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Durham Review (1897), 6 Dec 1923, p. 7

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Tho ancient nun-bold"! ol MI on fat Magnum 0-. by -- Iowa am: to woman a! on! .30 it to {our score who " lam ts A an) and various "not vowdon who have held advantageous pm” for a hateful“ than any on numbers it. and ad no successors are named. There is not room tot them in the bustle and hurry of present-dar Lon. don lite. But London is the loser by the ttttl In; ot these pleturuquo curators. Mother Kitchen and Mother Bury, the old unknmd. of the In), have at Iliad. and "Fanny." . lower am who sold fragrant bloom for more than a generation under the shadow ot m. Paul's Cathedral, was borne to her long rest not long since. that "nice- ln Dr. Samuel Johnson'n old pariah church In the Strand. A tiny apple stall beside the 'tg,til ed getaway at Lincoln's Inn. the it“! of barrister. tn Chancery lane. is is/ latest to disnppasar. The Inn hag just celebrated the 500th anniversary ot m foundation nnd the npple stall may we” hue been u venerable an lastl- tutlon in point of time. Old Mm. Who. who kept In as her mother and grand- mother before her did. bu died and lhe left no descendant to come lor- ward and Claim n privilege granted try the benchers of the Inn for some rea- oon long ago forgotten. Her mother was there tn Dickens' lune aaaistirtq her mother. Dickens was a mount" of this quarter ot London and gave the nar- row. dingy alley of Chlchestor Rent: as welt as other streets and they: lending out at Fleet Street end the Sand. close by, such interesting u- nociatlom that every week scores of Pilgrims puss in and out searching for the originals of places mule Immoral by the novelist in his works. A "singintt" lump II the latent In. vention to aid miners to detect tire. hmp. which they (car more than any other hazard of their calling. Canaries and animals sensitive to slight atmospheric changes have been long used tor this purpose, but now a utety lamp has been Invented that combines the necessary light for the underground workers and the giving of nmpie warning ot the approach of the dreaded firerttunp. Firodamp leads to explosion; breathing it is dangerous. and its up- pronch in no insidious that the dnmugo may be done bolero " is discovered by the men if they no not turned. A British engineer has improved the Davy safety lamp by adding I poem!" {tame like a bunch of tuning forks, so genitive that even two per cent. of Iredamp in the air will can“ them to vibrate and sing. As the percentage of tiredtunp in- creases the lamp sings more loudly, guarding ample warning. The device has been tried in name ot the deepest anthracite mines. and practical mining engineers of long ox- perienco say that " u the but Warn. tns ever devised. Mere is my I That I've du While I cur 1amato'sAneioStnBs prayed. And once I get the mortise paid, There'11 have to be um talking. sir, To prove to me that I should stir One Inch trom my two-acre plot To tight old Have tor young Hue-Not. Finders Is keepers, and I've found Some bitter things In this good ground: Bullen. pinched posseuivenese. Absorption In my own mama. Conservatism that won't budge So long as I'm left ttee to drudxe On my own dirt-heap. and to spit On my own hands while working It. --RoHrt Louis Burgess At the annual assembly of tit Bri- tish Association, I demonstration m given in connection with the talking ray of the wonderful photophone. Tho greatest sausage ot this ap- pantus is its secrecy: only persons to whom the toy is directed can receive the message. A ray ot light is mrttected from an electric imp. end the vibration: of the human voice can" the light my to tremble and oscillate slightly. These trembling: are picked up at the receiving end of the photophone by eelenium ceile, and translated back again. through a telephone receiver, bio intelligible sound). _ w%_, ----..v an! ex- umommuely. “gm-phone in In lure of the earth, must be In a dir non receiving. Don't When you’ro all tired oat and ready drop And In.“ way: Item mean and v -- - . --" -1--- the ,rorid--- Surprise them all um "rart11 take his out ot bulk. "twill tide you over a For " takes sixty-tour I Mon . tron And only thirteen for “The humn’l My is the vehicle of . eo1ossrl nnd absorbing evolutionary "areorwtf said " Amur Keith. 9. (was "Pattat, "mu" New Safety Device for "want. The soslings, which are now full! ' my little piece of land grown, have been placed with the ve dug. every inch by hand, Miner geese. and the ttoch makes r91 l cursed, hauled, sweat. and pasted trips to Dow's lake. With the) )ruymL period tor southern migration nearing we I get the mortgage paid. those interested in the experiment Ire l have to be tall talking, sir. watching the birds to see whether the Vt: to me that I should stir younger geese will follow their older ch from my two-acre plot [companions or will femain " the it old Have for young Have-Not. _ Farm with their parents. It is hoped ,9 ls keepers. and I’ve found Ity, will go south and return in the bitter things in this [ood'spring with more of their kind pos- ground: .sihly to stop at Dow's lake on their ninrhml oevasteaaNtmeri, ‘northern jammy. The Talking Ray. Happy Savings. -io jimited try the curva- Iarth. u the Dome ot light a direct line with the pen you over a while; sixty-tour muscles to tn- any: uem mean and vile, and now! and glare at all with it smile. out of your and old the range of the fuse which of I a smile. An“ M. Cahill, An interesting experiment with wild i Canndn - is being carried out " the Central Experimental Farm, Ot.) tawa, by oillcers ot the Poultry Divi- sion of the Department of Agriculture and ot the Canadian National Parks Branch of the Department ot the In. terior. This experiment is carried on to secure valuable Information con- cerning the habits of these birds and it is hoped that it will result in hav- ing large ttochs ot thestrtreetsts rest on Dow’s lake, an expansion of the Ri. deatt canal near the Farm during their migrations north and south next year. "Jack" Miner, the well known and original investigator of wild goose life, is assisting the Government ot. ficials in the experiment. Four wild Canada geese caught on his sanctuary ‘nt Kingsvilie, Ontario, early in May, 1 were wing-clipped and sent to the Cen- , tral Experimental Farm. and these, to. :guthel’ with five gosliugs raised this year b tom. captive Canada geese at the Fa . are being used in the ex- (iii)"??'.,')',;")?,',,)', ot the geese caught l, by Mr. Mix. r wears one of his band“ i These bands bear a scriptural text and lhis address. the inscription on one of ', these reading, " ‘The word of the Lord lendureth forever,' 1 Peter, 1.25. Write Inox 46, Kingsvilie, Ont." The other inands hear ditteren' passages and the taddress. The birds have also been 'banded with the oilicial numbered 1band of the series in use by both the ‘Canadian and United States authori- ties tor marking wild birds. to 'rr- SIT-'w-gvS-a ' Make Effort to Learn Flight Line of Geese. One danger is that these birds may'l i drop in with domestic ducks and geese; ;unsuspecting any danger. It wild', lgeese bearing bands as described join] lieny domestic tlocks between Ottawa! and the South Atlantic coast, or turl ‘tween Ottawa and the mouth ot the' :Mississippi river (depending upon which route they follow) it is hoped that they will not be killed but allow- ed to resume their Journey. it is de- sired to learn as much as possible of their travels. It, therefore, persons ;who hear ot any ot these birds, or l hunters who happen to shoot one, will l communicate the particulars to the 'Commissioner ot Canadian National 1; Parks. Ottawa, Canada, their action gwill be appreciated. If the bird is , alive and able to travel the number . on the band should be read carefully , and the bird released. l Baby's teething time is a time ot forty and anxiety to most women. I The little one! become cross; peevish; i their little stomach becomes dornnged and constipation and t‘oliv sets in. To make the teething period easy on baby L the stomach and bowels must be kept _sweet and regular. _ This can be done x b. {in TEETHING TROUBLES by the use of Baby's Own Tablets--. the ideal laxative for little ones. The Tablets are a sure relief for " the minor ailments ot childhood Inch as constipation. colic, indigestion. colds and simple fevers. They always do good ~never harm.' Tbe Tablet: are sold by medicine dealers or try mail at 25 cents I box from The Dr. William' Medicine Co., Btockviilo. Ont. (lr, , per 80t, Luv 'b'""""" ___V, tion of human life is perhaps the dis- covery of the uses of fire and its ap- plication to cooking. _. isa-cl/ct M for mind'- and uh In other, The greatest hatch in tha erolit- --- . 1 __ .L- as.. I (ii,?), E1130“r pipe iiiCaj)tr, with ""% In 3 by by a London scientist. It consists ot insects! They are bred and trained in a laboratory at Balham, to fight against and kill other insects which destroy or harm crops. V For instance. caterpillars can be pro. vented trom mining trees and go on by turning against them hordes ot other caterpillars, trained to have can- nibal instincts, so that they will tight and eat pests. The inventor of this aid to tanner: and gardeners is Mr, Crabbe. One ot his greatest successes is the produc- tion of a. slug-tiger. This creature. called a testocella, has very sharp jaws, with which it pierces the slugs and eats them. Almost any kind ot lnsect pest can be fought by other Insects. and as time goes on it may be possible to make the process ot destruction absolutely tttV tural. That ls to say, the insect-killers will breed without any assistance from sclence. I The primary sorting of the hair itakes place at the ranch, from which lit goes to the bleacher, who bleaches [the hair with sulphur. It is bound up {in hanks of 100 to 150 hairs, and the thanks are then ready for export. One (hank usually goes to a bow. thr ar- (rival at the bowtactory or the repair iroom ot the large dealer the hair is l combed out and fixed on the end with (iiiiiiiri. Horses are bred in Russia tor the purpose ot using their hair for violin bows, according to an interertltur an ticle in a recent issue of the Beientlf1c American. The tttttttrt bows are con. structed with hair from white horses and special ranches Ire maintained tor breeding the horses whose hair is of this color. Russian Horse Hair Best toi Violin Bow Strings. The world’s most novel police force probably that which is being trained The hair is straightened out by means of a special comb and fastened 1nto the frog at the lower end of the stick. Santa Rosa, in California, has a Bap- tist church which sent: 200 people, built entirely from one giant redwood which, whilst standing, was 18ft. in diameter. This giant tree produced 78,000tt. ot lumber. besides many thousands of shingles with which the church was rooted. After the building was com- pleted 60,000 shingles were left over. The tree grew upon a high mountain range tttteen miles from the Pacmc coast, and when felled was estimated to be 800 years old. It took several But even this tree was a mere in. tant when compared with some of the giant. sequoia: of California. One, when felled. was found to have started Its growth in Al). 550. .. lays to eut" the tree down and months to saw it up. _ mrater--"Don't you want some nice fresh eggs? They're just from the country.” --- _ LARGE STOCK TROJAN ELE.C- b trie Washing Machines being sold direct from Toronto warehouse while they last at $88. Regulor retail price 3105. -Write It once.m. F. B. 4-- ..- - .1- A_- A“_.‘ insects as Policemen! Church Built From One aiirmer--"wtu" country t" 1213 WEDGE tli, em ram '.ri'ie Am. rivd, Toronto.- China, Perhaps. ' BUT PLIJ E If you roll your mg @233 tlee lob.” ask fih. ---"-"-T-ciLu_- Wi‘émuw .‘ T,rre%T'G=mW' ' FGW.ci, r) u o O . V 'r:"'.", _ Surnames. I A tmrtatiort--Farrttttur. Raglat orort--aerotttsh. tgoutmrscA ulven name. TEE The family name: Fergus“ I") Piranha sound very little alike. Yet they are virtually the same name, or- iginating " given Imme- in uncient Ireland. being brought to Scotland In such, and there, under both English and medieval clerical Latin intitteneeg, developing respectively Into the tore. golng forms of family nameu. The name ot Fergus "ures pro- minently in the Gaelic myths, legends and history ot the pre-Christian era. But the spelling Fearghus is a closer approximation as it was spelled with the old Irish alphabet. . About the period 200 A.D., before Ireland became Christianised, there was a great exodus of expeditions of conquest and colonization from the north ot Ireland to Scotland. The Irish clans which settled in Scotland. or Alba. as they called it then, were ‘the progenitors ot the present Gaelic portion ot the Scottish race, for the most part Highlanders. This name, which was compounded ot two Gaelic words, with a meaning1 ot "manly deed," developed in Scot- land into the form Fearschar in many instances, trom which the Latinised version Famuhardus was taken, later being shortened into Parquhar. The addition of the Anglo-Saxon ending “son" to the Celtic name Per. gus (a. much more common mixture of tongues in Scotland than in Ireland). ot course produced the family name of ot course Ferguson STOMACH TROUBLE DUE TO THIN BLOOD It Usually Disappears When the Blood is Made Rich and Red. Thin blood is one ot the most com- mon causes of stomach trouble. It affects the digestion very quickly. The glands that furnish the digestive fluids are dhninished in their activity, the stomach muscles are weakened and there is a loss ot nerve force. In thin state ot health nothing will more quick- ly restore the appetite, digestion and normal putrition than good, rich, red blood. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills act directiyl on the blood, making it rich and red,! and this enriched blood strengthens: weak nerves, stimulates tired muscles and awakens to normal activity the glands that supply the digestive fluids This is shown by an improved appe- tite, and soon the exact ot these bioodi enriching pills is evident throughout the whole system. You find that what you eat does not distress you, and that you are vigorous instead of it- ritabie and listless. If your appetite is tickle. it you have any of the dis- tressing pains and symptoms of indi- igestion, you should at once take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and profit by the better condition in which they will put your blood. These pills are sold by all dealers in medicine, or you can get them by mail at 60 came a box trom The Dr. Wil. liame’ Medicine Co., Brockvllle, Ont. It has been pointed out that not only [ the direction and intensity of light but its color must he considered in esti- mating its power to reveal ttne de- tails. Experiment shows that most persons are shortsighted for blue and violet light. When patterns are il. luminated alternately with red, green and blue light it is found that tor ease ot seeing minute details blue and green light are preferable to red tor short distances but that at greater dis- tances red light gives the best results. Truth is i-Gtoriiiied as feminine; but why, nobody knows. " T C" THE PROBLEM OF PACKING siren there Is some better method than this.' (The question of emigration as a means of relim British Isles and peopnng the empty sputies ot the owe so'on be torved).---Prom thy London Ev'eniug News. The Powe'r of Light. FERGUOON 'ie,tutt agar 12.1tPi',tit'elt'.tllti, _. Reel-i irrtpc-aicit . . _ 'ottr--A nickname. The {unity mane at Ann-trout. of course, in most ceiebreted end wide spread II a reeult ot buying ,been: home tor centuries by one of the most intluentia1 clan: of the Scottish low- IT/lt But it in try no mean- borne iortir by Scots. and it is u product of the English, not the Gaeli: tome. The name appears to have sprung up Independently in mnny localities. being 1 nobriquet or nickname at the tAte denoting a physical character!» tie. Such nicknames were quite com- mon in medieval England. [in men- ing. of course, is exactly what it seems, “strong arm." One uriatlon of it which virtually has become obso- lete and is very rarely met with in the United States in "tgtrotaitharrn." There is no doubt that in the can: of a number of families the name is simply the Anglicized equivalent of the NortmurPreneh "BragttAer" or "Brasrdeteee ("arm of iron"), adopted, iiGiUijiho,d when the Arurto-tuxori influence reasoned Itself throughout England. - _ There is a legend that the name 011 the founder ot the Armstrong border) clan was named Fan-balm, but that a Scottish king conferred the former name on him tor " feet in aiding the monarch to mount his horse. burdened with heavy armor no he was. when his former steed had been killed under him in battle, a. legend borne out by the crest. which shows an armored arm, with the hand grasping an armor- ed leg, evidently meant to illustrate [the act mentioned. - tn the near future the dablia is like- ly to become one of the chief sources of the world's sugar supply. The new formula for dahlia sugar has just been completed at the University ot South- ern California, and it will probably re. sult in thousands of acre: being occu- pied with the cultivation of e tuber which has hitherto been valued only for its flower. The tuber of the dahlln contain not only a large percentage of sugar. but aux“ one and a half times as "not as one or beet sugar. Probably the greatest ttettettt de-‘ rived trom this new discovery of the commercial value ot We dahlin tuber is that the sugar it yield: is quite harmless to diabetic patients. and this fact, taken in connection with the re- cent diecovery of insulin, will bring cheer and new hope to thousands of luvallde. Gypsies who love the water love the way Ot ships along a. ragged coast at dawn, Always they want a spar to lean upon, And treitrhters steaming down as salty bar, Gypsies who love the sound that water makes In coves " nightfall always want to hear The run ot windy waves along a pier, The sound ot foaming water when it breaks. Gypsies there are who love the way ot hills, Roads that go eastward underneath 1 the moon, Valleys ot daisies and new daffodils. Roads that so westward in the heat of noon. But they who love the water always see Through MONEY ORDERS. It Is always safe to send a Dominion Express Money Order. Five dollnn costs three cents. In England and Wales alone there are 40,000 civilian blind people. Keep Mlnard'n Llnlmn‘ In tho noun. a magma of reiieving congestion in me spades ot the overseas Dominion; must Sugar From Dahlia. hiring ot moonlight vesasla or a quay. ---Httrotd Vina}. ARMUI'BONG Water Gypsy. The War»! att the w '0 do In life. luch‘u the - IT an: how my nil“ you me- In the course of a you? an do" and no how my word: you mu 1 mini“. It yin no a brisk mm you will easily write thirtr--a mien of cm and twirl: that, stretched out into I “night “In would cover I Ghana ot 1 lumen feet or more. An my calculation will bring the thirty rapid writer to tho conclusion that in tony minutes of continuous writing " pen travel- . furious. And that in ilve hours he covers . third of a mile with his pen-point. Supposing that a clerk writes stead. ily for tire hours during 280 days tor every one ot titty years, he will at the end of " time have drum 3 line on pope:- - four thousand miles tone, or much mum thou the (11:11an trom London to Toronto. An one. In! of six men would in the name period put on ink line round the equat- or. “When wu Rome built.'" asked the' I IN r LU Ll ‘nno teacher. f Don't wait till you get the 'ttu. "At night, ma’am," was the guru-1k Inhale “land's night nnd morn- Ing reply of one little girl. tax. The Le", jrrteeiat "How did you get that Ida?" ' ,‘Pleue, ma'um. I've heard my and: any that Rama wasn't built In a day." I tt Look Younger Care-worn. nerveaszhtu1tsted" women need Bitro-Phtmghattts, a pure arsenic phosphate diepensed " (imam; that New York end Peri: phyeicienl pre- scribe to increase weight end strength and to revive youthful looks end teel. inn. Price " per vise. Arrow Chemical Co., " Front Bt. Eat. WESTION, GAS, STOMACH TROUBLE "Papa's Dispepsin" is the quickest, surest relief tor indigestion, uses. "tulenets, heartburn. sourness, or stomach distress caused by scidity. A few tsblets give almost immediate stomach relief. Correct your stomach and digestion now tor s few cents. Dm‘ists sell millions of packages at Papa's Diapepsin. Mother! Give Sick Child "california Fig Syrup" Murmleu Laxative for a Dillon, Continued Baby or Chlld. \. Continued, bit. ttii-is??,, ions, teveritsh, or “" sick, colic Bub!“ I / .9t and Children love it, LN RI g ""seHf5, A- - Aj, to take genuine' - . o. “California. Fig E a _ I Syrup." No other, ' q... t laxative regulator "es the tender little, N _ bowels " nicely; It sweeten the stomach and start: the liver end bowels acting without; griping. Contains no narcotics or i soothing drugs. Bay "Ciuirornw' to; your drugxist 3nd ovoid eouuterteitst. I insist upon genuine "Cnlitornin Fig’ Syrup" which contains directions. g Ihhlitilai" "1’; thr/ttfu. ' Unlu- you no the aunt "Bayer" on pack-30 or on ubleu you no not nt- tin; ttttt 'tep. Bare ptoduct proved Say "Bayer" and Insist! New GNU. an Seating ot mght' Work. ASPIRIN "AR TORONTO 7 BEFORE MY Aunt-mocha...» GIRLS'. A GLEAMY MASS OF BEAUTIFUL HAIR Got a GOLD? 3rCent "Danderine" So Im- proves Liftley, Neglected Tut. I null pan at be!!!“ - but put we 3 teaspoon ot [IN- THOLATUX In the hot water. now breathe on “an. w. tho but and the the Quicken V” to get An “madam ot lutmrurtt trate ttttt at gloss. slums sad “to shortly follows I Selim“. mum: up ot net- lected gulps with dependable "Dau- bsrine." Idiot. Fall!” tt II r, - > Itching 0011]) 3nd 7. _ the dandruff ll corrected immediately. Thin, dry, wispy or India; hair It: quickly humor Med, taking on new strength, color und youthful beauty. "Daurderine" h delightful on the hair; a refreshing, stimulating tonic - not sticky or greasy! Any hunters. [Wu Gulch Benefited by Taking Lydin E. Pinkm" Vegetublo Compound DE -euihE in? 'fiiif - mason-”a...- Sydonl am, .-."r molt your Indie-me before 'ttair' was bong-H It was a are“ help to me u I w»: W“ rl¥ until I bid and to tab, it. E? all: u moughlwu tired out all e timtpnd would len ttth (tint TH! inmmouwl 00- me but.) - “v-.- - 7 _ I lls. My nerve, would bower me un- trl could get little not. [light or h: I was told 'T a friend to mm L du -. Pinkhnm'l egctnblo Compound): and I only took a. few bottled Ind it helped, no wonderfully. 1 would recommend it to my woman. I am doing who: I an to recommend this good medium. I will lend that little book y0u lent me (any one lean help. You an with the crew- est of pleasure use my name la rag-rd b the Vegetable 1iie'a2.'t it it will help others take it."-- . MAINE! Inu- GAN, Sydenham. Ont. It is ram-thus hour menu In” been reported walk: to this one. [my women g,ttg',hr.t,,',tt tine-sud” into B. m ened, run-down amoditioet, 1ri'iic"iGGiiiiiiiirtas.thrttterztt well am child. that bee Who kept up. F e. . k l . 1.qu Ihttheevt,teugf'g't Face Disfigured With Large Pimple: Cuticura Healed “For lame time my {new sf- haedwuhpknplu tad skin erup- , dong, which , time. ' _ _ would be vary rqr. ' The ”In were very = Mind 1.139.":de CT. . 'MORNING " " YOUR BY] w CLIAI um REM-i "err""""-"" - _ "Iwg-umdmudm “mm. held an ad- minement foe Quinn: Soap and Gunmen: and decided to try them, "sauurusigtetrocisteut!cut' Soap and m bout of Cuticum A. ‘._A_- . --- I...” " [Hi-rm“ tM" dam. which time. , ' would be MMW~ 'id het ”In were very G I. tsaeddm1 laggeandmmed bluish when rubbed or tttStl." caused dic- RTE-“xi Cooks. Box 374. omm sup any. m Cancun 0mm: My. FINN". pump!- or other-tion!. They In a picture to use. In to!” Cuticum Tm for “than" “I chin. pa'iriraii,Fiiifiint any for thq mother It this time. It in we?!“ from 'tg1il,eii.n,,a,1 t',g,thti'ilgi2'ttt do: not with an u t taken in safely by 'hit/Iliff? p.330. "rubidium“ math-Caulk. t'i,iiih?E2fiiifii', ibaTaeii. II“. tNan we. Tllcnln in 1td%r'lgltl,".' "a'ghmrt a... ICOUE No. BABY GAME 9,": It"; a" trf. ' T a _ ie/f be ii.if Eit p w Mt

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