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Durham Review (1897), 13 Dec 1923, p. 1

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VOL. XLVIL, NO 50 Something New ! Marshmallow Get one, they ure delicious. At H rson‘s bakery For Salc-â€".quprome\'fi ve, in good econdition. _ Will burn either coal or wood. Apply to Mrs Wm .Calder. Rob Roy Grain Pricesâ€"We â€" are paying 35e to 40¢ for Oats, 55 to 60¢ for Barley, 75 to 85¢ for Buckwheat, $1.25 to $1.50 for Peas at our elevator this week. Rob Roy Mills L‘d. Bracelets are have them, T5¢ MHemstitching Let us do you picot edging. _\ satisfactory work Edge inill School On Friday even good program . i logues, drills, etc and 15¢. Baptist S. S. Entertainment Will be held in the Baptis Durham, Friday evening 1 A good program is being Admission 25¢. . All are we Play and Pie Social at Latond Come to Latona School on l-‘riday‘ £280, ME PM evening, Dec. 14th, and see the play Welcomed N« entitled "Cranberry Corners." Also a A large nu pie social. Admission 25¢. Ladies neighbors of bringing pies free. | recently moy elg, gathered Christmas Concert, Dec. 20th ! prise party | Come to the Christmas concert O | spent a joll: Thurs., Dee. 20th, at 8 o‘cock in U. S. Deaths of T $. No. 1, Egremont and Normanby | _ Following schoolhouse. . Good program and reâ€"| MeKenzie, _ freshments. Admission 25¢ and 15¢. | builder last â€" Haptist Anniversary Services | g':;.o‘:l"&:“‘l Will be held in Durham | Baptist perhaps thai Church on Sabbath, Dece 16th, when the origin al Rev. J. G. Brown, E. A.. E. D. Profesâ€" ; sor of MeMaster University wil1 Missionary \ preach at 11 a m and 7 p. m. Spec I otTt.:: Plfz:ll ial music. A cordial welcome to all. ing girls of The six Failed to Qualify ‘“0 as a res ‘The appointment of a Customs In. , gchoolroom spector for the town of Southampton | Most of the was to have been made Saturday but p'osed of i:"‘ it is understood that the entire alxi «4 consite applicants who have been writing the Fur Robber examinations failed to qualify and mr\ A double other examination will have to be ‘ dalk last w gone through. Eoféh $300 Lost Infant Daughter ‘(.:T anx:z:]hir] w2 o1oas 2o Pursom I hunta Imla My. and Mrs. Arch. u&n U" an""" §8t. South, have the sympathy of many friends in the death of their bright little daughter, Margaret â€" Ilene, on Saturday night. The child was scarâ€" «ely ten months . old, never strong, and had contracted a cold which deâ€" veloped into pneumonia and she died in her mother‘s arms. Interment took place on Monday afternoon to Hol stein cemetery. To Arbritrate on Price | Hanover Town Council is faced with another arbitration. The farm of Mr. Harncock in Brant, is required in connection with the Rubhl Lake waterworks scheme, but the Council has not been able to reach an agreeâ€" ment with the owner as to the value ef the property, so it expropriated the land, and a Board of Arbitration is to decide its value. W. 8. Middleâ€" bro, K. C., Owen Sound, will look aftâ€" er the interests of the town. . Car Ran into Horse ~While turning at the eorner from Lambton 8t., Harold MeKechai rather short with his lided with a horse be by George Bell on Tu The impact stove in the car and damaged m& but B To o dlll s 1 laiiea o0 affichsndrtivs While turning at the Standard Bank to death before help could reach tBOM. | 7. orner from Lambton st. on to Main Rev. E. J. McEwen, formerly of Durâ€" of t.. Harold MeKechaic cut the corner ham, conducted the funeral services, by ather short with his Ford, and colâ€". which were most impressive. The | P iwled with a horse being driven south husband and father is on the verge of “ re by George Bell on Tuesday afternoor. collapse. ‘ of Â¥he impact stov« in the radiator of «Many a Slip, TWixt" &c \w !hv car :\:.'.l' u.mm:-.\‘l it, .!t}m‘m'h Fot}lr Forya tva’days his week the bur.| 0 ing else Fhe horse reared & HMW®: pom Hospital was without a patient, | Y but was held and apparently escaDed a rare occurrence, for only once beâ€") T any infury. Fortunately the car W@3 fore, and that for a day only, has this & being slowly driven, which made the occurred. Some friends taking in the | " uccident but a minor one. \ situation, determined to have a s0¢â€" f ial hour or two with the Matron and Senior Northern Hockey Leagu® _ | nurses, whose life, constantly in as| M Rather than see nothing doing 1" | sociation with sickness or suffering, League Hockey circles in the O0ld gives few opportunities for lighter | s iown this winter, as was. the case moments. However just as the funcâ€" 1 last season, Lance MeGirr and Ernie tion was about to come off, a patient| j MeDonald got busy last Saturday and was brought in and stern duty deâ€"} ; entered Durham in the Senior North | manded that the social hour be inâ€"| ; ern League. We have plenty of good d"m'mt“)' postponed. Faithful nuiâ€"| ; nockey material in town and while 8°> : : perhaps of not sufficient calibr® 10 pecember Institute Mesting. win a championship, they are good | The December meeting of the Woâ€"‘ enough puckâ€"chasers to make & merry‘men‘s Institute was held last Thurs district race. The boys here favor a day at the cosy home of Mrs Thos. | district with Mt. Forest, Harriston E. Brown, with an attendance of aâ€" and Hanover but no Northern group bout :0. ‘lrhli\chl was xootd t'ort hsnch a on k wet day. arge part 0 e proâ€" jugs have yet been arranged !gram. owing to the absence of the BHruce Co. Treasurer Resigns ‘talem, could not be carried out, but Mr Norman Robertson of Walkerâ€"‘ Miss Essie Firth gave two good seâ€" ton, who has been Treasurer of the lectionsâ€"@ reading and a recitation. County of Bruce for over forty years, | Five or six ladies of the Institute has tendered his resignation to Bmo}nns two choruses. Mrs Sherk, the County Council Mr Robertson mtdek“"’ to the Toronto Convention, gave a splendid and full report of the been one of the most efficient Treas | , * | proceedings there, interspersed with urer‘s in the Province and the Coun-“ lot of personal experiences, which w1 received Mr Robertson‘s decisi0n| mage it all the more entertaining and to retire with regret. He is about S% / ;or which the members tendered her years of age and is the author of the | 4 hearty vote of thanks. A collection History of Bruce Co., a work of his was taken up for the Sick Children‘s torical interest, and much valued al!l| Hospital. A bountiful lunch was serâ€" over Canada by students of Canadâ€"| ved by the hostess and a number of lan History. willing helpers. County of Bruce for has tendered his res €County Council been one of the mo School Concert y evening, Dec. 14th. A am . in preparatlonâ€"dia~ is etc. Admission | 25¢ Russwurm, HManover. Ont t Daughter ‘ Mrs. Arch. Baird of Queen ; have the sympathy of many | the death of their bright | hter, â€" Margaret Hene, on' right. The child was scarâ€"| months . old, never stron:.! ontracted a cold which deâ€" to pneumonia and she died . lkouto acim« â€" Inferment t0oK _ Rob Roy Mills L‘d. and Picot Edging. your hemstitching and We do prompt and OWNLS in the Baptist Church, lay evening Dec. 14th am â€" is being prepared . _ All are welcome. Social at Latona very fashionableâ€"we in. p.C. Town Large assortment of Ear Rings, 75¢ pair and up. D. C. Town, Jeweler. Mr. Thos. Binnie has writen up in the Farmers‘ Sun a comprehensive arâ€" ticle on "Commodity Coâ€"operation Needed," illustrating with chart. A box social will be held in Top cliff School, Friday, Dec. fist. A good programme is being prepared. Ladies with boxes free. Admission 25¢ Wrist watches in green, white, and yellow gold guaranteed qualities, $10 and up. D. C. Town, Jeweler. $700 worth of liquor was seized by Matt. Beckett and assistants at the Queen‘s Hotel, Meafort!. It was conâ€" cealed under the barn floor. Christmas Greeting with envelopes, 10 a ill < d it n in Airnade Pewm mdt '860 as a result of their bazaar in the ‘ schoolroom of the church Saturday. | Most of the ‘?rticles for sale were disâ€" posed of and for their first bazaar, it . was considered a success. 1 perhaps than any other man is due the origin and success of the C. P. K. Missionary Workers Hold Bazaar The Loyal Helpers‘ Mission Band of the Presbyterian Church, (comprisâ€" ing girls of the ‘teen age) realized Fur Robbery at Dundalk t adksasicaid Ahi c id stcsalciae A double burglary occurred at Dunâ€" dalk last week end when raw furs, worth $300 were stolen from Sam Goldman‘s house and a few days aftâ€" er, another fur dealer‘s house was broken into and 189 mink pelts worth $2000 were stolen . An Owen Sound constable is on the war path. "Tis the Last Rose of Summer December so far is trying to surâ€" pass November for mildness. It is reported thri on some trees and plants buds ars forming, â€" dandelions are showing ard at least one giassâ€" hopyr=r we ar> assured, has beon seen. On the sea coast cod fish are repor tâ€" od to be leasing Newfoundlaal tor Crcenland, water so warm . Tae ‘.-.,;-.vlng of fuel must be extensizve over ti.= province, though for the Cliaist , mus trade good sieighing | wouil be keter. 7 Deaths by Fire A most harrowing tale comes l’rom‘ Sombra Township, Lambton Co. The home of Mr and Mrs Harry Babcock was occupied on Friday last by Mrs Babcock, aged 24, and five children, also her sister, Mrs Ramsay, aged 22, Mr Babcock being absent on business. In some unknown way the house took fire about $ p. m. and all were burned to death before help could reach them. Rev. E. J. McEwen, formerly of Durâ€" ham, conducted the funeral services, which were most impressive. ‘The husband and father is on the verge of collapse. Pnd en uies aess n E. Brown, with an attendance of aâ€" y bout 30, which was good for such a | wet day. A large part of the proâ€" ; gram, owing to the absence of the | talent, could not be carried out, but râ€"‘ Miss Essie Firth gave two good seâ€"; e lectionsâ€"a reading and a recitation. s,| Five or six ladies of the lostitute ce | sang two choruses. Mrs Sherk, the 5 | delegate to the Toronto Convention, 3. | gave & splendid and full report of the m-: proceedings there, interspersed with ‘a lot of personal experiences, which y ‘ made it all the more entertaining and 80| for which the members tendered her he ‘ a hearty vote of thanks. A collection is | was taken up for the Sick Children‘s all| Hospital. A bountiful lunch was ser "UpRAR CC U U Knarnas anit 5. nuniber of "Many a Slip, Twixt" &c. ‘ For a few days this week the Durâ€"| ham Hospital was without a palient.‘ a rare occurrence, for only once beâ€" fore, and that for a day only, has this occurred. Some friends taking in the situation, determined to have a s0¢â€" ial hour or two with the Matron and nurses, whose life, constantly in asâ€" sociation with sickness or suffering, gives few opportunities for lighter moments. However just as the funcâ€" tion was about to come off, a patient was brought in and stern duty deâ€" \ manded that the social hour be inâ€" definitely postponed. Faithful nusâ€" ses ! The Purhim Rewinb definitely postponed. PAICIIRUL ARMR® | 0 ses ! ‘ ‘ December Institute Mesting. The December meeting of the Wo-\ ‘{men‘s Institute was held last Thurs day at the cosy home of Mrs Thos.‘ E. Brown, with an attendance of aâ€" bout 30, which was good for such a | wet day. A large part of the proâ€" | gram, owing to the absence of the | talent, could not be carried out, but â€"‘ Miss Essie Firth gave two good seâ€" j M C bGawem oo â€" ecmettmeor. mtE 3 recllalion.l Last Rose of Summer 10 and 15¢ each. D. C. Town, Jeweler Cards, engraved DURHAM, A quiet wedding was solemnized in [l Riverdale Presbyterian Church, ‘Torâ€"| onto, on Wednesday, Dec. 5th, by Rev | E. L. Hunter, when Alice May, tourth‘ daughter of Mr. D. McKelvey, was married to Victor Emmanuel Noble,! son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Noble of | Durham. The bride looked charming | in sand canton crepe with hat and | shoes to match and wore & corsage | boquet of sweetheart roses and fern.| She also wore the groom‘s gift, a| rope of pearls. Her travelling suit| was of black georgette with black | muskrat coat. | Following the ceremony A woddlng‘i supper was served at the home of the bride‘s cousin, Mrs Edgar Broomor,i 45 Elma St., Mimico, where the hapâ€" _ py couple spent part of the honeyâ€" _ moon. _ Mrs Broomer received the guests in black satin and wore a& COrâ€" sage boquet of sweetheart roses, The house was prettily decorated with mums. and ferns. On their return to Durham Saturâ€" day evening, a reception was tenderâ€" ed them at the home of the groom‘s parents. They have taken up resiâ€" 1 dence in their new home in the apartâ€" ment above MceFadden‘s Drug Store. I t . wi ind l ies FeFu ty PmR ME Cet E The winsome bride is a former Durâ€" ham and Egremont girl, who has spent the last five years in thé C CG LCC w e ie t in ies bu: At the home of the groom‘s parents, | . Mr. and Mrs H. A. Falconer, Elgin St. a pretty wedding was solemnized on Wednesday evening, Dec. 12th at 6| p. m., when their eldest sof, Harold Harrison, was united in holy bonds ofmatrimony to Miss Dorothy Greenâ€" way. The wedding party stood under the archway of the home, under a bower of evergreens, streamers and white wedding bells, and before Rev. J. E. Peters, the solemn words were pronounced which made them man and wife. The bride‘s sister, Miss Gertie Greenway of Orangeville, acted in the capacity of bridesmaid, while the groom‘s brother, Eddie, performâ€" ed the duties of best man. _ The bride was becomingly â€" attired in a gown of pearl satin, â€" trimmed with rosebud trimming and the brideâ€" ‘ smaid chose blue silk canton crepe. Following the ceremony and good: wishes which were extended to the young couple, the guests to the numâ€" ber of thirty six, sat down to a splenâ€" did fowl supper, to which all did amâ€" ple justice. The table was also decâ€" orated with streamers to the four corâ€" ners of the table and the centre held We . w cteu® N12 d t i .ih iss dnloo is cecsn ds rate ie a three story wedding cake decorated | £ with silver beads and leaves. At the close of the repast, Imv. Mr. Peters proposed a toast felfeitously 8 to the bride and groom and to which ’ the groom‘s father responded. | The evening was given over to socâ€"| ial enjoyment and amusemept which| was kept up till the hours grew small | again. The young couple purpose purpose making their home in Durâ€" ham, and its citizens wish for them a! life of happiness for the future, and} in this the Review wishes to join. | \ The bride received some handsome | as well as useful gifts, that of the | ! groom to her being a case of ivory.l The groom‘s father presented them? \ with a $50 cheque, while a $10 cheque | came from Mr .and Mrs C. H. Danard of Parry Sound, and with whom the, bride formerly made her home. The: bride‘s sister, Miss Gertie Greenway, ) remembered the bridal couple with an | ouifit of bedroom linen and blankets. ‘ Guests present from a distance \ were Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Falconer, Torâ€" | onto : Miss Gertie Greenway, Orangeâ€" { ville: Messrs Herb, Ben,, Hardy and | Thos. Harrison, . (all uncles of the ;l groom) and their wives from Egreâ€" .| mont Township. December Weddings Municipal Telephone Co. buys the Bell The Bruce Municipal Telephone | System â€" has lately bought out the Bell Telephone Co. at Paisley and Kincardine, making it the largest rural Telephone System in the Domâ€" inion with five exchanges at Paisley, Kincardine, Port Eigin, Underwood and Tiverton. Farm Movement Going Forward FALCONERâ€"GREENWAY "The United Farm Movement is | going forward and not back," deâ€"| clared Miss Agnes McPhail, M. P. in addressing the annual convention of the United Farm Women of Ontario which opened Tuesday in Toromo.l "The movement will go forward until | it bhas fuldlled its mission which is briefly the saving of civilization. | It is true that we have suffered and that we will suffer yet, for the crisis is not: yet passed. _ But there are still a large number of loyal people in Ontarâ€" io to carry on this movement and | enable it to make its valuable contriâ€" cb is YAIURADIC CMLTT NOBLEâ€"MeKELVEY bution to the Canadian people. I am | proud of the farm women of Ontario and proud to‘ be one of them. This has been the best Convention we have had, as it has brought out the spirit of friendliness and hospitality as though we were one big sisterâ€" THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1923 one big sisterâ€" With which is incorporated the Holstein Leader ' Fine quality Shelley Cups and Sauâ€" | cers, $1.50. C. Town, <Jeweler. |Something that YCempts _ Cream i’ufls, Crkam Rolis, Charlotte‘ Russe, may be hadvevery Saturday at Henderson‘s . Bakery? ‘ Photographs Christmas rates now on. 15 photos on the dozen. Call early. At F. W. Kelsey‘s Studio Don‘t forget the annual Christmas Tree in Varney Church on Tuesday night, Dec. 25th. A good program is ‘being prepared. Admission 25e and 15e. 4 Trinity Church Bazaar a There‘s a glow in th in the street, . That comes but once That comes but once in a year, There‘s a tone in the voice of friends you greet That echoes of hope and cheer : And the fleet footed days hasten on to the time When, glowing in dawning skies, The gladdest of days and most sublime, Trinity Church Guild will hold their annual bazaar on Saturday, Dee. 15th, in the Public Library. Fancy work, home made baking, candy and vegeâ€" tables. Donations will be thankfully received. Will Take an Enforced Holidg_y C The illnes of Rt. Hon. W. S. Fieldâ€" ing is attributed to overwork and he will require a rest from official dutâ€" ies. An acting Minister will have to be appointed. On previous occasions Hon. J. A. Robb has acted in his place and he will likely do so again. One of the cases for trial at the Owen Sound Assizes was that of Robt Campbell, formerly of Proton, who was suing David McMurdo, cattle dealer and farmer for $1360 for 28 head of cattle sold to him in July. This with other cases, will likely be postponed. All al' onto. ntarâ€"| beat. and\ ntriâ€" I am| itario This All n we F. 0. t the| settl tality | the | sisterâ€"| date, hand Owen Sound is to have three inâ€" dustrial byâ€"laws voted on at the New‘ Year, (1) A renewal of their tax exâ€" emption from the Malleable : Iron Works : (2) To lend the Cereal Mills $25,000 and (3) a fixed assessment of $20,000 for 10 years from the North: American Bent Chair Co. So Say We The last British Parliament with a \party majority of but 65 per cent in the House, elected by 38 per cent of The THE CHRISTMAS GLOW , the votes cast, controlled the legislaâ€" tion and administration of the counâ€" try for a year. It looks as if some saner and fairer system of representa tion might be devised.â€"Sun Times. Coming to Durham i io: NE â€" t ataint ‘lhighways which comes into 1JOPCC LC | |last day of this month provides heuv-\ \ier penalties for exceeding the speed limit and classes exceeding 40 mih*sl |an hour as reckless driving. A penâ€" | alty is inflicted for motorists passing, | or attenpting to pass another car unâ€" \less the travelled portion of the highâ€" C Cc (as Haft and in front. is free | way to the left andu V CEGLE:s C000 c 4 SX 0C ap ‘from approaching traffic. in a T Hanged Himself in Mother‘s Orchara | to be Herman Schrieber, of Brant Town.| menta | ship, aged 29, committed suicide 0n hall 0 | Saturday last by hanging â€" himself | UTCâ€" \ from an apple tree on his mother‘s| haye \f;u-m, on the 10th, con. of Braut, neat behin | FLawood _ Along with aâ€" yoanger| com® | brather he went to the barn aiter| thorit :\ breakfast to Go the morning ch> es,\“’h“‘ l! avud left the stable some time later. they t\ When his younger brother had finish | Pital, e nc t ts T 50 A e 8 yeed en nrk DY AEEIV CEA OOE The new act regulating . travel 0“‘ Mrs. Wm. Calder kindly offered her | § ghways which comes into force th°} nome to Canadian Greys‘ Chapter, 1| st ds 0.’ this month ;?rovides he;w-‘ O. D. E., for their December meeting | | r penalties for exceeding the speed| and was one of the best attended | mit and classes exceodl'ng 40 Mil@s| meetings the Chapter has badâ€"33| i pour 4# reckless driving. A P°Uâ€"| being present. Miss Julia Weir, D. A. | ty is inflicted for motorists PSSINE,| Regent, occupied the chair and the| c attenpting to pass another car UNâ€"| business of the Order was put through | iss the travelled portion of the highâ€"| with quick dispatch. The Chapter ray to the left and in front, is fre@}| have to the extent of $200, invested rom approaching traffic. in a Dominion Victory Bond, which is ianged Himself in Mother‘s Orchard to be the nest egg that will be instruâ€"| Herman Schrieber, of Brant Town.| mental in either raising a new town | hip, aged 29, committed suicide on hall or renovating the present struct| aturday last by hanging himself | ue They feel in this venture thvyl rom an apple tree on his mother‘s| haye the sympathy of the cilizensl arm, on the 10th, con. of Brau, 1:4-ar\behmd them and would gladly wel| EPlawood _ Alcng with a yoangor| come coâ€"operation from municipal auâ€" brather he went to the barn aiter thorities to see this scheme fulfilled. preakfast to do the morning cl> 35,‘\\'hile this is their main _ objective,| aud left the stable some time lat(t.| they also continue to benefit the Hosâ€" When his younger brother had finish | pital, having at this meeting, voted ed the work ana was returning to the| $50 to the furtherance of any need house, he found the body hanging in | that may exist in the upkeep of their the orchard. No reason can be found '\ room in this building. This completes i0r his act. \ a $200 grant that the Chapter voted Mr. Alex. M. Bell, of Medical co1 | to their special ward. . Also the monâ€" ols 00L NE UU Ausane . T UMCHL 18 remembered and on Tues: P o e oi ue h e cn 1 mm amnt l seR Mr. Mex. M. Bells OH M U U Sptncec T lege, Toronto, and who has been Preg.| ument is yYemenUe CV 02 and carried| ident of the U. of T. Harrier Club| 44Â¥ night $10 was moved and carmed | the past year, is succeeded by Mr \'\'m‘l to be paid over this year towards the Goforth. _ Mr Goforth in taking the| upkeep of the monument grounds and | chair, spoke of Mr Bell‘s splendid to be augmented by $15 next year.| record with the Club during his five| A committee was also appointed to years at Varsity. He ran on the Varâ€"| jook after the "Christmas Cheer" end | sity tesu:x( forPfoudeears and‘ served | of the Chapter‘s benevolent work by :lssopxsm;%e; r;;nreeent“;:sd hzli:‘id?».: distributing such cheer in a pracu‘cul; ‘ in winning the championship for Torâ€"| manner to the sick and needy in “::'“,' | onto. This record will be hard io | Canadian Greys‘ have been making | beat. | great strides in growth of memberâ€" | \ weâ€"â€"«ilip t \shlp the past few months and now'i | number pearly Sixty members. â€" Mrs. | NOT'CE ';Calder at the close of the business . All parties owing the Bunessan U.| ?m:edi“f: kindly served . light ce |r. 0. Club, are requested to call ard|‘*** ©et is | settle at the Royal Bank on or before‘ | the 20th of December. _ â€"After that Lucas and Henry have disposed of â€"\| date, accounts will be plated in o‘.her‘ their Orangeville law business. © We usuvien «Buâ€"a" said a friend of the family ~C'hris;t'nms morn shall rise fmnds for collection. vCerhelutt a Foâ€" t ". Te Potts, Sanle 1Jc *L W Li * * uo P Aaigra ns ... & ‘ ,“" ‘*‘.‘&-‘r‘w‘flfi?@ i pe es I Kn 2 2 P ,f-.;"@‘t-'s,;’f\ s *h «/ Am w23 pNpC y : }s‘ & ie ie dn o s m Web on Ti 22 00 0 â€" t e y ie s ta s‘ a ~, i0 onl Cl‘ Ne t hm o s00 ; wl U3 "a . in the air, a stir By order of Executive _of Mr Bell‘s splendid the Club during his five itvy He ran on the Varâ€" W. S. Fieldâ€" Mrs. R. Milburn has returned home after a few weeks‘ holidays with relaâ€" tives in â€" Toronto, Hamilton and Brantford. Miss Miriam and Master Eben Caâ€" meron are taking part in the Anniâ€" versary Services of _ Paisley Baptist Church on Monday, Dec. 17th. Mrs Ralph Hayes of Edmonton, arâ€" rived last Tuesday on a visit to her‘ parents, Mr and Mrs. C. L. Grant. On Friday she left for Pittsburg to visit her husband‘s people, but will be back to spend the Christmastide at her former home. Mr Brock Grant of the Bank of Montreal, Welland, is also home on a few week‘s holiâ€" day. Miss Mary Morton of the Public School staff, was off duty last week through iliness, and Miss Sadie Mcâ€" Donald, another teacher, was il1 with quinsy a few days this week, but has resumed teaching. Mr and Mrs Legate of Brantford, are visiting their relative here, Mrs. Milburn. With Mr and Mrs Durham and child of Brantford, also guests there, ail spent a few days the beâ€" gimlit.lg of tl';;'"\â€"ve:'k- with Mr and Mrs Henry Beaton of Glenelg. Mr Alex. McLean of Dromore, visâ€" ited at Mr Alex. McDonald‘s, Glenelg, one night last week. See our display of the better French Ivory : the low prices will surprise you. D. C. Town, Jeweler, Mr. Arch. Burnett of Hopeville, is spending the winter with his son, Wm. Burnett here. Mr and Mrs Durham of Brantford, are visitors with their friend, Mrs. Robt. Milburn for a week. Mr. Albert Livingstone was in Torâ€" onto for a few days this week. } Mr John L. Stedman went to Torâ€" onto Wednesday to appear before the Ontario Pensions Board. Mr Clarence Darling was also down Monday. Mrs. Wm. Calder went to Toronto on Tuesday to spend a few days. Waterman‘s ldeal Fountain Pene, splendid assortment $2.50 and up. Other Fountain Pens, $1.00 and up. D. C. Town, Jeweler Annual Reâ€"election and Smoker L. O. L. No. 632 will hold their anâ€" nual election and installation of off}â€" cers in their lodge room, on Friday evening, Dee. 21st. _ Also a smoker. All brethren are requested to be pre sent. Visitors welcome. A. J. Lloyd, Recording Sec‘y Men‘s Class. . Most men find the question ot| "Taxes" an economic and â€" also an] ethical one. To undervalue property and beat the customs are not consiâ€" dered very serious sins. Are they sins at all ? If we realized how taxes affect people more than property we might give more consideration to how they are levied and for what expendâ€" ed. This is a primary question _ of citizenship and morality. Jesus paid C 1 es ce csne wt his taxes 230 p. N Canadian Greys‘ Entertained Next Sunda'y afternoon at acl ito | ‘_&QEEGE&Z(&GE‘PG?G GEEGGG(-(-GG(«;‘ \g Select your Christmas Gifts T p. | W Early E Merchants ! Orderyour counter check | And yet i books at the Review office. Ask to see ‘I erators a samples. Lowest prices. | provinces 1 bent 0 ) & Here are choice suggestions and a wide choice : W Fancy Stationery ......}>>>>>>> 25¢ to $3.50 per box [ Perfumes, in fancy packages, from...... .>â€" 25¢ up W Toilet Water. A Full Assortment of French Ivory W Christmas Cards, Tags, Seals, etc. US. McBETH ®. Yes3B3R23E 232333333333333 Published Weekly at $2.00 a $2.50 a year in advance. THE REXALL DRVUG STORE ‘i Greeting Cards, Seals, lags and oHURUI®: McFADDENS DRUG STORE French Ivory Sets and pieces Fancy China and Cut Glass Leather Hand Bags Fountain Pens Eversharp and Signet Pencils Liggett‘s and Low:,l'eky’s <‘ Perfumes New Books Kodaks and Brownies Gift Suggestions _/ Cift Sugsestions FOR LADIES FOR MEN DOLLS for the Kiddies, 10 o off d Weekly at $2.00 a year ln » To United Stat year in advance. C. m & SON, h& F en oC F : ae. tm :: EU C We io Chocolates TORONTO Of three thousand im_dl stills seisâ€" Seals, Tags and Stickers. ; Specials “u;'me' ;ay the moonshine opâ€" are confined 10 prohibition Druggist and Station DURH A M _ Cased Playing Cards \Bill Folds and Purses _ Smokers‘ Sets m_:.i.. Dazaree Military Brushes Shaving Sets Thermos Bottles Flashlights Cased Pipes Christmas Wrapped at | € fa Â¥3

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