"te kn he ml)? Of " MIT-Wham n W Wheahtnt ad hunch]! m - "l wonder," said Mrs. Hope, break- '9tereth “N, ,ing the silence, "what has become of fta,%,'grg't1t, flu-Wis Elliot? I haven't heard from MUM†- him since he went away. De you know (â€Rhona Wrigley‘s.‘ Twhere he is just now?" It M M we“. 1 Pamela shook her head. hem the m. Seether, I "Why don't you marry him, Pam- the guns. Contact. mei:' eia?" that» thr edil'q',)'lc2'l"l'Md'tu, qs am them Wriglcy’c; It Tll'lT, bod particle! The little leaves and tips from high mountnin tea gardens, that are used in SALADA are much fhser in fuvor than any Gunpowder or Japan. Try it. Alwa:rs Buy 'iiii8il)llli).i,__il.-",i")i.i,.i "after every meal " 30:62am Small chA'Tenny plain. menu. ttht better m. to: " mono, " YES and le ISSUE No. tb--'2s. H Copyright by an". Ir. I‘THI: Nhl tCont'l, [She " a womnn a herself " e two, ppt and perfect ht Mu] the indomiu know, when it aw done almost She fea Nuut--- PENNY' PLAIN areless of her Amr- wme. But, on the other tsite can be carried too Mrs. Jowett'." IP.. Jone". with her tare te faded tints. and her tent and her marvellous, man." said Mrs. Hope. , fears a draught more the devil. I'm always pr when I read "Weir She has many point: in Mrs. Buir---'a dwaibly No. I really prefer Mrs. Her great misfortune n a woman. With ttll u! perfect health, that [ the indomitable strain thing." ', my den GREEN TEA d to having a de I who is above tr attractive. She h n Sh BY o. DOUGLAS is beaten, anything. the ad wo, bea kr sm- IS under "No I'd completely lost trace of him. I was too proud ever to inquire after him when he suddenly gave up coming near us. Priorsford suggest- ed itself to me " a place to come to for a rest, ehiefty, I suppose. because I had heard of it from Lewis, but I "No, I don't mind your knowing. I don't think any one else ever had a suspicion of it. And I thought myself I had long since trot over it. Indeed, when I came here I was contemplat- intt marrying some one else." "Tell the, -did you know Lewis was hetwtret) you came to Priorsford?" its gracious proportions took all the ineonttruities-the family Raeburns, tho Queen Anne cabinets, the minia- tux-(s. tho Victorian atrocities, the weak water-color sketches, the framed photographs of whiskered gentlemen and ladies with bustles, and made them into one pleasing whole. There is no charm in a room furnished from showrooms, though it be correct in every detail to the period chosen. Much more human is the room that is full of things, ugly, perhaps, in them- selves but which link one generation to another. The ottoman worked so laboriously by a ringleted great-aunt stood with its ugly mahogany legs be- :ide a queen Anne chair. over whose faded wool-work seat a far-off beauty had pricked her dainty fingers-and both of the workers were Hopes: while by Pamela's side stood a fire- screen stitched by Augusta, the last of the Hopes. Kn't it?" she asked mildly. "You know quite well that he would .vsk you ttr-morrow if you gave him the slightest encouragement. The man's afraid of you, that's what's wrong." Pamela nodded. "is that why you have remained Pamela Keaton? My dear, men are fools, and blind. And Lewis is modest as well. But . . . forgive me blunder- ing. I've a long tongue. but you would think at my age I might keep it still." "For a very good reason-he hasn't asked me." "Hootr."' nid Mrs. Hope, “as if that muttered!" Pamela lifted her eyebrows. "It is .eorterally considered rather necessary, mmfort modems ask for. “Nothing onked out of place, for the room with I A shortage in the world's tea supply, in the face of an enormous demand. is 'forcing prices up to very high levels. {Tea merchants realize, however, that i tea at a dollar a pound only brings the Eday or a drop in price so much nearer. (Tea growers are making such tre- l mendous profits that over-production E is bound to come at any time. Elnora Louise also has some colored wooden beads to string. but her trea- sure now is a peg board. It is merely Determined that she should have a book of her own, made especially for her needs, I went through the store- room and started a scrapbook which has furnished instructive and never- ending amusement. It was the pride of Elnora Louise's possessions for many months. She spent many happy hours with an empty spool and a nail or with several spools and some string. Mlnard's tor Spam. and Drum... I first realized the problem of Itytlwhat will not do. ing a little mind and two tiny hands‘ -- occupied when Elnora Louise was two', Some folks have taken so much pa years and two months old. I noticed, tent medicine that nobody will ever her reaching out for magazines and, know what ailed them to begin with. studying over catalogues. it-----"--'-"---------'""-"""-'-'"----"-----"--:':--:--. 4979. A very simple practical siyle is here portrayed. It may be made with or without sleeves. Figured per- cale, gingham or linen could be used for this model. The Pattern is cut in 4 Sizes: 2, 4, 6 and 8 years. A 4-year size, if made with sleeves, requires 2 yards of 27.. inch material. Without sleeves it re- quires % yard less. Pocket and cuffs of contrasting material require % yd. Pattern mailed to any address on receipt of 15c in silver, by the Wilson Publishing Co., 78 West Adelaide St., Toronto. Allow two weeks for receipt of pattern. Send 16c in silver for our up-to. date Fall and Winter 1924-1925 Book of Fashions. KEEPING LITTLE FINGERS BUSY. My little Elnora Louise will be four years old in August. Something must absorb her attention at all times, and occasionally it is up to Mother to sup- ply that "something." Now, when imagination is encouraged and de- veloped in a child, the most important step toward education has started. l WHEN WILL'TEA her l "A few. But some people are born ferent Ifaithful. Anyway, Pm so glad the: neck. ', (when I thought he cared for Jean it ate jar 1made no difference in my feelings to Here her. I should have felt so humiliated creams if I had been petty enough to hate her cream. for what she eouldn"c help. My brother one bat Biddy wants to marry Jean, and I've dozen I great hopes that it may work out all cream l right." i0! need Mrs. Hope sat forward in her chair.: lemon _ " had my suspicions." Jean has peroxid changed lately; nothing to take hold benzoin of, but I have felt a difference. Itlwith fh wasn't the money--that's an externarliviii Bl thint-the change was in Jean her-[real er, self, a certain reticence where there) skins; had been utter frankness; a laughiwrinkle: more frequent, but not quite so gay? and wi and light-hearted. Has he spoken to! for win Foreign Securities ll? St. James IR. you-troll. Que Government, Municipal. Industrial Austrian Italian French Polish German Russian Write for information and latest otterirtgs. "Yes. I used sometimes to wonder why Lewis didn't fall in love with Jean. Of course he was too old for', her, but it would have been quite a? feasible match. Now I know that he cared for you 311 the time. Oh, Pm not surprised that he looked at no one e:se. But that you should have wait- ed. . . . There must have been so ed. . . . The many suitors had no thought of seeing him. Indeed, I had no notion that' he had still a connection with the place. And then Jean suddenly said his name. I knew then I hadn't forgotten; my heart leapt up in the old unreasonable way. I met him-and thought he cared for Jenn." "Yes, but 7n "ONE-PIECE ROMPERS." FOREIGN BONDS and STOCKS Woman's Sphere R. G. PATTERSON at Jenn wouldnt hear of it (To be cqntinued.) PRICES DROP? Buy “Diamond Dpeit"--no other kind --ttnd tell your drunk! whether the materiel you will: to color In wool or silk, or whether it te linen, cotton. or mixed goods. We learn wisdom from failure much more than from success. We often discover what will do by finding out what will not do. One cupful of confectionery, sugar, one teaspoonful of butter, one tear spoonful of vanilla and one table- spoonful of cocoa. Add enough milk to make soft sauce and beat thoroughly. The pudding is also good served with (Bream. Beat half a pint of cream. Dilute half an ounce of gelatin in half a cuplul of cold water. Add this to the cream with half a cupful of boiling water, half a cupful of sugar and one tablespoonful of vanilla. Add chopped nuts or fruit if desired. Cool, then stir and place in cold place to joll. I put this pudding iisherbet illnesses and cover with chocolate sauce made like this: Mlnard'n Llnlmont tor the tripâ€. This is easily made and is delicious to serve to either the family or guests. AIR AND YOUR PLANTS. Wilting of plants in winter is avoided by increasing the amount of moisture in the air. It is not neces- sa.ry to keep the plant roots in water or to soak the soil continuously. To keep the air damp, nothing has Men found which equals a pan of water set on or near the stove, register, or radiator, says Nature Magazine. The water in the pan is evaporated and distributed through the air, reducing the transpiration from the plants. Spraying the leaves with water every clear day also increases the moisture content and acts as a general tonic to the plants. Watering the plants two or three times a day is not good pray tice. 1 For winter plants a good general rule to follow is to watch the soil at the top of the pot. When it is thor.. oughly dried out, water the plant. When watering, add enough to satur- ate the entire mass of soil. Do not just wet the top and trust to luck that the soil in the bottom will get wet enough. One can usually be as- sured that the entire mass of soil is soaked when water runs out of the bottom of the pot. benzoin for a super-dry, tanned skin; iwith flaxseed ointment for pimples; Avith sulphur for blackheads; with ’real cream for medium-old wrinkled skins; with orange for premature wrinkles; with eggs for old wrinkles, and with sweet-smelling flower oils for windy days. Doeen't that give you an idea? One jar of good, rich cleansing cream is enough You can add all the variations yourself, and most of the ingredients can be found in your kin. chen. Keep the basic cream by itself‘ and add the extras to the pinch " cream you take from the jar. For example, the juice of tomatoes, canned or fresh, is an excellent bleach and astringent foe an oily skin. with blaek- heads. After you have washed your face and pressed out the larger black- heads, put on the tomato juice. Before this dries, pat in a little basic cream. A bit of ripe banana mashed with the cream and ru.bbed with an upward cir- cular motion on an old-looking, wrinkled neck will help to whiten it. Here's the secret: Most of these creams are made from one good basic cream. Just as a good cook can make one batch of cocky dough turn out a dozen kinds of cookies, so one good cream can be made to serve a variety of needs. Treat the basic cream with lemon for a tanned, dry skin; with‘ peroxide for a tanned, oily skin; with) When you lean back In your com- fortable chair in the gray and rose boudoir of a beauty shop you marvel at the shining army of bottles and jars on the glass-top table. Some. times they use as many as eight dif- ferent preparations on your face and neck. But you don't want eight separ- ate jars of cream on your dresser. Dolls, kiddie car's. and the more common Playthings all have their place, of course, but something differ- ent is alwnys welcome, and for the effort put forth you are amply paid. a stun six-inch square of wood with', tiny Mien drilled one-half inch apart,i and eould be made at home, using half; mntch Sticks for pegs. l ou R FAVORITE PUDDING, p, EAUTY-SHOP SECRETS. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Better by one sweet soul constant and true to be beloved, than all the kingdoms of delight to trample through unloved, unloved.--John Oxenham. All deposits are ccFst'lll'f'fl by the emira- .'L.~mm-r-.\ ol' up, Province of Ontario. Remittances should Ln nuniv by Post (mm: many Uni. in bank cheque, express order ol' J't-yistrlrul Mt“; and should be addressodto.votw mart-51 Branch. whvr, they will rpm-in prompt attention. Province tf Ontario tt . Mi Cor. Bay and Adelaide Sm The security afforded by the Province of Ontario Savings Office, together with the facilities extended by every Post Office in Canada and other countries, make it possible for everyone to deposit their savings in this institw tion. Interest is allowed, compounded half-yearly. with full checking privileges. The confidence the rum] conununities have sham: in this. Savings Offiee is indicated by the largo increase in tie- po'sits, which are now mu $2ihM0.000. lkaft Pofa tMou ", aesi7Es.t 5“ 'igiiiir, ctrEe 51M fl I]. fi;t,tef,f,f'lussv. " ao" 53,51, iaog/ifi'" Brantford, Seaforth, Hamnlton. " I saw an Ad -- in the street car" Rinso y.trh a any nourishing Banking by Mail "it is wonderful for scrubbing floors. Without a doubt the best thing I have ever used. I tiso cleaned my enamel sink with it and it is splendid." "NotlongagoIsaw mad in the street car, Soaking takes the place of rubbing'. The next day I sent for a package of Rinse and tried it. I was delighted wiih the result and now wash my children's clothes without any effort what- soever __-- they soak themselves clean in the Rinso suds. 1 just had to write and tell you how 'won- derful' I think Rinse is and have told several of my friends to try It. HEAD OFFICE: 15 QUEEN'S PARK, TORONTO The foregoing lent: u but one of the many received by the maker: of Rim from women who are enthusiastic about this newer, easier, better way to wash and clean-the Rim way. Lever 'tee' MWEY" '1' Jjaah 'iiikiit s19 Danforth Avenue Other Branch†at St. Catharines. 8t. Ma Woodstock, Owen S Walkerton, New Brothers Limited, Toronto. Toronto Branch Offices: ONTARIO St. Mary's. Pembrokke. Owen Sound. Ottawa, Newmarket and Aylmer. "Praise be to Hivin.' shun: ea. wun cries so load yez can't hear tl "her wan." "Well, Put. do the twins make mu noise nt'night?" Cor. University and Dundas an GUST AVE TOTT. Manager Ritz-Carlton Hotel ttetPi.cf."sihv. America's Smartest Resort Hotel. Famous for its Euro. pean Atmosphere. Perfgct Cuisine and Service. Single room: from $300 Double room: from 8500 European Plan New Hydriatric and Electra - Therapeutic Department. l 3' - ;: I (,lj'iiii; js I _ I Twins for Noise, I, T If? 3f 1 l _ "r'," iff.jfiii , _ (_'(/i/,ll. Rm ( There was a strong comedy new ir: " recent new: item from one of th, TBalkan States. " appeared that a [troop ot Boy Scams had hem tornwd Lin one distrirt. but had found (tr-Outing lduil. In search of greater' " itemmt lilléy exchanged their s:-o:t..~' ti,ravt., for more lethal Weapons. and (at up in Fisiiiirl as bandits. Ibstore, 'heir "cl' i rest they had carried out qui'e ii Imm- ; ber of daring robberies. a! Human Ear-e by Poet. >; The idol seem: novel, in: . ms ‘ibeeu anticipated by the "taunt in , Disraeli'n "Cotttrarini Flt-mitts" Wu ‘I make the arqttaitttnttce of .sou'tr;s who _ are. similarly avid of oxeitement and ‘lwho form themselves into " rv,lsber hand in order to get it. l Briana: are usually more pictur ‘esque in tiction than in fact. but now (i'ii'i auxin their methods run“ the tthrlllere we read in our boyhood. A "month or so ago I sorter in the Post lance at Canton brought his stamp [down on a In.“ pucel that seemed I to contain a fragment of leather nt- earth than any heavenly body known Although her surface temperaturt' latitude for latitude. "1th be higher than on earth, beings similar to us might and Inltabie abode near the pain. The exceedingly moirt rlimate must be Productive ot vegetation and mint! lite similar to that of earth in the enriy any! at ovulation. Recent obnrvations with 1e',escopes and spevtrolcopes have established new evidences Came-min; the length of the Vettutian day, writes RK'I'WPH Bolton In Popular Science Monthly They have lea also to fascinating new speculation concerning the lite on this cpmparatlvely new planetha planet that we may well believe is dominate! " grotesque and terociout, mons'ers - huge raptlln and winged dragons. and! " lived on earth g.00tr.000 .tiaro ago. ever strong Western iatiuences have become In the Orient during the last few years, the brinnds ot Chin: don't read British ttetfott. Lime tokens of this mum-a are tre- quent in novels dealing with kidnap- ping sud brlundne. But surely. how. to contain a fragment of leather. ll» wu rather curious as to what this might be. and decided to deliver the psckue himself. He watched shit» the addressee opened it. It contained I humsn ear. The son of Ihu man In whom this grim token was soul had just been kidnapped by irrittauds, who bud posted on the ear as a vign that they meant business. {reunite Jean VuUeun in M." (can. who escaped some i tro mule convict settlement Guiana. won one little rum own work in the Neme-M spent it nil in order to m , France. I He hum amen; let to TI (tsud soon "dr,l'ld',) the rupiiu ihad ion. in Meta. “new glue became quite a prumhu r, ie, with u reputntiun to: l honesty. was. and his wife, Ruby, “we to- gether rimmed with attempting to ob. tain by fraud 332.500 insuranve on a pearl net-Hun. aiinged to have been stolen from Mrs. Cameron. At the trim! Cameron refused it) give evidence. Ho was innocent. but tear. ed that it he went into the mltness.tsox he might prejudice the vase against his wife. Both were EeDIt‘iH‘etl to three yenrs' imprisonment. Two year: inter Mrs. timerott made at full confession. and her iiurband r» coived the King's pardon and was re. inst-ted in the Army. He served with great distinction during the War. 1)e. ing four times mentioned in diapatche, and receiving many honors. Patina. Clerk--"" is last twenty year: since “(and your employment." Principll- "Thu Ihowu how onion! It is on: y tannin. fa Venus seem: to be mt BBC In some way, however. his m my became known, and he was ed a In escaped convict. Thu caused a sensation. and mm penis were made on his behail ly, after he had spam sunk months in prison, Human “m I nu ed, ll m " also shadowed In his "Cl!pprr " Much." Even Professor God plau' for sending a vocket rm: earth to the moon is nothim~ n tltore familiar with Verne s M, rl. A Real Lite Jean Vaijean. Fact has flelds beside .)qu Verne, for manure. l.rs, “eluted muuy or the achietruuen modern Inventors in his novels. great an lluers'ot lo-duy tlt'" We are at! familiar with the 1.1 “founded on not." and know an“: and again. the nnnlh-t when ml happening: as the lu,r, his tale. But what of the othe: in which tact repeats notion? an Reptiles Live on Venus. The LITE I was Mum hon " euleuln and his " FOUNDED ON Ceefl Aylme gh Military to "that no“; how patient followed tsee," bard to tome..- DPI‘UI tict watched while It contained of the man to was any! had brigauds, who Is a sign that Barraz-ka, Eng. thirteen years un. b5 he then kind in actual , tragic death Cameron. It Ill e, like th, 'ammar n ne er In an hunk» [ VIN» mu thet. It lull m " tir M th fir M XI " THE AWAKENING "I