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Durham Review (1897), 20 Dec 1923, p. 5

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Sold in our»... by MCIADDEN'S 0.00 W. Hm. BRIGHAM D30 20, 1Jrant: - - Oranges, Standard .: e-cleaned E‘Screenings Christmas Gifts for the family At Brigham’s Store Bed Room supp": Pine “one and Wool Box Wooh-n Shirts and Ptne Shins --4nrtre range to chomp "on All Wool l’ndmea: (hamlet Mitts Wool Mitts Banks. Candy and Nut: Braces and Handkerchkls “no shoe», Hosiery. All kinds and shade- of Sun» vendors Neckties. Gloves. Sweater Coats and Pullover Sweater Wu have' a few cars ground Standard Re- cleaned 'Screenings that we are offering at $23.00 per ton, sacks included, or $24.00 in buyers sacks at Mill. We are also offering Whole Screenings at $23.00 per ton, in Buyer's sacks at Mill. TERMS ' Cash Only. No credit given to anybody No Town Delivcty ll kinds and shade»; of Sn» Tabla spreads po-mis-rs Dresser Draws "'t'k'io-S. Glrrven, l'mlo-rskirls in diftttront shadow; WNW-r Coats and Pullovor _ Vests 62 Bloomers of all styles Swo-mwr ' Shows of all kinds mIerv-ar in wool, mixed wool J Handkerchief., In boxes-hem. and ',lricr_ ', stitched & embroidered i Bedspreads, etc. ”TILE BROTHER I 1trtui SISTER Tet-“ B . 7iii-amto"tr Grocery Specials BIG BROTHER vs DRUG STORE, MeBETrtu DRUG l FOR FATHER lion ROY mus, Limited ROB ROY MILLS, Limited j 'glckechdie s for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year , -w" have rt-rwivml a copy of tho ,North Bay "Nugget," a special min. in: NIition in thrw- sections, which Vis a ro-vo-Iation m tltr, mining wealth ,ot' Now Ontario. o-w-h though devel- t'npvmo-nt. is only in Its infancy. Wu 'tcrrnttratulatr. the publishers on their onto-rprisv. and on the o-xco-llvm-c- of this ism)» from every standpoint. , North Bay is looking for city honors STORE betore long. At Middaugh House Corner u. a. B. NO. i. NOR. & new l "or November ond December) 3 'v-E-nt.. In Noble. Char-1 lotto Fullerton. "ir-r-mired Gus-I try. Poor-Arthur MeCatte*, Landets' Wilton'. Br m-Good '. Irene Gram. try. Jessie Grant. Fair: Wilfrid Grasby. Jr m-Pair: Douglas Grant' Dorothy Caldwell'. Jr "--Exeelient : Evelyn Grant, Fair: Clenem Pat. terson. Poor:Biliie Caldwell'. Prim- er--voima Blyth, Dorothy Bottle, Elm in Blyth, Marjorie Kerr, Norman Grant, Tillie Bryans, Cliirord MeNam ney. Billie MeNanner. ' Those marked . mm»- absent tor arm or more ruminations. Average at-. toutiancs- 16.2. Bedroom Slippors in Several shades Home Show & Pine Shops Wool. Cashmere, Silk and Wool Kiddy Tog: Dresses. Ribbon. Handkerehiehs. Nuts. Candy Baby Blankets Hose in all shades Shaker Blankets Wool and Fleece Underwear Me Tu. Detivery Te epic-OM No 4, with!“ FOR MOTHER Mi SISTER N .S. BARR, Teacher WN DURHAM Me Me Me _ 25 c [ 2r, c L,. " 2‘); saiiis, 'd. i Ijttc,,,,."., m... The annual Sunday School enter- tuinment WIS held in the Presbyter. in church on Friday last and was quite a success. A large crowd gath- ered and seemed to enjoy the social hour and supper provided in the basruuent'by the ladies, as well as the splendid program put on in the aun- torium. The program consisted of choruses. recitations, dialogues, drills. musical numbers. 'ete. A pantomlne "Holy Night" rendered by three girls to the singing of Mrs H, McLean was especially good and was very muc happreciatod. Mr Thos. Nichol occupied, the chair. Too much praise mum»? be given the public school tear-hem for the splendid way they trained tho pupils to their parts. Prom-eds $61.00. Mr Dan Whyte of Toronto. visited a few days with his son, I. B. Whyte. Mr Jack Whyte is home from the city for a short visit with his brother Garfield. . Mr W. Hincks returned from the West where he has spent the last few months. Mr Andrew Hincks has gone to Now Ontario where he expects to stay for the winter. Mr and Mrs W. J. Jones and two children of Itiverht1rst, Sask., are vis. iting Mrs Jobs father, Mr Hugh Me. Kinnon and other friends and expect to rvmain in the East for the winter. Rev. T. G. Goodwill of Toronto, oc- cupied the Presbyterian pulpit on Sunday. Miss Beatricp Bushel spent the week end with her friend, Miss Doris McLean. Miss Perle McMaster of Flesherton visitod with hvr friend, Miss Leone McDonald over the week end. Sorry to report the continued ill- (was of Mrs Grace Smith of the O. D. S. and Miss Ruby Muir. Mr J. Harrison and cousin. Miss Mary Paton of Flesherton, visited at Mr P. Muir's on Sunday and attended church here with them. Miss Wilda Martin of F'lmsherton, spent the week end with Miss Annie Shortreed. Mrs it. J. Sim and little daughter, are under the doctor’s care at present. Mrs bitn's mother, Mrs Dodds, ot Caledon, is waiting on them. Hope Hwy will speedily recover. Mr G. -MeTaksrart has returned from Toronto where he spent the summer. Dr. o. Fl. Carr met with a nasty ac. cidmt on Friday. when the strong wind slammed the door of his coupe, catching his hand and breaking the little tinger in two plates. Mr 'John Williamson, 0. D. R., was on the sick list last week but is arounu agaain. Mr Aids. B. Mélbnald- has been laid up the last week, having had his leg it0ured while working in, thy bush. Mob-m Chas. and Jack Gilby and Jas. Breese of Chatsworth, visited at haw McDonald's Out' day recently. Mrs Pennock and daughter of --, Sask.. art. visiting the former'g moth- Pt', Mrs Jas. McDougal. Mr Arthur Hutton of Durham was a caller in town Friday last. Don't forget the box social at Top Clitte on Friday night, next. Christmas Greetings to Editor and housvhnld. also to all readers of the Ilvview. We have all no doubt had sums» worries during the past year, but m- still have many things to be thank- mr. Let us vndeavor to make the Now Your a better year, not only for our.srslevs but for those with whom m- an- associated. Prim-vino and Swinton Park We)? disappointed when they learned that tlvs minister they had chosen out of "ix they had heard as probationers, had dot-lined' the call. Mew G. -l. Craw from Peterbough was the man taltosen. mit be not discouraged as there is abundanco bf good men. Sine" the dvparturv of Mr Jones in Some-tuber. we have had 14 different men, any one of them quite capable and strange to say 5 of them are from the city and without a charge at prt'st'nt. Why, when there are so many hvathvn in the world, are there so many able ministers in the city ? We be-lien- one word will answer that o.uestiou---(tnoney)--is it too much or um little ? . PRIGEVILLE may: Last Sunday we had a Mr Goodwill from Toronto, a splendid fellow. and m- “run-ct your old Priceville corres- ponder" will give us an item on this subject as he is almost the only one left who heard a young man by the name of Mr Goodwill, preach in Priee. ville owr 60 years ago. The minister ot' last Sunday was surprised at the closv of the se-rvico in Priceville. to be asked by one of his hearers, if he was the son ot the Mr Goodwill that was the first student here over 60 Mars ago as he had never heard of his father being here. Miss Margaret Richardson, daughter of W. A. Richardson, who has been teaching school at Port Elgin, is wry sick there and her parents have been culled to L..r bedside. Dr. Suez-Ah of llromore has also been cai- led and motored to Port Elgin on Mon- tlay. he being their family doctor and having waited on Maggie at other times. Although very low there is hope for recovery. Maggie is ambi- tious above her strength and in set- ting up a Christmas entertainment, We believe over-exerted herself anda collapse followed. We trust that a rust and care will again give her strength for her duties. Mrs L.s man Jackson of Swift Cur. rent, arrived home at her father's, George Black Saturday last and will spend a couple of months. -Mrs Harirave has returned from a visit with her daughter, Mrs Allan, Dromore. Bohr to report In Heard is on the sick littt and we hope to no be: mad awn noon. I!!! DID! 703110! of D. M. a,, . SWAMP COLLEGE Everybody is looking happy these ml . If. ftttne new Christina: SWINT0N PARK spent the week end with her friend. Mia: 11a McClnnel. Messrs W. A. Richardson and Wal- ter Broughton ishipped a carload 'of cattle to Toronto on Monday. Mrs. T. Weir visited at her parents, Mr .and Mrs Heard lately. Miss Mildred Porter is visiting friends in Hanover. A large number were in attendance at the League Thursday evening. The lesson was read by Jan. McCan- nel, Miss Cook gave the topic. and the devotional part taken by Mrs. W. Moody. Mr. Ed. Haw visited " Mr R. Kin. uel's on Sunday. Mr Bert Haw was a caller in our burg last Tree. , Miss Marjorie Moore of Badjeros. visited her friend. Miss Belle MeCan- nel. Mr. Lewis Hay and wife of Winni- peg, are home visiting his mother, Mrs. Robl. Hay, near Dornoch. Met at the Township Hall on Sat- umay. Dec. 15th, as per atatuto. mera. btrs all present, Reeve A. McCunig ir. the chair. Minutes of last meet- ing were read and approved, Bv-luws N0. 847 re nominrr.'ittns. polling via-:98 and D. R. O's and Poll Clerks audf'A8 appointing School Amendancn o!fie. ers for 1924 Were introduced and mad 3 first time. The following accounts were pas- sed and orders lacued on the Treasur- pr in payment of same '. To the several school trustee B'ds of the Tp. for General and Trus- tees' levy ....... . . . ... . . $12,340.48 L. Livingstone, 2 sheep killed by dogs .......... .................$18.00 Mrs. S. Balms, 1 sheep killed .. 9.00 A. Livingstone, 1 sheep killed .11.00 R. E. English, 1 sheep killed .. 9.00 C. McArthur, for 3 inspections of sheep killed by dogs ........ 4.50 M. Quillinan. bonus 80 rods wire fence ..e................... 20.00 W. Henderson, 127 rd wire f'ce 81.75 J. Ellison, 40 rds wire fence.. T. McLaughlin, 66 rds wire f'ce _ G. Paterson, 84 rds wire fence 1 J. Brown, refund dog tax (error) Geo. Bryn " " Mrs. C. Davis " " D. Callaghan, " " W. Paylor, tor gravel " yds,... W. Paylor. road to pit ........ R. J. MeGillivray, gravel, 46 yds Dave P. Watson, gravel, 8 yds. T. Laughlin, gravél, 80 yds.. Bert Cotter, gravel 15 yds... Connors Bros., gravel, 30 yd? R. E. English, gravel, 25 yds .. M. McMillan. 3 days stat. labor R. English, refund of Stat. Labor do refund sch. taxes '21 ter.) H. McGlrr, ref. or 1922 taxes, paid in error ............'.0...'. ft.84 Markdale b'tand'd,ptg ac't '22-'23 10.50 Durham Review do '23 6.25 A. O'Neil. care't'ng Tp. Hall,‘23 25.00 do, supplies tor Hall .... 2.00 W. N. Whitmore, sen. att't officer 1923 ............ ............10.00 J. Ledingham, salary sch. att'dce other 1923 ........ ........ 10.00 T. J. Brodie. maintenance tees Glen'g Mun. Telephone..... 240.00 Angus Hooper, logging chain and plow repairs ................ 5.00 J. C. Ross, rofund statute labor 6.00 do cedar b'dg cov'g & labor 33.00 J Hastio. rep. grader & snowplow 5.15 A. Stonoousv, winter work '23 2.80 A. McCuaig. special road jobs town litivs & bridges ...... 49.4t A Aljoe. spec. road jobs ward l 61 60 J J Black. spec. road jobs ward 2 91.00 do, appropriation ward 2.... 63.25 M. Black, spec. road Jobs ward 3 49.84 T J. Brodie do ward 4 165.40 A. Aljoe, com. on expenditure. ward 1 ......r........'.... 5.00 J. J. Black, com on our. ward 2 12.30 T J Brodln. com. on exp., ward -i 13.20 W. J. llilchio. bal. salary as treas- um- 1923 r..............'.. 100.00 W. J. Ritchie. postage, &c, 1923 16.75 T Ritchie, ps’tg as collector wd 1 4.18 H. McDonald. bal. salary as clerk H. McDonald. writing minutes to, N _ "rhodie--M. Black: That the time for payment of taxes be extended for 30 days, free orAhef per cent. Car. o" uayn, AIL'V v: _..- v r‘- ___-___. "_-"'" Aljoe- J. J. Black: That $2 dog tax, error on roll in A. J?. MeArthur's taxes be struck oft. Carried. Brodie-M. Black: That the clerk be instructed to prepare a by-law for $250 debenture ton 10 years at 6 per cent per annum tor admission of Mes- srs Harold Watson and M. Quilinan to the Glenelg Mun. Tel. System. Carried. The Reeve was granted leave to re- fund to the Treasurer: Per William- son adjustment of expenditures on townline, refund from Artemesia, $7.40: and for remnants of bridge covering lot 16 con 5, $5.00. Alyre---M. Black: That the Reeve and T. J. Brodie be a committee to recvive tenders tor sale of timber, east of lot ll, to the old survvy on Hurrah for Skating Get your Skates Sharpened at DURHAM MACHINE SHOP Starr and Automobile Skater. Also Hockey Sticks for Sale. Circular and Crosreut Saws gum- med. Get your Cream Separator repaired. . F. w. Moon, tgaehiniat, no. (Newly upped}. Post one.) Glenelg Council THE DURHAM REVIEW GENERAL REPAIRING 20.00 81.75 10.00 16.50 21.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 [ 4.20 , 2.00 a 4.60 100.0!) 's'at. Report of Durham’s M. il. ll. .80 8.00 1.50 3.00 2.50 4.50 3.75 1.5S 50.00 con. li. Council adjourned line die. H. H. McDONALD. Clerk The Reeve Inning nested the our name was taken by Conn. M. Black who read the following address: To the Reeve of the Tp. ot_Glenelg: We, the members of the Council. " this, the closing meeting of the year, desire to express our grateful- ness for many kindnesses shown to us during, the year. We congratulate you on the able, ettieient and impartial manner in which you have occupied the position as head or this Council. We would also express our apprecia- tion to our worthy and capable Treats. urer and Clerk on the way they have performed the duties of their respec~ tive offices and in conclusion. we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year. Signed by members ot the Council T. J. Brodie A. A. Aljoe J. J. Black ' M. Black Short replies were made by tho Reeve and members of the Council in appreciation of cooperation and har. mony prevailing at the Board through- out the year. To the Chairman and Members of .the Local Board of Health and to the Mayor and Members of the Coun- cil of the Town of Durham Gentlemen : The town has been tree from in- fectious diseases during the year ex- cept an outbreak of Measles which occurred early in the Spring of the year and which spread very rapidly owing to want of early and prompt quarantine. Heretofore Measles was not considered necessary to be quar- antined but recent change in the reg- plation of the Public Health Act makes the following 'ar",',',', quaran- tlnable. via : plague, sm l pox, chick. en pox, cholera, Cerebro-spinal men- ingitis, (epidemic) diphtheria, meas- les, German measles, leprosy, mumps, Anterior Poleo-myelitia, or Infantile Paralysis, scarlet fever. typhus fever, whooping cough and yellow fever. It will thus be seen that all the contagious or what is called childhood catching diseases are now to be re- ported by the attending physician to the M. o. H. and by him promptly quarantined. It is held by medical authorities to- day on Public Health that if these diseases wore promptly reported and quarantined everywhere and on all occasions the time would come when such diseases would be completely stamped out. ia" my last report I suggested through the local Board of Health the advisability of taking some steps to supply the Town with public water} works adequate for both domegtie service and ilre protection. I point-| ed out certain sources of supply but! did not attempt to give any data ati, to cost, etc. as I considered a quali- fied engineer was the proper person‘ from whom to secure that information.) The Council of this year took up the' matter promptly early in the year for' which they deserve all credit, sub-', mitted the question to the titan or James, Proctor and Redfern Limited,; Toronto. This firm makes a business' of this kind of work, they made a,' complete survey of all the sources of' supply, gave a detailed account or the! method of installation and cost ini each case, a copy of the report and) accompanying map of the Town may1 be seen at the Clerk's oilice. The) springs in the hill. the present source of water supply lying east of Gara. fraxa and south on Durham Road: were chosen because of the proximityl to the Town, requiring less piping, its; adequate supply and purity of water,“ and on the whole the least cost of all) the sources lnvr-stigated ' V I examined the premises of the Pub. lic and High Schools and find that the Trustees In both cases were mak- ing very many necessary improve- ments and that both premises worn in good order. A report of my examina- tion in respect thereto is herewith enclosed. Owing to illness l'did not makv my trtuttl examination of the wan-r of the town early in the year, but during the month of October the Provincial lid. of Health Bent a commission from the Department to make a. survey of both the public water supply and the priv- aw wells of the town, making it thor- cugh examination of all the watsr, bull chemically and micro HO when}: 'ltis is being done in every town in Unlarlo. " copy of this luv stir: ttion Mm to have he“ furnished me but up to the present time of making out hair; report, " has not come to hand. ' have recent communication however from the Chief li-alth Olhcor. Dr J. W. S. McCullough, both by letter and telegram, assuring that such report will be forwarded to me as soon as completed and on receipt of such re- port I will cause it to be inserted in the local papers. This will give the ratepayers ample opportunity to study the water supply from a health point of view and so enable them =0 uive a rational vote on the bylaw which is to be submitted this January on the question of public water works. 3nd. tife"ri'GGniiiii 10pm Gii%ii, pasl queued to In sing. two tdrtogh"i'itdte",' I “Id Donald cu and one ulster M e, , John lie f u r.k Queen of to“. cum been , A " '. c, "troast-A.-- _ u In conclusion i might say that v 'ry little complaint was made this war in regards to conditions dangerous to the public vhcalth and such as was re. ported, was promptly investigated and attended to by Thom Daniels, whom I consider a very tsfttc'ient ome- er. Respectfully submitted, J. G. HUTTON, M.n M. o. H. ALEX. MeQUEEN Mrs John Mefhleen received word on Saturday last of the death of her brother, Alex. McQueen, of con 5/ Nottawasaga Township. Simeon Ce.' He was In his 60th year. was me tlfth son of. Mr. and Mrs John Me. Queen. and had always lived on the home tarm,-rntshirttt his home with his brother Dontld. Ont, sister and four brothers have trred9eeased him. uni than rennin to DWI! his pal- The Roll Call g Come in. and look around, what you don't NI M see ask for. Wehave it and we know our prices 55 iii, are right. See our windows for useful and a y, practical gifts of all kinds for Mother, Father, 3 FII Sister or Brother. V liitl M ie :32: H. Morlock a Sons MI Mlg=gagg5itgiytFtg5ty macaw-3: 323356 1oniy ill about a week, the sickness 1 developing into pneumonia and though ' having the best of attention and care, passed away on above day. Mr. Mc- ‘Queen while of a quiet and retiring lnature. held the deep respect of the entire community wherein he lived, land this was testified to by the large (funeral given him on Tuesday. He {rarely missed church services and it ;was at service the Sunday previous that he first felt ill, which proved to . be fatal. Mrs McQueen has the sym- pathy of I her brother The death took place recently in Castor, Alberta, of Mr Sandy Mchr-‘ mick, and brother of Mr Dan and Miss Eliza McCormick, formerly of Dunes- san, and also of Miss A. McCormick and Mrs H. Stephan ot Walkerton. Deceased has made his home with his brother Dan in Castor for the past three years, coming there from Bri. tish Columbia. He has been in poor health for some time. ham, on Tue-0’“ " quested to I!" thr" / . tritfttrrtt rur you " ul'5 The Durham 0.)" Assocth will IMP Winter Term Opens Jan.2 We advise you to shop early while the a choice is at its best. Our stock is large and consists of practical useful gifts for both young MI and old at prices to suit everybody. tgl Handkerchiefs, Ties, Gloves, Mufflers, Sus- penders, Garters, Armbands, Fine Shirts, Hats and Caps, in fact everything in the line of Men's wearing apparel always kept on hand. Will open the door to many op- portunltles in tue Business World. Make yourself or someone else an enduring gift. by arranging for a course ot training here. Gloves, Gauntlets, Silk Scarfs, Silk Hose, Handkerchiefs. separate or in fancy boxes, Dress Silks, Hosiery of all kinds and many other useful gifts can be seen on display. buulnca. umv ..'-e""--. -- for those who missed the first chance at Public School. Information free on re- quest by mail or phone. C.A.Fr min. RC h G. Dilemma Principe Wt! SATURDAY AND MONDAY we are offering our lines at Business. Shorthand and Farmer-5' Courses; also Preparagory Course Christmas Specials llk?lersai's Lightning Hitch Hockey Shoes Business and Shorthand Training A few months spent in at Greatly Reduced Prices. Now in the time to procure that present for the Boys andGirlI Men's Black Box Kip Hockey, reg. $5.50 for .. . . $4.50 Men's Brown Chrome Kip Hockey. reg. Lit) for.. 4.50 Women's High Cut Box Kip Hockey, reg, 0.00 for 4.50 Winter Term opens Jan. 2 J. S. MCILRAITH, Durham WSW? roads? 6NT. We have a full line of COSY SLIPPERS in Men's and Women's at reasonable prices. Give us a call. 50110:: T0 “at" W. A. TRIMBLE. Principal SAN] )Y MCCORMICK her friends in the loss or 'Woq,".t POI - Owen Sound. Ont wdWrhWfy at paratory Course jssed the first School. rep on re. l or phone. l G. D. Fleminl. tH. Staci!” uni-I P. o. Live - I =--- - FOR LADIES JGee tron W- :mppen Ere ro- The Cash Shoe Store VIII oNTARto GENTLEMEN! _What about your New Suit ? WOMAN - Give me some soft shirts. The doctors lay my husband must avoid anything with starch in it. Select Right Goods - Get Measured Right- From Right Materials A full stock of import (guaran‘wd) best Goods, also cheapvr Canadian now in stock. Best of trimmings. mode on quickest notice by the old Nimble. Lots of samples Jo choose from and right prices, ranging from $25 to $50. We are Agents for the Stovkwvll & Henderson Co., Dry Cleaners S: Myers of Toronto. All Repair Work and French Dry Cleaning Done J. C. NICHOL, Merchant Tailor Main entrance, Mlddaugh House. one door West ot Douglas, the Jeweller Corrected to Date, Dec. 20, 1923 Butter .............. ......... Eggs ...... q.................. Live Hogs ................... Wheat ..................' 958: Out: ........ .............. " Barter .......... .....'... 55 Buckwheat ...r............ 70 Pen....’................1.2“ Sheepskins ..............66£ Chickens w................. " Ducks ...... .............. 20 Geese .e.............. ....... Timber Eme4 Basswood Heating 'e"' Cedar Fem - Gedar ' “’ch Track HI DURHAM MARKETS no ARCHNES TORONTO 1.1mm T rick and Menu-don. Track Ties _.. 95& 1.00 ,....35&40 '... 55&M .... 70&75 ..1.25&l.§0 r....... 10.00 ........ " ...55&1.C3 .... 1865!. ‘....20&!I ....... " I l tr." " so _ " Staten. pp J r. 'ite, Iii')!)",',, " I a [:51

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