. . The oldest existing but in the torld is laid to be the Bank of Barce- Iona, In Spain. which was founded in 1401. Englnnd's tirst but was open- ed in 103 by Francis Child, a [old- 7 ith. A number of other xoldemlm medium followed sun. The Mint the Tower of London had been the acute†for the on]: of ammu- ntll Charles the Ptrat "taed the may " a loan. Then the We GG to deposit their cash vim the [domains in Lombard Strut. T Molten glass conducts clown“: quit, although cold aim I! n - ht human V --- Than It. tho hell. ot Raleigh. one. . prosperous village In Notttntttrttire. lulmd. now only I country valor. All sin or battalion was "allowed " may nun ago by m authentic. It in tmid that - Christmas Eve the bell; of the old church are heard to ring again. Amongst the bells which will ring out to greet the coming Yuletlde will be my ghostly pods. hard on no ather night In the you; for tradition any. that the balls at all buried churches Join the charm every Christ- nu Eve. The submerged boll.- of Dunwich. now mend by memuouato join the “only chant. A legend of this kind ta told of g country church near Preston, England the very name which nobody known. In Holland the - at the city ot Been ta told "an CW. This wonderful place we. lemon: for It: magtutteenets end beauty, Ind also for its wickedneu end Mindanao“. One day the whole city we: swallowed up by the see. There is a anneal ntisfnction ex- pressed over the ultimnto â€women ot Norman Manitoba on n mineral no ducer. nnd an. opinion in “My my. "native among export. that Inni- tuba will come to run! better with no other mittetral-produeing provinces of Canada. Development has been noctu- wily slow. hampond by caution od innommut in on unmvon Odd, coupled with its Imam on dit- nculiy of “we“. " is not. -oertqd that future development will he un- duly rapid. but I certain amount at and: development will be maintain- ed. The Marie: bu been recoiving considerable attention from capital. hu. and this. token in conjunction with the indux to the on: " present evidenced, “guru faith tn the “it once of commercial minenln in North- ern Manitoba and in In neurones of further development, The operation. of the dietriet my be grouped undu- three tte---- Copper. gold. end silver-lend. in e general way this represents also the order of mineralization from west b out in the belt. In bidet. both " Herb Lake and Elbow lake the ttttb look is eonsidered decidedly encou- eging toe the development ot cold pro pertiu The underground results on the Bingo at Herb Lake. end the sur- ince dieooveries on the Murray and Gerhntt properties " Elbow me. are nttrecting the attention of responsible lining companies to both districts. The world copper situation nee elect- ed progress in the copper nee. but there are good indication: that under- ground prospecting will continue. and, to will. from surface showing: the‘ chances for ore bodies being dimer ed in that eree are good. Work is proceeding rapidly to determine whether the xeiennailver occurrences in the sedition" on the little Herb River ere enmcintly extensive to (rode " on ore body. Much work will yet he required hetero the extent of the mineralization in e heevily clny- envered country can be (any esti- noted. the Bh A kw your: Ito the Northern Mul- toba mineral bolt. In its mun “I.“ of dovelopmont. attracted eon-lamb]. notice. an amour: more has been i Iain: of public notice. m. I: not to Glass and Elntrlclv. World's Oldest Banks. Mystery Bells. a The tieet ot electric indttgrtriat trucks. which, with special bodies, were converted into miniature light.- eveein; buses to carry visitors about the grounds of the British Empire ex- hibit " Wembley in a few days more than three months, carried I million passengers. During this time there were only six minor accidents. all of which were ceased by the enrolm- ness of the Injured persons. You can get Dr. William:’ Pink Pill: through any dealer in medicine, or by mail It 60e a box trom The Dr. Wil- liuma' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ied. Theee pills purity bed blood. strengthen week blood, end they nuke good blood, end " the condition of your blood lmpmvee you will ruein proper strength, end enjoy life fully on every girl and women ehould do. The cue ot Mn. Mary Trainer. Perth, Ontario. chow. the velue of Dr. Wit-. lienu' Pink Pills in cues of thin kind. I she Bai.--"' had not been feeling well for some time end had been grad. uelly growing wetter. I found it very hard to do my housework; bed leverej heedechee end us very pale. I took! doctor's medicine for come time. but) they did me no good. I was (rowlnxl weaker and used to faint end lake: dizzy spells. In this condition I began; the use ot Dr. Williams' Pink Pill-,n end after a time found they were helping me. I continued their use un- til I found the troubles that ellicled me had gone and l em once more en- joying good health and strength." You should not promptly. Make good the mm In your blood by ak- lu Dr. Wulluna' Pink Pills. the moat rdlnble blood enricher our discover- VICTIMS (lf ANAEMIA It in on “torment. met that nine women out ot - ten no victims ot Noodlmneee in one form or soother. The girl in her teens, the wife end mother, the matron ot middle "e--all how its miseries. To be anemic mean; that you on breathless otter “In: exertion. You feel worn out and depmsed. You turn against tood sod often Iuutrtot digest whet you do eat, Bleep does not retro-h you, and when you get up you ieel exhausted end tmtit for the doy'o duties. it he;- lected anaemia may leed to consump- tion. Need New, Rich Blood to Re- store Health and Strength. Name..... Province, Post Oitice., Cut out this advertisement. mark the bulletins desired, including the List of 400 Pub- lications, fill in your name and address, and mail to: R. R. No..., The Dominion Department of Agriculture has .more than 400 pamphlet: covering every phase of farming ttannin. They are wntten to do make farming more profitable' and are FREE. The following are examples: LUt of A†Publication Ben-omâ€. Fun-in; matte Fu Emil-Is in Canada Apple Inclu- The 2"Pt " Beef Cattle at"... of n Winter Production of Em Fruit Ind Vegetable Balm Benutilylng the Fur. lie-o (Torn Borer Control Crate Fading Poultry Home Construction Bulletin Filing Synta- Foedlng Ruh- for Sheep Ill-ecu Attectiet Live Stock The Fnrnu-r'u Pizza" The Feeding of Sheep The Milking Machine Sweet from Butter The Cranberry lulu-try kmers’Bu/[ofim , Mow to... A Publications Branch Department of Agriculture Ottawa, Canada (No - Ion-ind) -------__-- ----- --------- ' LI i7 - , e-------.-.-------- jiiltl5.1liil., _i!i,_C,.'i,i',i'i'j..l-ii Atular 17012227041516§7jftï¬Â¥m4nmn 2'01: Wetrttrtr N.. Penn Dela“ " lm. 'fgiei.'.y.yr.u"lt,'t: atâ€. .. I. 'dtt'tcrt'yl,'t. 't_....,.' am thena0qhrn. â€ital“. up .._.. “in. '1"aT:"%.TGFtiGT'i'%iirT6airtiGij FrrGiidiiuri0dikAbitG" - - __ "tkata -- Any “themed gummy Agent, or JAIIS W. ELWILL C GO., INO., Gan. Again! " “It. “not. New York City. Widthgcm Safe Tra-tatlon. “1‘.ch - I “by! I Ida" I I“... "etUt'tWpggtr.urgeturtdtltu.' h"it, audio“ “I†huh I. m 1ltu.'as m as n Por 'ttet',; a to“... “a. I.“ out! - a to the " mam-l. trc 'redt"dl'.i,t.' “A in dun mm. . orqh-tm: lam H.- In. Nun mm. 'or but.» Minna-Mn ll badminton“ -tr.--. WINTER CRUISES I925 SS. Flaunt-I 6: ii " " OLD and RARE BOOKS "Madam," he said in a broken voice, "I wish to draw your attention to the terrible plight of a poor family in this district. The lather is dead, the moth. er is too ill to work, and the nine children are starving. They are about to be turned into the cold streets un- less someone pays their rent, which amounts to any dollars.†"How terrible!" exclaimed the lady. "May I ask who you are?" The sympathetic visitor applied his handkerchief to his eyes. "l'm the landlord," he aobbed. ON CANADIAN SUBJECTS. Send particulars to the Wlkon Publishing Company, 73 West Adelaide Street. Toronto, Ontario. A big, burly mun called at the rec- tory, and asked to see the rector's wire, a woman well known for her charitable impulses. Once. when Blutt King Hal my very ill in December, and the nation we. anxious about his recovery, by com- mon consent it was decided to have I silent Christmas', without bolls, carols, or merry-makings. It was Oliver Cromwell“: reformer! in many waysr-who tried to suppress:' the observance of Christmas. ordering, that the "hurttul custom." " he styled , it, should be Ignored In the principal towne. In order to attain this end he enacted that a]! markets should be held on December 26th. But the Pro. tector could not enforce the “endow! ment of such a time-honored and popu-t lar custom, and his command was hon-I ored more in the breach than the G.l servauce. I M. Punk i The cuatom ot hanging up stocking- ?on Christmas Eve had its origin in a. ‘legond about Bt, Nicholas. It used to vbe done on December 'th, the Eve ot iSt. Nichol“, and in Belgium and one ior two other cmmtriea this date in Mill adhered to. Yet there is actually a period of Enc- lish history when the strong arm of the luv intervened to put down whet was described as "a superstitious festival," and all Christmas festivities were tor. bidders, The holly and mistletoe were ordered to be destroyed mot and branch as “pleats ot the Evil One." Without doubt Christmas is the most popular festival of the you. It is the time when, Above all others, the family circle makes an extra-special snort to complete itself. It is a time of peace and goodwill. When Christmas Was Illegal. The story soon titat there no a poor nobleman who had three daughters. He woo so badly oft that he could not provide his daughters with a dowry. One night, however, they had I stroke on Christmas Day mean: i sruntitisi supply of apples during the ootning His treacherous enemy. the God or; Evil, thereupon made " arrow from' the mistletoe Mush. and an it to r blind nun to test. The - pierced Balder and he was slain. um, how. ever, he was restored to life. After, this the mistletoe Wu declared harm. Ieu. and it became an emblem of love. I In cert-.11: parts of this oounG ii is all]! believed that a “any noonudo Eventually the number of Magi was tFtated to be three, Melchior, Bllthnar and Jasper; royalty was attributed to them, and a complete duct-union given of each. According to Ln old Scudinnvlan legend. the mistletoe trough was re- sponsible tor the death of Bidder. the Apollo ot the North. HU mother bud declared that nothing which had In root in earth, air. the, or want would hurt him. One of the mont interesting. the le- mnd ot the Hui, bu in origin in the simple story of the activates u told by St Matthew, can century noma- thing being added to the facts until the origin“ story has been almost smothered in the wealth ot "tatt. Most of our Christmas customs have doomed to us from the dim time of myths Ind legends. " We are interested in obtaining ii/u LO/tt " " lsti.Ptovideacd YULEI'IDE LORI-I MI) LEGENDS Sweet Charity. Iii; Ki; ' tg: ll 'd.". 'M', '. " '. " SS. Pith n u " n " I With the successful laying ot tho, Taking g Bath in Winter. :second Atlantic cable in 1886, the] Few people understand how to pro- pioneer work ot submarine telegraph l tect and care for their skin in the cold It?trased, Pr sufficient experience had I of Winter. The result is evidenced in been gamed by that time to insure a the increasing prevalence ot chapped li,'; 1'fll/llfit, ot success in all further; hands and wrists, cracked lips, itching un e a tttN. . in these da's ot 5 The cost of an ocean cabin dnnnndal legs and ehillblaimt , The late Bonar Law, on. time pro- mfer, of England, was a great lover A book,' before 1460, was a priceless My, Quad written, illumined in gold In addition, says the Pennsylvania Public Service Information Commit- tee, the sides of the hammock would extend halt way up the sides ot the earth. Besides spanning the equator, thia net would consist of 6584 strand. joined " the South Pole and spread- ing grodunily until they were slightly less than tour miles apart at the equator. To take an average ot types the cost can be Bald to work out " about five thousand dollars a mm}, more than seven “new the coat ot a land line; and tor repairing about two hun. dred and fifty dollars a mile. There is enough telephone wire in the United States to make a hummock for the earth, according to. recent Ita- than. "land'- Llnlmont 'Romovu Pun. Many cables have earned colossal sums ot money. The old Mama-Alex- andria cable made ten thousand dol- lars during the first week ot opening fifty years ago. The Persian Gulf cable made halt a million in five years. Returns depend a great deal upon the lite of a. cable. Borne buried in sand arid slime carry on tmditrturtr ed tor an astonishing number of years, while others. by reason of their rest- The cost of an ocean cable depends upon the type, tor some contain but one conducting wire, ouch as the Ab lantlc type. while others have tour, seven, sixteen, or u may as twenty- eight cores. The Utter anally cross rivers and harbors. loss beds o need repair. Avoid Iona when sending money by qtail--Use Dominion Express Money Orders-ite safe, convenient, Inexpen- Ilve way. "He had to sell even his shoes ply what he owed." "Well, that showed he was willing to toot his bills." l Mrs. Alfred Trtutehamontagne, St. Mlchel den Selntee, Que., writer-. "Bnby’e Own Tablets ere an excellent medicine. They uved my baby’s lite end I can hlthly recommend them to All mother-e." Mrs. TrtttMshetntttt. ugne's expedence In that ot thour. and. of other mother- who hove tot. ed the worth ot Behy'e Own Tebletl. The Tablets are a euro end one medi. ciao for little ones and never fall to regulate the bowels end stomach. thus relieving al the minor llle trom which children Butter. They are Iold br, medicine dealers or by mall " M cm? a box from The Dr. Wllllnme‘ Medlclne: Co., Brocklee. Ont. I Boxing Day, so populsr in Ballad. bu always been the festival ot St. Stephen, who for some unaccountnble reason has tor bundled: of yours been regarded to the patron saint of homes. In olden days it used to be the custom for all horses to be bled and thorough- ly washed. This was supposed to pre- serve them trom harm through the en- suing you. To hot consternation Ibo heard her cat any that burgh" were going to break Into the house that night! With. out stopping to think. the Jumped to her foot and an screaming to her from door. where she no met by rotr hers. who made short work ot her. Founded upon thin belief in the French legend of the old woman. the out. and the dog. Thin inquisitive old person undo plus tor Melanin; to the convex-swan which one felt sure would (the place between her usually dumb Mandi. One of the olden superstitions pre- valent all our Europe In the Ida. tut animals mume the power ot speech " Chm-41mg. How this belief Muted in not known. A person suapocted ot n crime had to grip a redhot iron bar or plunge his hand into an an a ten of inno- cence! It was believed that super- human intervention would be forth. ooming It the person were not guilty. II: we Yuletide “me known a In» drum: we have an interesting relic ot the Are worship of the Druids, Md. possibly, of the pnctlce of mu by ordeal. ot luck, tor St. Melanin dropped three tat purses of gold down their kitchen chimney. The tuhlon ot olden days was to mike purse: tsomething like the modern stocking. ttnd um is how the present-day custom came about. SAVED BABY’S LIFE What Ocean Cables Cost. WIlllng to Foot His Bills. Hammock tir the Earth on I rocky bottom, quickly t Knowledge about your skin, its structure and its functions is extreme- ly important. because its condition has i s vital bearing on your personal health land comfort. It you want to avoid nil the woes that Winter brings to those .with sensitive skins you must protect your skin as far to possible. Don't ', let it get cold. Try to keep your hands ', and feet always warm and dry, even if 'you must wear fur gloves end heavy stockings. Above everything. protect , your feet from the wet. After waning rub in a little ot a. good hand 1ot1ots--Wreerttte and rose- water and emulsion of olive oil mule up with "uncouth. pure olive oil, or 3 good cold ere.tn.---Dr. Chm-loo Mal. lory William, in Popular Science Monthly. Protection of the skin. however, means more than wearing warm clothes. One of the most important things to guard against is an excessive use of strong soap. Strongly alkaline amps. notoriously injurious to the skin. are doubly so in cold weather. Even good neutral soaps may be too strong tor a very dry skin, and there are many people who find it impossible to take a hot bath more than once a week in Winter on account of the in- tolerable Itching it produces. A cool bath is better, tor it does not remove so much ot the natural oil ot the skin. Wash with warn, rather than hot, water, muse the soap " completely. especially it it is liquid soap. and dry the skin quickly and thoroughly im- mediately afterward. A wet skin is a cold skin, and a cold skin chaps. In using paper towels be sure they are lumctently Absorbent. A clan. Ion. dry towel in the only kind that is real- ly "tiataetory. If your are blessed with a sound, supple skin with plenty of natural oil, bathe as much as you please; but it you are éursed with a skin that gets dry and harsh in cold weather, cuck‘ ing easily, beware ot soap and water. silk hosiery, low shoes, liquid map and paper towels. Mlnurd'l Llnlmcnt for Rhoumaqln. Many Jeottitsh-Cattaditue, bear the name Machille, but it must be re- membered that Christianity spread Mal, of the Nine Hostage , ml» 1?..- ohleftaln who welcomed St. Patrick when he um set foot on Irish Boll. Hie fame as a warrior would have been gttttigient to perpetuate his name " the family property ot his followers and deecendente, but his further hir torieal fame from this incident made assurance doubly sure. But me name ot O’Neill we: a family home, or clan name, which in pretty much the name thing. " in back " the tttth century; in that period when the light of Roman civili- sation and historical record was quenched in the barbarian inn-ions; but through whirl: Christianity eur- vlved; and strangely enough amend like Wildfire through irelnnd, though out ott from its source by the pun invasions of northern France and Eng- land. Funily nemes did not begin to de- velop in England until slightly before the time of the Norman invuion, and did not develop generally until two or three centuries later. indeed. " lute as the sixteenth century there we. I eotusiderattle portion of the population ot balm which had edopted no definite "atom of family names. This u one of the oldest {sully names on record. coming " it do" from . land In which the development ot funny names preceded that In the rest of northern Europe, and being traceable to an origin in an Individual potion at I very early period. Nellie (s). Kaela! origm--trlah. t5ouree--A elven name. Vnrlltlonu - O'Nelll, McNeIII(o), Mao Taking a Bath in Winter. ' Light From O'NEIL. Sumames and Their (kigin mi, MANUFACTURED " [MAL 70mm MFA“ 0' CANADA LIMITED. I The scientist then placed two cop- per plates in the earth, about six feet Apart, and with the current thus ob. {tamed lighted a small electric lamp. l Whether the idea. can be extended lto be commercially worth while has ‘yet to be determined. have bought their tarts in '.‘.':s.ern Canada from the Canadian Pacihc. A remnrkable Fact. Think! There in e reuon. The large ere: of our hold. inu eluding choice ot iocuion and of lend to unit every (arming need. Fair price, inir contract, and fair dealing combined with ebundant tertility of loll, good climate and social condi- tions nuke term life there desireble end ettnctive Thouundl more will eeiect their form from our virgin lends. from our improved terms. end with lone mite! end determination to Irort, can‘mke , home and my tor lt. Write tor our booklet. “The Prairie Province. of £Inlda." and leaflet, “Wotan Canada Forges Ahead." c. L. Linwood. Ifnf Agfnt,9uytdian Pa "we May." Dank W., Windsor 3&5an Neutral, Que. With three trees competed in the same way the power was increased. the experiment, with a like result. be in continued until twenty trees were linked up in this fashion. in Quebec. in the counties near Mon; tml. along the St. Lawrence; and in the Okanagan Valley, B.C., Tobacco is grown in Ontario in the gong“? alotyr the shore of Lake Erie; A French w it nt‘.-‘t has duwvered a mums or wax-swung and harnessing the elect) ity i:: new. He connected a copper putt Him-had to a tree, and another plate buried in the earth, with a galvauo-meier, a delicate instru- ment. which measures the strength of weak currents of electricity, and ob tained a reward at the current passing through the tree. You any you are not In position to mute payment u present. Will you acknowledge your debt in the torn d a. note than?" "No; I won't do that either." "And why not?" "Well, I signed 1 note once." "Yes. what than?" "I had to ply It." MORE THAN lili,ulll FARMERS The Scottish Mnclvors in some cues trace back to the Irish clan, end in others have derived their Mme from other individuals who bore the given name of "Iornhar." The (arms Emer. Emerson and How. M (when the last is not from an- other source) are only anglteized cor- ruption of the Irish clan name. The clan name is taken from the given nuns of "iomhsr" (or luv). 1 compound of two Irish words "tom" and "or." meshing "mueh leyzghtor.†This name is not to be confounded with the given nsme of "No," once widespread through Englsnd. but now surviving only in a tow fsmily nausea. The [rich clan name "Msciomhsir" inc“ back to a ehieftain who was the not! mndaon of the 'BhteDutsh. ghail†(MscDougnll) who was king of the ill“ in 1144 and who tune from that Irish stock to which most of the Highland Scottish blood moo- bsck. Tho nun. I. more properly spell“ “Mtolomhnlr†in the Gaelic. but It should be remembered that In that tongue the “pirated "m" ig pro- nounced 'rIrprmrintattrly like I "e." m Hobart-on. Campbell and -iire". Kan-lo. nuylluuln WI! or This noun of family numeo. whichl It ig . ponderOw shown Inch wide variations. is 1'Prrtnieroe work, mu: frequently found canons than of Irish in, “in", hand. “out†than Among the Scots. though 'omod with little there are tents of no loss than three I month of rod “A Scottish clu- which bear the mufwm, dtmitttttNe pt Mulvor Ind Mnclver. These aim-:1. nu. upâ€... Inn!- MoKEEVER Variation. - M-clvor, Mlolver. Mu- lvlr, Emu, Emerson, Ivor, Ivor, Mr, Howard. Racial orittlrt--tri.tt and Oconloh. 'tturetr--A ulna Mme. In: to the north of Each“ um loot- lund from Inland. Reason Enough. Qmrr3rtqtrr"Tmerrrr' TORONTO That Mud. are-worn. ttarp-re-tt look will duturtusar and nervous. thin people will gain in weight and strength when Bitro-Phtmtttttrte 1. taken for I short time. Price " per lane. Arrow Chemical Co., 25 Front Bt. But. Toronto. Ont. Nervous People. It I. hurt-tin; to no“ that the only Ion of the Emperor Theodore Wu oducaud at Rugby. He died In 1:70. at the Age of nineteen, and was mm“ tn Bt. Georgia's Chapel, Windsor. Bk"! um frightfully lorry that I forgot to come to your mac party hurt night." Bho--"Oh. teron't you more?“ Ile!,?,'!, it! I MORNING fr KEEP YOUB Lu: The king's Intention to present (bl. crown to the Empress 3ttdittt In An- nouncod what: he granted a but." audience to Prince TM the betr. “parent and RAM: of Atrrmttrta, whose recon! mm to Britain M much tttteregt. any Minty bud. It in lavishly do. ormd with little mum and div mondn of red uni blue (has, uric! with diminutive pun-tings. A taunt is the minus looking pipe which pro- Jocts seven] “who: through tho centre of the dome, wally he ventihiion. Getting Bald ? Thin crown ‘1: taken to admin " Mr Robert. afterwards Lord Humor. at Madam, after the capture of In.†And the and: ot Theodore In the Abyulnhn war ot 1868. It " l ponderoul piece of diver-gm. mum work, may lites too large M The crown ot tho lam Moro at Min-Inn, which, utter being kept In u that one at the Victor" and Albert Btu-cum. South Ken-lumn. mm. the. 1809, I. m to be ro- w to in former home In Africa, in)“ a very eventful binary. tnttott point to an nnhukhy eon- dhlon of the - which had. to filling hair and panama bald.. neu. Frequent shampoo. with Cu- ugh} conduct: coped-11"“ pt- coded by I gem}- Gointhte {than can“: 0mm WM“. I. - m: '.hUdt,2'Pt"s.c ','tsrdEti? .Ioglc.0h-u!|ndI-._¢I.I¢ Don't Get Bald Cuticura Does Much To Prevent It per, hazing an}! tey lul- 1351:? all: 5527.! £5.53. "" you? hair by rubbing the scalp three times a week with MInIM'I. A Captured Crown. iii uni Winn sou-nun ISSUE N0. Ti'" his"; 512;... “It" -- TR for Tat. h. b