nd Th 7/ 1924 ere It?! n I Durham Red Cross Memorial Hos. pital is a busy institution these days, and every bed run to capacity. Thanks to the kindness of friends. they have, been supplied in the past, with fresh eggs through the medium of good laying pallets. But these same pullets have served their day and generation and are now on the honorary retired list. Everyone know: that fresh eggs are one ot the chief essentials in a hospital diet hitchen and to this end would be pleased to receive some good laying pallets tron their country or town friends. to keep them Inp- piied over the winter. Wiarton out on Home Buying Idea The Wharton Echo is responsible for a home-shopping campaign during the month of December. The Editor is circulating a petition around town going to every home in which they are asked to sign agreeing that they will for one month do all their buying at home stores. a] least everything they need that can be purchased in Wlarton. " the citizens stand be. hind the petition. it should give the mail order stores a bad fright. Hanna! in Mud of Fresh Eggs Wm. Scar! Figures in Accident . In company with another Toronto gentleman in the Latter's Ford coupe. between Toronto and Oshawa. Mr. Wm. Scarf. Toronto. was badly shak- en up when the coupe and a motor bus running out of Oshawa. and con- taining several passengers. had a head on collision. Fortunately only the coupe was seriously lnjured. all that remains of the latter being the two rear wheels and the back. view. On Sunda: of the Lord's Suppt ed, when 304 memb sacred emblems. on gathering at this se for some time. prime all; observance view. Or Kind to the Shut-ins Ott the afternoon of Sunday last, Communion Day in the Presbyterian church, the pastor and three of the elders. visited the homes of six mem- bers, who by use or intirmity are de- nied the privilege ot attending church. They conducted a brief communion together. something no doubt gen- uinely appreciated. Communion Dianna“ Sunday Last cm Friday last Preparatory Service was conducted in the Presbyterian A May and Box ial entitled "Be- tween Two Lives"-' a drama of Old and coming of the N in Rural’ Lite, will be given at Lat a School, Fri- day evening Dec. 12th. at 8 o'clock. Admission 25c. Ladie with boxes free. Mr John G. Demon. formerly of Centre (Blends 1nd later of Durham, ha â€and a paralytic stroke at the home of his Bon Win, near PricevUF, and lone of the members ot his family he been sent for. Play and lo: Suki at Latona A box soc! will be held at S. S. No. b, Git-now, n Friday, December 5th. A good p m is being arrang- ed. Ladle: bring": boxes free. Ad- mission. adults Me, ildren 10c. Mr: Walter Clark. Rocky Saugeen, Wu operated upon at Durham Red Cm: Hospital Monday for a serious one of appendicitis At time of writ- ing. Wednesday evening, she is re- ported to be progressing nicely. hurt The Lad ' Guild or Trinity Church Will hold th Bazaar and sale ot work in the amen: of the Public Library on Sat y afternoon. Dec. 13th, 1924. STRAY 0UND came to premisws or Jan. A. own, Bunessan. a black and tan ho d pup. Owner may secure same by‘xpaying expenlws. ' Ju. A. Browxphono 608. r I---.", Trinity rch Bazaar Dec. 13th The Lad ' Guild or Trinity Church Will_hpld th Bazaar and sale of For the ba ce of the season we are otrerintt ttl trimmed hats and ready-to-wears It really reduced pri. ces. Miss" Tru LOST: (ii)'),",:':':":",:;',:,,)', ovoning, be. tween Durha Post Omee and the Hospital, . wring watch with ribbon bond. Finderwill litre by leaving at Review Omee. Aurora will have a " foot high war memorial, surmounted by a bronat- lantern, which will be kept lighted all the time. Next Sunday evening Rev. W. H. Smith expects to begin a new series ot sermons dealing with some phases of young peoples' ventures out in the world. The ttrgt sermon will be on "The lure of the city." If Thou. Banks: we regret to sate in in I Poor state of health at the preach! time. “III " old _ Ewen & Son Rob Roy Mills are ow buying all kinds of grain u the P star. Chopping d oat erim us every day at McKee ie Mill. Photographs: Christmas rate: now on. IS for a dozen. F. W. Kelsey. Try our Pt t Brand Flour. Still sei. ling " old p P. Phone 114.1. W. VOL. XLVII. No. 46 "v “we corrected our mailing list up to 3rd or December and kindly ask all to examine their label, lat, to see it we hue given you credit. 2nd---To' mute a resolve if the label I: not in advance or " least “Vb-date. to " once, with n "do-it. now" tspirit, strange for u remittance and give us tt Kerry Christmas. Thank you. THE plymnurnu For the ba THAT LABEL 0F YOURS , One way ot showing â€reunion of . â€upper tn by being prompt with m_'ttmsrurtion renew“; We have corrected our mailing list up to 3rd of December and kindly ask all to examine their label, Ist, to Bee it We have given you credit. 5-.) - LOST Villv 3'79 l 1-5:..0W N334 'ijiiisllliii..i.)st8ltptt-iiiit who u mestion THAT the THE pcuiiiiiiiiiii for [tte ordinam vas administe partook of tt of the large; Presbyterian Sutherland ot mar th appro- right " In tr H',, will buy' limited amount of Maple. Birch, El and Basswood logs. Por prices apply Mr D. Kinnee, or omce ot Durham mlture Co. Here is something that has puzzled good people in all ages. Why do the scamps succeed and the saints fail? Do they? Well, the wicked often seem to prosper and some seem to prosper in the ways or evil as long as they live. Does God hold the scale: of justice evenly. Do men reap what they sow and as they sow? The prosperity of the wicked is contrary to what we feel we have a right to expect. How would you explain it? We want all our old friends to have a part in the discussion. Be sure to come. Society wish†at this time also to acknowledge and thank the contribu- tion of the Cameron Children at the Rocky Garden Party held last sum- mer, amounting to $30.50. this amount to be used In comforts for the nurses. Next Sunday, Dee. 7th. at 2.30 in the Star Theatre. the Men's Class will gather again and discuss "The Prosperity of the Wicked." sold throughout the season. will amount to $300.00. The Armorirs where the sale of work was held, was :Ittrm-iiwly do-coratetl with t'estoons of patriotie bunting and large bells, while on the candy table a miniature Christmas Tree was gaily decorated. Much beautiful work that spoke many hours of labor, was disposed of and at the close of sale very Mttle remain. ed. Atternoon tea was also servo-4i and at a home made baking booth much baking changed hands. The ladies of the Red Cross Stteiety wish through the medium of the Review, to express their grateful thanks to all who assisted in anyway in makingthe bazaar the success it proved to be. To Mr D. Flatt. Mt. Forest. the lad- ies bestow their gratitude for his liberality in supplying many beautiiul cut Bowers and potted plants. Tho Red Cross E The Red l the top" on vial receipts 'sale $260.00. Jno. McGirr and M Dancing which last hours concluded an night. rnuntation to Mrs W. Aljoe On Tuesday evening about an hum dred of the friends of Mrs Wm. Aljoe, South Glenelg. gathered at her home before removing from the section to Durham. At an appropriate time she was presented with a line wicker rocking chair, upholstered in tapes. try, by Mrs Wes. Arnett, on behalf of the section, while Miss Millie Whit- more read the address. Mr Robt. Mc- Fadden was chairman for the event and brief speeches were also given by Reeve Wm. Weir, Coup. Alex Aljoe. 1.". \:.,n2 77 . ‘- Bought Prize Fox for $1000. Mr James Darnvel. owner of the Rock Mills Fox Ranch. while up hunt. ing this, fall. sold a pair of proved breeding foxes to M. Nesbit ot Ard. beg for $1200. While at the Royal Winter Fair at Toronto Mr Dargavet purchased a prize winning pup from the Pure Canadian Fox Co. of Prince Edward Island for which he paid the handsome sum of $1000. Presentation to Mrs w, _ .-...., ... Tetc" Inspector Murray was in Anon last , ii1"fe villi-2‘3?" (foul?!) be 1:911“??? week and "xamined the 1",.meayj')'li'ui. towns '-l"h'll1l1'liuiont/d1u: for the position of Postmaster of Ay-l, Paisley and Fergus but. they could ton. The following apepared before l spare time now tor survey and estim- him : Fred Cerein, Val. Glebe and ates, and work could be gone on with John Werner. I whenever desired. A Timely Christmas Gift Mayor Smith in favor of Project Every year a number or our m1 tdeTi,ti,et"ui,tlt, "tgtl1,hg2/?,.tt"iptahvr sicribors senti‘ the Review to distant ing as our streets are now a heavy rrlends as a Christmas Gift. " makt-s Pxpemw and the heavy increasing an inexpensive gift that your friends traffic on Garafraxa St., especially will appreciate every week duringthe demands, pavement. Reeve Calder rear. The balance of the present I said cost was the essential point and year K095 in with next year's subscrip- thought Council could make no mhri tion to any who desire to start tho take in saying "Go ahead and get out paper now. plans and tspeeuleataionts." He ac- cordingly moved, seconded by Conn. Bought Prize Fox for $1000. 'h..-,.. mL-‘ .__, _a. A - -- When Mrs D. C. Town had occas- ion to go to their garage on Wednes. day to take out the car, she: found the garage» had been entered and on fur- ther investigation found the batteries of the car removed. This is despic- able work and something which is al- together too common around Durham and vicinity Three after "ostmasterahip The local masons of the Royal Arch Chapter, numbering 30 or 40, are, holding this Thursday evening, a banquet and entertainment in their lodge rooms at which their wives and lady friends are invited. Bazaar “€an Next Satur ay, Dee. 6th, the Meth. odist Young dies' Mission Circle will hold a ha: and sale of home- made bakin gan candy in the bass- ment of the Meth ist church. com- mencing at 2.30. T v are also ser- ving afternoon tea. Try our Lily Aatry Flour. It's good. Phon 14. J.W.Ewen& Son Don't fall to hear H. J Moore, the noted Horticulturist. at the Veteran Star Theatre, to-pight, Thursday. PIGS FOR 8 E: 11 young York Pigs, 7 weeks old.' Wm. S. Atohison, Varney. one 604, 2-4, Durham We have our, Bran, Shorts and all kinds ot op and Poultry Feed. At Mekeehnie 1. Phone lll. J. W. Ewen & Son. Bazaar “he: MEN'S BIBLE CLASS Lode WANTED Bazaar a Success Cross Bazaar m ISatunlay last iiilitt ross Bazaar went Saturday last in realizing from the and this with othet and Mrs Wes. Arrirti.' I lasted till morning nloyable soci r went "over last in finttn- rom the day's th other work wagon. will 'hp Armorirs was held, was with t'estoons His successor is as yet an unknown quantity. Not a few are mentioning Mr. Allan Bell as a suitable man, Mr. John McQueen is also mentioned,-- Murdock, McFadden and McDonald, have experience and there would be something historic to put a Hunter in the chair. We cannot read their thoughts nor do we know their aspir- ations but no doubt they will let us know in good time. Many would like to see Dr. Grant again occupy the big seat. Mayor Dr. Smith has firmly and finally decided-so he informs the Re- view-to relinquish the Mayor's chair at the close of 1924. The Dr has sat tor tive years in Council, three as Councilman, two as Reeve, and the town is by no means tired of him yet. He has given good service in the Mayor's chair and we believe the whole town appreciates it. Who are to be By-law 797 appointing election o!', flcials and polls was given its sever- al wading! and passed. These are, Noah Ward at library-C. Elvidge, D It 0: G s'lhier--Pon Clerk East at McFarlane's tailor shop, J. L. Stedman, D. R. O.; Art McClocklin, Poll Clerk. West at Town Hall, P.,Patterson, I). R o. ; Thus. Moftat, Poll Clerk. The Fire & Light Com. were auth. orized to secure a good coal heater tor fuw hall. Reeve Calder reported selling Chem. ical Engine Debenture for $1700 to a Normanby resident, and sidewalk dc- benture for $200 to the Mayor. He recommended chains"bought for drive wheels of chemical engine, which was Mr to Purchasing Com. He also mentioned securing refund of $449.69 from Co. Council. N Coun. McDonald reported on the much-discussed rent for Jackson building, stating the lessee. Mr Hard- ing would agree to settlement at $25 a. month first three months, and $5 a month after, totalling $170. " broknn pant-s in building lose? would also replace. Coun. Bell strongly object- ed to this sottlemvnt, stating it was now sutrlet for storage. and rate was much lower than initial agreenwnt. Mcnonor--McF'adden, moved that I'e- port be acoeptmi. Carried. Accounts totalling $456.61 and Coun- ty rate or $3,600, wvrv passed. __..., Handguns itrattie on Gararraxa St, especially 'demands pavement. Reeve Calder [said cost was the essential point and Ithought Council could make no mis- 1 take in saying "Go ahead and get out plans and ttPettit/tttatoms." He ac- cordingly moved, seconded by Coun. Hunter. "that than ot Connor & Reid be empowered to make a survey ot Garafraxa and Lambton Streets ton concrete paving, also estimate of cost of same, the. work to be done without} obligation to the town, until such time as paving is decided upon, thenl engineer’s fee of 5 per cent to be giv. en." This was carried unanimously. A. No‘bie presented a bill for $27 for tire extinguishers used at Smith's. tire nearly three years ago. The Council disclaimed any liability, and while stating Noble should be recom- pensed, agreed that the Insurance Co.) or Smith's. or both should settle it. I i h I) h - l I v-"t irsrliiiii) "t5uerti.. iw Pnever ur am (es res o ay own . paved streets. they be retained 'aJry"uTJ'tut,),vkit1i'trte,'i'hts, American leuglnec-rs at the usual 5 per cent "'99.; radio broadcasting stations Were shut f Mr. Reid explained that on Pronn-; oft for several hours to clear the air y cial Highway through town, the GOVII lor measagcs and programs from Eur- lpass so per cent or coat ot central 2d o can stations Quite a number were â€NIL including storm sewers, and hgard in Toronto, and Mr Bert Far- county 20 per cent. The town wouldi yell on his radio in Kross' More here, Itakv over a cortain width, say 20 rt., . . I . " . I 1 was able to hear Scotland and also iand Intersections 'Pd the 'balancv,’ France. though not distinctly enough I would be , charge tor. 20 years onl to be followed. . rpropvrty fronting the highway. Third l would be reasonable as Mt. Forvst I Car Accident in Hanover i pays only about Sc per foot per year.) While Albert Ashley was returning On the County road the County“ from Hanover in his Ford ear last would pay 40 per cent. Early in the. Thursday night, along with a Hinds ‘sprlng his firm would be very busy) lad, he did not reduce speed suitin- nu 0|“... ----- I . . l, A paved main street through Dur- {ham will probably be a reality within itwo or three years, as the Council :Monday night made the Initial move to this end, without incurring any lite ‘bility. Mr _G. G. Reid of the firm of (Connor and Reid, Consulting Eerie (er'rs of Toronto, addressed the Coun-; gcii, stating his firm was ready to no 'ahead next week and make a ham" lsnrvey of the streets which might be (paved, and furnish the Council with _speeifieations and estimates of the most without incurrin g any obiiga-n 'tion. The only condition was that] Durham Council Authorizes Survey of cost for Garafraxa and Lambton Sta. Council Takes First Steps Towards Paved Streets DURHAM, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1924 Rulers for 1925 With which is incorporated the Holstein Lenin Dressed Poult for the Christmas Market will have to be marketed here not later than turday Dec. 20th. It nearly always curs that prices at that time are muc better than later as all orders by t wholesalers are placed by that time nd it gives them and the retailers onl ' three days the first 01' the following (wk to disposu of the Poultry to their customers. All scalded Poultry ll be paid for at about 5e per lb. belo' P the market prim) of the Dry picked oultry. Live Poultry taken in urham ev- ery Tuesday forenoon. ow is the right time to get rid of y r surplus Chickens and Hens, also Du ks. ROBT. BURNETT t J. a J. HUNTER G. E. HARRON Milk f Chickens must be crate fattened f r 15 days to till out the muscles an be fed skim milk or but- termilk in t eir mash each day and be good white olor and perfect finish-- all feathers off, also heads-to get the "Milkfedi' price. Pented Tu eys, Ducks' and Geese must be fame. quality that have been taken oft the ange and penfvd for at least H days. Keep poor or imma- ture stock at h me and Patten for lul- er delivery. . Dressed Poultry f orChristmas While W. " Portice, the Varney blacksmith, was leaving the Presby- terlan church sheds after the enter- tainment Monday night, his engine was cold, and turning down on the hill, Just above the C. P. R. crossing, the brakes of the car would not hold to bring it to a stop before the oncom- ing night train. The engineer fortun- ately noticed the situation and slow- ed down the train, giving the passen- gers a Jolt forward, while Portice stepped on the gas. Just clearing the track in front of the engine. While Albert Ashley was returning from Hanover in his Ford car laqt Thursday night, along with a Hinds lad, he did not reduce speed sullic- iently at Jacklin’s corner to turn. The car skidded, left the road and it struck the fence, breaking the wind- 'shield and otherwise damaging the lliver to the extent or $50 or $75. Neither lad was injured. Almoot Another (ironing Accident The Owen Sound Sun-Times issued an admirable number yesterday, 3rd Dec., when in addition to its News Service it gave a. Souvenir Edition to mark the opening of the New Vocm tional School there. With abundant illustrations it is a number worth keeping. We congratulate the Pub- lishers.’ Beautiful sleighing all week with tine seasonable temperature. Issues Splendid Number For the Reeveship we will have no doubt the present live occupant in the field, fiushed with his noted ach- ievement " the recent meeting of County Council meeting by which he won for the town $449, in spite of strenuous opposition. However tltcres are Pyes on the Council Board turned to the Reeveship and it may be any- body's race. a visitor week. THOMPSON-ln Durham, on Friday Nov. 28th, to Mr and Mrs G. A Thompson, a daughter. LMOLAW--rn Windsor, on Nov. 20 to Dr. and Mrs Fred Laidlaw, a son, CLARK-ln Durham Hospital, or, Thursday, Nov. 27th. 1924, Margaret Clark, beloved wife of John R Clark, 1708 6th ave W., o. Sound, Mrs John Lynn and children re- turned last week from Southampton, where they visited Mrs Lynn's homo. “‘ Mr and Mrs Putnam of Mt Forest, were week end ,guests of Mrs P's mother, Mrs Caldwell in town. Mr. Robt. Vollot, Timmins, came to his parent's home here Wednesday night. to Bee his mother, who at prPs- ent is in a low state of health. Miss Harriet Anderson of Hamilton, is also a visitor at the Voile-t home this Mr John Kerr, Detroit, and Miss Katie L., of Fergus, were at their home at Varney last Wl'l'k end to visit their father, Mr Jas. Kerr, who has been quite ill of late. We ar" pleased to state that he is now im- proving. Mr and Mrs Tibbut and daughter, of Kineardine, Were guests of Mr and Mrs Rom. Moorhead over the week end. Mrs Wm. Brigham is Giling hear son in London this Week. Mr Arch. McKinnon of Coultervale. Man., who was called to Durham on the death of his brother-in-law, the late Geo. Meikle, and one of the ben. eitcarietr, left Monday on the retum trip West, leaving Paisley, his old home town. He visited his many friends in Bruce and Bentlnck and spent Saturday with his cousin. Mrs J. C. Nichol, who has often visited at his home in the West. Mrs Thos. Henderson with daugh- ter Betty and sister. Miss Jean Drum-, mond, were in Toronto last week. l, J. Merariane." It is liiisairiitTie iii left Durham. Mr Rod Mcpérlane of Flint, Mich., who is visiting his home town this yeghds the truest of his brother W. Mr John Cain of Walkertbh. L' vitr Hing his brother-in-raw, Mr Rom Liquay, Glenelg. Mr Rom. Moftat, went to Inrniiairli' last week end to attend the funeral of y Cu, hirtrister-itrlaw Mrs Geo. Cowie. I '4 Mr A. W. H. Lauder was In Lon-f don and Toronto on business last! Week and this and witnesed the hock-l ey game Friday night last in London) between London and o. Sound Jrs..l and in which his son Martin 'subbed.’: Mrs E. Jackson and little niece, Joan Smith, left New York on the "Mauretania" to visit the farmer's mother in England, who is quite ill. Mrs E. L. Knight was in the city a couple of days this week. Miss Elizabeth McDonald and littlu niece. Jessie Croft. returned to town Tuesday after a visit at the former's home at Acton. Rev. J. E. Peters' exchanged pul- pits Sunday with Rev. Mr Hurlburl ot Fergus. Mrs Chas. Urquhart of Port Credit Is visiting her mother, Mrs T. R Whelan for a few days. Miss Isabel nobie," teacher at Mu lock, was a guest of Miss Sadie Mc Donald over the week end. Mrs Wm. Crowley of Toronto, is visiting at the home of her niece, Mrs. G. E Harron. Mrs (RC-V.) w. H. old this week in 'Eastern Star' work Mr and Mrs Wm. Kennedy, Shel-i borne. visited a day last week 'rithl, Mrs K's mother, Mrs J. Aldred. Mrs (Rt-v.) w. H. Smith is in Thor-‘ old this week in connection with; BORN DIED ills. McBETH ' Here are choice suggestions and a * ide choice: . Boxed Chocolates-all sizes and prices t.F. a. Pipes ami-Cigars-all makes-the Ideal Gift for a man W Fancy Stationery. . . . . . .. . . . . 25c to $3.50 per box W Perfumes, in fancy packages from . . . . . . . . . . 25c up in Toilet Water. A full Assortment of French Ivory ti'"""""" ssssasseeeg t, Christmas Buying Made Easy p." â€"""â€"â€"â€"â€" "mm-- ' *uaaauaaa 3333:9333â€; a? In fact there is something here for Everybody, even DOLLS AND TOYS for the Kiddies. Any article put away until Christmas. Beauty Compacts, $1 to 5.50 Fountain Pear... $2 to $7 Toilet Sets...$3.50 to $35.00 Ivory Pieces ....50c and up Perfumes ......25c to 85.00 Boxed Stationery. .250 and up Suggestions for Her China and Cut Glass This stock 13 now on dis. play. A piece to suit every pocket. Band Bags line. See our Special at ....$2.25 Be an Early Christmas Shopper Some real bargains in this McFadden’s REXALL DRUG STORE STANDARD BAN K BANKING Published Weekly at 88.00 I you In “on. To United sun“. 32.50 a year in advance. C. macs: & son. Publinhurv ONTAM Get Best Choice and Save Money in fancy packages from . . . . . . . . .. 25c up er. A full Assortment of French Ivory Christmas Cards, Tags, Seals, etc. OF CANADA DURHAM BRANCH-John Kelly, Mandy" Sub-Brand: at Pricevui. and Purses TORONTO Buying on Hie Installment Plan urchasing commodities by p paying "a dollar down and a dollar a week" has grown into great popularity. Often tlu- object purchased is worn out before it is paid for, and the purchaser continuum to pay. Buy yourself a fortune on the installment plan by placing rum- lar installments of your earnings in a. Standard Bank Savings Account. 'rm, monvy is always available tor nw it required and more is no d0~pl‘l‘('li.li0ll but accruing interest in; Ilmr goes on. Druggilt and Mtationer DURHAM Suggestions for Him unitary Brush†Shaving Sets _ Clue! Pipes Flashlights Smoking Sets Safety Razors Edison Are popular now. A complete outm for. 353.00 A full Mock of Batteries, Aerials. Head Phones, Etc. Are still the beat. ......$30. $69. 6†and up Radio!†Phonognphs , H ll