A retrr'Psesttat'tvo of the Rttn-Timetr, Own Sound. has barn interviewittq nu- gram-rs oi tnat eit-y and ttmu n prunouncc-d lei-lung against handling Ge Mull. Some or them add "on no .t-nunl. nor un'ls-r any circumstan- 644 would they handlv it." hunt accounts sec-m to point to On privilege not being given to no (is. only to standard hotels und m- buraata. but in no can In it to In Old mm a bar! Drinkers must WON'T HANDLE SYRUP PEPSIN Ladies I',tn's and Boys' Fine Shirts-collars attached MEN'S SPRING CAPS Clk! 'cl N "000s-Coin Spot- Mums cr Nett l mim nngall the precious elamsnts needed for heal' thy m-in'xrm. Eat it daily;it will keep you full of pep and on "zy, ttENt)EftS0N's BAKERY The Bread that made is win! y m will find in every tweet wholesome slice of . Mk Surfs. .. Henderson’s Bread 3.4 BEER Mother Stop Baking all. at a table and imbibe the refresh- ment! Most people {all to see how this will reduce drinking. in fact It may induce drinking, for comfortab- ly seated and the talk good, new supplies may be ordered. "Btnish the bar" was a potent cry in post days, though everyone knew it was the liquor, not the wooden structure that was desired to be abolished. The Ferguson Gov’t interpret the cry literally ! Let's get a new cry I Give us suggestions. C. L. GRANT . at $1.00 and Sl.50 each gig: 31:13pm an“!!! C. RAIAGE & BON. Editor Ind Pro. Member Candi“ Weekly Nanny on’ Association. Guam-mm" anâ€: 32.00 I year In edrane, In Canada: $2.50 in Ire United s'"ttate,t Cuttings I Carolina Willow. The Ontario Gov't maintains nur- series at 6 points : St Williams, Nor. folk Co.; At Drona. Durham Co.; At Midhurst, Simeon Co.; At Mines- ing, Simcoe Co.; and two other dur, tant points. Tree." will be sent trom, nearest Nursery. In making appli-} cation, applicant must Mate which is nearpst. The owner's obligation consists of this; must prepare the area to be planted. mast plant the trees at his own expense. care for it, fence it from animals, protect it from fire. Once each year he must fill in a re port supplied by Forestry Branch on condition of the trees. He must be prepared to pay express charges, which per 100 lbs can be found by applying to express agent. 1000 to 2000 trees will range from 100 to 300 lbs in weight. Hardwood. Elm, White Ash. Hard Maple, Soft Maple, Walnut, Butternut. For Windbreaks: Norway Spruce. Ill-u Macphail. M.P., as we an- nounced lut week was making a personal visit to the mining district ot Nova Scout. to get tirat hand knowledge of the cause of the coal strike. She has written to the Globe and other papers detailing in grue- some terms the conditions under which they live. The homes silo viBited--shaeks she calls them wont: side and in, are forbidding in the extreme. Sanitation is neglected and altogether she describes a low statn of civilization. requiring remodiul measures. especially tor women and children. Now . then. get a Commission ap- pointed to ascertain which story is correct! Miss Macphail will have anmothing to say in parliament or we miss our guess. Miss Macphail‘s action in going to the seat of the trouble was commendable and we hope the Premier. who is an expert in labor troubles. will be found sym- pathetic to any proposal to remedy conditions. Conifers White Pine, Red Pine, Jack Pine, Scotch Pine. White Spruce, White Cedar. Now comes Mrs F. Fraser. a Tor- onto woman. who lived in Sydney, N. S'., for years and she tells a. differ- ent story and accuses Miss Macphnil of making highly colored stories. favorable to the miners. She de- clares they live in 7-roomed houses. have hot and cold water, electric lights and even own, many of them, automoblles. The shacks were nev- er intended for families, they were built for transient labor from New- foundland. The Trees available this spring for Forest planting are: Considerably more attention thin usual is being given this year to tree planting. The added interest is no doubt due to the generous gov- ernmental offer ot free trees for for est planting, as well as a. limited supply tor wind-break protection. Persons interested-and at this time of year many should be interested- should write to the "Ont. Forestry Branch, Parliament Bldg's. Toronto," stating the kind of work they purp- Ose doing and they will be advised how to proceed. Trims are sent out only in the spring, usually about end ot April. No trees 'shipped tor any purpose In the tall. Purpose of Distribution The purpose ot this distribution is to assist farmers and land-owners in the province to improve their wood lots and to re-forest waste portions of their holdings. On most farms there are a few acres which might profitably be devoted to the planting oftrees. such as steep hillsides, son dy or gravelly areas, swamp land, and fields cut " by streams or rail- roads. Such areas may be set out with trees at little trouble and ex- pense. which will add value to the property, and be a useful addition for small amounts of timber, and fuel. Also, in some sections or the province where the land is all of good agricultural worth, and little forest remains. it would be profitable to plant a few acres with trees. The Forestry Branch advises that those undertaking waste [and plant- ing make a start ot one. acre the first year. Larger areas may be planted by arranging to continue the workin successive seasons. Trees should be spaced from five to tfrx feet each way, preferably six feet. At six feet spacing. an acre will require 1,210 trees. 3.500 trees is the largest amount which will be given tree to one landowner in any one year. If he wants more they may be procured at " per thousand. Auiatanec Given by Forestry Branch The Fomtry Branch, in so far as tho nwans at its disposal will permit, will assist la the growing of forest Trees Supplied Free for Forest Planting THOSE MINER SHACKS! I DURHAM. APRIL 2, 1925 PLANT MORE TREES Poplar, White White Spruco, THE DURHAM REVIEW plmutlon- or noodle“. by giving advice as regards the also!» ot spec- les and sutures. the â€locum: of suitable areâ€. their ttreparation. methods ot planing tad care utter planting. Prospective punters. It they lo de- sire. may send in : description of the property to be set out with tree,. showing the location ot roads. exist- ing woodland. streams. buildings, fences, hills and any other local tea. tures, as well as the soil or soils on the area. if possible a sketch may should be drawn showing the above features. after which the Forestry Branch will give advice regardingthe kinds of trees best suited to the area and their arrangement. It Consolidated Schools do all that are claimed for them, here is a strik~ lng place for the movement to com- mpncu in South Grey. Aberder'n School to the south, Is also a shadow of Its former self as to attendance, and many other adjacent schools do not find the seating room crowded. The foregoing. paragraphs were. written purely as a contrast to that which exists in our rural schools of today. This contrast was never more exemplit1ed than in the case of S. B. No. 13, Bentinck (Welbeck). who We learned the other day, has three pupils, - boys, securing the rudiments of the English language within its walls. This section in ear- lier days, made the teacher work overtime for his or her salary, and while not casting any reflection on the good work done by the present teacher, Miss Hawkins, the contrast, as we stated. gives rise to our tlrst remarks. These three boys will nev- er know the many varied and rich experiences that come to a packed school ot young students and that serve. to make pleasant memories as the years grow upon them. For them also is the incentive of competition lost to a great degree, for rivalry in school honors is as worthy an am- bition in many cases as rivalry in sporting honors. KUd Ile-rrp/ation Marked As a better indication of the de- population of Rural Ontario, go to the schools on the back lines of any of our Townships, where thirty years ago it was nothing for the av craze attendance at these schools to How small the cost ! The value to you of YOUR telephone in- creases as rapidly as the value of a corner store in the busysection of a big city-and for the same reason-if you make the most of it. Each year more than 50,000 new telephones in Ontario and Quebec are added to the army of those you can do business with. Your telephone also en- ables you to talk with upwards of 125,000 telephones on rural lines in these two provinces. tueatstamihturth.emefo 'fits No.3, Bentinck, (Welbeck) Flap, only Three Pupils g 'r,Tsrai/W, TORONTO A TRIBUTE TO THE LATE IRS. W. B. VOLLET highly poetical. In tho work or niece ot the late In w. B. Volley Departing Bandsmen Honored Before leaving Durham to reside in Toronto this week, Mr Geo. Hug- ill was presented by his comrades of the Band with a fountain pen and the following address, at their prae tiee on Tuesday night: Mr George Huglll. Dear Friend '. In view of the tact that you are u- bout to leave our midst. a circum- stance which we all deeply rewrt't, will you please accept this as asiizht token ot the respect in which you are held by your fellow bandsnum. As a unit of our band it is newl- less to say you will be greatly mis- sed. Your loyalty and devotion has been an example for all of us. Your time. and talents were generously giv- en to the entertainment of your fel. low citizens without thought of w- ward or applause. We wish you all success in your new venture, and While standing in a city park so fair And listening to a concert there, May you remember Durham hand When Drummer G. Hugill was there, How as we all marched down the Cm I in Belfitrtt trrietfortret That all the little tteavtmm1ottttoert' Mr and Mrs Carlyle McDonald. visited recently with friends in town. Sorry to report little Jack Cuwvll was on the sick list for a few days Sorry to hear Mr Jack Petty and Master Tommy Milligan are laid up with the mumps. She who would touch a. violet Aa " she knew its soul would “he for her-- A number of this section attendnd the party given at the home of Mr. and Mrs Neil McCailum on' Friday night last. A crowd numbering about 95 gathered and spent the evening in games and dancing, and all declare that a splendid time was spent. Miss Jessie Stewart has returned home after spending a month at the home of Mr Jan. Smith. Crawford. Mr Royce Noble returned Monday to Mr n. MeArthur'tr, near Domoch. after a couple of weeks at home. Mr and Mrs Pred Torry, Mulock, visited recently with Mr and Mrs F. Cuff. Mr and Mrs E. Noble and son El- mir of Hutton Hill, spent an evening recently with Mr Geo. Chapman and family. Mr and Mrs Jtunes Langrlll, Messrs Wesley and Earl Noble and Miss Pau- line, spent an evening recently with Mr and Mrs Lawson Hopkins. Mrs David Donnelly visited herald- ter, Mrs Henry McCaaIIn of Durham, who Is not enjoying good health at present. _ Most of the people are busy mak- ing maple syrup, it being a fairly large run thls year. All are glad to see the nice wom- ther approaching. The disappearance of the snow and the songs ot the birds make one think that Spring is near at hand. Mr Alvin Caawell of Aberdeen, is on the line with his buzz-saw. sawing wood for a few of the good neigh- bore. Quite a Dumber were entertained at the home ot Mr and Mrs Ramon Noble on Friday evening lust. Mr Earl Noble is assisting his bro- ther George, who is laid up with thu mumps at present. Mr and Mrs Lawson Hopkins spent Sunday with kindred at Ebenezer. street And you glanced at the many feet; For a small town band' they were hard to beat: _ May this be the thought your mind would greet. . (hoe more. on helm]! of the Band, we Mah you ‘every success. health and happiness for all time to come. Lot t, con 19. Proton, containing 1'21 acres. more or less: 94 sex-(s cleared, 7 acres hardwood bush, 5 acres swamp. balance pasture. Frame house 1% storey. barn 50x " part stone foundation. pump a door. immediate potusesuion given. Come and arrange terms. In welcome " her feet. And make her pathway orbet t She whose dear voice was just n blend Ot all ecstatic bird song everywhere. Dd I not know the angels bend To hush their harps when she goes by them there, Singing her little song, . Bearing her Joy along t She who won hearts so readily That love has kept her all along the way- Shall I who wait think anxiously Of the Unknown that she has found today t She is quite safe above, She goes from love to Love. -Anne Sutherland, Dunrobln, Mciague an, Guelph NORTH BENTINCK FARM FOR SALE OR RENT HUTTON HILL GEORGE PLESTBR. F. Gardiner, Boeretary In N. Whitman ad Ion Noun. nttonded the (noon! of o nephew in Woodbridge Saturday tart. Mr Ind In Murray Ritchie spent Sunday at the hometot her paella. Mu nd Hrs D. Human. A number ot the people ot this neighborhood are hid up with mumpa Mrs Jon. Mentally ot Edge Hill. spent the Brat of the Week with nor daughter, Mrs Lawrence McFadden. Mr and Mrs John Meoirr spent Sunday with her parents Mr 1nd Mrs Geo. Noble in town. Mr Prosper Porter is engaged with Mr Alex Aljoe tor the summer months and Mr Harold Gatsby of Varney with Mr John McGlrr. . Messrs Sandy Campbell and T. Stewart of Orchard. spent Tuesday last with Mr Dan Campbell. The National Mail Order House of Montreal, largest concern of its kind in Canada. rnanttftutturere and tailors of Ladies', Gents' sud Child- rene' under and over wears from tip to toe. We use fast dyes, put out our goods direct from factory to wearer at a 20 per cent saving to a customer. also all goods sold by the yard. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call on or write our representative. B. R. Langriil, Hanover. At home rSstur- days: second house south of Spies: Mr Jon; Hamilton has purchased a tlne horse from Mr Wm Ryan of Glenelx. - a mum... - Mr Sandy McDonald intends 'mov- Ins this week to the farm he has leased from Mrs Geo. Tolchard. Born, on Friday, March 27th, to M r. son, factory and tor yourself, Mr C. Dunsmoor's sale last week was well attended and good prices were received for stock and imple- ments. Mr John O'Neil as auction- eer gave good satisfaction. Mr C. Dunsmoor is moving to the home in Durham this week, which was occu- pied by his mother, up to the time of her death. Chopping and Oat Crimping every day at McKechnie Mill Prompt delivery to all parts of the town. Phone "4 and Mrs Lawrence McFadden. a Also Beef ' Horse Hides, Sheep Skins, Horse Hair, Phone or Call Phone 66 Mi) Musk-Rat Skins Wanted at High hia K? SEASON BEGINS lst of MARCH Any other Raw Furs Wanted GREEN GROVE Get our prices for Four Spring sup ply. It pays tb fertilize. A stock of to arrive this week Priced right. FERTILIZER Dunsmoor's sale last week attended and good prices waived for stock and imple- Mr John O'Neil as auction- good satisfaction. Mr C. ' is moving to the home In Goose and Duck Feathers, LIVE POULTRY FOR WHICH WE PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE 'l'hlil0tiE Goose and Duck Feathers J. W EWEN & SON see prices and samples NOTICE mu ISK rem A. TINIANOV Glaser's Old Stand, Durham Try our Pilot Flour Rolled Oats, Oat Flakes. Sundard Oatmeal, also Pinhead Oatmeal for baby chicks. Nothing better for tirat feeding. ORAN, SHORTS, OAT a HEAVY CHOP, CRIMPED OATS. POULTRY Car 1923 Standard Recleaned C,.-,,.:.., just unwed. None better. BRAN, CHOP, FEED. $35.00 PER TON whlle h; Gii, “a feeling the many grip of his humane. ___ taat SUE!!! In the absence ot an D. Sill-n. In! old friend; wm (Ind to have the privilege of hearing who“ this Ptidar night. Tho debut.» betwoen the Bentor Clubs will tum piece " this meeting. Remember the concert to be given in the what)! under the auspices ol the U. P. W. o. The plny “Just liko n woman" In to he presented. Admire sion 25 and 10 centn. Some of the farmers In the neigh- borhood have Muted ploughing. “if James uwrence has been up pointed supper tor Holstein. Mr and Mrs J. W. Mekeehrtie and daughter Amen: attended svrvirv here on Sunday and spent the atttw noon with Mr and Mn L. McLean. Mr Jock Gruby ll the Inn-um ap- pointed to so to the Conwuuon In Toronto. Mr Jack Luv-on In. had a serious attack of the mumps. ulna Mr Georg» Noble. We hope to see them out soon "tun. . Manypqo 1e,voungyuiold,get plenty of god but the vitamin qualities out of which come the powers of resistance, are minus, and malnutrition and weakness ensue. m “an II cold and chance.»- . Ttte up I. W etteeked up an tre-ttr. Rev. Mr. Little occluded tho tmittit is indeed the plu uality that so many children an adults need to help sustain the body in normal strength and vitality. A very little Scott's after each meal helps, to vitalize the deficient diet. Scott's Emulsion promotes growth -.builds strength. Scout. â€lemon-to. on. - tiytftlhdtiia APRIL 2, VITAMIN QUALITIES Box 82, Durham o. till meet in thes Price Reduced Will sell © 1 they Int. “Amour ALL EKPENOE TOUR " THE Plum COAOT tNCLUD I“ CANADIAN a AIEIDCAN IATIONAL PANIC A -- " Mr AILRXMM a I. Uettagt maxed trom Totonto " (I. Noni M00 m. upon.†r - lump. Tomato via “mam. l lone-Al Mun. July ttth non Watt-till. the only will g “I“ am ot the moat "ppott “a of Western Canada-Winn, “noon. Edmonton. stopping a at lupu- Nulonu Park "mm Hillel? mum-1 Ind via Clnudmr. ttmtnt PneMe Cont Hummun v the qronderttti scenic mun- 0: Ruth Futile Cone! to human nun-ulna Ha Porttnnd. Ycllowr-' Nathan Park, mtea National go. (hence back The (out II being arm an direction or Mr A Principul of th'lverthorm ? out». and Mr Martin lien ot the End Kittthenor SM In. Out. IN" informm “and from Mr Bryson thin Ava. Toronto†Ju duo from Mr Kerr, 4 1 MM. ml R42 While primrily drsla - of to-uhurs in I ot Onmdo. the tour is o be" of the. ttttttrar-al pu m can to join th - Velma CoeTetetedtodat"Ar tdos Hmm .e..r-r' PtMatoms,ptwbag â€I. M. .. 25c and to report Rev. 1) - to punch In! Sund 0w; “My . . . Buckwheu [at T, con. 8, Norma I" I†m. good bnr " m. an" failing ply on when to Hind Grain FAR. FOR SALE OR RCN" DURHAM MARKETS Special on Gr Linoleums. with, Beds, s niches. Brushes For one week M St. anrence G ranu 0d orGolden Yellow Our prices are 1 Flour is guarunm-d spot cash, ttigttest Price mid for 1 It the mill. (loads Phone No 8. day l Special on Orimm's Sovereign Flour. Eclipse We no ofierintt No.1 Mo a special price of 816 per In your rerquietnentta. Timothy Seed (Special sun We handle Kne Shorts. Low Grade. ( Roral Purple Chick l No.H f, Wall Paper~$peual Ann; FOR 5 hr 1922-'Z3 Chevmlet Wheat Cereal, Rollrd Flour, Oat Chop, cm Mixed Grain for Ihmlt Meal, Pig Meal and p, Flour, Feeds. Etc. The People's Mills ttousecleaning Req Kaq run only f hon tires on I in mm bwn KARSTEDT BR APRIL 2, we: Every Day JOHN THE PEOPL JOHN MORICF " general appears tHit huh tr, l°=°= 0 I°=0==0 rung " or n , My ll s delive pg Flou