Pt) '7? E " No. 9 Box-social as advertised in last wwk's Review to come " on the 5th inst.. was postponed to the 9th inst. owing to inclement weather. On Tuesday the school was comfortab- ly filled and also the Chairman's chair comfortably tilled J. A. Graham who has acquired a happy platform manner. He had a short program be fore him which was made up of the following numbers: Dialogue. Mines Eliza Patterson. Grace Lindsay. Mimn Harm"), Messrs Archie McDonald. Arthur Lindsay: songs. James Park, &Allnn Pork; John Dunsmoor :Mono. In†and Relations. E. Padneld, Reggie McFadden and Annie Arnett : an; by 4 all] girls. "Mr Shadow": Rocky Oren-tn. Mr Alex Mchn. -stiemed " the penny decor-n. ted boxes. the "ttest going to te, the new to: running troll/50c to 31.00. Over 850 m we tron: this box new which In! Pul_the teach. m haw it in shape for public an! Thursday night: or at latest day evening. a. s. Mo. 9, Glen-lg, Boeereia! Review Ads Bring tfft Results The Review advert sed a wrist watch lost last week and the paper was not out three hours until Master Frank Ritchie. who had found it. re- turned it here for the owner. A stray hound advertised. also found an own- er the next day, while another laun- vi' who advertised stock for sale, in. formed us the ad. brought him quite a number of buyers. Results count and the Review advertising is what brings them. Man's Class Next Sunday in the Star Theatre at 2.30 the discussion will be on the "Problem ot Pain"--' fact we' know well altho some people deny there is such a thing as pain. Buti the cause ot it, reason for it and mini istry to those who experienbe it arti thins.\we do not at all understand- nor atipreeiate. We have often JCI claimed why-why--- but the final; answer can only be given by Him, who was made perfect through sullen! ing. Rink Opens this Wash I Two weeks ago President John] Snell and a number ot Boy Scouts; tool the itrtst steps in preparing ant ice foundation in the rink. but the; thaw over the week end almost ruin-5 ed their work. But for it skating would have been inaugurated for the winter last week. At a meeting of the rinh management. Mr Wm. (“Scottie") Munro was again selected " ice manager. than whom there is no better in the district. Since the cold weather Tuesday. he has been rebuilding the ice sheet. and hopes to have it in shape for public skating on Thursday night: or at latest Satur- The Young Ladies' Mission Circle of the Methodist Church held a luc- cesslul bazaar and alternoon tea on Saturday afternoon last In the school- room or their church. There was a line display of fancy goods. the work of the members themselves. " well as tt table of home made bathing. Af. ternoon tea was also served at which Mrs Gagnon and Mrs KIechtel were in charge. The young ladle! will clear "P, as a result of their enter- prise. . in the Queen Mary Tea Rooms. w†patroulzvd by many former Barium- ites who rnjoyed the reunion apart trom the play. Nineteen tables were ttned and " the close ot the playing, Mrs Wm. Scarf proved to be the "high lady". receiving a beautiful pair of embroidered pillow cases. 830 was cleared as a result of the euehre. Minion Circle have 15tteeitut Sale The /Proqretmive Euchre; -arattred and given by the Durham Club in Toronto on Friday evening. Nov 88, The Men's Class commenced their meetings for the winter months nu Sunday afternoon. with between twenty and thirty in attendance. Rev W. H. Smith is again leader, R.L. Saunders was re-elected President and Camp. McLachlan is the new Sec'y Treasurer. The Class purposes holding a banquet about mid-winter with some noted speniter to Mid"!!! them. Durham Club Euchre in Toronto Hal's can Ro-orqaniud Mr Frank Weaver who last week sovered his connection with Knox Church, Walkwrton. as choir director, was presented with an umbrella " their Iarw-wo-ll practice by the mem- bers of the choir. Mr Weaver its now on duty as organist in Brannon! but still returns weekly to Harrilton. Durham and Walkerton to continue his music classes. The annual Baptls Smithy School Chrbtmu Entertainm t will be held in the church on Tue , Dec. 23rd. 'hotographo: Christmas rates now on. 15 for a dozen. F. W. Kelsey. Trinity Church ar Dec. 13th The Ladies' Hull of Trinity Church will hold their Ba ar and sale at work in the baseline or the Public Library on Saturday fternoon. Dec. 13th. 1924. Dtertirm organist Gets umbrella Rob Roy Millere now saying all kinds of (rain at e elevator. Chopping and out ti"""" every day at McKechnje Mil Bee the' new wanna Radio Sets at Smith Bros.? arise. VOL. XLVII, N O. 50 will We have corrected our mailing Bat up to 3rd ot December and kindly ask all to examine their label. lot. to Bee " we have given you credit. &td---T'o make n resolve it the label is not in “hence or at least opted-to, to at once. with a "do-lt- now" spirit, uni-use for n remittance and give us a Merry Chrutmo. Thank you. THE PUBLISHERS One way of showing “DWI: of a newspaper In by being mm with sybncripuon renewals. Try our mot Flour have smiled to school purp- THAT LABEL OF YOUR! , 'OPl J.W t't, good The delegation consists of Warden MeTavish, Fletrherton: Reeves, Dur- ham and Hanover: Reeves D. J. Me- ‘Donald, Bentinek; Weir. Glenelg; McKenzie. Artemesia; Taylor, 09. prey ; Warden Sinclair of Bruce and Co. Road Superintendent Johnson of Owen Sound. Urging Provincial Road Walkerton to Singbampton I Mr Wm J. Kenning, who has been following the. tailoring business in Walkerton for the past eight years, and is well known in Durham sport- ing circles. has leased a stand in St. Marys. and is moving his business to that town, which has a population of 4000 and up to the present has boast- ed only one tailor shop. As St Marys is a great lacrosse town, the Club there. who recognise in Mr Henning one of the beat defense players in Western Ontario were instrumental in inducing him to locate in the Stone Town. The hockey team there have also been making overtures to Bill to get him on their line up. so on both the ice and lacrosse field he will hear the Bells of St Marys ringing to him. Pres. Auxiliary Hold Annual Meeting The Young Ladle ' Auxiliary of the Presbyterian Jdll.'lti'lrm(',t' in the school-. room or that church on Monday even- ing for election of ottieers for the coming year which resulted as tol. lows: Honorary Presidents. Mrs It, MacFarlane. Mrs W. H. Smith: Pres; ident, Mrs Ralph Cation (2nd term) ;) Vice President. Margaret Edge; _ Secretary, Myrtle Koch: Treasurer,‘ Allie McGowan. The Auxiliary feel that with so many informative books in the Public Library bearing on China and other foreign lands. it would be doing good work to make use or these in their meetings and" thus they may follow a new line of procedure for 1925. The young ladies have over ttoo to their credit tor the year's work. Our County town is nothing it not ambitious. The latest instance of their ambition is the proposal to build a million dollar elevator as a munici- pal project. and to do it in 1925! Al- ready about $50,900 in stock has been subscribed, and " the ratepayers vote I for the By-law to be submitted in Jan. [ nary. “it's a go." If "God helps those who help themselves" be true, Owen Sound is due to receive a generous ‘share of Providential favors. Here's wishing them success. Scholarly Address by Mia MacPhail Miss MacPhnil IM.P, on Monday night in the City hall, Owen Sound, under the auspices of the National Council ot Women. gave an address on the. subject "Prevention of the Causes of War" to a large and apprec- iative audience. Throughout her forceful address Miss Mephail had the sympathy and accord of her hearers. who heartily ipplauded her. She was the guest or Mr R.M. Duncan, M. P.. and Mrs Duncan while in the city, who gave a dinner in her honor. Moving to St. Marys Miss Mary McAllister. at present teaching in New Zealand, content. plates taking a run to Australia dur- ing the Christmas holidays. so she in- forms her parents in Normanby. The Island continent is only a few days sail from New Zealand and to have visited it will widen her horizon of the southern seas. She is escaping one Canadian winter and at present will be basking in summer sunshine. A Million Dollar Elevator. Death wan Accidental l The. Jury at the coroner's inquest at Mt. Forest, held to enquire as to the cause or death ot Wm Mitchell. killed in an automobile accident south or the town on Nov. let, brought in the verdict that the accident was nur- ely accidental and no blame could he attached to anyone. Bert Raynor, the driver of the car, who was injured m the mishap, was thus freed from all liability. Plans to Wait Auctralia 1 A Play and Social entitled "Be, tween Two Liv. u.- a drama of Old and coming ot x New ih Rural Lite, will be given at Iona School. Fri- day evening Dec. 1 th. at g o'clock. Admission 25c. dies with boxes, tree. We have our, Bran, Shorts and all kinds of op and Poultry Feed. At Mekeehnie lt. Phone 114. J. W. Ewen & Son. Play and Box mill " Latona iii1e - illvuru tut mu lulu sne- WIB BIIUng Wuoue 'IS. "T Before Magistrate Laidlaw on Wed, tor Mr. Christie, and was instantly lnesday afternoon, a three-hour trial i admitted and tentatively engaged for " Latona 'was held to secure evidence regarding: the Follies. Her premiere rehearsal cial entitled “Br-l the serious accident on the Gama for this show takes place on Thursday. fraxa on Nov 15th, when Mr Wm., For one hour each morning she is all “ drama ot 0m] Grant, was knocked down by a pas? so engaged in the making of ture in ‘w in Rural Li†sing car and is still in a serious eon-) the Pathe studios, ona SChOOL Fri, I dition. having recently been taken p, The big papers have written her up. h, at g o'cloek. I Durham Hospital. The Dept. of Pub; and it she had not inherited from her dies with boxesllie Highways prosecuted the case.‘ parents good sound sense her head iBarrister Middlebro' acting as coun-I would have been turned. She has i','tl while Barrister Clarke of Mount frequently visited in Durham with her [Forest acted tor the defendant, Mr. 5 parents and we otter congratulations. Ton'"". inquest Roy Gibson of Preston, who was driv-f To come into the limelight in a few 0 enquire as to ing the car. {short weeks is unusual, but Lorna is I Wm Mitchell, To a certain extent the evidence, an unusual girl. and has had courage e aecident Bouth given was contradictory. For the’ enough to retain unbobbed a beauti- 21st, brought, in, prosecution. Messrs Palmer Patter.l in] head of hair. Toronto may soon Ltldent was DUI“! son and J. J. Wilton, neighbors or Mia! be placing her along with Mary Pick» blame could ho Grant's, ttstified that after the acci- ford and other movie stars. l '3ert Havnnr thn‘an... .L... FN-se, . _ . . _ -' The occasion for showing the pur- traits of this accomplished lady, only in her 18th year, was her brilliant am- bition to shine in the movies. Slip and her mother went to Ne wYork but conditions there did not please them and Mia Sommerville getting an intro. duction to a stage manager trom a friend who soon discovered in her un- usual talent. and this with a charming personality. soon induced him to put her in his revue. Someone suggested Miss Sommer- vilie's name to Howard Chandler Chr- istie, the popular artist and illustra- tor. He had been vainly searching New York for a truly beautiful brun- ette with long wavy tresses. One glance at Lorna Sommerville was aut- ncient to prove she more than tilled the necessary requirements and she was forthwith engaged tor sittings tor two or more portraits. practice will commence at once. ( t,u)t.'tti,rs,yu.e'i',,,ggtj.onsgdt,h/otet ------_---- . {led the gathering to order and intro- q . duced a varied andi interesting pro- gram, features of wh c were : instru- MISS [Alma somerlue 'mental duetts by Mesdames Harding . - and Town ; Vocal selections 2y Comp. In the Lme-llght Walter Buck; exposition of mind 'reading, crystal gazing, legerdemaln. . l restidi itation, etc., by Com A, Daughter of Pym" .Durharn Girl 18mm gand Hay: Piano solos tl'. hefore the footlights m New York 1 Comp. Morrison Smith and a vaude- ------- {ville turn by Comp's Moorhead and Tuesday's Toronto Star has two Cox. Tuesday's Toronto Sun has two tine portraits ot Miss Lorna Somme.» ville, whose mother, nee Miss Blanche Hunter, was a well known Durham girl. daughter ot the hate J. H. Hunt- er, M. P. P. and of Mrs J. H. Hunter, who spent the summer at her home here. The meeting was of the opinion) that only one team could be succese-l fully financed here, and there is sear/ cely trumeient Junior material avail- able to form a team. It was unanl-; mously decided to enter a team in the; Senior Northern series, in which' league, Durham will have excellent‘ prospects for a winning team, as far. as district honors are concerned. lee in the rink is now about ready and practice will commence at once. i A gathering ot the local hockey Ge thusiasts was held in Kress’ store on Friday night, when organization was effected for the coming season. The officers are : President-Wm. Calder Vice President-John Murdock Sec‘y Treas--M. Steinacher Managing Com.--Ab. Noble, R L. Saunders, Ins. McLachian, Robt. Whitmore. This committee fppoints a manager from its members and we understand Ab. Noble is accepting the position. Geo. E. Harron was appointed dale Rate to the annual meeting of the Nor, them League in Palmerston on Dee 16th. Durham will Have Sr. Northern Hockey Team Mr Grant can remember nothing of the accident. except tor stating he was walking down east side of road, and knew nolmore until he came to in his own home an hour or so later. On the evidence heard, the Magis- trate reserved judgment until next Monday and in the meantime he will submit the evidence to other judicial authority for consultation. _ The defendant-driver. Roy Gibson, and his companion Arthur Aljoe Were defence witnesses. They testified that the car tracks on east side of road were made by their car returning to the slime after striking Mr Grant, and that they had travelled south down the centre of the road, which was 30 teet wide When they first saw Mr Grant when 100 feet or more. back, he was walking south on road, about six feet from the edge and thetr he passed from view of headlights.,) They were on centre of road and when about to pass him, he stepped ov- er in front ot car. He was struck by left front wheel and fender, thrown up on lender and rolled ott running board. ~out"; wvcna In uuuaunl, DUI, puma " To a certain extpnt the evidence, an unusual girl, and has had courage given was contradictory. For the' enough to retain unbobbed a beauti. i prosecution, Messrs Palmer Patter‘ in] head or hair. Toronto may soon I Bon and J. J. Wilton, neighbors ot M11. be placing her along with Mary Help Grant's. tistified that after the RCCl-' lord and other movie stars. dent that Saturday evening they hind.I I II taken a lantern and examined the, tracks left by the car in question. Mr f Commencement Ex reins Grant had been walking south on rr',"s"ttl The High Soho Commencement side of road, and the car overtook Exercisos will be h id in the Town him. Some 60 or 70 feet north of Hall, Durham, Fri ay, Dec. 19th. where the blood stain spot marks-ti! Come and hear the A baina Warblers. where the victim fell, they found that I the French drama "O lei parlo Fran- car tracks left the centre of road; mils" will surprise you. dmission Me where it travelled and Bwerved tow-' All seats reserved. ards east side. The tracks continued . . .Almost a Real Accident 3:: 'tti') s',.',i,1't' tie,,, Tvu"e2,ITtil,1y The muddy, srlushy Toads ot' Monday on the road .whei'e car had turtuuli last, had their effect on travelling back and hemmed about centre at" motor cars. when despite chains, the road, ‘best nppointed cars will slide. Such, While at work on his canvases Mr, DURHAM. THURSDAY. DECEMBER ll, 1924 With which is incorporated the lunch Leader Ex.-Comp. Pickering and his corps of stewards, then took charge and served a dainty and satisfactory re- past. after which the banquet room was cleared for devotees of the dance while in the main hall tables and cards were provided for those who wished to play. comp. Morrison Smith and a vaude, ville turn by Comp's Moorhead and Cox. A unique event was the presmtw tion of a "pot of gold" to ex-Comp. Croft. This Comp. was so overwhel- med by the panegyric of eulogistie enconlum showered on.him by the chairman, that he was utterly unable to reply. The Hanover members of Durham Royal Arch Chapter who were present were Mr and Mrs C. Huether, Mr and Mrs J. A. Magee, Mr. W. Back, Mr. Mr and Mrs Frank' Sidi,' Mr Breugmm. Miss Knechtel. The spacious new Chapter Rooms Were crowded to capacity with a jolly assemblage that easily imbibod the fraternal spirit of the "Royal Craft" and prepared themselves for an evening of music, mirth and laugh- ter. .A milestone in the local Society's history, was marked on Thursday ev- enlng last when the Companions of Durham Chapter Royal Arch Masons were "At Home" to their wives and lady friends. Royal Arch Masons Entertain Miss MacPhall, who was the mm" lng spirit in organizing the League, could not be present for the meeting. The Executlve will meet again East- er week to complete plans for tho Bummer Rally. The winners of each pair will meet in a sudden death debate to deéide the winner at the Young People's Rally to be held next summer. For the debates, the Executive Rive the home team three subjects. The home team selects the topic and visit- ing team the side. Each speaker will be given 12 minutes and an. leader 4 minutes for reply. Three outside Judges for each debate will be ap- pointed by the Executive. . ‘Almost a Real Accident ; The muddy, slushy roads at Monday last, had their effect on travelling Imotor cars. when despite chains, the ibest appointed cars will slide. Such iwas the case 'at least to Miss Winnie EBlyth of Varney, who was driving in. ito town with their Gray Dori. On coming down Corktown hill, the car skidded Just at the moment Mr Mile Wilson. fish manger, was approach- ing, driving a horse and light wagon.) The result to the car was a bent bumper, to t e Wagon a broken shaft Cand to the retaining fence a looser.- ed post. 'Nutt sod. The Clubé were paired " in draft. ing the schedule. as follows: No. 7, Nor'by at Rocky-Jan. 16, 1925 Rocky at No. 7--Peb. 13, 1925 Cevlon at Edge Hill-Jan. 23, 1925 Edge Hill at Ceylon-- Feb. 20, 1925 At an executive meeting held in Markdale last Saturday four Clubs entered the Debating League in South-East Grey,-- Rocky Saugeen, Edge Hill, No. 7, Normanby and the "Onward" Club of Ceylon. Four Teams Enter S. Grey Debating League T Christie suggested that Lorna enter the Ziegfeld Follies. She visited the casting director's office and was re- fused an interview with Mr Ziegfeld. Returning a few days later, she men- tioned the fact that she was sitting for Mr. Christie. and was instantly admitted and tentatively engaged for the Follies. Her premiere rehearsal: for this show takes place on Thursday.) For one hour each morning she is a!†so engaged in the making of film‘ in) the Pathe studios. Ball, Mr. 1vriiritutiii/, the local Society's ad on Thursday PV- he Companions of loyal Arch Masons Mrs _-- Headquarters tor aanta Llaus 'irvr I-P'""??"'?'?"'"?'??" , Holiday Gifts Are you thinking of having a sale? it so the Review will print your bills for you neatly, promptly, and at a very moderate price. The full list of stock and articles for sale will be published in the Review for a small extra charge. Arrangements can be made with any auctioneer at this olu tice. a live Interest in the gameiswglso taken. Durham was favored with a visit last Thursday and Friday from Mr. R. E. Sinclair of Toronto, Secretary or the Dominion Checker Association, who came to arouse interest among local exponents of the game, and weld them into an organization. A list of players in the town and immediate vi- cinity was drafted out and RR names included. A meeting or all interest. ed is called in the Public Library for Thursday night, Dec. llth, when it i;; planned to organize a Durham Check- er Club, elect otmeers and arrange a series of games. Mr Sinclair is de- sirous of having the strongest local players come to Toronto on Dec 29th. to compete in the annual Dominion Tournament. En route here Mr Sin- clair visited Shelburne and Dundalk, where Clubs already exist, also his friend, Dr. Sheath of Dromore, where The trustees of School Section No. 4, Arthur. advertised for a teacher to begin duties at the. New Year. No fewer than 212 applications were re- ceived. The receiving and reading of these applications was no light task, and took about three evenings. Only one could be accepted. Miss Lilian McQueen of Arthur was the Choice, at a salary of $700. Would Organize a Checker Club Have you orderad your personal Christmas greeting cards yet , See the choicest and lowest price selec- tion manufactured in Canada, at the Review Oftiee. Plenty to Choose From MORTLEY --in The small son of Mr and Mrs Fred Forsyth (nee Rita McComb) of Perth, is at present in Sick Children's Hos- pital, Toronto, where he is receiving treatment tor acute indigestion. We hope the means used for his wean-13v will be successful. Mr and Mrs. O. G. Aldermm of New York, spent over the week end with Mr and Mrs. Geo. E. Barron. . __ -.... v.-.ul. lual WI‘FK. Mr C. McEachern of Stayner. tn. spector of Weights and Measures, was In town last week and spent Sunday with his old schoolmate and neighbor. Mrs. J. McQuevn. .. 77â€"- -v- - l"“" . Messrs Stewart McArthur and Har, old McKee-hale were in Markdaie on Saturday as representatives i‘mm their section in assisting to draw up the Inter-League Debating Sclwduit- for the coming season. Mrs A. S. Muir and young son Grant, of Ceylon, were visitors at her fathet"s, Mr C. L Grant last week. u- n --r" . Miss Grace Baird came home trom Hamntonw General Hospital Friday night last, to be with her parents. Mr and Mrs Arch. Baird. Grace entered the Hospital too yopng and will ttt- tend High School for a year. , Mr. Wm. Grant, Varney, who was badly hurt when struck down by a motor car a few weeks ago, was brought to the hospital for further treatment Wednesday. _ Mr Eddie McQueen was in Owen Sound Tuesday writing on a Civil Ser- vice examination. Mr Chas. McFarlane. Bunessan left for Toupnto Tuesday of this week URTLEY --it1 Arthur township, on December 9th. to Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mortley. a son. YOUR SALE BILLS Delicious Candy, Fascinating Toilet Requisites Singly and in Sets, Quality Stationery, Waterman's and Parker's Fountain Pens, Bibles, Hymnals, Prayer Books, China, Cut Glass, Hand Bags, Compacts, Smoking Sets, Cigars, Safety Razors, Flashlights, Ete. Pbonographs SB up. Radiolas $53, Westinghouse Greeting Cards, Tags, Seals, Tinsel, Etc. Any article put aside until Christmas where you can do your Christmas Shopping conveniently. Here you will find at fair prices Gift Goods h Sit every Taste ad Every Purse THE REXALL DRUG STORE is a place BORN McFA00EN'S ' DRUG STORE KLad" Shop Early. Headquarters for Santa Claus {3.8. McBETH ' Here are choice suggestions and a wide choice; w Boxed clrtcohttes--all sizes and prices W Pipes and cigars-all makes-the Ideal (lift for a man (i' Fancy Stationery. . . . . . . . . . . . 25c to $3.50 per box iti Periumes, in fancy packages in m .......... 25c up w Toilet Water. A full Assortment of French Ivory 3! Christmas Cards, Tags, Seals, etc. tc"'""""" 6t'FtFFF"'ftt6F,; g Christmas Buying Made Easy " STAN DAKD BAN K BANKING Published Weekly at 88.00 u no: In “was. To United sums. $2.60 I year In “more. C. WAGE & SON. Putin-hen ONTARIO DURHAM BRANCH-John Kelly, Manny" Sub-Brunch " Pricevilk )1; Conduct your Affairs .3 With Dignity RIO ARCHIVES TORONTO OF CANADA Standard Bank Savings Ac, count lends dignity to the transactions of the depotrttor. It identifies him with an organization that is known and respected in the community. and establishes a contact which is invaluable should he at any time desire counsel or advice on money matters. Open a Standard Bank Savings Account. It will help you to develop your tinaneiai resour- ces as nothing else can, and enable you to conduct your personal limin- cial affairs with dignity. Druggist and Stunoner DURHAM itf, rm (in