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Durham Review (1897), 27 Dec 1923, p. 1

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PS i133} 13M baded enlng sev- rgan- Ices r, Up 91’1an o tho) n. the nuns social asses- t At Max's r. told " at “ices. rvard ey a can; rise. pond- , don. eased the. ' br Mayne mem' Methodist Missionary Meeting. l Tho monthly meeting of the \Vom- l 1u'S Missiorsvry Society of the MPtho- (INY Cinch met on Thursday, Dee. luth at thr' Parsonage ' A large num- brr of ladiig wore present and enjoy- el the inn-:vmuing program prepared by Mrs M. lgnvchtel. The chapter tak. mi trom thr. Study Book, "Building the Nation.’ 1'.rvalirig with the immi- gums "trm1 smith Eastern Europe wlo have ccnu- to dwell in Cantsda, viz: Pole, Inanians, Douknotrortr, was discusse". by Mesdames Wiggins, Wolfe. Mom, Priors and Mis't Cous- ins. The Woteh Tower Heralds rmd tho latest :opmts from our mission aries in Japan. China, B. Columbia and Album and our workers amount the Italian. in Toronto. Mrs Me. Clocklin read an extract from "Ben Hur,', entitled "The ttrttt Christmas." The hymn Ind Scripture reading i were all on the subject ot the Birth of I Christ. Tie meeting closed with , prayer bt In Wolfe and In Sheri. . after which I social bolt hour In . - our the ten cups. In Sheri I reported tint. box of chain! M a been cent by the Auxiliary to All Pet , - Mission in Kaitlin! and noth- I or to the India limbo. Wolpole Island, by the Minion Bond. iiltt "iii? Wm“ the £39393“. Iluuuc-uu, Mr Mull To commemorate the forty yearsl 'r. Middle- l of missionary activity, the Baptist' eived his Women's Missionary Circle of to-day,'; c Schools‘ held a unique meeting on Thursday,l 'e Later December 20th, at the home ot one of f/ Messrs their charter members, Mrs. Chas. , l tel Brown. Five years ago: Mrs Brown “0"”) e l was made a life memberof the Society ode Hall. and to her tell the honor of present-' graduated ing Bibles to each of the other five ‘8 up ttw ladies, who have stood "as a rock in spent t a weary land" for their church and IN w't . ,terests. Mrs Brown in a neat “I: A , . told the twenty tour ladies f ".. ~= 7. . F from Portttot thsteurly days of _ Uf , avr.? _ to Spend in many cases drew t Ir: Ctr'"' to members now Ep, _ "I . Mrs. Brown retains Bill) “(in ._wFF.."""""' W" Dougall) the secretary. The Society‘ was organized in the church, but for many years after the meetings were held at the home of Mrs. Stcwvrt.l The work for many years was of the most discouraging nature, only two and three being in attendance at times. But east in the same heroic mould as her pioneer husband, Mm? Stewart continually labored on till! her death. l Winners of Bean Content: For guessing the number of beans in a Jar in Mack Saunders' window, Mrs. Mel. Btorrey won the first prize similar contest giving a $12 club bag to the winner. This was won by Jack Lauder who guessed 4316, the correct count being 4275. Howard Me. Donald came second closest. Men's Clan At the High School and at some u. F. o. Clubs they have been debating the question "is the world growing better 'Y' There is much to be said on both sides. Not, have we more, nor do we know more, but are we oursel- ves better. Naturally tor us there is only one standard of Judgment and it is Christian. This last Sunday ot the 7 ‘ . - ‘-‘-A -‘nnb _.nl wn Hutu aluxu. -'-'r do we know more, but are we oursel-I ves better. Naturally tor us there is) only one standard of Judgment and it) is Christian. This last Sunday of the, year is a good time to take stoch,--of! isurselves-and seriously face tttel, question-what direction are we trawl eiling and what progress are we mak-‘ ing. Next Sunday niternoon at LM. Come and bring a friend. Monday, Jan. m".. In the Anglican Ch. Topic: The parable ot the Boil Speaker: Rev. W. H. Smith Tuesday, Jan. 8, In the Methodist Ch. Topic : The Parable of the Talent» Speaker: Rev. Mr. Alrd _ A -- -.__.i...M.o, rm apt-Ac: . nuen --. ___V Wedn'y, Jan. 9, In the Presby‘ian Ctrl Topic: The Parable of the Great'! Supper l Speaker: Rev. J. E. Peters Thurs., Jan. 10, In the Baptist Church Topic: The Parable ot the Good‘ Samaritan. Speaker 2 Rev. J. H. Wheatan The meetings will be " 8 o'clock each evening and the ottering will be tor the Bible society. ' told the I from Fought. to spend in ANNUAL WEEK m iiiiiimsmw DECEMBER 27, 1923 or PRAYER he; Durham Town Hall Filled _ h Annual Student Night The attendant results which occur-‘ L" led when a group op young girls tried . to give their faithful maiden chaper- lil one a holiday, while visiting in New H York, as shown in the comical play- let, "Aunt Billy from Texas," “ere very credibly portrayed by a cast ot C seventeen students of the Durham Vi High School in their annual Com- li, nlencenlent Exercises held Friday.’1 " Dee, 2lst last in the town hall. in addition to the play and numerous 0 musical numbers, presentation of thel b ‘two High School Board Medals and! it twenty six certificates' to Middle school'; ii students. were made. Lower school) l 1citttiticates were mailed to the suc- v ‘cesstul students in order to shorten a l the length of the .evening‘s program. t In the play, the feature number on the program. the anti-modernist lady, E Miss Grumley (Florence Kress) and t l exponent oi perfect respectability. l wasn't any too popular when her bevy _ Eot' bright boarding school inssies env l (countered the bright lights of Bread 1 iway, while Albert Kress, impersonat- " ing "Aunt Billie" from Texas, endeav- . cred to haw,- the girls enjoy the , whirl of the metropolis. Martin I Lauder was his assistant. and whose. I modern ideas 6t ocisiibility did not . larmonlze with Miss Grumley's. The . girls in the party were: Eula Burn- _ ett, Clara. McCrne, Marjory Picker- l lug. ErnilrBmith, Catherine Lavelle t and Edith Willis who 'trd',', not be- ,l new: in chaperonage in 91 York. ', l Three doctors (Eddie Kearney, Camp- e| bell McLean and Clarence Elfvidge) t- were called in for medical advice and 'e with their nurse (Becky Levine) tin- ally decided a throat operatic}; wasn't e necessary tor the impersonating Aunt yl Billy," after their fees were pocketed. “l The situation clears up with the or- d rival ot the real aunt (Sadie/Levine) w. and Uncle Dick (Will Voile-Q from 3. Texas, ~and whose troubles duperae .4 by marrying each other. Stewart Me. re itraith made a mushy bell hop at the hotel where the guests stsyed,’ and Clarence Noble and Walter uncut- were a husky pair ot stretcher bearers WHO knew their job better than most lhospital attendants. F v A eN_-...rm. he lhu For the many good wishes of correspondents and others In the paper and privately. we return hearty thanks. To them and to all readers we extend beat wishes tor a HAPPY Varied Program Given and Presgn- tations Made to Students USO; Beulah and Jean Harding, who with went through the simple and movements ot a dance entitle Dutch Dolls" in perfect time. ' - .. “A“. .. '" 1}“ch Wllu u. ,-..-,, Principal Robb acted as Chairman for the evening and to himself and three assistants. credit must be :1an to rthe merited program. The spirit - .. *‘---'--0- unro In!“ iai 71in ot the and displayed In several them being modelled Fiat, "u. Hemnitching and Picot Edging. In! us do your herntrtitetttnq pleat edgin- “Inflow?! , AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR GREETINGS Bunyan, Hanover. program. The spirit Itudenta were well and yells. some ot 1led after Toronto The 061ch report of the examina- tion made of the Wells of the town I) October last. appears below. It waal sent to Dr. Hutton, M. O. H. and the record, as far as We understand it, Is a formidable indictment of our water supply. The tests at different term' Dentures wlll explain themselves. though the results in their inconsis- tency, are obscure. Just how the colon bacilli in 3rd column, in 70 in- stances amounted to 1p00-no more, no Iesis,---we are at a loss to say. Only in six or seven Instances are the wells comemndable. Wonder We re I not all dead '. The, report should give emphasis to the necessity of a better water supply as the pending by~law Is intended to provide. It will be seen that the Lake supply is lavored by the lalvst investigators. though they are wrong in supposing only one spring in East Hill. There are other inaccuracies, Acting on the instructions from the! Tupi" W“"" Chief Olllcer at Health, a sanitary sur- in Caledonia. vey was made of Durham on Oct lith.l marriage, the 1923. Mr. Delaporte was in charge) the Normal f of the work and reports as i'oliows : was one of tl The town of Durham is situated on during her 15 one of the branches of the Saugeettl . River. The major portion of the townl ---. is in the valley, but the north east! LIBR section of the town is situated on a‘ hill. There is no municipally owned‘ . water system in Durham nor are there Notice any sanitary sewers. Nearly half thel Notice is hi town is supplied with water from il borrowed t'rt gravity supply owned by one of the rary, new 01 citizens. This supply is secured from tained ovvr two different springs in the north end must be rer of the town. Ont". called the east Dec. 3lst, 1 spring, is situated at the south side: After thir of the hill previously noted, the other; books so re being located perhaps half a milel The Lihrari north west of the first. This supply is‘. tions to in augmented by water from a fiowiugl cents a day urtesian well situated to the south oi" retained alt the town. The water from the well isl, will go intt forced Into the mains by a hydraulicl ram. The samples 'tYom both the =e-"-e,-e-"-"-E . springs and the, hotel tap show pollu- ___ . tion, due possibly to a lack ot all». --- , quato protection. Samples secured _ trom the fiowing Well were tree from . pollution. The town is provosing to _ install a municipal supply and hove ) retained a firm of engineers to report 1 on the situation. The engineers in _| their report advocate the develop- ' meat ot the east spring. The Health of a There are four sources or suppu available for Durham '. (1) The springs, (2) Deep wells, (3) The riv- er and (4) Wilder's Lake. situated about six miles south east, of the town. Samples secured by consulting engin- - - -. a I _-II-_blnn “v.0- “VV-- -- -. a, -- oer: from the Lake maimWn I but amiss trGisusee."h"ih, by thel engineer of the Provincial Board or) Health were tree from pollution. Not: having the data used by the consul- ling engineers it does not seem feas- ible to secure enough water from one spring for the whole town when the same. spring, at the present time, is only part of a supply for less than half the town. This spring is located below part of the town, and 'al', the installation of sewers in the en to ‘the north or the spring, is certain to become polluted. It should be quite possible to secure an ample water supply for Durham from deep wells: unfortunately the deep wells in use in the town are very hard and a number ot the people ob- ject to the taste. n- it t., .m..an.ul\- nun. Jaw. u: u“ .....--. The Saugeen River is seriously COD. taminated with farm drainage) and. before use as a domestic supply. would require-very careful yurificm Lion. It would be inadvisatlt to uti- lize this water at the present time when other supplies are available. i, Wilder's Lake is about sir. miles; south east o llhe town. Pr.1‘:llPall\" all, if not all, the surroundlne land! is owned by one man. This pvnllw, man .has offered this supply lo me" town of Durham . As the Lulu is; alt; bated 160 feet above the town, the) supply would be a gravity (mot ttl, would be necessary to take stringent: measures to prevent the casual pollu-f lion ot the supply. It would seem advisable for the town authorities to" further investigate the possibilities of ‘thls supply before making an): de- .clslon. . M? _ During the investigation Roo pit-lu- ises Were inspected. Less than halC (206) the premises were supplied with water from Mr. Snell's water, system. 125 wells were sampled.; Only T of these wells were free on comparatively free trom pollution and 99 ot them showed gross pollution. I Seven premises had private sewersl to the river and 127 had septic tanks' or ceaspits. There were 313 priviesl located. The town dump is located' north of the Durham Road and west! ot the Garafraxa Road in a marshy 1 area south of the west spring. There: are no local by-iawa governing the type, construction or location of priwi ies or the removal of night soil. i There are two dairies retailing milk in Durham. The milk ia not pas- teurized. There are no local by-lawo; regulating the sale or distribution orl milk in Durham. _ It is therefore recomniended V-- (1) That Durham proceed with the installation ot a municipaliy owned water ayatem with all possible speed. The choice of aupply should only be made after a veryr careful unfoun- 175531558 possibilities of the var- ious mute” “male. (2) That Dal-hull Instruct their en. (Continued on Pile to four sources of supply r supply} Alter the Review had gone to was indeed to last week, an intimation came an ‘ that the‘ nouncing the marriage of Mime Call» ne latest urine Ermine Kelsey, daughter of Mr. T? wrong and Mrs Pred W Kelsey, to Mr Janina in East Wellington Lamb. The nuptials Were tracies. I celebrated in Cowan Ave Presbyterian Church, Toronto on Dec. 17th and the from the happy couple have taken up residence itary sur- in Caledonia. Up to the time of her Oct llth. marriage. the bride was a student at ll charge the Normal School in North Bay and follows : was one of the medalists at Durham ”mm on during her school days here. " . nun doesn't read the papers and bank sense enough to form " opinion, he isn't m for anything ex- cept a jurymun. Santa Claus a Liberal Provider Whatever the world may be coming to, it Isn't In; sen-ea.- The industries of Durham again played the Sam: Claus role this Christmas to their employees. Tho men engaged at the Durham Stone and Sand Co. received plump turkeys from the omclals of the Company. while the men of the Durham Furni- ture Co. were recipients ot equally plump goose, the single men woehu ing necktles. Lamb--- Nuptiais l After that date the value of tho books so retained will be collected. The Librarian has received instruc- tions to Impose a tine ot (2) two ,cents a day, for every day a book is l retained after two weeks. This rule lwill go into force Jan. lat, 1924. . By Order Library Board Notice is hereby given that all books borrowed from Durham Public Litr rary, new or old, and have been n» mined over the two weeks allowwl. must be returned to Librarian before Dee. 3lst, 1923. n? 3-; A Happy and il', Prosperous New Year Durham Branch, . q . -- . Notice to Book Borrowers ,trt.t.tr.t:tF:tF.i" "str'""""',, " b..- Ssaaaaaa asaaaazaz-zaaeaaaa LIBRARY WARNING'. Published Weekly It $2.00 I you In advance. To Uni $2.50 a your in advance. C. WAGE & SON. Not because it is an honoreu Uuauuul, but because of the sincerity of our appre- ciation, we take this opportunity tothank you for the part you have played in our business prosperity the past twelve months, and we wish you a Happy and Prosperous New Year Maj-adder: 's Jtexatt 'Drug &ore FiftyYears of Banking We offer a complete service for FARMERS _ GRAIN and CATTLE DEALERS MERCHANTS MANUFACTURERS and MUNICIPALlTlES ' McFADDEN. Draw“ STANDARQ BANK Bunch also at Priceville. Waterworks Eng'neer Hen Trliiglt it is an honored custom, A public meeting to hear the he“ regarding the insmlhuon of a voter vorkl synem in Durham discussed, is being held In the Tom Hall to. night, Ttttuadety, Dec. t7th. Mr Red- teru of James. Proctor and Roofer“, the engineers. who made the survey, will be present nnd explain fully the cost and proposed system. There its no doubt we require waterworks it only for pure water. wnhoul consider- nu Inn-nu n. -'>-" only for pure water. without consider in: the great need of adequate are protection. Como and Rain lnformn~ tion. Thee are two kinds of people who knock their home town : [hole who can't keep their meannos hidden and those who can't make money. iiiiiiyzmitr, SPE REMAN 6: MIDDLEBRO‘ ly SPECIALS for SATURDAY and the Holiday Barristers. Solicitors. Etc. (Succvssors to A. B. Currey) Mr. C. C. NIddk-bm' is permanent' localed in Durham. once hours Bream». Potted and Cut Flowers Bulk Oysters Brick tee Cream Extra Fine Fruit Nut. and Candy at popu Watch our Window to: m. to 6 tr.m Tu! ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO ‘. G. LINDSAY John Kelly, Manager. -e.. _M EU popular prices v for the”. 520 V I“ ')'ftfir', l. r l Ir,'. tiirr,ait"'iil ' . ~L.r~!v§‘i‘ } K, .1. ' _ / . y la' " {if w. 'wa _ “.1 a 3.1.. is"

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