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Durham Review (1897), 13 Dec 1923, p. 4

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If: Ge'"9'"""'"' y..-“ _---_,_, - . gt', ygmmmmmmfi l Gift Suggestion? BEAN CONTEST g Gents)“ to: DAD A hit at louse sun": to: [101!!! A Pair of Bedroom Slippers to: [ROI-ll A I." " Keeley Boots POI SIS“!!! A Pair of Golan" "I BABY A Pair of Whit. "was“: (live. us a null and we will be pleased to s stock of Christmas gifts. J. S. MCILRAITH, Durham Below you will ‘urnisher Calder Block, Durham The NtsgsNSr Eord Coupe FORD r5319. Whole Family Repairing a Specialty An entirely new body design of remarkable beauty as well as practical utility, is the distinguishing feature of,the new Ford Coupe. The body lines follow in one graceful sweep from the new high radiator to the "Turtle-buck" curve of the rear deck, which has been enlarged to conveniently accommodate bulky pips and packages. Upholstering is luxuriously deep both in the seat and back, the covering being of rich brown broadcloth with mahogany stripe. A recess shelf is provided behind the seat, ior parcels. Interior linings include revolving window regulators, and door locks and handles finished in nickel. The large rear window is fitted with silk poplin shade in dull silvered mountings. The windshield is surmounted by a broad sun-visor, which protects the eyes lrom glare. As a handsome and practical all-weather car for town or country, the new Ford Coupe cannot be surpassed. New Ford "has The Cash Shoe Store Do Your Christmas Shopping Early Dov pe, W - - Ekclm Sterling and Lighting Eiu-" Simulation that “It Touring Car, $445 Runabout. $405 Truck, 6495 Iikclrvc SUM and Liam MM 8600 a“. All price. f. o.b. Ford. 0min. Go-st-tt Tam am. A II Ford models may be obtained through the Ford Weekly Punk Durham Holstein Mt. Forest MOTOR COMPANY 1 find a partial list of Cou pet”? 'at'a"aailf W Mn" _---------------" - Thursday, Decetgl '_._.. CARS 3 TRUCKS . SMITH BROS. same evening. to show you our ANADA. LIMITED. Fordor Sedan, $895 Christmas looms up prominentlyl and compels our attention. Only a; few days now and we will have ini our possession the contributions 0!" Santa Claus to our happiness. Tttl glad yuletide will be realized in its; fullest measure and Joy and silliness. will be found in nearly every home 1nl Canada. Between now and December 25th. the attention of people in all walks of life will be focused upon that day. The life in the home, social activities and the entire shopping world now have little else than the great Christian festival to engage their attention. [IIK'II (.th Ally-v... To many people the coming oCotiler “a Christmas involves conditions that se-l the natior verely tax their strength. This hapljom, to pens because they do not take timel. Li) 1! ( try the t'nrelock and are not iorehand-l . ty ed in their preparations for the 'iii/yt "m Tho last few days before Christmas ml by in usually are filled with feverish activ-i its Etoetet 'it.y, because great multitudes of t,',tlti'tii.1.fi'l4 ple do not make their Christmas put-l Churchill chases earlier, with the result that, Why ca they not only unduly tax their own) so down strength. but the strength of then.“ Jtsc clerks in the stores. in undertartimrian.vwav' to accomplish in a few days what, reunited should have occupied their attention) icy l for a whole month. Late shopping, y. not only begets exhaustion and dis-lcould be icomt‘ort, but it makes impossible a gress an wise and economic selection of 'lu.fll?'ii,rii.r,fi' chases. Obviously, the best time to feeling. shop is not just before Christmas,idutred a hut at the present time when thrlpossihle merchants' lines of goods are full, the; The 1 stores not crowded and the purchaser plank it -..... an... n... nem-ssarv time to make‘ as we t ALL READY FOR CHRISTMAS can talto the mammary time wise selections. BRITISH Whether Promipr Baldwin thought that by a hurry up election, he would find his opponents napping and have an (may win is not known for sum! but if such was its purpose it has) failed. True he has the largest Ci') lowing of the three groups, but the number of wins from the Conservativ-g es by both Liberals and Labor showi conclusively that his appeal and his! mlicy was not popular with the coun-'l ea by both Liberals eonctusrivrsly that hi policy was not popnl try. CPI POLITICS IN CONFUSION Decorate! Purchase FORD. OITARIO 13, 1923 THE DURHAM REVIEW Lobe: in own new piano. my enla coming Int. Not one of the groups on carry on with opposition from the other two. so Britain as well as Canada will have a taste of 3:0qu government. Mr Baldwin has made :11 lpromlse to continue his government: I and meet the House in January before resigning. Should he resign Ramsay -‘.\chouald, the Labor leader. will be masked to form a government though i, they can not continue in omee if they ;try to pass their pet hobby "levy on ieapital/' for both the old parties are iagainst such a move. - A “4-: A! In“. -""" any" - -i"e" Coalitions have been talked of but r, Me""" "a... T,' -e opinions are held so strongly. that:be obtained. . such appears to be impossible. Lib-land bottom ot I erals and Labor (but for the levy) P.'"", that tend would get along fairly well, tor they i the few and th have much in common. However tiz- many. --sun Ti ing the situation up, it is probable and ---- other election will be held to see it l EBI the nation will not give a working ma. "ority to one or other of the parties. 3 The weather l Ll 'yd George and Asquith, oimr/ :3." $1323: 2 I', Lees LOW dropped, were both _.1lr,'lr; ploughing ml by increased majorities. Baldwin; Mr Robert I lis ('ncled again but several 0: 1risl ited recently v tmiuisIr-is have fallen. Winston} Mr H. W. I iChurchill was defeated. I trip to Ayton ; Why cannot the el wed members all' Mr Wm. Lat }si' down like a hm County Councill recently with land (hiatuss Britain's foreign attain" Langrill. ietvwav l The beat statesmansttir) is) yr and M.r ivonuired to regulate. her foreign tol- 93155 Hazel VI " icy. Party feeling and shibboieths lurnbulldonb': " could be buried while this “as in pro- S Mr on . ' l , unda.s with l l gress and when conclusions had been]1 - .treached in an atmosphere of good'; . y feeling. home questions could be intro-\ ROCK' ,‘dut2ed and if agreement prowl not ' 'lpossible have another election. Th." w. M. i“. The levy on capital. it iistinetivoim..'11Pf last V "l plank in the Labor platform. as far ot' Mrs L. Me', ei, as we can see, is not an unrighteous attendance ar _ - . ,, l mam" about clt '; Robbery does not seem a word too', lstrong to apply to the operations and! !operators of the now defunct institu- (te that was the Home Bank. At a lMeé-ting in Toronto on Friday last ot 'isshareholders and depositors. a long _ and lucid statement was given by the /'l'lllrli liquidator. G. T. Clarkson to hover one thousand ot the hapless de- 'l positors, met to hear the result of the [Ii search into Its operations since its in- " ception. affair. Incomes of $25,000 and under it is not proposed to touch. Over this and running into the millions, a. grad-1 dated tax would be imposed which would ruin or.cause hardship to tlo- body. The masses gave of their sons to win the war: is it too much to ask that the classes should should- or more pt the debt'? up.-." Intense feeling moved his audience. I Te a feeling that they had Buttered great N. wrong, and the story ot the wrong n doing more than once got on the nerves of the auditors, as he told ot p millions and scores of millions being , loaned or invested, or “advanced"ls with a freedom apparently as great as' that of a small boy at a ten-cent show. t He began at the beginning eighteen i years ago dealing with the operations lyear by year, and declared that tht 1 l men at the. head of it for much of the I, Mime were lacking in banking ability lat least. This bank and its branch is , it would seem did not exist to serve the communities in which they were established : rather it would seem, it was a kind of collecting agency to se. cure front depositors, rich and poor, their savings, sometimes their life- time savings. so that advances could ‘be made to higher-ups to finance ' schemes in Mexico or the States, or 5 wild cat shemes in Canada. l Strong rvsolutions were passed, one , looking to an appeal to Ottawa for help, seeing that Sir Thos. White in i 1916. then a member of the govern- ment. admits he had suspicion then l all was not right, but. was afraid to l reveal his tears for tea rot a collapse. 1This is called contributory negligence. A 25 per eent dividend will be paid) I before Christmas to the depositors, which will be advanced by other banks 1 till assets have been realized on. Mr. iClarkson told the shareholders that ithey must pay the double liability and pay it soon, so they as well as [the depositors are appointing inspec- ltors to look after their Interests in l the coming months. THE HOME BANK ROBBERY "Keeping up with the Joneses'" ac- counts for a lot of wasteful expendi- ture. Social rivalries in dress, lttnttsts furnishing and entertainments reveal an unworthy newness and involve an ever increasing expenditure. A love of display and pre-eminence is the greatest of all the enemies of thrift. The indulgence of appetite is a close second. T he importation of out of season luxuries tor the table has of late years grown immensely. The temptation of ready-to-eat breakfast and other foods and ready to wear clothing and underwear. has proved too much tor the thrity habits of our more careful and lean lndulgmt mothers and grandmother'. The in- atalment plan of buying, ‘hn. catalog- ues ot the department storm. the per- suasive house to house 'ttuWtutgeN who so often hypnotize thotte willing bet Feds plucc. Lib- THE JONES" le has 0!. Mr and Mrs John Sharpe visited r. lwith Knox friends recently. ady-tmm I Quite,) number from this part are and rvads'iprerraritig tor the Chritsttntus Fair in rwear. tuv/Hanover next Tuesday. wâ€" to listen to them Into buylus; what they neither need. nor ever would have thought o hunting. a“ conspire '0 make the practise of rum! encam- irgly difficult. . . A -.-.... an urn-lid. ttt It is easy and men-mu; m up". _ drill into more lavish and 'i.ii..jiio,is.i ways of living .han om (an runny " tru': but not so easy to make or.e's ‘wa yback in simpler and mu er (ways. Tho philosophy of "Sm: slick, 'the clock pediar" ot last century, tits human nature as exactly to-day as it ', did then. "It'ts not in human nature [having once enjoyed a luxury, to dis-‘ l pense with it, it by any means it can jhe obtained." This is at the back gand bottom of most ot the thriftless Aways that tend to the enrichment of "tte few and the impoverishment at many. --sun Times trip to Ayton on Friday Mr Wm. Langrill, Wi recently with Mr and Langrill. 7 -- “AL. , trip to Aylon um um...“ Mr Wm. Langrill, Windsor, visited} recently with Mr and Mrs James' Langrill. Mr and Mrs Robt. Johnston and Miss Hazel visited Mr and Mrs Jas. Turnbull on Tuesday last. Mr and Mrs Joseph Roay spent mun»... "rtth Mr and Mrs C. H, Reay. Mr 'rid-sims Joéeph 1 Sunday with Mr and Mrs ing iriu. Crulchley spent days with Berkeley friends. nu}: "A”. -'"--'- . The young people speak in the highest terms ot the hospitality ex. tended to them at the home ot Mr and Mrs Ernest Greenwood on Friday night. A number of the young people are planning to attend Miss Armetla Me- Kechnio's school concert in Edge Hill school on Friday night of this wevk. Miss Mary Lamb is holding her con cert in the school on Thursday (won. ing, Dec. 20th. Messrs Jack Lawson and L. A. Me Lean spent Sunday afternoon will Mr Joe Davidson, Glenroaden. Mr Jas. Lawrence is in Toronto 1 with a load of lambs this week. Mr and Mrs. Thos. Torry of Rivets sido, were the guests of Mr and Mrs. D. Lamb on Sunday. U Mr Robt. Milne of Durham. visited at Mr John McDonald's recently. Mr Dougald N. Clark is having an auction sale of live stock and immu- ments on Wed., Dec. 19th. Mr Elias Edge and his mother ur- rived home from the West last week. Mr Donald Stewart, assisted by Mr John McDonald and Son, were haul. ing timber to Durham last week. Mr Di k. Clark visited his cousin, Mr Robt Murray of Desboro one day last wonk. ROCKY SAUCEEN The remains of the late Mrs Malonu were laid to rest in St. Paul's camo- lm‘y on Thursday last. Another of our old pioneers gone at tlw ripe old age of 88. W'Mr Lorne McIntosh, Miss Ruth Lowe and Mrs E. B. bargavel visited friends in Owen Sound Thursday. 7 Mr John Jones of Owen Sound visiting his brother George, who not well at the present time. Messrs Peter and George Leding- ham. who have been working near Windsor for a. few months, returned on Saturday night to their home here. Mr Geo. Tracy returned home on Thursday. Rev. Mr Tait of Toronto, occupivd the pulpit on Sunday in the absence of Rev. D. Sillars. He also addres- sod the Y. P. A. in the evening. Miss Cram: and Miss Reta McIn- tosh spent the t1rst of the week with Owen Sound friends. Remember our annual Christmas Tree on the 18th inst. The young people are preparing the program. Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Wm Solm on the arrival of a bouncing baby boy on Dee. 7th. Mrs W. Sharpe and niece Miss Bur. gess visited with Mrs A. Fulton on Saturday afternoon. Messrs John Cooper and John Whiteford are attending the U. P. 0. Convention In Toronto this week. Borne of the farmers mum! here took In the gala last Wednesday ot Mr. 'rolehard'tt, Anon. We don't know or nay burning. --.- r is rvmarkably warml of the year. giving pe-; chance to tinish up his Adlam ot Toronto, vis- with friends here. Hunt made a business S. held their annual Wednesday at the home Lean. There was a tair 1d the business ot ttw using. has been very teat. Most ot' the old oftieat"3 ABERDEEN DORNOCH “an: to spend, to [sh and luxminus om (an ”ally " " to make ocis .lnr and mu er HAMPDEN VI‘I ty few A SH water nu u.....-..,v - er domestic use. and for tion: and to install a r tion, collecting gallery, V ted tank. machinery and l accordance with the repo James, Proctor and Redtl at an estimated cost c thousand dollars ($44,000 ‘» -mlen f a Waterworks 3: of Durham, and as“?! tand a rights, togett"rr AND WHEREAS, application “as I been made to the Provincial Board iii) Health pursuant to the Public Health) Act for the approval of the said; works, and the said Provincial Board; of Health has approved of same. AND WHEREAS the sum of Forty four Thousand Dollars ($44,000) is the amount of the debt intended to be created by this by-law. AND WHEREAS it is desirable to 1 issue the said debentures at one time and to make the said debt payable ini yearly sums during the period of thirty years, being the currency of the said debentures. the said yearly sums being of such respective amounts that the aggregate. amount payable in each year tor principal and interest in respect of the said debt shall be as nearly as possible equal in each of the other twenty-nine years of the said period. AND WHEREAS the total amoum required to be raised annually by" special rate for paying the said debt: and interest as hereinafter provided is $3196.55. AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole. rateable property of the said Town accor‘ing to the last revised tv:sesament roll a $567,530. AND WHEREAS the amount of the existing debenture debt of the said (Municipality, exclusive of local Ita. . . ““-' ‘n- in tho is is AND WHEREAS the amount of the" existing debenture debt of the said Municipality, exclusive ot local ita. movement, debt and school tax is the sum of $111,182.91 and no part of the principal and interest in in arrears. Therefore the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Durham one“ as tollowo l 1. It shall be lawful for the said _a___-A w'.., IIIUIVIVI- ...- ,7., _ . of the Town of Durham enacts "l follows l 1. It shall be lawful for the saidl Town ot Durham to construct iii? said waterworks system in the Bald. Town, and to install a pumping stat-l tion, collecting gallery, pumps, eleva- ted tank, plant, machinery'and equip- ment therefor. to be done in accord- ance with report of Messrs James. Proctor and Redfern, Limited on tIle in the Town Clerk's Office. 2. That for the purposes store-l said, it shall be lawful for 1h? mayor and Treasurer of the said Town to borrow the said sum of $44,000 and to issue debentures of the said Municl- pallty therefor, which debentures shall be dated on the day of the is- sue thereof and shall be repayable In thirty years after at the Standard Bank of Canada, at the said Town of Durham. 3. The said debentures shall be payable in thirty annual instalments during the thirty years next after the issue thereof and the respective3 amounts of principal and interest payable during each of the said years shall be as follows: Ill. 11. 12. 13. H. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. M. 23. 24. 25. 26. _ 27. l 28. i 29, I " 4. Each ot the said debentures shall be signed by the Mayor of the said Town, or by some other person authorized by By-law to sign the same, and by the Town Treasurer. The Clerk shall seal same with the seal of the said corporation. TORONTO 5. The said debentures shall bear interest at the rate of six per cent per annum payable yearly at the Standard Bank ot Canada at the Town ot Durham. and shall have attached thereto coupons algned by the leor and Treasurer of said Munieipatitr for payment ot same. 6. During the currency ot the and debentures there shall be ruled an- nually by apecm rate on ul the rate- Durhimfthe‘ sum of $3196.56 tor the d Year Principal Interest Tol'l pay 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1949 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 $44000.00 $51R96.50 895596.50 556.55 2640.00 $319655“ 569.95 2606.60 3196.55, 625.34 2571.21 3196.551 662.87 2533.63 3196.55: 702.64 2493.91 3196.55: 744.80 2451.75 3196.55 799.43 2407.07 3196.55 336.35 2359.70 3196.55' 397.06 2309.49 3196.55 940.29 2256.26 3196.55; 996.70 2199.65 3196.55- 1056.51 2140.04 3196.55! 1119.90 2076.65 3196.55: 1197.09 2009.46 3196.55{ 1259.32 1939.23 3196.55| 1333.82 1862.73 3196.55; 1413.35 1782.70 3196.55; 1499.63 1697.87 3196.55} 1539.60 1607.95 3196.55 1693.91 1512.64 3196.55 1794.95 1411.60 3196.55 1692.04 1304.51 3196.55 2005.57 1190.96 3196.55 2125.90 1070.65 3196.55 2253.46 943.09 3156.55 2369.66 807.39 3196.55 2531.99 664.57 3196.55 2683.90 512.65 3196.55 2944.94 351.61 3196.55 3015.39 1141.16 3196.55 appliquon the total amount 943.09 807.89 664.57 512.65 351.61 1k1.16 has delu- 1. This Iii-lav shall an - and come into Wu it end who. the uncut of the elector! of the aid municipality who ere entitled to Tote thereon he! been chained thereto and thin By-in' shell hove been mm. ly passed by the Council of the said Corporntion. 8. The vote: of the Electors of the said Municipality shell be taken 0.. this question on the Seventh day m January. 1924, commencing at tltr l hour of 9 o'clock in the foreuoon and continuing to 6 o'clock in the an”. i A.“ hula-Int nieces and by hour of 9 OCIWI - -- continuing to 6 o'clock in the an”. noon at the following places and by the Deputy Returning Omcers and Poll Clerks. that It to say : NORTH WARD at the Public Litr rm with Cllllord Elvldze as IN-pmv ‘-- nah-or and Ed. Momma. rm Wlul -- Returninx oMeer and as Poll Cierk. EAST WARD " re .__ul. I McC UTerF. 9. 0n the 5th day of January, 1924. at the Town Clerk's Oince in tho said town at " o'clock noon, the Mayor will attend to appoint in writ- ing. signed by him. the persons in attend at the ilnul summing up of Ilia- votes by the Clerk ot said Corpora- tion. and one person to attend each polling place on behatr of the ”Prawns interested in and delimun or promo" ing the passing of this By-lnw and a like number in behalf of persoori [terosted in and opposed to the pas- l sing or this By-lnw. l 10. The Clerk of the' said town a will attend at his omee in the said __. .,,,‘;-.. um ttth das' m WIII .l.%Ws"-" - Town on Wednesde January. 1924. It " sum up the number O' and against this By-lt ENACTED and pulsed this day ot ' 1924. Credit Auction Sale of Choice FARM STOCK AND l to sell by Public Auction on his pre- mises, lot 40, con.3. W.G.R.. Bentinck third tum north ot Aberdeen. on WEDNESDAY DECEuIER " TH the following list: HORSES: l handsome horse T yrs old, Bay more " yrs old. 1 Brown Driving horse 10 years old. CATTLE: , cows managed in coil. 6 to , yrs old, 1 cow 3 yrs old milk- ing. 1 steer rising t, t heifer. rum is, 1 steer rising 2. t heifer min; 2, 12 spring calves. l SWINE: 1 Hampshire Sow due March 16th. tr young Pins. 1 l IMPLEMENTS: Deering binder. Tie ger rake, Deering mower, Seed drill, -Disc narrow, Two-furrow crown gm. ‘Waggon with box. set Bobs, EMU ,Hayrack. set narrows. lily fork and .', slings. new Rope, Cram Soon-nor. lFanning mill, set heavy Harness. set it Plow Harness, set Single Harness, 2 " mom; of Hay, Chains. Forks. etc. ..1 HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: 1 Cook ri, Stove, 2 Heaters. 1 box Stove. also a 0‘ number of small articles too numer- n‘, ous to list. I lave received tnauucuonl from Hay and all sums of ten doors and under. cash. Overtltat amount 10 mos. eredit will be given on furnishing Ip- proved Joint notes, with Interest at 6 per cent on all sums entitled to cre- dit. This sale will commence at 1 o'clock sharp, so please keep in mind Dec. 19th. Everything must be sold as Mr Clark is moving to Owen Sound D. N. CLARK, ROBT. INGRAM. Proprietor. Auctioneer Lots 13 and H. 151 con. N. H. IL, Glenelg. containing 99 acrott. Turs property is in good state of cullivh- tion,w ell fenced, plenty of good wat- er. Convenient to school an! chuuch. Por further particulars apply on tite property to the proprietor. Phone Durham. Here You Are! Mon'l WORK SHIRTS (wool) ............ ........ ".93 Men's FINE SHIRTS . . . .8135 Men's NECKTIES from 50 to 9m- Men'u CASHMERE SOX. .. 55c Men's SILK & WOOL Box "Nc Men's UNDERWEAR thne and Helvy).... $2.25 and 32.50 Men's FLEECE-LINED UN'- DERWEAR ......... swo Boys' $rLEE'rtMNED UN- _.‘ 'DERWEAR .......... 73c LADIES' VESTS .... . . . .. 79c WHEEUNG YARN ...$L00 m WRAPPERETTE . . . . . . .30c yd See our CREPOLINE (in col- ors) at ......$I.75 per yd Alto tn entirely new and Inge "aorttnent ot " AN DKER- cHlEFO AND RIIlBONS. LADIES' SILK SCARF'3 (0 ..t.......ts.es to $3.25 LADIES' GOLOSHES. 4 INCH" at a................. 84.50 TERMS OF' BALE: . L. GRANT FARM FOR SALE rk of the' and town Ila otBee in the said testing the 9th day tsl It " o'cIock noon to nber of votes given for J. A. BROWN. Prlcm'ille R. R . $2.25 and $2.50 IMPLEMENTS MAYOR CLERK " Cold in Durham by IlcFAoDEN's DRUG STORE, McBETH's DRUG STOR Daoucums MIXTURE; “SAVED Mu Life I {RONCHITIS I'll : a' “than“: "t, Mm. Cureoa, Have "ifered from Branch“. for you. and foul relief only in Buckley'. amt Minute. I con-Id" thin to be . mdctful remedy and wouldn't be without it m the house, and I am firmly can» vinccd that it and my hip .. Mm. W. Clayton. 90 L'xlyndge Ave.. Toronto. III-thin in cur-need to to“... "tth (h very first do". “‘0. cold- Indrbronchitiu Ge I ues. d your druggist'n DEC 13, 1923 W. K. IUCKLEY. LIMITFD Ia mu. it. TORONTO l " lllllglklil Christmas Gift 'gleXechnie 's Ji), 00021 10 R B B LITTLE BROTHER Mi BROTHER RR FATHER 11k Standar Re-clea Screeni B u y W M Terms Cash Bum hott lk TERMS : J. No Ttttwt At Brigha ROB R " ROB ROY 176 'f/e At no Kit “(I M

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