I! rtett " D h again boys con play about it. Think of the test this sort of treatment is for the tine finish that comes with s new ear. Think of the deterioration to “M. Perhaps there may be mud nnd water In the morning, sleet and snow in the afternoon and by night freezing, no that the tires In almost frozen fut. Think of the effect of such dampness on the delicate engine parts and other metal " Nah AN EMACIPATOR OF THOUGHT Tl WASHING OFTEN unis Mastk. 'erhnps on a Saturday afternoon, Pr the mud has been calling on for tew days. the owner will get a wok of ambition and decide to wash automobile. The chance are, how- r, that he will go at this job in such ‘a-.hinn as to leave a lillion little mom-pointed knife scratches on burly. such as come from washing vith an ordinary rag and a pail of Ler, instead of using a lazy stream "Tan, clear water and the gentle Gcation of a good sponge. Some u uw soap and water, which is " .: criminal treatment of highly " the any th , an owner using his machine on ny day. But when he Bnitsttes Anne}! and gets back into his "2 attain quite often he is not to do anything about the mud ater that cover the car except. to it standing and dripping nnd tt MUTT AND JEFF CAR IS PATIENT DRUDGE UNDER Ira-TREATMENT. there no the slam-banging of he rough treatment of the hen lining them up and put- on ot Darwin. His father yslclan and the son of a ; his mother the daughter of as Josiah Wedgwood. artist . a woman of culture. Charles to the famous school of Dr. thnson at Shrewshury. where he despair of his teachers. they sought to drive into the narrowly academic cur. r the day -Utin and Greek ie literature. stuns orist mar run his car in nll weather, which, of course, is '1" is for. No one could oh. The Automobile truth " mm m} wiring stor; page devote wt Ill mpelled to beHevc am of truth in the at ages that cer- n against the h " the very ‘ BLACKBERt‘IING \ VN Ham, WHATS me IDEA OF TIME " ALMOST Hens / , Mun: Ttle cue-Areas, Mob THAT RrMmbs Id IE: l JEFF? y-fd: 8 ME I'M GONNA 2, fl L-T-ici. y,F,"s'iy, was A PQIR "Cct" l _ h' fl ( oF spifogfh-ij; j; "l ’\\ C' C('// 1“ Living ' very day r the birth g cttbitt In infant. des- :lpator ot be Science. philosophy and religion have all deepened. broadened and de. veloped new vlgor under the impulses ot Darwin's renearchea and theoriz- lngn. Not all that he discovered and advanced was new; not all has sur- More than a decade later came "The Descent of Man." These two books formed new channels for human thought and the currents which pour- ed through them tructltled the whole realm of human understanding. naturalist on the Beagle. a ship start- ing on a tour of seientitic survey. ' Out of that Journey came his tirtyt great books. and the training in close observation and reflection which later bore such marvellous fruit. He was twenty-two when he sailed. twenty- m‘Von when he returned. in July of the following Fear, l837. he began his first note book on the "'trattgtttttttp tion of species." There followed twenty-two years of untirlng study, observation. notemak- ing and hard. hard thinking. Then, in 1859, burst upon the world his re- volutionary work on the “Origin ot species." The lelng World. Rebelllously Charles turned from dead languages to the living world. He Bed the classroom for the Beld at every opportunity. He was 1 poor student when it came to conjugating Irregular verbs, but he knew more about the ways of Insects and loads and snakes than any one of his classl- cal masters. " Education Is a strange thing. It must come from within. All the pre- veptors and instruvtors In the world (-annot impart it it the inner urge be lacking; but, granted that urge, neith- er poverty nor privilege can prevent The brakes may need adjusting, but he puts " this job, which would take only a few minutes if he were to ad- just them. Without this adjustment the driver may put himself and all his passengers in serious danger of accident. The battery needs water, hut he fails to attend to the fatter, with the possibility of having to buy a new one as a result. roux RESULTS IN TROUBLE. In starting the car he pulls out the choke and then forgets to return it to a leaner mixture and carbon fouls his machine. Then he wonders why it does not run easier. Probably he places the blame on the manufacturer. He tinkers with the carburetor and other finely adjusted instruments and then wonders why the car does not give better service. These are only a few ways in which a motorist easily can fall into habits of abuse to his car. Of course, not all owners as as neglectful as others, but there is always the temptation and tr-ndcncy to put " doing those little but important acts that go with first class care of a car. That automobiles stand as much neglect as many of them are called upon to stand is a tri- bute to the skill of the manufacturers in producing a machine that in almost fool proof. The owner's attitude toward the various mechanical parts that are not in plain sight also is apt to be one of neglect. He forgets to keep well lu- bricated the-numerous points that re- quire oil and are fully described in the manufaeturer's instruction book. He often fails to keep ttuffieient water in the radiator. About the only thing he thinks a car actually needs is gasoline. ting them down, all of which tends to increase the cracking and peeling of paint. 8033332 is frequently curried on the side, tear or front of a cat with no effort to protect the fine finish from being scratched. Or the owner may htve I habit of kicking his feet against the part next to the running board " he gets in or out. This that. ment has been no general that the manufacturer has found it necessary to develop some finish that will stand more abuse than paint and varnish. A And underlying these the great map: which Darwin made clear Mr us. that " back ot all life is an urgv which re-3 fuses to be denied; an urge which bat. ll ties against environment and compels ! it to serve its higher ends; an urge; which carries forward all that is worth / while in living experienee and employs I it tor new achievements; an urge which lifted the slimy denizen ot the I; sea bottom and taught it to awimJ‘ which carried the fish ashore andh taught it to creep and leap; which '/ gave the reptile wings. and developed " from the ganglia of sensory nerves i.) brain that in time, acvording to his t tiers. and mmlimn's upon what it sew until it has found a clew In what it means: third. a love of mull which will not be tan-11M aside by table, and tietict1s; fourth. ll ravnrage of vom'lc- tion and adventure. which fotlows boldly its path even though it must be the first to beat it down and make It passlble for other feet. What nrv sum? of tht, Imuons in liv- ing to be derived from Darwin's story? First. the value of open. see- ing eyes, which obgerve and note and compare; whit-h see thv thing; that others overlook; set-0nd. the. value of an open. twefieciive mind. whit-h carries no prejudices- Into its warm ot won. Vlved the with". thinking of nthvr But he 11 unexplorm many a su "evolution" lainiliur to its srignirtcarwe, a kuy to vlously battling. He shackles» of tradition. JEFF'S AS CRAZY AS A FOX-BY Bud Fisher. t--Flytntt mammat a--impa"lo th-A vehicle t2--Work animals "--An Ideal spot 15-Mi|l-y "-To Indicate 'r-Part of a volcano "-A glrdle ttr-Garden vegetable 23--Pronttut, "--For two performers 26-Appearartee 27--Po'rrtt of compass (abbr.) 28--Ttt steal "-Endeavor - 8G-Cttiieetion of notab!e saying! 83--tunglts "--rtt perch M-The sewn edge 37-To perform 'F-Brawl AO-To peruse At-Toward the top A2--Mattelous look M-To be allve wlth A7-Fttttd for livestock Mh-Blrdhouss 63-Lylng down M-To leave out 6r--A lumlnary 6tr--Ttt set free 69-Atftrmed 'th-Female sheep '--Portend Start out by filling in the words of which you feel reasonably lure. These will give you a clue to other words crossing them, and they in turn to still others, A letter belongs in each white space. words starting at the numbered squares and running either horizontally or vertically or both. SUGGESTIONS FOR SOLVlNG CROSS-WORD PUZZLES Bland a Trait axed a uni world nu HORIZONTAL CROSS-WORD C PUZZLE" VERTICAL tit and minds. rail; he brought under the feet He made, the le to mysteries pre- e lunspnesl the ht an et ot term made the l Natural Cements. i In Europe natural cements are call- orl Romun cements and they were first y'munufar-tured by James Parker. Na. ,luml cements began to be manufac- lturctl in France about 1825; in the il'nlml States natural cement rock 3mm discovered while building the Erie .mnal in New York in 1818. Her Grievance. Bertie had half a biscuit buttered, and a whole one unbuttered. He gave Grace tho whole one and kept the but. tered one. A remark being made about. his giving away the larger piece, Gracie said: "Yes, he gave me the bigest and kept the betterest!" (abbr.) r--Frenett article 8--Unit of measurement *--Artruty to-ro employ lt-A slaw 13-Contradittion IS-Southern State (abbr.) 19--.The beard of grain 2tr-Perceio 21-Polgnant 22-Avertad 24--Refuttat 26--Stupne 29--Preposition MN-pronoun St-trt like manner 32--ln or nearby 36-Repalred 37-owlntt "-Unfatttert (poem 39--Return payment 43--DIgtant 44---To move hater than a walk 45--comratu 66--Funerttl pile 68--dttpane" sash 49--A degree (abbr.) 6t-Etti6ts 52--Unetyoket, "--Mother (shun) 66--Prortoutt 2-.An edged tool 3~Sensitive 6-Mark almed at m quolta (pl, 6--A department of the army ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO " America Oldést Continent. America. although the last to be dls. covered, Is probably. trom a geological standpoint. the oldest of all the con- tinents. Hence Tennyson in his poem, "Locksley Hall," calls it the "new world which is old." A village with very few children piqued the curiosity of Francis Wilson, the actor, and he said: "Not many children here." "No, sir, not many," was the answer. "How often are children born here?" naked Wilson. "Only once," was the answer. Possession of Vthe human speech saved the lite or one of my educated parrots. This parrot had wandered from the grape arbor to take a dust bath. One or our hens who had quite a family of smali chickens. thinking that Polly was after her chicks, spread her wings and ran for the queer-look- ing hird. She was ready to spring up- on Polly. when Polly turned facing her and holding up one foot remarked: "You quit, quit, I tell you." The hen instantly stopped, then Polly started to make her getaway. but the hen again tollowed her. Polly quickly turned and said: "Now you quit. Shoo!" This was too much for Mrs. Hen, and she went back to her chick- ens. - Lennon E. Tuttle. The Anglo-American Society has asked Sir Robert Falconer to show how Canada may act, and does act, as an interpreter between the peoples of Britain and the United States, and to show Britons and Americans that they have much to learn from each other and that they have many rea- sons for coming closer together. The Watson Chair was founded and endowed by Sir George Watson, Bt., on the occasion of the return of the Prince of Wales from his American tour at the end of 1919. Just before the war, when plans were under way for the celebration of cur hundred years of peace with America, it was discovered that no university in Great Britain had either a chair or a lee.. tureship in American history. With his gift Sir George Watson undertook to remedy this defect. Sir Robert Falconer, President of the University of Toronto, leaves on March 26th for Europe. He has been im itcd by the Anglo-American Society to he the incumbent in 1925 of the Sir George Watson Chair of American History, Literature, and Institutions. The acceptance of this invitation means that he will deliver a series of six lectures at university centres in Great Britain. Sir Robert has chosen as his subject "The United States as a Neighbor," and will deliver the opening lecture at the Mansion House, London, on May 12th, when the Lord Mayor of London will preside. Tree. -Jan Sumner in Westminster Gazette. to birth. And many a night and day. Sleeping and cupled and am, the child- Tn Man, most willingly . . . ." And, as he spoke, a man uprooted him To make a [Aldon child a Christmas and all. And the whole air WID thunderous with then- tall, And the hillside strewn with dead. Pit-props, they raid . . . . "Now when I'm grown I hope that I may be Mighty and brave as he', . I hope that I may die as my father died, Valiant and full of prtde, Offering health and trough and body ren lay Within their mother, the brown and splendid earth. One says: "My father will a gallant tree; He gave his life for Man When the Great War begin. For then they slew the tlr-tree" one There are a thousand children on the hill. Slender, groerrlimbtxl. in strength 3nd beauty growing; They toes their head. and talk. as children will. When the wfnd's Mowing. Their fathers died Before they came Education Saved Polly. and limb The Little Fir-Tree. The Watson Chair. Generally? Different ’Naples............... 70.000 1'iil'i'v"iyi'rr.tt.'t'i','l'i1l1' iCalabrits ............. 10,000 'ischaatasri...,..,.....tar,ooo (iii7iy""."."..r.y.y.'.r.y. 100,000 ,Yeddo ..e....'....... 190,000 ,Alglera ".'......'... 18,000 iPekln ..m........r.... M,000 ilea qu Callao ...... 18,000 Cairo ................ 40,000 ‘Kashue (Persia) ...... 40,000 .Llsbon ..............\ 50.000 ‘Syrla ................ 20.000 ’(Fentral America ..... 40,000 iAIeppo............... 20,000 jaldirria..............itGiyd 'Colombia.............14,000 -Japan (Rondo) ...-.. 10.000 'Martinique ........... 40,000 Krakaton ............ 36,000 Ban Francisco 452 Metu0a............itu,000 C0MaRieo........... 1.500 , Thrace-Asia Minor .... 3,000 Bulgaria.............. 250 Walcon and Hope Iso. 500 Peru................. 250 New Hebrides........ 500 Bartra,Japan ........ 250 Hondo, Japan 'c...... 360 Catania............... 200 'Central Italy ......... 12,000 (y. w. Persian . 6,000 to 20,000 i"pto-.--....-.rom0 "There's nowt funny about it," re- torted Jim. "If he's a bit late in a morning, he can hurry a bit; but if I'm late, I'm here." “It's a funny thing. Jim," he said, "you allus coming in a quarter ot an hour behind the time and living next door to the works, while Teddy in Hill! on time, and lives three miles away!" The people who are most indolent physically are often quick enough mentally. Such was the use with the British workman of whom the Tuner tells. He was usually late in coming to work, and one day the foreman took him to task. Constantinople Catanla ...... Syria. ........ Cillcia ......e Naples....... Lisbon ....... Getting acquainted with the re- sources, both natural and created, of one's own home surroundings may be of value to all residents, and further, it tends to create a greater interest and pride in the home town. Another advantage of these local exhibitions was that the waste from one industry could be used for the raw material of another. This en- nbled the first to convert his waste into a source of revenue, while it provided a cheaper sourire of supply for tho second. A recent development that tends to overcome this situation has been the holding of exhibitions of local manu- facturers. Many curious situations have thus come to light. It has been found that buyers were sending eon- siderable distances for articles manu- factured in their own towns or vil- lages, and that use was being made of materials of which little was known by almost the next door neighbor. 3 Earthquakes Since A.D. 577. When the Canadian explorer or sur- veyor prepares supplies for his trip into distant parts of the country, one of the necessities is butter. This is put up in sealed cans and will keep fresh for long periods. Butter is put up in this form in Halifax, and it is interesting to note that a wholesale grocer in that city was unaware of the fact. i This thought is Suggested by recentl reports of industrial development that evidence a lack of know'.edge of what is taking place at home. One of these was where a. St. John, New Brunsw wick, manufacturer, who uses glue inl his plant, did not know that fish glue; was manufactured in that city. The product was marketed from Montreal! and the place of manufacture wasl unknown. l Do you know what natural re- sources Are being developed in your own district? Do you know what articles are being manufactured in your own town or village? The Natural Resources Intelligence Service of th'e Department of the In- terior at Ottawa "yr.-- . Natural Resources Bulletin. An lngeniuos "Alibi." Killed 10,000 15,000 20,000 60,000 40,000 M,000 70.000 18,000 10.000 80,000 100,000 190,000 18,000 95,000 [ 18,000 40,000 40,000 M,000 20.000 40,000 20,000 10,000 14,000 10.000 40,000 36,000 F 452 164.000 1.500 3,000 . 250 . 500 250 . 500 ' 250 360 . 200 12,000 Year I",',) Now, why. on earth do you suppos 1158i They went and licked me so? mrs' Ma asked: "Where is that Jim?" uk; slid: 1531: "Oh, you're too young to know." 'Gil -----. 1631 l Nowadaye there is a wonmn‘s uuxi 1688 lary to Just about everything ewe-p my; the trackwalker's union and the s: 1.93 I promo court. 1703' -----... "" “An Invalid was cured instant} 1731 when a wild boar dashed into his be: 1746'room.' says newspaper. We‘ve m 175“an tame bores that any self-n 1755|specting invalid would recover to. t. 1755 cape. 1759; ..-..-_ 1797: It is reported that 5.250 people wor 1822 killed by (as in 1924. The statistic l857 divide the {aunties as follows: tr 1875:1uhnled it; 200 lit a match to fur lssllwhere it was leaking; 5.000 steppe 1902 ' on it. Ituttl __ 19061, A benefit tor retired Swing yodolr‘r 1908115.; been started. The yrlolma wii 1910 get the fund and everyone else tl, 1912 benetit. I913 , --.-...- 1913, More than a hundred years ago JUN 1913, Adams wrote: "There are no people in 1913 _ the world so much in favor or titles u 1914,the people of America.' John didn' 1914 know the half ot it, isul ----- "ul Peace will come to the churvhe 1923‘when all the denomhctioua cease n 1923 _ gal-ding God as I close corporation. eh t" Mun Wormo. Mrs. Deckeledce -- "My husband spends AH his lime in the library Me". a real bookworm." Hard lulled. Mother -"Llule usher is crying. ( end see what she wants." “Yawn-fried the bakery, daughter Int night." Mu. meow-Bond: - "And mine spends his time over the gtoe* ticker. reading the tape. mn, a variable tapeworm. Botrb.'e-"Aw, womett's tears don't move me." Good Advice. lief“! haven’t gone round with I single girl this winter." "Haven't. you time and min hoard me akin; up tot near-beer?" weak In Atphntretleal Order. Tho inter_r---"Does your name still load all the rest?" Abou Ben Adhotn--"Nope, not now any more. Fellow named AII'UI) got on the list." She---") leave other men's when alone." “George spend. most of his time at your house now. doesn't ne?" self‘ Some or the gm: with a shingle hub are tstringted in the wrong place. A bribe In time caves an investigar Lion. It is reported that 5.250 people worr- killed by an in 1924. The statistics divide the fatalities as follows: GO inhaled it; 200 lit a match to tind where it was leaking; 5,000 stepped on it. “An Invalid was cured instantly when a wild boar dashed Into his bed- room,' says newspaper. We‘ve a» known tame bores that any self-rev spectlng invalid would recover to. t.» cape. More than a hundred years ago John Adams wrote: "There are no people in the world so much tn favor of title- as the people of America.' John didn't how the half ot it. Nowadays there is a womatth mun» “try to Just about everything exoepv the lrackwnlker's union ani the su- preme court. A wedding was delayed rm cause the bridegroom fainted demand, however, that the low was mercilessly revived. I asked my Pa about the wind: "Why can't you see " blow?" Ma thought 0. moment, then um sail "Oh, you're too young to know." Now, why on earth do you suppose They won't and licked me sot MI. asked: "Where is that Jam?" 1 and: "Oh, you're too young to know." Few of us are how short the slams are worn outside of our own rum“): A Riddle to Willie. I asked my Pa a simple thitsR: "Where holes in doughnuts go?" Pa read his paper, then he said: "Oh, you're too mung to know." A suck I: a wow who was a Cline, In; vine before she mtwNed and u suf {was afterwards. Speaking of DutnbbelW--My girl's so dumb she thinks a tonsorlal parlor in a throat-doctor's omce. He Saw Through It. Man--"" like to buy a (Human! necklace for my wife." Floonulter - "Ghseware In aisle It." A little nonsense now 1nd then makes fortune. tor the song ering men. A Cake-Eater Now. "Bo Jim has become a cakmler. Dehnded the Walk. Do you relieve 1n defending the Yer, and most at his money on him ct (On With Laughter) OWL-LAFFS ently We poor the be un Jo " mun feed th min feed sh of cracked CO; when, two I t1broua. d tett th Efficien Whether a ' for show-room or an: Producti both, the degree upon the early birds. He can during the rua tire. ous 1 these other th simple enougl with this irvi Ire rested fr through the [ pieces of on another. Al vide att “cu board or me or so and m north-him Ind Too [Al The ll m a h “l eating And CORRECT FEED FOR BABY CHICKS. rpti " Thono dlr hard hiela with tl 951‘ y growth um