re With the object of in: the' stand of timber on Lt,tt'Pt,,tt peer-vet In Western Canada, And nu. tte the 31mm) b- fmm Insects,‘ ' and disease. satiation is king constantly directed to the cutting of; cur-mature and dead timber. 'w'; â€new mpptioa the minor: and not-i 'lorswith mammal-ands! 17sl;2'trd'A1l'fl'2'fll"'th"iU)'l ad iris room for at. M _ Mn. W.--'Dio--tlttry .1 III. m n dado blond." No Frlondu. No Talk. In. B.--"Thoro [on Mm. Jenki- M - heard my unpleasant at than: M: u all.†The use of the tolophon tn the everyday “to of tho new world h. roar-nod . any! of 607de - dreamed of in tho old. um tn an to gard Canada occupies a vow do“ Sec-and place to the Unttod saw. the two countries not being tnmuhod try any nation of the (who. or late nan the number of telephones In Canada has been increasing at I tutor nu than the population, to that the Do. mmmn In ttrmtsr "not! tn a "rr' odo- quato manner with telephonic com. munlcaunn. In 19% there were 1.009.303 tole. chew“: toba, " wick, , Prince candle pin In more than thirty varieties. about 3,000,000 feet of wood so new you to provide us with skin ttttd human can. snow-hoes and tennis munch Como Now 0»... ‘W from answers to Linguist â€pm in a recent school can!» “Bo-u: esprit"-in of wit Ind hu- nt! or mun!†editors. Similarly. in the life of Canadian ("in no European capital or metrop- oils comes anything like approaching those of Canada in this regard. Loot rear the city of Calgary in Alberta laid claim to lending the entire world in the per capita ownership of tele- phonee. According to the etatistlce already referred to, of the cities ot all countries. Toronto in this reapeot b eurpaeeed by only ' United State. pointa and Montreal try " potato. In certain Western Canadian omen the per capita ownerehip of telephonee ex- so W In no other newly developed country ts the telephone found to be in such genera! usage as Canada, judging " the statistics of torelgn telephone drawn no by the chief nutllticlan ot the American Telephone and Tole- grttph Company. AI “til!!! the 10.1 telephones per 100 of population cred- Ited to Canada in the year under rs. view, Austral]: had only 4.0. The nearest approach to Cannda'n’ an!“ In Europe was In Denmark. when thero werv 3.2 phones per 100 of popu- lation. Great Britain had only 8.1: Prnnce. 1.3; Germany. 8.3; Nether. lands. 2.5; Norway. 5.7; Sweden, 6.5: mace. 1.3; Gi lands. 2.5; Non ind Switzerland â€Tux pu'HMowp. "tn -mi."--49ton, hobo. 1mm o-"--- m. â€(but dioturrts-Ott, m It!!!" “PM: douna"--Mr" summon. WI- c-I-"wonnkm 3mm“. “lbpm do corps" --- Dead won'- a; Illt! M??? i (3" (i' " i p I BlllliN, li) i " the ttlat Hub Telephone: in Canada. t, " 23 there um 1,009.3“ blo- in Canada. or 11.08 " 100 of Inn. in the vainco of Brit“: la there were 15.67 no: no " inn; Ontario. 14.58; Sum , 1202; Alberta. 10.M; In!- .ze; Quebec. 7.39; Now Brunt .11; Nora Seoul, 7.05; Ind Edward Island, 8.08. The W of twirphones in the Dominion "o than tabled nines 1921. significant tn surveying the w tittureq to and the Western mum! provinces wry much to , .n ton-phone possession. This It" some way towards dissipa- ny. remaining conception of n ('anadn as a raw had still pioneering stage when farm- rzvn'env moans hurl-hip and n As a matter of tact the in- t at rural telephones in quite thrnuzhout the farming dio- mi (alums closely in the wake Wood In Our aamen let things. Wood, says No :zuiue, does its bit to loop " unused. Ind Iowan of won out of doom. two leading Dominion emu ripow AeP"Ft. h to drink. ot whale": on if! I A FAIR PAIN AND Two BRACE l Jun: heme the fV.t was built tor the rabbit new, not a thopsand mile. 1 Iron Quoboc. You so that theatr--tM ratrtrgur--oai an. or MIDIIDOOB. _ Requires tt Mother'. Constant Care and Watchfulness. In their early teens it is Quito com- mon for girls to outgrow their strength, and mothers should careful- ly watch the health of their daughters at this time, tor it is when strength is upped by too npid growth that snsemia. dovelops. The timt signs may be noticed by peevishnoos, lan- guor and headaches. The face grown pale, breathlessness and palpitatiort follow, with low spirits. The Irish form or the tummy name In "0'Gruagtrin," or more anciently "Us Gmaxain." and it signifies “the descendants (or clan) ot Grungaln." "Gruagain" was a given name linen; the ancient and medieval Gaels, in both the Irish and the Highlanderl of Scotlnd. It [a I compound of two Gaelic words, and means “the hairy one." , d The clan autumn of both Ireland end Soothnd. once the backbone of tho political and nociu Itructure ot those countries, have, of course, exist- ed tor a great many generations only as inmlly connections. As political unrl social structures they have no These family names are the Angli- cized forms of an Irish clan name at considerable antiquity, and the clan bearing tt traced its ancestry back to Fax-gal. the IMth monarch ot Ireland, through Donor, his second oldest son. At the first symptom ot anaemia. mothers should nct nt once. Neglect- ed anaemia often leads to decline. but it you see that your daughter's Mood is enriched there need be no cause tor anxiety. The finest blood enrichm- ever discovered is Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills. The pure, red blood created by these pills will quickly banish all signs ot anaemia. They will build up your girl's health and ensure her a robust Girlhood. Give your daughter s course or Dr. William' Pink Pills now. Make her strong like thousands of girls and women throughout Cana- da who have been fanned from the clutches ot anaemia by Dr. Willinms’ Pink Pills. Secrets are like money-good for nothing unless placed in circulation. Varlation--Gregan, o'arog" Raclal Origln-irlsh. tbourti.-A ylven name. You can get Dr. Wt11unw Pink Pill. through any dealer in medicine. or by mail mr Cet: a box from the Dr. Wil- lv. Medicine Co., Broekville, Ont. THE GROWING all, A: Buy an the Eco. “You say his business is humming?" Bure--he's a bee-keeper, you know." GROGAN Summes and Their Origin I There are two distinct sources from Iwhich the family names in this group Pave come. In reality there are two groups ot nimes, bat it is better to con. islder them as one, owing to the tact 'that their similarity of sound and spelling has often led to the substitu- 'tion or one for another at various itimes in the past. é You ask your doctor to tell you how you can make good on that IM8 entry, 1how you can make your 70 per cent. (ettwiint kidneys last an additional ten 1 years. You learn that you must change lyour habits, so to bed at a regular 'hour, get more sleep. change your ltmd habits, protect yourself again-t infections, take better care of yourself 'when you have a cold. You decide lthnt the game is worth the candle. When you have taken the right steps lyou again take your eraser. You erase the word "kidney trouble." One source has already been to terred to in e previous article. It in that of the locality. “Loft-house" in the clearest spelling ot it, the meaning being, of course. "tall' house†or "high building," though the spelling which was more frequently found in the eu- ly middle ages, and from which the name Loftus has developed, was "loft. hug." There is a locality ot this name in Yorkshire. The other source of the family name is the given name ot "Leotthegn," one not unpopular among the Anglo-Bax. ons in the prtrNorman days, and one which survived the Norman invasion to a tmftleient extent to give rise to family names in several localities. It is a given name derived from the words ot "love" and "theyne"ito1lowsr or soldier), but the actual meaning or the name was “beloved soldier.†“Every man has I card on which his heme, his address, and the tact that he will die are written tn indelible ink. The date of his death and the disease from which he will die ere duo writ. ten on this card, but the writing in with pencil and erasable." This tstatement w" recently made It a. meeting try Dr. Charles Mayo, the distinguished surgeon. Of course he stroke in parable but the linemen" In none the less true. Continuing this idea, we might any that every man should look n his card about once a year. This looking at the card once a your is called "physical examination on your birth- day.†Such an examination. it it is properly made. should size up the person's condition in every respect. When he has finished, the physician will probably say something like this: LOFTUS Variatlons-Lofting, Lotte, Lennon. Raclal Origin-English. 8ouree--A given name, also a locality. "You are not like the deacon's on.- hoss shay, due to so to pieces all " once In every part. I and your heart scores 100, but your kidneys score only 70. In no tar as I can judge, you may die tn 1933 of a kidney trouble. unless you change those of your balms which tttittet that condition." Let us suppose you are sensible and wish to get the most out ot lite. You erase "1933" and write "1943." Ten years will mean much to you, sad you make up your mind to have them. How? cumbed to the order and the Industrial ma tion. These indications ot condition! which may be changed by methods of living are written in pencil on your card. Then you go on for one year, happy in the prospect of a gain of ten yearn. Another birthday comes around. You go to the card box. You take your Wht’s On Your Card? English legal and social complexities ot modern and material civiliza- ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Sue Thompson says if her house burned that the radio is the last thing she’d try to save. When the baby cried the other night, Harvey, her husband, trot up to feed him. He put the milk on the stove to heat and tuned in on l the radio while it was heating. When , Sue woke up in the morning the milk, Ito all boiled away and Harvey was a sleeping in tho big chair with the ear I phones on his uad.--E. C. I When ordering goods by mail and u Dominion Expres- Monoy Order. School childmn of to-day are har- diet than than of a few years ago; thanks to the are of school doctom most will; now leave school with sound h and good vision. _ . CANADA’S “BARREN I,h1'0S" A man who in the struggles of life has no home to retire to, in {at or in memory, is without life’s beat re- wards and life's best defenees.--U. S. For Flrat Atd-Minardu Llniment. Holland. Friend (who has dropped in)-- "What'. the manor, Jim? You seem to be rattled." 2irty-"Do " Well, we've jun had a M; shake-up in this omen. you see." The invisible our drum invented by A. o. Leonard, which in e miniature megaphone. tttting inside the ear en- tirely out of night. ie restoring the hearing of hundreds ot people in New York city Mr. Leonard invented tbie drum to relieve himself of deutneee and head noises, Ind it does thin no successfully that no one could tell he in a deer man. It in effective when deafneee ie caused by catarrb or by perforated or wholly destroyed natural drums. A toque-i. for information to A. o. Leonard, Suite MT, TO Fifth avenue. New York city. will be given a prompt reply. adv! Although nearly one-sixth ot the area of the Dominion is included un- der the name of the "Barren Landsfg there has been very little authentic! information available about their na- ture and possible resources. Most of the exploration throughout these re- gions was carried on in the earlier "yo-from 1770 to 18U--ttt the way ot various overland journey: in con- nection with Arctic expeditions by sea. searching for a Northwest we to the Orient. These lands then lay tar from the outposts of settlement and, with the primitive forms of transpon- tation available at that time, estiy mations ot their posslble value and re sourcee were bound to be based upon restricted standards. i Antelope. An Dainty. Antelopes will not oat clover hay which has the least mold about it. The waterways followed con-let of e series of large llhee draining to Great Slave lake which no in a greet pl» teau region of uniform elevation and generally subdued topography. This represents the drainage peak of the country In which some of the waters tiowintt into the great rivers of the north take their rigtr--Mtututuie river ot the western Arctic. Coppermine tation avsilabie at that time, esti-_ It was observed that the country be- mations of their possible "Jae and re-' come less rough toward the north and sources were bound to be based upon east and that the accumulation of soil restricted standards. {was Kreater with a corresponding im- From the close of that period of provement in the amount and variety exploration to the present day. over I I ot the vegetation. The namr "Barren span ot nearly 1 century, with its ' Lendsm as applied to the " tier por- grent strides in settlement and in the , tion ot this country is a misnomer. it development ot transportation and is true that trees do not grow beyond economic machinery in general. littleia certain line, and to the north and has been done to reconsider the poo-yeast of this line areas ot barrenneee hibilitles of these regions in the light exist where soil is either lacking or of present-day conditions. In order} too coarse tor ordinary plant life, but to obtain firgt hand information about the country, and at the same time lay down a skeleton system ot survey for all possible future development pur- poses, control traverse and explom tion surveys were extended during the past season through a series ot water. ways lying to the north and east of the easterly part of Great Slave lake. This work we: carried on by G. H. Blanchet, D.L.S.. of the Matt of the Topographical Survey of Canada, De partment of the Interior. card and again read it. In other words, you take another examination. As a fault, you may erase the old on- tries and make new ones. You any further modify some of your 17119 of living, or, huving round those ot the put your sututactory, you plan to con- tinue them.--dt. G. FURNESS BERMUDA LINE l 34 WhitaullBtreet . New York City k or Any Local Tourist “an. A “FORT VICTORIA" and "FORT ST. GEORGE" Mu I'm-nun " Hmilun Dock For "handed Bookish Write ( His Hearink Restored. Might WIN Appear mama. Via Pnhtinl, Twin Batu. QiI-Butnlnz Steamer. The Doctor sou it With Boots river of the middle Arctic, Backs river of the eastern Arctic. and Thelon river tiowtag to Hudson Bar. A atmnge fact about. the medical men of England is that they don't care to be called by their professional titles. Except on ott1t'ittl occasions. an English medical man had rather you called him "miMer" than "doctor." A Harley Street specialist of neat renown was golfing one morning when an acquaintance shouted to him chmily across the links: "Good morn- ing. doctor!" Beaver Iituptlvitr. The beaver is not dlitiealt to raise in captivity. The coast line included between the month- ot those rivers exceeds 1,500 milea. It mar readily be appreciated tint " the head waters of nil these rivers closely approach the lake eerie: the route by these waters is important in giving access to a vast area of in lend country end an extensive stretch of coast line. in this connection it might be noted that a practicable water mute was discoverei in the course of the survey connecting with Copper. mine river. Once a mother has used Baby's Own Tablets for her little ones she would not be without them. They are the ideal home remedy for the baby; be- ing guaranteed to be absolutely free from opiates or other hermtul drugs. They are e gentle but thorough len- tive and have been proved of the greatest aid in use: ot oomrttpattou, indigestion, colic. colds end simple fevers. Concerning them Mrs. Ernest Gene. Besusejour. Que., writes: "t hove used Baby's Own Tablets tor constipation end colic and have found them so successful that I wrc,t.1 mt be without them. I would strongly re- commend every mother to keep I box in the house." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 26 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. "Good morning, wholeulo donor In boots and shoes!" The animal ot outstanding interest. native to the country, is the Barren Lands caribou. Vast herds range these areas. leaving the open lands tor the woodlands for a short period in the depth of winter. The country traver. sed terms the outer trhure ot the form- er tense of the musk-ox and from the fact thst only one was seen during the sesson it may be assumed that either the herds have been reduced in num- bers or they hue retired to the more inaccssible portions of their range. An interesting discovery was that I sum- mer breeding ground ot the ivory bill loon which winters in Norway and Ice- land wss found in the upper waters of Coppermine and Back rivers where hundreds were observed. in the greater portion of the country a vulcty or shrubs and mosses cover the hills and grasses Bourigh in the swampy valleys. WOULD MT BE WITHOU'I‘ BABY’S OWN TABLETS l ,,(,1siiilr, (lil PI] Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer product proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians 24 years for Colds Headache Neuralgia Lumbago Pain Toothache Neuritis Rheumatism Poultry, Butter, and Eggs IOIYIIIL Aspirin '. the m nut (W In Canada) of Butt lunar-tum of â€Gourde newest" o: Balicrltoaetd taarttl StucyIIc Acid, "A. s. A."). While " ts we.) b,-rea that Ankh In†Ink museum. to an» the public who: tun-wan, the tablets ummmummommm-uk. (tn-"Bur: Uni." Insist on SW" HOU" "tntt11aHt' " I“ Plea" write for our price an on w. P. POULIN & CO., LIMITED than ttte I In: BAYER TABLETS OF ASPIRIN Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proven directions. 2tdLi'lln"', bout of it tablcta Also In of 24 uni 10G--DraasiJaiU. iFor Every "t-MInatrd'q Llnlmom. have bough: um.- farm: in Nauru Canada trom the Cnnadiu Pnciilc. A iremurkabie Fact. Think! The" . o 'reason. The large area ot our hold- ings atrarding Choice of location ond of ’lnnd to suit every farming and. M !prico. {air contract, and Mr dialing combined with abundant fertility of soil. good climate and social condi- iff"," make farm life there desirable ,Ind attractive. Thousands more will select their farm from our virgin limit. from our improved farms. and with ‘some capital and determination to work. can make a home and pay tor it, Write tor our booklet, "The Pram. Provincn of Canada." and leaflet ', “Western Canada Forges Ahead." c. L. ,Norwood. Land Aunt. Candi“ Pncmc anilwuy. Dock W., Windsor Button. i Montreal, Que. The reports received by the Dope of Undue and Fisheries no to the " feet that heavy mm of when ulmon remixed tho (up-wrung grounds of 14k- elu lake and Babine lake on the Show: Rim mtemhed. The hatch- odea bated It then two point: were Mud to capacity with over 17,500,000 em and large numbers of alum were loft to spawn in the natural my. The collections st both plan were well above the average since the Uteh- erles wore established. There in a walking-nick tum in Surrey devoted exclusively to the growth of sapling uh 3nd darn for manufacture into sticks and um- brenas. “at ia why 3n angry man wmtl to tuht the object ot his rage. Ho ho- oomu hot-blooded hem tho coca- Ilon of carbonaceous mater-hi intoxi- caces his muscular â€Item. MERE TIMES 55,000 FARMERS A well-known pathologist has re- cently made an Interesting discovory. He has found um bad temper bu tho curious tttrect ot Increasing the amount of mu in the blood by from 10 w cent. to 80 per tteat, In the coum of a few minutes. The "range thing I: tint this ratrte change In due to 1 tiny shad about the use of a pin. When it function- normally I pox-Ion remnlnn calm and even-temper“. It the essence exudu too limb. hatred, Dalton, and qw- rell smut. What Makes Men Quarrel? I of Pinch the akin of I freshly plucked iii !iir.iiili);?ij'j:,i1 _ 'ii-iii)):,'), G 1tebotnt':arJ1 To: Pom: Belg“: " 'm. laden: . ' . Io nu. ttpt . . . . . .u In. Flaunt . .. ..l1 hrs. lupin _... 12hrr. Hrlwl~AtheIl " ha. Constantin-[mu hrs. Bayreuth. . " bu. "iNrt+t89'nrs. I ....... Mnys 'Gmatma. . .... I hrs. Inn; New [on Ihu'mu- In" '6Mt.ttlt including than amnion and “on! at inâ€. Ch... Comfortable and Comedian Vault “vocally built to, the Modituumeu Tn“. Shore Excursions " Part-f-e" Stop-oven â€tamed. Concert: lacuna. dastcya, end parties, pm" of all 00m in "ditio. to the writ! plea-urn a “I mm Ul- mp-ued Frendl whin- A“ 'lr" an: anion !,',',T,t2,e Cuban“: lulu Pb- ttrris:Wirelers News mm 'm Mam-v huh“ o'inn an derritttive "(H-tun "elrt- Imam cl tho Cm“. Mon-co Ian-ill“ he†' “an 'firiykt r/iiii8itii-?iil JAMES w. ELWELL ' co., INC., Gen. Agent- " But. Street, New York City. WiNTE " 'trr, lo an to In. " hrs, " hrs u an} Any unmarked Steamship Audit. or -7 - “A - . __....._____ m ., rel-,4 " . 'y:,'1jsfiiii mu“ - 'r-- _.-. ’71\'\“-“‘ - . rflguic.f¢gï¬t§§ghtmamn is :.Ptovi¢on- a] " in†lob. " Feb. 6 a "S. " Pets. ll Feb. " R CRUISES I925 " " I. " " " " ll SS. Mia The apple tree in the low lived of American fruit trees. In many parts of the east it is mt unusual b find trees healthy and baring fruit " the age of 100 yam. OLD and RARE BOOKS I wanted. Reynoldl, 7 Street, Toronto. ON CANADIAN SUBJECTS. Soul partlculnrl to on Wlkon Publish“ Company, " Walt Mould. 8M Toronto, Ontario. FARM LOANS MADE. A7,E-si' wanted. Reynolds, 77 Victoria Wants Women to Know H ow She Wu Made Well by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Ve cubic Comm“; your medicine A (my 1.! t ' tll I tl 1 , y, ol T rs, " 7 . " . m T w g e M tl T . q ir uh _ tel ,3. , 2: ' ' ,11" ff, tter'- 7 †ir uni across my body. MRS. ll, H. HART tlilil M YEARS tywnrral1,0ntario.--"r an new giv your medicine n fair will and it ' llndoing pe goodk - R .. V um om to BllE'g , ,.. on 'JaSQ l 'det ' "" . A to feeltwtired in _ lv, . morningthltldldn I g went wxgec l? b a ca that fee mg in mIVo + _ _ q ‘ " lug me now. I alas 3 I" , trlcep better Ind fed I "yi . more like world . , _'.r' i For seven or 1% , _ ' ‘ 1 {can I have hid q q . cadachetrtired frol- TA 'r A ' ings,painrrnmyuath and zeroes my body. I read letters in the newspapers saying what good Ly E. Pinkhlm's Vegetable Compound done others. My husband any: I ' too soon, but 1 am no; going to as taking the Vegetable Compound 'crht E. Pinkham's Blood Medicine my ti lam bettermd ttasum't an Behe or. pain. Isn't that the right wart 1 luv. great faith in your Inn/mines. “a must be trif when thos, who take th speak no lghly of them. I am re mending them to my friends and 'felt pladlv Insurer letters from women "b mg about them. "--Mrn. BURT H, Hm Rd); 1081, Cornwall, (lawn " b. lab. Prtr. tor, " day. Mu Mrs. Bart rum tohelp can worn. and is willing to answer hum f roll nick women "king about the Vegas“ Compound. Guam Ionp. Ointment and Tnlcum remand maintain "in purity, akin oomfon and Ikin heath. The Coup to dance and purify, the Ointment to comb: and tseal, an Tllcum to powder. pot t ""hu'f,',trPtts,fth"mlt'tttt tit Pr.'."; Oil-tnttclndhn. ink-JIIL " on! - Shaving Nick. _ “I tried one“! remedies without any benefit. I began using Cud- cun Boap 1nd Ointment and in about two month: I was completely baled." (Signed) Mrs. L. Madal- Inn, Box 521, Xenon, Ontario. " I no troubled may month: m an Rhine. burning, plum} feeling practically nt.', kg over my face. A num- _ 'd ber of pimple: broke my.» out on my forehead which caused me to mehanddoouuled l t22 “pawn. The pim- ple. sprmd down the side. of my be: and caused dutie- urement. CUssified Advertisement, Tells How Cuticura Healed Eruptions We no Interested tn obulnlu Mrs. L. lilaailfiiii" " " " " "ut I6,†" " " MONEY To LOAN. Isa. hm. ESSUE No. 1.1% bik "r, Apr, Apr, Apr, Apr, Apr, "dar. 2t " " "at 'r" M. Pud- In] , lay " In " In " May " In " 'dt,' 'd " In um lay ll " do" a: