West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 6 Dec 1923, p. 5

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atM.ct 1m. 1933. m u , 9... ' no so an to " son, tttut 331013. Ten out. no m / nw mum and - bulk. Stock brow! on Bonnie hue. M M. “rural?! tad Um Hood In... I'ualoguel and full tutor-Ith- any “ration to G. E. Rm M 'r'",t, or to J. A. McIntyre. In 1., I‘Ip"[)h. Ont. I ,,'r.'1" Durham M, I 14 For Sale by S. - T. M. HGFADDEN RHEUHHISH SCIATICA NEURITIS mum Two 2 "" old- nnd one yam fpply to - - - YOUNG CATTLE FOR “LI Tle0Gehnirt 's grocery {hseeia is Svmlless Raisins, per lb ...... ...... ...... lac Spanish Valencia Raisins, 2 lb . . . . . . . . . . 3lk. Immm and Orange Peel, perlb. . . . . . . . . . . . 4th; Candies (creams, mixtures, cut rock) perlb 25c in pail pure honey (clover) ...... ...... .. L35 itrd Salmon, large tin, per lb. . . . . . . . a . . . .. 29t Prunes, large size, per lb......---- Ilk GinswrSnaps perlb o..........--.-""" Ilig Bulk coffee,'.perlb ..........rr.-q.-""'" 500 Hulk Cocoa... o...........---"'"' titrs35c Te mrkton‘s'M - Brigham’s Store SPECIALS RICE, reg. , lbs for Mo, now........................' lbs for 500 PRUN ES, FIGS. DATES 15c lb, or , for 250 Bordeaux SHELLED WALNUTS........................ 5001b Women's Good HOUSE SHOES for........................) BEDROOM SLIPPERS for Men or Women...90o to 81.50 Ladies' Fur Kid High heel OXFORDS.................. 82.50 Ladies' High-laced KID BOOTS. Brown or Black... .83.75 TE MPLETONS TORONTO Standard Re-cleaned Screenings “quth Badman... I an". J. A. BROWN. It. R. I. Priming ROB ROY MILLS, Limited f. 'rllc0trshqtie At Middtugh Ions: Cornet Humanism-nun “Whol- "XheWet-ettgmmtase' Phettirerstater-tttrtsttrtsr-tse, Malawian." I, Herald & Weekly Stat of Ibu- tnal. It in new nae-need that the - in 'eanrhht for. may he eh- talned tree of Melton theta-lily Herald by then who are not now-uh scribe" to the paper. [ The publishers of that great term? and family paper also announce that a beautiful picture of "The Wonder- ful Heroine" will he lent free to all ”better: oi the Family Herald and Weekly Star. new or renewel, who remit in time. " in indeed a remark- able otter, the Family Herald end (wrto Star for Iny two week- and a lame picture of thia amen woman who by her heroism. sell ttaerttlee and aheaudlng tmt and faith in God, living Hint Ind the wonder woman of n amt. Invite. The picture In in the true colon of the ”and, use " x " inches, on rich. - your. The subscription price of the rum ily Herold nnd Weekly Star ot Mon. treat, In only 88.00 per you. 100 acres. lot " con. T, Bentlnck township. County of Grey. 8% miles from Provincial Runway. T miles from Durham. 54 mile from school. Buildings -o good house, driving house and bank barn Mx64. Will sell on easy terms ot payment or will accept town Property as part pay- ment. Immediate possesslon. A. McGllJJVRAY. Postmaster, Chatsworth no for: beam: Tannin.” No A. m1. ground Standard Re- we are offering at sweet purity and wounding FA“ P03 SALE .....o.ro". 500 ...... 15c in at Me “a In 1).“ PB-ttqt and three children of mm mm the no! and ht Mr P. Helium's. In Roy - of Amman has been visiting her mm, In John Me. Icahn. _ The annual Sunday School enter tainment of the Presbyterian church. will be held in the church. My. Deanna. tNgrtmrftom6to8.. A good pm in being prawn-ed. Ad. Mm ngly spent the week end " whet home " Shelbme. Mr Bulky Menu“ of Toronto. visited his daughter Dom and other friend: recently. Mr Bob: McKinnon of Toronto van in town on Friday lat Mr C. G. Armour, a student of Knox College, Toronto, preached very ac- ceptably in the Presbyterian church on Sunday. Mm A. Graham of Durham, visit- ed her grandmother, Mrs Donald Graham Int week. Mm Hazel Young. teacher " Irish we School. spent over the week end with Miss Edna Nichol. . Minn Minnie Stothnrt has been un- der the Dr’s care for the past week, also Miss Ruby Muir. Hope to see them around again soon. The baby boy of Mr and Mrs John McEachern ls seriously ill with pneu- monia. We hope the little sufferer will soon be restored to health again. Nurse Edwards of Markdsle is in at. tendance. Word was received here Sunday ev- ening o tthe sudden death of Mr John. Hazard, eldest son of Mrs M. Hazard of this place in the hospital at Ham- ilton. The body was brought up on Monday and interment will take place Tuesday to McNeil's cemetery here. We extend our sympathy to the ber. eaved family. Quite a large number from have at. tended the induction of Rev. J. Har- rower at FIesherton on Thursday last. Rev. C. S. Jones ot Waterdown cal- led on town friends on Tuesday of this week. Remember the Sunday School H)- tertainment on Dec. 14th. Miss A. McLeod, nurse in trahlng at Durham Hospital, is spending a few days with her father, A- D. Me. Nurse Lydia McKinnon ls attend- lng on a patient at Markdale. PRICEVILLE & GLENELG Monday morning. the 8rd of Dec- ember. 1923, frosty but no snow. The churches were slimly attended on Sunday in Durham Presbyterian Ch. --ottly 3 cars and 1 buggy being in the shed. And the one buggy and one car came from Edge Hill. Mr and Mrs Geo. Ritchie entertain. ed a number of the young people one evening lately and a good time was spent. -Reeve Arch. McCuaig ot Glenelg, attended the Grey & Bruce InsuranCP Co. last Friday in Hanover. The funeral of the late Donald Me Farlane of the Rob Roy was largely attended last Friday. Rev. Mr Taylor of Toronto gave a good sermon tor the occasion. We are pleased to hear that the sick ones at Priceville are getting better. Mrs McKeown is able to be around again. also Mrs Arch. McLean and Mrs McMillan, South Line, as wel las others. We hope the new pastor voted on lately, Rev. Mr Craw, will accept the call in Priceville Presbyterian church. Those behind in doing the {all plowing. were highly favored by hav- ing good weather all November to finish, and so tar in December. Cars will soon have to be put by for the. winter. Wonderful weather for December, neither snow or frost and cattle rang- ing in the fields and everyone busy like summer time. Some are at“! plowing but most are through. Many are cutting wood and preparing for colder weather. Harry Young spent the week end at his home here. returning on Mon- day to Brampton. The McKinney boys from Hopeville and Wilfrid Black passed through this _ place one morning last week in their high powered car as if they had rote bed a bank and was fteeltttr from) Justice. But we learn that they had heard of a fox track in Egremont. {Wilfrid ran him live miles and came :back smiling " of yore. but no fox. iSnm and Arthur are going up and idown the river with Bun and tune but the mink favor Arthur. Delbert and Mmrard - an on the crooked trail along the who and meeting with varied we". George - in hull-u clover but the rather]: not goo-l [or that job. The not are setting In to: are. Our young people are preparin'g for a Christmas Tree and entertain- ment to be held in the church on Fri- day, Dec. 2Ut. Mrs. Hardy has returned trom Stratlord where she has been with her sister, Mrs W. A, Biakeston, who has been critically ill following an operation two weeks ago. Although somewhat improved she is still very low. Wesley Heard is at present some better but still very weak from a. very severe attack of blood poisoning. Mr Henry Milliner is engaged tor a year with John Corbett near the but am! m;ywn}ovxoln§ elm-emu udbcz‘ SWINTON PARK tho 2:: end m- PERSONAL " f y.e all this heir The Review b, potr supply you with 'fl'd , mas Greeting l ont. price that will lune We. have them fox. and sizes. and 1 and curing some t raps you have the bert l words of trreeth ted ' printed upon tt rung see for younelt is advluble to but why no mtec Job tunes. an. "rtrtgrtobetheria't. The Orange enemy new purring-'1 edephnotor mil: thalamus they have found it Inconvenient to be renting one whenever needed. Mr Armour. . student at Knox Col- lege, who will mum neu spams. preached here In: Band”. A splen- did lemon but . very small advance. The renal“ ot like Mary A. Moln- " ot Toronto, formerly of this plum were laid to met tn would: ceme- tery Saturday Int. Deemed we: " yen“ of as. and well known In this vicinity. Mr ind Mrs Ann: Men-that vult- ed with Mr ind In Henry Baton on Sunday last. Mr Dan Mclnuls and ulster, Mm. Leslie, walled old friends in-ttttt Glen while up attending the funeral of their ulster. Mr and Mn A. B. McArthur spent the Brat of the week at Mr Reba. Bhortreed'ts. 7 Mr Cameron 811191119 is busy hulllng sweet clover in this neighborhood. Mrs Wm Beth ot Castor. Alta. ls home on the occasion of the death ot her father. Mr Donald McFarlane. Mr John McFarlnne is also home from the West. Mr and Mrs W. A. McArthur visited the latter’s sister, Mrs Angus Mc. Kechnle on Sunday last. Mr Neil Shortracd of Harriston Give-ml 80nd Off on leaving Harriston Harriston Armouries held an inter- esting session the other evening. when upon learning of the removal of one ot the most popular young men trom our town, a number ot those who appreciate the always willing services rendered during his resi- dence there of Mr Neil Shortreed, several of the members of the local corps ot the Wellington Rifles took advantage ot the opportunity of show- ing some appreciation of the good work done by the above referred to young man in connection with male ing all the events at the Armourles a success. Upon the arrival of several. of the members Mr D. P. McFarlane was unanimously voted to the chair. who in a very neat fashion outlined in a short address the object of the assemblage and upon this being coma pleted. Major Nickle made a presen tation of a beautiful ring and tie pin to Mr Bhortreed, who being complet- ely taken by surprise, made a very neat reply in which he remarked that by the acceptance of these remem- brances he could never forget the good fellowship as shown by this kindness. Mr Shortreed has been connected with the Harriston branch of the Standard Bank for several years and his always welcome smile will bel missed from the teller’a cage by all? who had any dealings with this insti-i tution in that town. He has also taken a very active part in the sports of the town and at the time of his departure was the Secretary of the Athletic Association and in this office has done much for the organization. With the establishing of the 30th Wellington Rifles in Harriston, he was one of the first to place his name on the dotted line and here too he was never found wanting where he ihad done his bit smilingly. Mr Lorne Wragget Is engaged at Robt. Watson's painting his new house. 7 Mr Tom McLean is engaged at Mr, George Wright's cutting wood. Stine. of our young people spnnt a pleasant evening at Mr Oliver Corn. en’s, Dundalk, one night last week. Messrs Carlyle McMillan and Chas. Mason spent a few days in the city last week. "Messrs Geo Mchcar and Jack Wright motored to Owen Sound Fri. day. - Mr and Mrs Roy McNaulty Visiied at Proton Station recently. Mr and Mrs Wilfrid Black t3ttod.aved at Mr C. Wale’s, Hopevllle. Miss Marie McCannel visited a few days at Mr Jas. Lockhart's last week. Mr Henry Richardson returned home after visiting his friend, Jack Edgar of Gorrle. -iiL, Alice McCanneI spent the week end with her friend, Eme Me- Carmel The Review is again ready to supply you with personal Christ- mas Greeting Cards and at a price that will suit everyone. We.have them In many designs and sizes. and the beauty of se- curlng some of these. I: that you have the choice at any words of greeting you mly wish printed upon them. Call In and see tor yourself our neck. It is advitmttte to order only it any m mted to tend 1 din. PERSONAL GREETING U CARDS n SWAMP COLLEGE Wm -aecccibd ing. Weetoodlnuh pbee'wuhe‘ tom ot 2141 points out of 8000. York which was the winning. hm! 8888 points. The hon repreeentlnl Grey 00. were J. B. Wooden Worth: Brock Shore and Leonard Rutherford. Chrkeburg. The boys ere to he eon- gntuleted on their exception“ Ihow- Thin week another competition will he held " the Guelph Winter "tr.l Grey Co. viii again be repreoented by three hon. Report- ot the rennin wll lhe published next week. South in! any Debating Society At a meeting in Durham two weeks ago the South East Grey Debating Society was owned. ,Alreuly sev- eral enquiries for the rules hove been received. There have been live nppli- cation: to date so thnt emcee-e in no- sured already. Every rural organlutlon whether church association. debating society, Women'g Institute. Parmertf Club. Agricultural Soclety, Men's Club or other organizations should treemhe " Mated and enter the txrrnpetition. Cups and Medals, have been pro- vided so that the Contestants hove an opportunity to win something tang- ible for their ettorttt. The rules and resolution: can be se- cured at the Dept. of Agriculture, Markdale. Let the rural people get terested and compete. The next " applications are awaited. Will your Association be Brat, Put away the Plow Neglected implements are a source of loss to the owner and the commun- ity. Ontario's implement bill is I. large one. " every farmer took " good care of his implements and tools as the best farmers do, may factor- ies and much capltul could be devoted to work other than implements mate ing. But so long " there ls needless, preventable waste ln lmplementu, some one must supply, at his own price, implements and tools to keep the farm work going. Now that the close of the tillage season in at hand, a day spent in cleaning. olllng and storlng away in a suitable shelter the tools of the farm will pay you well. Top Dru: An application ot ttne manure, ap- plied as soon as the ground freezes. to the thin spot: In the alfalfa held. the wheat field or any grass land, will show handsome return' next June. Do it before the - comes. Bl DAYS OF YURE 25 YEARS AGO From the Review fyle of Dec. 8, 1898 Priceville con: Messrs Hugh and Neil McLean of Montana write home to South East Glenelg, that they had the first steam thresher in that part this tall l they had to so 20 miles for hands and had plenty to keetrthe ma- chine going. Oats, the only grain raised, which yields about 50 bush. to the acre, are selling for Me I bus. A number of the neighbors and friends of Councillor Firth, Edge Hill, met at his residence last week and made a presentation or a large and useful dinner set of crockery. [xxspegig; Campbell is this week conducting the Model School examina- tion. 23 candidates are writing. Honor Roll for 5th class tor Dur. ham School for November. Br 5th-- Maggie Hunter. Fred Anderson, Bert Mockler, Franc Davidson, Iva. Hynd- man. Jr .5th--Harry Aldred, Laura Hutton, Wist. Hutton, Eva Mockler, Mary Marshall. Lovers of the “Beautiful Snow" would be delighted on Monday when they woke to find that during the night one or two feet of snow had fat. len. Since Monday it has kept ad- ding a little more to the heavy night's fall and as the storm has been pretty severe all over Ontario and Quebec, it will likely be remembered as "the great snowstorm of 1898." " YEARS AGO Died, at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Thus. Davis, Glenelg. on 25th November, Mrs Samuel Whitmore, at the age of 72. Mine Host Hahn of the Hahn House gave a farewell supper to his regular boarders in honor of the departing C. P. R. ott1cials. After enjoying an elab- orate repast, addresses. congratula- tions and compliments followed and about midnight a. very happy company dispersed. Congratulations to Miss Anna James ot Priceville and Mr Herman McLean of Pricevllle who were married last week In Toronto. The Synod of Montreal after an ex- citing experience elected Dean Farth- ing of Kingston to the vacant Bish- oprlc. His opponent was Dean Evans. The struggle began in October. the clergy being largely for Evans while‘ Dean Farthing held the Lay vote. Alter many votes without result the contest was adjourned till lint week and after eleven hollou, the neceuuy majority of both Orders In secured by the popultr Dean and he is new Bishop of manual. Dun-hm people i will rejoice at the outcome. "iif,,'ttsl, ltyunvetomuetm l on very as to -""n" I up Ion as to the we: to mulch - has borne - we hurden sod kept her credit In "Katdid entatdit8tta, In some of the We duh en- tnlled upon her by the greet world catastrophe. Not only has Csnodn made her Interest payments. hot she hos so - llnsneed - that ttseinter-tttrstoheronratmsttNe. m sddltlon to this the excellent lend- ershlp in the development of reven- ue producing enterprises ohown by the Province of Onmlo should be so Inspiration to the sum ot the Unit. ed States to so and do “heme. _ Very truly yours, (Signed) Geo. W. P. Hunt. Very frequently enthushuc readers] ot the Review forget all about a} when they hue tome printing or nd-) vermin no do. It you like I “new SUPPORT THE PAPER YOU READ sud "kove of Its policy, why not throw my business you have to give its wsy. - A _ This is especislly true of Societies.i Churches/Schools, etc. They get s lot of free - in the wsy ot not- ices. news end so on which sdvertise their doing sod brings out the crowds _ to their slurs, yet when there is my l printing to be done they shop around', for bids in the work. The Review overchnrges no one end we believe that organisations or societies or bug. iness of any kind which hue print- ing to do locally, should consider the tree advertising they get from us more than oilsetting s few pennies less st which they on get work done " some " city shop. There are 1 thousand wsys in which the Review helps the local commun- ity which I. city print shop csnnot do. iR LADIES, For You! A Clearing Reduced Price Sale Suite 2. Main Door MR8. J. c. NICHOL. Residence Parlors, munch mm GENTlEMEN! -Rhttt about your New Suit? Solon Right Goods - on Noam-d l Right- From Right. Maul-into A fair stock of import (guaranteed) best Goods, also cheaper Cunndlun now In stock. Best of trimmings. mode on quickest notice. by the old reliable. Lots of samples to choose from and right prices, ranging from $25 to $50. We are Agents for the Stockwell & Henderson Co., Dry Cleaners Jr. Dyers of Toronto. All Repair Work and French Dry V Cleaning Don. J. G. NICHOL. MOI-chant Tailor Main entrance, Middaugh House. one door West ot Douglas, the Jeweller FOR SALE Good house and lot, splendid loca- tion in Priceville, owner obliged to sell owing to ill health. Position as keeper of Priceville Fox Co. Ltd. goes with purchase to suiubie person. For price, terms and all particulars apply to the undersigned. The Durham U. P, o. Live Stock --rr---l-li'" Association will ship stock from Dur- ham, on Tuesdays. Shippers are or INDIWDUAL 'NSTRUCT'ON quested to give three days' Ponce. permits you to enter any day " - Clifford Howell, Manager Phone 92 r 1-1 Durham Corrected to date Butter.......... Eggs ...... '.... Live Hogs ......' Wheat .......... Oats ........ ... Barley .......... Buekwheti...... Pena ............ Hay .......... . Potatoes........ Sheepskins ...... Chickens ......., Ducks ...... ... Geese .......... Live Hogs ...... UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT m. " the following comics! We are prepared to cater to the. l. "ttter '"triottiatttttt wants of the public and solicit the 2. “mo. to the ttttetggal “no“. patronage ot all, whom we will enw deavor to pieue by courteous treat-l Blah mbcrof the mi! is {Univ- ment and good service. Duke Prince'l l gt,tat"du"e In‘ " e,re-riertoed imc . 2/,,eg"',r,,.t,"J2l'gte1i,', 3.: 33°- W...- purtiottouidt-toe- kind. tent tho beginniuol’ the in" , 4-. Mill Roman-Int - 0.30 a... l'f/,'ghti,1'a 'luflter any h - to 2 a. m. . . . 2t m mm:- on- t?tilt,tt'l2rt 133333 ‘1: (Tobauduu‘ldan) the “m... 1too'rtrtoietbrtt-trmtd+ Mami- um and "ae an... ‘m and and “not.“ t _ 1- . -- " -- --- -_--.. gushed-cw”. ‘mmmm PRINCE CAFE DURHAM MARKETS NOTICE T0 FARMERS LEM “at"... Durham (Wu on: awe) So Call at Once !ii,q,ire'i,y ANDREW FORD, Priceville, Out. Dee 6th, 1923 Governor '.... 7.25 . 954': 1.00 ... 3ti&40 .. M h 00 .. 70 & " l.25&l.50 .....' 10.00 ....... '15 ,. trtr&t." ... 18&80 ... 20&22 ...... t'0 ..... W.N ht am 7mg. " $.& TORONTO o-u .. a '-6e. '-" I hum-0.11 an. a - on. m3.» “to. one: and midget. mm mummmuoumou one: Noun: Out! 1.4... 1.8“. l. L. SMITH. I3. " " OBS. JAMIESOI & JAIIESOI Own: H Aha-noon W. C. PICKERING. 008. un HONOR (“nouns at than u l an ' gram otao Coll. Pla%g,',efllt, ',Ai,'t'dt ”on Our J a 1 30mm: “or” an”: 1tBAPOA" “no on". a. kulterdi a... 0 I u - we Jamal" amid opp. clu- Pout Oil“. DUI” - AID - mom J. G. HUTTOI. In. an mouhpm «In... an. , to . pa... Budd: - utter-noon em. The Sciatica that Mid: Rife to J. F. GRANT. 0.0.8.. LSS. -....- 'i/G/ind you: to life. Call and See an. Consultation hoe. In Durham Tunis”, Thursdays and “and.” DES. C. G. AND BESSIE McGlLLIVRAY Chiropractic Speculat- Mud-ugh House. -. DI D. ”HAIL Ia-" Auden..- M cu. an. .6131 SCIEKQQIL. Water Tell (bats hed MILEMIA. Business and Shel-thud Yawn. A few months spent In .00"? rat" out. Will open the door to many op- portunities In the Business World. Make yourself or someone else an enduring gm. by arranging for a course of (taming here. W. A. TRIKBLE. Princlpd I In"! “my I The School is thotoughly equipped to and sun your [studies In Con- mereiat, Bhortlwnd or Propan- tory Courses. Unequdled In cauda-unexeeuetl In America. A. B. CURREY "gMeqeaNqg"& " Owen Bound, Ont. J:a.ir.ati-ir' ' "mTtdEirr. h == 1 It 2 F1 m4": " ”a:

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