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Durham Review (1897), 27 Nov 1924, p. 1

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VOL. XLVII, NO. 48 Durham sonhodi2t Sandal Christmas entertainment will in the Town Hall. Thursday, to lit Play and 11ch A Play and " and coming of My will be given at day evening Dre. Admission Me. Hoop‘nal Operation. Two operations have taken ploceln Durham Memorul Hospital since last issue. Mina Ruth Nichol was oper- Mod upon last Friday for the removal or her appendix. while Mrs. Wes. Ball also underwent a major operation. Dr. n. B. Jamieson was the surgnnn. Red Crou You, Nov. an. The ladle of the Red Cross 80- 'ait'ty will hold a bazaar and sale of home made tNC" the Armorles. Saturday. Nov. 2 . They will also some afternoon tea. Any donation of baiting, candy. on... wnkbe thankfully received. Proceeds in aid of Red Cross Memorial Hospital. Frank - in Come to at Alan‘s noted , ttay. iree. Isl. I the Young La traveloRue will M " Durham Ship. While in to' Photographs Good Astor-Harvey Nuptial. H mission Dunstan The an Button. in the ettR1r. Ine nnaucuu statement showed a business of over $1100. The live stock of the Club is shipped through the Shipping Associ- ation. from Durham station. With rash on hand and assets. the Club has on hand $159---a good showing tor 1 Club of 23 members. other: for I925 are'. President. Neil se'y.sltootinst after the packing. l lane; Vice-President. Jno. " MCGil-l Mrs Glass reported a splendid box, livray: sec.-Treasurer, D. L MCAr~inearly ready for the Armenian boys thur. Priceville: Assistant Secretaryqu Georgetown. to be sent oi! " an Allan Meinniss; Directors, E. He.oteyit.art date. The annual collection tor M. McKeown. w. Ewing. R. J. McGll- I the Rest Fund, was tnken up. mount- Hvray; Dsoattate to Convention. Auing to $5.35. The meeting closed Beaton; sponsor tor resolutions sent'wmn singing Ind the Ninth heme to convention. T. M. Binnie. “on. ll At the residence of Mr Allan Bell. l Wednesday. Nov. Mth. the mar- "re was aolemnlzed of MrsNargaret arvo-y to Mr. Ernest Albert Ashley. an of Durham. Rev. 135. Taylor nulls! pastor. tied the nuptial knot. 2 p. m. The ceremony and good in.“ over. the bride and groom ‘Ol Mr am "Thy n'lr Calla Lil; Pastry Flour, , .;‘.“S:“_‘.O INlr9 I" 1100-! Phonv 11 l. J.W.Ewrm k rio-n 4I.l"‘.s_ nth-ha- ---F--. - ..'\ __-___ \'..I. our PM at old pr & Son. id clvan barley for sale than! millage. RR. I, Moore nulifylnx illustrate slides. o BO it ion :50. r ral Square grove ut to 1 honeymoon Saturday mm In the bride moth. The R " wo M annua Club 0V6 M tt pl 2,'ht, at Lalo": I " Social entitle game‘s: No U. F. o. Annual Meeting. I ual meeting ot Bunessan U. a was held in the school- N'oc. 17th, the Pres.. Mr. A. x the chair. The Btsaucittl showed a business of over te live stock of the Club is trough the Shipping Associ- 'm Durham station. With hand and assets. the Club t Christ]: JoBert. F H Kr [MIND ' and art-om ished n-ntal b! Mi to I Noted Tmologuo r Frank Yeigh. Cana- veloguo- man. on Mon- under the auspices of ies' Auxiliary. His fitting for St. And- m, "A Night in Scot- Il a o be rendered by MM: ' and Mrs Geo. M'com ished vocalists, u-mal b': Miss Hunter. H IL H oat crimplnx to lover Social entitled "Be, ,7 a drama or 0le New in Rural) Lite, Lawns School; Fri- IS,',' at 8 o'clock. ies with boxes St and Flour. sun Phone 114. J. will Massachuutu for their conm Mill " tt 1T.)t"11t",'.r wit h 5w on! y in Toronto, F. w. Kelse view wars of 'ds to h st om: and so mm. one ful chm: that sl MI train for om season WP hats sud Mine“! pri- rl rates now They will re- w on Queen adds constant: concert on ts dropped L so captiv- " Alex. Mt vhty splen magnum _ methin: Ina Apply "may. we roi School re held Jte par and had in Wal sito’) retur Ad 1t the Mad pur- M + MethodistW. M. S. Meet at home of Mrs ll. McCrae hd The December Ating of the Dan- ghters of the Emp , Durham Branch will be held at the me of Mrs. W. Calder, on Tuesday ev ng, Dee. 2nd Fined for tnfraetion of Law McDonald a: Mtrkelvey, pool room pi,',',?!,.' wFee'l,,' " as; st."':',',):',":) P. sutfere for over f.ive, yetWB trom “mi” P he 60 lug 2--4 'i;u"r'c'ii,'Hiftr.tts: Mr. Chas. W. Lang passed ' i' ' ' laway at his home here at ten p. m. We have our, ran, Shorts and!Tuesday, at the age of 73 years. Dur- all kinds of op and Poultry Feed. i lng the past winter and later, he had At Mr-Ks-chnle ill. Phone 114. J. [wen taking Dr. Bantintr's treatment w. van & Son. iror his ailment, but it proved of lit- - 7 wr-,, 7.. “.7 rm. 1th benefit. McDonald & Mekelvey, pool room proprietors, were before Magistrate Laidlaw Monday night, charged with allowing a sixteen yearold lad to fren- uent and play pool on the premises. The maxistrulv new the lad a sew ore- lmnurv, and imposed a tine on ttw proprietors of $10 and costs, amount- proprietors in: to SIS of 78 , Monday night. a day, Autoist to Stand Trial The Dept. of Public Highways will conduct an investigation at the Town Hall here, next Wednesday afternoon. regarding the serious accident to Mr. Wm. Grant, who was knocked down on the highway by a passing auto and tmttered a broken leg and other injuries. Roy Gibson of Preston, the driver of the car, will be required to stand trial, and other witnesses will give evidence. n: Last Thursday afternoon the mem-‘ bers of the W. M. B. of the Methodist) Church. met at the home of Mrs H.' McC'rae, Bruce St. The first part of the meeting was in charge ot Mrs. Moon. the devotional exercises being led by Mrs Hay and Mrs Peters. Mrs Moon opened the discussion on the Study Book by a talk on the ori. gin of the Chinese written language, which has formed what is known as the real revolution in China. With its 4M) milions of people, China has a very simple language. made up of thousands of characters. each char- acter representing an idea: but the written language has for thousands of wars been an lnpenetrable bar- If: 11‘ :::-r:l:”:::“ an itwetwttutble ”a“. An amusing and laughable play en- ' * ' “. l . " tF I“. Hu a graduate m. Columbi'tlmled The Adventures of Grandpa l'nivi-niti' in l916 now a i11','k'2,'iiey'l" on last Thursday evening by . F ." , (the A. Y. P. A. of Trinity Church to a m the National i'nivrrsity at Pekin,! . . . introduced a new and nimple style ot m”, house, the proceeds being m,” writing known as the "white lang- $132. All enacted their parts so Well mule" which meant in Chinese “plain that it is dimeult to select any stars. _ F ,. , , lKIoompy, hiding the bills in her 132:2?3 te,'."',')])," ')'."i',ut'tihio'lis,',tt,teiiti and the grandfather learn- howl of tierislon Then the old time 1 ing to dance, wpr" perhaps the most scholars broke out in violent opposi-lc°$:':al 1:193:33; the troubles of a lion. that it was treason to the mest'mun 2e ' rand tt'S randson' Mon- sacred traditions of China's history. . I.', g p g lint when Dr Hu Wrote a two vol te g” gt,rtitgi1ve.gutt'1'Tlt . . Wrat er, ts ammerhea ite. . , tu/yd',",)"',,')" of Chinese Phuosophy/iFilaien), a peppery old gentlvman t n ok became and has remained i from Yellow Bud, Ohio, wants to gee But when Dr. Ho wrote a two vor ttme history or Chineoe Philosophy, the book became and has remained the best seller. . To us interested as we are id Chris- tianity for China, think what this victory means for the Bible. It is the day of all days for the Christian mes- saga 1 " was decided that a box be packed [this week tor the Deaconess Homo. "Tarniltori, Mrs McClockiin and Mrs. pr, Wolfe receiving contributions and ._-u_:_._ -un_ ORA nut-Elna The mission fields were reviewed from the Atlantic to the Paettle, Ja- pan and China by the heralds, om fact becoming very prominent that during this last year in nearly every home in Japan a. Bible has been bought. a rather unprecendented event. iii1itt iiiiiitlitliititi, iiiiltgittt, N tjii.-iiiitad by Death nix ulr yum. Wuur- uu\l ..._'-., .._ ".0. been taking Dr. Bantintr's treatment! The "Review" has on hand a large for his ailment, but it proved of lit-land attractive assortment of Christ- tle benefit. tmas Personal Greeting Cards to select The deceased was born near Pres-[from and at very moderate prices. ton and in young manhood worked in i These cards come no more expensive Gait. Afterwards he conducted a’ihn the ordinary greeting folder one butchering business in Arthur, audibuys and in the Personal card one on selling out, took up farming West Pas the advantage of message and of Neustadt. Here he spent sixiname printed thereon as well. Prices years. and another six on a farm east lange from $1.75 per dozen P.p. Airlt of Dromore, in Egremont. Fiiiiri.ij.r./'so see them at the Review omee. years ago. he relin uished farming, . . and came to Durhagn, where ho hamDmm-nber Institute Meeting. . since lived. For a. few years when! The monthly" eeting of the Wom- tit'st here he conducted a outcim-‘m’s Institute wil be held at the home business. and of late years has man-{0I Mrs Wm. volle "Queen St. south. aged a greenhouse and a market gar-ion Thursday, Dec. th. “A paper by den on a small sealo. iMiss Belle Mcuirr Christmas in Inn“... mung" will he wad. and Dr. Forty-nine years ago he weddedl Elizabeth Webber, who survives him.) A little daughter died when less than! two years of age. and two adoptotil children also survive, Mrs. Arthuri Brooks of Hamilton, and John Lirr) of St. Marys. Peter Rnnstadler of: Detroit. is his only living halt-broth-l, er, and he has several nephews pro-l minent in business life, the. /errl Lang Uros., of the Lang Tanning Co.,l of Kitchener, Victor Lang, of Neu-E stadt. Barrister and Judge' Klein of Walker-ton. The funeral takes place Friday at 2 p, m. from his late residence, inter- ment being in the Anglican Church cemetery. l The "Wornen's League for Peace"""’ "“‘“ _.. '.'C.' Pet ----eP""" ‘and Freedom," hearing of the action;f0r manslaughter and fast driving. 'ot the enlightened Trustees. prompt-) D. Smith Making Good Recovery in engaged the Labor Temple for PX-I We are pleased to report Mr David] ':pected address, but below- it could/Smith, is making good progress tow- 1 ‘be given, along came the message oC, ard recovery in Durham Hospital, 211' the-r inability to give it owing to ill-im- his accident 1am Wednesday night,; mess. iwhich we briefly mentioned in lusti 1 We venture to say that the actionot't work's issue. It appears he was plan-i ith" Board of Education will have the i ning to take a run up Durham hill to? loppositc- effect from what they intend, i warm up the engine of his Sedaml led. and We would not he surprised if I when he crashed into the side of the “WW as many Ko to heat' her alter' railway engine of the night C. P.R..% ithe advertising she has received. Ev-fthen speeding into the station. SoI en in enlightened Toronto, there atvlterriiie was the impact that a main'; tutu-row minds. idrive rod of the engine, connecting'; l _---------- fihe two hind drive wheels was bent, _ . land had to be removed before going [Anghfan Young Penile ‘through to Walkerton The engine is; l, . inow away to the shop for repairs.'; " stage Amusmg Play,Mr. Smith received tt Severe shock,‘ i -------- . Put, was fortunate in escaping asi ', An amusing and laughable play en- ( lightly 85 he did, with a broken Ietrl [titled "The Adventures of Grandpa";and cuts about the head, which p,") Hwawm on last Thursday evening by iquired tlfteen stitches to close. PI [ ithe A. Y. P. A. of Trinity Church to a View The" stty was badly ye,',','.';)) o" full house, the proceeds being Menus engine being driven bukwards,l ' i $132. All mach their parts so “mane parts broken. while the top andI "ithut it is difficult to select any stars. 1 one side were also smashed up. Thrs y, Kloompy, hiding the bills in her: disabled car was left at the scene it 1istochings. and the grandfather iearn- i the occident all night, and next morn": a , ing to dance, WP", perhaps the moaning-It was found some sneak thief ficomical situations. ;had purioined the spare tire, two -l nu. -r-.. -anm‘l thrs tt.etuhrssR of al spark plugs and some tools. . It is some concern to South Grey to learn of the two predicaments into which their member has fallen. We hope the tirtst--her illtietste,-rmby be of brief duration, we are glad to know it is not considered serious, but even a severe cold makes limitations. The scond predicament is a horse of another color. A meeting had been scheduled to be addressed by her in Toronto Technical School on Cadet Training. which Trustees and Educa- tional ottieials--when they heard of hunt once seem to have deemed it dangerous to the State, tor they took emergency measures to prevent her talking there, as if they could prevent. a woman being heard! Toronto Board of Education Won't Allow her use of School Building We venture to say that the action of the Board of Education will have th" opposite affect from what they intend. ed, and we would not be surprised if twice as many. so to hear her after the advertising she has received. Ev- rather. Otis Hammerhead (Rev. J. 't/il d l: Whtualrm), a pe-ppery old genticrnartl 60 concert by i: from Yellow Bud, Ohio, wants to sew: I (li l l his grandson married, and tlu'ty1,P") eI1Note It S :1 to Ctti " Iris $6000 allown'inn it that -------- latter down‘t get married soon. Moir‘ The second of the series of cou- s te's sweetheart Dorothy May (Emily certs under Methodist Ladies' Aid, Hunt) has disappeared. so it» saws auspices was butter than its tired“, his allowance by pretending Ite isicesor, the program presented by the; married when his giwndmtlou' Itil- ; Kenmore girls-tttree attractive young: haunt-es a visit of a few hours in"‘iadies from Massachusetts - delights route to some other place. lie 'retsl'iing a large audience Versatility was' his friend Tod Hunter CTrben blshatz) , their middle name, for they were (il) ‘wht, runs a dancing academy, to “maintain at home on the piano. on the lim his wife Lucy (Florence Kress) l violins and harp, in song and eloetr; for the few hours visit and gives hiSLtionary work. As soloists they made, i grandfather the address of his friend', little impression, but in trios they; lat the dancing school. / Ititanium! beautiful harmony. Thou-l i The complication this causes is ad‘hm '5 instrumeuul work, all being .ded to by the closing of the house finished? musician 1nd their violin‘ under quarantine for smallpox, iii?))',:',?,' harp numbers could not be es-l iproionging the grandfather’s visit.leened. Miss 0min violin solo "Im-l iAmons the quarantined inmates isi proviation ot a. wry tale' with piano! ithe missing sweetheart, who is a T1yty't',eyteytt: was the beat number IDanton to Mrs. Pansy Hopscotch. P. of the evening, and the tlntrl recita- ineWIY rich lady (Mrs. D. B. Mepats tion, Edgar A. Guest's "Home" also "ianPJ Of course it came out all right aeeomptrnied, was a fitting tittale. lin the end and the grandfather be- The ladies were costumed depicting -‘stows his blessing on the young cou- present day and two previous periods hie, but not before some naming sit- In history. Miss Agnes McPhail Ill bURifAM, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1924 With which is incorporated the Holstein Lender ‘uations happen. The other charac- (ters were: Marie Ribeau, the dancing Itoucher (Miss Barr, Vaialey), Police- Hnan McCormack (James Lloyd), and Kloompy, the maid, 12 days om 1mm ‘Copvnhagen (Clarence Elvidgv.) l As a result of the accident last 'Wednesday night at the level cross- ling at the foot of Durham hill, when humid Smith‘s car struck the speed- ing engine. the C. P. R. this Week took a census of all trattle crosing the itrack there for 48 hours, commencing int x a.m. Monday, Nov. Mth. Three !men were engaged counting in eight thour shirts, Wm Nicholls and Wilfrid |Nichol being two thus engaged. The total two day tratfic was: Cars 231 : (cutters, sleighs and rigs, 246: Peo ‘ple walking over crossing, 1457. ‘Auto Fatality Near Mt. Forest December Institute Meeting. The monthly eeting of the Wont- vn’s Institute wil be held at the home of Mrs Wm. Volle “Queen St. south, on Thursday, Dec. th. A paper by Mlss Bone McGirr "Christmas In other lands" will be wad, and Dr. Jamieson, M.P.P., will g "fan address. Reading by Miss Annie Smith. Roll call to be answered with I ms for in- expensive Christmas gifts. AN are cordially invited to attend Traffic at C. P. R. Crossing Following a big banquet in Mount'; Forest last Thursday night to cele- brate the opening of their new paved streets. at which Hon. Geo. S Henry was the principal speaker, Mr Mitch. ell, a foreman of the Brennan Con- struction Company and his compan- ion, a traveller for the Hanover Ce- ment Co., set out for their home in Hamilton. Just a few miles out, the latter, who was driving, probably ata swift pace, ran into the staunch bridge just after a turn betwoen Mt. Forest and Kenilworth, and broke five posts before his car was halted. Mitchel was killed and'the driver was injured. but he crawled to a nearby house and secured aid. He was tak- en to Mt. Forest Hospital for atten- tion, and on his leaving it was placed under arrest, but is since out on $10. 000 bail. He will be brought to trial “or manslaughter and fast driving. ll ladies I Miss Naomi Medill of Colorado. is lon a few week's visit with her aunt. {Mrs E. A. Hay in town. f Miss Annie Macdonald motpred to her home in Ripley on Saturday. i Miss Marion Calder was in Toronto llasi week attending the Findlay-Mc- 'fy,Tr.',n wedding nuptials and r»- lmained over till Tuesday of this week. I Miss Alice M. Ramage spent the lweek end with Toronto friends. Mr John and Miss Mary McFayden. fridge Hill, with Mr and Mrs H. J. i, ACFadyen. Durham, visited at Mr. J. A. Black's. Chesley, the first of the week. Miss Katybel Black returnvd (home with them after a two week's 'visit around Durham. Mr and Mrs Roy Belfry motored to Midland on Saturday. Miss Dclaplante, of Owen Sound, is the guest tor a week or her friend, Mrs. C. C. Midllebro. ”Mrs Esther Milburn has returned to her home after a month's stay at Mr brother's, J. J. Peart's. Glenelg. Mr H. A. Hunter and Mr Gary Mor. ris lvuvo Saturday for their winter home in Kissimmee, Florida. Mrs J. H. Hunter will spend the winter in Toronto. With ad otttca returns in the ma- jority in the Plebiscite supporting the O. T. A. is 34,031. For Sate. Bee the new Westinghouse Radio Sets at Smith Bros. garage. Final "Dry" Majority A good laying strain of Leghorn hens. One year old. Reasons for sel- 1irur--oversUMtked. Apply to Wm. Jacques, R. R. 4, Durham. Phone 611, Christmas is approaching and it in not too soon to consider the purchas- ing of Personal Greeting Cards. The 'Review' has as an attractive an as- sortment as can be found anywhere, and at prices that suit the average pocketbook. Call and ask to see t'cem. Your choice of greeting, and name printed thereon. BORN McVWhR--At Durham Hospital, on Nov. 18th, to Mr and Mrs Angus McVicar, or Priceville, a son. sTRACHAN--on 20th Nov., at Grace Hospital, Winnipeg, to Mr and Mrs Geo. Strachan, (nee Edna C. Reid) 33 Stadacona St., a daughter. (Ed- na Elizabeth.) MeiNNIs--R0GERS---At St. Columha Church Mamie, Toronto. Monday, Nov. 17th, by Rev. Mr McTaggart, Mr Dan Mclnnis. formerly of Bun- vssan, to Miss - Rogers. of Cooksville, Ont. (After a short trip to Huntsville, the happy couple will make their home on “Thaw-1 mere Road, Toronto. I DIED BAiRD-Suddetily at Sudbury, on Tuesday, Nov. Mth, Marian Baird, aged 4 years. 10 months. daughter of Mr and Mrs Jas. Baird, {armor- ly of Mt. Forest, and grandttutthtt'r of Mr and Mrs Hugh Baird. Soudan (Ave, Toronto. Burial takes place in l Toronto Thursday. OF FURNITURE ( at t plant'of the Jackson Ma ufactur'tig Company, Durh , Ont., on SATURDAY, N VEMEER 29, 1924 consisting o the following : Solid oak Dini Room Suite, com- plete, Brass bed teadl springs and mattress; Two iro bedsteads.sprlngs and mattress; Chil s iron bed.springs and mattress; Ki Chen table and chairil", l Rocking mirs; 2 Kitchen cupboards; Hall ra ; 2 Dressers; Electric lamp; t'hi rélass Carpets, good as now; Kitchen stove; 2 Heat, ers; Crockeryware, ts.and pans: Dishes; Knives and F ‘ks. and mr merous other articles. There will also be off red tor sale a Gelding Driving Horse. 5 years old. Everything must be so . Sale at 1.30 sharp. . Terms: Amounts of $10 nd under, cash; over that amount a . time up to six months' credit will given on approved Joint notes Marin interest at 6 per cent per annum. J. LEVINE, R. BRIGHAM, Good maple ove wood, dry, 16 to 18 inches, deliv ed, $4.50 per cord. Mixed stove woo dry, $3.50 per cord delivered. Dry t nace wood, 30 to 361nches, $4.60 r cord delivered. Leave your order th W. C. Vollett. barber, or with John Dyer, on J. Ips vine’s premises. Proprietor: AU\CT|0N SALE woop FOR SALE. MARRIED be otrkred for sale R. BFIGHAM. Auctioneer w j.? Wampole’s Extract of Cod Liver it) . . 'its. McBETH "ru"iiGSo'f"""""3i. *saaaaaana sauna”; at" If: .ttrtttttFt:tFt 516626? 5.5295 Ea Bean Early Christmas Shopper Hand Bags China and Cut Glass line. Sec our Special " Suggestions for This stock is play. A piece pocket. Beauty Compacts. $1 to 5.50 Fountain Pens.... $2 to " Toilet Sets...$3.50 to $35.00 Ivory Pieces ....50c and up Perfumes ......25c to $5.00 Boxed Stationery. .25c and up In fact DOLLS . Some real bargains in this Prevent that Cold Published Weekly " 82.00 I year In dance. 82.60 a year in dance. C. “HAG! STAN DAi'ib BAN K BANKING McFadden’s REXALL DRUG STORE DURHAM BRANCH Get Best Choice and Save Money At this season of the your. cold and it is better to be forenrmed , there is something here ft AND TOYS for the Kiddies. Any article put away tttttil and Purses is now on dim P, to suit every WB, $1 to 5.50 .... " to " 3.50 to $35.00 ...500 and up ..25c to 85-00 Banking Service and Prosperity ROSPERITY on the farm is p largely dependent on tumors beyond the realm of the tarm' prs‘ control. There must be a Rood market demand for farm products and the production costs must be kept in proper relation with market returns. Our Branch Hummer ls thorughly familiar with the business of tum in: and is ready to aslst in carryintr your farm program to a sucrvssrul conclusion. BRANCH- John Kelly, Mano-pa Sub-Branch at Pricevlllo ONTARIO “ARCHIVES TORONTO OF CANADA the $2.25 Edison Suggestions for f Are popular now. A camping outfit hr. .668.00 A full stock ot Batteries, Aerials, Head Phones, Etc. until Christmas. Ftitary Brushes shaving Sets Caged Pipes Fluhlighn Smoking Sets Satay Razors Are still tlie brat. ......$39, $69. "' and up cold: are very prevalent med. Take for Everybody, even Radiola: Phonognphs '10 i'mited But“. & SON. Publlahen and Station? m

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