spew tter': LIV. btro ling arty and rity ce to ‘urda I mm b th, Robe PM.“ al 'tth ess hock Preet th Tell your Neighbor to Subscribe for The REVIEW. Only $2.00 to January 31st, I926 0:01 Our prices are of the best quality and our Flour is guaranteed. Our prices are right for spot cash, Highest Price paid Inf any quantity of when! delivered at the milk Goods delivered every day. Phone No 8, day or night The People's Mills Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs............ Mc Rice. 3 lbs.......................... Mc Try our special blend Black Tea, at per lb ...".................... 65c Gunpowder Green Tea, per m .. 50c New Cheese, per lb...... ......... 25c Sovereign Flour. Eclipse Floor, White Lily Pastry Flour Wheat Cereal, Rolled Oats. Bran, Shorts, Feed, Flour, Oat Chop, Crimped Oats, Mixed Chop, Mixed Grain for Poultry Feed, Blatchford’s calf Meal, Pig Meal and Poultry Feeds. Grocery Specials For Sale Overstocked with PUREBRED BARRED ROCKS (Guild‘sStrain) and Ferris Strain LEO HORNS, and are offering either Pullets, in the lay, rrl" year-old Hens. These are Choice Birds. Just what y tll want to build up agood strain of laying Hens. It pays To those whom we have sold the No. 51 DE FOREST FROSSLEY Radio, we have had wonderful praise. The ma: Radio on the market for the money. Come in and In us demonstrate you this $28 00 plus the model It is reasonably priced . accessories. This is: the time to get your Spring Sewing done. Make up the children's clothes and your own sewing. Our Spring stock of Prints, Ginghams, Normandy Voilea, Shirtings. Denimn, Eto., are coming in now. It never pays to buy ready-made Dresses, Shirts, Etc. How about a Radio for KARSTEDT BROS, Priceville In order to reduce our stock of Men's Suite of clothes before Sstocktaking, we no offering a big reduction. These Clothes are not Ready-made in the ordinary sense of the word. They are Tailored and made up in the newest con- ~-rvative styles, in Navy Blue and Grey Botany Wool Surges, Tweeds and Checks. No. 562 Reg. 335 Navy lino and Grey “no im- ....1 No. 494 Rog. 832.50 Navy am and Grey Sarge for Reg. $25 Navy BID. Sore. or Tweed: tor .........., Reg. $20.00 Twoodl for B'""'...'.-................ Iron't rail to look these over. Buy now in antic Sp: ing requirements. lJo Your Spring Sewing Now Reduction in Every Day Bargain Day During the winter months we will close the store at p. m. on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Three String Broom JOHN MCGOWAN JAN. 8, I925 TH E PEOPLE'S MILLS J. McKechnie 'omor=l===h"=o====e=-tg====attm EXTRA SPECIALS Men’s Tailored Sits This Week...:........ Me These Long Evenings ? NOTICE AT ..'...... .... $10.50 in anticipation of Durham $27.50 [0:0 i The howling of the winds for the ) past week were an Indication that the fold year was fast approaching its ltinat career and warning us all to [give a hearty reception to its suc- icessor called 1925. The passing ot ithe old year reminds us ot how swiftly time passes by. The babe of t 12 months is now creeping and trying ‘to walk while the aged veteran's 'steps are slower than one year ago. Those of us who have seen the I many years of their pilgrimage in the ; land of the living. will recall to mem. iory the days of their youth when It.hey were longing for the passing of ithe old year to enjoy the new year's jet',"','.:: Now the wheels of time have reversed and the once young (troy or girl who have seen so many i returns of the New Year, wonder how swiftly the old year passed away. lThey realize they are another year ‘nearer the goal of their existence by . the passing of the old year. i We call to memory the first resi- idents of the Town of Pricevllle who gpassed away many years ago and we 'tind if we can recall them all there , will be quite a number to report. The ttic-it, i; Mr and Mrs Jno McAulay, ‘shoemaker: Mr and Mrs E. B. Mo. Millan, hotel keeper; Mr and Mrs J. McDonald. tlrgt miller: Mr and Mrs. Alex. Ferguson, a resident: Mr and Mrs Chas. McMillan, plasterer: Mr. and Mrs Don McLean, carpenter: Mr and Mrs Jos Aussum. retired far- l mer : Mr and Mrs Wm Ferguson, sup- 'erintendent of schools: Jas Cameron and son Donald, retired farmers: Mr and Mrs Dougald McCormick. retired farmer: Mr and Mrs Dugald McLean, shoemaker: Three Conkey brothers, sho'surakers: Mr and Mrs Wm Wat- son Sr., wanton maker: Wm Watson, Jr., underlaknr: Mr and Mrs James Watson. blacksmith: Dan McDonald, resident : Dan McDonald, clerk: Don Graham. retired farmer: Mr and Mrs Mal. McIntyre. veterinary: Mr and Mrs Allan Mclnnls, retired farmer: Rev. and Mrs Chas. Cameron: Rev. and Mrs Donald Fraser: Rev. and Mrs Donald McLeod, the last three Presbyterian ministers: B. Ghent, physician. Dr Boyle, Dr Burns, Dr. Bennet. Mr and Mrs Ju. Brander. merchants : Mr and Mrs Rosa. tailor: Mr and Mrs Robertson, weaver: Mr. and Mrs Hector McKinnon, retired farmer : Mr and Mrs M. Reilly, block- smith : Jno McArthur, merclnnt' .. Mr and Mrs Francis Wait. blacksmith: Mr and Mrs Alex Webster. men-chum: Alfred Blacks. retired farmer: Mr and Mrs C. C. James, tanner: Mr and Mrs Alex McDonald. 1m: Arch. Batters, grocer: Mr and In G. M. Yeoman. Joachim: Mr Neil Me. Kinnon. post-Inter: Mrs Newman. mother ot the tanner: The. Atkin- Ion. hotel keeper: Mr end In Boot Man. march-It: Mr and In John Hall. merchant: NM Grier, To a certain extent we recall to memory the experience of the past year. While it is hidden trom all human beings what is to be during 1925, and we are not prophets nor sons or prophets, but we predict that many changes will take place before the closing of 1925. Many that en- joved the New Year festivity probably will be called to a higher feast where everything is always ready to partake by those having a strong desire to partake of them. (Intended tor last week.) A year again has passed away, Time swiftly passes by: We come again to praise and pray And sing our New Years' song. The big wheel of time has again taken another turn and needless of machine oil, it performed its course slowlv but surely, in stormy or rainy weather, gliding along month after month, till finally it flrtitshet, its course at 12 o'clock this Thursday morning Dee. 31st, 1924. No funeral proces- sion followed it to the cemetery ot its predecessors of thousands of years past, no mourners nor automobile hoarse followed it to its destination, Mr Jack McTaggart has gone to Toronto where he has secured em- ployment with the Goodyear Tire works. For Sale: A Peter Hamilton Mow- er (5 ft. cut). a 10 hoe Massey Harris drill and a set of Sleighs. all in first class shape. Mrs Thoa. Kennedy, Prieeville, Ont. Mr Frank Williamson has returned to Toronto to continue his studies in medicine. Miss Ethel Watson has gone back to the city after a two week's vaca- tion. Miss L. McFarlane. principal of the school here, was unable to return to duty this week owing to illness. PRICEVILLE & GLENELG Mr John Gray of Portage la Prairie has Joined his wife here and will visit in the locality for a time. Glad to report that Miss Sadie Mc- Kinnon is progressing nicely in Dur. ham Hospital. Miss Mary McKinnon has returned to Toronto. Mr and Mrs W. Mather and Miss Lizzie Mathe- attended the wedding of their cousin in Bentinck on New Years Day. Miss Laidlaw ot Toronto. visited over New Years with her sister, Mrs M. Mather. By request Rev. A. Sutherland will again speak on the Basis of Union at the morning service next Sunday. Jan. 11th. 5 The pogtponed “Measurement Boty lal" In aWatson's Hall will be held on Friday evening, Jan. 9th. PR'CEVILLE ()Ah', We are glad to hear that Mr Noble Wilson ot Boothville, was elected as Councilman in Egremont, having the honor of heading the poll. Also that another old friend. in the person of John A. Ferguson was elected as dep- uty reeve in Egremont. With those two Boothville boys we see things moving in Egremont Council. There were six in the field for Council. Messrs Robt Knox and Jos. Black, along with the members of the old council, the experienced men, were re elected which bespeaks Conti. dence in their ability. The vote on road work was a majority for the old syste‘m of statute labor. Mr Wm Knox of Winnipeg, visited with his brother Robt. here and other friends during the past week. Willie left here over 30 years ago for the West and although preferring to live in the West, he likes to spend a few days among old acquaintances here. He is both hale and hearty and has had wide experience as a traveller for the Lake of the Woods Milling Co., he having been for over 20 years in their employ. Another year goes down the track to join the million years that died; another crick is in my back. another stitch is in my side: each passing‘ year gets in its whack. and takes some ginger from my stride. Each) year l'm closer to the end of this ex-l cursion we call life: my back is} creaking when I bend, each hinge is. like a rusty knife '. tutd yet I eheerttr pretend that l'm not injured by the strife. I say that I'm as good as new, I laugh to scorn all an: ot glue. the hair thnt's fallinx from my dread, while putting back with liquid head, while feeling aches in every thew. and _inilottntttior" green and red. The pacing yeti-s any lave me bent and nuke my once worm blood rtureotd,rnayintnr vt.tratuerts dent, end whisper of the no“ “(I qnoid, but they can't Mutt me worth 1 cent, or make me any that l on: old. I've seen so many worn out yum Our mlnsters got out trom Price- v~lle last Sunday and the people were glad to see them. They are learning the byways now as the roadg are mostly through the fields, therefore they travelled in devious wuys. The hunters are out after foxes again this morning. Wilde says he counts it a fair days sport when he can start one, even if they do not get it. He's a regular snow bird. Swlnton Park is still without a home representative but Mr Porter of Ventry has for the past two years "ttrsnded to our wants in a quiet and inoffensive manner and we believe this year with past experience will "0 even better. Miss Cora Richardson has resumed her studies in Dundalk High School. Cora has two subjects to write " and we wish for her good success. Geo. Haw is agan out hulling clover on the 14th con. There is quite a large amount of seed in tha locality. Sorry to say that Mrs Watson Br. ls in very poor health at present. We hope that she may soon regain at least a fair measure of health. Some of our enterprising farmers, namely Robt. Kinnell and Alex Rich- ardson are in Toronto ttus week, each with a earload of trtoek. This is the day after the election and all is well. We hope the defeat- ed candidates for municipal honors are rejoicing because they are left at home to enjoy life and to attend to private affairs unmolested. while we also hope those elected to ottiee are looking on the bright side of things, and that they may be ableto fulfil their duties in a satisfactory manner. (tanner: Mrs Alex McLeod. (asses. sor's wife: Neil McArtb-r. tween maker, later the ttrat to go to Klon- dyke : In: McDougall, a resident : Mr and Mrs Cockbnrn. weaver: Mr and Mrs Jno. Simpson, cabinet maker: Mr and Mrs Roderick McLesn. re- tired farmer: Mr and Mrs Donsld McKinnon, retired farmer: Mrs Geo. Tryon (butcher's wife) : Mr and Mrs Wm Purdy, titat merchant on the‘ Old Durham Road street in 1856 '.i, Mr and Mrs Allen McLean, retired farmer: Mrs Allan McLean Jr. and wife: Fred Pinkerton, soldier: Lech- lin McTaggart 2 Mr and Mrs C. Vaud. ner, sawyer: Mr and Mrs Alex iii) Arthur, retired farmer: Mr and Mrs! Donald McArthur, retired farmer: Don. McKee, retired farmer: Hugh and Patrick Scott. retired farmers: Mr and Mrs Robt Robertson, grain buyer: David London and mother, harness maker: Mr and Mrs Colin McArthur Sr.: Colin McArthur, Jim. and Duncan, 3 brothers: Peter Bev. erage. 1st tanner in early 60's : Alex. and Donald McLean, retired farmers: John Brown, merchant : Mr and Mrs Don. Gillies, farmers: Mr and Mrs. Thos. Fisher, retired farmer: Mr and Mrs Alex McNeal, retired farmers, and father and mother of the worthy Dr. McNeal. who presented the old homestead of his father and mother‘ and family for a cemetery. The Dr's many friends at Priceville wish him many returns to visit his old town, Pricevllle : Mr and Mrs McDon. ald, son Malcolm and two daughters, at the town line: Thos Kennedy, re tired farmer '. Hector McDonald, mas- on and piper: Mr and Mrs Arch. Me Lean, residents at town line south: Neil Munn and mother: Malcolm Brown and mother and some more. THE RIGHT SPIRIT, WALT.! ONTARiO - A-fe-eq TORONTO SWINTON PARK THE DURHAM REVIEW Having been returned to the posi- tion ot Councillor for 1925, I take this opportunity to express to you my sin- cere thanks for the splendid vote you gave me on Monday last. l will al. ways strive to merit the Confidence placed in me, and do all in my power to conduct the attturt, of the Town- ship economically and in the beat in- terests of the whole Township. Wishing you all a happy and prosper- ous New Year, I am. To the Electors of the Townshi'p of Glenelg Ladies and Gentlemen : Geese . I wish to thank all who assisted in anyway to secure my re-election an Reeve of Glenelg for 1925. Hoping to further show my appreciation by faithful service, I remain, Yours truly. WM. WEIR Are you thinking of having a sale ? If so the Review will print your bills for you neatly, promptly, and at a very moderate price. The full list of stock and articles tor sale will be published in the Review for a small extra charge. Arrangements can be made with'any auctioneer at this of- Bee. The splendid farm. lot 11 con 3. Tp. of Normanby. owned by the late Jas. Ferguson, has been placed in our hands for sale. Good buildings, well watered. Anyone desiring to pur- chase a good farm, for particulars communicate with North par; ot Lot 7 and 8, con " Egremont, containing 66 acres, M acres cleared, balance hardwood bush. In a good state ot cultivation '. frame barn 44 x " stone basement, con. crete stables, drilled well and cement tank at barn. To the Electors of the Township of Glenelg Ladies and Gentlemen l . Corrected to date, Jan. g, 1925 Butter .... ........ ............ Mr. Eggs ........ .................. 50c Live Hogs .................... 89.00 Wheat ........ ...... $1.45 to $1.50 Barley,....... ..........70c to Tlie Buckwheat w............. TOc to goe Oats .................... 50c to 52¢ Peas ......... .......ti.M to 81.40 Chicken: (Under 5 lbs) ..15c to Me Also lots 6 and 7, con 4, s. D. R. Glenelg, containing 110 acres. one hundred cleared. in good state ot cur tivauon. On the premises is . brick house containing T rooms with frame woodahed attached, drilled well " door, never falling opting my this a good stock tum. This pt: will be sold " (right price to I It becomes me to thank you for the support accorded me at the. polls on Jan. 5th. The large vote polled tor me is highly appreciated and I feel it will be up to me to use my very best endeavor to advance the interest or the Towushity--atid that means your interest. Thanking you again and wishing you every prosperity, Yours sincerely, JOHN McKECHNIE, Pricevillo dairy bin-men. this property In tool tar away for convenience. Apply u WATION'S DAIRY, Misses Elsie and Isabel Mays left Monday for their home in Guelph " ter a couple ot week's visit with their grandparents. Mr and Mrs W. R. Firth. Mr W. H. Edwards returned Satur- day to Toronto to continue undies at Riverdale Collegiate. Messrs Orville Penn and Spencer and Keith Edwards, left for Detroit Saturday, the former going to spend the winter months there and the lab ter tewo returning after a week's vis- it at their home here. Miss Mina Edwards accompanied her brothers tor a fortnight'a visit. Mr and Mrs T. E. Blair and famlly, Durham, spent the week end with Al- bert and Miss Edith Teeter. Mr Clifford Cook spent New Years with friends near Chesley. Thanks to Glenelg Electors Mrs M. J. Davis entertained the young folk of the community to a social time last Friday night, every one enjoying themselves. Miss Katie May Firth' spent New Years with her parents in Durham. Miss E. J. Allan returned Saturday to rewme her duties after a pleasant holiday at her home near Chesley. To Electors of Glenelg Ladies and Gentlemen ‘go limping tombward, stark and bare: I've seen them laid upon their biers. and thought I too might soon be there: but though I have some brok- en genre, I at"! am right aide up with care. My ditNreutiO on the blink. my cylinders don't always hit, my nerves are tangled in 1 kink; and now end then I throw a. at. but years are foolish if they think that they can make me fade or quit.--Walt. Mason. FARM PROPERTY FOR SALE DURHAM MARKETS YOUR SALE BILLS FARM FOR SALE. ZION Yours squarely, ALEX. A. ALJOE (Over 5 lbs) Lucas A Henry, Barristers. Durham Me 17e Misses Mannie Munro and Jean Crawford leave Tuesday to enter Buffalo General Hospital as nurses in training. NOMINATIONS The cosy home of Mr and Mrs. Matt. Barber. Normanby. was the scene of a pleasant gathering and re. union of friends on Christmas eve, the occasion being the Mth anniver- sary of their marriage. Congratulations to Miss Bessie At. kinson and Mr Ben Conn: and to Miss Bertha Pettigrew and Mr Thos. Marshall, who today ure uniting heart and hand in holy matrimony. BentInck: Reeve - Putherbough, Dodsworth. Dep. Reeve-R. Leslie, R. Brigham, R. Grierson. Council- Alex Wilson, W. Lunacy. Geo Noble (all by trec1turttstiott.) Normnnby, all by trce1tumttion. Reeve -And lSchenk: Dep. Reeve, Wm. Umbach. Cotteillora- Duets. Kenna and Shiel. On Friday Int Mrs Thom McComb passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs Alex McComb, at the advanced age of " years. From Review tyle of Dee. M), 1909 Glonelg: Reeve-E. W Hunt, Arch. MeCuaig. Dep. Meeve--Thott Nichol. Wm Weir. Cttttttcil--Thott Brodie, Jno McMillan. JOB Firth. Jno McNally Geo Walker. Jno Callahan. VIII. "THREE TIME. AND OUT." Nellie McClung This Is the story ot s Gunmen soldier who enllsted in British Colum- bia. We follow him on hls Journey trom home to the scene ot warfare. We see him in the training camp and in the skirmish. but the interest Is mostly In his story ot life in the var- Ious prison camps ot Germany. of his many plans tor escape and how he really succeeded in the third at- tempt. One cannot read this sad but interesting account or a soldier's ad- ventures without longing that the day may come when there shall be no more war. Last week Mr and Mrs Rom. Aljoe celebrated their golden wedding at which were representatives ot tour generations. Egremont '. Reeve-- Geo. Lothian, John McArthur. Couneu---A0n Me. Dougald. Jaa MeMvride, Jag MeLaetr lan, Chas McRobb. J R Philp. C. w. Robb, J. D. Roberts, Wm Watson. FOR SALE Lots 1 und 2, Carmina St. East. containing half acre. Two storey cot. tage with nine rooms, burn " x 21 feet. hard and wit water. And . Brew. variety of fruit. For further particu- lars apply to t NOTICE TO FARMERS The Durham U. P. o. Live Staci Association will thin stock from Dur ham. on Tuesdays. Shippers no re quested to give thre. duyl' notice. Born on 8rd com Normtutby, on Dee 19th, to Mr mt! Mrs David Marshall. twin daughters. Warden Gordon, Neil McColmnn and Mr Geo. Watson, Swinton Park, have completed the delimitatiott of tbra new school sections near Varney and orehtmtvitle. Married, at the residence of the bride's parents, Rocky Saugeen. Dec. 22nd, by Rev N. A. McDonald, Miss Maggie Mitchell to Mr Neil McLean. Born, at Domoch. on Dec. 19th. to Mr and Mrs Chas. Manley I daughter. In"! an ad. in the Review Tell it well and your ad. will ttell Proton: Reeveshlp: Jas Corbett, Reeve by acclamation. Council: Cooper, MeArdle, Wilson, Wright, Boyd, Wm. Smith. From Review fyle of Dec. 28. 1899 There will be a municipal tight in all the Townships this year while Durham is quiet. In Artemeaiu Reeve Jno. McArthur is being opposed by D. McTavish. N DAYS OF YDRE Bentlnck: Reeve Dickson, returned by acclamatlon. Council: Brown, Adlam. Leslie, Hustle. the veteran Harry Willla, Wm Wilson, Dunc Me Glenelg: Reeveshlp - McFadden. Staples. Council: Geo Arrowtrmith, Jon. Firth, Geo Lamb, Nell McCannel Peter Mclnnes. Normanby: Reeveship - Morice, Forbes. Hartmun. Council: Bruno, Black, Drier, Heine]. O'Relllq, igchrics her, Gardiner and Diebel. Egremont: Reeveahlp - Dickson, Mclnnis, Swanston. Couneil: Me Queen, Huue, D. McIntyre. C. W. Robb, Wm Bradley. BOOKS YOU SHOULD READ Gor.Yonge tAlennder Su,Toronto Noted for higherade Instruction and superior employment who. Enter my time. Comma free. IN DURHAM PUBLIC LIBRARY l High-Grade School ! By Isabel Cramton Macin- JAS. LAWRENCE, Shipper W. J. ELLIOTT, Prim.“ " YEARS AGO " YEARS AGO John Legato, Durham HONOR GRADUATE of Torono. Unlvmity. [tr-dune of Boyd (mum of Derntaiqhireoetru, of Ontario Roome Own J l l HUNTER? NO. Elton HONOR GRADUATE Toronto Univer- sity; 01-minute Royal College Donal _ Surgeons. Dentistry in tut m bran. chem once. But of Central Drug Store. Entrance on Mill Street. Each memberof the It.“ in I Univ- eraity grrdtmte m4 It: "We“ teacher. lntcndinl pupils “would pep-n to en- ter " the beginning“ the (all term Information as to counu my bulb mined from the Princépul. The School In- . creditable rec-rd in the put which it hopes to maintain in the have. Durham in Ill Inactive m health, can and ttu,t'ge.t.u"t "tt bu obtained " nuan- tutu. The Science that Iddl Life to years and years to life. Call lad Bee In. Consultation Fret. The School in thoroughly equipped to take up the following count: I 1. Junior '"trittttlatitttt a. Entrance to the Nttrtttal Schools BEIGE §CIBI©©JL w.__c. PICKERING, DDS. LOS MS. C. G. AND BESSIE McGlLLlVRAY Barristers, Solicitors. Etc. (Succeuora to A. B. Currey) Mr. C. c. Middlebro' in weak ly located In Durham. once ham ' LID. to ' p. m. In Durham Tuesdays, Thursday. attd - Saturday. [DURIBIAM Liconued Auctionur for Ce. " any Terms, untenable. Sue date-mu be unused It the Review on“. Durham. . Ruidonoo: PRICEWLLE Telephone 2, " t J. MIDDLEBRO'. SPEREMAN & MIDDLE BRO’ Ruldcnce: R. R, M. C. McLELLAN Graduate, University or Toronto Successor to Dr. Mair. once In. Residence. MAIN STREET, HOLSTEIN, ONT. 0"ch Huntsman lav-I: 74 Min“ . Moderate tel-ml. Antagonism: tot "lea. as to dates, etc., must be II“. n Review once. Durham. Term on application. Addreu, R.R.1, Duh-n Licensed Auctioneer for Co. of any Mound Auctioneer ttte Gny 6000!] Sue: taken on "amiable term. Dates arranged " Hamid cannu- dnlk. Illa through Durhun Review.“ Fleaherton Admnee. Geo.E. Duncnn. Dundalk P. o. Phone " r t2. Office Hours: , one: and midqnoe. corner Countess and Limbton oppooite old Pout one. Ollce Hours: 0 to " . an. Lion. a m., ' to D p. m., Sunday. and unduly uttemoon excepted. MS. JAMIESON & JAMIESOI J. L. SMITH, M.B., M.C. PS, J. F. GRANT. D.D.S.. LOS. once on Luminous Bt. (Into Dr, Hutton's once) Winter Term Opens JAN. 5, 1925, at the GEORGE E, DUNCAN ALEX. MAC DONALD M. 0. E. CARR, BA. "new “no†I Chiropractic Speculum: CHIROPRACTIC JOHN tyltEll. OR. h. M. BELL John Hon-hon. Chum J. A. M. no“. "in“ d nan: b-s p.m., 7-4 p.m. Sundays excepted I. No. 2, Pri- (A