PUILlc MEAL NOTICE Notice is hereby tri en by the Board at noun. ot mm t Townshipthat my householder w knows or has mson to suspect gt any person Vithin his family household has any communicable d use. he shsll within twelve hours. n notice them ot to the Medical on r of Health or to the Beeretary ot th Local Board. Any person who contra ene. the pro- visions of the Public aith Act in this respect are liable to penalty of not loss than $25.00. t Dated at Holstein this 6th day ot August, 1924. DAVID LLAN, Secretary Local Boar of Health NOTICE is hereby given that ll have transmitted or delivered to the â€non- mentioned in Section 10 of the "Ontario Voters' List Act." the copieu required by said Section to be so transmitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to said Act of oil per- sons appearing by the lost revised Assessment Roll of the said Munici- pniity to be entitled to vote in the sud municipality' st elections tor members of the Legislstive Assembly and at Mnnicipnl elections: that said list I†Brat poeted up in my once at Holstein on the 25th day of Aug- ust. 1984. Ind remains there for in- spection. Electors are celled upon to ermine the aid list and it any omis- sions or any other errors are found ‘therein. to take immediate proceed- ings to have the said errors correc- ted according to law. Mun-cipality of the Township of Egremont, County of Grey Dated at Holstein this 25th day of August. 1924. Attractive Prices in Dry Goods and Furnishings Personality in Print Next week we will have in stock, a choice line of Boots and Shoes for Men, Women and Children. We have enlarged our store to give plenty of room to carry a good variety, and our stock will have all the newest models in Shoes. General Merchant Voters’ list, 1924 Extra quality Navy Serge, 56 in wide at......) .60 per yd Black Chiffon Velvet, 36 in. wide at............2.60 per yd Sport Flannel in Double and Single width. Extra good value in Light and Dark 1i'lannellettetr. Fancy Ribbons for trimming at p................. 156 per yd Ladies' Chamois Suede Gloves at B.................... 75c pr Men's Sweater Coats ar......................................." 50 Men's Silk and Wool Box........................... 600 per pr. "M ADVERTISEMENT G M Ilmrhmi" Issued by the Contain Weekly Newspaper- Animation. Road We .. Toronto. Condo Call in and inspect our goody. This "personality in print" is the greatest builder of cortfideneo than is. It teaches the whole community to . makes you aequninted with the buying public. PEOPLE prefer to buy known goods from mor- chants whom they know. ADVERTISING Moreover. people EXPECT to be mated to shop " your store. A montage in “THE REVIEW" cer- riel conviction right into the home. Let us show you whet happen when Boots and Shoes We will be also ready to supply you with W. J. VOLLETT ----itiqt" in you and your com --" mink they have a and for your goods. ----and to buy at your atqro. DAVID ALLAN, Clerk of Egremont New Staple Line of C. L. GRANT Rubbers of all kinds Holstein ...... .... 8 Durban ..,.........E Pricevllle............. Arthur ...... ...... S Cheoley ...... .....S Detgboro.............. Dundalk .............. Feversham ..........g Hanover ............. Markdale ............. F'1etstterton ...... ....E Meatord........ ..... Chatsworth ........... Ayton ........ ......S Mt. Forest ..........l Owen Sound ........., Winter Fair, Guelph . Royal Ag. Winter Fair Seventeen male customers ot awe" known and fashionable barber shop in Washington. have announced to their tonsorlal artists that they will never shave again until their wives let their hair grow out. They will raise ‘splte' beards " a protest against long hair. 17 MARRIED MEN GROW BEARDS TO FIGHT ‘BOBBING' "Bob your hair and I will let my whiskers grow until they reach my chest." But their wives did not heed them. Now the var ls on. Rudolph Green, social lender. point- ed to a three day old beard saying, "It is there to any. We are going buck to the age of hair. We will drive the women back too. I tun 39 years old and can show a very tine beard in the course of a few months. We are going to organize on a 100 per cent basis and tight against short hair in earnest. None but men suffering from an overdose of bobbed hair at.home are to be admitted. FALL FAIR DATES Lambton St. Sept. 23 and 24 Sept. 30, Oct 1 '.. Oct. 2 and 3 Sept. " and 24 Sept 25 and 26 . Sept 16 and 17 .. Oct. 1 and 2 Sept 30, Oct. 1 . Sept. 17 to 19 _.. Oct. 7 and 8 .Sept. 25 and 26 .. Sept 1 Tto 19 ...Oct. 9 and 10 Sept. 12 and 13 Sept 17 and 18 .. Sept .9 to 12 ....Nov. 10-13 Ir ..Nov. 18--26 Mr and Mrs Fred Runciman from Toronto, along with John Ferguson, and sister Sarah. from near Priceville were also recent visitors at the Fer- guson's. Mr and Mrs John Chapman and son Edward ot Toronto called on Mr. Mrs Brown last weeke en route to Owen Sound. In connection with the South Grey Temperance Association the Town- ship Committee appointed by the Ar- sociation meeting in Durham, Aug. 25th last, met at the Methodist Par- sonage on Tuesday evening. Further committees were appointed for each polling tnttFdivlision and arrange- ments made. for full publicity relative to the coming Plebiscite vote. The local ladies' organizations such as Women's Institute and w. M. S. So- cieties, are lining up for the Temper- ance work and will render valuable assistance in distributing literature at the Fall Fairs and wherever possible. The central committee is composed of Mr R. Sim (Chairman) : Messrs D. Allan, N. McGuire, Mrs W. Rogers and Rev. L. E._West. J. A. Ferguson, 12th con. says he In! the best yielding potatoes in On- tario. Recently his son Willie dug up two hills in his garden. one hill having 92 tubers in it while the other had 93. Who can beat it , Mr Wm Thorne ot the Holstein Br. of the Montreal Bank, left Monday morning to accept a position as teller in Woodstock. Mr McLean of Glen- coe came the same day to take Mr. Thorne'a place. Mr and Mrs Jae. Shuttleworth, Tor. onto, were visitors " their aunt's, Mrs J. A. Ti'orttugon on the 12th con. Messrs Clarence Fenton and Louie Woodyard are visitors at the London Fair this week. Mr and Mrs " Arnill and daugh- ter Margaret of Parchison, New Ont, spent a few days last week with his brother, R. J. Arnill. Mr Arnill has been on a motor tour through Ontario having visited his sister at Orillia, and spent a few days at the Exhibi- tion before reaching Holstein. Don't miss ' con Dubbs,' Friday, Sept. 12th, in t Agricultural Hall, Holstein, under an. ices of Women's Institute. Holstein is certainly proud of her " year old daughter who took honors in seven subjects out of eight in 3rd year Continuation School work. Con- gratulations Irene. ' The outside work of the Methodist Church is being painted by Mr R. Christie. The annual School Fair for the Township of Egremont, will be held in Holstein on Tuesday of next week. The teachers and pupils of the Pub. lic school here. are getting into line for the event. The presenting; of the gold medal for the highest standing at the Entrance Examination in Hol. stein will take place. The Sacrament: ot the Lord's Sup- per will be dispensed in the Presby- terian church on Sunday next. Rev G. S. Scott has received a very unanimous call to Pelham in the Hamilton Presbytery. Mr Scott is a very able and tiuent speaker and his discourses have been always much air- preciated for over seven years. Mr. Scott will be much missed in our vil- lage .3150 Stuart, Jarvis. Arthur and Miss Ruby. We wish them every suc- cess and feel that his departure is Pelham's gain and our loss. Mr and Mrs Geo. Armstrong of Proton, visited her parents, Mr and Mrs Geo Calder on Sunday last. Mr and Mrs Walter Swanston and son and Miss Elizabeth Swanston, all of Guelph, spent the early part of the week with Mr and Mrs John Rice. The four patrons of Creamery Co. sending number pounds butter the dates Aug. 25th to as follows '. Geo. Alexander (Conn) Hugh McEachern ..... Geo. Bishop (Conn) ... Wesley Halliday ..... HOLSTEIN LEADER Geo. Alexander (Conn) ..... 88.86 Hugh McEachern . . . . . . . . . . . 81.40 Goo. Bishop (Conn) ......... 80.07 Wesley Halliday ........... 76.88 In John Waddell or Senlac, Sask., and formerly merchant of this village. passed away at his home Monday of last week. His body was brought to Mt. Forest md remains were laid to rest on Friday last. John was born in the Township of Emmont and en- tered merchantlle life as n clerk, " terwnrd conducting business for him- self in the villus, afterwards remov- ing to Humboldt. Sank. His wife pre- deceued him never“ yam use. He leaves two Ions. Alnley and Brophy, md two daughters, Rein Ind Agnes, all in the West. Rev. L E. West attended the an- nual nnmcul meeting of the Mount Forest District on Fridsy lust and re- ports that a Tempersnce Rally wee one of the main futures of the dsy's proceeding relative to the Temperance vote. Rev. John Coburn, one of the Field Seeretsries ot the Socisl Bere- ice Department gsve s clesr and com- plete outline of the iesue and slso of the Temperance sitnstion generslly throughout the Dominion, Next Sun- day will be devoted to n considera- tion of the question in the Methodist ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO the Egremont the highest fat between Sept. 6th. are THE DURHAM REVIEW The Community Circle held their Brat indoor meeting since spring in the buement ot the Presbyterian Church. The scripture reading was given by Miss Davidson while the topics were taken by Messrs Robt. Haas and Bert Eccles. Between top tea the Misses West favored the Cir. cle with a duet. in the business part ot the meeting a motion was put by Rev. West and seconded by Miss Floyd was unanimously carried. The following is the motion : "Resolved, that we, the Holstein Community Circle, hereby record our sincere interest in the mtArts relat- ing to our present Temperance lays, and pledge our hearty and earnest support in favor of a continuance of the Ontario Temperance Act and hereby voice our decision to withstand to the utmost, with every passiblo counteracting force that is lawful and right, any unlawful procedure on the part of the drink traffic. and any in- roads on the part of its devastating influence that would result in a re- peal of our prohibition laws and ren. der null and void such temperance legislation as that enjoyed for so long by this province. We also voice our decision as an organization to in- fluence the vote of all our members in favor of more complete Prohibi- tion laws when the Plebiaeite is tale en. Berries are once more out of date, but they were beauties this Bummer-- so large and abundant. Quite a number from this locality attended the funeral ot the late Mrs. Lamont, Br. and the late John Wad- del---thtts expressing their sympathy to the bereaved. Signed on behalf of the Circle mem- hers. After a very enjoyable summer with his daughters, Mesdameg McDonald and Philp, Mr Mogk starts to-day on his return trip home to Sperling, Man. He purposes visiting along the way. We wish him a. safe and pleasant Journey. Jim Brown, Guelph, was a recent visitor at his old home here. Miss Audrey Rorke, Toronto, is the guest of her cousin Miss Gladys Rice. Miss Eftle Ellis came up from Guelph for the week end and Labor Day. She‘was accompanied by her cousin, Miss Elsie Reid. Miss Mary Alles, Toronto, was home for a few days’ vacation. Jim Ellis went West on last week’s excursion. Some of the visitors to Toronto friends during the Exhibition were: Mrs W. Groat, Mr and Mrs J. Rice, Clinton andG ladys Rice, Mr and Mrs W. Rogers, Mr and Mrs P. McLean. Mr and Mrs J. D. Drimmie, Mrs E. Ross, Mr V. Alles, Huber and Ethel Alias and Cecil Bryant. Dr. T. Urquhart, Maple, visited his sister. Mrs F. Reid, at the end ot last week and she and the children ac- companied him to Owen Sound. Mr and Mrs J. Lane, Swinton Park, were reecnt guests at A. Merchant's. Insert an ad. in the Review Tell it well and your ad. will sell plum and cab anion. nomad heavily and produced a pro- lifie crop of well-formed, fine.dla. vored fruit with rich color and fhw vor. Mr. Gordon has llkcwiu had Definite advice has been received at Victoria, B.C., that the Japanese training squadron, consisting of the "KUhima," "Asmi' and "Azuma" will visit Victoria during the winter. The squadron will leave Japan early in December, fol- lowing the annual fall manoeuvres. The work of re-bnnuting the main line of the Canadian Pacific between Montreal and Toronto (the Lake Oratorio shore liner) bu just been completed. Nearly 2,000,000 tom of crooked rock, or about 35,- 000 enr1onda, were used in this oper- ation. Officioll mu that the road- bed is now u excollont u it can be Approximately 60 per cent, or 1,252,604 of the population of Weatern Canada live on occupied tarma. Ot the balance, 474,516 live in ita 20 cities and towns of over 2,500 Ind 228,962 in 3.309 small towns and villages or 2,500 or under. Succeuful strawberry culture soo miles north of the international boundary has been proven possible by R. A. Gordon, of Edmonton, Alta. One hundred plants brought from Ontario winters! well, blon- world. It is anticipated that English or- ders for Canadian wool will exceed 1,000,000 pounds this year, which will be a considerable increase over the business of 1923, amounting to q00,000 pounds. ll Here and There D. Thorne, President I. West, Secretary and second to none in the YEOVIL (latent! tor last week) 8M- to the tet', of no. Stool: to union tt In Stool: in from of us In net everywhere you look there are stocks and Moo" ot grain. An odd farmer here and they have thmhed half I (lay and excellent yields are reported. Mlas Florence McIlvride spent the put week visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs In. Vincent and school chums In and around Agin- We agree with your comment Mr. Editor, on the ability possessed by Prof. Kata, the eye specialist He certainly is a marvel at his profession and can almost make the blind to Bee. (Not our comment: this was Prof. Kutz's own advertising-Ed.) We extend our sympathy to our for- mer friends and neighbors, the Moore family, in the sudden removal by death ot their brother Joseph. Pastor Burnett returned from his holiday trip and on Sunday lust again occupied his pulpit and preached in his old time vigor from the text, "But to us there is but one God." lst Cor., 8th Chan. 6th verse. ‘Twas well studied out and forcibly delivered. Not in a good many years have we seen so much grain to be harvested as on this tirat beautiful September day, but it the tine harvest weather continues a few days longer the fields, will soon be stripped of their beauty. 'Tia very sappy sort of harvest weather and not in years have we seen so much harvest to garner in " ter this 9th day of September. Master Norman McIlvrlde left last week to attend High School in Mt. Forest, also Geordie Schenk, who is attending the Continuation School at Holstein. Miss Mable Woods and her gentle- man friend, Mr Sandy Murdy of Luck- now, gave us a brief but pleasant vis- it Friday of last week returning again on Saturday. Mrs Jag. Ball underwent a. success- tul operation in Durham Red Cross Hospital last week. The farmers of our splendid local- ity are putting forth strenuous ettotts to get in their fall wheat, progress of which is greatly handicapped by the late harvest and other causes. The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per will be observed in Knox Church, on Sunday next, Sept. 14th. Prepara- tory Service Friday evening at g o' clock. The men ot the vicinity are busy trtoobthretrhing between the showers. Miss Jean Smith spent the week. end at her home here. Mrs. J. W. Johns returned home after spending a month " the men m home, Oshawa. Our machet- md pupils Are busy mooning for the Ichool fur. Rule] Dene. Kitchener. in visiting his friend. George John. The Anniversary Services will be held in the Orchardville church Sept. mt. afternoon 1nd evening, with Rev. Peters, Durham, in chute. A supper nnd . good programme with Rev. Peters and Rev. Burnett, “we chi spake" in being prepared for the following Monday evening. Miss Dinah Thompson and her nurse sister. Miss Maude, left last week to resume their duties in Toronto alter a well earned holiday. Mr Dave Marshall with hits good thrashing outtiet has done consider~ able harvest thrashing on the line. The grain is yielding good. Between the two of us Mr Editor, we were or the opinion from the start this Enquiry Com. was a farce, and would not amount to a hill of beans or possibly at the outside a. hill and a half. Mr: Alex. Ross. Yeovil, returned home After visiting I week with her daughter. Mm. Rom. Kirby. To be the wonderful champion of economy. our honorable friend, Dr. Jameson would have us believe him to be during the last election. He sure Is very loath to cut out this need- less and expensive scouting around the country, trying to ferret out the cause of the farmer's woes and troubles with no apparent letting up, judging by the. dates arranged for ahead. Any man of government with even a little horse sense knows or should know that the same condition affect- ing the farmers in his own locality, are the some conditions affecting the farmers all over the Province. Why then this bunkish scheme of listening to the same line or arguments day after day, for every report or meet- ings we have read, have been identi- cally the same. The Ferguson En- quiry Com. will never be able to rem’ edy the cause. but as a natural course of events the farmers and all other classes will find their own level and adjust themselves accordingly. For the farmers at least we feel there are better days soon due and Ferguson, with his usual crafty bluff. will tell the farmers next election he did it through this wonderful Agricultural Committee. “Fem Products cost more then they used to." "Yes." replied the Isr- mer, “when . tuner is supposed to know the haunted heme ot whet he's may sad the entomologlcsl me of the insect that eets It. en' the pher- meeeuueel me of the chewed that qrttt nu It, â€nobody'l [at to par." BLYTH’S com (This Week's Budget) ORCHARD Mr and Mrf Alex. Kline and the latter's mother, Mrs John Benton. visited relatives. the Bryden families in Arthur ova rthe week end. Mr and Mrs John' McMillan were via- ltors at the home ot the Clarke fami- lies, and attended services at Amos on Sunday last. Mr and Mrs Albert Middleton Ind little son and daughter, visited at their daughter's. Mrs Isaac Hooper on the 18th con. and also helped to swell the audience at Amos Church. Mr and Mrs Thou. Brown motored to Dundalk and visited the lotter's relatives there. Dmggist Campbell and " family, after services. The genial hearty 'old gentleman, Mr Mask. after spending the summer holidaying with his daughters, Mrs. Wm Philp and Mrs D. B. McDonald. returned to the West the beginning of the week, amid the beat wishes and hearty handshakes of his numerous friends. After a. lengthened visit with her brother and nephews, the Patterson families, Mr/s Acheson (nee Lucinda) returned to her home " Ottawa a week ago Monday, accompanied by her daughter, who is a teacher there. Mr G. Rutherford of Gall, was a visitor at the home of Mr and Mrs. Hunter over the week end. A Mr Geo Tarkington of Oshswa. has been down the 20th and other concessions installing tire tUhting apparatus, in many cases putting in two,- a very handy, reliable thing to have, especially around thrashing time. We believe there is not one in twenty who provides a ladder and a couple of pails of water as the policy stipulates, during that risky opera. tion. We were pleased to renew trnd make acquaintance with Miss E. Me. Lean and Mr J. Graham, teachers re spectlvely at B. S. No’s " and 10. Com'r Mack reported: R. Keith, 64 yds gravel. 85.12; J. Bunston, " yds gravel. $2.88; J. Allan, gruelling, 7.20 Report adopted. Com'r Gnu. reported: D. Etthett, rep. culvert, 83.50: N. Dodds, " yds gravel, 86.00. Report adopted. Pergtuson--Maet---That I mat of $100.00 be made to the Egremont Ag- ricultural Society. Carried. tulder-Arroat--rttat u aunt ot 326 be given to the Township School Fur The trustees ot B. B. No.13 have had installed a new heating arrange- tnent in the school. which we hope, will "keep the feet warm. and bend eool,"--saying nothing here about the rest 'of this adage-of the pupils. Sacrament of the Lord‘s Buppor will be observed in Amos Church on Sunday next, the 14th, Preparatory services being held this Thursday ev- ening at 8 p.121. We welcome our minister back again from his recent trip with his family to Mrs Burnett's parents It Thessalon. making the Nancy by auto. going by wny of Gravenhurtrt, Sudbury. etc, and returning by way ot the Saint. Bay City, Mich., Sonia Ind home, something over 1200 miles. His sermons are pleasing. editying, and masterly efforts, large congrega- tions turning out the last two Sun- days for worship. hGek-catder--rttat the settlement ot accounts between Egrenont nnd Glenelg town-Mu for yen-u 102t-.. 1923, be necepted u "tumetory, Gte. nelg township to expend the amount due Egremont on townltne this you. Com'r. Ferguson reported: R. Cro- nin, grading Eg't and Proton townllne Egremont's share 817.00; D. Living. ston. 24 yds gravel, 82.40; Feel. " Report adopted. Grou---Mnek--T'ttnt the Reeve, Dep. Reeve and Clerk be n committee to meet with the Council ot Proton Tp. " their next meeting re settlement ot accounts Ecremont & Proton town- line. Carried. Council met August 30th. Members all present. Minutes of last meeting read and adopted as amended, by re- cording Councillor Ferguson as voting Nay, on the motion appointing a Spe» cial Committee to complete the work recommended by the Engineer regar- ding the approaches or the river to the North side of the bridge, lot 19. con. 6. The Reeve reported: R. Sim. drag. ging road, 55c; T. Andrews. dragging road 52.25; P. Kelly, 82 yda gravel. $16.56; Ellen Kennedy, 24 yds gravel, $1.92; Henry Cowan, 20 yds gravel, $1.60; Jag. Robb, gruelling, days' la. bor, $33.62. Report adopted. Mr and Mrs Stanley Williams and family, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs Wm. Philp on Saturday ev- ening last. A portion pt the McCall family ot Toronto, were recent motor visitors to the home ot their aunt, Mrs Wm. Hay. ed list of books, goods and chute" belonging to the Township In the late Treuurer'e once u requested by Council It Rut meeting. 1Hxtat--A3ag. der-That the report ot Reeve and Clerk be eeeepted and they melt-e Miss Belle Lothian Pu" a visitor over the week end with Mr and Mrs Gordon Geddes, near Durham. Mr Reggie and Miss Grace Ramage are visiting in' Owen Sound this week and purpose attending that city's fair. The We aim Clerk can I detatt. Egremont Council JGive a each for Carried Byvluu Walter H Resolved that the following ac- count- be paid: Clerk, We Ports I and IT ot Voters' not. 82.67; Mem. bers of Council, att'ee at meeting to date, 37.60; B. Glboon. use of room. 81.00. Council adjourned to meet Monday October 6th, It 10 o'clock mm. for xenon! business. T 4 Extension Lad an. 2 Pumps. Tank Pump. 2 Chemical Clo. Steel Roofing and ightning Roda. The Best Investment Hnvirsg bought out ulnar: humans and conducting lane in his old “And Invites 'the Patronage or thoae who desire to get the beat twain: for choice business positions. Write today for Catalogue. Enter any thaw J mt Arrived “A Shipment J: A y I mer P u m p s O'pulte tttgh sdml. bani We prepnre young men cud young women for High-clan otBee And clerical positions. Begin u an) time. Mb student receives per sonnl attention. Catalogue sent on request. TILE-alms " u A course of Friction! Business Training in W's Pup ' Tile a. I will pay Highs-t Cosh Price. Also buy Ante, 1ursehair and "idle: Rags, and Lin Poultry Custom Planing 200 BEEF HIDE. WANTEB Bring it in to my store or telephone us. and my rig will cull for it. ' fDurh am flaming Will: 'tiMt.T. Clark JAMES MYERS, Holstein WHITE ENGINE in good repair For Sale. Also one GOOD BUZZ SAW, New . Wool Wanted h High- Grade School ! a. 10, 12.16. " in " inch. new" rousf 6NT. Yonge &Alennder sid, Toronto w. A. Trauma. Sash and Doors All kinds of ' Tiniantv DURHAM, ONT. Folt SALE PHONE 66. and Répair Work L ELLIOTT, Principal David MIMI. Clerk You Can Make uppolnuns A “‘6: __ .. wehqeerrtuotieHetenaagor “than to out Idling Sheet- up to - 'rsehdtnq M. I“. We in. n- 87 one who mama will Ind credit liven. loam after Sept. 8rd will be credited " next change. We hope a strong econ win be nude by those tn arrears to put their label In advance. VOL. XLVII. NO 3 on Heifer Anny W Pmmriln Lidia The mm' Aid nelson with one it needlework lens. a and“ to the IN the any previous ' was annoyed by I“ the amnion I“ l up] It In a. Mty comm-Hon do “a of this prtviieee t "tother. A thin! Mrs. (Rem) Smilh Soc For Bile rm 'tL"; tea-fEOPlcs. Novetttttm duxhwr “no and winter In M pMyuv-ian I The Womor the Prmbylorinn (‘hurrn nc-m &4 â€umber meeting al tho homf In Neil “Mum-I. [when frt when any two Indies were pr: In. Andrew Donn. President. “dad over the mang 3nd was pl ed to “ammo 'he lug-- wand In John Bell ronmbutod an l unavo- paper on w. M. 8. work of child! " Imp since the mee cl ttte ommiuuon. Mao she a o- trritt of the missionâ€? pu than the 'lmwnnr' which hut with the membership. Rites him ma I copy of the tttmt monthly In! published tn Hm under otl an mm. which than gold f per copy or [it per year. In. I†column-d the Bible " all In W. My an - my caudal “In In - In lounge! -eratts at be out! ot an 1 Evening to DGPIWNO MI ht t'tut M " Cattle Feed: M ml id m Mt THE PUBLI SH ER 8 Miuionny looting n'n Minion-n Sovi- " mm TI H ot that hold Thumblc " Chur M It FT