Jan. 23rd. and thr. o'. S. Montcalm on Jan. 30. I throtuth standard slowly-r will be operated by the Canadian Pa, one from Toronto direct to the ship's nulo- at West bt John as follows: have Toronto Jan. 22 and 29, 9.00 a.m.: arrive Montreal 5.10 pm. Leave Montreal 1 p. m. : arrive West Mt. John (ship's side) 12.2tt p. m. Jun. " and 30. 1-m- direct service it is eoMdent. ly eapretrd will prove n ma! con- VenIo-nco to travellers to Great Bri. um. mums ot Inn. 23rd. Ci), RONCHITIS §$RGNCHITIS MONEY BACK GUARANTEE \EEVE JI'NDALK ’LPISHERT Meads. rMRKDMJ "ALLOW LAKE-Reeve Wtttter W. Smith. Hutchinson. HATBW0RTH-Ree [ANUVX-ZR-l lEAI‘ORD-J HORNBI'RY HI’STADT ENTtNCK--t Nd: Dov. t 'ERBY - Ree IGREION'I' - Kenn»: hep. new. Hogarth. oLuNqW000-- In" Buchanan: bop. new Pteid. Elberon ll D L' PHRASI A M ilter I De LLIVAN, DENHA.‘ Bargains in Bias filled Corsets this Week Won'al's Chiffon Velvet The Cash Shoe Store COME TO US FOR HERBAGEUM WEAR SrANFIELD'8 UNDERWEAR AND BE COMFORTABLE Three only PLRATED Q‘HILII‘S SUITS Ft... DRESS VLANNEL. 5t DRESS FLANNEL. 30 wow-2x3 BLACK AND BROWN JULibrT SLIPPERS. sizes 3. 4. and 5.to clear at ...F...... ............ \VOIFIN'S COZY FELT ttLtPPERS. all colors and " sly-a. to clean at ...........r.r....... ............ Toronto - West St. John Through Sleeper Servico WOMEN'S SEEDS SUPPERS. Bill". Brown and Mauve alt sizes. to clear ttt w................. ............ in. it ES AND DEP. REEVES OF (REV co. FOR 1525 CANADIAN PACIFIC II)’ A I New Year Bargains in Slippers JK-Reeve D. J. McDon- Dep. new. R. Grkmn - Reeve J. A. Torin" I) Reeve REPAIRING A SPECIALTY td R ee v Wm 1 W. ll Wm r " o. Stocks (has Wid ht Wm Weir r J. Gard Acheson, Alex tanadian P: to the tthip' I follows: Nell Me Robt Forirave NO‘II Cai. 'OI'K John A Monk. P. Pdle J. W Jno It)“ H. Er SKIRTS. rr'R. $5.00 tor Inches with inches with w w M. x 11H!)\\.\' ..'l LII-IF SLII'PPTRS. (Ivan. .n _ . .rFV 1.50 siiys8) surmzns "ll 1-olors and all j , . 7 MT“. .02.}: 'Plots, Mu-- P,rown and Blame- 1 2n . "h'iliii."l'ii,' [ m “I". {In "tttttgtg." I. INC A SPECIALTY ' “m I" , tl.00 lea: l an Ian-ho. J S M ILRAITH ' . . C i THC s ,ttske lder itle c ralm I stomp USO" Mt ME In: 'our V ELY cr F'. ENS the beat Cattle and Fowl Food Atrnin his Interpretation of the clause in the Saviour: prayer "that they all may be one." (John 17 :21) will not be generally accepted and if he will give consideration to the last clause of the verse he will see that more is meant than simply one ness of spirit. He was praying tor unity "that the world may believe that thou hast sent me." One of the damning facts in the Protestant world is the multiplying of divisions that exist. and if these divisions would be eliminated. there can be no doubt that the "world" would much murt' readily believe "that thou hast BLACK. 36 in wide, "Rows, 27 in wide There is nothing in the basis, nor in the words or actions of prominent l'nion men to Justify the prediction that the United Church will be auto- crtttic. " anything. we believe it will be more democratic than is now thr, as». The Butham Bettina Tttore must have been my on Sunday morning last who wished there had been someone on hand to take up the cudgsls for Union at the conclusion of Rev. H. R. Home’s " (in-95. From his point of view val may admit it was fairly presented. but me will take the liberty of pre-l, arming a few points, which might‘ wen be taken exception to. I For instance when he gracefullvl assurmi his Mo'thodist brethren" of his gumi will and that his opposition to Union did not spring from dislike to them. tho assurance would have come with greater force if he had condemn trrsd many scurrilous things said by; his fellow anti-unionists about that, rhurch. or which he could not fail to] know, one won going so tar as to re- " to it as an "emulate church"ami] " to it as an "apoatate chureh"and using other opproblous epithets total ly undeserved. The “Call" Explained In regard to the "Call." He at!- mits that any pastoral charge may ex tom] a call. but that the Settlement t‘om. has the right of appointment. Not many Presbyterians would ob jt'tl to some change In the manner of C. RAMAGE & SON. Editor and Pro- tsrtetetets. Member Canadian Weekly Newspap- ers' Association. Subsenpuon an“: $2.00 a year in rdvanm in Cuuda: $2.50 in In: United Rum . L. GRANT I , DURHAM. JAN. 15, 1925 UNION OR D!SUNION ...........$3.99 82.65 and $2.85 ...31.65 per yd .....90c per yd it 75c if $2.60 31.75 yd y d yd i, He quoted figures of previous votes, i and then proceeded to. deal with ques- tions of property, which he claims [ Were "higlt-handedly" being taken [possession of. The Ontario Legis- :lature would not give them-tho Un- ',,ionuta-tlte power they wanted, and ;all property was held under the Pro, !vinclal Act. Even the sanction they Igot from the. Dominion Parliament I was different from the one they asked i for. F . . s ,i C,J',.',L,','ri'i,ev1i'i"j,1nwf1T,itl smith?“ or FoUATEEN BRUCE MIN. ito Rev. H. R. Horne, a retired minis-i ISTERS UNIONISTS 'ter, of Toronto, expound the anti- When Church Union comes into of- [union side of the great question now} feet on June IO, 1925. ten of fourteen istirring Presbyterian churches, viz '. 1 WWW?“ hi the Pvesbytery ot Bruce lshall cat-l1 individual congregation i'ol-illll'md troing into the l'nitod Church, 'low its church into the Union to beland they have declared their inten- iconstituted on June 10th next: tsrl'"""' trus: "Wts, the undersigned ishall such congregation vote not tol i:i.-.ter,-. ol' the Presbytery of Bruce. ii‘oiiow the Presbyterian church int-.1240 how-by signify our intention of into Union decided on last June by al knepmg our connection with the his- (vote or 426 ministers and elders for} tone Presbyterian church of Canada. land of 96 ministers and oiderlee wish to go forward with hgrin (against. this spiritual enterprise, and to share i Rev. Mr Home is a good speakorlin her ministry: and as leaders in land tluently presented his case. iiilar several congregation. we believe tttly, by expressing his pleasure atiil right and hvlpful that we tshould ,'presentintt the biggest question that make known our intentions now." that! ever come before the church for! The declaration has been signed by lsoiution. He gave assurance that he the nine following ministers and SUD- [had nothing but the highest regard l ported by one, who for personal reasv for his Methodist brethren, and that 1 0118. has not signed as yet: W.H. ino antipathy to them moved him to Burgess H. D. McCuaig. B. G. Steele, ioppose union with them. i)". J. MacKay. A. Graham, D. H. Gal- l With courage he selected a text lagher. W. M Lee, W E Wallace, C. C. iirom John 17 ; 21 "That they all L; Strachan. Summing up he said they began with economy and mum! with the co- Prcive stage. The literature sent out by the Unionists, was he alleged. a tine example or what literature ought not to be. He blamed as one of tho worst features of the Basis. the taking of certain words and giving them new meanings. The General Council he found to be an autocratic tour, and criticized its constitution though he admitted he had made but "a hurried reading" of it. An example of the people's pow- pr was shown in tho recent o. T. A. vote. There were two types of church- as: the autocratic, governed by a single head or group. and the demo- cratic kind where all power is in the -.--__.._m.-___ ' ijiiii)l,','/f,lt 18),, “calling" a minister as at present it unto. Not seldom there is humm- ation about it--etrbeeituty tor the minister. Now it surely may be as- sumed that the Settlement Cora. would have sense enough to be ttuid- ed by tho call. exactly an the Presby- tery does now. No Settlement Com. would court trouble by making an ttth pointment not agreeable to the con- gregatlon. In closing It is well to remember that a vote against Union is an In- Jury to our Durham church and tends to hinder her from sharing in the sues-93393 that are bound to follow the grandest Union that has ever taken place In church circles. For “I. try M. McFadden, s. McBoth w... Neuritis "H V"! Neuralgin W. of Candi-u have but! that T.KC.'. (iv. quicken and and Who: Pub. tkW'ikrtdimetirersthopoi+ that an? Ntiii"iiirii7iti7 auras...“ “uh? lat tho pen. Th! "Et', no ml or you!!! than._ mm for -. MIL V...“ iircrraaa' "" --- -- 31-00 1"2r.ttlt""" Soe. Freedom From. Pain A: it Appears to Rev. H. R. Home l Church Union . " MPLITON'G Q nvsyyanc ---- THE DURHAM REVIEW i His many friends in this commun- M’ ity wlll regret to hear that Mr Anth- S".ony Pust is in delicate health and L4 _ has found it necessary to enter Chris- “l (is St. Hospital, Toronto. It ls hoped 5-; that he will respond to the treatment I-,, he will receive there and come back disustalned to health. l We are pleased to report that lit- ktlo Franklin Sharp is recovering nic- iely from an attack of scarlet fever. l The annual meeting of Bentinck (Baptist church was held Friday aft- ernoon. The affairs of the church ,showed themselves to be in a satis- factory condition After the business ;part of the program was finished, a Ipleusumt time was spent socially. Mr Duncan McKinnon received ai sad telegram last week that his bro-i ther. Mr Donald McKinnon had diedl in St P;ml's hospital, Vancouver, Sli-l tor an illness of three weeks at the; use or 4 2yi-nrs. His death removes1 a member of one of the most highly! respected families of Bentinck Tp.' He served with distinction overseas. and survivled the hardships of moi-i, tary life but his health was under-i mined and as a result of his trying: experiences, he passed away as stat-', ed above. The sympathy of thoi community goes out to the relatives‘ of this brave soldier who was not. afraid to answer the call of his court-l try. There are left to mourn his lossl tour brothers and three sisters. Al-t Ian. John and Angus of the West,'; Duncan and Mrs Jas. McDgugall of; Beattinek, on the old homestead. and! Mrs Andrew Milne of Brant Tp. andi Mrs Maggie Brown ot Chilliwack, B. C. His brave deeds shall ever be re- membered tor he suffered that we might live in peace and saftey. Soldier rest. thy warfare o'er Dream of fighting tietdts no more: And while you sleep a peacelui sleepl Your memory we shall always keep.‘ Misses Marjory Pickering and Bes sie Smith of Durham. spent the week end with their friend, Miss Marjorie Ritchie. A Debate was held in the school house on Friday night. The subject was that "The steam engine has done more for the country than the prim~ ing press." Misses Marjorie Ritchie and Glenny Firth upheld the attlrttiaw tive side and Misses Reta Glencross and Margaret Anderson the negative side. The judges who were Miss A. Mekeehnie, Joe Davison and Cecil Mottat, decided in favor of the " firtnative. After this a lengthy pro- gram was put on by the married women and proved very entertaining. hands ot the people, the implication being that the coming United Church would belong to the former kind. Mrs Malcolm McLean (nee Sarah McDonald) and little daughter, Edna Florence. of Gull Lake, Sask.. are visiting the former's mother, Mrs H. McDonald and brothers and sister here. Her many friends are pleased to Welcome her home. Mr and Mrs Allan Brown of Earn mont spent the first of the weok with Mr and Mrs J. McNally. _ The next Elebato will be held at the school on Jan. 23rd, when Ceylon will debate against Edge Hill. The great Liberal gathering m Toronto in few days ago was a not- able event. No fewer than eight Cabinet ministers took the platform wlth Premier McKenzie King, trnd the speeches made. especially that of La. Pointe and the Premier roused the great audience to fever heat. Signs abound of an awakening in Liberal ranks, that will at next elec- tion. not much more than a year oft, give the Goyernmont an lncroasvd majority. Some aw optimistic o- m) vgf‘. to think that even "Tory" Tor. onto will return some Liberals next time! Sir Wilfrid Laurier used to remark that they gave him their chews an] the other fellow their ' oil-,1. _ McANULTY--In loving memory or dvar mother, Sarah Ellen McAn- ulty, who died Jan. 13, 1923. No one known: the heartache mothry Only those. who have lost can tell, But thi, ones who miss you moat, -L.i/ue ones who loved you well. Badly missed by husband and family Review columns. Bee the new Westinghouse Radio Sets at Smith Bros. page. LIBERALS MEET IN TORONTO For successful advertising try IN MEMORIAM EDGE HILL MULOCK ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO It is with deepest regret that Wt', has been ailing for some time but lnlention this week the death of ltr., the end came rather suddenly. as ho John McDonald. Sr. of this burg. De was able to be out on Monday. On ed al, ceased has been in poor health since Monday night however, he became rbro“ last spring but was always able to be worse and was taken to the hospital . labout until Monday last when he Wednesday where he underwent an we“ took seriously ill and on Wednesday'opevation. Mrs McDonald and son ' ari was taken to Durham hospital, und- John went with him and stayed by the; ergoing an operation for inward, till the end Friday morning. They OVCS‘ trouble. All that medical aid and with his daughter May and son Wil- ‘ghiyl tender care could do was done but he, Ham, all at home, are chief mourn- Tp." passed away Friday morning. The ers. The funeral took place Monday 'scasi deceased was in his Toth year and to Dueham cemetery and was larg- mill-' was a kind and obliging neighbor., ely attended. The service was con- oder/ He leaves as chief mourners the ducted by his pastor, Rev Mr Sillars. l . in widow. also two sons. Jno,1 of Dornoeh. We wish to extend our “my sotrow g . ',and William and one daughter Mae, sympathy to Mrs McDonald and tune stat-l all lot whom are at home. Interment, ily. "ml took place to Durham cemetery Mon-1 ---_---- tives) day. The community extend their' , iiit'jil,1,'f,i,r,',t', sympathy to the family in, Mr Will Leggette has sold his :oun- their sad bereavement. f farm of 100 acres to Mr Jerrys Allard loss Mr George Chapman and family at the Rocky. ' Al. spent Sunday afternoon with Mr and Mr Tommy runny and his mother If..." Mrs Edmund Noble of Hutton Hill. a Mrs, Allnrd viaitmi hnr sdsetor Mr: Our annual church meeting is to be held Thursday evening of this week. Tea is to be served after the businéss part is over. We are boasting of the number of radio fans we have in our commun- ity. Mr Michael Burns had his in- stalled a while ago and is sharing up with his neighbors. Mr E. Geddes had the poles and wire all ready for his radio set when it arrives from Pittsburg. "New " SEE OUR NEW Ebenezer School where the annual banquet of the Allan Park U120. was held. The moon shone its brist- est, the weather was perfect and a crowded house was the result. So much tor the United Farmers. The managing committee had made ar- rangements for an overflow of good things and the tables groaned if such Mr John Whiteford makes a capab- le rhalrman and with the music sup plied by the Rocky orchestra. din- Iogues, recitations, followed by songs and choruses. the evening wore away and came to an end as all good things do. A hearty vote of thanks was extended to the ladies of Eben- ezer for the part they presided oven Miss Jemr'e Derby or. Niagara is at prest- it staying at the 'oid home' and tasting of our winter's depth of snow and zero weather. "iiiissGsugness and Evelyn McLean took advantage of the sunny day and visited Egremont friends Friday Mrs John Heft entertained a numb or of her friends on Sutuxday evening last Misses Harriet and. Jean and M33- ter Douglas Anderson of Logdon are. with their grandmother here and ate tending school. Mr and Mrs A10? McLean and daughters spent an eruoyable even. ing last Thursday with Mr and Mrs. Wm Willis, Sr., Allan Park. The Women's institute will be hold at the home of Miss M. McIntosh. on the 11th inst. when we would like to see as many as possible get out and make tho meeting more interest- ing than it has been. We hope there will be printed programs for the coming war. The Dow Mission Band was held in the basement of the church last Sat. urday when quite a number Wen- were present .We hope the New Year will increase our membership as there are quite a number of children who never attend. Will the part-nth kindly see that they attend as thisis the first step for children to take in training their lives for mission work. including Rubber goods and Hosiery any size. any price, any color. a. thing were possible. After the company was served all adjourned to the upper room where a lengthy and amusing program was gone through by the young people. A few from this line attended the U. P. W o. meeting held at the home of Mrs Thos. Milligan Friday last. Miss Stella Lynn spent an aftvr- noon recently with Miss Marie Hos- We hope Bowes', the weathor man's predictions will come true this time as We need a little changpl on" from the stormy weather .wo haw had continuously the past few days. It has given us great hopes at least that fine weather must be near at hand. Only ones In town and nothing ttiryq. tor a gift. Also a specially reduced sale of all Spirella Goods Sorry to report Mrs D. McQuaer had the misfortune to {all and break some of tttr ribs. Mr McQ. is also suffering from a sore face. Mr Brown has returned to this burg after a couple of weeks with friends in Toronto. Mr and Mrs Fred Cuff spent Wed nesday evening with Mr and Mrs Finlay McCualg. Miss Stella noon recently lip. SPIRELLA STORE, Middaugh House Last Friday nitrht_a0 reds led RADIOS! RADIOS! Slut“ Sharpen“ GENERAL REPMRlNG DURHAM MACHINE SHOP F. W. MOON, Machinist Atrent for THE NIGHTINGALE RADtO Also STROMBERG-CARLSON SETS Horn Clippers, Tools and NORTH BENTINCK DORNOCH ‘CHAPPIE’ COATS ht all roads led to where the annmy honouet'ln the school Friday oven- ing. The night no he. the rud- good, so 1 large crowd turned out. Supper was served from six o'clock before all was done Justice to. After supper all repaired to the schoolmam where a varied and lengthy program was disposed of. Mr John Whiteford was Chairman out! he kept the ttttd- ience in a happy mood. Mr John Alt- kens was also in his usual happy wsy and gave several of his akin; Scotch songs. The Rocky orches- tra was present and delighted all by a couple of pieces. Mr Fritz Smith of Allan Park gave a recitation, "Looking for a wife," which was heartily" (moored. Several dialogues t'ollowed which Were all good. Miss Mary Kennedy then read the UP. o. Gazette. The program over all rrpaired to the basement where more “vats" wei'exenjoycd and all disper- sed, well tsatisfied with the pleaaa'it evening spent in good filowsliip. Mrs John Thompson has returnt-d after spending a couple of weeks with her daughter. Mrs Allan Wine. Mr and Mrs Chas Retry were rec- ent vlsltora with Mr 1nd Mrs Wm. Torry. The death of Mr John McDonald took place in Durham Red Cross hos- pital Friday morning, Jan. 9th. Deceased was in his 70th year and had lived most of his life on the home farm at Aberdeen. Deceased has been ailing for some time but the end came rather suddenly, as he was able to be out on Monday. On Monday night however, he became worse and was taken to the hospital Wednesday where he underwent an operation. Mrs McDonald and son John went with him and stayed by till the end Friday morning. They with his daughter May and son Wil- liam, all at home, are chief mourn- ers. The funeral took place Monday to Dueham cemetery and was larg- ely attended. The service was con- ducted by his pastor, Rev Mr Sillarn. of Dornoch. We wish to extend our sympathy to Mrs McDonald and fam- ily. Mr Tommy Titrtuty and his mother Mrs Allard, visited her sister. Mrs. Tiffany at Willituttttfttrd recently. .v..,. Miss Victoria McFadden spent al, few days last week with her sister. Mrs John Bailey. -. A Son) to hear Mr David Donnellv is not in the best of health. We hope to hear of his feeling better goon. - _Mlss Pearl Wilson visited Mr and Mrs Ben Coulis recently. Mr and Mrs Edward Hopkins, Al- lan Park, were visiting at Mr John Hartman's Tuesday. -iirUU. isogid of Mnjor. Sash. cal- led on friends here one day last week. __ k Breakfast that Satisfies Try eating plenty of plain or toasted Brend with vour morning coffee . . Bread is the food of foods-There is no other like it for nourishing, invigorating qualities. Good Flour, plenty of yea-t and milk and salt give the special bread value to 0000 BREAD-THE LOAF Aki. PURE 1925, at 2 o'eloek p.111. The business of the out year will be examined and passed and plans adopted for the better succeas of the Soclety for the present year. " I: hoped that all the members wltl in reach wlll endeavor to be present and all others interested are cordially invited. Don't forget. Bread is your Best Food ..- Eat More at it J. W. BLYTH, Pres. GEO. BINNIE, Sec'y of ihe Soufl, Grey Agricult'l Society will be held in the PUBLIC LIBRARY Durham, on Friday, Jan. 23 You will like it J.F.O. Club held _thtir annual tilEN0EItS0N'S BAKERY ABERDEEN THE ANNUAL MEETING The Annual Meeting Mrs D. Wtteie'a two dauglnw.-, Mrs A. Jordan and children and Miss Guile. are both enjoying the balms breezes of Florian It present. ply The U. P. W. o. met " the cosy home of In Thou. Hulls-n last Fri m. There m u aplendid anoint woe. One new member joined :1. this meeting. The meeting wax our cued In the ulunl way by the Prvsi, dent. and the usual routine of busin on tranaaeted. In Ju Ewen 'ttor' 3 humorous recitation which was enjoyed by those present. The main feature ot the meeting was Mr, It Lawson's report as delegate to in. Convention in Toronto whlvh he", many helpful suggestions for H.1- Club. A hearty vote of thanks my tendered Mrs Lawson at the PIOM- m the meeting. after which lunch wan served. The next meeting will I.- held at the home oi Mrs " Mm. thar. cefsri in main; that more is not added to the “ready bountiful sun- 1925. " ' p. m.. to transact general business 1nd ttppoint 3 Shipper for 1925. Pleased to report Mrs Witltru Cllrk ls doing nicely and was abh. it come home on Saturday. Remember the debate in the school on Friday night of this week bu tween No. 7, Nomnnby and tho Rocky. Friday, January l6th Mus K. Firth. teacher. brews I)... storms each day from town on slum shoes 1nd makes good time. The Rocky orchestra attended tho banquet at Ebenezer Friday night, and report a splendid time with good accommodation tor I". Mr and Mrs Ju. Lawrence Wet't recent visitors at the home of th: latter'a ulster, Mm Chas. Lawn-nun Hutton Hill. A number of the little folk an suffering from cold: It present. The now is null piling up, an“ DURHAM LIVE STOCK SHIPPING ASSOCIATION DURHAM PUBLIC, LIBRARY JAN JOHN MCGIRR. President HERBERT EDGE, Secretary will be held in I 15, OF I925 0=0=0=0 Tell your Neighbor to for The REVIEW. atper lb ' . Pr.' Gunpowder Green ' New Cheese, per lb Seedless Raisins. 2 Rice. 3 lbs....... . Try our special ble LEGHORNS. an: or roar-old Hem. you want, to hunk (Emery S Breakfast Bacon. Peameal Back In: Economy Black 'I SUAPSWGUM. P, St. Charles Milk Superior Baking Epsom Salts . - . To those wl CROSSLEY Rm SUPERIOR beat Radio on th, lot In demons! model. It is rea For Sale 1).". During the 6 p.111. on Tut How about a Radiu These Sovereign Flour, Eclipse Hm KARSTEOT BIN For Week finding Every Day B Three String Broon J AN. bt 1925 JOHN MC THE PEOPL J. McK EXTRA SP l°=°=°=‘ sunlight ROCKS " This IN NUTI an) Q"! deliver: lh 0:0 m H to