West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 2 Apr 1925, p. 7

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Seed Potatoes FEELING TIRED IN mllliil'1'lliE \m sick. But Not Quite Weil-. lou Need the Help of Dr. IN illiams’ Pink Pills. 2. Bon " ew Brunewick Brown and Govern ment turttfud. sh Cobblers and Creen Mountain: i-‘ur sale at the following prices: 'tt mp . Buahel,tt.t The Province of Ontario Savings Ofiice S\FETY IS SATISFYING Deposit your savings regularly with the Province of Ontario Savings Moe. $1.00 OPENS AN ACCOUNT All monies deposited by you are guaranteed by the Government of the Province of Ontario and can be withdrawn at any time. BANKING BY MAIL- Department at each Branch. HEAD OFFICE: 15 QUEEN’S PARK. Aylmer, Brantford, Hamllton. Newman-kn. Ottawa. Owen Sound, Pembroke. Soafonh. " trattharirtes, " Man-'1, Brnncheo: Toront_tr- lay an University and Dundas - far honor G be homesick may home than to be home sick. p We Challenge Ontario Farmers To Make Money By the Use of a Scrub Bull Is This A Challenge To You'? We believe a Scrub Bull is the most piece of cattle flesh in existence. Bag. 90 lbs.. " "ice In lots ot 5 h ll H. W. DAWSON " us F? passing ot whiter mu! 1 wwk. desrres-k and easily partiwular disease. but the 'si mm. You and yourself spiritrv’. and otter: “Bibi. tt", s'v-o-p at night. all tttiq m of [IL-door cottthtemettt of mrmvbn, and shows thttt the , hr mne thin and watery. ntity rt Ignorance. n harpicture "Robin Mood." n desires to send a mes. ' Karl ot Huntington and Ie John to at: as her mes- |" presents Jnhn with I 11 is protected by what a black one or tube. do! It over, a and! boy in " asked his mother what rn up. you have a be , are strengthen 'l and refruhlll. of Dr. William P system In nun t vxperlenms of N w dull. tired fooling db- after using the pills for ‘h. I could eat heartily rung and active as "or I ran most cheerfully re. Williams' Pink Pills " lt him We SSS KR ou in a but appetite and did In This the h W 'al of 5 bags or more. or packages. Can "own. at about 20 will have to order itnited, Cash with /iliiams' Pink Pitt. I medicine. or by hog from The Dr. Co., Hrm-kviile. an not sleep well. Med tonics. but did Then I decided to Pink PIE-ls a trlal I had got the right My my strength Brampton, Ont mm b ta was I not :11 l tonic: mu l dc he tt ly ‘anoe, Mary." v didn't have That’s I ther. run down of Mr. “ 1. Beam walkenon. woodstol. n run down m wand no D nick!) Dips :er up $1.60 Wi Wil, oo eed her or 'ulllt‘lthl exerciw to keep the body stomach of part of the work of diges- aviiw, tailing the right kinds of food tion, for properly masticated foods are in [Hind i-i'upurtinns, using plenty of more easily assimilated by the stom- t'n Sn w. ' -r within and without. But ach. Iilt‘ '._ti, remark t mean that water, We must also make it a point to shou (l to taken at ft'x'qti'riit intervals,' get enough sleep and to avoid all swim l u glass or two tirst thing unnecessary worry. Too many people ic iln- morning and betwten moalsviive what might be called a dissipated my rigid» rhe day It is better notlexistence, that is they burn the mid.. '0 Ill " l. t l , tl sid, at mealtime, as the night oil, staying up late at nights g.i.~tr_~ i I ,. ic thereby diluted and and through the stress of business ris- rnuilu ll. /r, ';i;,»d digestion. ing fairly early in the morning after her win unison IC' other, tlwre insufficient rest. This leads to nerv- “in,” to i)!' c, mildew-y on cverybody's ousness and irritability which in time part 'lowatiurc, to eat too much starch may result in indigestion, insomnia and sugar 'l'r the daily diet. Too much and other irritating conditions. Ono sturchy food cam-ea fermentation of must not forget the dangers to health the minim-h and inte,tinos, wltivh that result from mischievous gossip, often vesults in constipation and auto/saying or hearing unkind things about intoxication, the vffects of intestinal wople with whom you are acquainted.) .~tasi~' or inertia. One and all, we Sooner or later there unkind, ungoinl should cultivate the practice of eating erous thoughts will react on the per- more fresh fruits and making the son harboring them, and bring about, leafy vegetables a larger part of ourpn impaired state of health. There is .l-iily dietary. We should refrain from the question, too, of having imaginary' ------"""-"-'-e'"-"-'------- enemies. and of believing that certain [persons hold a grudge against you, BL and are plotting to do you an injury.! 0 iThese surmiscs may be merely tig-r a |ments of the imagination and if the LIV ESTOCK [truth were known, the people whom' ' 9 (you suspected had no unkind thoughts ' ‘of you at all. Another minim re- C$BSttrMRYl member is that frequent bat ing of lCK ly, body is absolutely essential if one; (is to keep in perfect trim. _ ( To thoroughly enjoy good health, excesses of all kinds in eating and we must observe the simple rules of drinking and chew our food thorough- right Epsing. There inelqde tht ta.kiryt 1y at pea? times... ”This rtliepre. the and Adelaide “recto: Corner ts; m Danforth Avenue. "OH BOY! WHAT A TRIP!" Prissvil'oa Dean, the movie star who was appointed master of Yonge Street Station. for one hour, upcu the termination ot her "personal" Ippearance In Tun-onto, thought after importing a Trans-Canada ticket that her education Would not be mmpletu um” she had used up just such a one. "The Canadian Rm-kios and Victoria tor me," she said. Provincial Board of Health. Onurlo. Dr. Middleton will be glad to answer questions on Public Health ult- lers through this column. Addrou him at swam House. and!“ Clo-cent, Toronto. H EALTH EDUCATION expensive TORONTO BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON 10! i In these winter days we have al tendency to spend too much time in/ 'doors in a superheated atmosphere.‘ uWhat could be more healthful and in-’ lt'.tertt/.rut than a brisk walk in the open air. Walking is an exercise that li;'viiyiiiiiy can indulge in, and there! cis no better recreation. Still, there) "s not half enough walking done, even: in the country. The automobile is an] lasset of course, and brings eonven-' Hence and comfort to every home! ‘where it is in use, but when a person develops the habit of riding every-' where, even short distances that could, easily be covered on foot, then the (automobile is little short of a menacej jto health. I have heard men who own', (ears admit that for their health'tr' sake they would be far better off with-' out an automobile. l A powerful aid to the preservation of health is rehutation-of both mind and body. If we have busineea cares or worries connected with the daily grind. we should as far as possible, put them away when evening come: and enjoy the fellowship of family or friends or recreation or books. The mind needs a rest as well as the body, and this applies to women as well as men. Of course there are instances whero it is diffleu1t to get rid of worry and responsibility at special times, but as a rule, one can. by systematizing his or her work, find time for relaxa- tion. Above all, we need, once a year at least, a complete change from our nor- mal surroundings. and this is es cially benet'seial if those who 1tti, strenuous lives, go to the woods or a quiet summer resort where they can live close to nature and get a chance. as it were, to find themselves and take Mock of their mental, moral and phygical progress: . " . . r Moreov'er, we shouid always try to cultivate a cheerful spirit, and to meet adversity with calmness and fortitude, accepting with good grace what the gods havy in ytore tor H, 33w”: try: 33:10 plnthhe part of tksal min arid women Air11 Jrn1rthoT to play the game of life to the best advaritaire. Minard's Llnlment for Cold!- We must also make it a point to get enough sleep and to avoid all unnecessary worry. Too many people live what might be called a dissipated existence, that is they burn the mid- night oil, staying up late at nights and through the stress of business ris- ing fairly early in the morning after insufficient rest. This leads to nerv- ousness and irritability which in time may result in indigestion, insomnia and other irritating conditions. One must not forget the dangers to health that result from mischievous gossip, saying or hearing unkind things about I One Scout’s Honor. _ ; Here is an actual happening illus- ;trating the extent to which a Scout ;lived up to his pledge of honor. A lad in Saskatchewan appeared in court, l called to give evidence against his own Mather in a land deal. The father claimed he did not understand the Eng- Ilish language. The son, who was a TBoy Scout, swore that his father had ',' understood every word of the deal. be. icause he, himself, had explained it to , him. Preaentation to 'eoutmaster. On his removal from Cobourg to Toronto the Rev. Canon F'. J. Savers necessarily had to relinquish the Scoutmasterehip of the line In. Co. hours Troop of Boy Scouts which ha: been the pride ot that town tor several years. In appreciation of his splendid services to the Troop, the hon pre- sented Mr. Sawers with a gold Ever. sharp pencil on the eve ot his depar- ture tor the Queen City. {rho new Seoutmagttyr is Mr. Bradley, Superin- tendent ot the Anglican Singay School. Wilfrid Davenport continu . to act as Assistant '3couttttaster. . The snow is pricked by lean b Malta, And In its melting white Are sunken models of the leaves That made last autumn bright. The willow slams and alder stems Shine out in vivid hues. Carnelian, 'stutron, fashioning Enchanted avenues. Down which shall run a gypsy band In twinkling blossom shoot). While every bush lungs banners forth. And birds pipe up the tune. --Kathtrrine Lee Bates. The meadow pools with crysta} Planta Are strangely etched across; Red rose hips gleam against old stumps Searted with a wet green moss. A silver nun“; the largest ever mined in British Columbia, weighs 36 ounces. honor?" was his simple rejoinder. But Father Dldn't See " That Way. Johttnie--"Dad, can you sign your name with your eyes shut?" Futhtsr--'tertait1ly, my son." Johnnie--"Well. then, please shut your eyes and sign my school report card." When the boy quit the witness box, some persons said toltim, "Your father will thrash you tor doing that. Why did you do it?" "What else could I do and keep my _ii?i(kiltit)ji . ; , (DUTS wish , Bright Tendertoot- -"l'd wish a with that every time I wished I. wish. I could have the wish I wished." Veteran Boys’ Man Honored. Mr. C. J. Atkinson, Executive Beere. tary of the Boys' Club Federation ot America, and tor many years Director or the Boys' Dominion in Toronto and ot other boys' work activities in dit. ferent parts of Canada, was signaliy honored on the occasion ot the close of " fiftieth year in boys' work. At a banquet held in New York City and attended by representatives, ot the Boy Scouts, Y.M.C.A., Big Brothers, Boys' Ciubs and other boys' work organiza» tions, Mr. Atkinson was granted one year's leave ot absence and a. purse ot gold to pay all expenses ot a trip around the world. A Wish. Smart Man .-- 'Say, Sonny. what would you wish it you had just one How? Patrol Leader-Nt you want a. thing done well, do it yourself." Smart Tendertoot---"How about u hair Last. year, on February 22nd, the Chief Scout's birthday, the lat Gait Troop received a personally signed portrait of the Chief for the best re- port published in "The Scout." London, England, Feb. 7, 1924. Two weeks ago the troop again received another por- trait tor the best report published in "The Scout," on Feb. 7, 1925. Rather a coincidence, eh? T. A. C. Tier of Illingiton, were the guests of the Parklandg (bong Branch) Troop ot Boy Scout: on Saturday even- ing. March 9th. The Council ha: been very hetiplui to the Boy Scents during the past year and the boys took this mther unique way to show their ap- preciation. During the evening Scout- maater W. P. Pollard of the Troop re. ceived a beautiful Union Jack, which was presented to the Troop by Mr. a, Loty and his family. Not the Same. First-class Bcout---'Say, didn't I meet you in Ottawa about. three months ago'." First-class Scout - “That's funny. neithol was I. It must have been two other fellows.’ Innocent Temlertoot---"No, I never was in Ottawa in my life} Scout. Dine Township Council. The members of the Etoblooke Township Council, headed by Reeve As Spring braiwINear. P' cut?” Get Portralt of Chief Scout. With . mur brown Perfect home dye- ing and tinting is . guaranteed with Dia. ‘ f - mend Dyes. Just dip , in cold water to that " F,), soft. delicate shades. 1lEi'l'iiiiit , or boil to dye rich. wt. . , permlnent colon. tt1tiii5 Each 16-cent peck- 5453; age contains direc- SRE; wr , tions so simple my Bin-u! - woman can dye or CCL"7 tint lingerie, silky. ribbons, mum, waists, dresses, coatl. stockings, sweaters. draped“. covering. hang. inn, everything new. Buy "Diamond Dyets"--no other kind .-and tell your drugsist whether the material you wizh to color In wool or silk, or whether it In linen. cotton, or mixed goods. A British oftieer who was captured by the Turks in the Great War gives some amusing extracts from the prison commandant'e daily bulletins to the prisoners. Here is one: "Everybody is obliged neither to cook food nor to have any sort of are in the room- where they live and Me, u I very slight careiessness " resend. lire, cleanliness and wetness mar be the cause ot great dangers. It ie rather good to consider the heaviness of the legal penalty that may lmpend tor a damage caused by a lack of precaution and care. It a the Marta, it goes. Therefore. don't smoke in bedrooms tor goodness' sake." Mm. L. M. Brown. Walton. NM., aBytc--Nreannot recommend Baby's Own Tablets too highly. I have found them invaluable tor the ailments of little once." Mrs. Brown‘s testimony is the some as that ot thousands ot other mothers who have used the Tab. leta. 'N use them once is a. sure guar- antee that they will always be kept in the home as long " there are babies or young children to be cared tor. The Tablets are a 1axatietr--tnih1 but thorough in action-which never tell to regulate the stomach and bowel”. relieve constipation and indigestion; break up colds and simple fever: and make the dreaded teething period easy. In fact they banish all the minor ills from which little one: eut- fer. The Tablets are sold by medi- cine dealers or by mail " M cent: . box from The Dr. Willlama' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. MOTHERS PRAISE BABY’S OWN TABLETS But I'll keep that Mar so my soul an wear One golden trinket in her hair. --Bonnie Jones MacClellnnd. And I’ll leave him also the wind and the sea, And I'll even leave him my tall pine A ttttlow iUld and " ancient plow. I, being in my right mind now. Bequeath to my son my land and plow. And these are the things that I got from Love: One tall pine-tree and a star above The“ things I got by tre sweat ot my And these I bought with the soul I have was: The wind and the spray the aalt sea tlung. Last Will and Testament. with In the and. m (w h M) 0! Bayer "nu'nrmn o? Monomeric- ad‘um of ”when! (Lam with)”. Add. "A, B. A."). While " II we" known an A-pm- an I.” -eteem, b all" we public mum Immuam. the TAM”- "Bareeo-rartnhst.aq.ditthtteegersirutm6.nare, an "er Gnu." Proved safe by Sato" vuw @ ASPIRIN Lumbago Rheumatism Headache Neuralgia In Turklgh Prison. _ MB, A MiiScCE.erier. millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Toothache Pain Neuritis Acce; MET contains proven directions. Ith, “Buyer" boxes of " him“. Also men of 24 and 100-Druggisu. I Now (in: the Mother? Allowances! REMNANTS. l Act isyro won established and Iocomp- ', TCmirra-i-hr"int"-q'rr-'to."t"r'%"a" lashing and: good work, it in interest-", B 'd(iei'fd'.AlifJ,erf,'2 id/dt in; to recall that tor nearly twetuyiontario. jess Mr. Keleo Mvombed this an aliGiaTa"a%=a=========--==, 'necessury feature ot etBcient child-! FREE CATADOGUE- "in." work. in his fourth annual re- Rte?",?..!?", BUSHES, GLAD- turn to the Ontario Legislature. pulr, iolu, Iria, Peény, Fancy Dahlia, liahed in February, 1897, he reported and Barred Rock Em. The Wright in foliowg: Jurrn, Brockville. Ont. l The” are poor but rummble‘W number: who require temponry helm. Ides of .pace. Put this should be given to them in. One may Judge how great is tho di- their own homes, either by the muniCi- tance ttt “You the nearest Furs from puny or (hutch organizuuonn, so that the tact that Vega. a war neighbor, the home may not be broken 1ur. lt in is about one and a half million 11mm! 3110 real charity or help to . Poor moth- ( more distant than the sun. Yoga is G to close up her home and and her'25 light yours, 10 trillion inilmlnmu ichildren. one to this inlutution iii/lid"' is, a my of light trom this Mar '0,” to that, thus, robbing both of the , will take 25 years to rem-h the earth. tie. tutd “lunatic" mt Ire, tttter alt, though it {raw-ls “Rh the 51m d of its, only things worth "ing tor. (f'i"l'll'lv". which “fluid take it nearly The coal deposits of Canada are be lieved to comprise about one-seventh of the known supplies of the whole world. Among the children left at the day nursery at the Wembley Exhibition there are three who have never been claimed. “lo princlpk hem laid down I: sound, and It Ia gratifying to know It has worked out no ,ralL--41lobe. March 19. For Sore Throat Uu Mlnard': Llnlmont CUSTAVR TOW. Manny" Ritz-Carlton Hotel t,te1gntiJef.2',' TEA”is good tea" And most grocers recommend it. " America's Smartest Resort Hotel. Famous for its Euro. pean Atmosphere. Perfect Cuisine and Service. A tea your grocer recommends i, usually good tea New Hydtutrie and Electra - Therapeutic Department. Single rooms tron Double room: from European Plan Mothers' Allownnces. I Classified Advertisements gr»- TORONTO $5.00 38.00 tlliTfilllil WOMAN REGAINS HEALTH Wants OtherWomen to Know About Lydia E. PinkhanN Vegetable Compound Mount Fun-st. ort-"Beforv l took Lydia E. Pinlmam's Vegetable ('1an- puund I felt v» oak and I l misomhio, and had T gains all through me. L' _ was living in Mis- cm atthe csvriand ' one Jaynfriend came , in and told me her ex. terienve of using the . 2 ’cguable Com- "I pound and “vised me to take I bottle, which I finally and. , I be gun to get - tstrong-r and those pains left me. lam glad I found out about this medicine as I think ere in none equal to it for women who have troublus of this kind. I cannot [brain the Vegetable Compound too highly for the good it has done me. Whenever I know of a woman suffering lam glut! totell her of it."-Mn. Wu. Rmsmu. R.R. No.1, Mount Forum. Ontario. Nohumful drugs are Dd in it. pup.- .ratit-lut.st rootysynd tsee-ee" ittirtrs iii/ull, may eveh b i with" --." mother. For a]. by 'h'lla'l'lt2 ' mam; health r. t l Vegetable Compouni 25 light years, 10 trlulou milechny That ia, u a)“ at light trom this star um (the " your: to reach the cam). though it travels m4th the speed of lightning. which would make it nearly seven times around the and] in 3 SN" ond. . Em ldfmh” storage. Ono may judge how great Is the dir lance to even the nearest. aura from the fact "at Vega, 3 near neighbor. to about one and a. half million times more Mutant than the sun. Yes: In - ___ )NI'AIA'X [ u , mi."- _ I _ swim: wan V Ural I ' mums: l innym )erm I . t k c gt 1,jid pound the tn _ which I be __ Egtersmtr INDISPENSABLE We receive letters every Week from people who find Minlrd'c Indispens- able. Capt. Geo. W. Dolbow, Philadelphia. Pa., writes: "While In British Columbia I used your Linimettt but I unnot get it here. As there in to my knowledge no other ltnlment on the market like Mind's I would lpprectnte ft it you will advise me how I can get another supply, for I do not want to Mlnlrd'l. Women throughogt the Dominion m Ming health In ydit E. Pinkhun'u I...“ M It. Mau. Adana! C d , Depot; “III-WEN. lulu-L" 'er'frgyt, Ptuet 9dteey 3 .eye. 1-19:- 'dit Dally. “listed by Cuticuxa Oim. meat when required. It keeps the pore. active, the skin clear and free from eruptions and the scalp in I hunky tank-growing condition. -iii"' F7G1ia'i'"'siitari'"i's7iii, 25r (htiara Saab Reflection b, Obtained br, Using A Chaim THE ARNOTT INSTITUTE KITCHENER. ONT.. CANADA MIINARD'S LtNIMENT Don't Lulu under this hand”! any longer. Sutton-I'm tet everywhere rerommen our methods of tron-mm. Writ- for (me advice Ind litetetttre. in Prune; cannot be so if they have been in YOU STAHMER t86UE No. I3-"2% be __ iridium

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