"- Qt" Q" '6 ' a " lo NORTH EAST' NORMANBY Miss Aunt: chlluter left Tues hy to spend a few days wlth friends In Toronto before leaving tor her nchool " Kloche. Nipiulng puma. "gr; -isGlit" iedr - of Welland is spending n week with her manta)“ and Mrs Tho- chmuer. -- _ -.ierTa iirr siiiii/Gie of Woodland visited recently with Mr and In Geo. L Bharpe. - m -- - Mr Elmer Fee. In Wm Mchlmon and Mrs 1.1. Wilton. visited Dom- och and Williamalord friends In! Sunday. Merle Morin is spending I tewi days this week with her sister. Mrs.‘ M. Stewart, Orchard. , Mr Douglas Cameron of -, was? a Wow-k end visitor at the Grant home 1nd attended Knox church services. I Quite a number on this line ntteu-I ded the funeral of Joseph Moore on Tuesday, a school mate and iriend. NOTICE is hereby, given that I have transmitted or ellvered to the persons mentioned i Section 10 of the "Ontario Voters' st Act." the copies required by said Section to be so transmitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to said;Act of all per- sons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said Munici- pality to be entitled (to vote in the said municipality at‘ elections tor members of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal electiTs : that said list was first posted n in my olllce at Holstein on the 25ml day of Aug- ust. 192i, and remains there for in- spection. Electors are Ci lied upon to examine the said list and t any omis- sions or any other errors are found therein.. to take immedlat prom-ed- lngs to have the said errors correc- ted according to law. Municipality of the 'Township of Egremont. Coomty of any "tted at Holstein this 25th day of August. I924. _ CREPES “ANNE Women's Grey Suede Slippers, Cuban heels, sizes 4 3 to (ire, reg. 85.00. to clear at................... .00 meen's Dongola House Slippers. low heels, 1 so reg. $2.25, to clear at w........................ ..... I Misses' Patent Strap Slippers, sizes 11 to 2, reg. 2 25 52,75, to clear at r................'...................... a ('hild's Roman Sandal, sizes 3 to tri, regular 1 35 81.75.10 clear at ....................................... o I Good Assortment of Trunks, Suitcases, and Club bags always in stock. J. S. 11clLRAl'N, Durham hgers' list. 1924 J. McKECHNIE For that dressy gown, see our new Black Chiffon Velvet, 36 inches wide, at, per yard................ CREPES A nice material for fall dresses, in the newest shades. at per yard ............... f1hlililil, Very tine quality sport Flannel. iri the prettiest shades, " per yard ...... Fresh Dates...15e per pkg 2 lbs Raisins for.........25c New Velvets, Crepes and Flannels Grocery Specials Rice, choice .. 3 lbs. 25c 4-string Broom,349c Ginger Snaps. .2 lbs, tlic Cocoa in bulk,itklb Valencia Oranges, sweet and juicy . . 25c dozen Jelly Powders, assorted flavors. . . .3 pkgs. 25C Bulk Sodas, fresh this week. . . . . . . . . . . . Ilk lb SeedlessRaisins.................. 2|bs.25c Red Salmon, large tin................25c tin Choice Pink Salmon, I lb tin...... ........19c Chipso, lj, lb package ............... [90 Week End Specials DAVID ALLAN Clerk of Egremont C. L. GRANT The Cash Shoe Store Repairing a Specialty. at noun, um v. --__e'e' Wicca. l Jean Smith is visiting at Mrs. F. r- atten-fharrre% South Bend. Bore on , Miss Marjorie Stevenson is visit- friend. ifrur " her uncle“: here, Mr Robt visited Robertson. stecrie,1, - Everybody will be welcome at the _ __-a--... ' n-nhnrdvnlt Groceries Mrs Root. Robertson returned home after vlsltlng friends " Lion's Head. We are sorry to report Miss Maggie Kirby as ill at present with measles. Mr and Mrs Reynolds and Mrs N. Rattle were visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Adam Keller. Muster Roy Rattle aceompylied them home after nut-ac -N.-"'e'-'"- -- __ a fortnight: visit with his grandpar ems here. - - Maggi»! Smith spent :11 enjoyable week with her father and brother in Muskoka Those attending church these Bun. days. are enjoying a rare treat listen- ing to the series of sermons on the life of Jacob. Everybody will be welcome at the Anniversary services in Orchardville church, Sept. 21m and the Harvest Home the following Monday evening. Further particulars Rev. Jno. Dickson. St. David‘s. Ont., was the guest of his sister, Mrs Orme Hunt one day last week. Mr and Mrs Wm Watts and family motored from Berkeley Friday and spent the day at Jno. Dowiing's and other friends here. Mrs Will Comm and children. Mt. Mrs Will Cos Forest, spent tl Wlll Stevenson Miss Jean McDonald, Mt Forest, spent the week end with her cousins. the Misses Hunt. We congratulate Miss Ethel Hunt on successfully passing her recent exams. She intends entering Toronto Normal School if possible. Mrs J. Morrison, -, Mich., is vis- iting her brother, J. Hunt and other friends here, also calling on old ac- qualntancos who are all pleased to see her. Mrs B. E. Holliday, Glen Eden, spent a few days with her niece, Mrs H. Cowan last week end. The hot weather which we have enjoyed tor the past few days. has helped to ripen the grain, the cutting ot which is well under way and we heard the hum of the thrashing ma- chine last week. ' Mrs W J Kelly and Master Raymond are visiting her daughter, Mrs Egan in Kenilworth. Harvesting is the order of the day Messrs Alvin Rawn and Charles Feathers went to Toronto Tuesday to spend a day or two at the great Ex. hibition. Likely others will go later. 3 lbs Cream of Whent..24c Pure Cider Vinegar. SOUTH BEND ihe week end with Mrs 4.00 1.60 2.25 1.35 2.60 1.55 'its" Low. M0 PERSONAL On Wednesday of lust week a. rink of bowlers. Messrs G. Fenton, Geo. Bye, Jas Reid and Geo Brown, mob cred to Harrlston and played against the bowlers of that town. Mr and Mrs Wm Dingwall, Hope. ville, and Miss Marie Ball, London. were recent visitors at Thos Ding- wall's. Reserve date, Sept. 12th, to hear "Deacon Dubbs" in Holstein. under auspices of Women's Institute. The four patrons of the Egremont Creamery Co. aendlng the highest number of pounds butter fat between the dates Aug. 11th to 23rd are as follows '. Wesley Halliday ........... 107.67 Hugh McEachern ......w...... 98.81 Geo. Alexander (Conn) ..... 95.28 Wm. Hunter .......... .... 82.11 Holstein Live S ck Shipping As. sociation will hold meeting in the Agricultural Hall, F day, 12th Bept. ember. at il p. m. Wm .Hunter, Pres. N Calder, Bee. H OLSTEIN LEADER Messrs Bert Eccles, Gordon Adams are spending a week in Toronto, visi- ting his sister, Mrs Strong and tak- ing in the "Ex." Robert Strong who was holidaying with his grandmother, returned with them. Mr and Mrs A. Reid who have been spending part of their vacation with Mrs Petrie, have returned to their home in Thorndale. "aivi.a.s. McLean and Murray McMil- lan of Priceville, are holidaying with their uncle, Mr Colin McMillan. Misses Margaret and Clara Arum have returned from their holidays, ac- companied by their cousin, Miss Lau- ra Bailey of Blackstock. Mr John Orchard and family of London. made a short visit with their cousins, Mr and Mrs Jno. Orchard. Mrs Morrison of Saginaw City, Mich., is visiting Mrs Tyndall. Misses Adeline and Dena Hayes ot Mt. Forest, are visiting friends here. Mr and Mrs Dan Eccles and Miss Allan of Conn, were recent visitors with friends in the village. Mrs G. McCall is visiting friends in Toronto. Mr and Mrs Geo. Fenton, spent tlw first of the week in Georgetown and Toronto. Mr and Mrs Wm. Nelson, Miss Marjorie Nelson and Mr W. A. Abba, motored to o. Sound Saturday and spent theweek end. - Dr. w. P. Ellis took a load of honey to Hamilton last week. . Mr Clarence Fenton attended a garden party at Allenford Wednesday of last week. Among those who left for the West on Friday's excursion were Stuart Scott, Elgin Schenk, Chas McDougall. Miss Bertha Bilton of Kitchener, is spending her holidays at her home here. Rev. Jno. Dickson of St. David's, was a welcome caller in the village on Thursday last. Mr and Mrs Will Freeman of Tees- water, visited Mrs F's mother, Mrs. E. Johnston and other friends over the week end. Mr and Mrs Adam Eccles and fam- ily of Galt, are spending holidays with his mother, Mrs Jas. Eccles and other rvlatives in the country. The regular meeting of the Wom- en's Institute was held on Thursday, Aug. 21st, at the home of Mrs Colin McMillan. A good deal of business was attended to after which Miss Florence Main gave a splendid paper on "What the community needs for its young people." Mrs Rogers gave an accountf o the meeting in Durham on Tuvsday. Aug. 19th. to organize for the coming Temperance Referen- dum. A dainty lunch was served at the close of the meeting. HENDRY-MaeQUEEN Aa high noon, July Mth, the home of Mr and Mrs Peter MacQueen. Eg. remont, was the scene of a quiet wed- ding, when their only daughter Chris- tena, became the bride of Ralph Douglas Hendry of Kitchener, young- er son of Mr and Mrs Hamish Hendry of Borden. Hants. England. The ceremony was conducted by Rev. G. S. Scott of Holstein. The bride was given away by her father and wore a loyely gown of white georgette crepe, with tulle veil, caught with coronet of orange blossoms. She carried Ophelia roses and lilies ot the valley. Miss Mary E. Sturgeon, R, N. in cocoa brown geor- gette was bridesmaid and Mr Regin- ald Mudge, Guelph, acted as best man. Mr and Mrs Hendry left later by motor for Toronto and Buffalo, the bride travelling in a suit of sand trie otine, with hat and shoes to match. Guests from a distance were Miss Jessie Churchill. Redford. England: Miss Emma K. Lindhorst. Hespeler: Mrs A. Gibbs. Kitchener: Mr Peter MeEachern, Miss M.A. McEachern. John G. McEachern, B. A., London: Mrs Mary Morris, Miss Agnes Morris, Toronto: Mr Neil C. MeEachern, Pt. Arthur. Notice is here y given by the Board of Health ot Hg emont Township that any householder who knows or has reason to suspe t that any person within his lamll or household has any communicab disease, he shall within twelve ho give notice there- of to the Medical omeer or Health or to the Secretary f the Local Board. Any person who C ntravenes the pro- visions of the Pu lie Health Act in this respect are Ila le to a penalty of not less than $25. . Dated at Holstein this 26th day August. 1924. PUBLIC HtALTH NOTICE Beeretary Local ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO HYMENEAL JD of Health of Cheaper Freight Rate for Holstein Stock Holstein Live Stock Shipping Att. sociation has secured a cut in freight rates for car lots of live stock. from 19 to 171he per 100 lbs.. now the same as Durham and Mt. Forest. it will mean a saving of possibly $300 to 8400 a year to the Association and will be enjoyed by all stock shippers. Manager And. Hunter'a activity, combined with the cooperation and assistance of E. J. Hilliard,. Live Stock Ft. Agent of the C. N. R. and of Miss Agnes Macphaii. M. P. secured the boon. Last February Mr Hunter spoke to Mr. Hilliard regarding the unfairness ot a higher rate than Dur. ham’s tor shorter haul, and the latter promised to move to rectify it. Twice later Mr Hilliard advised him things looked favorable, but in May last the Freight Agent was not hopeful of set- ting a. reduction in the rate. THE DURHAM REVIEW Nothing more was done until at Yeo. vil picnic July Ist, Mr Hunter men. tioned the matter to Miss Macphail, M. P., who at once took an interest in the matter. She communicated with headquarters. and on July 10th, J. E. Dalrymple, Vice Pres. or the Trattle Dept. ot the C. N. R. wrote to Miss Macphall : "i have your letter (if the 5th inst. in connection with freight rates on cattle from Holstein Ont. to Toronto, and will have the subject enquired in- to Immediately." On July 3lst he again wrote Miss Macphail: 'This matter has been in- vestigated by our Freight Traffic Of- tleer in charge of that territory, and as a result of the investigation, in- structions have been given our Tariff Dept. to publish rate of 17%e on cat- tle from Holstein, Ont. to Toronto. The rate is not yet in effect, but will be shortly and I am issuing In- structlons that the etteetive date of the reduction be made known to shippers in vicinity ot Holatein as soon as it is definitely fixed." Definite advice that reduced rate was in effect came in a letter from Mr Hilliard to Mr. Hunter, dated Aug. 8 : "With fucther reference to conver- sation in Toronto some time ago, re- garding rate on live stock from Hols- tein to Toronto, as compared with rate from Durham and Mt. Forest. I have the, pleasure to advise that effective to-day as per supplement 22 to G, T. R. Tariff C. L. 82 rate on Live Stock between Toronto and Holstein, will be 17%c per 100 lbs." Miss Mary Ecclos returned homo from Brantford Saturday and hope she will soon be quite strong again. Mrs W. Crispin artd family of Nor- manby, are spending a few days with her parents. ME and Mrs J. Lane and Jessie ot Swinton Park, recently visited at Mr. F. Reid's. Mrs N. Long, Mt. Forest, spent the week end at her home here. Mrs W. J. McEachern returned to Toronto Saturday after a little hall» day at the parental home. Mr and Mrs H. Great and Mrs W. Sim, visited relatives in Kitchener over the week end. They were ac- companied by Mrs West and Miss L. Morrison ot' Holstein, who visited in Galt and Waterloo respectively. Mise Anna Rice returned to Oshawa last week. David Mclnnls and Elgin Schenk went West on the Harvest Excursion last week. Mr Robt. Philp visited his nephew w. J. Philp and niece. Mrs Mather before returning to his home in Burk- ton. Miss Roberta Philp has returned to her Durham nursing duties. During her vacation, her friends, Nurse Mor- rison. Nurse McLeod Miss Firth and Mr J. Hamilton of Durham, visited her. . Mr. Mrs and Miss Philp and Mr. A. Mogk, visited at D. Maephail's, Cey- lon last Thursday. Mr M. remained with his host for the afternoon while the others, with Mrs and Miss Agnes Macphail attended the Conservative picnic at Eugenia Falls, where the Hon. A. Meighen was one of the speakers. Mr and Mrs Ed. Lee and family, with Mr Jas. McNaughton of East Linton, also Mr and Mrs Dougald Clark and family with Mr and Mrs. Dan McArthur of Bunessan, all en. joyably spent Suday at the home of Mr and Mrs David Davis. Mr and Mrs Robt Lewis of Orchard, spent Sunday at the parental home, Mr and Mrs Jae. Eden. Miss Sadie McGillivray. sister of Mrs D. Davis, Is spending a week's vacation at the latter's home. A disastrous event occurred on Sat. urday last at the home of Mr Jbs. Ellis when he and his son-in-lsw. Mr. Robt. Webber were engaged cutting grain with the binder. No doubt in hearing the noise of the machine. the bees of which Mr Ellis has a quantity of hives, attacked horses and men, leaving two of the horses almost us- ed up, while one owned by Mr Weir ber, died in terrible agony from the consequence of the stinging. The two men, also Mrs Ellis, Sr. who tried to assist, were badly stung by the bees. Mr and Mrs J. C. Queen and son Carmen visited Sunday with Mr and Mrs Jan. Nichol ot Durham. Quite a. number of the neighbors of this locality attended the funeral ot Clara Gliddon, whose funeral service was held in Durham Methodist Ch. Much sympathy ig extended to the bereaved. Mr Rom. Webber who has Robert Davis engaged for the thrashing seals- on, hu commenced thrashing opera- “one. Mr and Mrs Wm Morrison ot Letter Breen, visited " R. Morrison's on Bandar. ALLAN’S CORNERS YEOVIL l Mr John Borthwick. his wife and ', suter trom Guelph, visited the Reid, _ Wlluum and Mchcar families for a ', week. Mr and Mr: Findlay Clark and two children, Mrs W. J. Wilson and daugh- ter Thelma, Journeyed to Gut on Saturday lust and returned Monday. Mr and Mrs Adam Eccles and fam- ily are up from Gait on a visit to his brother John and other relatives. Mrs Horsburgh. Holstein, was a vitr itor at Mr F. Reid's last week and at. tended church here Sunday last. Mrs Wilson and daughter Cora, of Durham, spent the week end " Robt. Keith's and attended church here on Sunday last. Mr and Mrs Stanley Williams and Mr. and Mrs Irvine Geddes with their families, motored to Guelph last Sal- urday to visit friends there. The Misses Pannabakor of Doon, were visitors at the home ot Mr and Mrs Wm. Brown last week and went on Saturday to the home of Mr and Mrs Thos. E. Brown, Durham, m company with their daughter Mary. Mr and Mrs Victor Adams are leav- ing on a two month's visit to the West. accompanied by their two boys on Wednesday of this week. Part of the Devolder and Wood. ward families have been visiting their relatives, the Hahn's tor a couple of weeks and returned to Toronto Sun- day last, Miss Irene Hooper going with them to the Exhibition At a largely attended meeting in SI S. No. 14, Miss Macphsil addressed! the audience for an hour and twenty, minutes, and helped to remove the) gloom and dispiritedness made the; day before (to those who believed it) I at the picnic at Eugenia. She expres-l ', sed the opinion the picnic was good.1 land disapproved abuse and praised) 1"fair play." We felt ourselves thatit, l was a. gratuitous insult in the impli-l I cation for one of the speakers there,'. ‘to hope that S. E. Grey would elect one who would represent the common people" at next election. We suppOSe 3 he thought a Dr. or a lawyer would' _suit them better. She touched on Env) :migration. the taritt, church union.) l bank inspection, Agriculture oonor-l, i ed more now) and gave a tine descrip-; ition of the dealings and sometimes} i monotonous character of the sessions. ( \Thc meeting began with some comw l, munity singing and ended with a rec-i ': itation by Arch. Clark and a song by', W. Ramage. g Mr and Mrs Crawford Harrison,) Percy Harrison and Miss Myrtle, Wells. also Mrs Jones Harrison, mom cred to Toronto Saturday last and aro‘ taking in the "Ex." for a few days. i Mrs Thos. Atchison is at present waiting upon Mrs J. E. Wells In her illness. lc. E. at the evening service. The l Problem of Life was his theme. 1“Know Thyself" is the great problem, of life; have a bright outlook upon llife, and he quoted Longfellow's 'Lire ‘is real, life is earnest," etc; main-' itain your health, regular hours advis- ', ed, look after your Rood health‘ while you have it, have a good time _ in amusement but guard against con. ;science striking frivolities. In orit"s, _ career don't be a misfit, tiud out at, first what you are best adapted for. ‘ln saving or spending money don't ‘be narrow; narrowness will make you narrow in everything else : save,' i but give all you can, For education Head the best books, not forgetting the Bible: improve your outlook.' iLincoln’s speech at Gettysburg was- l referred to as a gem : avoid scandal : . character is the crown jewel in life : [ ms to problems of the leisure hour, _'comparrions. His tenth problem was; gavoid wasting them, also avoid evil', I following Christ. Life is a seriousi !thing. the greatest men in history are) 1 followers of Jesus. He was listened to) l with wrapt attention throughout. The‘ I above is some of the advice given and [points thrown out by the clever), speaker. Sorry we can't give youi lsome more. Our short hand is not iwothintr right yet, We did not have“! with us. Like Artemus Ward in _ speech stated "he had a gigantic mindl that had not brought it with him thatl l night." Mr David McKelvey came out from Durham Monday to help his son Geo. with the harvest. A vote ot thanks and appreciation was moved and seconded and' carried unanimously to Miss Macphnil, the mover menioning the fact that S. E. Grey had been more into the lime light than ever through her efforts there. She is no rubber stamp, say we. Mr Noble Wilson was an efficient chairman. "God Save the King" clos- ed the meeting. Rev. W. H. Hill closed a tine series of sermons on Sunday last with a grand talk to the young people at the Mrs Jas. Tucker is few weeks with her Toronto. To have two tires oChis car 'blow. out' simultaneously one evening last week, while he was driving into his own garage, was the result of a trick, engineered by some maliciously dev- ilish mind, upon Mr Murray Wells. Upon examination it was clear that two sharp nails had been placed up right on the car tracks to the garage. Mr Jim McKenzie of "The Hedges", below Holstein. Mr and Mrs Rom. Gregor, Jack and Miss Ruth ot Mt. Forest, were visitors during the past week at Mr John McKenzlp's. Mr Jas. and Miss Belle Lothian at- tended the funeral ot their cousin, the late Jos. Moore in Bentinek Tuesday. Mrs Ben Woods, . nee Mary Ellan McKenzie, with son and daughter, Mr and Mrs Oliver Copeland (nee Elsie Eccles) and Mrs Camplin, motored from Toronto Saturday on a visit to Mr and Mrs Jno. McKenzie. Mr and Mrs Thos. Daley Journeyed by horse and busy to Orangevillo last week, to visit with Mr and Mrs. John Tucker and also Wm Tucker of Homing’s Mills. Mrs Herb. Harrison acompanied Mr and Mrs o. Copeland on their return trip to the city and will help swell the Exhibition numbers. Mr and Mrs Andy Watson tad My visiting for a son, J. W. in ot newnum, were visitors over} the week end with It Inc. McKenxia} Mr In. Hooper no honored with an invitation from Swinton Park Foot Bull team to kick with them at the Football Tournunent " Fevershum on Saturday lost. The September meeting of the Dro- more Women’s Institute will be held in Russell Hall. on Sept. 3rd. It , o'clock. The following papers will be given: "Helps and Hindrances in Modern Home Lire" by Mrs R. Tay- lor: "Women's Part in Canada's Progress" by Mrs J. Wilson: Roll eall-My Favorite Pickle Recipe. All ladies are cordially invited. i Com'r Calder reported J. McClu- l nel, gravelllng day's labor $31: M. Me Donald. 87 yds gravel. $6.96 : J. Weir, 'ttraveliirttr, day's labor, $89.60: do, 72 lyds gravel, $5.76c Mrs Schmidt,, 148 iyards gravel $11.84 ' I McMurdo. com {money village of Dromore $46: F. Clark, dragging r.oad, $10: A. Lane, drawing and placing culvert $10.40: 1C. Ferguson, 121 rods bonus wire Home $48.40: N. McQueen, gravel- I ling, day's labor $36 : do, gravel, 9.52: lFees $6. Report adopted. Council met Aug. Iilth, members: all present, minutes adopted. The Reeve reported L. Matthews, 47 yds gravel, $3.76: A, Rae, 24 yds, do, $1. 92: J. McAinsh. dragging road. $13. M: J. Burke, 29 rods bonus wire tence, $8.70: H. Horsburgh. 75 yds gravel, 86: W. lies. planting tile, dit- ching. etc. $12.25: A. Cauifleld, 116 yds gravel, $9.28: do, damage to crop " '. R. H. Caultteld, grading and gravelling 826.15: E. Smith, drag- ging and raking stones $5.18: D. O' Connell. gruelling, $13.50: do, grav- el, $2.25 : do, damage to crop. " '. H. Hoffman. .77 yds gravel, $6.16: do, road to pit $2 : H. McDougall. gravel- ling $5: J. Robertson, 23 yds gravel. $1.84: Fees 81.50. Report adopted. :1. McPhee. 60 yda gravel. $4.80: E. l Rusnell, grading, days labor $8.25 : J. IC. Fairbairn, grav'g days dabor, " 55 : do, 15 yds gravel, $1.20 : R. Wat- son. " yds gravel 87.12: J. Wagner, ibrushing, $3.82: H. Comm. moving grader. 81: A E Cauladd. 76 yards lgravel. $6.08: D. Livingstone, 20 yds ,gravol. $2: L. Yake, 72 yds gravel, ;$5.76: J. Hunter, gruelling. days' ‘labor, $27.67: J. McPhee, 160 yds ‘gravol, $12.80: D. Livingstone, It yds gravel. $1.40: G. Fllshle, 40 yds gravel. $3.20: J. McDonald. grant gruelling days labor, $24.97. Fees $1. . Report adopted. Com'r Grout reported N. Horsburgh' raking stones $3.15: J. Hamilton. dragging road " : P. Cornish. Envel- ling, $3.90: C. Schenk, rep. bridge, $2.25: P. Match. raking stones $4.50: Fees $1. Report adopted. Com'r Mack reported D. McKelvin. 73 yds gravel. $5.84 : G, Hooper, gru- velling, $11.70: F. Noble. winter work, $3.40: J. Schultz, bal. on tile, 65e: T. Tucker, removing wanes,“ : W. Leith, road to gravel pit, $4: J. Eeles, 40 rds bonus wire fence $16: J. Lolhian. 160 rods do $64: w, J. Eden, gravelling $4 : F. Lawrence, do $5.40: J. Morrison, gravel. $3.50: M. Wells. gravelling. $3.60: IV. Leith, " yds gravel, $3.60: R. Barbour, gravel'g, days' labor, $19.12: BWoods winter work, 800: J. McMurdo. rep. roads, $2: F.Lawrence, erecting fence Lawrence hill $24.13: Fees $3. Supervising work $4 : report adopted Com'r Ferguson reported D. Mo Queen, gravelllng days labor 812.607: (hit-Calder: That Mr A. Hill's account amount to $150 as renderod. be paid Jess $10 retained until com- Motion of bridge. lot 15 con 14. Car. Calder-Groat '. That the Clerk be instructed to write a letter of condol- ence to Mrs John R. Phllp, wire of our late Treasurer. Carried. I By-law No. 458 to levy the rates for the current year and also to levy a percentage on all taxes not paid on or before the 15th day of Dee. was passed. 5 per cent will be charged on all ltaxea not paid on or before and date. The total rate for 1924--16 mills, subdlvlded " follows: County rate 8 7-10 mills; General School Rate 5 3-10 mills: Township rate, 2 mills; special rate Police Village of Holstein 2 7-10 mills, also the rates on the different school sections as per Trustees requisitions. Calder-Ferguson : That the Clerk be instructed to ask for applications for the omces of Treasurer and As- sessor. notices to be inserted in the Mt. Forest and Durham papers. ap- plications to be received up till Aug. 29th. Applications for the ottice at Treasurer are requested to furnish satisfactory security and that the Reeve and Clerk be sppointed to take an inventory of all books and docu. ments in the possession of our isle Treasurer for, the period from Jul. lat to July 8itst, 1914. Carried. Mtutk--Oroat: That the following amounts be paid: R J Eden, sheep killed, $33.50: 8.11. Ptstteraott, In- specting sheep. $1.50: C. We & Son, printing account to date, $88.6T : D. Flatt, l crescent re Ina Treuuren tio: Clerk, Pat's Pt. m, Volen' us: 'lar. Main. " Pt, "I Voten' â€n Egremont Council up Pt, m was; Gf, Igth. members we“ Send the Children Here For their SCHOOL SUPPLIES l‘acwry Sml'lti. Applicauons will so be reeeivod up till the sane d for the omce of Anne-nor for the nld Township, Dated It Holstein " mu day of August, 1924. k DAV ALLAN, Specials for School Opening “when for carrying "noâ€. ' . . . . M)e Pane" Boxes r............"""' Sc "tf-filling Fountain Pens. re. " .69c Good Lead Pencils ..........2 for Se 160 page Scribbler ........""" " All the new books train now Come and get your supply AT fall Term Opens Sept. hd A good toundtrtion is essential in the success ot everyone. We specialize in Bookkeeping, Ac. counting. stenogrraph.v, Typing and Secretarial Work. Investigate thr, advantages we offer you by writing us for particulars regarding a courw Has moved to its new home at Cor. ner Yonge and Meander Sm. Tor- onto Fail Term Opens Sept. 2nd. Write lo-duy tor Catalogue and ar- rnnge to enter at Full Opening. Strictly lint-class in all Departments Enter my time. Having bought-out Glaser’s business tad conducting lune In his old “and The Variety Store Just Arrived ----A Shipment of _Ay!mer Pdmpil TILE-always " Ind O'mlte High School. mai. Custom Planing gar/1 am flaming Will: They all shop here as we" as the shrewdest buyer. When a child comes in here to make I. purchue. we uppreciatv the xsouMenee that the parents had In us, no we act accordingly WHITE ENGINE in good repair For Sale. Also ODP GOOD BUZZ SAW, New 'til,0t.,T. Clark I will pay Highest Cash Price. Also buy Junk. ltorsehair and Hides Rags, 1nd Live Poultry 200 BEEF HIDES WANTED Bring it in to my store or telephone Ute, and my rig will call for it. . O A. Tinianov Schultz’s Pump ' Tile a. Wool Wanted 8, 10, It, 16, 18 and " inch ’iiunr rover? ditty. Notice of Removal " Sash and Doors All kinds of W. A. TREMBLE, Principal R. L. SAUNDERS we. 28, 1924 W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal “WIT '0. COT DAVID ALLAN l DURHAM, ONT. PHONE 66. and Rispair Work o“; WANTED It be recelved b? p till Am“ 29th. 1 of Treuurer fur r remont. App1i- rt to furnish uni» " well as ', Clerk Clerk 59c We have I.“ all change. and “than to our Idling Sta-cu up Ind hauling Sept. Id. We hope ory one who retttittml will and cred given. Remittances Imm- Sept. 3 will be credited at next ell-nae. W hope a strong "ttort will tres made b ttttttre itt urn-an; to put llwir labo'l i adunrr. VOL. XLVII. NO Ferst A {I 5,1:1.OWN§*I 'iij2,j. ‘Qg'éEOPICS‘ LOST V Succe " mrrtititurtt' ( proeirse"c then to l* may rettt that In a Artnovneelkent d and '" Women's IT " M " M Opera! ll M The “Minn-rs THE PUBLISH! Ill orttano. ditrcreett