West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 29 Nov 1923, p. 8

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NOW is the time to buy your Below we are quoting a few prices : Wo's 4 buckle Jersey cloth . . . . . . Wo's 3 buckle Cashmerette . . . . . . Misses' 3 buckle, sizes ll to 2. . . . Child's 3 buckle, sizes 8 to 10 . . . . Repairing a Specialty V Eat Bread. Eat Bread- :Eat Bread Eat Bread. BANK OFMONTREAL Bread GOOD BREAD -tht- loaf that's all bread-from ItiEN0EPS0N'S BAKERY . - JOHN McGOWAN Sovereign Flour, Eclipse Flour. White Lily Pastry Flour Wheat Cereal. Rolled Oats, Bran, Shorts, Feed, Flour. Oat Chop, Crimped Oats, Mixed Chop, Mixed Grain for Poultry Feed, Blatchford’s calf Meal, Pig Meal and Poultry Feeds . Our prices are of the best quality and our Flour is guaranteed. Our prices are right for spot cash. . Highest Price new for any quantity at when delivered at the sill. Iheeds delivered every day. Phone No 8, day or night The People's Minis The service of the Bank of Montreal is as wide and comprehensive as the postal This service enables. customers living in remote districts to transact their banking by mail as satisfactorily as if they could make personal Holstein Branch: W. A. REID. Manager. Every Day Bargain Day is your Best Food-Eat more of it. There is no food on earth so tempting when it's really pure and wholesome like THE PEOPLE'S MILLS Write for our folder, "Banking by Mail." . ytciLRAl'N, Durham Established over 100 years Goloshes M akv raj-(‘3 (ERR BFl7Gf The Cash Shoe Store Mx------; Jam ! adl. ”-with Milk! ad by itself! or with anything at all! time 1 AT with Butter ! Durham Mr and Mrs Chas Duncan ot Conn, mined " Mr and Mrs Jno. R. Philp's on Monday. _ _ - Msss Floyd visited with Me and Mrs John Weir of Brannon over the week end. Mr Koch. accompanied by Miss Ed- wards. motored to Strattord tor the week end. H OLSTEIN LEADER Mr Join lanai-y returned to. Tor- onto by motor last Thursday, accom- panied by his sister, Miss Elda Man- - '. -- - --t. I'm-“- '1 ---â€" ___- _ ary, who intends spending a week with friends in the city. Miss Jean Morrison Is now in Tor- onto as delegate of the Holstein Br. of Women's institute. at the annual Convention of Women's Institutes. Mr R. J. Arnlll made a busineSs trip to Toronto the firtst ot the week. ..... .- M. Mr Earl Bunston. Mr Albert Stur- rock and Miss Ada Manary motored from Toronto Tuesday, where Miss Manny has been visiting tor the past month. F1 Mr and Mrs Wm. Coburn ot Mountl ; Forest visited Mr and Mrs J. R. Philp on Sunday last. Mr Ed. Pratt has moved his well drilling outfit to Mrs Petrie's, after getting water in bed rock at Mr Bert Itretmer's at a depth of 185 feet. The shooting match on Tuesday was enjoyed by all who attended it. Those who secured fowl with the shot gun were: For Geese-Geo. Seaman (1). John Brown (2). Duekts-CGeo. Brown (1. 2 and 4), B. Nelson (3), John Brown (5 & 7), H. Lamont (6), Ducks got with rifles-H. McDougall ll and 2), E. Sharp (3), N. Schenk Ci), Geo. Peters (5), J. Blythe (5), H. Finder (7). Anyone who wishes to shoot for geese or ducks with the rifles, up to 32, on Saturday afternoon may do so up in the Park. G. Seaman The young people of both churches met in the Presbyterian church to reorganize the Community Circle. Mr Robt Haas called the meeting to order and stated the object ot the meeting. Mr Wm Thorne was elect- ed chairman of the meeting while Mr Bert Eccles was appointed Becre- tary .The following ottieers were elected : President-Bert Eccles Vice Pres.-9Hss Florence Main Secretary-Mr Koch Treasurer-Mlm' Davidson Group Leaders: Misses F'loyd and l, Thorne, Messrs Hubert McDougall . and Merton Reid organist-Miss Rose West Special Music Com. :Mr Koch, Miss Edwards, Miss Thorne and the Pres- il, Ment. . " was decided to hold the meet- LOCAL Mo PERSOIAL; l The beautiful moonlight nights or Ilnst week, although so entrancing. Hailed to produce the desirable effect Ion the loves and lovers of this com. lmunity. No "swanky outfit" was seen {or heard sporting on the fresh gravel. 1Maybe they are timid in the awe-in- ‘spiring presence of the man in tho :moon. But We'll see what the even- ings of next week will produce. "lf you have tears, prepare to shed them now." Our friends on the road have all gone. But it. seems that fthere is a tugging at their heart istrings towards Orchard. That they lwo're loath to go has been seen by the snail-like rate the steam shovel Fi) been crawling. "Half-a-foot, half- ) aloot. hrdi'-a-foot onward I" " was decided to hold the meet- ings on Qllronday night as usual and the usual membership tee of 25c. The first meeting is to be held in the t..‘se-ment of the Presbyterian Church Monday evening December 3rd. Let us have a good attendance. Mrs R. Robertson. who has been spending the last two weeks in Toss onto, arrived home. She has been feeling better than she did previously We sincerely hope she will continue to improve and become her cheerful sell again. There are three big porkers at Kal- ar's ready for the hangers this week. Mr Adam Kellar is wondering it 1000 lbs of pork will carry him over the winter. or coursv he must not forget that there will be frying sausage, summer sausage and hoadclzeeso to be devoured. Mr and Mrs J. Stewart have been having a jolly time at Henry Brown's Pike Lake. Mr Stewart left with tho intention of shingling Mr Brown's driving shed for him. Pastor West had some good exor- cise when he trudged over the road trom Holstein to Orchard last week. His interest in the talks of this local- ity has not siackened. His friendly greeting in each home is welcomed. to be sure. Have we appreciative hearts t IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of Pte. Roy Ec- cles, who died in France Nov. 30,1917 No more you’ll hear the bugle call. No more the cannon’a roar; No more the shrapnel round you "all You’re safe on heaven’l bright ttttore -Ptther, mother and mm.- ORCHARD THE DURHAM REVIEW Messrs J. A. Ferguson and W. Mc- Dongall are lhe delegates appointed by our U. F. O. to attend the Conven- tion in Toronto next month. The loc- a) Club are expecting another car of screening. right on. Mfg: DE": Wm Grout visited at W Halliday's Ina: Sunday and attend- ed Letter Bree: chuxch. Miss Bessie Dmnmle rerurum'. "li! her home this week after spending a 'il tottrtight at home regaining her'y strerglh after an attack of tonttilitlttt and la grippe. l Little Willie and Alice. Iorimmiel have been sick but we are glad tol, hear they are getting better. l Billy Troup is alsn recovering from a severe attaert of qulnsy. l Mr and Mrs J. M. Robb and family; of Arthur recently visited at Flt-mingn Reid's. "; -Hiri/Mesdames, Bruce of Holstein visited at D. Bruce's last week and called on former neighbors. Mr and Mrs Gordon Legge, Kiteh. ener,were recent visitors with friends here. . __ Mrs Will Stevenson and little son are visiting lrlends in Kitchener this Week. Mrs P H6rsburg‘n returned home last wo‘ after spending a couple ot months visiting friends in Toronto. Mira McKenzie and daughter. Miss Audrey, visited at Mr Alvin Hopkins Woodland, over Sunday. - Wonder if anyone can explain the great noise there was to the east of us, late last Friday night. You might imagine we were in the war Bone and a YILCIH‘CG battle going on, to judge by the awful Bounds.. The fall of the beautiful snow, we had last week, has about all gone and we hope to have another spell of fine weather. Surely every one will get their fall work done up this year, having such exceptionally good wea- ther. At Owen Sound Police Court on Thursday afternoon last, Sinclair H. Gibson, proprietor of Holstein hotel, was fined $200 and costs, on a charge under the 0.T.A. in connection with the finding, on Oct. 30th, of a quan- tity of wine, over the required stren- gth, in his hotel. He pleaded guilty to the charge previously. The cases against the Canadian Wine Company, and the Ontario Wine Company, were adjourned. and Mag- istrate Creasor reserved judgment in connection with the two cases against (nth tt the companies. The po'nt ot Luv, which was very prominently [nought forward. Wu." whether tite Politw Court in Owen Sound had tho jurisdistion to try the case. Each of the wine companies was charged with soliciting, and with sell- ing. in the Canadian Wine Co. case Gibson, the proprietor of the hotel, stated that he could not. identify the traveller who had sold him the wine, which caused the trouble. W.G. Pete voy, a representative ot the company, was present but he objected to giving evidence against his own company. Mr G. E. Reynolds, of Falrymount Stock Farm, 2 miles south of Elora. and 10 miles north of Guelph, on the Harriston main road, will hold an Auc- tion Sale of high-class Registered Hereford Cattle on Thursday, Dec. 13th, 1923, starting at 1 p.m. There lire 30 head to be sold, divided into 25 lots. Ten cows. some with calves: ilve heifers and eleven bulls. Stork bred on Bonnie Brae, Beau Donald, Repeater and Majestic blood lines. Catalogues and tull information on up plicatlon to G. E. Reynolds, Elora, Ont., or to J. A. McIntyre, box 163. Guelph. Ont. Thursday afternoon, the Ontario Co. representative stated that he had called up Gibson from Mount Forest, and during the long distance conver- sation Gibson had asked him to send him a barrel of native wine in about " month. C. S. Cameron, K. C., coun- sel tor the prosecution, heid that us- ing the telephone to talk to Gibson in Holstein, was actually soliciting in Holstein. James Haverison, K. C. of Toronto, appeared tor the companies concerned. The cases required from ten o'clock in the morning until flve o'clock the same afternoon. Mr Cameron stated during thetrial of the Ontario Co. that he had infor- mation from the Department. that the Ontario Co. had now no valid license to operate in Ontario. The license produced by Topping expired on Ap- ril 30th last. but he stated that he had picked up this license supposing it was the proper one to bring. Mr Huverson stated that he would pro- duce a license. -Sun-Times. NOTICE: Came to my premises last week in August, a red steer. do horned, risihg two, with I white spot v shape on hoe and a few spots about flank and buck legs. Owen:- can have same by proving property and paring expenles. Fined $200 and Costs Registered Herefords by Auction . SOUTH BEND NOTICE DAVID BRUCE. R. R. No. 2. Holstein Malia-Handy Sandy McLean. after having nnlsho! ed his evening chores. and having ml his pipe, settled himself by the open Bre as usual. But instead ot perusing the daily papers, as his custom m. he settled down to an evening ot re trospectlon. Had he been a few years younger and less intirm, he would have detted ls much more violent storm than was raging outside tonight. But though absent in body, his very soul was down at the old schoolhouse. which) he had so ardently fought for. And know his son. his Donald, was in the‘ tchair tonight, as he had been, forty: iyears ago, advocating for another. l, So profound was his meditation that ‘his old and trusty trend, Donald Mc- [Beth, had entered and had begun to salute him ere Sandy was aware of ;another presence save his own at the '; tireside. "Sit doom Donald, sit doom" said" Sandy, his whole being now tense with excitement, "and tell us a' aboot the‘ ‘meetln’. And hoo did Donald due , Did he tell them aboot the time their [withers had tryin' to erect the pres- lent schule and kirks. and hoo they lwrought and Baeriteeeed themselves [many a comfort that their children 'and their children's children mlcht "ievelop mentally and tspeeritually as "reel as physically"? I'V“- -.- We-e---' _ ‘g "Aye, aye, Sandy, and that he did. 1He fair took ma breath awae wi' his 1 logic."' "And were there nae kickers then-9.1 Donald"? _ _ "Aye, aye, an' that there were, San- dy ma mon. An' they were kickin' waur than any mane cow that ever landed on Devil's Island." "Weel, weel, Donald an' dinna ye mind hoo thae same critters tried to droon our endeavors forty years gone by. The swamps." _, "Aye, aye, Sandy, an' what becamt- io' them? Diana ye ken 'I" "indade that an' I dae, Donald'. They wudna pay the extra tax, so they sold out. an' went away back we the bogs, makin' room for ithers. They did a, fair turn there. Donald. aye amir turn, only they didna ken it" "An' hoo was the best speaker o' the nicht, Donald ?" "Aye, an' it was the lad Donald.‘ ye’re ain balm. Sandy. He telt them all aboot evolution. Evolution, min" you, Sandy, that was the very word he used. He telt them that the Law of Life was progression; that each generation had its own especial duties to perform, an' he aye dwelt on hoo nobly their ialthers had dune theirs. Theirs it was to lay the foondution. An', he said, this building in which All, lie aulu, uun nun-u..." --- - we have met together the night is ill memorial to their integrity. We wha are gathered here the nicht or at least maist o' us', he said, ‘represem another generation. An' oor duty is gnot to lay the toondation--that has Kalready gallantly been dune, even at in sarii'eece which we in this genera- ition can scarcely conceive of. We are howsomever asked to build there- on. This is 00r privileege; this is oor (solemn duty. An' can We who have ithe comforts o' life, be less faithful ito this, oor ain generation." "An' did the lad really telt them 121' that, Donald l"' i i "Aye, aye, an' that he did, Sandy.‘ ian' he teit them that jist sae far as ithey developed mentally an' spiritu- Vally. in Jist that proportion werethey superior tae the brute creation." l "An' dinna ye ever recognize any li; micht be forty-second cousins o' (the brutes. Donald T' "Hoot mon, Sandy; that's no for ‘me tae say" replied Donald. vainly {trying to hide a humorous twinkle or ithe eye. "it disna' always pay the Ethink owor loudly, Sandy, ye ken." i "Aye, aye, I ken weel your meanln' i Donald, but for a' that, we dinna want lony o' oor balms or 001' neighbors' ‘bairns. kith or kin o' any brutes. Sae iwe'll keep the pigs in the pig-pens, lan' oor bairnies in the schule, eh. i Donald J" I "Amen, Sandy, good nicht." l --Taxpa.ser, S. S. No. 3, Egremont The Holstein Livestock Shipping No sociation has been reorganized and will commence shipping on Tuesday, Oct. 23rd, and on following Tuesdays, as can be arranged. Any one. having stock. hogs or lambs especially please notify 1 Pure Bred Jersey Heifer calf, months old, vligible for registration. J. D. ROBERTS. Holstein HA“) POWER MILK ING MACHINES The purchase of a hand power Milking Machine is the secret. I handle the McCartney hand-oper- ated Milking Machine. also the Page Hand Operated Milking Mir chine. Easy to operate, easy to clean. Prices right. Call and see them. GENERAL REPAIRING SpecIal attention to Cream Sep- arators. Horse clippers and tool: sharpened. Saws trupmed. DURHAM MACHINE SHOP (Nearly opposite Pout omce) F. W. Icon, MachInIu, cu. Enjoy a can Cht ANDREW HUNTER, Shipper FOR SALE NOTICE . oNTAriio ARCHIVES TORONTO Very mild weather sad in“ We- The Provincinl Highny from R. Hollows corner down hnlt n mile tte. low Ground. is shut so deplorable a piece of road as one would care to venture upon. The present Minister of Highways', could well attord to sit at the feet of Biggs and get n few practical pointers on road building. Miss Florence Mclh'rlde left on; Monday tor Stratford Normal School, tstwintr recovered fairly well from the, injury she received to her knee capl " fortnight ago. _ l, Mrs Andrew Stewart went to Fer. ‘gus last week to see her sister. Mrs. Jas. Reid in the hospital there who is reported to be very low from the mot. or accident she met with a. month or m..-." home are held out BO ago. will." - tor her recovery. Mr Henry Dunn! head ot cattle " any [or "In '_i'mr'"'"e' Mr Henry Damn: carries a Booo . head of cattle " any time but when , he went past the other day with, m , the neighborhood of 30 head of line 1 feeding bullocks. he carried an unus- ually line head. We did not and out I whether the tine bunch ot cattle were j purchased from Mr Ins Lawrence but possibly so, as Henry thinks there is no one like Jim. 1 That those premium notes made use If by most Fire insurance Companiesl ‘can be made a very real and binding1 ie,e,t,t,',n is forcibly brought to the} attention of all policy holders in thel Howlck Mutual Fire insurance Co. oi" Wroxeter, notices having been sent' out lately for an extra 10 per cent 'lil put the Company on a good te"1tll basis. When the real facts of the; greater part of Insurance Companies] are known, there appears to be con- siderable fltNB in most of them and {policy holders do not get the square' ' deal they are entitled to. " Pastor Burnett's sermon was a very thoroughy thought out and inspiring rj, one on Sunday last, taking as his text ie,e.t1',"ee",",', 5: 6, “The Lamb in the “midst of the throne. Lack of time iprvvents us from from further com- _ mvnt. Mrs Elgin Wilton visited her cous- ins. the McArthur i‘amiy in Egremont a few days last week. Mrs John Sharp. her daughter Myr- tle and baby son, Wm. John ot Hamp- den, visited one day last week with Mrs D. Mellvride. NORTH EAST NORMANBY Mr and Mrs spending a week ere, in Detroit. Mr Elmer Pee, Mrs .Thos Stewart. Mrs John Morice and son Murray, visited last Thursday with Wittiam+ tord friends. 31.me CORNERS Rev. Mr Burnett called on a num. ber of families on this line last week. Mr. and Mrs Wm Adlam and family of Muiock, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs Geo. Sharp. Miss Elsie Grant of Durham High School, spent over the week end with her cousin. Miss Margaret Watson. Ask Conn to Markdale Road to be County Highway Chicken picking is the order day. Mr Wm. Sharp of Hampden who has been seriousy ill in recent months has so far recovered as to be able to visit his son George L. An Important piece 'ot legislation was urged try a deputation at County Council last week, favoring taking o. ver as a County Road the township lines between Proton and Egremont and between Artemesia and Glenelg. between Conn and Markdale in this County, forming a link between two Provincial Highways: the Guelph-AI. Sound one and Toronto-Owen Sound the other. The Council viewed the plan with favor. and if the Provincial Highway Department will assume it as a Provincial Highway, and the townships concerned do their share, it will go through. Reeve McEachern or Egremont was spokesman for the delegation from his Township. A few members were fearful that it this were granted. there might be similar requests. but no similar situation ex- ists in the County. The County Engineer was Instruty ted to prepare plans and 'speemeations tor Dromore bridge, and advertise for tenders. Breeze re House of Refuge. Ihtve Currey of Durham, at Coun- ty Council last week, caused a breeze that blew towards the House of Re- tuge at Markdale, by presenting com- plaints made to him by an inmate. Some of these had been investigated before, and the person making them some thought was not to be taken too seriously. A reiiolution was passed "That complaints made against pro- fane and insane persons being admit- ted to the House of Refuge be refer. red to House of Refuge Committee." in the discussion it was the general opinion that Manager and Matron were doing good work. Another point all were agreed upon was that the medically unfit should not be admit. ted to the present House of Refuge.‘ Reeve Taylor of Osprey made a sage gestion that before long a home for teettteaninded might need to be ea. tabtttthed.- FOR BALE-North put of 1m 10. con. M, Egremont. Apply to In. J. C. Pairttatrtt, Romain. Ont. .. nry LII-un- w.“ cattle at any time but when‘ past the other day with, m hborhood of 30 head of tine Dullocks. he carried an unus- a head. We did not tind out the tlne bunch ot cattle were d from Mr Jae Lawrence but Small hopes R. R. Watson are or so with his broth. Mrs .Thos Stewart, of the 'ii'iiiiGitieit “and: [“11qu ter which Chaim“: , mm made his address his appreciation to tt smote for their hosl which were typical ll The Mall ot t bro! ence were succ to the erhood o - --- “m f Fieldl.” . A violin solo try Mrs G. mrnnston. acmmpmied by mu ere w. taught the audience. and received n hearty encore. The soloist exhibited i great skill one! mate in her pinyin! of Ist-otmdts, and in nitertilne follow!“ lamented notes, and merited the " i, plause which was given. [in Touch. lteacher at S. B. No. M, an. I 00h. accompanied by Mittte Agnes Benvick land was also encomd. - In i?tr,tt"e?, sue nether - lob. t which was heartily ”pl-Idol. Other \popular numbers Were III! - l Bunsion‘s solo Ind I vial“ an by l Mr W. Small, heartily mount “at! tl the close. on request of Dr. Jamison " M. P. P., Mr Wm. Rumm- gnve n pr l‘trlotic selection‘The Veterw'l Bone." . This comprised all the mullet! part tor the evening, except that during the ‘gaiherlng of the audience. there were / phonograph selections from Mr Rom. e ‘ Taylor‘s true instrument. - .. --.t.- --- nr. ll':l| --- his appreciation to stitute for their ht which were typical The Ideal! ot t b: ence were " to the erhood we _ kn; up tin 1:31 by Col. M.r. r., su- ..-... - Lriotic selection "The Veteran's song: This comprised all the mush-l part of the evening, except that during the gathering of the audience. there were phonograph selections from Mr Kohl. Taylor's fine instrument. The feature of the evening was Dr. Jamleson's speech. who expressed his pleasure at the object of the - ng. He gave credit for the success of the hospital in no small measure. to Miss Fettes. the matron, sent from that neighborhood. He apologised for the absence of Mrs Jamieson ' who was largely instrumental in stating the effort for an Hospital. He made ‘interesting reference to Dr. Banting and others for their success by re- search work in discovering actual tor curing the ills of humanity. He made in passing some facetious remarks regarding local politics. and was re miniscem about old and famousstates- men. Sir John A. Xacdonald and Sir Wilfrid Laurier were mentioned. and another outstanding figure was G. W. Ross. the most powerful speaker he had heard. He paid compliments to Mr John A. Graham, the Secretary of the Hospital Board. who had helped iargelyin its success. Mr F. [min/was called upon and made brief remarks, emu-sing his pleasure at the opportunity to honor ‘the cause for which the meeting was leaned. ErmJohn A. Graham m glad to be present, complimented the chairman on his opening remarks, and Dr. Jan- ieson on his reminiscent contrfbuaiott to the evening's entergatnmertt. He had congratulations to the ladies tor the laudable work they have entered into. Dr. Sneath in tlttittg terms, moved a vote of thanks to all who had “slal- ed; it was seconded by Mrs Walter Hustle, President of the Society. and was heartily responded to. 'God Save the King' was sung and the audience dispersed, leaving I ttoe ttavor tor the next meeting of this nature. Russell Hall is admirably adapted for such double functions. A Women's Institute meeting will be held on Wednesday. Dec. 5th at tat p. m. In Russell Hall. A full at’ tendunce of all members and others in sympathy with the movement is urgently requested with a view to straightening up accounts. Over $125 was taken in at the bazaar and en- tertainment. t A meeting was held on Sunday ov- wing in the church to discuss the Christmas S. S. entertainment which is to be held on Dee Zist. Another meeting is called for Thurs. day evening in Russell Hall tor the landable purpose of reorganizing the Young Men's Club. whtch Wu so pop- ular and edifying last winter. Mr and Mrs Harry Lemon have ta. ken up residence in Mr Bonkes' house and in March will enter into contract with Mr W. H. Hunter. Mr and Mrs Wm.WeIln rejoiced last week over the birth of I. daughter. Miss Gladys Boole: visited her par. ems over Thanksgiving and took in the. service and entertainment " Dew more, returning to Toronto Tuesday. on a business trlp. Mr and ’Mrl Alex. HenderGsGis"i.: neyed to Markdale on Sunday lust 1$li'llhlllLgg,,, m-’-‘ io‘ Pte MO " 3. learn 3-in-1 - umgi--timrgt 't'htlridtdrhtat Restores normal breathing; Ito mate“- t.tttheri,tttrt ir, thy ham-El ' when. gives long nights l sleep; contains no uttit.foem: $1.00 " your druggisu. , chimp: fer, I__IEI£MI in lump: tor I generous ample. Templetons, 142 King West, Toronto. It A I " I A II EITEOOd ot n” W the torch" ucCrwe In "In DROMORE ltau. --' o the Women's In» hospital netivitsem al of mu century- brotherhood od Bet. summing; an!“ urn-rune town-I"- md merited the - given. Ill-I Toll“. No. 11, an: I '0”- Illss A511" tten-tck mther violin 00". My W4 Other _---_- In.- mute a? 89”.?" VOL. XLVI. 01H Wing Mei Marshmulhm are delicious. For Sale comm Ion. w oo lob Roy Grain PM paying 'tw. to 00(- lor on! for Barley. 7:3 to ture. for $1.25 to $1.50 for Peas nl this week. Rob Rm Hemah‘ch i,?2g 5 .iiit...j-oPllf Bum“ w ill Hay and Pie Soc House-maid Everyone W For ttte s0 in. Durham free ot mm m Wt his marina" Durham and. Money ot the no I! their I day. Dr It"! upoNsmau u pu-sligu ol I Dr. Lorne Robe Will Represe Mt u Gwen Se M ll tnt Mr Re Mot ll th, Mr pn-su-mh'lun. Whoa-at Porsihl sea had thus t Rum-z who h: "at indtttttry my In Girl l received the the prolonrvd "It undue! "In: K xvi! Atb' bu tt " Weil and Att I ll' mat Slum-n d Ott Prune! lh' M It and Pica! I ht tl " H te M II Sl Ma 3!“er pm" . In.“ at urn! Su- w u "it

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