kreto mu "w, their lock b! rid hll rt n of In! In Is not at t the - .. in that III In? orerM mm to! Chuck ktoseq day do mm les " " whe in! ll CHEM J. McKECHNIE P hone 17 '/, ,- "m'., Grey Suede Slippers, Cuban heels, sizes ,; totile, reg. $5.00, to clear at................... 4.00 '\.\ mpâ€: Dungola House Slippers, low heels, ro-g $2.25, to clear at m........................ ..... 1.60 WNW“ Patent Strap Slippers, sizes 11to2, reg. $1.75, to clear at ...e................................... Mli ' mid < Roman Sandal, sizes 3 to 7%, regular 1 35 $1.73, to clear at .....rr................................ a Hood Assortment ot Trunks, Suitcases, and Club bags always in stock. Repairing a Specialty. SEPT. ll. tttttd J. S. MclLRAITH, Durham Grocery Specials Rice, choice .. 3 lbs. 25c l-string Broon.!49e (linger Snaps. .2 lbs, tlic Cocoa in bulk. 10c lb Valencia Oranges, sweet and juicy . . 25c dozen Jelly Powders, assorted flavors. . . .3 pkgs. Clic Bulk Sodas, fresh this week. . . . . . . . . . . .l8e lb SeedlessRaisins.................. 2|bs.25c Red Salmon, large tln................25c tin Choice Pink Salmon, llblin...... . .....l9c Chipso, ly, lb package q.............. I9c I li.l. Cl' DURHAM MACHINE "or r. W. Moon - Machinist 'QATES ’13:†5' law's 7. 5 . lo I? Farm Machinery, Engines. Cream Separators, and General Ro- pairing done. Sawing Machine Man drals and Castings. FARM AND DAIRY MACHINERY GAS ENGINES FOR SALE Why not earn from 4% to 7 per cent on all your money, with perfect safety? We con supply you with bonds of 850. 9100, 8500 or 81000 denominations. all mn- turities. Odd amount bonds yielding high interest, for those with small amounts to invest. We can sell your bonds and get your cash for them at any time you may desire. q I am now prepared to repair Bicycles or supply you with a n-w Bicycle at bargain prices. Rubber llreing put on Baby Car. riaqe wheels. Intormation and prices cheerfully supplied any kind of Bonds. Week End Specials Durham Branch - I. A. Rowland, Manager Bicycles and Accessories ihe Royal Bank of Canada Earn 7 per cent with Safety with a good Bond P. RAMAGE, Durham Write, Cali, or Phone NOW. Tho Cash Shoe Store AWN M ow ERS SHARPENED WHEN remitting any amount up to $100, you will combine safety, economy and convenience by using Royal Bank Money Orders. They will be cashed by any Bank in Canada (Yukon ex- cepted) without charge. You will find our Money Orders payable in US. Dollars and Sterling most convenient for making small remittances to the United States and Great Britain. 12S2fra22 regarding IESIIQJ “slung her old home " Mr John Stothart's. Miss Lizzie Campbell of Montreal, 15 taking acme holidays at the old home on the North Line. Mrs R. H. McConkey is at present in the Owen Sound Hospital where she had "an operation performed on her ear, which We understand, was quite successful. We hope she will soon be restored to her usual health again. Messrs Wilfrid and Murray Watson and Misses Violet and Ethel Watson. were on a motor trip to St Cathar- Ines, and Toronto last week. Miss Ethel remained in the city. Mr R. H. McConkey visited his wife in the Owen Sound Hospital on Sun- day and was accompanied by Mrs F. McKinnon. Misses Mary and Florence Carson of Holland Tentre visited the parental home, Mr and Mrs Alex Carson, over the week end. Rev. W. E. Curran and Mr A. B. Mc- Donald made a business trip to Mea. ford and o. Sound on Saturday in commotion with the Fall Fair, and were accompanied by Mrs Curran, Miss E. Curran and Mrs McDonald. Messrs John and Angus Mclnnis. of Victoria. B.C., are paying a visit to their brother, Mr Malcolm Mcinnis. and sisters Mrs. Graham and Mrs. C. A. McLean. Rev. A. Sutherland attended Pres bytery meeting at Orangevilleon Tues day. Mrs w. Nichol and son of Durham visited at G. McTaggart's Sunday. Misses Nelle and Esther McLean gave a party on Thursday evening in honor of their guest, Miss Blanche Belfry. Mr Gorrie Mc'l‘aggart has purchase. ed a new Ford car. Mrs Ramadan of New York,, is Mrs Albert Jones and son Jack,vlsr ited in Walker-ton Sunday. [ng Miss Janet McDonald left on Tues day for Toronto. Born. to Mr and Mrs Alex Stone house, Sept. 2nd. a son. Born, on Saturday, Sept. 6th, to Mr and Mrs Jno. A. Nichol. a son. Congratulations to both. Mr and Mrs Angus McCannell an- nounce the engagement of their eld- est daughter, Anna Mae, to Mr Don- ald McDonald of Toronto. The mar. riage will take place the last of Sept- ember. PRICEVILLE & GLENELG It is said that it prophet has no honor in his own country and among his own people. in a like manner a correspondent's writings may be the same, while to those far away it may be as good news from a foreign coun- try. It is a hard matter to please ev- erybody when often a person cannot please himself. In this world it is only prosperity with some individuals while it is adversity with others. Some may have all their harvest in and threshed. while others may have ‘it all in the fields awaiting the turn lot the tide for good weather to have the fields deprived of their contents . by being placed under shelter. By pn- tienee and perseverance and trusting in the Giver of all Good. everybody may be rewarded by having good weather to flnish harvesting. We were reading Hector Mckin.) on's letters in the Globe giving a glowing account of the crops in gen- eral in Western Canada Hector can be relied on as giving the correct in. formation as near as possible. And Pricevilie can feel proud of having such an able writer to the Globe. The readers always appreciate or dealing with all matters relating to the wei- Ilime of the farming community and lother matters coming under his dut- ies as a faithful correspondent. Saturday night was cold and chilly. We didn't get up early enough to see any frost but it might be there all the same. sunday is supposed to be a day of rest. not as idlers sitting at ease in a rocking chair, but by obeying the command to go and hear the message delivered by the faithful servants in the different places of worship all over the universe. To many it is a day of pleasure, going in their fast conveyance to visit some place of cur- iosity or distant friends. Many years ago the harvest weather was late and disagreeable but on Sundays it was generally tine. tempting the, harvester to hitch up and draw in the "train which was in good order. One iman down the country worked hard all day on Sunday. himself and hired man. and tittished about dark. While siting at ease a fittah of lightning came and soruck the barn, setting it on fire, and burning building and con. tents. while the workers narrowly ea- caped. This shows that the Author of all things had His way of dealing with those disobeying His command. Remember the. Sabbath Day to keep it holy," etc. But the Sabbath is dishonored in many unnecessary ways besides haul- ing in grain. We heard a good churchman tell long ago he could not so to church on Sunday because he did not get shaved on Saturday. Churchmen are not so particular now. adays' as they were long ago about shoving on Sunday. The vote on Prohibition is nearing sad it is getting time to consider how to vote-whether we want whiskey in thundsnco free to o to partake or, or be contant by drinking ot the cool PRICEVI LLE $16.31 I" _ " the result if Prohibition is defeated and a supenbundance' ot Itrong drink as in any: ot yore, is returned t How ue those that get it under thel present Prohibition Act going to fare) when they get it fearless of being; taxed some hundreds of dollars for) this offence , A.--Then let well; enough alone and vote for dry wreath-i er to take up potatoes and roots or, all kinds. No necessity of voting} with the 'wets' on the 23rd October', for in general the cry with the far-1 mer is to have it dry as the land. 1 We saw some one writing on howl to treat those dull of hearing. He" says not to speak too loud or too fast, or putting as it were a few words to gether by saying "howareyou", all in one string, but rather say it slowly by saying "how are you." The former method is aggravating to the persons talking and listening. It is no trouble to talk to some people who talk slowly and plain either on phone or in person. Monday morning, 8th Sept., 1924 The tirmament is not very prom- ising looking as it is all covered with clouds. Everybody that has grain to haul in is busy this forenoon stowlng it away in their barns. We were looking at the corn patch to see the effecs of Saturday night's frost. While the corn was scorched badly the potatoes are not affected. 69 years ago to-day Sebastpol was taken but to look back it doesn’t look so far away. Glenelg was all stumps then, no reapers, no binders, no horse rakes, very few wagons. no buggies or wooden sleighs. no potato bugs, no autos, no steam thrashing outfits and what not ---wverybody young and handy. We eongratulate S. S. No. 10, Gien'g Top Cline, by having the prospects in a few years of having the school register enlarged, as we see two youngsters arrived lately, males at that, in good time to assist ftttishing the harvest. To Mr and Mrs Alex. Stonehottse, D. Road, Glenelg. a son .' to Mrs Smith, nee Miss McEachern, S. Line, Glenelg, also a son. We wish these mothers and sons much happiness in future years. Some will remember a Frenchman? in Pricevllle over 60 years ago, mutt. ed Cyrell Vaudner. He was married three times and the three wives died. Some person was condollng with him on his loss “Yes" he said. "I can get 'em as fast as l can kill 'em." There are many in this world who may be as unfortunate as this old Frenchman whom we remember well as being an honest good fellow. though jokingly made such expressions. We hope he didn't get the fourth one or such person might be numbered with the women who had the seven brothers and all died before her, and she died also. So did this good old Frenchman. There are two subjects uppermost at present-the weather which is very disappointing and the crops which are very fair. if only the clouds would blow away and the sun would shine. Some are done cutting others barely started and a great deal of green grain yet in the country which promises well it suitable weather for 2'i'",'r'fe,t,fo,.ethhee,.',"21' â€was: With MrrKettxie King .. were l S did hi od ' s e P A happy little incident occurred on l SO. o t 3 tro old Frenchman. the evening of the day Premier Mr- ----_--- Kenzle King was in Wiarton. After SMNTON PARK dinner he strolled over to the Baptist Parsonage to meet Rev. and Mrs Mc. There are two subjects uppermost Alpine there. The Baptist minister at present-the weather which is very is a nephew of the late Hon. Alex- disappointing and the crops which under McKenzie, a former Liberal are very fair. if only the clouds) Prime Minister of Canada, and while would blow away and the sun would"! that town took occasion to meet shine. Some are done cutting. otherslthe relative of one of his illustrious barely started and a great deal of: predecessors. Mr McAlplne has in green grain yet in the country which) his possession some of his late uncle’s promises well it suitable weather for" furniture. brie-a-brae and books, and maturing and harvesting comes along.‘ thestMr King was quite interested in This Monday was the day of Pro? examining. Mr McKenzie never had ton Township school fair. held at' any family and in the course of tim" Ventry school. A great many child- his effects have passed into the pos- ren were disappointed on account at session of his relatives, and of course the wet afternoon. However our, are highly prized on account of their teacher. Miss McHugh, and a few of ‘historical interest. Before leaving, _ the children were there and capturediMr McAlpine presented the Premier' a share of the prizes. Misses Isabel with two beautifully bound volumes of and Beatrice McMillan were sucuss-l "The History of Canada" containing ml in several classes. Congratulations: the autograph of Alexander McKen- girls. and we hope for a better dayuie. Ottawa, therein. These Mr. King next year. Considering the weather.!accepted with pleasure and carried the exhibits Were numerous and goon.) them oft to Ottawa with him. where also a fair turn out ot people. The they will add to the interest of his show was held in the school based, own library. The little incident ad- ment, and though somewhat crowded ded to the happiness of the visit to was nevertheless enjoyed. _ Wiarton. as well as affording some On Tuesday last the Richardson's? pleasure to Mr and Mrs McAlpine. of this place attended the funeral ot) Mr Hugh Phillips, aged " years. He, t ' - "' ___ ___ ------- - was a brother of Mrs Richardson. Sn! NOTICE TO PABIEBS and uncle of w. A. and J. H. Richard-t The Durham U. P. o. the Stock This Monday was the day of pro/exam ton Township school tair, held at‘nny Ventry school. A great many child- his 1 ren were disappointed on account 01358351 the wet afternoon. However our, are teacher. Miss McHugh, and a few of 'hisb the children Were there and capturediMr I a share of the prizes. Misses Isabel, with and Beatrice McMillan were sucnss-i "TY ml in several classes. Congratulations; the girls, and we hope tor a better daygle. next year. Considering the weather,iacce the exhibits were numerous and troost,), ther also a fair turn out ot people. The the: show was held in the school hast»! own ment, and though somewhat crowded ded was nevertheless enjoyed. l, Wit Jli' Hug“ ruulllm. CFPr"* it... J'"""' W was a brother of Mrs Richardson, Sr.' NOTICE TO FARMERS “ and uncle ol w. A. and, J. H. JY/tte- The Durham U. F. o. Live Stock sun. also of Mrs. Jane Knox ot C"ylo1.; Association will ship Rock from Dur.) Chwse along with ‘Mrs my"yman ol, ham. on Tuvsdays. Shippers are re. Proton, another sister ot iirrcHatit'dr, quested to give three days' notice. motored to Lucknow for the i'unel'ai._ Clifford Howell Mana er returning the same evening. We ex-i Phone 92 r l-l ' rr/lt",)),',,' tend sympathy to all, especially the: i aged sisters in their bereavement. 'ees-i-ers-ru---------'---'."-'-'--"------"-"--"-"----' Rev. Mr. Sutherland each Sunday, - gives a talk to the girls and bovs.l DURHAM MARKETS During thp ast four Sunda a he has) , , used a key? the first was gelled the} Corrected to date, Supt. ll, 1924 "Good Morning Key", telling all to) Butter .......r...'.. .p.......P. 36c get up early and in good humor, withings .......t.. _.........-..... 290 a happy "Good Morning" for every-i, Potatoes per bag . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 81.50 one, thus making a right startfor the; Hogs ........ F.......... ....$10.00 day and to follow it up through life: i Wheat o...............'.. M & 1.00 The second was the "It you please"! Barley .................. 60c to 65e key and futingly illustrated and ox-i Oats r..............."... 50c to Mc plained the proper way to ask favors Peas m................. $1.00 to 81.10 ot parents, brothers and sisters, play-f Buckwheat ...... ........75c to 85e mates .and any others whom theyCHay .......... ............... 10.00 might meet. The third key was the sse.eeeeesee-s-eseeeeee--"--"' "Thank you" key. showing gratitude . for all good things bestowed. Tho: v-Q fourth key was "I beg your pardon", f\A Strength pwmgi or “excuse me" key. being ready andi fgi' Forod ) Md willing to acknowledge all errors tyy f w. For C i " wron doing and to ask forgiveness I] _ of 'J/dd whom we have Injured. Mr. 2 SCOTT S Sutherland did not stop with the use , ot the keys alone in this world, but il a E" u LSION ave mil directions for their use in a Med gigher sphere. Next Sunday he will t.'.tri11 . con. use another may 1',1etc,"1,,t in; dim duh! or adult, lost ot the series and t 0 yo on __ - girls In) this week vendering what sam s EMULSION tint key will be. Not only the child- is the iogittnl tood-tmat. rel: no omtdeehttt. Itttt a†otdee - “ammo-i; " THE DURHAM REWEW Mr Mosh-is returning to his home It Spending. Huh. this week utter It plenum visit with " dnughters, Mrs D. S. McDonald and Mrs Wm. Philp. V M-rs E. E. Hockridge was o visitor at Toronto "Ex." Int week. Mr and Mrs Geo. Gillies went to Toronto last Wednesday where Mr. (Hikes is at present a patient It the General Hospital. 7 Mrs Wale is recovering slowly from her recent severe spell ot sickness. Miss Lena Wilson, Toronto, spenta week with her sister Mrs Bert Knox, returning to her duties Monday. A goodly number of both young and old are attending Proton School Fair 10-day. (Monday) _ The lure ot the West has taken hold ot several ot our elderly rear denta this year, Mrs Dezell, Mrs J. Christie, Mr and Mrs E. Pallister and Mr Pred Christie having gone to visit among relatives. Mr Geo. Russel, Br., Mr and Mrs. John Russell. Miss Flora and Mr Jno. G., spent a few days at Ayr a couple ot weeks ago attending the re-union, it being the birthplace of Messrs Ras. sell Rev. and Mrs Snider are leaving Hopeville this week for a new field of work. Miss Rhea Snider also leaves shortly to resume her studies at the Bible College at Nyack. Dr. W. P. Ellis and family, Hol- stein, were visitors at Mr Will Mc- Kinney'trr ecently. Mr and Mrs W. Ridden and child- rem with Mr and Mrs Jno. Sinclair. spent the first of the week at Mr Will Weir's, near Durham. After a lengthy illness, Mrs Helen Love passed peacefully away on Sun- day, Sept. 7th, at tho home of her son Harold, where she received the best of care during her illness. The deceased lady has been an old and re- spected resident of the district tor years and having good musical abili- ty, took a prominent part in church work, being tor years organist at Salem. Funeral services will be held at Esplln. The Review forwards subscriptions to all daily papers at a saving to subscribers. Let us send in yours. British Scientists are touring the West. Maybe they will learn how it is "you don't feel it" out there. COAT FOUNK: The party who by mistake placed a coat under the cushion of the hin seat of my car. about August Mth' may have the same by proving prop rty and paying expenses. l Btttter........., Eggs .......... Potatoes per bag Hogs ........ .1 Wheat ......... Barley ......... Oats........... Peas ........... Ia7tr,../ Strigggggwmg St _.. FOFCIFIS tll, scans ' EMULSION THOB. CAQBELL. Pro n Station .........360 _........ Me ....... $1.50 .. ....$10.00 .. 95&1.00 . 60eto65e ..50cto55c $L00 to $1.10 iiiftytts 0F YORE On Tuesday last, Sept. Ith, I pretty ceremony took place In the Presby- terian church, when Mr John. Burg- ess ot Glenelg md Miss Saunas. only daughter of Mr and Mrs Allan McKinnon. were made mm 1nd wife. Rev. Dr Ftrttuhtrrtson was the clergy- man. The groom was supported by Mr. T. Elwin of Toronto while Miss Leah McComb did a similar service for the bride. On Monday, the 6th inst. Mr Frank Clemaa of London. led to the altar Miss Nellie Watt ot Durham. The groom spent about two years in the Chronicle where acquaintance ripen- ed-lnto love. Principal Allan has a Inge class of students here for Model School train- ing, there being over M), and from many sections of the province. " YEARS AGO Prom Review tyle ot Sept. 9. 1909 The noted case of the Crownl against Angus MeK.elvey, a well known citizen of New Liskeard. charged with the bribery or John Fiche to induce him to leave the country and not give evidence in the suit brought by the Attorney General of Ontario against the Hudson Bay and Tetnitrlttuttitttr Mining Company, affecting the title of that Company, was heard to-day by Judge Leask and resulted in Mr McKeivey being found not guilty. Mr Jos. A. Snell. brother of Mr, John Snell of Durham, has been an pointed to the Prineipalship of Prince Albert High School at a salary of $1900 per year. " YEARS AGO From Review fyle of Sept. 7, 1899 l At a congregational meeting of thel Presbyterian body on the 4th inst., Rev Wm F'tmtuhartson, Claude, receiv- ed a call to the work here. Four other candidates were in the field and on the tlrtrt ballot. Mr. F. almost tied all the others. On the second ballot he had a large majority of the votes cast and by a standlng vote his election was made unanimous. The congregation will likely feel war- ranted in making the call $1000 there being no manse to otter. Miss Hattie Moffat, daughter of Mr and Mrs Thos. Motttrtt, is a recent module ot the Ontario School of Pedagogy at Hamilton. and hos Re. cepted the position of Principal of Palmerston Public School. Mr Lauder Munro and Miss Mabel Btrppentield were married in Omaha. Neb., August 9th. The groom. who is . so}; of Mr J. A. Munro of town, in city salesman for the Omaha Com. pressed Yeast Co. there. Mr Archie Galbrsith left here yes- terday tor Bonuer's Ferry, ldaho. U. B.. where he purposes following den. tistry For nearly three years Archie has been engaged teaching in S. S. No IO, Bentinck where he made many friends. On Wednesday night in the Presbyterian church, Durham, he was given a farewell evening when a presentation of a purse of money and a Presbyterian Book of Praise was made. Mr N. J. McArthur, winner of the o. Sound Collegiate medal in sports, and also winner of the Oratory con- test at Toronto University In 1894, and general all-round athlete and ora- tor of the State Normal School in Minnesota. is at present in town r0- newing old acquaintances around the scenes of early boyhood., but Saturday it was freely given out on the streets that J. J. Smith was to be our next postmaster. Married. at the residence of the bride's father, on Aug. M), 1899, by the Rev F. Ryan, B. D., Mr William Craw- ford Sharp of Durham, to Miss Clara Hannah Jane Dunsmoor of the Town. ship" of Bentlnck. â€Bled, In Durham, Sept. Ist, Archi, bald McKenzie. for many years Post master of the Town of Durham. Died, in Bentinck, on Sept. lat. by drowning, Walter Webber, aged 15 years. A rich American has agreed to contribute 81000 yearly to the up- keep ot "Uncle" Jack Miner's bird sanctuary at Kingsviile. Ont. Water Why then take a chance and use water that Is polluted and tunt tor domestic use, when pure water can be had by having a well drilled. I also handle Pumps Bud Pump repairs. Satisfaction guaranteed. ED. u. PRATT, ERA, Durham Phone 98, r " What Lot 7, con. ti, Egremont, contain- ing 100 acres, about 85 acres under cultivation, balance hardwood bum. Convenient to school and on the premises is a frame barn 42 It 65 with none foundution. concrete stable; “so hay barn 30 x 50 with stone bucment: hog pen M) x 40. " roamed brick house with M11106, woodlhed. drilled well with windmill and concrete water an. M) new! dour. This hm " well fenced do In 3 good note ot (manual. _, Apply AT WATSON! mun. R. It. No 4. Who-I is Good Health Worth? FARM FOR SALE Water! ! Water! ! ! ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Llano“ W for 60. at W Term tunable. sue ducal-u. Llano“ Auctionoor for 00. ot any Moderate terms. Arrangements toe sales. as to antes, etc., must be made at Review omce. Durham. Terml on application. Address. R.R.1, Durhun Licenced Auctioneer for Grey County sues taken on remnnble vernal. Dates arranged " Herald camou- dtlk. duo through Durham Review and Flesherton Advnnce. Geo. E. Duncan, Dundalk P. o. Phone " r 4a. omce on Lunbton St. (late Dr. Huttan'a OMce) mm Hours: 2-45 p.m.. r-o pan. Sundays excepted Graduate, University ot Toma Successor to Dr. Mair. once In! Residence, MAIN STREET. HOLSTEIN, ONT. J. L. SMITH, M.B., M.C. PS, Office and residence, cornegCougteu - add LimbtG,UpiGiitk old Pout OHIO} 1htlee Houn: tt toll a. m.. I.†tel g. m.. , to tr p. m., Sundays and hunday afternoon excepted. Telephone 2, " 1-5. DRS. JAMIESON & JAMIESON Omol Human: Roi. T.-6 tunings I Univonit ' gratin“; 0(3on Cellos. df ltg,'l'?af4M,',Tllll' 1t99tyyrio 360-- tibtniat%rr%ot" bf Dani-ii) Rdtsd over J & I HUNTERS New Bum W. C. PICKERING, DDS, LDS HONOR aBbDUATE of Torque. 011:9 - var Jewell" arm a no oppo aim PM 00100. OROI t_16ADJJATlt Toronto Unlvom ' on H MtmtfRttnl 091qu new! have? MI00LEBR0', SPEREMAN & MIDDLEBRO' Barristers, “liciun, Etc. (Since-mu to A. B. Currey) Mr. C. C. Middlebrxt' is permanent- ly located in Durham. OtBtse hours. 9 mm. to ' Fm. The Science that adds Life to years and years to life. Call and Bee " Cotunt1tation Fr... In Durham Tuesdays, Thursdays and Guard.†. DRS. C. G. AND BESSIE McGILLIVRAY J. F. GRANT, D.D.S.. L.D.S. l Tuesday, September hd l is the rc-opt" day at tho- GEORGE E. DUNCAN ALEX. MAC DONALD [DURHAM BEIGE §CIEI©©L The School it thoroughly equipped t. take up the following com-cu '. I. Junior [amalgam a. Baa-moo lo the Normal School: Each member of the "" in I Univ. ersity graduate Ind m rrrorriertoed (when - __ . . _ _ Intending pupils Ihould prepare to en- ter at the beginnirtaof the full term. information " to count: may be Me tained {roll the Principal. The School he. I crchuHe record in the rat which it hopes to meinhin in the - . Dari-m in In attractive end been†town end not wool-modubn cu: he obtained at "-trte men. otfMte and Residence: PRICEVILLE DR. 0. E. CARR, BA. Imam sunny . JOHI tNO. DR. C. McLELLAN DR. A. M. BELL CHRDPRACTIC Chiropractic Specialist: It R. R. No. t, Friend“. John W. china“ J. A. I. he... “will " iif I! 'i,': " "i" " M M a!!!