,ri Lt J. McKECHNIE Men's Mahogany Calf Oxfords, rubber heels, leather soles, reg. 87.00, to clear at ............ " Women's White Canvas Pumps and Tie Slippers, 1 m reg. 82.50 and 3.00, to clear at..................... n Wo's white Canvas Oxfords and Strap Slippers, 2 m Mather soles. reg. 83.00. to clear at. ............ a Infants' Patent Strap Slippers, sizes 4 to 7%, reg 1 tli $1.75, to clear at r................................'..... . Infants Kid Slippers. torcloar at ............... . ......... m I Repairing a Specialty. J. S. MclLRAlTH, Durham Phone 11 New Sport Flannel (assorted colors) 90c yd Gray can.“ so mum. not»: any Conan, 40 imwido, â€atâ€: much“ Cotton: C 25c and 276 3 bars Sunlight Soup 2 pigs. Lux 3 bars Lifebuoy Soup 3 pkgl. Rinco and one Luge Dishpan Fancy Table Oils, M in. wide, at 90c yd Buy hulersor/s Bread I Sovereign Flour, Eclipse Floor, White Lily Pastry Flour The People's Mills W heat'Cereal. Rolled Oats, Bran, Shorts, Feed, Flour, Oat Chop, Crimped Oats, Mixed Chop, Mixed Grain for Poultry Feed, Blatchford’s calf Meal, Pig Meal and Poultry Feeds. our prices are of the best quality and our Flour is guaranteed. Our prices are right for spot cash, . Highest Price paid tor any quantity ot wheat delivered at the mill. 1ieotis delivered every day. Phone No 8, day or night Every Day Bargain Day Rice..........3lbs.25c Valencia Oranges, 25c dog (linger Snaps. .2 lbs. 25c Caulk Soap. .5 bars, 25c Swan Down Cake Flour. . Apple Blossom. ....... .. tiEN0EWON'fi BAKERY . Grocery Specials Week End Specials JOHN McGOWAN All Neatly Wrapped in Waxed Paper by Machinery THE PEOPLE's MILLS Have the Rig Call tSoap 2pkgs.pr ) 33°52“: 'tgs/pe',':"')" all for $1 C. L. GRANT ' The Cash Shoe Store Makers of Good Bread AT Lemons. . Mc doz. Sardines, 2 tins, 25c Certo.........40c File Cheese, 28c lb ..............40c .......... 2Scll, Woman's SIM-Io G $2.50 slecvolcu Swan" 9 3.50 Phone 17 Durham IFI" putlpm C. RAMAGE & SON. Editor Ind Pro. Member Canadian Weekly Newspnp- an’ Association. Subscription an“: $2.00 a year in udvancz in Canada $2.50 in Cre UrtitmPStateg The great London Conference of the nations, considering German rep- arations and kindred subjects is ex- pected to close this week. Their deliberations hove been very success- ful and the way now seems open for real peace and the burying of old artitrtoslties. To Premier Ramsay Me, Donald is due much of the credit ot the happy outcome. France in to re- tire from the Ruhr within a year, and reparation payments in kind provided for. An "Agent-General" is to be ap- pointed, to see that obligations are carried out, but who is to be this big man in not yet decided. The Bank ot Montreal Crop Report says rains and cool weather have Im- proved the conditions in the Western Provinces over the whole area. No word of rust. The report tor Ontario is as follows '. T . The Prince of Wsles is to arrive in the United States early in Bept. ember with his highest title, and " ter being received by the President and government dignitaries, witnes- sing the polo match, ete., presto! he becomes Lord Renfrew tutd starts tor his ranch in Alberta. All of which is very interesting. but A little re- t1ection on Canada, which can stand the glare of the popular Prince as well as our American cousins. even though he comes to us as a rancher in his shirt sleeves. "Playing practically tlniahed, yield above average. Cutting of fall wheat nearly completed, threshing commen- ced. Spring grains show continued improvement, an average crop is ex- pected. Barley is being harvested in the more advanced districts. Corn making rapid growth. with improved prospects. Roots show satisfactory progress. Grass pastures in good con- dition. Small fruits somewhat below average, m.. Aug. 22nd. The tare is B (lat rate of $15 to Winnipeg and half a cent a mile beyond. Returning the tare is half a cent per mile into Winnipeg and $20 back to starting point.' Comfortable, roomy. convertible (berth) colonlst cars ot latest design and lunch counter cars serving food and refreshments at reasonable pric- es will be attached to trains. Special The special Harvesters' trains of the Canadian National Railways from all Ontario points as advertised. wilt make the fastest time to Winnipeg, operating via the new Longlac cut- oft, the. shortest route between East- ern and Western Canada. Hahesters travelling by this route will, as a. con- sequence be tlrst in the field. The first train leaves Toronto one minute after midnight of Aug. 21st (12.01 a. FASTEST HARVESTERS' TRAINS WILL BE BY CANADIAN NATION. AL RAILWAYS PRINCE AGAIN TO BE-WITH US CROP OUTLOOK IMPROVING DURHAM, AUGUST 14, 1924 CONFERENCE A SUCCESS Before telephoning dis- tant friends, some sub- scribers write them the day antLhotT a} Whig} tjiisy will call them-.", will call you at 9.00 pm. by Long Distance." The person to be called is mated lo mate the most of a few minutes conversation. On Station - to - Station Long Distance calls; low evening rates apply from 8.30 to midnight, Arrange beforehand ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO T.HE DURHAM REVIEW Mrs Michael McAulifte went to Tor- onto last week to attend the death bed rites of her brother, Rev. Brother Tobias Stephen, who died at St. Michaels Hospital attef'onty a few days' illness. The deceased whose name in the world was William Culli- ton, was born at Me1tuietl1om"htt. sixty eight years ago and entered the Christion Brothers' School in Quebec and Montreal and received the relig- ious habit from the hands of the. late Archbishop Lynch in 1880. After his period of training. Brother Tobias taught with distinction in the Broth. ers' Schools in Quebec and Montreal, being for a time director of St Pat. rick's school, Quebec. For the put 10 years he has been a member of the faculty of Mount St. Louis college, Montreal. He is survived by tour ais- ters: Mrs M. HeAutifre, Durham: Mrs MeMarttttnttut, Bridget and Mars guet of Mehncthon, and one brother Michael. use ot Meloncthon. The body he: been taken tor harm to De La Selle College, Aurora, and his nephew, Rev. Genid Chimera eeie, hated the int llllll over deceased. 1 an will be provided for women. Purchase your tickets to Winnipeg via. Canadian National Kuhnâ€. DO matter whether your Bnal destination in A point-on the Caudnn rational or not. Consult with your nearest Agent for train service, etc. Mr and Mrs Jno. McCoskery went to Toronto Monday with the former‘s sister, Miss Esther McCoskery in her car, and will holiday for a couple of weeks at the cottage of their brother at ()akville. Mr. Donald McCoskery. Misses Florence and Jeanette Kerr or Varney, leave this week cnd for Toronto, where they will take the boat trip to Quebec. Miss Georgina Lawson returned to Toronto Monday after two week's vis- it with her parents, Mr and Mrs W. J. Lawson. Miss Adeline Graham is visiting re knives in Sault Ste. Marie. Mesdames Kennedy of Shelburne. anddnfant son, andE dwards of Tor- onto. are visiting their mother, Mrs. M. M. Marshall, at present. Mrs. Chas. Ramage and Miss Alice, Messrs Peter and Chas. C. and Mr.E. McGirr. were guests ot Mr and Mrs. Alex. McGregor, near Chesley, on Tuesday. Mr and Mrs Wtit Johnston ot Chat- ham, and their family, are guests with Mrs Dan McAulme. - -- Mr and Mrs Thos. A. Lauder and children of Hanover. are holidaying this week with his parents, Mr and Mrs T. G. Lauder. -sri.CLurMephee, aeeompanied " her aunt, returned to Toronto after spending a mouth here. - _ Mrs Thou McGrath and family or Toronto, are this week visiting her mother, Mrs Malcolm McMillan and also is a frequent caller among Dur- ham friends. Miss Mildred Roedding of Kitchen- er, ia holidaying at the home of her aunt, Miss Bade Chadwick. Mr D. C. Town is mourning the loss of his mother by death, following an Illness of eight weeks. Mr.' and Mrs. Town are attending the funeral In Orlllla to-duy. _ Mrs (Rev.) Farr of Kincardine ls visiting her sister, the Misses Hughes and Mrs E. Kress in town. Mr and Mrs Albert Connell of Har- riston, accompanied by Mr and Mrs Hyman of Gorrie, and Jan Connell and son Pedere of Palmerston, visit- ed with Mr and Mrs R. H. Isaac thes first of the week. Mr D. Banting. manager of the Standard Bank. Strand, spent Sunday with Mr W. Moore, Elgin St. and oth. er friends. Miss Vina Kress arrived Monday from Buffalo, for her vacation which will be spent with her father and sister, Mr G. Kress and Miss Eleanor. Miss Kate McFayden arrived home Monday evening trom a two month's visit with relatives in Manitoba. She was accompanied home by Miss Mary McKinnon of Toronto, who will spend her vacation at the McFayden home in Glenelg tor two weeks. Mr C. k Heywood, Toronto, is spending his holidays with Mr and Mrs W. J. Lawson. Ms Erie Kelly is holidaying " his parents' home in town. Rev. H. and Mrs Hill of Pittsfield. Ill., are guests of Mrs H's parents, Mr. and Mrs R. Barber, Varney. Mr and Mrs R. H. Isaac and daugh- ter Margaret, spent the ilrst of the week with friends In Luther. Miss Viola Leverage of Mt. Por. eat, spent a few days with Miss Ar. man; McKechnie. Mr and Mrs Andrew Hunter of H01- stein, visited the Brat of the week with Mr and Mrs Thos. E. Brown. Lady Hearst ot Toronto, is visiting this week with Mrs David Jameson. Mrs Neil Maedonaald and son Fred with Mrs Ina Harte and daughters Laurena. and Lenoir and Mrs Hurry Bartley ot Owen Sound, were week ed visitors with Mr and Mrs W. J. Lawson. Mr and Mrs Geo. Coxon, Miss Pet- rie and Mr and Mrs W. A. Henghan. motored up from Mllverton and spent the week end here. Mrs Heughan and little son will remain for a. couple of week's vlslt with her mother. Conductor Campbell ot the C. P. R., accompanied by his wife and daugh- ter Jean. are on a two week's trip to Winnipeg and points West. They went by way of Port McNicoll, taking the boat trip to the Boo. Miss Maud Cuff has returned from Manitoulin Island where she spent the past few weeks visiting her aunt and other relatives. "tle Garden Party - 7 hit Was Metal!" Such "Lune Edge Hill Gnrden Party advertiaed to be on Thursday evening last. and it lived up to the slogan in many ways. Possibly to one living the city atmosphere, could be seen no semblance of anything big or spectacular, but to . rural nud- ience where one know; everybody else from the front to the back line, there are bigger and better things than imported city talent and enter- tainment. At least the lorge crowd that gathered in Edge Hill school grounds gave evidence to this fact by the hearty clap and appreciation that to11iored each number. sag-Hm People Mighty Favored by Having a Splendid Night Edge Hill is lucky in several ways and in this garden party they were lucky in the selection ot the llne night and also in their talent and speakers. In these days of rain and heavy clouds, it is a skilful thing to select a night when the stars twinkle and whoever had the selection ot the date, must have followed a revised edition of Bowes' weather predictlons. FOR SALE: Desirable property of the late Dr J. G. Hutton in Durham. Modern brick building, garage and bank barn. Good garden. Apply at Review Oftiee. The Section, true to its beat trudl- tlonsbhad the supper tables laden with the beat in the culinary line and mu chiefly responsible for the Into-,- ness of the hour in commencing the program. The section stand solidly behind the Sabbath School, under whose auspices it was held and this orgtrniztrtiott now have clear $75 as a resultlor this function. The musical end of the program. was also well upheld by the Bell quartette ot Gleneltt and the Metho. dist Male Quartette ot Durham. The applause given loudly asked for more. and in this each responded. A pretty and unusual number was the execu- tion of a Japanese lantern drill ot 12 girls and their movements to the mu. sic of the violin played by Mr Goo, Ritchie, was well done. Mrs Ernest Greenwood, another ex-teaeher, was responsible tor this number who also accompanied a couple of choruses by the young people ot the section. An orchestra, comprising three violins, snare drum and drum. also gave bright music and recitations compos- ed of local hits were given by some school children. The. handling ot the program sheet went to Mr Jno. A. Graham,--'mitt said. The speaking talent of the ev- ening was of a high calibre and was unique in the fact that tour of the six speakers were ex-teschers in Edge Hill school. viz: J. A. Graham, Durham : Jos. Firth, a former Edge Hill boy and now ot the staff of Tor. onto Normal School: Rev. Jas Bin- nie, Parry Bound : John L. McDonald, Ottawa. The other two speakers were Rev. J. E. Peters, of Durham and Mr. Cameron McIntosh, B. A. of North Battieford, recently returned from an overseas tour. Each speaker expres- sed his delight at being present and at the close of the evening it was an acknowledged fact that to have liv- ed at Edge Hill and attended school there, that success would attend them through life. Edge Hill had made a name for themselves and was generally known as a progressive and intelligent section. A lively game of base ball was stag- ed early in the evening by Rocky Saugeen and No. ' boys, the former securing 13 runs to the latter's 3. C. McLean was pitcher for the former team and Milford Aljoe for the latter. A few Straws still on hand at Special Prices. Also Felt Hats and a few Caps at extra special prices. Look these over. Or if you want a Tailor-made Suit SPECIALS FOR A00Wr---h Blue at $35.00: Some Sued-ls in T GEO. S. BURNETT Hosiery at Reduced Prices THE IDEAL MENS FURNISHING STORE Hats and Caps SPECIALS FOR AUGUST If you have a Suit Leth, to be made up, bring it here. at price is right. 30 Suits far Men and Boys at-Special Prices Last Wedneodoy I under of girl- from here were [meant at the lecture given at " NO. T, WW " Kiss Donal! of Toronto. In the " ternoon they were allowed to demon- strnte their obillty to - bread, loot cake. school lunch“. house dren- see and good droning. The result of this contest will be nude known shortly and three of the girl: will be selected to enter as a tem in a sim- ilar one at Toronto Exhibition. -- .._ ""‘- " "outing Mr. Mr Wilfrid Becker la unsung m. Hugh Fulton with bis by and when! between showers. Mlues Bessie and Daily Mather nre visiting " the home of their uncle, Mr David Gllmour. Burgeuvllle. Mr Ju. Park and " albums. have installed the telephone at Mr. Wm. Little's. A -.. I _-_- tn“... halidnv. noemg. Mr and Mrs Jack Shape and funny spent an evening with Mr and Mrs. Adrew Fulton here recently. Mr and Mrs Nah Miller, with Mr and Mrs Nonh “auger and son Gur- field, spent the ttrat ot the week with Mr and Mrs Wm Nuhn ot Rothuy. We were pleased to have Mr Eldon Wenzel ot Naplervllle College, Ill., oe cupy the pulpit here last Sunday. Wm. mun: '" Miss Alma Leith bu been homily- Ing with her cousin, Min Marjorie Koenig. - - --. ----- “a “mum We are p1ened,to report Rev Mr. Cttriekington has necepted the call u pastor of 3111le and Glenelg church- es. Rev. Crleklngton expects to be here Sunday, Sept. 7th. Miss Wilson ot Elmwood. former student of Toronto Bible College very kindly offered to take the services Sunday mornings for the month of August. Her address on Sundsy inst was much appreciated by sll pres- ent. Miss Wilson is s pleasing speak- er and spoke with that earnestness and sincerity thst always commsnds respect. Mr Milne delighted the sud- ience with a number of solos. Ho possesses a line voice which ha been heard here with great scceptmce. ,Mr and Mm Edgar Boyce Ire on m extended wedding tour to Toronto, Hamilton, md other points. Mr: A. C. McDonald is vlslting friends in Wlarton this week. Mr and Mrs "ts. Haslett and family visited last week with Gleam-den friends. Mr Arch McDonnll and Indy friend Miss Smith of Hunmon. ue It pres- ent visiting Archie'l muny friends here. Mr Jag. Smith of Crawford spent the first of the Week with Mr and Mrs Jack McDonald. Mr and Mrs Hugh Macdonald and son Kenneth spent the ttrst of the week with the Intter'a cousins. Mr. and Mrs Milton Sharmm. Hamilton, sud other points. Mrs A. C. McDonald is visiting friends in Wianon this week. Misses Lolita and Erin. Mighton returned Saturdgy from Toronto “tar spending several weeks holiday with friends there. Messrs A. Hershey, Holstein, and Alex. Morton, trom the Rocky, were visitors " the home ot Mr Junta Brunt Sunday. Messrs Jerald and Clifford Brunt accompanied back to Holstein and Mt Forest to visit rel. atives there for several weeks" Mr Patterson and niece. Min Ep- porth. or Hun-lawn, the Mrs Lum ey's sister. Mrs Putterson and son Wilmer. visited the Lunney family on Sunday. Mr and Mrs Jesse Knlaloy and daughter, Miss Ruby, visited Sunday with the Realm family. Misses Jessie Ledlngham and Ella Boyce, ue visiting this week with Miss Sybil Lawrence of Hutton mu. Mr D. N. Clark ot Owen Sound, See our Hatchway Underwear Some Overalls and Shirts :ulsunz Mr. " and wheat '-mado Suit. see our line Specials in Tweeds at $27.50 A good Stock of Odd Trousers Next Standard Bk. ' Durham In.“ . tew an lut week Visiting "" he! tgeDoaxald and uni-ting with Mr and In C. McIntosh lett on “may tor their home In North Bu. l, The Rocky turned out In full tom- to attend the Edge Hill Guden Parts ind report a splendid time. A good lprognm was given and a base Inn 'match between the Rocky and No It ;r~eIulted In t victory for the former elm here. â€in; aontedinre ot Tomato is m 1m with her liner. In Donald Mor I In: Irene uwlon has retumt-d Home after lpendlng a couple nr [week- vith friend. tn Toronto and Ielsewhere. She was acmmpauivd shone by her ulster. Mrs Lance Rum [Ne sud Ion “Bobs" who wlll spend " new weeks nt the parental homna n... We Cmpbell of Toronto is tsttttdnrttaq with her sister. Mrs Will Robertson titr e couple of weeks. In E. Dugout ettterttrined my -raettttot eta" on Thursday. Mi" Elli. Bull" of Toronto, mu rived home Monday to tspend a “‘In‘k with her paren’ts and sisters. Amer spend!“ the Bummer with her brother. Rev. D. Sllhrs. Miss Srl lm returned Frldny to Bprittb1eld Mr and Kr- Jno. Heft and famir, spent the Brat of the week with WI ttnmettord friends. In A, Kenneth entertained a num» ber of her friends one afternoon law week. mu M. J. Lawrence is spending a week wtth the Dunvel's. She exp"'", to lave thorny tor Whnon win-r» she is engaged as tencher. In Phoebe Hendry of Toronto. is which; With Mr! D. C. Mchchuiv and other friends In the vicinity fy' Domoch. Mr and Mrs In. Walton and 1am- Mr, Mr tad Mrs D. Harris and family, atl of Toronto, spent Sunday with friends here. Mr. tad In Du McDonald and, non ot Kmllton. are spending 3 Wu]. with Mr and In L. McLean and on, er friends. Kr and In Rom. Lawson spv'H Sunny with Mr sud Mrs Nicholas Halo-h. Mr Ind In Neil Mchn tipent a any the nut of the week with Mr and In Andrew Hume, Cruvford. Mr “4 Mrs chk CREW?" trpr'nt Sunny with MI ttnd Mrs S. Davey It“ Either “chem In spending a couple ot weeks with Hamilton and Tomato friends. Illa Viola. beverage of Mt. For at. went . few days with her friend mu Amen; Mekechnie. The U.F.W.0. met " the homruu, Mn J. W. McKechnie last Friday and there vu . aplendid attendant" and n molt Interesting time spent The next meeting will be held at th, home of In“ Agnes Mncphail. M, P, the second Friday in September. -rtiir W. M. B. met " the horn" n' In Donald McKechnle, Sr. VIM: there was I large attendance. Am r 1 short devotional service, a quilt um quilted which had been kindly (imam- ed by In D. McKechme. Sr. tur Il,. sum! min-Ion we. lounging Director John G. Katt I"' diets 'ter,nttendnnee at the Canudw National Exhibition of 1,500,mm. We are hrvirur a great amount o! run and the farmers are having gain I problem to get their wheat into up :1}; Lulu: lclntolh of Toronto is and!“ . few weeks with her par. at Red uced Prices f: 14, SAUGEEN of L' l gtiVilt CANADIAN PACIFIC - THE HAN vulew 3HORTEST ROUTE TO THE WEST I†to tho met that the Canadian m b an atom 'oute to the Wed. the m minority or run...» (“I U m travelled via Canadian m The company will 'maintain the lull high standard of rolottist at Went this yPar with car:- i: r the will" nae ot indium. rhildro l. all their q-tttttts, while lunch vounivx all in Brttiett hot 'ttealtt,r)slimtarn_ etc.. may be obtained at mos! mmv able tau-a will also be nimrhwi m nil train. loo-In the Canadian Paciti IW route to Westertt Can CI. to the clone ot the Con have the huvenerx spousd ' [and by the Canadian Weekl A06. 14, I924 Reduction in Prices I John Deere ’RATEB "new, â€wuss ts . 5 - no to . I0 .3tt IP -30 ~50. IS‘ NIH-l All Murmurs usvd I GENERAL REPAIR LISTER ADVERTISING touchel manhunt bring: real nu better values. It's a l repetition afforded " t home of "THE REVIEW ADVERTISING cond pupils are all the N --in short, the whole bu} A Gre Teach You can teach the Publi “unant- " Info guide- fsctiou in shopping. In being uked for their putt M ADVERTISEMENT him-nu- '"'-- 't"'"ttttrreAa" CANADIAN 53¢? SIS Pt rm?! u»- m can“: CAN TFavel .. D “can! Lug. thd " ttith Durham Branch ENGINES. MAG MAGNET AND I Head 0mm “a..- DURHAM r. W. Moo of C; Toron‘ hr ce pay: re