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Durham Review (1897), 6 Dec 1923, p. 4

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Timber Wanted il MrFADDE , Baum Headway no": Cedar A Tamarack Track Tin Cedar Fence Posts Hardwoad Track Tic. /‘ l r q o ' . _ x l?. ' ll q Kt " posults _ijjltCi:jj,?siiii'llllltirSpiiltd " sa, lightning Remedy 7""00535, COL”. Wig For price-s and Information - to =cz:x-zz=i:=rxxzcr:c:==zz::z-z:-r=czz"="===== We carry the Largest and Best assorted stock of Men's Wear in town l N. IURDOCK If 32.21 want the best in Hosiery, Underwear,Ties, Shirts, Collars,Mitts Gloves. Braces. Arm bands. Garters. Suits, Overcoats, or any goods for Man. gin‘ us " (xiii. Our HATS & CAPS are now on display- a large stock Aiitiiiiii?ts mas AN!) SHIRTS. Nothing Mcer ' 'lNiiititiiil"ijiiss, GLOVES and MiTTti-htst mm is Needed (l , . , s1l2hrr" 3y. Hi)SiER\'- No Trouble to Select mm 7 (rab,fll.l) 'jdiLr'3t4t' Here is the Place for Ladies to Shop for Christmas Re l. Class. Special Ptictson 24 Ready Id: Suits "on! Now until Christmas. Everything Now on Display. Will be glad to help you select Something. Call and Look over our Stock. SUITS AND 0VERCOATS N's DRUG STORE. THE IDEAL MEN'S WEAR STORE The Largest and Best Stocked Men’s Gold tro Durham by 222:: an: . S. BURNETT' Minister of Runways & Canals Has Splendid Record Liberals Will Honor Hon. Gr. P. Cnham Irre Thsrir"tt Bahia In n-sponso to the express wish of a Large number of Liberals through- out the Province of Ontario. that Mom" tangible form of appreciation be shown the Hon. Geo. P. Graham for his long services to the Liberal party, and more immediately his splendid work at the League of Na. Thursday, Deeeanrer 6,1923 1 Figures are stubborn things to get lltmtM$ilrfm ‘OVPI'. Tht: are also excellent lhings ======S _ for the man who is honest enough lo l face tin-m. by I Tiw Canadian National Railway, 3 McBETH's DRUG STORE an institution cordially hated by the and Belts tion Assembly in Geneva, and the Ir.y w-rial Conference in London. " has brwn decided to tender him a banquet at tho King Edward Hotel, Toronto, on Wednesday. Dec. 12th, at 7 p.m. All classes of Liberals have receiv- od the suggestion with greatest en- thusiasm. A number of Cabinet Ministers will attend Ihis function and will take part in the program. To the slogan "Shop Early" is now added "Mail Early." The plea for "mail early" is made by the post of- tice, its clerks and carriers whose hardest day has been Christmas Day. All the world enjoys 1',hticruasDay except the employees of the big pas. tal service. They extract their re- ward in the cheer and the happiness which their calls on that day bring to thousands and millions. But there is no reason why they too may not en- joy Christmas day as others enjoy it, at home, in the midst of their own families and friends. All that is nec- essary is that we, every one of us, take the pains to mail our gifts early, several days in advance of Christmas Day. so that in reality on Christmas morning, there will be nothing left for the carrier to deliver. To mai learly requires no more dil- igence or energy than to shop early. In another day shopping was put oft until the last minute. The public ed- ucated itself out of that custom. It can and will educate itself out of mailing late into mailing early. SHOP EARLY: MAIL EARLY A BIG BRIGHT SPOT TREBURHAM REVIEW tCi mi. -isir net operating trroAt of the road. is nearly two million; grater than during the month of October. 1922. . 2. The net earnings ot the road tot 10 months of 1923 total 812,021,285. as cqmpared with a net ot $3,825,007 tor the same period or 1922. -srrii, net-'eamlnga of the month of October show a. train of 83,317,009 over the preceding month or Septem- Think of it. A road that could quite properly have gone under the auctloneer'a hammer; bankrupt. los- ing money by millions each and every year-that road bu an operation Bur. plus, and ls upproachlng the stage where it will take care of its own fixed charges. It is work like this that is going to put public ownership on the plane it should ocupy. We have heard for years that private companies could succeed where publicly owned con- cerns broke down, We are having a splendid demonstration in the Nation- al Railways that public owtyership-- minus public interference-can suc- ceed where private ownership was a miserable failure. The King Government did a good day's work when it went out and se- cured the services of Sir Henry Thornton and, having done so. an- nounced that he and his colleagues must be left alone. l. A man struck a match to see if the gasoline tank was empty. It wasn't. 2. A man patted a strange bull dog on the head to see if the critter was affectionate. It wasn’t. 3. A man speeded up to see if he could beat the train to a crossing. He couldnt Hot Fight Expected in Bentinck 4. A man touched a Hydro wire to see if the current was on. It was. 5. A man cut out his advertising to see if he could save money. He didn't. W Don't do these things--you'll rock the boat. The League of Nations couldn't Mop a Municipal Election in Bentinck on January Tth, 1924. Neither could those highly civilized and very hum- ane nations outside the League, Rus. sia. Turkey, Mexico and the Unitedl states, stop a municipal scrap now) that Trotsky of Russia is sick and Vii-i in of Mexico dead What's the reas- on ? There are two. Bob Brigham, the auctioneer at Allan Park, has his stiletto out for Reeve Hunt on ac- count of Hunt's action in questioning the accuracy of the auetioneer's ac- counts in connection with the Provin- cial-County highway between Hanover and Durham. Brigham has picked on Councillor McDonald ot Lamiash. near the centre of the Township, as the man to be chief executive officer of Bentinck for 1924 and represent 2,504. inhabitants faithfully and well. We would like to hear the war of words on Nomination Day at Lamlash. it _ will be some siamslasii. There will be lno armistice declared and hostilities i will continue in the Township of Mut- ton Hounds till five o'clock on Janu- lary 7th, 1924. . IN AGAIN, OUT AGAIN, ON AGAIN, ott again, Gone again, Finnigan .t--.. but we never quit the business. Iron and wood pumps, Tile. for WeiU--at reduced prices. W. D. Connor, Dur- public ones-slap people In Can- continue: to develop. Here are ',51'8?i7T5""7i, (Chesley Enterprise) FIVE TRAGEDIES lclntolh Br. Also a non course In Dnlnth to also home to see the “all mother. before she passed any. The sad news came on Monday that one] had gone to her great reword. Two? daughters and three sons were at her bedside to see their int ot a mother who had raised Ind cared for them through all ditBeulties. She was one of the good old pioneers. ar waya ready to lend a helping hand. Mr and Mrs McGregor of London, are spending a week with the tatter'ts aunt, Miss May Skene. I Mr Angus McIntosh and sister. vis. ited' tr1endts day. Ila]. Mr John Mcintosh who left Dornoeh when a very young man " yen! I80. returned with his wife td spend . few weeks with his aged rather and moth- er, who were more than delighted to) see their only son once more. 1 Miss Ruth Lowe and sister Jean. spent a day with the Dal-gavel family. Our annual Christmas Tree will be held in the church on Dec. 18th. A good program will be provided. Our next Institute meeting will be held on Dee. 12th, at the home ot Mrs. R. Ledingham. Members will please bear this in mind. Mrs C. Mortley returend home from Arthur after spending a week with her daughter, Mrs. A. Allan. Miss Ora Livingstone of Hanover. spent the week end at her home here. Mr iiiiii"iii, Andrew Park and daughter, spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Wm. Torry. iiiiiuai, butler spent the week end with Miss Arnetta Hazlitt. North Allan Park. nMr d. H. Torry spent'Sunday with Crawford friends. "in Wm. Reay arrived home Friday from Major, Bask. where he has spent the past tew months. "A number of the young people at- tended the Box Social at Pearl Lake on Friday night last and all report an excellent time. (Intended tor last week) Miss Annie Butler spent the week end with her friend, Miss Mae Byers at Lamlash. Mr H. W. Hunt attended County Council in Owen Sound last. week. m“. - """ '_V7 - wee Nth Oven Sound trlendt. the tter was s dnttqttter of In Alex. emu-h Sr. Also I Bon “we of Mr Jack McLaughlin of Brampton, spent a couple of days last week at Mr C. H. Rears. Miss Lenora Brigham of Hanover. spent the week end with her cousin. Miss Ora Livingstone. Mr and Mrs Jack Wells and son, spent Sunday at Mr Herb. Vollmt's, at Poplar Hill in Bentinek. Mr Frank Wise received the sad news last Saturday morning that his brother Edward had passed away that morning. Mr Wise left on the after- noon train for Battle Creek, Mich. to attend the funeral. We extend syn» pathy to the bereaved. A quiet wedding took place. in Dur ham on Wednesday, Nov. 21st, when May, youngest daughter ot Mr and Mrs David Donnelly, was united in marriage to Mr Jas Langrlll. son or Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Langrill of Hanover. The bride and groom left immediately on the afternoon train for Toronto and other points. Un Tuesday evening a reception was ten- dered them at the bride's home where a large number of their friends had gathered. The evening was spent in games and dancing. The presents were both numerous and costly and useful ,showing the esteem in which they both are held. We extend con- gratulations to the young couple. Mr and Mrs. Moses Walls of Hamr ver, spent Sunday at Mr Moses Don- olly's. good time. A number of the young people from here attended the box social at Allan Park on Friday night and all tell of a Death of Mrs Annie McIntosh A link with the past was severed in the passing Sunday night at the home of her daughter, Mrs J. W. Follis. o. Sound, of Mrs Annie McIntosh, in her 96th ypar. ' Braving all the hardships of pioneer life in the wilderness, when a trail through the bush was the only means of communication with the settlement which is now o. Sound, Mrs Mern. tosh came to Dornoch 67 years ago with her husband and small family. There they settled and their family was reared and there she made her home until 15 years ago. when she came to o. Bound to reside with mem. bers ot her family. The late Mrs McIntosh was born in Perth, Lanark Co. on April Itrt 1828. She was twice married her first hus. band being Geo Cockburn. Her eldest son Thos Cockburn died two weeks ago at Westport. Mrs C. McDonald is the only one surviving of three child- ren by the tirat mariage. In Cockburn, Ohio, the deceased was married to Alex McIntosh who passed away on Nov. 4th, 1898. By this union seven children were born to them, tour of whom survive: Mrs Follls. o. Bound '. Geo. McIntoch, Clo. quet, Minn.: Thos McIntosh. Owen Sound: Hugh Mclnmsh. o. Sound. The late Mrs McIntosh has had the full use of all her faculties nntll two months go when she began to fail rapidly. Her death came peacefully. She had 5 great grnnd children and " (and children " the tune of her demise The funeral took place Tan- day from the residence of. he: daugh- i; bwen Sound on Satur- ONTARIO ARCHIVb: TORONTO w-"_ "I.“ ter, U” Fottts ter h chm _.L_- M. D. W Bad Br rv-amine Mountain. We Donald You'?!'. Donald Young. Jr rv--- Haunt. Simpson. Irvine Storrey, Eunice Moon, Maud Kelley, Clifford Moon. John A. Gum. Principal Br m-Elsie Willis. Raymond Me. Girr, Norman Mellrnlth. Jean McKay. (Dave Marshall and Orville Saunders (Dave Ma equal.) Jr m--, Jr "_'"'"" ., Dorothy Pickering. (Gordon 11ch and Caroline Mitchell on). Moore Me Fadden. Annie C. McKenzie, Teacher -- m. Annie C. lichen: Jr m A-Willie Erwin, In, Violet McLeun, Gears mu Smith. Jr m B-Lawrence Wh [I]. awn-u. Jr m B-Lawrence Whitmore, Nel- son Lowe. Norman Becker, Ruby Hulme. Sam Glaser. Sadie P. MacDonald. Teacher Br Ll A-Norm" Dean, Wilfrid Mid. dleton, Dorothy Sherk, Meridn Hov- ens. Alex Caldwell. l Br ll B-Janet Watson, Clifford nic- Girr, Ruby Willis, (Frank Hulme and Jack Lauder eq), Teddy Elliott. Miss Annie Macdonald, Teacher Jr ll A-Annie Cmpbell. Genn- vieve Saunders, (Alice Nicholson and Donald Knight eq.), Helen Young, Lulu Mills. DURHAM PUBLIC SCHOOL Mary E. Morton', Teacher Sr I-Tom Caldwell. Fem} Green. wood, Goldie Glaser. Agnes Walker, Walter Neaves. Mull! “Ion-u. Jr ll B-Elsie Falklnshun. Kelso McCawley, Clarke Lloyd, Donnld Croft Annie Walker. - VJr b-Margaret Sibbald. George Ash. ley, Bessie Atkinson. Elsie Pinkerton. Frances Hay. THE PRIMARY CLASSES Senior Primer, Class A-Florence Havens, Lilian Collinson. Mona Me.. Donald, Catherine McCawley. Murmur et Watson. -ciririirLarttun. Koch, Violet Hind, Gladys Ritchie, Olivene Yirrs. Clan Jack. Class C-Eldon Whitmore, Katie leen McDonald. (Percy Murdock and Charlie Caldwell eq), Jew McLean. Lewis Whitmore. Donalda McEachern, Teacher Junior Primer, Class A--. Harold Trattord, Marion Moore, John Green- wood, Mary Pickering. Ross Wilson. Cldss B-LShiries, McIntyre. Clara Thompson. Jack Gagnon. Jean Rowe, Elsie Hunter. Class C-Morris Simpson. Gordon Graham, Bert Lawrence, Jean Murd. ock, Thornton Snell. - S. S. NO. t), GLENELG Class Iv-M. Hargrave, R McFad- den, J. Dunsmoor, A Amen. Sr I" -D. Arnett, R. Hargrave, 0. Hole kins, K. Dunsmoor, M. Hopkins, L. Jacques. Jr Ill-B. McNally, G. Hop- king. Sr Ii-v. Robins, E. Lawrence, E Robins, J. McDonald. Jr "-t. Robins, R Dunsmoor, M. Dunsmoor. C Hargrave. Sr Primer-C. Jacques. F' Arnett, S. Greenwood, D. Lawrence. Jr Primer-o Dunsmoor. G. Green. wood, D. Aljoe. C. McNally, o Ball, K. Dunsmoor. Pr A-R. Lawrenc--. M. Harrison, A. MeGirr, M. Brown. F. Kerr, Teacher S. S. NO. 3, GLENEDG Jr Iv-AJhristene Anderson', Doro. thy Ritchie". Armonell Glencross', Archie Greenwood. Sr IU-Lena Bell', Blanch Mekechnir", Dan Riteh. ie', Mae Bell, Dorothy Robinson', Dan Firth‘. Myrtle Glenerosp, Grace Paylor, Ralph Staples, Jack Andor- son'. " lil-Irene McKechnle. Mary Scheurman. Tom McNally'. Jr H-- Adeline McNally. Sr I--Alva Green. wood', Olive Allan'. Jr t--isabelle Firth, Mary Anderson", Ruby Stap. les, Jim Bell.. Sr Pr.--Davey Allan, Viola Neely', Daisy Street‘. Jr Pr-- Margaret Firth', Willie Glencross‘. Aggie Anderson', Gordon Greenwood. Pr A-Walter Street, Willie Scheur man, George Scheurman. Those present every day .. No on roll " Average attendanco tor November 31. 47. Iv-Beatrice Grasby. Allister Lawr- ence. Sr m-Catherine McLean. Jr. "I-Jean Clark. Corrinne Lawrence. Margaret McLean. Sr Ii-Myrtle Mc. Lean, Willie Legato. Jr I-Clarence. Ritchie, Herbie Miller. Sr Pr-Rhenos Clark, Murlel Brown, Cheater Miller. Jr Pr-Archie McLean. Sr IV-George Hopkins. Norman Rit- chie, Clifford Rofeborouo..' Jr IV-.- Allan Pickett, thuanan Roaeborough. Br m --Lawreaee Hopkins, Maypte Armstrong. Br Ir-Pearl Roscbmough Violet Armstrong, Tommy human, Maudie Picken, Elvin Vollett I; Reta Vollett ea. Jr Ir-Sicily Hopkros, Al. lie Hopkins. Jr I--Arnetta Manta. Pr A-Clarenee Ritchie, Irvine Web ber, Jim Armstrong. Pr B-Raymond Hopkins, Paw-on Vollett. Pr c-. Fred Rotseborougtt, Irvine Houninin " wife ehanseriiii Wouldn't We get thin:- done it the energy and entttttatanen expended at a base hell or football me were con- eentreted upon “nothing for the vel- tu'eotthemwty? w'.."' Arden Whittaker, Armetta McKechnie. Teacher Him A. Browning, Teacher S NO. ll, BENTINCK Lizzie Behtteter, Teacher M. E. LAMB, Teacher Goodchlld. Hind. Inn i. BENT. GLEN'G was md, Wil. rollett. Pr c-. Irving Mountain. Acheson, Teacher Clen Rave " 11ch Moore Me .he, Ia,--untem Milne. Nel- If - - - ".. I If. n d w Beter- ”a 1g W. M m ttm. all or their and. the W "" m. Andrewl- . 'Ihc annual I'M“ " the Green Grow ll. P. o. can - - In the “mum", on Wed-may um. The otBeer* "rointed tor the coming “(AA-II 1. MekMrr 1 Mr J“ .Whlunon w No. t, con I, I nonrandom Kttoqrtt property. Mr and If. Wm Mr Joe Dixon. weaned“ trt mom. Mr In. Med? the West on i Mr Rotrt JAM-u - In Wulkemn with " I Cane who II whiny Ill. Mr and In R. B. has recently married h the spendintt 1 tent an with and mother, Mr and In ence. _ with her mum. I" w. a. mum and In W. ”with of use Hill. In Alex. “he - n few days with her puma, It and In Dun Donnelly of Hutton mu. A number from this neighborhood attended the funeral ot the late Don. aid McFarlane of Buns-an. Mr Ch“. Weppler goes from the Club here u n delegate to theU.F.O. Convention to be held In Toromo. The Rocky llve wire: In sending Mr Stewart McArthur u n admin from their Society. The Edge Hill. Zion and Rocky use bnl num- Inland holding a ttttcial ov- ening " the home of Mr Ethos! Greenwood on Friday of this week. Mrs Mable Ewen and son Campbell arrived home looking hole and hearty after two or three months vacation with friend. In the Wetrt. FA" NI SALE Lots " and M, In. con. N. I). It. Glenelg. containing " norm. This property is in good stale of cuhivu- tlon,w ell fenced. plenty of good um. er. Convenient to school and church. For further particulars apply on tho property to the proprietor. Phone Durham. Min Julie '_Bell - I beg to announce to the public ty! Durham and vicinity. and mspet'ially the farming community, that I have bought out the we11-tstattlitstted black- smlth business, lately and for mam years conducted by Mr. Hamilton Al. lan. My long experience in this work in this county ts known to many and warrants me In promising satisfac- tion to old customers and as mam new ones as entrust me with their work. Home shoeing a specialty and all details of the business attended to. Yours for Servlce, ANNOUNCEMENT ! H Men's WORK SHIRTS twool) l ............ ........ $1.98 Men's FINE SHIRTS ....81.M [ Meu'l NECKTIES from 50 to Fe Men's CASHIIERE BOX. .. 55c '. Men's SILK & WOOL Box 79c ', Men's UNDERWEAR ttine and L Boys' FLEE"E~LINED UN- DERWEAR .......... 73o LADIES' was-rs ......... 79c WHEELING YARN ...$1.00 In WRAPPERETTE .......30c yd to. our tMtEmti.tttE tin cor on) a ......8t.N per " Heavy).... $2.25 ind $2.50 Men's FLEECE-LINED UN- DEnwam ......... sum Also an entirely new and large unortmeul of HANDKER- CHIEFO AND RIBBONB. LADIES’ SILK SCARFS " .. A . . . . . . . $2.25 to $8.25 LADIES' 001408113. 4 but!" * L. GRANT a- ileum lul- . - utmost home from WM. BURNETT LiiGGUeest a few any; .n rm: " utter. Mrs. tra R. B. Lona. who vert- irrted In the West. av.- - days with her “they ' It and In John Lawr, 'o‘tthe W's brother. L who was mrrled_lw [In Tucker of Egre J. A. BROWN. Pricm'llle n It. I Weir Jr. the You!!! a tent tuys Firth W_M°"ls by If a. . WI. of Nrymourt - all. , Ines mum ot Elmo, ‘1. In” W of Guelph. on Lh- m In“! m, will hold an Attr - “h at “(has Ito-gimo-n- 'beeN" Cattle on Thursdm. 1w m. 1.88. Martine a! 1 p m Trrrr l. a he“ to be sold. dum-~'. ',"y - " - to be mid, mum-n! 12W] " “I. Ton cows. sonic: wnz, 'it br _ .3 won an! eleven, bulk NW1 u on Bonnie Brac, “van Hymn! 'ta-terr and Mtuesilr' Hum! ’11. W and full inlm'mmw. ts' ;, M to G. E lit-pnuM Cl' on. or to J. A. Molnuv- ioh 1.; MIL Ottt Plume Durham 60?, r 1 Ilheahm tr - m by . McBETH T. M. McFADDEk 1". , yelr aids and W! to - - - 'lrat.C't YOUNG CATTLE FOR SAL! 'eee"'t."'o""t It magi/906nm s likighan's S Seedless H Spanish V. Lemon 4 Candies 10 pail Ir Red Su'n Prunu. Ginger S .[CE. reg. 2 llys f " 2.1g PBUNES. Fifir. In“ Bordeaux SH ELLH; NN TEMRLETONS T: Women's Good Hut SF. BEDROOM SUI"; l-ZRS Ladies' Fur Kid 11.;1I‘111 Ladies' High-lave“ k llr Bulk C Bulk (' Ini. IRliillMl Standay Re-cretr Scream We haw cleaned yi, $25.00 pm $25.00 per , Buyer's or); We are " $23.00 Tet' tun I Tet. Cash Whats“ I m ttt .. " S. A. BROW N TERMS : Cash Uni No Town Oelire ROB RO ROB RO Pt om?, SCIATICA LOMMG0 SCH Gears

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