West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 27 Dec 1923, p. 8

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'ijt: it?" '...'" 'r' 'ri-iii-ii/r,:)',"." f o,rt.r' _."' i.iwi,hristnas "n miner g: sftsyish.%',Ttyi,) ',,.i , Cp5a G' ' iM/ij; 'UI at? y' _ '2 'irem 21iiltidit I. _u " . CC, f '?!lrttrti and the cold weather has come, Wu will need We have a good supply of both, also HEAVY UNDERWEAR RUBBERS, ETC. Wool Dress Goods Ladies aChildren's Mitts, Gloves and most everything you need for the cold weather. rnctly Prepares Young Men and omen for positions as stenogrxtp- hers, accountants. private accum- es. commercial teachers. etc. Bomo t the salaries ottered this year 'W a $75 to $100 a month and up in iii'ii'ily'hlf'o, $1800, $2000 and 32mm Tmer Tenn "one u. 3 Yonge and Charles Sta" Toronto Fresh Groceries Every Week . J, ARNILL Pig. rr a to get superi If: g " "tF ttimt'. __' Highest Price Paid for Farm Produce. HOLSTEIN, ONT. Miss Ruby Matthews of Burlington. Is spending age Christmas holidays st the parental home: Mr Wilfrid Barbour is 1150 home from his school at Cache my. New Ontario, tor over the holiday. Mm Ruby Morrison who is “tend- ing Sanford Normal School, came home on Friday. Mr and Mrs J. C. Queen are holi- daying this week with friends in Tor- onto. _ mm M. McBride, our teacher. is spending the Christmas holidays at the parental home, near Mt. Forest, A social afternoon was held in Ar lan's School on Friday afternoon when the parents and friends of the child- ren assembled at an entertainment given by the children, especially well) prepared by our teacher. Miss Me. Bride, this being her first attempt. One of the trustees. Mr Thus Tucker, was in charge ot the pleasing program rendered. " consisted of choruses. quartettes. recitations. dialogun-s and instrumentals. At the close gifts from a Well-laden Xmas Tree were distributed by Mr Lorne Allan (Santa Claus.) " - . [d T, G 2 MWa ' "h . NP, Cr-eil,", '.t kl , Mil? :31) xv! "d t' "iirtf) 'a't'r7"rl ~1- Illllli) i , .;;.w.g,._ a. 'fl/ ciif y ','/')'s','lj': Ti: 'r,r/' ', tli, (ie..u,kii's1iaTi,tWtj, " " MRRh e» rfr'fs,e4f'S? 1'. v'rh',r1v-r:" tk My. s' hug) t.ef/"tffc1, . ”it, Urdifit: Cr ' ,. n e _ S Ptl. . ‘é; JtiTit,: ." .', . ,. ' ter IV ,r" . T A; a _', f:' tel' . "M' . 1-3.3"; Y, TN .etr. .1, _ V k 'vip' .15. - RV . cn ., 1lt?t,tr/?-i'i','1f'iit',r:'r'i', . '. _ _ . F , ", , 14) fl .. @2 I; . _ g, ' '1'.‘:‘h:“{: if I Pg . “V l',r/i"4 “a g Fi; I; 2,5322%.- " _i'm'i' tded A' -,. e V' r. . ', its xi's"s:1'e',,-,'t {2533565 i,ji,..jiirtis'tir: 2.54;; ,vng " iliFiti"s.' I , at” " Y; Why _ - , , r" _ . g " f , ti:fr,r, r T ”y”, ,",ir, .' "ve' r. C) 1',l.:httl gr .- J. F _ .+. _ . ,‘ .. " "a'.' A", I. ',~ I)"; tr/ 'Eli I? c.tir'iti ,jpm- '63: t' I 2, . F " ' " M. . A8t - f,if . t c., [ ta _ r" ' -11,“ it"; _ -- = _ f' 2 i.fft, Fi:., l. , T ' 7",“ _ ,.F- muirwi' " Nt'-- .7 _ ' jii,'ls'if."s' iii" t! . ' i e, "‘ distributed by Mr borne Allan (Snntal Claus.) l Mr McBride and daughter Annie ot) Mt. Forest. who spent Friday at the home of Mr W. J. Allan, were also present at the school concert. Miss Ella Baird. nurse in a. Hamilton hospital, and who has been at her home in Durham, spent a day last week with her aunt, Mrs Jag. Allan. A pleasant time " expected at the home of Mr Fred Noble, Vmey. this Friday evening. Mr and Mrs R. O'Brien were guests at the home or Mr Jas. Eden one PW ening lately. Mr and Mrs O'Briea are spending the holidays at their home in Toronto where they will re- main until after the New Year. REID--BASK1E On Saturday. December 15th, at high noon. at the town residence of M and Mrs T. H .Reid, Moosomin, s k., the. marriage of their only ghter, Lnone Margaret to Mr. John A. Baskie of Whitewood. Sask. was solemnlzed by the Rev. Mr Clarkson, of Wapella. Sank. The bride entered the drawing Loom on the arm of her father to the strains or the wedding march played by Mrs C. J .Lowell. The bride's wedding dress was ot) ivory canton charmeuse satin with silk panel lace in tioral designs. Her wedding veil was of silk tulle with a wreath of orange blossoms. She car. ried a boquet of white roses and lily of the valley, while the only ornament worn was a white. gold wright watch. the gift of the groom. After the ceremfNW- " eon was . V ‘ f numbered _ after the ‘ travvllir? T ',r riod . ALLAN’S CORNERS a? Hymeneal " if n nh, (s,' LocAL no PERsonAL§ On Saturday there was laid to rest Mrs w. Horsburg who had ruched the age of " years. She was resid- ing with her daughter in i1ptittgtield, Mass. at the time other death and the remains were brought to the home of her daughter here, Mrs J. Horsburg where the funeral services were con- ducted by Rev. Mr Scott. Interment in Mt. Forest cemetery. Mr T. Woodyard who was so badly ihurt last week was able to be moved home on Friday last and is doing as Well as could be expected. The Methodist Sunday School en- tertainment on Friday night last was a decided success trom every angle. Tho Agricultural Hall was pretty welll t1lled and a splendid program was ren- dered. consisting of recitations, sing- ing, dialogues, pantomines, and a play lentitled "Sewing tor the Heathen" given by eight grown ladies. The ‘children never forget these events. ‘Rev. Mr West was Chairman. . Mr and Mrs John Ross, Stratford, y attended the funeral of the late Mrs. ‘Horsburgh and spent the week end T with Miss Mary Ross. HOLSTEIN LEAD ER " is expected that special meetings will be held at F'airbairn, commencing Jan. 6th, for a couple of weeks, then possibly Holstein. 7 -- _ ...,_ v1.4 “ml... was...” ---.-_,_,_V Mr and Mrs Val. Allen. Holstein. Ont., announce the engagement of their daughter, Georgina Venton, to Mr W. J. McEachern, ot Mount For- est. the marriage to take place quiet- ly the latter part of December. We hear considerable about high taxes but the Township Treasurer in- forms us there is less out than last year, only a few hundred outstanding. the time however being extended two weeks. When we hear ot so many places in the West where they are un- able to pay their taxes or keep their Schools open. it surely reminds us that we are living in a good part ot our land. The Creamery Co. is getting on well considering this is the first wln- tet it has kept running. They un- loaded, a carload of boxes this week. Some of those spending the festive season in and around the village '. Mr Walter Middlebrook, Toronto. at Wm. Nelson's: Miss Reta Roberts, Dray- ton, at her home: Miss Anna. Rice, Oshawa, at her home: Messrs I," Rogers and C. Rice, Flint, Mich) their respective homes: Miss V Bilton, Kitchener at home '. J..' ary and familv ' . '-ua, -, my I" . ,r fial. k: .754 ' r,.,f.it i'ird'riifii,.F,'icrit L ”gird tre' THE DURHAM REVIEW B. McKenzie. L. Tyndall, R. Schnm, M. Johnston, M. Althea, R. Fiddler, H. Schram. Mr and Mrs Irvine Geddes are the happy recipients ot a tine Christmas present on Tuesday, which took the shape ot a baby boy. - - . ., ----Ad..- “Mum v- - --".r 7-. Miss Belle batman is spending Christmas and New Year holidays in Ayr with her sister. Mr: Gemmel and other relatives. I Mr Jas. Laughton is at present dom- iciled at Mrs. Chas. Smail’s. being very ill with anaemia. Mr and Mrs Thos. Bothwell ot Is- lay, Alberta, are on an extended visit Jo her parents, Mr and Mrs Abraham Hooper, South Line Glenelg, and friends in this vicinity. Mr Thou. Moore was elected trus- tee of S. & No. 13, in place of Wm. i Leith who has resigned. Mrs "siirrilkeniie, we are glad to know is slowly: Improving from her recent illness. . The social held last week at Botr town Orange Hall. passed " (l/li'.,)) fully. The program ot dialogues and music supplied was of a high order. ( The Christmas Tree entertainment! at Amos Church proved to be an til joyable one to both young and old of the. congregation. The scholars oil the Sunday School in their songs.‘ carols and recitatittns merited the apa platise tendered ttAn. Arch. Clark‘ made a very realistic Santa Claus, re- membering with a gift. every child, big or little, in the community. . Home for the holiday were Miss Florence and Percy Renwick from Toronto and Akron respectively, John and Edgar Renwick of, Belleville and Bobcaygeon, Miss Gladys Eccles and Cecil Atchison of Toronto. Once more the spirit ot Christmas is pervading the air. Yuletide cannot wait tor Old Man Winter to bring his frost and snow. He is getting too old and slow. At last the high anticipations of the "Old Folks at Home" to meet an greet the straying members ot J? family. have become actual lys- tions. T1tegr-pc gunmen: " testiv' ' E . . 8'" x NORTH EGREMONT P. J. Floyd Teacher ORCHARD J. 351371.“: '. i Continued from Page 1 sheets to mm mm: for a complete sewerage system. This need not be moaned immediately but parts could, man as the need '18 felt, and . T ultlmntely completed would she Durham * nusfactory and co- ordinated system. All ot Which is respectfully submitted. F. A. DALLYN tArs-Omen per ttttrite centtmetro---ntl, 18.2: degrees tN m. for " hours. "ty-count per cubic eentimetre---at ‘87 degrees Cent. for 24 hours. . tCV-Ayrton per 100 cubic centimetres Owner A B C W. Moore 10000 1100 1000 B. McGuire . 12000 900 1000 - Sybil (Spring) 6000 4000 1000 D. Hopkins 0 20 4 Mrs W Jtitchie 1200 350 1000 B. Belfry 6000 8400 1000 W. Whitmore 350 Spr. 1000 Mrs J.C.Henderson Missingv _ Gill). McKechnie 80 10 10 John Graham Missing Hospital 400 120 10 H. A. Hunter 100 20 1000 O. S. Hunter 170 160 4 Arn. Noble 120 40 Spr 10 Misses Hughes 800 600 " A. Ir. Jackson 1000 308pr1000 M. Kreas 650 60 100( Don. Campbell 2800 4200 100( His J Dunsmoor 6000 1800 mm ers R Milburn 4500 3800 1... Jno. Legato 1800 450 1004 W. Jack 0 150 ', Jno. Burgess 12000 35000 100 C. Ramage 300 200 100 A. McCormick 400 400 100 ‘ Central Hotel 600 Goo 100 Miss Gun 700 2000 spr 100 ', i L. Walker 1400 2200 100 l i S. Craig 2800 400 MN The Health of a Town. REPORT OF DURHAM WELLS L. Walker 1400 B. Craig 2800 C. P. R. 250 Thos McComb 1060 Jag F. Giles 13000 Ben Sharp 4000 - Wilson 9500 Anth. Holmes 10 Mrs. Hutton 3200 Wm Wiggins 160 John Lloyd 800 J. H. Moore 12000 J. Crmchley 3500 ‘Geo. Moore 100 H. Burnett 150 T. Cook (creek) 3000 Chas Lang 250 “I 45¢ _ 1. WI». A." . "a? N,' l 100 900 4000 20 350 M iasing I .. 10 Io) Missing T d 120 10‘v M 1000) 160 'l,, 4ospr 10‘ 600 101 30:5pr1000‘I 60 1inolt 4200 10001 1800 1000 ( 3800 1001, 450 1000}. 150 2 35000 1000!' 200 1000! 400 1000 two 1000 2000 spr 1000 2200 1000 400 1000| 550 1000. 850 100' 60000 [ii) 120 1000 -5000 10001 30 8000 1600 2000 spr 9000 2500 600 250 6000 3000 1%“;‘5‘ , . 1000' 1000‘ 1000) I". “a ( gin": I 'c' T a ' 4 . J/; ariltii,,, , 'ij)' Ik," [tfl) mu En Redford. Toronro, is 1000 spending the cttrtsstmaatidp th m Ylt'/ parents, Mr Ind Mrs Alf Redtdtd. - 100 Mr. md Mrs T. A. l'rlv s'iii'it,iiiirii'. Betty ot Ham“ ,-’ 1000 Will Lauder and bride, ' 1000 I spent Christmas with ' " c Lauder. F I 1000 I, 1 000 1000; 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1mm 1 _ a, M " Kl . ( ---------_-"- -----_- ‘1 Miss Mary Mollramn. dramness, o Mrs. Donald Orthun. Pricevuw. spent Christmas with her son, Mr. Ll A. Graham and funny. 1 Kill Annie McKenlie went to Mil. ton on Fridny to spend the holiday with her brother John. Her brother Dunun Ind his wife from Montreal. are nine visitors to Milton. Mr Harold Sharp of Brouse. Mitch- i,ell & Co., Toronto. spent the holiday :iuuon with his parents, Mr and Mrs J, Ben Slurp. ova. hue f "iet and: Inn-muo- . there, and rota “My to via“ m-.-.------- lot her tother'u. It . chmIlty. They mu um Holman. deaeNttteMt, ttPt'tus"uri"e settling M Ontario. Toronto, holldnyed with her parenlr Mr Geo. Ar,o.ama of Ceylon and over Christin“. m. ”mun." Mr Percy “um of Me Mr. Arthur Barrage of the Head Gee, Bask., visited their town friend“ Dulce. Sterling Bank, Toronto. spent Monday. Mr and In Hunt 'plat, from Saturday to Tuesday It home. last week from Soak. tuwme-l Mrs. Donald Graham. Pricevilte, _ their farm them, and purpose spend. spent Christmas with her son, Mr. J, l in: a year In Old (mm-m. 1A. Graham and ttmuy. i, Mr out! Mrs Jus. A. Marshall and l Miss Annie Mckenzie went to tgit-id-hier Ruth, of Brodwall. Sash. ton on Friday to spend the suiday' came to town SIN"!!! night to spend 2W1”) her brother John. Her ijrotsir' a couple of months with Mrs M'r; IMF- |Duncan and his wife from Montreal/ents, Mr and Mrs Will Brigham M" ‘are also visitors to Milton. and Mrs Marshall arn- nenr nvixhbors l Mr Harold Sharp of Brousv. Mun-I19” Mr Murray " Bradwell, who is tt lall & Co., Toronto. rperlt the holiday Ill" of Mrs s. Whale., ot 'ravis.s A -- A tr,,.,,' u...." OCK. Bere, .rg unnaumu \'IIIWII - w-.. {Mites here. Mr and In Herb. Love and little daughter, spent Christmas with her parents, Mr nnd Mrs J. McQueen. I Mr Eds” Elvldge of Cleveland is l mending the holiday with his mother. l, Miss Elia Bated, graduate nurse of Hamilton. is spending Christmas with (her parents, Mr Ind Mrs Arch Baird. 1 Students home Mr the vacation are' ic. C. Ralnage, Dental College, Toron- Lto: Wine! Snell and Ward Koch, iQueen's Univerlty, Kingston: Cnmlr lbell Grunt, Osgoode HatVT'morsto. it Mr and Mrs Jack Rely, .Dornoch ltr',': Christmas with her SAnu"hert I Mr and Mrs Peter Reid. e, Mr and Mrs Thos. Johnston of Bar- nia. are visitors with her put-nu. Mr and In Geo. Noble. Mr and Mrs Alex Kearney of Scholn- bere, .rg Christmas visiwrl at their Mr Harold Pr'; spent Sunday at t Mr .and Mn _ Mr .and the holiday er Robe? . Dr. 9:31;: I' ' " "ic . '.l,it) " P I: Ir.t, Xvi?" F] lt.":':?:',:'!,!,, _ '.'t"/rfiiittis'"trgi'ij1' 1'... _ _ ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO I'v,’ A» DEC It “a in Lorne Smith. Mount Fore-L spent Curl-mu with rel» the. in town. Mr Eric Kelly, Toronto. m a guest at his home in Durham. Mr. Md In John Henry -ttteru tuned than 40 Wont and Nor- mnby Mend: at n house puny on Clad-[mu own-null. All the gum“ enjoyed mmwlves trnmetusely, pau- sing an “no In music. dmcln: nnd unmet. Out of town gut-Ms Includvd Mr and In J. “mm; Toronto: Mia: I A. Keith. Tommi) nod Ira Wm Walk- ler of Omevllle. Mr and V Mr Ind In timid Glow of Bin- lnlrck Ind In I. “up and baby ot s. Eye-oat. utmost! at Mr and Mrs Fred Kelsey"; . m Mr Donnld Simpson of I Ind his sisnr-indnw. Miss L holiday visitors with if d daughter, lira T. M. 'if “ In. Albert Meclinut . . ran of Plnxoombe,.( ; p' the (‘hrislmu' 4 ' " er ,Mrs S " 'm _ . ar At t - “l“ . v. . l Ch'tii'dilt':qilillt It", m of suit“!!- ll It'. rig

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