'tr..' '.96qH6o000q06000qq060--qqqqqqo_q My wiie, Eliza! son, Geortte Rd! tMwsertod my hm without mu cm hereby notitied m rredit on my act: them credit do a from this date as uiblo for their do Cttegh.y. Ont., , Tttree Restisterrsd Hereford Butts, from K to l2 months. Slred by Roy Fairfax 36192. Apply to Tho. Tuck- "r, Weevil]? R. R. l. wag/ya Bread no" of r' Brrut in the food of Mods. Bas ram 3"; ttour and milk and com- 'tre-t was! combined Into a lost that tte, an appetite satisfaction m every slim. Individual intimation tumbles a snub-n! to begin . course ttt any time. Catatoe sent on re- qua-u. Special course for Far. mers' was. Rock Fast Drill Apron Gingham (bordered) Dutch Print, heavy 42 inch Grey Cofton Pure Linen Towening at 15c 'ttrtfllette Blankets. lam size. at $2.05 pair New in Stock this Week Do you look for Food Values in the Foods you Buy? Ye, Fur young nwn and wo- men trained in STENOGRA- PHY. SBCRETARIAL WORK TYHNG, "()OK- KEEPING. SALESMANSHIP. ETC. MOUNT ronzsf 6NT. NOTlcE wite, Elizabeth Lang. and my George Edward Lang. having "-11 my home, bed and board. mt just cause. the public are ' mum-d not to give them any t on my account. Those giving cram do so at their own risk this mm- as t will not be respon- tot' their debts. slr-y. out, Jan. 27. I925. Yi "N0EPS0N'S BAKERY W. A. TRIMBLE. Princh ItP't'0ltTtjNrrlEs ! H “I" '0.‘." SHOULD, FOR SALE a your Beat Food--Eat JOHN W. LANG " 'tttt Sullivan C. L. GRANT Ind†"IH' |H Ill" '"y'T """'"". Loe eu1- For som" time past the powers ly martyrs, aud It 1.R mum!" that that be in Ottawa and Toronto have both " trrirst and a bishop 50 eallorll, had their attention drawn to the un- diwi for th-it. I'uiih‘s sake in Ronw,lemployment situation. The Province "V under I‘qudius " and the other, thinks the Dominion should heip,the trlttry Autirlius, on Feb, ilth. in tbel Dominion claims it is a Provincial third century. This latter is said ml 'Hr.ur. Tho average unemployed man ' t_. V . trying with dmlculty to make ends .mu- met his death b) being bedlt‘nl with e'uhs and then beheaded. whvll"?1, watching .th.e Province appeal- VI ' _ ".' . _ ing to the Dominion, must rub his one oi tlu. t'ity Kate at Rome tjj) eyes as he sees the proposition to in- numul Porta Valentin, presatmxhly crease the salary of political minis- after the Saint is not known, norl tars by $2000 each. and the indem- why his remains should be invested nity of members boosted from 81400 with peculiar sanctity in the Fifi) to $2000! ! it is such untimely con- Church at M. Pmcxedes. The mod- trasta that stirs the revolutionary em usages connected with the day‘splrit. This increase should not be have so far as can be learned, no 't,vee'ln1"e1uietcfut',g',g."' “as: connection with the 9aint or his der will a solitary voice be raised as tuattsrdorn. There was an old cua- gainst it , with clubs atr one of the cit named Ports aha-r the Main why his remd with Mullar , THE ORIGIN OF ST tine was. Tty' than one of the ly martyrs. am both a print tl died for tiwlr prietors. Member Canadian Weekly Newspap- era' Association. 8uttarriptrort Rates: 32.00 a year in :-dvanc: In Cicada: 82.50 in Ire United sum-s C. RAMAGE & SON. Editor and Pro- Eh: Durham Review Good Bread for their faith antler Claudius r Aurvdlus. on century. This "URHAM, FEB. 12th, 1925 not ttttite clear who St Val»!!- rs. Thaw was probably more w of the name among the ear- yrs, and it is possible that priust and a bishop so ealled r tiwir Paith's sake in Rome. h-r Claudius " and the ttthes. always Pure is VALENTINE'S DAY Fl Last week with the usual glitter- , in: ceremonials. the third session of -jthe Fourteenth Parliament of our ',; Dominion was opened at Ottawa. “The r:peech from the throne present- '/ ed a comprehensive program of l,' which a few points are as follows: " The greatest surprise was the [my 'y pcaul to subsidize a fleet or ten Eships to ply the Atlantic as a hit at ‘the North Atlantic Shipping Com-i “blue. by compelling a lowering ofl (ocean freight rates. The secret of? this change had been Well kept, furl lno hint of it had been predicted. An] iequulization of land t’x-ieght rates,) iln‘rhapfa a lowering will also be ill-l ,lempteri. Then there are promisesl lto make " complete equipment of {Atlantic and Pacific ports to meet, {requirements of modern navigation. l i There Is no likelhood of further[ I lowering of the tariff this session and ivery likely the Conservative opposi- ition will cause debate by attempting Ito raise the tariff in which debate,'; :wlthout doubt the Progressives will ibe found trying to lower it. The} lgovernment party trying to "standi ypat" will thus be between two tires| land will likely carry its point. i _ some stops are to be taken to meet the needs of svttlers in tho Peace Riwr District, needs which aro bpcomlng clamnnt, almost tragic in their nature. The opening paragraph of the 'Speech" is optimistic. .\Ve quote it : "Since prorogarion. the economic situation throughout the world has considerably improved. For Cay-(la the your 1924 was a period of sub- stantial pmzress. In trade atone, the pxm-ss value ot exports over IT; ports was more than $260,000,000. The present your opens with pros- pects of sound and steady develop. ment. The finaneittt and trade situ- ation Justine: the eaTreetation of an early return to the gold basis. Custom 'Rawing--.Luttatrer and Shing~ lea. Smith & Lawrence Commons will be brought to an end no matter which party is in power. -______ 'ri-ie.. .. my ..v...r V. a...) m... The speech contains also a prom-l, McArthur. isp of Renate reform and the govern-g A number or friends spot an en- ment will win popular favor it it can; joyable time with yr and Mrs Fred, otrectually clip tho wings of this, Kt'fit'A1tlivntevret1ys,o,m, are suf- body so that its influence In trtocisrl for-lug "wiiu' colds but no serious sick- ng the legislation of the House of: Mm, c, ......-...-.a The "high cost of living" Weighs upon the government and promises arv made' to reduce this by develop- ment or new and widor markets and cheaper transportation by land and sea as above stated. OPENING OF DOMINION UNEMPLOYMENT-. Tuesday last scores of ridings held Temperance meetings to appoint del- egates to the Prov. Convention on Tuesday next and express appreeia. tion of Premier Ferguson's promises to strengthen the O. T. A. They had [scarcely adjourned when evening ‘papers brought the news that in tht speech from the throne that day there was an intimation that the gov- ernment contemplated increasing the strength of beer allowed under the o. T. A. from " per cent to about 5 per cent. " this be so the Premier's promisw es are like pie ttrust-made to be broken. The province so interprets it. Indignation meetings are voicing protests. nearly everywhere it isiook- ed upon as the thin end of the wedge, and when parliament gets to Wcrk for will tty. This victory is tho 'wots" and will give spice to the meeting on Tuesday next The Province is waking up. tery box at the {eat of Lupercnlia in February. the sensor: when birds 11'.'."it accustomed to mate in that lot- "tude. The name drawn by a young imam was that of the one who should be his partner in the dance, etc. and led to betrothnis in some cases. Probably the Christian church by at taching this or similar tenures to the middle day of the month only strove to work a needed reform in the observance of the festival, which had become degraded. and to en force the then new idea of the sane tity of marriage. and the sacredness of all engagements, including betrot- hais. The old writers refer for the origin of the Observances P" St. Valentines day to the birds as for instance the poet Gray says: “Last Valentine, the day when birds of kind Their paramours with mutual chirp-) ings find," etc. l At any rate the saint had very lit tle to do with the customs which once surrounded the day, but now have fallen largely into disuse. tom in ancient Rome ot drawing the males of young women from a tot. A SUSPRISE '. BOOSTING SALARIES PARLIAMENT 'om- i"""""".-.) The rain and the thaw of the past I'rofTfm 09! few days has taken away a lot of THE DURHAM REVIEW The recent thaw has. made abund- ance ot water in the wells that were about dry all winter. The U. F. 0. Club are havhig a soc- ial in the school Friday even- ing next. Here's hoping this lovely wentlmr may continue. Miss Reta Bailey, Allan Park, spent the week end at her home here. Mr Rex Lawrence spent Sunday with Hutton Hill friends. Mr and Mrs Andrew Park and children visited the Brat of tho week with Mr and Mrs Chas. Rsay. 3 the snow and the roads aro in bad fszmpo for tynvvlllng with so many ! holes in them. l 't'brs ','vfrttis hold last week betww‘n [the Rocky and No. T, Normanby, a- i’gain resulted in a victory for the lat, [ ter. Miss Pmrl Wilson took In the de. bate at Hampden Friday evening. Mr Wm Retry spent a day roeently with his brother John. Mr WWI Reay irpent Sunday with Allan Park friends. Mr Alex Knlsley spent Sunday with Monds in this burg. Quite a number ofnpeople are an!- l'oring with colds but no serious sick- no-ss is reported. The U.F'.W.O. will meet Friday of this week at the home of Mrs Dan McArthur. Mr and Mrs Wm Grasby entertain- ed a few friends Friday night when alrypent a very enjoyable time. . Mr and Mrs Waltéi Clark and rum. ily spent a day recently with Mr and Mrs Jas. Ewen, Aberdeen. The U. F. o. mm In the school on Frh‘m' night when there was a good attendance considering the many at- r4 "iv “"th friends in Toronto. Miss Esther McLean, Dromoriu, spent the week out! at her home here. Mrs D. Wilkie loft last week to visit hm. daughter in Toronto. The W. M, S. held their monthly m“ Wing at the home of Mlss Mary Hosllp and there was a good attvn'l- ance considering thw bad roads. Sev- eral good papers were given and a profitable hour spent. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. John Veggie. March 4th. l" Hons on for that night. Several visitors Were present and tho usual routine ot business transacted. (Intended tor Inst week.) Mrs. Roy Sinden, assisted by Mrs. H. Styan and Mrs Mae Sindon. held a shower for tste many friends of Miss Mary Alexander. of Strongt1elsl. Bask., on Monday afternoon, Jan. 19, on the occasion of her marriage to Mr Harold Cowan of Little Woods. Miss Alexander received a perfect. deluge or gifts, showing her popular- ity in the neighborhood. Lunch was served and as each guest left, they showered the bride-to-be with good wishvs for future happiness.-Corn, i SHOW ER FOR FORMER Fresh Creamery print butter was being bought in London, Ont. last Friday in box lots at 30e which shows the déclino that this article has taken in the past few weeks. Thero Is no Poultry being offered tluu:,sst days excepting a few dressed ('hirkens which are commanding their regular price. " at this time of the year by the Chicago market. Local merchants have lowered their prices accordingly. The Egg Market in Chicago last ri‘riday took a tumble of trom 10 to :12 cents per dozen. This spectacu. lar decline was no doubt due to the mild weather prevailing all over the country which probably increas- ed production considerably. Chicago wholesalers were offering eggs in car load lots at 32%c F.O.B. Chicago and with an added cost or SC for duty- and transportation to Toronto, brings the cost of them deliver) Toronto to 37% cts. With prevailmg‘ mild weather the market is most likely to take another drop.' Ontario. markets are governed entirely no â€y at this time of the year by Mr Joe Crlltchle-y spent a few days Secretary of the General Assembly's Committee on Church Union This statement is signed by G. W" Mason, K. u., and should finally dis pose of this matter. " Union to the effect that the Unit. ed Church ot Canada will have power 'o impose taxation upon congrega- tions for its purposes and force them by legal process to pay the amount ‘0 imposed. At one meetink the ques- “on was asked, "How will you feel when the tax collector hands yon your slip ?" These statements are not true. if all of the provisions of 'tr. Taxis of Union and of the Act of Parliament 1924, chapter loo, are Ph'- ttmined. it will appear that there is nothing therein conferring such powers upon the United Church. Statnments have been nude that 'he United Church of Canada will have power to “assess" congregations and "collect" by legal process. In rem.) such statements the General Assembly Committee on Church Un- ion have received the following ad. vice from Its legal counsel: I understand that statements are being made by some speakers oppos- To the Editor Review: Sir: UNITED CHURCH HA8 NO POWERS TO COLLECT ROCKY SAUGEEN EGG MARKET DECLINES J. H. EDMISON DORNOCH GIRL ONTARIO ARC TORONTO I To the many friends and neighbors {who extended kindness“ and ow- ‘mresslong of sympathy during the " nes and bereavement or my beloved wife, I wish to tender my heartfelt thanks. Owing to bad roads, the mail cour- ier was unable " make the whole route'on Monday. He has not missed many trips this winter so far. Mr Philip McDonald oCuurock, spent a day this week with his bro. ther, Carlyle McDonald. Mr and Mrs David Lamb spent the beginning or the week with Mr and Mrs Dan McLean and family. Mr and Mrs. John Grierson spent Thursday Welling last with Mr and Mr and Mrs J. G, Mr and Mrs W.G. and Mr and Mrs D, Creek, spent the with Mr and Mrs Williams. Mr Arthur Robinson and Miss Myr- tle spent Friday with friends at Hampden and took in the debate m night. Mrs Edgar 'Riichio of Elan-mom is visiting wth Mr and Mrs W J. Rit chie and family. Miss Jane Ritchie is ape‘nding a few days with her brother, Geo. Rir clit and family. Miss Mary Mount of town spam the week end with her cousin. Mist, Glenny Firth. Mr Clairence Robinson and Myrtle were in Hanover one tit week. Quite a number are on the sick Ii these days. yuuuucla I Mr and Mrs Koepp and familyfdatrying I spent_ Saturday m o. Sound. .n..m G, A large number of young lwoplv' attended the big dance Friday nisz which was held in the Community, Hall, Williamsford. The Dow Mission Band was held Saturday in the basement of tho church, 11 members being present. Wu hope to have a better attend. ance next month. mowing: We aro%oectirur sdUlthi:i,v, very Interesting. as our girls are cap able of giving}. good program. Institute will be held iithiiirhomo,: of Mrs Jas. Crutchley on Feb. I1tltois, when-our young women take the... Mr Dan O'Mara lost one of his valuable horses the other day wltilo returning home from the hush with a load of wood, it dropping dead. This leaves him without a team. We are pleased to BPe the weatlmrl a little milder even it Mr Bruin did!‘ see his shadow. l Mr Ern. Leuck left tor Ottawa tow .cth ad a month with his brothm' arrdi: his son Percy will spend a month), in Chesley with his aunt. I I an: een a number of poo- ple laid up with a. bad cold of ttu, but glad that most of them are able to be around again. Messrs Jno. McGirr and Henry Benton. township auditors, atttrnded Council meeting Saturday last and presented a very favorable report. The receipts last year were $40579.t5 and the expenditures $38485.33, leav- ing a balance on hand of $2094.12. This is the largest expenditure the Township of Glenelg ever had. Two permanent bridges were built last year, costing the township ovvr swan Mr Jno. Hamilton and his mother spent an evening with Mr and Mrs, Farr Lawrence of Egremont. Miss Marietta Park attended the 'At-Home' held at Normal School. Stratford, on Friday night last. Messrs Andrew, Edward and Artlr ur Lindsay have been drawing logs from J. McGillivray'a bush to Me Williams station for Mr Russel ot Hanover. Mr Wm. Nichol is spending a few days visiting friends In Wingham. Mr Alex Aer has been laid up with la grippe and was unable to ab tend Council meeting Saturday last. Miss Eliza Patterson spent over the week end with her friend, Miss Bar. bara Ritchie. Mrs Mabel Ewen and son Camp- bell, spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Jan. Ewen. Mr and Mrs Wtttter Clark and fa- mlly spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs )ames Ewen. Mrs Wm Hones: of Crawford spent a few days last week with her daugh- ter, Mrs Hugh Macdonald. Mr Donald McDonald of the Sth. and sister Mrs. Malcolm McLean and little daughter Ednt of Gull Lake. Sash. spent an afternoon last wevk with Mr and Mrs James Macdonald. Miss Ruby Haslett and Miss Stella Lynn spent the week end in Durham. NORTH BENTINCK CARD OF THANKS GREEN GROVE EDGE HILL DORNOCH George Fume-aux Firth and family. Firth and family, H. Firth of Stony first ot the week Thos Moore, Mc- al Id Miss day Lest l3claimed l cow would entail the same (investment as 7 sheep, and then fwent into a detailed analysis of your» llv t'evonue from each, which resultvd l, in 32501 more profit on the 7 sheep. if Loss by death with sheep was not ,3so great. drapreciation was smaller 'and with lambs the farmer was not [forced to sell at any spccial time, {but could hold indefinitely. i, "If lambs are held over, the price Dis less. for overweight lambs ar" 'docked" replied Jon Crutchley, tho 'first negative speaker. There is al- I ways a market for the dairy cow and; galways a cosh market for its pro- ;ducts. The cow lads all farm ital-1 main in producing food and produces (it most economically ot my. Sheep‘ lpmducts are only at certain seasons: i Wm. Hughes. 2nd tended that a dairy fairly close to town, while rough land suit sheep. Good worth $125 an acre, fo latter Were a gr dairying ls week In and week out :lof the honor there its much more demand mr! to Arlemesln. creamery butter than wool and new! that the Tom markets for dairy-products are (wt-‘1 Warden. The dent in the great demand for itytl Flesherton w cream, buttermilk and condemsed'Advanee. milk. l The ammutive leader, Wilfrid An- derson, quoted Dr. Grisdale. Hep. Minister of Agriculture. as saying sheep raising was the best monvy maker in Canada. The speaker All speakers showed themselves thoroughly conversant with the (on ie, delving Into facts, futures and quotations by prominent atrrieultttr. ists to support ther arguments. No. 7 debaters proved slightly sum-rim in delivery and platform appearancp, and this margin was tsufficient to en. sure them the decision. The debate was upon I. subject specially beneticul to I farm aud. lence. “Resolved that an investment In sheep is more prodtable than in dairy cattle." No. 7 debaters. Wil. ttid Anderson and Wm Hughes, had the affirmative and Rocky Saugeen's duo, Joe Crutchley and Chas. We,» pler, upheld the negative. The jud- ges were Mlss Julia Weir and Mr J. A, llnhb of Durham High School stall an'd Mr Peter Ramage, of the "Re view." Mr Harold McKechnie, President of the Debating League, was called uron by the chairman. Mr Jack Hol- wig, to explain the conditions and rules ot the League. No. 7, Normanby, Won Second Debate from Rocky Fortunately the night was mild and moonlit, and the Rocky load of twelve, had a pleasant trip, changing "oz-sea at Mr John Whiteford's. The school house was crowded, and as well as the debate, a good musical and literary program was provided by the home talent, assisted by tho inimitible story humorist, Mr Bari. trio, of Hanover. Away out in West Normanby. two miles north of Neustadt, at No. 7 sphool,. the home team won the judg- es' decision a second time from Rocky Sauseen telm, in the Bouth Grey Debuting League. The win places No. 7 In the tinttht to compete next June against Ceylon or Edge Hill. Topic: “Rt-ow“! that Investment meat in Sheep in more Promattie than in Dairy Cattle." a dairy tam should be to town, city or crpamnry 1 land anywhere would Good dairy farms ww'n an acre, sheep farms $50, neat saving In in In housing dairy In. speaker. co settled by the Isl of March or Wo wlll be compelled to add 10 per cm" interest. We have our own obliga- tions to meet and must haw our money. Flesherton when Advance. Warden McKenzie is a Presbyter- in in his religious nmliuions and for the Int " years has been clerk or the session ot Chalmers Presbr terurt-Mrhureh, Flesherton. Mrs Mr Rennie. c son and dlughler. reside with him at home. He is quite pioud of the honor which he has brought to Artemesit. u this is the tiret time that the Township Proper has had a Mr McKenzie's old time home was in what is commonly known as the Orange Valley. but he now lives in the eastern part of the Township, where he is the owner of a splendid 100 acre form and operates another 100 acres which he rents. He has lhad 21 years ot municipal exper ience. and for 17 years has been a member of the County Council. Ir. missed being in the Council in 192l. lbut come back the next year and still ,has the eonttdettee of the good people lo! Artemeaia, whom he has tttut-ve" so faithfully. Since he has been in the Council he bu twice been chair. man of the Finance com., twlcn chairman of the educational can. and of several special Committees, and declined some other chairman ships. He is thoroughly conversant with municipal matters, both local and general. knows conditons with regards to county nifairs. has had sumcient business experience to m able him to conduct the business oi the county in a capable mannm‘. courteous as a presiding officer. and should prove to be an ideal Warden in every respect. than and seeds in thelr wool. spread. I ing the weed. With duty cutie and Thom“ Mbertson McKenzio, 11mm- ot the Township ot Artemesia. who has been elected to the honorable P" union of Warden of the County ot" Grey for 1925. Is 65 years of ago but I: jun a young In spirit as any other member of the Co. Council. He was born in the Tp. of' Artvtnesia and In the son of the late George and Helen McKenzie, who come to Arm meal: direct from Aberdeenshiru. Scotland. and were among the rally settlers. Sketch of Grey County’s New Warden The young people of the section were hospitable entertainers, and served a. bountiful and varied lunch of hot pork and beans, sandwh-h, plea, cake and collar; " the close. Rev. D. J. bane of Hanover, fol. loved " critic, giving some timely suggestions to the debaters, mainly upon the pretserttatiott of their mater. lal. . All outstanding accounts must In reply Wilfrid Anderson court. tered several opponenta' tstatements, and chimed waving an the ymn‘ round was too much labor: the Par. mer made more In sheep and had his busy season, with slack time in ttr.. tween. sk crops. um cultivation killed and 17 Years in Council NOTICE"; H. Morlock & Sons other Wardens, they held I had n lived in ottice.-- ty .,. u ji" SUPERIOR S'? dt The funeral a the new: took place fron her Mother. George I: In W. B. Firth. III! _ IleCloran latter out of In! Week the. In Durham. It One Part n-turno-d home fron m In! week and moons 1mm - the†at Dru-Pm. If and Mrs Harry " Darla-II spent the first at l with the Inter] pan-ma. day, I“. Mina Edwards ripen not did with friends in burn: Ill. Gladys Firth is spend“: week with mendn In hurlmm qBh"l=l==gmoggso=====zog= Wheat Cereal, Rune-d Oats, Flour, Oat Chop. Crimrcd Mixed Grain for Poul; ry Fe Meal, Pig Meal and Poultry Our prices are of the h Flour is guaranteed, Our spot cash, Highest Price paid tor my quam at the " Goods delivered Sovereign Flour. Ecliprc Hour The People's Mills We“ bees If? tho order " Chaim Swan Dow Blue Rose Rice...... Magic Baking Powder Dried Peaches . . . . . Seeded Rmisins ...... Bulk Sodas .. .. . . Grocer Store Closes Tuesday and Mn Granulated Sugar. . T . .. . Bright Silver Sulmun Superior Baking l’uwdvr Superior Pekoe Tan. ll, _ Superior Cola. spocial Telfer's Bulk 5min “isâ€! School "rrilllinv: I'm! F. KARSTEDT BR Liver Oil unlock Blovd Bitters Waterbury's Cod Liver Oil Roberts' Cough Syrup Pile: Ctt-beriaitt's Cough S) rup Russian Oil Among them : Scott's Emulsion Walpolc’s Enact of Cod w . Stick PTOPI'IEIG Phone No Every Day Ba THE PEOPLE JOHN MC Th rm E "N {a FEB. 12, I925 ot J. McK ZION EXTRA SP U tr n day or n ight Int, ll tl M M "