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Durham Review (1897), 3 Jan 1924, p. 5

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om. £65 and cold 2ar "ur you SNAP hunch the her with att aralrua mug. as In. Ap. Society "ammo I and MI H we: " toll)“ Whom b Tomato I mt cattle. ll left tor , “vending ot Mon Metre; 1 Derby of Bmuvoly, if brother I“ Helen ’I'lloon for and!” at at "Int Sum. ll line. M mm. M I!" It his at lamilv Hopkins with In M , In. his McLean. mauled try M open: hm. Mae- BIN"- Mer. but: and of Ton-om . mm.) trit h " Bae , tt; " an) . Mona”: ' 'uuntus, r Marra Tee, od [0 “Gui From It the pent I Win-n ttl Mom. 0 tho ter, i Mun-a. Y. Doc. " Bald. m. I Vere tn. thr Wm 'Sof Chas CK “an or " ’0." of with u. I an. ”(Inn ttt 0D mm o-.- - - - -_.- -l.-q-ra-- We are also off3ring Whole Screenings at $13.00 per ton, in Buyer's sacks at Mill. TERMS ; Cash Only. No credit given to anybody No Town Delivery We have a few cars ground Standard Re- rimmed Screenings that we are offering at $23.00 per ton, sacks included, or $24.00 in Buyer’s sacks at Mill. Terms Cash ”END"! how: a a m to 5 p I Standard Re-cleaned Screenings ( J. N. MURDOCK Phone 85 h Prof. E. Kata. loud specialist and one the an optimum in Ott Will te my Hahn House. ham Jan. lth. He will eve Hurrah for Skating trouble. on "an: I when other. Ill]. 1 Come only, not, your shy-I summoned " Cedar Fence Pm Timber Wanted Cedar a Tamarack Track Tics Hardwood Track Tm M. BRIGHAM Happy and Prosperous New Year Basswood Heading Ion. Ctarr and Autonomic an“. Also Malay Sticks for Sail. r1?!al' and Cross-cut Saws gum- "o, Get your Cream Senator We Extend Sincere Thanks DUR_HAM MACHINE SHOP ROB ROY MILLS, Limited mired (lirurerSnaps.................... 15e lb BulkDates................ 21bsfor250 Bulk Cocoa................ 2 lbs forMe Chipso (soap chips)......) lb pkg. 190 (?0(lfish..........................1501b MacDonald 'Pilot' Smoking Tobacco 5e pk GENERAL REPAIRING urly or prleea and information, npply to JAN 3, I924 ROB ROY MILLS, Limited lgs At the close of this, our first year of business in Durham, we wish to warmly thank our many' Friends and Customers for the generous patronage they have accorded us. We hope to offer all better service in 1924, and now take the opportunity of wishing one and all a Moon, Machinist, ate. opposite Post Oftieey grocery 2ypeciats yu? test era" Li Me an skit d ache. even yt't miss him. " on light moot skilled 'cdeizvovi, At Middaugh House Corner No Town Delivery Telephone day No 4, night 8t I am before you as a candidate for oleclion as Council r for 1924. I am a returned soldier , business at Wel- bock and am prep red to work for economy if elected, and for the beat interests of the To ship as a whole. Raspectrully asking vou your vote and inttuenee and WI hing all a happy New Year, To the Electors o the Tn Ltdies and Gentl ten: To the Elect rs of the Townthp ot Bentlnck 1 dad!” and G rttiteti, n : I thank you pro; we genm-ous sup- port I received from you last year and‘ hope that you ay see tit to give me‘ even more ll ml support for the} coming year. I will endeavor to give; good, emeient I rvlce and handle the! Township's fun as economlcally at possible. Witt us you all a Happy] New Year, I rem in. l Yo r humble servant. I J. v,r. MATHER At the r nest ot many ratepayers I am askln the support of the elect- orate for t omee of Deputy Reeve tor 1924. I my record and municipal experience ommend themselves. I would H2699 trully ask your irtttuettce in the come t and your vote on Jan. 7th. Wishln you all the comply ments o fthe season. Ladies and‘ csGtGniii To the Elinor: of ii7iums Tn. I...u,__ -_A 1-7 .. "cum; out vote nnd tnttuettee " Reeve. bould you lee m to elect me. I wil endeavor as in the out, to judicious! practise economy and " vanee the best interests or the Town- ship. slung one and all a bright and pros roux New Year, Yours for service, D. J. McDONALD To the Elector. of the TD. of Bentineh Ladies and Gentlemen: Bud been honored with your hearty pport as Councillor for two years. a the request ot mmy rate. payers. am this year before you so- Melting our vote and irtthmno. n- 3 lbs for Mo . . . . . 15c lb Yours: very truly meat ot many rateplyers the support of the elect- ' omee of Deputy Reeve my record and municipal Your faithfully, FIRI GOLDSMITH DURHAM for -y,e genm'nus sup- trom you last year and nay 309 tit to give me ral support for the kw!" endeavor to give _ - ""'"'1 Mr Sterling Whyte of Toronto, is in“), the guest of his brother I. B. ot the ' O. D. R. its HEWITSON‘ Mr Bert Patton of Toronto, visited the. Township ot his mother and also his aunts. the i Miyyes Wright. of Bentinck The Christmas spirit of Goodwill pervaded the gathering at the Hope. ville Christmas Tree on Dec. Mth. A varied program was given. the smallest tots taking part in reeita, lions and motion songs. some or which proved amusing. A male um- tette Cave IF tine rendering of “Holy Night" : a. indict quartene Also mg a selection suitable to the occuion: u tableau. "The Holy City" by " young Mics. mummy “tired. wu ox- eeptionnlly well done. In E E Hock- Mr. Gob. (Hikes is able to be around again after his severe illness. Nomination mr' the Township ome- ials in the village to-day which always creates quite a stir. The regular monthly meeting or Hopeville Women's Institute will be held on Jan. 9th, at the homeof Mrs. Geo. Christie. when there will be a good musical program, as this is the annual Music Day. There is to be a watchnlght service in Hopeville church'New Year's eve. We are sorry to hear that Mrs Jon. Black is suffering with bneumonin. Mr. and Mrs Herb. Campbell and children who have been residing at Cochrane, Ont,, are on a visit to Mrs C' parents, Mr and Mrs Jas. Ding- wall. Mrs. L. Love, Toronto, is spending titt1holidays with Mrs Jos. Love. We don't hear of many weddings in this vicinity but We received a letter from a. friend in Manitoba, who stated that a young man of " and a widow or 58 were married last week and the groom gave a dancing party in the town hall and would give a prize to anyone that would beat him dancing. Who can beat that in the Co. of Grey? Nonp we say. The Good Roads to-day will be ap- preciated by visitors driving on run- xwrs. Cars will have to be stabled to all appearances for the winter. Council matters in Glenelg will be quiet this year, only the reeve's poa- ltion being opposed, and the electors wlll have a chance next Monday, 7th January. Mrs Mephall and son Archie. South Glenelg, spent New Yvar's at her old home at Mr Arch. MeCormiek's, ot Atrtyrdpert, ' We are pleased to report the ailing ones in Priceville and S. Line, to be able to be about again. We are pleased to hear Miss Pearl McCuaig who was operated on for appendic' is ger, ting along well. , Miss Kate McnonLlt -tiiuii"ir" Gras. ant week with friends in Toronto and returned last Fatupiay evening. Miss Ada McLean who spent from Saturday last visiting her aunts, will be returning in a. week. Mrs Mepher. son. who accompanied her, will stay tor another week with her sisters, Miss McLean and Mrs McCannel. Abundance of Gilttrirlst Jan, alrood sleighing is the result. forward, trusting ii, iiini%ii, brought us to the beginning of the New Year, to be with us as in the past. i The big wheel of Time has again itriven its annual revolution and on } this New Years morn We change the figures 3 to 4, which makes It whatls l termed leap yPar. Those who were fortunate to have their birthday on ‘ the 29th Feb., will only have a birth- day every 4 years. Consequently when in their 20th birthday, they are also four score years old and some- times quite smart at that age. Kl PRICEVILLE & was ”77‘ v.‘. _..., A‘v" Ital Mr Archie McMillan of Montana, is visiting his many relatives, the MeMil. lans and McLeans of the South Line, Artemesia. Mr and Mrs John A. Nichol gave a de?itthtrul Old Year out and New Year in party to a host of friends. Mr Earl Wilkins is visiting his par- »nts at fltp.'nEyPp_over the New Year Mrs C. A, Jones of To Miss Bessie Jones of Watt ited around the village for Mr W. B. Whyte, who I Veterinary College in Gue] ing his brother Garfield 0v day. l Messrs Willie Clark and Jack Me. Arthur ot Detroit. have been spending a few days with friends and relatives here. . Miss Myra McLean is home tor the vacation. Misses Mary and Harriet Hazard of Toronto, and Mr Albert Hazard of o. Sound, were home tor a few davn, ,,,,-_ .v nu. V", “1 Mr Alex. Carson spent a few days in Tgyonto last week. Mitra Ethel Watson of Toronto spent a couple of days at her home here and has returned to the city again. M.. Al..- “-774 HOPEVILLE PRICEVILLE t-,,""Ci,i",",",i,i"s,' he village for a few days Whyte, who i5atteruiing Mr Albert Hazard of 6. home tor a few days. Jones fCrorottto, and of Waterdow'n, 'ii; iy Guelph, is VET? over the holi. A sketch of "The Wonderful Her. oine's life has then publllhed in pam- phlet form and our mam may ote tain I copy tree by sending a post card to the Funny {lewd and Week- ly Mar, Montreal. _---- ..-....-.u-ur.u uuvwll in. For example', i is announced in a recent issue that a beautiful picture of a remarkably lovely woman entit- led "The lovely Heroine" will be giv- en tree to each new subscriber and to "non prPSPnt subscrlber who renew-.5 in time for another year. Such value ls amazing beyond words. Old subscribers of the Family Het; years eh, ' aid and Wee 1y Star of Montreal,; 2/.'i ficorzilh. t1,t1f'ttl"et1,1t: fathers and g ndtathers, mothers and clan I $95“ . p, " ., fit b' grandmothers, who have known and, Lino" VF“: we; ll) en JI a read that rank kable paper for thirty,1 l tg t 'Hy? l . warm '. e forty and eve tina'. years, are amaz~j responsibility in building then ed by the imp ovements which are; henshared b}: the 2r"et made year afte year. Each year it; “’9' as the "fff an e i would seem t at perfection s'.r.,ttirt'"'t' plan: lor loadmaklug he reached. but sti the Family Herald: tt ry Iu,y, would launch so e new feature and; Jno. Chalk“ hm?! present make improvem ts here and there, or tax collection a: ' 'lt/f, Wi that always add o the value and at-) changed. He was a so p eturet traction of the paper. 5 large crowd Present at the l This year the"putriishers promise} the best tol. is years, he said, that those who wisely sub-cribe to. - the Family Hera) and Weekly Starl FAMOUS sAYlNGS OF THE may depend upon vast improvements’ A. ”mung; I admire Four I and greater valu than ever before, in listening. with several pleas nt surprises thrown T, Tununln n . I 5...... .-.- -t I., an” v _ ‘ - holi. Samaritan. Speaker : Rev. J. H. Whealan The meetings will be at g o'ctock ench evening and the ottering will be for the Bible Society. Monday. Jan. 7: In the Anglican Ch. Topic: The parable ot the Soil Speaker: Rev. W. H. Smith Tuesday, Jan. 8, In the Methodist Ch. Topic: The Parable. of the Talents Speaker: Rev. Mr. Aird We'dn'y, Jan. 9, In the Presby'Ian Ch. Topic: The Parable of the Great Supper Speaker: Rev. J. E. Peters Thurs., Jan. lo, In the Baptist Church Topic: The Parable ot the Good S. S. NO. 9, GLENELG Iv-M. Hargrave. A, Arnett, R. Me Fadden. J. Dunsmoor. Sr m-L. Jacques, M. Hopkins, R. Hargrave, D. Arnett, o. Hopkins, K. Dunsmoor. Jr. IH-C,. Hopkins, B. McNally. Sr. tr-v. Robbins, R. Robbins, E. Lawr- ence. J. McDonald. Jr Ir-rt. Dung. moor, C. Hargrave. M. Dunsmoor, L. Robins.. Sr Pr-F'. Amen, Susie Greenwood. C. Jacques, D. Lawrence, and o. Bell equal. Jr Pr-D. Alice. o. Dunsmoor. G. Greenwood, C. Mc- Nally, E. Dunsmoor. Pr A--lt. Lawr- ence. A. Mch' and M. Harrison ENT. Florence Kerr, Teacher The U. F. 0. will meet on Friday tu'- enlng ot this week and will 3901: to arrange for some pleasant and profit- able evenings during the coming months. Rev. Mr. Atkinson, at presbnt labor. ing near Peterboro, fllled the pulpit hero on Sunday very serxrptathy. A Rea. Mr Galbraith Is expentvd to preach next Sunday. Mr. and Mrs John their three daughters and children to enjoy them. Mr. and Mrs Heard are visiting and having New Year's dinner with their daughter and family, Mr and Mrs. Thos. Weir, Ebenezer. _ “News on mat year, alleging state- Mrs Ellen I’arslow of Pleaherton,, merits being published relative to the but formerly ot Swinton Park, isl Darkies’ Corners bridge, which badly spending a few days with her sister, '; retieeted on him and sufficient to turn Mrs. Hugh McMillan and brother, Wrni the election against him. Mr Turn. McCormick and calling on some of‘bull said the printed statements were her old neighbors here. _ false and he had nothing to do with Mr. and Mrs Heard are visiting and, the bridge. Moreover there was no having New Year's dinner with theirflaw suit, as stated. He did not daughter and family, Mr and Mrs.i think it fair to make such statements Thos. Weir, Ebenezer. E in the press and not on the platform Mr. and Mrs John Aldcom expect! where they could have been amtwered their three daughters with husbandsfln time. “MA kLLIJ . - THE OLD FAVORITE AGAIN y Among other things enjoyed by the , young "people last week was the ball at Hopevllle, a house warming party at Robert Watson's where all enjoyed themselves very much, and wish for Mr. and Mrs Watson and family long life and happiness in their new house. Then again at Mr G. W. ParNow's, a pleasant evening was spent on Friday. Some of the young people think it ls either a feast or a iamlnrs---thrte nights in succession is too much tor, those that are. doing the chorus for) Pa and no wonder if some are found; asleep on the Job. But to-morrow is" the beginning of a New Year and no‘ doubt everyone will go to work and We hope it may be a prosperous year for especially those who endeavor to» do their part. _ Ol Miss Rocks of Toronto, ls spending the week at Mr Robt. Kinnell's. Mrs Knox of Guelph, spent the week end at Mr. Robt. Knox’s here. Mr. and Mrs He from Cochrane, Miss or Orangeville. are friends here. Holidays are In order and are being fully enjoyed In every home. as a number ot the nuns people are home from their ding-em places of employ- ment. The Missvs Jessie and Kathleen Me Millan, also Mary Kinnoll and Ruby Haw, are home from Toronto. ridge singing the solo. The tree was stripped, to the great delight of the scboiars who went home tired but happy. . SWINTON PARK THE DURHAM REVIEW MrUHerrbert Campbell "it _.__ vuows .1an "V ' V" """" "" j hadn't spent enough. he said. He had It the Anglican Ch.'; SI',.'""' considerable grading in ‘his l war . . t 'ri/ut;, Soil , Malcolm Black stated that though h: I the Methodist Ch Ispent considerable money. he believ- q _ ', ed a dollar's work had been done able l" the Talents: with every dollar spent. He also op- dr. Aird I posed statute labor. the Presby'lan Ch, Glen Station table of the Great; Chas. Kennedy stated the Council i would be well advised it they took im. . E, Peters ‘mediate action to purchase the short, the Baptist Church' stretch of roadway leading to the! rable ot the Good; Glen Station. He pointed out that the} f station had been put there with inten-I h tion of council to tray a roadway and! ..T yrt:al,an, l he had heard reports that the railway! rill be at 8 OFIOCkJ would close it up altogether rather he oftering will bei, than move. it elsewhere. I ty. 1 R. McFadden opposed statute labor - (and J. McGlrr criticized the whole loom-tell. especially Mr McCuaig who ORITE AGAIN Hind wanted (economy in No. 1 two _, years ago. Crthefugiet,'.e't Juo. McGrath, who announced his there mothers and candidatureshlp, said the "stuft" triv- , have known and , on on bridges. was given to sound all e paper for thirty i right when it wasn't: He said the years are amazzi responsibility in building them should tnents ' which are: be shared by the Commissioners as] 1r. Each year it) well as the Reeve and he also had! perfection were) 'd"'; plan: lor roadmaklng he wished ' '. to ry ou . "s'",:?.'?)),',,,)?,',':',;)',) Jno. O'Neil hit the present systeni T here and there,! or tax collection hard, and wanted it I the value and at-! changed. He was also pleased at the j r. Marge crowd present at the, meeting, '. Ln_L.,,, . .pL... 0-. r--- u” _ Aldcorn expect with husbands New Year with Jessie ouniodii also vittitintt in listening. T. TURNBULL ' I have lots of things to charge him (Mr McCuaiga with but as I am not a candidate,, it would not be right for me to do so. W. WEIR: We have already spent more money on good roads than we are making. T. J. BRODiE t. I'm not prejudiced _ against nnyman became he lives ’ on 1 good road. " like to Bee every ntexhyer have a good road, A. A. ALJOE: Everybody want. mi; to " the mad in front of their pine and 8500 doesn’t go very hr A. McCUAlq: I admire your patience FAMOUS SAVINGS OF THE GREAT' ) Mr Weir criticized the reeve for not ‘sticking to his word about retiring {this year, and declared his opponent T had not said a single word to explain j why he was again in the field. Mr Mcs !Cuaig replied later that he was run. , ning again as he felt " his duty to 1 complete much of the work started in x 1923. W _ I Hot Shot for the Reeve f Thos. Turnbull beat a strong tattoo 1on the Reeve, decrying the latter's l vote which favored the 8300 increase to the County Clerk, after declaring 'for economy at home. Mr. Turnbull _ hotly criticized McCuaig's election ad- vertising of last year, alleging state- ments being published relative to the iDarkles' Corners bridge, which badly _ retieeted on him and tsufficient to turn Mr. Weir criticized the Reeve for not getting the bridge built its plan- ned and said the best way to settle the statute labor question was to have ratepayers petition council to submit a by-law on the question. late member did what he could. He opposed the Kennel reforestra- tion scheme. praised Mr Cooper of Msrkdaie for much assistance in town- ship matters and disapproved ot tur- ther taxation for good roads. The county connecting links to urban municipalities were also scored, the Reeve saying the towns had small tttil- eage upkeep compared to the town- ships. . l If er on Mr Geo. Binnie ave added in- ,) formation. showing thst where to 1 avoid the lake. the road swung north- ;wsrd into Holland and thence into . Markdate. It is believed that liolinnd may institute steps to collect Glen- elg’s share ot expense as mun-ally the road is a convenience to all in that loommunity. The Reeve opposed ss- 5 sitting Holland in onyWIy and be Ge. f clared Arte-meals should pay its share I of the wire fence on townline, even it i' it was on the Glenelg side of the high- way. , The speaker opposed statute labor gon County roads and believed the I present system the most practical one. He was most anxious, for alt to l have good roads. in the matter or {tax collections, he touched on many I points and believed it would mean fd fsavlng ot $140 to have a bank under-l take the work. - ---e"e- -'"'-E' es, etc., that Was another question. He had met Mr. Leeson who was as. reeable lor government's assistance for Gleuelg's bridges, and believed the late member did what hp Mum _ Mr. McCuaig paid unsavory compli- ments to Hon. F. C. Riggs. late Minis. ter or Highways. He was glad to see the minister defeated and wanted him out of the U. F. 0. He was wright it you belonged to the Motor League but as tor helping farmers build bridg- Mai; and we __ - Battle for Reeveship TORONTO Continued from Page t “no " :To the Electors t Durham: i Ladies and (gent men : ' P/ Your vote and influence is respect- .er,,' fully solicited fo the undersigned as hhel Reeve for the T wn of Durham tor ‘ad; 1924. Vote for a man who has mun- ht) icipal experience but will be needed _ sf..) this year. Durham mun-e Co. in premred to buy my q atin of lost this sea:- on. Enquire n Mr David Kinnee or " the othee or prim. 4 Hereford Bull Calves, musing from 11 mos. to ' not. In age. Apply to THOS. TUCKER. R. R. l. Prteeetm, I am before you in as a vandl~ date for one or the C' uncll positions of our town for 1924. y aim in the future as in the past ll be to make a study of your inure s and as far as one man may do, vacate MteuitV ures of economy witho t saerttuting emclency. I respectfu ly ask your vote and iatiuenee an wish you I happy new year. Ladies and Gentlemen To the electors of our' la being circulated around town that while employed wi my team on the streets, I also ch ged " a. day lor overseeing. Thls absolutely false. I collected pay for ones! work done, only $5 a day for tt.vsualf and team, and besides I supp! the gnaw-l {or the town streets t m my own pit tree of cost Trust! no one will be: mlaled by false storle ' l heartily wish for all a happy New Year. I Yours fop rvice, W. ' McFADDYTN I _ f I am again 1 ca didate for the poni- tlon of councillor at the election Cl) Monday next. and respectfully Iski your vote and int! nee to secure my! election. A word f explanation mull contradiction is n essary. I find it; To the Electors d Ladies and Gentle At the r nest of a large number of the ratepn rs. and also in view of the not th t Mr McCuaig promised last year. t elected, he would not again be a andidate, l am under the eirettmstane s a candidate, seeking your vote a d inttuence to secure my election as eeve for 1924. " suc- cessful I wil serve you to the beat ct my ability. Vishnu: you all a. happy and prosper s New Year, I am Yours tor service. _ WM. WEIR I To the El tors of Glenelg " Ladies and Gentlemen '. January bt, 1924 Trusu1 your vot you all a Year, I I At th request of many of our ratway ' I am a candidate for the omce ot Reeve, and respectfully solic- it your ate and intitmcee for my re. election. As your representative in ithe past it has been my aim to give equal in tice to all and special privi- leges to one. which naturally often causes o position but requires the co- operatio of the great majority to keep it ective. So try and get your votes re rded. The tinaneint condi- tion of r township was never as good. ' J14.30 ot assets over liabil- ities co ared with $4,910.85 at the close at y opponent's term or once two yea. ago. To save election ex- pense, l Hered not to seek office nth year. r' vided my opponent did the same th year, but without avails What th n are. his hopes ot election based 0 , is it bad roads and bud weather tor the less favored ones? Trusti tt you will be able to record your vot tr next Monday and wishing you all happy and prosperous New Year, I m, Yours sincerely, loses to 1 causes o p operatic keep it l votes re l, tion of I good, t J ities co 1 close ot two yea To the e Glenel Ladies It J. McGRATH " want to be on the Council tor one yettr--nttt likely any longer. I van to try out some new ideas. I know Mr Mc- Cunt: doesn't like new tangled ideas. J. O'NEIL: It people on the good roads can show where they are being imposed on. We might do something to give them back their statute labor. ALL THE SPEAKERS: Before tale lng my Beat, I Wish you a happy New Year. J, J. PPfilS' _ " _thgrg‘| “My bod; FOR SALE Election Cards e Gentlemen : request of many of our rs, I am I. candidate for the Reeve, 1nd renpeclfully solic- rote and lnlluncee for my re. As your representative in it has been my aim to give tice to all and special privr one. which naturally often posltlon but requires the co- Git WANTED chars of the Township of B of Town of Durham: ntlemen : st of a number of Citi, allowed my name to Reeveship of our town. my experience of three Donnell fit me for the e intention to give the ty to the interests or ordialiy ask you for nd vote on January hort time at my dis- i will be impossible to ut long citizenship [ kes this of minor im- ting you all a happy New Year. 1 am, Yours sincerely, Yours sincerely, J OH MCQUEEN 'cnuuly. I nnu ll‘ t around town that? I my team on that 1 tred " a day lor absolutely false." F onest work done,', an)?” and team, " pl the iitatwl fori, t m my own pit" ti no one will be! en .' didate tor the posi- " the election on respectfully tsk Durham ham W. CALDER tin as a candl~ uncil positions y aim in the ll be to make 5 and as far THUS. ALLAN A, MacC UAIG ijoyiiiiiiiiijik EIEGJBI {gamma Intending pupils would m to en- ter at the beginning“ the (all Mn. Information as to courts may heck tained Iron the Principal. The School ha a creditable mood in the put which it hopea to maintain in the future. Durham ia an attractive and My (own and pod amused“ can he obtained " team-Ne “tea. c. L. Gnu. Chaim-u 4.1. I. Robb, MW , Each member of the out! in I Univ- ersity graduate and an "who“ teacher." I. Junior 'dtttrtettitttiott 2. Elm-mos to the Nomad School: The School is thoroughly equipped to take up the following couroeo , ORS. C. G. AND "BESSIE McGlLUVRAY c, Winter Tenn Opens Jau.2 C. A. Fleming. P.C.A. G. D. Fleming, Principal Secretary Will open the door to many or portuttitiea In the Balloon World. Make yourself or someone also an enduring gift, by amazing for a course of taming here. Barristers. Solicitors. Etc. (Successors to A. B. Currey) Mr. C. C. Mlddlebro' is permanent- ly located in Durham. omce hours. g am. to 6 p.m. Owen Sound,v6nt.v Buttittesss,Sttorttuuut and Farmen' Courses; also Preparatory Course tor those who missed the ttrat chums at Public School. Information free on re. quest by mail or phone. cruel S-6 “an...” Roma: 741v“ ' Busincu and tbhorthand Training A few months spent in A man- I'D-”7’7 _ ons. JAMIESON & Missal J. L. SMITH. M.B.. tt.0. PS, Office 1nd midgnce. corner Couan and "ttttttok, oppuite old Pan 0m. tMice Hours.. tt to " a. m., Lute Q g. m., , to O p.m., Sunday. and humour afternoon excepted. '-u I. I ._".. Nlasraor" 00.! , uno- " A Winter Term opens Jan. Telephone J. F. GRANT, 0.0.3 Aivqsryo MAIN CTREET, HOLOTEIN. ONT. MOUNT ronssf' Eur. OF "Bt, 9rLTFrs f,l.',tlh1'e1r: m, tft J. a. HUTTON. Mil? 013$ Ital!" ""tr 1:13:33.“ can os-oat, ’. C. PICKERING, DDS. Lim u ”OAT! Toromo Unnemu, _ . out Don-1 Btu-m [r,iiittit 'll'dtttdl! s - war Jamil!" at no ad an] an. Poet 0mm. Chiropractic Specials; E " "t Snail); CHIROPRACTIC ‘. A. Tmnnw, Prlnclpu WW.- Unmulty of my... on. o. E. cans, u. uraf'rtrfff, " C. IcLELLAI - WJ 0600. ---. - s. hoe-m manna .1 has an ex man a. W onion noun D. McPHAlL ""VPN. 7-D!»- "I 'tttttBt l but!“ 51.. kGui'd'llltld noun. at the “In.“ of 8.0th 0011*. room of Ont aria [hm- UNTIB'B New Sun. PRICEWLLE opp o

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