West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 27 Dec 1923, p. 5

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In H . lama Heading sum wince Foot: Cedar a Tamarack Track Tics Timber Wanted Hardwood Truck Tin Hurrah for Skatin Starr and Automobile Shaun Mu Nocluy Stick. {or Sale. Circular and Cross-cut Saws gum- med. Get your Cream Separator trrtpair'xd. Got your Skates Sharpemd at DURHAM MACHINE SHOP For prfemr and informal”. 1PM! to DEC " :1 J. N. MURDOCK W FA 5' Ci'ih wfi§a [54:45? JJ " Fi9t', 23"}! I ‘GENTLBMEN! i_WIm about your New Suit t 'seloct Right Good. - on Menard l Right- From Right Material. t A full stock ot import (unnamed): twat Goods, also cheaper Gummy _ now In stock. Best of trimmings,mMe; _ on quickest notice by the old reliant; Lots of samples to choose from and; right prices, ranging from 825 to 350." Wo are Agents for the Stockwell h? _ Henderson Co., 1er Cleaners S: Dyers: 3 We are Agents i Henderson Co., In I ot Toronto. {All Repair Work l Also lots 6 and T, con 4, s. D. IL. tGlenelg, containing 110 acres. one lhundred cleared, in good nine ot cur l tivation. On the premises is a brick house containing T rooms Nth frame fwoodshed attached, drilled well at I door, never tailing spring making this in good stock farm. This property j will be sold at a right price to a. quick I purchaser. Having gone Into the dairy business, this property is too far away for convenience. Apply " ’4 WATSON'S DAIRV, R. R, No. 4, Durhun A full stock of Import Quantum The Chrlatmu holiday has "may wet Goods, also cheaper Contain; many unto" to the homes. The“ low in stock. Best of trimrningts,madrroumt people have returned to their MI quickest notice by the old rellnble. ; homes nnd will sudden the heart! of} Lots of samples to choose from no l, parents and friends during the Ihort right prices, ranging trom $25 to 350. l hOIiday. Some of mo” home are Mite, We are Agents for the Slockwell & l Be8 Nellie MeLean, State And Nary‘ liondl-rson Co., Dry Cleaners & Dyers! McKinnon, Olive McLean, Janet Me. ot Toronto. 'tDonald, May MeDermid, Donald: All Repair Work and French D,yi,i?1,'iiiii,',, Plo McLean, alt from Toron- Cleaning Done ‘to: also Miss Louise Watson trom IBeeton, Miss Annie McLean from J. c. NICHOL, Merchant Tailor 1Orangeyjnpl Mm Jessie McLean from Main entrance, Middaugh House, one", Cleveland, Min Violet Watson from door West of Douglas, the Jeweller l, Port Perry, M153 May Muir from Pet- .----ereerseer---er-e-"re-e-'r-e" , erboro, Miss Annabel McLeod from ------ ------ imrmln, Mr Allie Mclnnls from Tor- FARM FOR SALE lonw and Mr Frank Williamson, Tor- - - l .. --" o "m no osto. North part ot Lot T and 8, con 22, Egremont. containing " acres. 55' acres cleared, balance hardwood bush. In a good state of cultivation : frame barn 44 x 50, stone basement. mn- crete stables, drilled well and cement tank at barn. _,'_iii't-)iiliiii'ji'i,' 'iii' "XF "'.ir-: :t rc"'h't,'ry'.F'm IC"'. kg»? _ 'a'". jliiiikiiissri, 3' I'.' 'rti.'ih; ' 17tari u B' BtEl P.',"ssrs i3. '/ii(, 31;; Str"" £23». s-f, I er and Mrs Ed. Watson and family of Durham, are spending the holiday at Mr Watson's home here. Miss Helen Seatter is visiting her sister, Mrs E. E. Watson. Mr G. W. Tryon, accompanied by his daughter, Miss Margaret, is spending the Christmas holiday with other mombers of his family in Detroit. Mrs A. Stafford and daughters. Madge and Viola, are holidaying with relatives near Williamsford. . 1fr' Neil Shortreed of Caledonia is holidaying at his home here. Mr Willie McLeod came up from Tilbury to spend Xmas with his father Mr A. D. McLeod. PRICE“ Lluliy 5nd"; PRICEVILLE " . day ot feasting and merry making by [the majority of this civilized world. C The feast tables ot our citizens in " general will be groaning with all the luxuries prepared for the occuion l and perhaps the participants will lose their appetites before they can in- I dulse in partaking of all the tempting lmenu set before them. Let us so back 70 or 75 years ago'» and what was the feastboard of the ne wsettlers in Glenelg or any other: township in the Co. of Grey t An old? highlander was telling of all the good', I things his mother prepared for Christ-) mas some 74 years ago. He said "My! poor old mother made a big heap all hannocks and a big pile ot small cakes." This with beech nut pork was all the good things the old lady had for Christmas. And the son said in telling of the good things his mother had prepared, they didn't leave as much as would feed a uaby. As the old timers had co travel through snow by a foot path and by the rustling of the woods, there appe- tites were sharpened and they enjoy- ed the old lady's least better than our 1923 Christmas festivities. ry the coffin. It ended in a. fight and the old woman's body was thrown out of the eottin and were it not for one 1htikoo didn't indulge, the body in- _ _ . . ._., .:._.4_._g.._.. -t.' "Where are they," these old timers who endured the many hardships in the early history of Grey. Co. some 70 or 75 years ago , We go to the differ- ent cemeteries in the Township and elsewhere and there we tInd their names engraved on marble slabs and hardly readable by being covered with moss trom the effects of the many years erected to the memory ot those whose ashes are mingled with earth. How many ot our fellow beings ot both high and low estate, who were one year ago enjoying the festivities of a Xmas menu, whose remains are this Xmas day lying mouldering in the dust, from which both the high and humble in life spring from. the early history of Grey. Co. some 70 John A. Graham, Principal ‘llave Just been on a glorious politicalI or 75 years ago , We go to the differ- " Ili-Norman Mcllraith. Raymond drunk and now that you have iGiiH iytlt cemeteries in the Township and McGirr. Dave Marshall, Olive Middle. menced to sober off you will do bet-l elsewhere and there we tInd their, ton, Roy Wiggins. lter work." He traced the rise of co- names engraved on marble slabs and' Jr m--Clen Rowe, Dorothy Picker-i operative marketing, showed how hi hardly readable by being covered with: log. Audrey Bell, Gordon MeCrae,l should be carried on and proved that! "1055 from the efteetg ot the many, (Moore McFadden and Ila Allan) 'iii.',I it made for better education, more' years erected to the memory of those, Annie C. McKenzie, Teacher tcomfortable homes and higher citi- whose ashes are mingled with earthd Jr Ill A-Willie Erwin, Lawrence zenship, How many of our fellow beings of Whitmore, (Norman Becker and Geo. There were a big batch or resolu- both high and low estate, who were': Hay )eq., Ned Burnet, Violet McLean. tions to be dealt with. These. showed one year ago enjoying the festivities? Jr m B-Evelyn Baird, Nelson that the u. F. o. Convention was of a Xmas menu, whose remains are i Lowe, Anna Ritchie, (Myrtle Watson. truly the "tarmers' parliament." Sub- this Xmas day lying moulderlng in' and Cyril Becker) eq., Jean Collinson. i jects dealt with ran all the way front the dust, from which both the highl Sadie F MacDonald, Teacher [those tor the good of the organiza- and humble in life spring from. I Sr ll A--wiltrid Middleton, Norman. tion to politics. Two resolutions ask- Old tunes have changed since 4001“ Dean, May Miles, Merlda Havens,; ed for correct labelling of woollen 50 years ago. Then the man who did: Margaret Storrey. goods and food products, while a not have whiske/ at his wife’s tunerall Sr " B-Clifford MeGirr, Jaspr'r third asked for better Hydro Electric) was counted a mean man. What aniGreellWOOd. Jtrnet Watson, lsabel Jam. service for iarmers. Another asked? ideal Those taking the beverage; ieson, Teddy Elliott. ‘that all farmers be paid for their' freely, sometimes created a laughter Annie McDonald. Teacher hogs on a graded basis, whether st'ld by some similarly amlcted. A truth-5 Jr ll A-Helen Young, Annie (3er to a drover or shipped by the cooper- t'ul old lady was telling of the manner) bell, Donald Knight, Norma Allan, alive shipper. The report of the road at funerals in the Highlands of Scot-i Genevieve Saunders. committee and several resolutions land some 75 or 80 years ago. A keg! Jr II B-Elsie Falkingham. Clarke provoked a good discussion on Ontar- of whiskey was carried along with a', Lloyd, Kelso McCawley, Annie Walk- io's Highway. System. The Educa- good sized basin] ot oat cake. The] er, Donald Croft. tional Committee in their report rec journey was a long one through rough Mary E. Morton, Teacher comemnded several important chang- roads. At an old woman’s tuner-all Sr l-Goldie Glatser, Percy Green- es in our educational system which the . . wood, Percy Montgomery. Agnes were backed by the Convention after party got drunk and a qudlreliWalker Norman Falkingham . . . arose as to whose turn it was to car- ' . . being thoroughly talked over.. Am - _ -l ms-) '- - n_|.. -..,.l Jr I--c1ittord 1ytaphttui, Jean Ae other one which carried unanimously THE DURHAM REVIEW Em Jx a w"). cl _ .. f ,5.- ”$.53: , A. Ti“; ti, '. swim: at. soot be motored to her mo! health W ewlnh the Editor, out! and many readers of the Review g happy Christ- mas and . prosperous New Year. A year “on in: wood away Time swiftly panel by A few more years any be our lot But who can tell it "yes" or not. Since writing the former put of this letter, a home near by is made lonely and this Christin“ will be to them a house ot mourning instead of pleasure. The home referred to is deprived ot the head of the funny in the person ot Mr Joseph Atyeoel who pussed away last evening. at comparatively young man in the prime'; of life. So we see that our lives arc-i only as bubbles on deep waters uteri I severe atom which vanishes away[ In a moment. Mr Atkinson was one; or the prosperous farmers ot Edge; Hill line con 2, E. G. R. The tunerall is to be on Monday, 24th Dec. to the English Ch. cemetery at the satureenl bridge at 2 p. m. a Br lv-Christine Goodchild, Vera Mountain, (Lizzie Hind & Ina Milne) equal, M.ttrtle peary. Donald Young. tuuun, A'ljltl‘. .n...., v-....._ - --,,_,, Jr Iv-Martina Simpson, Mary Glas er 'Ellen Marshall, E. Kearney, Bea. E Jr ll A-Helen Young, Annie Camp 'bell, Donald Knight, Norma Allan, I Genevieve Saunders. 1 Jr II B-Elsie Falkintthtrtn, Clarke iLloyd, Kelso McCawley. Annie Walk. trice Miles DURHAM PUBLIC SCHOOL Gai, siiairet Sibbald, Hazel Moore Bassie Atkinson. - _ _ PRIMARY CLASSES Sr Class A-Lillian Collinson and Lynn Vollet, George Hawke, Florence Havens. Catherine McCawley, George Braithwaite. " EiiGl A, Browning, teacher any "si ' .,' ..l '. T " I k 'tf, 'ric'iis. “we it, '., Before the U. P. o. Convention it lot wss expected that s "Show-Down" " was due between those who wanted an of to turn the orgulntion into s polit- ' made teat party and those who wished to be to keep the organisation out ot politics and ot so u: orgsniutiom Since the Can- I to is vention both sides think they have ally in won. According to the resolution) Aitttttttt which was unanimously passed " t2.I ling. a, 80 mm. on Thursday. the organiza- aprime tion is not to be turned into a politr reB g",') col party. It is free to develop along 'tt trtterl the cooperative lines in educntlon s Gall, and organization of cooperative sel- '33 1Pel ling. It is tree to press tor reforms Edge; for farmers, no matter what govern- funeral I ment is in power. On the other hand to the those who wish to organize a new hinges-n? party and embody the principles of ithe U. P. o. in its platform will re- lcelve no opposition from the U. F. o. Impressions of the Possibly the next most Important event ot the Convention Wu the ad- dres sot Dr. Theo. Huckljn on co-op. erative marketing. It was a master- piece and should be in the hands of every farmer tn Ontario. . "To get true cooperation and to have the on- ly sure cooperative marketing Assoc- iation we must keep politics out of the organization." he sold. "You have just been on a glorious political drunk and new that you have com- menced to sober ott you will do bet. ter work." He traced the rise of co- operative marketing, showed how it should be carried on and proved that it made for better education, more comfortable homes and higher citi- zenship. was “Resolved that better protection tor bank depositors be provided by Government inspection, mutual sunr- antee ot deposits by the several banks and such other measures as may be deemed necessary. On all the resolutions the delegaiesl spoke with conviction and with 911-1 dence that the various questions had received much consideration. Only two or three occasions did person) ties develop in the discussion. the ""t"'ettli'," speak to the . . . o was sponsor ll. F. ll. Convention 5‘55 " ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Residence, N; " At N STREET, HOLCTEI Ration“: PRIOEVILLE Tmphono t, " LS. us") i boo-0mm 'lak'iu'targ'rtrgttt ot I.“ 0-11 I. I launch. 00-. Ame-23¢ "New 0.0- “but all noun. J. L. SMITH, M.B., M.C. P.S. Oifue and midqnce. corner Count“ and Limbton. opposite old Post on. Ohio: Hours: 0 to " B. m., LIONG g. m., ' to o p.m.. Sunday. In. human, afternoon excepted. onion H Alta-noon Bonn: 2-4 Brennan I DRS. JAMIESON & JAMIESOI HONOR GRADUATE ot 'l'orono. Univmttg. madame of Roynl (long. dt Dents? timeout! of Ont uric Rooiu Oeee J t I HUNTERS New Stan W. th PICKERING, DDS, LOS J. G. HUTTON, M.D., cm. T u . Slr/eh'!)??.',,'?.":':',"", 'lla'llt .. In I. gtrtMrgtNt6 0 In. - var Javelin-v “he an appo nit. Pout on“. tPgr1ti.t%'ak.,'ttC.'"'" .... [doomed Auctioneer tor Go. (in; " tel-n. nuan- unuumnu thr “I. . ' tte..ese: 'eftbtpoMr n gnu lam Ate, than. a to with P701 mu be pl “my! 'o. for.“ on swim-non lo - lt left-ll In: I “homo“ In nu n “no“. who. The Science that cdda Life to your: and your: to life. Call and Bee us. Consultation he; In Durham Tuesday; Thur-day. and Suture-yo - Oolbgo‘lfquuluu a" Inn-0.0 J. F. GRANT, D.D.S., L.D.S. M. 0. E. CARR, BA. lump: Band-y I CHIROPRACTIC D..ttPOtL. Ceylon ”manna: burn- o. McPHAlL b-te., '-ogt.t. " h "

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