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Durham Review (1897), 20 Dec 1923, p. 1

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Edge Hill Hemetitehirt Have Succuful Iauar The LadiPS' Guild of Church had a tutrresst1tl The Review as 1'hristmas is Something New '. Marshmallow Roll. -l on», they are arm-ions. At Hertder t's bakery mm ester less' iortutzato-Iy I find on this warms y,ut".ttt"t'. At this mm-tiuz. Rev. w. H. Smith midnssmi the ladies on what thv Wonwn‘s Missionary Society had accomplislwd in years present and gone by and of the wide circle of in- ttuenee they created by their actions and givinxs. m a Society such as was theirs. Information and Inspira- tion went hand in hand. tor when one secured the Brst, the latter would sur- vly follow. The hulk-s appreciated the thoughtful address ot their pastor and regret that all the Indie-s of the church were not present to hear it. Mrs. C. Ramagv saw the Bible read- .. um. ..........I “no VOL. XLVI. N0 51 nun Ir“... .....- __ church were not present to hear it.', Mrs. C. Rama.) saw "w Bible wad-l lug 'or the month. The annual who , lion ot (um-rm took place, with the TW‘ an" that some 11-min the same omen They are: Presldvnt. Mrs And.’ Derby : Isl Vice P.. Mrs C. llamas? ;, 2nd Vice Pres. Mrs. Wm. Derby ;,' 3rd Vice Pres" Mrs J. Belt; Sec'y. Mrs Hellman; Treasurer, Mrs Thos. Allan; Pro-s Beer. Mrs A. W. Laud- er; Birantrers' Beer. Mm T. Brown] and In J. Smith; Messenger Beer, _-- 'I__~.. UnIMHI iueV.l ms not " 'o tn, men mild went!» mm]. and I mil, Mina Calder; Home was A. Gun; Supply tan; organs“. In and In: B. McKenzic leader. Misty M. "G (ifar.',,'rC-).tin.tLryiify 'v_.s.' 2.1;;4‘1'.‘ -- - at- '-,si'si.Eiiii.r.ij6isiiet'b" Tomorrow Mr. David Hopkins, Bentiuck. has M the bush " his farm to the Dur. an Furniture Company. Mt I). tad our Christmas stories In the dc- pages this week. ul men-0M Exercises Friday ,. annual t'omrnvnt'ement ty , DO eelrsts are wry fashionable-w them. 75c and up. D. C. Town 'orwa l the 'l wmbm will tre SI n in Durban "r"""'"" .._V a B. McKenzie ', Mission It” M. New". Mrtiect hruk til " School Concert ll Srhoul hon do 01 I W to n a Christmas w h d meat ' Lindsay's di: cut ttoweaB, rte Rob I of tho better Franc priees will surpri: rrt their hen. is the short r and old Wintor blished his reign. h mud and such ‘9 date is most un- .ember has beaten "words were kept. a predicts a mild try but gives snow n rm " Oat rt ll Priees--We are “mas Gift with us and you I friends at this about Christmas or friends, why last who-n the Janie T rrt'ul training' Mabel 1 r burly-r. Misti} Huglll. put on" a sum; Smith. le building, Sow-ml Mr John Firth) on. aim to occupy the .".-\wake'- or. The talent "Awake ill and this [mammals gl bazaar in t tent on Saw they will ck Srhlml will b" on Friday. 21st l prepared pro- . Admission an (-njoynblo All the chlldrm Mixing to do " nd their recital or Buekwt at our r toy Mill ii%drs' Sec). Sec"). Mrs A" R. Merging Ivanee , svlri Edging. Vin-hing '0 m pt violil ol t Mr P well re- If the swe- dialogues. en by Mr. “I want which he b lass for supplhd The mem- old how iollats mun that Ar ll of thes d they " with turther of to gliean tttUU "W" in the tainment o Salur- church. TI i elvur an exhibilh .rm "Tho M 3 Van Dyke's " '"The (mm H and wrn beaut and no ' edingly l lock was " ... . " . Harold H X‘T Mt {HOT Band and will any will 6m M r tl Ott in " n h I Methodist Christmas Concert l The Methodist Sunday School soli- olars Wave their annual presentation of drills. dialogues, choruses, recita- itlons, om. on Wednesday night and ’in a very happy manner exemplified (the Christmea.q spirit and how it ap. pealed to them. The Town Hall was _lpackeii, closely packed at that, with :purwnts, brothers, sisters and friends at tho school, t'akt'r lo witness the Mount: performers. Rev. J. K. Peters 'was chairman of the procwdings ,und when one re-alizvs the program I 25 numbers long, it will be understood l that the- audience were not out early. I Rrwitations Wert' given by Frank llioodchild. Clara Jack, Floyd Kearns, 'Christine GooUchild, (ii-orge Hay, Janie Traynor and Josie Falconer, PllurC'L "'MS Y" V Lb" M an "Xllibilinn of p, 1'llt.NB',', m "Tho No-w Hum Henry Van Dykv's famous nt legend. "Tho Other Wisr" Man." slldes wt. heautit1tlly trsceviptNet and MA.) o-:~.4wdingly (-lrur. Mr Brynn Mor, lurk vr. " upwnlor of lhc lantern and "' Haunt! Mcker'r:.uit. and Mii.us \inry .\h-K.-chniu, Illi" Mount and J--;n Morlock, ‘w-m "16?!!er nl' tho narrative as the idea. so- thrown on the scrr'NN .Mr Johl V ll, mum, was in charge of the ' _ g, and the musical numbers wrz'e I du- m by Misses Bruin!) Stunt-our and limbo-r MrComb, and an origin num- ber by Miss Kalhlwn Milne. At the close ot the evening the children urn- treated to the prov-rhiul Christmas treat ot candies. 010.. and it Is a sate statement to make that to 'hem this an crowned the evening's run. Goodchild, Clara Jack, Floyd Kearns, Christine Goodchild, George Hay, Janie Traynor and Josie Falconer. Mabel Montgomery: solos by Iris lluglll. Beryl Falkintrham, Wilma Smith. May Miles, Wilda Petllar. Several dialogues and choruses were on. also a taking feature being the “Awakening of tho Flowers” and the "Awakening of the Barnyard," all the animals. representing such being there. Santa Claus IR. E. Richard- son) in all his glad tugs. was there to cheer the heart of the children and handed each a Christmas box of randy at the close at the concert. Misses Stella McCrae and Mrs FC. A. Hay were the accompanist", of the ev- mung. Durham Presbyt'n Sunday y1Chool mm Inn-1r annual Christmas entw- Idi'llllt‘lxl 4m 'm nttrttt,t.tt the Mum-u "Ms 3“qu "who! last Session of Town Council Wrist watches in green, white, and yellow gold guaranteed qualities, $10 and up. D. C. Town, Jeweler. Something thk'fempu Reward oftered . A reward of " will be paid for in. formation leading to ctmvictlon of person or lwrsons found guilty of brwaklng glass, or otherwise destroy- ing property in or around the Jack- son property. How Annual I Cream Puffs, am Rolls, Charlotte Russe. may be ha very Saturday at Henderson‘s Bakery". Don't forget the annual Christmas Tree in Varney Church on Tuesday night. Dee. 25th. A good program is being prepared. Admission Me and Mr. tur both in work in Large tt.egorttttent of Ear Rings, 75c pair and up. D. C. Town. Jeweler. HUI in his tirst war, the resolutic Coun's McDonald and Murdock I y carri mm m pressing satisfaction with the able and courteous manner he had tilled the omce. 'lin. Council felt the Waterworks proposition was not sulticie-ntiy under- stood for intelligent voting upon on Jan. 7th next. so authorized Mayor Smith to communicate with James. Proctor & Iledtern, the engineers, and ask them to send a representative here to address a public meeting some night Christmas week. The By- law is now advertised in the Review. The Fire & Light Com., Chairman Belt being spokesman. new the need or a street light at C. P.' R. crossing near Rob Roy Mills, as requested by nearby residents. and Council author- ized one to be placed there. Ur; Hutton, hiedical Health Omcer, Kaye a splendid report,whieh appears m lull elsewhere in this issue, “A rvbate or $30.80 taxes (all except school) was granted Durham [flown-a] The sale ot a shaper from the Jack- son factory was made to a Brussels ttrm tor $350. and accepted by the Council. The Treasurer, P. Ramage. present- Gloria in Excelsis .......... Plummer ed his annual report, and 100 copies Recession“ 75 ...... Winchester Old were ordered printed. The amount of uncollected 1923 taxes to date is - . - . $1396.24.the smallest ever. The town's BORN bank balance is, however, much low- FALmNGHAM--On Friday, Dec. 14, er than usual. due to a lower tax rate at Durham Hospital, to Mr and Mrs and Increased expenditure. Fred delnxham, a son. Sc Fine quality Shelley Cups and S r.",, $1.50. D. C. Town, Jeweler wk. in d mm- >ucillor mum: in Town iilitt _ ii?tttittig,tii. ", thttritttt who leave v praclic IT! was d h “is at- uture s " Mayor Ill Murdock am only So also wu J. L. SMITH, Mayor Entertainment de nu hr tun rate for i'veeve n-‘n Friday for at Newmarket. rwdly popular, County Council , [wing a faithful A resolution by ml Saunders th" r, tual wishing was unanimous.- .vus an apprecia- thnith's services " resolution by all Christmas Sunday in the Various Churches Topic of Sermon : "To Bethlehem with the Wise Men" Male Quartette (Violin Obligato) "Silent Night, Hallowed Night" Amhvm 2 "slwpherds of Bethlehem" ....Judson Topic of Sermon : "To Bethlehem with tho Shepherds." Anthem : “Behold I Bring '...Simper Male Quartette: "Tell me the Story ot Jesus." Antlwm '. "The first Christmas Morn" ....Newton While his business here has been growing. it stands to reason that in the new sphere there will be room for an expansion scarcely to be look- ed for. in Durham. He and family IPRVI‘ thi sweek and will carry with them the best “lshes of the whole community. HR; leaving leaves the Reevtaship vacant, for it is morally certain he would not have been op- posed for another term. But the de. cision las been made and We join in the prevailing: expression of good wlshm; tor health and success in the new sphere. Mr. Charles Middlebro of Owen Sound, a recent graduate of ()sgoode Hall, is Mr. Currey's successor. We are confident Mr Mlddlebro will mor- it tho esteem of his predecessor and that new relations will be of the most agreeable nature. Mr Mlddlebro is tt brother of Mrs Guy Kearney of town. h. ll. Currey Leaving Town hue-ll Sermon Topic Anthem :"Ol R; mum Topic : "The One Above All" CANTATA: "The Christmas Adora- tion." ....Carrio Adams .\nllwm : "Angels from the Realms of The town was startled last week to learn that Barrister A. HrCtzrrey was leaving Durham to take a prac- tice in his home town, Newmarket. Mr. Currey has been fitting in . well into the business, social and muni.. cipal life of Durham that the news came as kind of a shock. One ot the barristers of Newmarket has Just died, and the vacancy thus created uppraled to Mr. Currey and to rela- tives and friends of his in his home town. as an opportunity not to be mis- sed. Mr. Currey commenced praetice in Hanover in 1918. and in May 1919 he entered partnership with the late J. P. Telford in Durham. coming here part time each week. On Mr. To-l‘ lord's serious illness and death in Jan. 1920, Mr. Currey relinquished his thowr practice and succeeded him here. Glory." Ladies' Voices: "Hark, the Herald Angels Sing." mum-m: "Whih- Shepherds Watched" Trio: "Sing. l) sing this Blessed Morn." Mrs. A. W. Lauder, Miss Jessin Bell, Mr. Pe-tvr Ramage Amh-m : "Hark the Glad Sound" Solo: "Joy to the World" Mrs. Moore McFadden Antlwm: “All praise to Thee, Eta" nal Lord" HUI”: "The Shepherd" Mrs (Rev) W. H. Smith hum : "O Saviour. Precious Saviour" Mas M. McFadden, Miss A. Ramam Anthr Amhvm MORNING PRA Pyocessiiotml Hymn Vertitra ........ . Jubilutv m................... Henlcy Hymn 2.h6 ................ Wareham Hymn 432 .............. Love Dlv‘mo Smmon ', "in the Fulness of Time." Anthem : "Sleep Holy Babu" .Caccvwcll Recessional 70 "Nearer Home" DURHAM, THURSDAY DECEMBER 20, 1923 I-ZVENSONG 7 p. In. _ Processional 527 Nativity ' Psalms 110, 132 .. .Gloria Humpimw Maenitleat ...... . . . . . . . . .. Barnaby Suite Dimittis r......-....... Feitnu Hymn 712 s...................' lrby F..sttttt 80 r...........-. ... St. Louis Seimon : "No Room in the lull" Anthem '. "We have sen) His star in the Han." . . . . . . . . ' . .. Simpvr Vesper Amen . . . . . ' . . .Greek Litingy Vesper Amen .....,...Gre Carols: "Sleep Holy Babe" "The First Nowell" Recessional 66 ....'... St. Stephos Christmas Day Service, 10.30 a. m. Morning Prayer and Holy Communion Processional 72 Adeste Fidells Hymn 73 w............. Mendelssohn Hymn 233 ........Unde et Memorus Sam-ms ............ .r.... Plummer Gloria in Excelsis .. . . . . . . .. Plummet Recessional 75 ... . .. Winchester Old lhvm “ms 110, 111 Dunn PRESIWTERIAN CHURCH ll A. M. on Topic : "No Room for Christ" an :“Uh comt. all ye Faithful" ..Vineent Novella .-m: "Christmas" ...,..shelley : "No Room in the Inn" Mrs E. A. Hay, Mr. W. Benson m: "The Shopherd's Urvanf'n METHODIST CHURCH 11 A. M. TRINITY CHURCH LVN PRAYER. ll a.m All Glory, Laud and Honor ll ..... Mendelssohn Unde et Memon-s ,. ...._. Plummer ......... Plummer .. Winchester Old Gloria Humplm-v ..... . .. Barnaby .......... Fallon r........... Irby ..-. ... St. Louis Flaneonia 4.... (anvil 113.. .Glorla (Humphrvy .. . oalwlt'y . . . Hunk y .. Wareham Lovo Divine Goibvr With which is incorporates! the Holstein Lender In Durham and probably all the " ljucent townships, contests are immin- _ out on Jan. 7th. Thor? will be a vote , on the Waterworks by-law in Durham I and chances arc that the Reeveship and Council will be fought out. Mayor E Smith is fairly certain of a well-earn- I ed acclamation as Mayor for a second 1 term, but with Ilevve Currvy's remov- l "l, tho field htrpe is open. Fhx-reeve 'iWrtt Calder, after a year's rotlroment l is again in the field and will likely [meet opposition. Little is heard ol' l tho Council. Baptist Church Anniversary Looks Like Elections in Surrounding Municipaliiies It is rumored that the two old “up rims Rm-w McArthur and [Bx-Rome McArthur, will again battle for Fig- remom's big chair, while Jas. Wilson, ex-councillor is mentioned to oppuse Den. Reeve Calder for a second u-rm. Iluvve McCuaig, We learn, is com- ing back for re-endorsement by the electors of (llenelg and will probably face a contest. Reeve Herb Hunt of antinck will have Coun. D. J. Me, Donald as opponent, it is report). He topped the poll last year. Jas. Hewltson, R. Grierson, and others un- mentioned for the Deputy Reeveship. Startlingly sudden was the death of Joseph Atkinson. He went to bed on- ly on Smut-day last from an aunt-K of pneumonia which has pron-d mini. He died Wednesday night, Dec. 13th, in his Mth year, having .been born in York Co. in 1864, At the age of in yours. he (num- with his parents to the farm he died on. Some 34 ,vr'm-s ago he married Miss Elizabeth Weir, sister of Mr Wm. Weir, Glenolg, and to them were. born tour daughters and one son: Eva, Mrs Wm sbictctr, Sask.: Annie Mrs Jos. Patterson. Toronto: Emma and Margaret at home, and James in Durham. Besides Ihvse as chief mourners. he leaves no biotin-rs; James and Wtri. John in Toronto and one sister, MN John Davis. Manitoulin id. Thomas, anoth- er brother died some years ago. Deceased was a thrifty and indus- trious farmer. a good neighbor and a land husband and rather. Hip, death will be felt keenly in Trinity Church ol,wluclt he was a faithful minim: We join in the (-xm'r-sslons of sympa- thy to the bereaved ones so sudrlvuly plunged into mourning. Funeral ur- rangomiunts are waiting on word from Mrs. Ectot' in the West. centrc‘ of . wonderful Wtiuenee, it armed him against human temptation, and led to wonderful promotion trom prison to prime minister in a single day through interpretation ot Phar- oah'a dream. The chior, under the leadership of Mr Allan Bell, was in excellent form and rendered two tine anthems at Fl The chior, under Mr Allan Bell, was and rendered two each service. -Thos. O'Connor, private Seer» tary to the late President of the (hr funct Home Bank, died Monday morn- ing from the effects ot a tall on the steps or his rooming house. With him dies much inside infcrmation as to the operations ot the omclals, that led, or at least failed to avert, the collapse that has caused so much _ - " I, A- L- Laid “an...“ ......- -.__ V suffering. An Inquest is to be held. THE ROLL CALL l: JOSEPH ATKINSON Bowes’ Riaher Predic- Mrs Gilbert McKuchnie returned home Saturday from Toronto nun Haimlton, where she has been for a week or two. Her brother Jas. lt. of Hamilton, has been seriously ill with eye trouble but at present his condition is much improved. Mr. John McQueen and son Eddie, Ilessrs. Chas. Moffat and John Mc. r‘m'lune oi' Nob lioy, motored to near titayner the tir.vu ot the Week an tl." occasion of the dvath of the on'mvr's btzstnessitt-lttw, me late Alex Mummy]. ..1.' “cum .-u may”! on 1' It)? lill' qu eral Tut-bun); Mr. Wm. Scarf of Toronto, is \isit- ing his brother and sisters here this week. Misses Gertrude McCallum, Edith Willis and Ellen Boyce oi llurlinm. vis- itod iriends at Dornocii over the week and and amended the concert at Lat Iona School on Friday evening. Miss Ruby Philp of Durham Hosti tal. is holidaying lor a week with Mr parents In l-Jgremout. Miss Ruby Knisley is visiting for a week or to with relatives in Toronto. 'Mr. and Mrs De Witt mm at Wain- flvet Centre and Mr Crispin 01 Hano- ver, were visitors Wttlt Mrs (Kata) Cauteruit recently. Mrs A. S. Muir and h'ttle son of Ceylon, are spending the Christmas sumo!) wan her parents, Mr and Mrs. C. L. Gram. Mr. John McQueen and son Eddie, Mr and Mrs Dan MeAullite and lil- tle grandchild, INve gone to Toronto where they will spend the Christmas spasm; with llmir daughter, Mrs John Wanamaker. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Allan left this week for Edmonton. Alla., where they will spend the winter with their daughter, Mrs. Davis; Messrs Alef. Dell and Harold Ram- age and Miss Plorubol Nichol Were students from Medical and University Colleges who came home Wednesday for the Christmas vacation. We congratulate Mr Thos. H. Bin- nie on the part he took and the rec- ognition he received at the r. F. o. Convention last week in Toronto. He was elected as a member of the Fats mers' Sun Board, which controls or ovct"3ees the policy of that paper as the organ of the U. F. o. Can't keep a good man down. lie-rn are Mr Ilowos' wmlhw i-rw dictiovs tor 1924 '. January-Very mild md calm. Frhruory--About 5th of th- m..-mh tin 1" will be quite a storm ol \Vllui and sun w. The balattro of ihu month will be mild, calm and dry. Mareh--Wtv Mild April-First halt quite mild and dry, but from the 15th to the goth then- will be a wry pronounced storm of wind, rain and snow. The romaindvr of the month will be very mild. May-Irecidedly warm and dry June-dn tho first ton days tin-w will be wry strong and xwrsistvm winds. with heavy rain and frosts. with a strong possibility of " SHOW storm. Th" balutwe of the month will bo down-randy warm with minim the lust week. July-The tipst Week thrro will tw heavy rains and wind. The pemainder of tho month will be desperately warm and dry. Mr and Mrs have Robvrtson and little daughter Irene of Glands, visit- ed the first of the week with the for- mvr's aunt, Mrs A, D. Browning. ,9 P 9 l 1 _ Augdst-Tho first half of the month will be warm and dry with the lam-1' half cold and wet. september-Hirst wtwk will be cool and later very warm and dry mm! the 27m. when frost and rain may lu- vxpecled oetotser-very mild and dry until the 2tith with strum; winds, rain, wow and frost. . November-- Ducidt-dly warm and December-First week very mikl. wind, rain. snow and frost about the 9th, The miridle of the monm'wiu be very mild. A genuine wind, min and snow storm and very cold about the 22nd. Not only does Mr. Bowes forecast the weather tor a year ahead, but he make spredictions for as far ahead as two or three years, and he made a statement regarding the weather tor the tlrst two months of the years 192.: and 1926. His predictions are : January 1925--Quite Mild February "25-Deeidedly Mild January 1926--Quite Mild February 1926-gust about as cold a February as it is possible to have. Mr. Bowes' forecasts tor the last four months of 1923 have been de- cidedly correct, with ODe exception. the storm of wind, rain and Show and frost on the 22nd of November was not as savage as he said it would be. Jry Notice is hereby given that all books borrowed from Durham Puhlic Lib- Eryn new or old, and have been re- tained over the two weeks allowed. must be returned to Librarian before _'....rr,D.,'"f'it is 'r: 'rc."t , 'ul,'. :", ",'i.i, 2rrs"J. n,'i Du: 'siiif. . lt.? Notice to Book Borrowers LIBRARY WARNING'. l, 3 Boxed chocolates-all sizes and prices. . My Pipes and Cigars-all 'r.tikes---the It'wl Gift for a man her hedit. ii); Fancy Stationery. . .. ........ Nc to $3.50 per box {ions for 1924 iii Perfumes, in fancy packages, from...... .. 25c up _----..- A}! Toilet Water. A Full Assortment oi French Ivory Km”. v.iuiliy H" :3 Christmas Cards, Tags, Seals, etc. 1",1li'L",1,) CY",:,, m We wish all a. very Merry Christmas. a; , a}; 1-59: i."; "tl j ilji'sili1ji'ii-tlijtul FOR SALE i 4 Hereford Bull Calves, ranging l from 11 mos. to 6 mos. in age. 1 Apply to THUS. TUCKER, After that date the value of the books so retained will be collectod. The Librarian has received instrucL Lions to impose a line of (2) two cents a day, for every day a book is retained after two weeks. This rule will go into force Jan. Ist, 1924. Dee. Mst, 1923 {is McBETH a; t't't""'t"t """'""t. I 'l, Christmas Buying Made Easy t i)P'a"ar"a"t5j,r"""'"'ai"it 'sa:aar.aaatar. rst.isiaa,..sa.ss:a.s.s.a.sertt French Ivory Sets and pieces Fancy China and Cut mass Leather Hand Bags Fountain Pens Eversharp and Signet Pencils Liggett's and Lowrry's . . Here are choice suggestions and a wide choice : Perfumes New Books Kodaks and Brownies To our many Customers and Friends. we send at this happy season our best wishes for We thank you one and all for your valm d pat” Laue and we hope that we may continue to merit this same confi. dence during 1924. T. M. McFADDEN. Druggist Published Weekly at $2.00 a you In advance. To United sumo. $2.50 a year in advance. C. “MACE & SON. Publishen By Order Library Buard 50 to $395.00 Ill/let for the kiddies-all broken now. "Something useful" for the grown-ups -now worn out or forgotten. A cash bonus for your emp1ojees--apprcciated but long since spent; Other "last-minute" presents-ex pen- sive but unsuitable. Are they remembered now , Q This year give them a Bank Book-- make their first deposit and urge them to add to it regularly. 01 Could anything be more suitable and enduring t iihe Rugged Bank of (llanalta A Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year R. R. I, Prk‘milloI tthat Bib Bttt (Sine .. East (lhristtttas? 'tee'-'"""""'""",'-",,".""",'",'""" ,- "LNAAA r_cc".Ls:acurcuccsuc"aisLSiacr 'pe A Special Christmas Cover is W for Gift Books. Chocolates TORONTO T. Trm, SPECIALS for SATURDAY Potted and Cut Flowers Bulk Oysters Brick tee Cream Extra Fine Fruit Nut: and Candy tit trmtular prices Watch our Window lor these. Druggist and Station Gifts and the Holiday Military Brushes Shaving Sets Thermos Bottles Flashlights Cased Pipes Christmas Wrapped Cigars Cased Playing Cards Bill Folds and Purses Smokers' Sets Safety Razors R. G. LINDSAY DURHAM from art?! ttttt I]

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