00 bus his - bus 00 has his stei oo bus ore , APER HES Meats t, I925 Li hintz. “/6 herd Bulls loco Up; m To Organize Son-ball Team All interested in the Men's Class Softball Team an- requested to Inset on the High School Grounds. Good Friday anemoon at 3 p. m. nnd tMV slst in getting it under way. am and Dray Changes Hand. Only a few days after selling his mail route, Mr Albert Livingstone this week took possession ot the Durham bus and any business. luv- itttt vurchased it from Mr Goon! (Riley) Melt-9km, who has been in than tor Ilvo and a halt years. Geo. sold all but his car and A truck and will still use the latter for out ot town wort. “Fruit um in bloom" writes Mr. lmvlol Mccm» from Victoria. B.C.: "weather vary nice, though n little cool at nights." He may: it was very wold the last two weeks of December. s'intre then little frost. and ttoqrerty in bloom airm- mid-February. Along with a remittance he says “we are quit" interested in getting the Rev- iew, as it gives us an idea of hap- puninsa in and around Durham." Hcar H. J. Moon April 14th local now" lovers and in fact all those who admire aesthetic beauty, will teel wall repaid for an evening with H. J. Moore, Gov't Horticultural lmufwr. in the Star Theatre, Dur- ham. Tuesday evening. April 14th. Mr Moore addrmsed the local Hor- tlmltnral Society here in December last, when all moment were delight- ed with his address and beautiful slim-q which he brings with him. "is topic on the 14th inst. will be "Culture of Outdoor Roses." Ad- Letter In: bundle at old papers. only " at Redraw omen. Just the thing for lighting Brea, laying under cal-pea. puking. etc. LOST : In or near Durham. car mar- ker No. 206305. Finder will kindly rum to Dr. A. Bell. Durham. Wm. Krug, n prominent furniture manufacturer of Chettley, will probab- ly bo the Liberal Candidate In South Ill-um at the next Fade-ml election. Mochi his aunt. Miss F. B. Mockler, Upper Town. The diary gives a vivid idea of a storm at sea. and knowing that many friends an- interested in our former townsman. we asked permis- sion to publish it. Bert, u a buyer for the GreenshieiO Co.. Montreal, for the GreenshiehU Co.. Montreal. mm of. It not the largest. wholasale ham in Canada. makes for the Bran a you-1y trip to England and ttte continent. and this, his tUth trip ov- or. has proved to be his worst voy- A good old-(unload no meeting will be held in Vnmey Church. on Monday menial. April 13th. Ad. mission 26e and tGe. Toronto A my!†Mano for at tho W 0M. Remembered an coming to Durham Mina Viola Smith of Lore-e. Coiling-l wood Township, who recently enter- rd Durham Hospital as a probationer nurse, was the recipient of many hand-tome and serviceable gifts from irivnds before her departure from her home. On March 25th. about to or more of her friends and neigh- bors trainers-d and presented her with an address. club bag and loan. tain pen. On Friday evening ot the same Week. the A. Y. P. A. ot Holy Trinity Church. boree. also met at! her home und remembered Miss Smith with a copy of the Commonl Prayer and Hymn Book combined. as welt as a Phrneh Ivory clock l or more or In Dom gathered with an with") tain pen. 0n VOL. XLVIII. NO 15 u! Foil Sixteen not l At tho Durham Stone and Sand Co. plant last Saturday where he in em- ployed. Mr Peter McArthur exper- ienced a sudden drop whteh fortun- ately did not result seriously. He was at work on the trestle and step- pmt on an old door which had prev- louoly held him, but it gave way and not being abt" to clutch support, he crunched up for the 16 ft drop. He was able to walk home, but is laid up since with a sore knee. where some muscles were wrenched. Out- side ot some scratches. this was the only injury. and he hopes to be ab- le to be around in a few ars. Fm. am Noon Equipped at 'own In the rear c.' his large and we!!- fuled hardware stern, Mr J. H. Hard- ing bu'lhis week fitted out a com- fortable real room for the benefit of his Cutstomer'3, making it one of tho boat equipped hardware, in Western Ontario. In front of the large bay window. allowing abundance otlittht, is n table supplied with writing ma- torhl and magazines. while surround- ing it are chain: and a rocker. in) the rear corner a lavatory has been installed for the accommodation ot patrons. with 1 screen at side ot en- trnnce, and behind this a mirror will be placed. It is directly across the street from the new bum sand site. and will doubtless prove n popular noon (at outer-town ladies and cm who pre uni“. yhile oth- sion only 16e ft "Gii, Ga" iconiiilré't; their shop hem Mr. Bert Mockler other tsther pay In this MMU" c iew' we reproduce a lettero “an. written by Mr Ber to his mother and tdstei' b and forwarded by them t Mockler, in this m' in m to 3m)" Idea that I our i An unusual occurrence was the irwvotlng by the members for the !positions of Regent, Becretary and ITreasurer. To make matters clear it \ls m-cvssary here to give a little or planation to readers on the proced- iurv of business which the Chapter Hollows as per constitution. Nomin- nations for the several offices of the 'Chapter Were held at the February inlet-ting and several namps were put ion the nomination paper for those :three oMees. This nomination form lhangs in the Library for a specified " il. Kearney New Regent I. 0. D. E. On Tuesday evening of this week the monthly meeting of Canadian Greys' Chapter, 1. o. D. E., was held at the home of Mrs Guy Kearney, when much important business was transacted. Owing to the absence of the [st Vice Regent, Miss J. Weir, B. A., Mrs K9amey. as 2nd Vice Resp ent, capably conducted proceedings. The Mission Band of the Presby- terian church. under the able leader- ship ot Miss Margaret McGirr. gave one of their bright and entertaining eveningsxt)! course the parents were proud and pleased to Kee and hear how well their children could recite and sing, but the remainder of the audience were pleased also. The new platform, lately erected by Mr Alex. Rutherford for just such events, was highly commended. Master James Henderson moving a. vote of thanks to the Ladies' Aid for it, Miss M. Hunter as President, replying. A- mongst many other good things giv- en were "How our Flag came and what it represented. by several beyn: "Why we help Foreign Mis- sions"' and the ‘Shining of the Light' by a. number of girls. with the cross adorned with lillies as the centre f light. Dr. Grant made a that speech on how some of the boys or long ago behaved at 3 Rally Day service. The concert closed with all singing "O Canada" and the hymn "From Ocean unto Ocean." $14.75 was " ded to their funds from the concert. time. the members in that time haw) ing the privilege should they not; wish to gland election. of withdraw. ing their name. This was done in many cases and when election night came round, a month hence, only one name in each case was not scored out for the omces of Regent. Bee'y, and Treasurer. These names re- spectively were Mrs (Dr.) Grant, Mrs T. M. McFadden and Mrs G. McKechnie. The positions might be said to have automatically fallen to them. These ladies were not at the meeting that night in question to speak for themseNes. and as they all declare they had good and valid reasons for not being there, the urr reasonableness of the thing in mak- ing them take an ottiee against their will, was felt anda new election was henceforth called. Miss Mary McCannr-l, daughter of Mr and Mrs Neil Mchnnel, Proton Station, we.» married on Tuesday, March 31st, at the home of her par- ents. to Mr Rom-rt McPherson, of Dundalk. Titey will reside on the groom'a farm In Proton. The bride has been the popular telephone oper- ator at Dundalk for some time past and was the recipient of several showers. Pleasing Mission Band Concert House mr Ssle. Apply " the Re View omce. Accordingly by ballot was this done Tuesday night when Mrs Guy Kvarney was elected Regent; Miss Alice M. Ramaxe. Secretary and Mrs Robt. Burnett, Treasurer. Mrs A. W. Lauder was appointed 2nd Vice Reg. ent, in place ot Mrs Kearney. The other ottices remain the same. ONieen of Secretary and Treasurer an to Miss A. Ramage and Mn R. Burnett hhm will Enter kt. and Juvenile Lacrosse An enthusiastic and largely attend- ed gathering of the lacrosse fans of Durham was held in the Hahn House Wednesday night, Mayor Murdock presiding, when a motion was unani- mously carried to enter both Inter- mediate and Juvenile teams in the 0.A.L.A.. under one .mamurement. With the assistance of a. few of the stalwarts of past seasons. there is ample material with the younger‘ lads available for a torrmoteh inn-r: mediate team, while the Juveniles are anxious to make: start and a shifty bunch ot lads will take the Beld. omeerg elected were: Hon. Pres., Dr D.B. Jameson President. Harvey Wilson Sec'y Treasurer. A. C. Clements Executive Com., P. Gngnon. J. H. Harding, Guy Kearney, Mayor Mur- , dock and Manager. Mtutturer-to be selected by Com. I and players. It was decided to get the teams lined up tor prsctlce at once and the raising of funds for equipment was next problem. A enchre party was planned which will be held in the Town Hall. next Wednesdsy night, April 15th and the Council may be sin and toe a contribution. iiht, itil tttttitat firtgititig, Reeve Calder stated that the Council could count on expending $1000 if renovation was decided up on, and then we had only an old hall, with no improvement in exter- ior appearance. It was 50 yeals old or over now and had outlived its usefulness, besides being too small for many functions. A new one suitable for the town, with capacity for 450 to Mi) people, could be erect- ed for $20,000 and he believed tho Council and other bodies sliculdsm'e and plan, with a View to erecting tt new Hall in two or three years, rath. er than repair the present 0110. If a new hall was definitely in view, he felt assured the l. O. D. E. alone would raise 81000 or likely 82000 in a couple Cl' years. to assist in nuan- (ring/it. dun. Hunter said the Reeve was entirely too low in his figures. $40, 000 would be cost of a new hall; and the town was not ready to uudrsts take this now, with high tax rate and den-mums to be met. He ad- vocated redeeorating and installing new heating system at cost of $900 to $1000 now, then in tive or six years. we would be in better posi- tin to erect a new hall, and have new ed considerable money as well, in interest charges. Conn. Croft thought the would raise quite a bit if a nowhall in 5 years was assured. Ho and Coun. McFadden both desired getting prirws on a new building. The lat- ter thought $20,000 would cover it. The Mayor thought it poor policy to expend $1000 on present hall when it rvquired outside painting as well. The declsion culminated in a mo- ton by Calder--Crott, that the Prom (‘rty Com. Beeure plans and specifics tions at as little expeiise as possible. for a nvw Town Hall, costing about $20,000. Carried. Calder-Croft: That the Auditors' Report be accepted and 50 copies of Abstract Statement printed. Car. The Reeve brought up the suestion of tax arrears. Mr Thos Daniel was appointed collector. to commence work April 18th,'on and atterwhich date 3 per cent additional on all an rears will be added. Tenders had been advertised for separately for installing a new heat- ing system and for rssdecoratintt the building. When announced by Chair- man McDonald ot the Property Com, the lowest received wa; $397 and up to $575 for installing a new furnace, and for redPeorution, the lowest ten. der was $451, with others up to $500. The old Town Hall was again the main subject ot discussion at Mom day night's session of the Town Council. all being present but Conn. Bell and Noble. The Bell Telephone Co. pyosonted a request to place poles north side of George Bt., which was granted. A petition signed by seven local teamsters, asked for teamster's li- comes. The Finance Report with accounts) totalling $383.51 was passed. l W Lake asked permission to cut the brush at south end ot Bruce St. nert the river, which was granted. An important announcement was made by the Reeve, that the Gov'i would assume the expense of paving the central 20 feet on Lambton St, the connecting County road link. The town could niacadam or otherwise improve it at sides. He was not cer- tain about Garafraxa St. but under- stood the Gov't would pay 80 per cent of cost of paving central 20 ft, It this could be accomplished, it would greatly obviate the dust nuis- ance. Reeve Calder also stated he had a $750 check on hand from Co. to be spent on connecting link east and west. Council Will Find Cost of New Town Hall No action was taken as yet as to laying dust on streets. Reeve Calder did not favor oiling again as roadbed was not of equal tirmnetus and holes resulted. Conn. Hunter claimed a mistake was made last year in put- ting the oil on too cold and not thin- ly enough, A request for guarantee of bonds by the Town, was submitted by Mr. John McGowan. he wishing to bor- row funds to better equip and get clear title to his grist mill. It elic- ited considerable discussion at the Council table and was held over un- til next Monday night, when a spec ial meeting will be held to deal with the question Death of Mrs l McCaslin At her home on Garafraxa St. south, Durham, on Wednesday morn- ing. the last call came to Mrs Henry McCaslin. in the 57th year of her age. For some years past she has mum-ed from asthma and heart trouble and the last six months has almost entirely been ballast. her daughter, Mrs Seth Trattord tender- ly wins for her. The deceased was Miss Mary Ann Mighton, daughter of the late Jos. and Isabelle Mighton, and was born on the Robt. Webber farm, south ot Hutton Hill, Bentinck. " years ago last New Years, she wedded Mr Me- Culin and they resided " Allan Park B, DURHAM THURSDAY APRIL 9, 1925 " D] ULK' DI. . - . i President, D. C. Town granted. .l See'y Treas., A. G. McComb :ement 1'5/:',' Committee: T. M. McFadden, s. Me ‘E a?" “9;". Beth, H. Cross and F. Irwin. 'fd,U?/'v.1,,n/ri Mr Real. organizer tor the Retail Eu! link. The Merchants' Association .otr.onl'eio, M' otherwise was present and gave an inxormative was not cer- address, mainly on the transiontl but under. traders and pedlars' by law. Leglrr; pay 80 per lation is now being enacted by the mural 20 ft. Gov't, he stated, which will prevent miplished, it pedlars from selling from samples P dust nuis-' around town, and delivering the art. kr stated hei icles either tive minutes or a Week nd from Coy or two after, without paying the no- g link east) quired license tee. The Gov't will l, tix a standard fee, which will pro " yet as to? tect the local merchant. Mr Bad al- teeve Calder, so referred to the detuihetuits, names 1 as roadbedl of which are sent in by individual a and holes), merchants to the Association and . claimed a' then each merchant is supplied with yetu' in put-l a black list of all in his locality. " and not thin-' a. debtor disputes an account, his iname is not listed. With which is incorporated the Holstein leader i Besides the sorrowlng husband, [two sons and two daughters survive lher: Oliver, in Platteville, Ont.: gJoseph, in Durham: Mrs Thos Hop- ;kins (Clara) in Benllnck: and Mrs. ;Seth Trafford (Gertrude) at. home. iseven grandchildren also survive. iHer sisters and brothers living are: {Mrs David Donnelly and Mrs Gustave /Witter, Bemlnck: Mrs Robt. Bell, 'Glenelg‘. and Wm Mlghton of Brand- fon. Mam. also one half brother, Jno. (Johnston of Sask. who has been here all winter and three halt slsters. Mrs ‘Chas Halchlio- and Mrs o. Taylor, s.Chesley and Mrs Milton Hulchlie, lean-gin. twhere he was employed in Brigham's ,mlll. They later took up farming on (the Richmond farm, north of Living- ;stone’s Corners, and 20 years ago. (removed to the Damavel farm north of Hutton Hill. Over tive years ago ‘they retired from the farm and pur- ;chnsed a home in Durham. Wednesday Night Open; Thirsday Aft Half Holiday Deconsvd was well known through- out antinck and hold in the highest esteem by all. She was beloved in her own home circle whvre her loss will most keenly be felt. She was a faithful member in health of Dur- ham Methodist church and her pau- tor, Rev. J. E. Peters will conduct the funeral service at the home Friday. at 2 p. m., interment taking placein Durham cemetery. At a largely attended meeting of Durham Retail Merchants and busin- es men in Mcilraith's store Tuesday night, it was unanimously decided to hold tho summer half holiday on Thursday afternoon in all places of business during Mny, June, July, Aug. and September, with open night Wednesday. This is the same in rangement as has proved successful for the past two years. As usual also the Band will fur- nish weekly Wednesday night pro grams from the new band stand on Federal Square, yet to be erected by them erchants. The members have been faithfully practising recently. under the leadership of H. Hugill and with new members, expect to furnish better music than ever. This your stores will be closed ev- my Thursday afternoon whether or not there is a public holiday during the week as well. Other towns aw following Durham's lead, as Mark- dale, Flesherton, Dundalk, Shelburne and Mt. Forest are all planning to observe the same half holiday and open night. Street oiling or watering was also freely discussed. Reeve Calder con- tended the oil was a failure, and should not be used, but others con- sider it was spread on at an unfav- orable time and over too much road surface. Finally 0. S. Hunter moved a resolution that the question of oil. ing Garafraxa St. Ye laid before the local engineers of the Highway Dept. for their direction, and ask that the work be taken up by the Gov't. The motion carried and the Committee of the Merchants' Association have it in charge. T. M. McFadden, J. H. Harding and John Mekeehnie, Jr. were appointed a Com. to gather subscriptions for manning the now bandstand. At a previous gathering held last Friday evening. officers of the Dur- mun Association were elected as fol- lows '. NEW CANADIAN PACIFIC WALK. ERTON-O. SOUND TRAIN SERVICE The Canadian Paeitie Railway will ln-~-mnmu- a new passengur train service, making all stops between Walkerton and o. Bound, via Snug- een Junction. replacing the Walker- ton-Saugeen Junction service. This Berviee will provide adequate facili- ties for passengers on both linos. Ar 10.55 pm Walkerton 2.46 pm Lv. 10.42 pm Maple Hill 2.57 p. m. 10.33 pm Hanover 3.07 pm 10.22 pm Allan Park 3.16 pm 10.08 pm Durham 3.30 pm 9.57 pm Mchlliums 3.40 pm 9.57 pm Mchlliuma 3.40 pm 9.52 Glen 3.45 pm I 9.42 pm Ptfeevitle 3.56 pm Lv. 9.30 pm Slugeen 4.10 pm Ary Ar. 9.08 pm Sauseen 430 p. m. Lv. 9.00 pm Flesherton 4.38 pm . 8.46 pm MarkdaJe 4.50 pm 8.34 pm Berkeley 5.00 pm 8.25 pm Mol. Centre 5.08 pm 8.11 pm Chatsworth 5.22 pm 8.00 pm Rockford 5.31 pm Lv T.46 pm Owen Bound 5.45 pm Ar Effective May 4th Mr and Mrs John Young and daughter, the formt-r's Buster, Mrs Nicol, also of o. Sound, motored to Durham Saturday with their other sister. Mrs (In) Henry, of Itrnaeo, New Ontario. to visit their brother, Thos. Young, Upper Town. Thelat- tor lady remained over the week end. Miss Edith Chadwick was threat- ened with an attack of appendicitis last week, which happily the Doctor was able to avert. She is now ru~ cuperating from attack. Colonel Fred Hunter of Calcutta,! India, was to arrive Wednesday in Toronto on a visit to his mother, Mrs, _ ll. Hunter. Spmlina Gardens. t Mrs Rnbt. Hewitt, who has been as- sisting in waiting on her mother, Mrs. L. Elvidge, returned to the city i Monday. Mrs. Kaiser, St Thomas,i is now up helping in the sick room. l Mrs C. Ramage spent from Sahib, day to Monday with her brother, Mr.' D. P. Coleridge. Holstein. who is utr, der the doctor's care threatened with! pneumonia. To add to the gravityot‘ the situation, Mrs Coleridge before; he was taken ill, had Just left to vis-; it her sister in Michigan who was re-', ported critically ill. We hope botht stttrererg will weather through. 1 Mr Ernest McRae of Glenelg, after winding up the business, main: ot his mother, left this week tor De- troit, where he will vlalt a few days, preparatory to leaving ror California where he will make an extended stay with his sister there. Mr Robt. Little of Thornbury. is this week a visitor with his sisters, Mrs Thos. and Mrs S. F. McComb. Mr Martin Comold of Detroit. ar- rived in town on Saturday last on a visit to relatives: and old friends in Durham and Glenelg alter an absence of eight years. Mrs Thou. Watson and little son. John, from near Gan. visited for a week with her mother, Mrs Thom. MeGirr, and sisters. Miss Lizzie Byers ot Parry Sound, visited with her cousin Miss Thoma. senn Byers, Normanby. last week and this week with Walkenon and Eden Grow rvlatives. Miss Marguerite Hutton of Toronto is visiting former friends In town. KERR-1n Brussels, April 6th, 1925, W. y. Kerr, editor of the Brussels Post for 44 years. in his 70th year. CASWELL--At Durham Hospital, on Saturday. April 4th, two day old infant son of Mr and Mrs Wm. Caswell. . MtyFF'A'r--DAViS A quiet, though none the loss in- teresting event was solemnlzod at Trinity Church, Durham, on Satur- day evening, 4th April, on the arriv- al of the C. N. R. train trom Toronto, earning the bride. The contracting parties were Mr Charles Mottatt of town and Miss Ida M. Davis. daugh- ter of Mr and Mrs Thos. Davis of Glonolg, and t’ey plighted their vows beTore Rev. . E. Whealan. They were unattended. The bride was at- tractively attired in a navy blue suit with white blouse and hat to con-Ps- pond on Goorge St. where in their new role, are receiving the best wtsttetg of many friends tor a happy life to sewer. AftPr the register had been signed they returned lo the groom's home Mrs Mottatt has been tor some time a Toronto resident and has held the position of Secretary of the Durham Club there with acceptance. On the occasion of her resignation. she was the recipient of a miscellan- eous shower. held at the home of Mrs (Dr.) Ed. Lauder in Toronto, and a farewell social evening spent. Verses. serious and humorous, ac- companied the gifts and altogether the spirit of regret at separation was mutual. Miss Belle Weir is the new Secretary of the Club. Anoth- er shower was tendered Mrs Mottatt in the city by her cousins Ind some friends, previous to her leaving for Durham. A meeting of the Liberal Associa- tion of South Grey is called for Fri. day, 17th inert. in Durham Town Hall. Prominent speakers are ex- Mt. Forest is largely slgning up by the bushels people for Thursday afternon as lull holiday in the week. We are sorry to hear that Mr G. McEnchem, ex-reove of themom. who has been ill for some Weeks In not improving but rather is uncon- sclous and losing much ground. LIBERAL CONVENT|0N HYMENEAL DIED Hymn 759 7.00 p. ttt..-)rocetrsiohat 164 Mtutnittcat ...... Lord M, Deus Misereumm ...FI.W, Hymn 172 Hymn 158 Sermon: "The Power of tt amnion. Processionnl 171 Easter Anthem ..‘Pelham Humphrey Te Deum .............. Simpm‘ Hymn 157 Hyman 233 Sermon '. "The Easter Dawn" Matt. XXVI" '. 6 Anthem 2 "The Lord is Rist-nlndwd" . . . .. Rev. Sir F. A. G. Dusk-y rotation" Phil. m.. 10 Solo: '0 Wonderful Easter Morning‘ ........... J. L. Stedman Hymn 429 Girls' Song Sermon Topic: "Easter Morning" "Beautiful Lily" . . .. . . . .. Meredith Sermon Topic: “Easter Evening" "There. is a Green Hm"-J.A. Parks Mixed Quarlollo "Open the Gates of the Temple 8.00 p. tn.-Eventrontr Enter Sunday 8.30 tcm.--Holy Communion 11.00 a. tu..' Malina and Holy Com . W . . a I its. McBETH D'"""?)""?"'"""'..,) V 'S.a:aa:a:e.a:a:+ s:sa:a:s:aaaaasl Easter Sunday, April 12, 1925 MORNING "Eastor Bells To-day are Ringing'" -- ................ Martin EVENING Anthem : "Lift up your Headn"~~ .............. ........Ashrord . PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH" 11 A. M. (Sacrament of the Lord's Supp-r will be observed.) Anthem, Easter Praise: 'Sing' Aloud .Unto God, our strength."---); (Opening with Men’s Chorus) Sermon Topic: "The difference that vaus made in our thought on..- mortality." Anthem : "If Soloist ; Hymns: 103. Anthem: "Christ is msen"..Wolcott Easter Sunday in Durham .e.tttF:tF.it"'t".$Ft EEEEEEEEEE tht This One Cent Sale Plan was originated by the Unitod Drug Co. for the Rexall Drug Stores and is an advrrtiv- ing plan pure and simple. One Gent Sale THE PLAN Buy 3 Me tube of KLENZO TOOTH PASTE and get anoth- er tube for 1 cent, or FEW Weekly at 82.00 a year m ndvmco. To Urinal,“ 82.50 3 yen in Mum-e. C. WAGE & SON. Publish" c. P. R. Tickets --New Wall Paper .--Fine Stationery McFADDEN’S Rexall Drug Store COLORITE--Straw Hat Dye METHODIST CHURCH The dyeing season is now here. Any of these Dyes will give you splendid "tisfaetion. DY ESeDiamond, Dyola, Sunset, Twink, Rit Thursday, Friday and Saturday April 16, I7, 18 TRINITY CHURCH Good Friday 'The Power of Phil. Ill: 10 Colors old and new St aw Hats Any shade may desire. 16 different shndes. 4Gll {he Smut on your Grain with Formalin-- guaranteed 40 per cent. CHINA AND CUT GLASS INCLUDED IN THIS SALE Evensong M r Bert Saunders a Man Die" Mrs T. M. McFadden 736, get, 354 Buy Now and Save Money TORONTO THE TWO FOR 36e Wilma Smith Mornington w. Downss the Resur REXALL Knapp l to. Bound Sun-Tums) An interesting can“ will in hard at the Police Court Saturday morn- ing next in which a mum: lady who resides In Durham is imolved It appears that for some times past A number of the residents ot Durham have been rpm-Wing thrown the malls post cards containing pit-tum which aw alloyed to ba ol an oh scent- charactvr. The authorities were at a loss to tran- mm m-iziu. but ttttally suspicion “was diretcted toward the young woman in quwtiou and it Is alleged that a mu. “as wt I for her. five post cards Lump- plan-d I where they could be obiaimd by too-r. and I few dnys later our ot (ho-cu. lauds came through thv mails. l, As a rant! of i'urtho- inye-slina- Hons, Provincial Constable Jones went to Durham Fridpy last and ‘plam-d the young: womm: Ulldi'l' u'ti' twetit. She was brought bctttr..e til" Magistrate men- and wtimn plum} ling was reieaaed on .:2_(m0 bail, in {two sureties of $1,000 vault. " is ‘undornood tho avcuiwd denim that she is guilty of the oil-raw Hinrw‘d against her. h Bail unlil Trial Saturday 7 p. m.: "Ttte Gina C' we mum Lord." Special Mule. salable to the may on wilt be rendered at both Herr. Anthem: “Christ Anon". . homey Hymns: 106, 215, 216, T86 BAPTIET CHURCH ll am: "The Risen 140M" t p.m.: "The Gifts c' the Rlum Attention is called this um»; to all ot our subscribers to the little yellow label on the Rrview, ---11 J for thus" who have paid to Bee that due audit has been given on the land (2) tor than who have not paid and arf in arrears that they may attend 1.1.010 matter and tttttke a a’c-mltwm‘ to bring label up to date at. least, but better to put date. tn advance. We thank all who have paid durum thc Sermon Topic: "Tlie Anon!!! Thom bring label up to date at. least, but better to put date. tn advance. We thank all who have paid during thc last four or live Vee" (and also tor words or turprecinlion) and Wu my “Hunk van" in advance l0 the other “think you" kn advance lo the I class who favor us with a run)" Kindly see to this and 01mm The Publish: 1" ices Buy at 35c tube of REXALL SHAVING CREAM and you will get smother tube for in or THE TWO FOR “I: THANKS AND A REQUEST ANOTHER EXAMPLE its. inyestiga- o Jones lust and m “I