnplititsd here it' no place vise. FOR on our Maritime trip the past tiurll' mt-r at his home, and of losing Inter- est in Durham and its people he will never be guilty. Mr Rombough in- forms us that in December. he with Mrs. Rombough, will leave P. E. l. to reside in Toronto, though still retain- ing his in the Island There Were 36 different exhibitors, History of Grey County i at the Fox Show and three quartr'rs) it is interesting to know that the‘ or these were from Prince Edward; proposed History of the County ol Island. There were four classes 0:1“er is making progress. The Cont.', foxes exhibited,--bltecks,'dark Silveru mittee in charge consists of Reeve} medium silver and pale silver and t Currey of Durham, Co. Treasurer: in each class. Before any of these John Parker, and Sheriff J.S. Wilsoni foxes are exhibited, they require to be; It will be the part of wisdom on thisi registered pedigree and to mark their _ Committee to "make haste slowly” so registration each fox bears :1 tattoo as to collate information of each dis. mark from the Dom. Government. At _ trict impartidily. probing every likely time of visiting the Fair, the judgimz' source ot historic information. It is was not all completed but then Min. expected to put a book On the market 1tyet,1!.r,1,1, had received second for; containing about 600 pages. the retail his medium silver. All P. E. I. stock price to be between " and " ttl came to Toronto in a special charter- is the purpose ot the Committee lo" ed car, which cost the breeders alone makencanvus of the County through ”200- the dltterent school sections and tea. Another corner in the Fox Exhihi- chem. one copy being given free tor tion was held by the Pricevilie Fox a certain number of subscriptions. Co. under J. M MeGittirrar's mannge- Canvas: will be made probably be meat and “I” was the centre l fore the January session and a report mtuty interested visitors. [will be given " that time. um.-. Another corner In the Fox Exhibi- tion was held by the Pricevllle Fox Co. under J. M McGimvny's manage- ment and also was the centre of many interested visitors. L SALE. heaters. Durham interests in Fox ranching at T we V Apply I sat to M stove s It. Miss Winnie Blyth of Varney spam over the week end with the Misc,rus Willis of Allan Park. 'C"aTc"aiTriTi."iirirairGTT .r2.1 ' ..WrA v J Mrs Walker ot Orangeville, was a guest for a few days last week with her sisters, Mrs Thos Brown and Mrs Will Clark, and brother Mr Jno. Here ry. till" left to visit her sister, Mrs. Thus. Keith. m-ur Holstein, below 1-1-- turning. Mr Walter Marshall returned to his home here last week from Alberta whore he will spend the winter. Conqraulations are extended to two anlinck young people, Mr Jamos Langrill and Miss Mary A Donnelly who on Wednesday last at the Man odist Parsonage, were united in mar- riage by Rev. J. E. Peters. The hap. py couple .left immediately on the aft- ernoon train for a week's trip to Tor- onto and other points, returning this Tuesday night. Miss Jessie Derby of Niagara mull-- Lalirn spent a few days rum-nth with relatives at Varnoy. Mr Eddie Allan. sporting editor ol the Mail & Empire, Toronto, paid " short visit to his parents hen- the brs ginning of the Week, and rem-wad as o,ttaintance with a numbvr of his I'm-- mei' school chums. Mr David MolGu'vey of Durham, unnuuncvs the ongugvnwnt ot' his fourth dunghu-r. Alice May, to Mr. Victor Emmanuel Noble, son of Mr. and Mrs Geo. Noble, Je marriage to takv place flt'st wvek in Dvovmbvr. Mrs-W. E. Clark ra-turnvd Tuesday after visiting Toronto friends for " few days. Lauder, who, tomorrow, Nov. 30th, is c-nterimt into matrimonial relations with Miss Blake, a Toronto girl, who has visited in Durham. His friends here wish them hon voyage through life. Congratulations to Mr. Wm. Lauder youngvr son of Mr and Mrs Thos. G. Mr and Mrs John Henry had the pleasure of vtttertttinintt Mr Wm. Sharp ot Hampden lately. He was quite low last summt r but is making a surprising recovery. Mr. Thos. Scarf is in Toronto for a week with his brother Wm. and a visitor to the Royal Winter Fair. Mrs. John Burgess is to-day, Wed- nr-sduy. attending the wedding of Miss Gladys 'l‘uckvr of South Glenelg, to Mr. Joseph Dixon of North Egremont. Mrs H. Morlock and daughtt-r. Miss Jean have been spending a few days in Toronto. Death of Mrs Marg’t Andrews I Q The deceased lady possessed a ikindl.v heart. and was an ideal neigh- ibor, being hold in the higlwst mate-em (by all. She was a member of the {Methodist church and her pastor, Rev. J. K. Peters, will conduct the 'mortuary service on Thursday at 2 n m nm-inl takes place in Durham The last summons came on Tues/ day morning to Mrs. Margaret And-i rows, rolict of the late James And-l wwa. at her homo 2nd con., Git-hem.i She has been in poor health for near-i ly twenty yours past, but in recent months her condition became morn serious, and hvr ailments brought on: heart trouble, with its fatal ending. ', Her maiden name was Margaret She‘l'woml. ' Over Nil years ago Mir-' was born in Ireland. coming to Cun- ada at 3 yvurs of age. The family settled near Lucknow and on hm- marriage to Mr. Andrews 55 years ago. they settled on their present homestead. Her husband died Aug. 'tth, 1905, and threw children. now all at home, survive boar: Wm. and Mis- ses Lizzie and Mary. the lauvr tt tear-her but home with her mollwr also since summer. Three brothers and one sigh-r also survive, Wm., Petey and Sumuvl Sherwood near Lucknow and Mrs. Wm. Hutcheson of London. p. m. isuriat takes place Cemetery. one sister also " ? " e W 2:. W ru is an _ among "i, ct,','.'; tr. S. MCBETH D " BURKE “ (' 'sa:a:a:aa:aat aa:asaaa:saaati.aar"av' w White Pine and Spruce Compound W Roberts Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver Oil w. B Ickley's Bronchitis Mixture Wamp w Lyman's Emulsion Cod Liver Oil Free! Freer. Free! GOLD FISH (Aeolian Quartette) Under I. 0. D. E. Auspices There will be given a grand opportunity to hear on é? ,i such high class talent as is seldom the privilege to be heard in Durham. Such artists m; Grand Concert Miss Agnes Aidie, Soprano William Baker, tenor Miss o. Ryan, entertainer irttt-i:e.itt:'Ft tF.tt.6.t.tt6tttht ONTARIO ARC TORONTO Saturday, Dec. lst to Saturday, Dec. 8th with every purchase of 500 or over of any Nyal. Rexall, or our own Preparation with every purchase of $2.00 or over of CHRISTMAS GIFTS We have the finest selection of “Gifts for Kvei'ytoi5 including, French Ivory, Ebony, China, Cut Glass, Work Baskets. Books, Smokers' Sets, Safety Razors, Fountain Pens, Thermos Kits, Phorwgraphs, etc. Christmas Cords,Seals, Tags,Ttnsel & Bells in abundance Buy early and secure the best. McFA00EN'S DRUG STORE Admission to Town Hall 50c. Plan at McBeth's Drug Store Timely Remedies for Coughs and Colds Weeks' Break-up-a-Cold Tablets Cascara Bromide Quinine Laxative Bromo Quinine Published Weekly " $2.00 a $2.50 a year In advance. Wednesday, December 5th " The Store with the Stock " 2 Gold Fish and Globe Free COUGII SYRUPS we will give election of "Gifts for Everybody' Ebony, China, Cut Glass, Work s' Sent. Safely Ram-rs. Fountain year In advance. To (him! sum. C. we]: a SON. Publishes" Miss Eileen Law, ccntralto Rupert Lucas. humane Bertram Brown, violinist up. Warhpole’s Cod Liver Oil All scum reserve d Phéme 21 . V ' a J C" ‘, a m

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