Ill substation Struck wm Prune. in Walkorton Having Rraduatrd in law legal lights courts. Ladiu' Guild Hold Red Crou Tea The Ladies' Guild of Trinity Ch. Um responsible for a pleasant. att. ernoon tea Friday last, the pure“ going to the swelling of - funds. The A. Y. P. A. room- vote prettlly decorated tor the Won with streamers Ot red and white strung diagonally across the room. white the tea table was artistically adorned with tulips. Mrs (Rev) J. H. Whealan and Mrs, E. Kress, Fret idem, received the guests on em- rance. Mrs E. W. Limin and In. (Capt) Wright presided over the tea nuns and Mrs H. Cross over the ice cream. As assistants were n bevy of ladies. viz: Mesdames D., B. Mc- Pnrlane. C. Lawrence, R. Moorhead, H. Elvldxe. KL Knight, Juchch. P. Irwin. E. D. McClocklin, Allan and Miss M. Voile". $17 was realised. Horn. Killed by Lightning In last Monday's storm Hail Damage Mrnday '5 , The Morphing demonstration in Durham on Saturday last seems to have been a valuable function for farmers, quite a number of whom went to tho troubio of bringing out hcgs for the Kovornment expert to was upon. We have no doubt the lea-on: they haw luau-nod in what consumes o 'aelect" hog will be val- uable in the future. " is a lesson worth while too for n "select" hog my be worth a couple ot dollars more than “other ot same weight but lacking the formation the amulet all. for. Mott grading. egg grading and such like being pressed on the - will tend to nil-round better. - in quality and price. thrtll Run m Chcsloy In a MEI] school I on at Shoe Shine Any kind or shade of shoal, only lite. at Voltett's Barber Shop. VOL. XLVIII, N O at van! hare NOTICE H y tire r,rliilfiii)-.yS'ltpdi'lf Lam change: .We inn! all who m- settled for their subscription nee last change will tUtd label ad. need accordingly. Still we have complain of a number who are ac- vcting their label which In I silent tnvss against them. We courteous- ank all in arrurs to let us lave Both G 1mm H M mar str CE: Beginning this week, irlmnald. dairyman. will de- Ik both morning and evening, iunday. when the service will Tt all HOG GRADING for!“ Prof. E. Kata, the am. will relieve eye sight At the Hahn House Friday. morning n school relay rats Choslry malt-hm orham High Sch vain. A number 220 yards on Mon " to ttrtish were I y Ivan]. The b1 vidge. Wm. Volletl A. " Alumina ames in Markdalc " Ix Med in law from os. 'onto, and served his with Waldron, Spence -rs of Toronto. Mr. or Varney, has de- out his shingle in re he commenced his opened up a practice :0m6 one the me places by dam- ,'rampton espectally house glass verv- ' thousand of dot- and many windows st storm Mr John lost a tine horse Inning. the bolt al- on Joseph, a few McArthur and oth- mn.. Glenelg, had smashed by hail is spring. About been of the cloud u) mport "at the tweornintt very pop relay rat» comm r' cetebration on High School has A number of the a! on Monday and ish m-ro- selected was of an elect copious rain Wm 100!) " June I tshed by hail rim-r than marl) ground. 'oor up witt s shingle in 'ommenced his up a pracllce wish him all that in a. few ot the bright Bruce County report " new the at Nobl Te MethodUt ale ot home- tea and Ice . 13th. in the rs open at 3 eal program ro- Jay 'uding urthet tvmt'n iou "I " all teams ubils last tored to bod Ill! bo biggest v home It to 3 to 6 in needing ther to dam “I! bn put MN ht who I On the above date. W. B. Phillips. iOpt. D., eyesight Specialist of W. H. ,Taylor Optical Co.. Owen Sound.for- merly of Ryrie's. Toronto; will visit ‘T. M. McFadden’s Drug More, Dur- ham. Arrange appointments at the Drug Store. Repairs or dupttmsten of broken glasses left at the Drug Store ‘will receive prompt attention. Annual Meeting of Red Cross Society blank i public i: to carry wagons. At the call of the annual meeting a 'Ileview' representative attended. and witnessed the splendid feeling existent among the band of workers, which is necessary to achieve results. Mrs David Jameson was unanimously rv-elected as President, her tenth successive term. and speaks much tor her Judgment. Also that or the Treasurer (Miss Laura McKenzie) and Sec'y (Mrs P. Gagnon) were al- so carried by acclatnatiott. Through sickness in the home, Miss McKen- zie is relieved of her duties tempor- arily. her work being taken by Mrs Gagnon. The three Vice Presidents are respectively Mrs G. Jucksch, Mrs T. Petty and Mrs J. A. Graham: Convener Executive Com.: Mrs E. Kress: Committee; Mrs D. B. Jam- ielon. Mrs Morlock. Mrs J. H. Hard- in. Mrs Mack Saunders. Mrs John Burgess. PriccviIlo Picme in Tomato , All former residents in Toronto of |Prlcevmv and vicinity. are invited ;to attend the annual Picnic in High ,Park. Toronto. Saturday afternoon. Jun 13th. Bring baskets with you. Joy the opening concert. The numb era are: . 1. March: "Montgomery Post" 2. Overture: "Daughter of the Elm" 3. Waltz: "Ocean Waves†4. Serenade: “Love's Token†5. Trombone Solo: "Asleep in the Deep," by Cliff Buschlen. INTERMISSION 6. March : "Under the Double Eagle" 7. Overture: "Inspiration" 'Ktt'rihre close of business refresh ments were served. Under Bandmaster Harry Huglll's tuition, the band has been practis- ing regularly of late and have a good deal of fine new music to render in their summvr programs. The Cornet svctlon of the Band, which had been weakened through removals. in u- train in good strength. being re-in- form-d last week by two new arrivals Mr Wilmer Hill of Newmarket and Mr Garrity of Toronto, both empor- k-nced players. 6. March: "Under 7. Overture: "lnsp ft. Waltz: ‘Flowers 9. Serenade: "The lo. March: "R. M. The Annual Meeting of the Soulh East Grey United Farmers Anocia» lion. both Ctroperattve and Political. will be held in Priceviile on Friday, June 12th, 1925. commencing at 10 o'clock a. m. The U. F. W. o. and 11. F'. Y. P. O. are “so mulled with this Association and are invited to attend. Ladies to bring lunch. Durham Band had planned to com- mence their open air concerts the first Wednesday in June, but as the band stand is not yet erected in Fed- eral Square, the opening concert Is to be held Samrday. June 6th. It ls expected the new band stand willbe completed Friday, and after the tirst program Saturday, all concerts will be triven on Wednesday evenings for tho balance or the summer. fiat Band Concert FOR 8ALE First class Helntunan piano and Ceclllan player: Stoves - Quebec heater (new). range and two small heaters, furniture. cupboards and other household articles. Apply to W. A. McGowan, Phone " Box 19, Durham Councillor Albert Noble, garage! Also wm Levy 3 )5 mm lax man, was taken to Durham Hospital} -r------ early this week, with an attack iii) At Monday evening's sitting of the pneumonia. Today. Wednesday, weiTown Council. Councillors Hunter, regret to hear, he is but little im-i Noble and Bell were absent. the lat- proved. Mr I).C. Town, Jeweller, wasiter two through Illness. There were taken home same day, and Is recup- no controversial questions under dis- arming after his operations. 'cusslon and all passed on harmon- ---_----. I lously. 'omc M. E. MURRAY, Sec'y Treas. (like iiiitatlittiiti, tiltgitttt th: "R. M. B." GOD SAVE THE KING TUESDAY, JUNE 9th out Saturday night and en- opening concert. The numb ANNUAL MEETING Saturday Night of the Wildwood Lovers" Iva: l Accounts totalling $354.12 wertri"G."i;'/'i;iii and hew friends paid the presented by the Finance Com. and:last tribute. [ordered paid. i t; Only one Decorating 2yy,, i' Ill Conn. Croft reported 10 a as Pt . . / for tenders for decorating 'l',,),',':','.',',)'-, COIN 0f REVISIOJ rt and stairway ol' Town Hall, and had; _l received only one tender. that of Me) makes Numerous Chalges " Dougall and Willis for $271.00. They'; twould remove old paper, kalsomine . . ' . . ' _ walls and ceiling and paint wood-I There were “we" or eiglitialpp‘ala / work. The Council considered the! before ‘the .Courtl ot Rf; son 'll', ttender rather high and took no not Tuesday tv,.tn.ior.:..ell enter: ff': t e ,tion at present. leaving it to th‘..grounds that assessment was too , . tlt neighbor- Property Com. to deal with. (yo m comparison wr} . . ‘illg properties. Most at these were l ' tti/l Repair Tank: sustained and a reduction granted, ', fou.m Mci'adden stated.. he had Ir) while on several residential proper- [een’ed complaints regarding the "maths and one business, deemed too safe condition oi several ol tlietown' low, the assessment was raised. tanks. Some tops are now partly! Robt. Moorhead appealed against off, three requiring repairs at "no“:ass’t of $1925, on residence. Reducs '9n mom") ot Macnory.".-CiPlu'iod to t1750. Mark Merry!) had been i(,oun. McFadden, was authorized to raised $500 to $3400 on his residence ',irroc"ed with repairs. land McCabe and McLaughlin garage. M.O. H. Gives Report of Convention His appeal resulted in a reduction to , Dr. Alex. Bell, M.O.H., gave a‘szzuo. ‘report of the Board of Health (tom: Miss Margaret Edge appealed a- ‘vention in Toronto. May 4th to 6th.!gninst $1500 asst. on residence. " ia new plan suggested is to combine was lowered to $1350. same as last Iniunicipalities, pool moneys spent'year. Misses Calders' assessment and engage a full time medical staff! was dropped sine to $1500, and 't’or the combined municipalities. in-l Reeve W. Calder's residential asst. [stead of each engaging M.O.H.‘s.i also reduced $100 to $1900. Mr Cald- i nurses, etc., 38 at present. Ile alsol er also appealed against assessment iret‘erred to an address given by DH“ $2300 on Central Drug Store, *MacKny. on milk supply for small claiming it excessive compared with ltowns. He advocated a municipall.v)adJacent properties, but it was left (owned paslturizer, with some capablover till next week's Court, with no lie man to manage it. Dr Bell "“iaction taken. 1 :ported he had with the Sanitary in-i Hugh Mekechnie was given a “A, speetor, examined the premises of;' duction or $75 on his residence, 'the two Durham dairies and i'ound,whne Herb. Murdock's assessment ot 'them in good condition. [3475 was sustained. 1 [ Poll Tax to be Leeied I The assts. of W.J. McFadden and l fly-law No. 307 authorizing a ponlM. Kneelitel were eaeh increased itax levied on all unattached males $200 and T. M. McFadden $50, mak- i between 21 and 60, was given its sev- ing all three 81350. Dr. Smith's was lera] readings and passed. The an- raised $100 to $1800 and Dr Ple- ‘nual tax was fixed at $3.00 and 10 ering's $150 to â€Will The Masonic days given to pay same. On motlonl building, occupied by J.H. Harding. (or CaldHr--Ctort, Thus. Daniel wast was raised from $2400 to 82800. i appointed Collector, at a fee oi†ml As there is an average increase of ‘per cent of amount collected. {15 per cent in assessment through- _ Calcium Chloride to be Laid loot the town. the assessment of the I mum. Murdock brought up ‘1‘“;Durham Furniture Co. and Durham 'question of dust laying on GarafraxztI blone& Sand Co. were each increas- 'tit. He read a letter giving prim-s] ed IS I'."" cent, by $4500 and "wit of calcium chloride, which is being respectively. , . 1 increasingly used every _ll'illtir/i;'th'.) The adjourned Court will be hell out the province and which stated on i‘uesday. Juno 9th, at 4 p. m., all .4 tons would cost $63 per ton, plusIClerks Office. I 4 tons would cost $63 per ton, plus “.50 ton scales tax and freight, a total cost of $178.00. This would suffice from the bridge to the Ford garage. The Council were in favor of giving thrs new material a trial. and a motion by MacDonald-Croft, to purchase Your tons, was carried. The Mayor reported a visit from the Gov't Inspector, who wanted stock pens cleanod up. He also re- ported purchasing on ten days' trial, a safety silent policeman for main cornvr at $24. This contains a pris- matic glass near top, which reflects the light of approaching cars at night. Big New Gasoline Station An Owen Sound concern have leas- ed Mr Ed. Pratt's vacant lot north of Ford garage and will erect a mod. ern gasoline station on that corner for the sale of Shell gas. They ask- ed Council for tile for driveways in, which was granted. The Band Stand Site As the Furniture Co. wished to commence building the band stand Tuesday morning, the Mayor wished the site question definitely settled. Several prospective sites were dis. cussed and a Committee appointed to meet band and Furniture Co. omciuls next morning to arrive at a. decision. The former site on Federal Square was chosen, and the new band stand is already partially erected. Death of Peter Watson, Sr. On Friday last, May Mth, 1925. there died at the home of his son David, 3rd con., N.D.R.. Glenelg, Pet. er Watson, in his 82nd year. Anoth- er of the lessening band of the pion- eers of this district has passed on before. Deceased was born in Caledonia, Ont., his father also being Peter Watson who figured prominently here in early anys. At the age of two years he mime with his family to Durham which even in 1845 had tak- en shape. Thus he grew up amid pioneer surroundings, got his tschool. ing here and almost 60 years ago married Min Agnes Pringie who survives him. To this worthy couple were born a large family, of whom seven sons and one daughter survive, tour be lug deceased. The sons are Peter in Fort William : Robt. in Alberta: David, 3rd con.. N.D.R., Glenelg. at whose home he died : he on the 6th con. and Harold. 8th con, both Glen- elg: Henry in Durham: Adam in Victoria, B. C. Mrs Walker, Durham is the daughter. Besides the immed- iate family, he leaves " grandchild- ren and ' greet grandchildren. Council will Buy Calcium Chloride for Streets Also will Levy a $3 Poll Tax DURHAM, THURSDAY. JUNE With which is incorporated the Holstein Lead" I There Were sot/en or eight appeals ’before the .Court of Revision on .Tuesday evening, all entered on. the ;grounds that assessment was too lhlglt in comparison with neighbor. ling properties. Most of these Were- ‘sustained and a reductlon granted. lwhile on several residential proper :ties and one business, deemed too low, the assessment was ralsrd. l The young couple after marriage,’ ilived for some years on the 19th con,‘ 1of Egremont, and 49 years ago they! moved to Glenelg, near the old Cath-! olic church. Here he passed a. quiet industrious life until some years ago his eyesight began to tail and for 2 hears he has been practically blind.’ ',He then came to live with his sonl iDavid where he was tenderly card) [for and up to a. month before his; death, was able to move around. '1 _ Interment took place Sunday to .Trinity church cemetery. Rev. Smith‘ [the Presbyterian pastor, iiniiGiiil .approprlate services and a large num-i 'ber of old and new friends paid the I last tribute. I Former Normanby Resident Dies in Manitoba Hugh McKechnie was given a re- duction of $75 on his residence, while Herb. Murdock's assessment at $475 was sustained. The assts. of W.J. McFadden and M. Knochtel were each increased $200 and T. M. McFadden $50, mak- ing all three 81350. Dr. Smith's was raised $100 to $1800 and Dr Pick. ering's $150 to ttug.' The Masonic building. occupied by J. H. Harding. was raised from $2400 to $2800. As there is an average increase of 15 per cent in assessment through- out the town. the assessment of the Durham Furniture Co. and Durham Stone& Sand Co. were each increas- ed 15 per cent. by $4500 and 8mm respectively. The adjourned Court will be held on Tuesday. June 9th, at 4 p.m.. ct Clerk’s office. The following notice relates to T brother of Donald Mellvride, Nor- manhy, whose youth was spent near Knox Church, and who grew up lo hen useful citizen. We sympathize with the relatives in the sudden rp- moval : (Manitoba Free Press, Winnipeg) Rapid City, Man. lost a prominent and very highly esteemed citizen on Sunday. May 17th. when Peter Mc- ilvride passed away after a week's illness with double pneumonia. He was taken ill on May 2nd. and was found to be in a dangerous condition. Despite being an exceptionally busy man he was always ready to give much of his time to the community's Welfare. He was a very active Prea- byterlan and later prominent in the Union churrh: was at times a mem- ber of the town council and school board and always tlttured on the line up if a friendly game of baseball or other sport was arranged among the citizens. Mr Mellvride's genial greet- ing will be greatly missed in Rapid City. Deceased was born in Normanhy Township, Ont.. 53 years ago, where he resided until coming to Brandon n 1896. In 1899 he engaged in farm- ing for himself near what is now Moore Park, and " years ago re- moved to Rapid City. He was mar- red in August 1900, to May A. Hom kins of Durham, Ont. He is survived by his widow, two sons and one daughter-Reggie, who has been teaching school in Sask. for the past five years: John and Orme at home: also three brothers and four tgittterte-- Alex., Victoria. B. C.; Willam. Alberta; Donald, Norm- anby Tp., Ont.; Mrs Ross. Ontario... Mrs Gray, Saskatoon; Mrs Noble, Guelph and Mrs Robt. Lane, Brand- on. An unusually large number of peo- ple attended the funeral, 'servlce be. ing held " his late residence, con- dulted by Rev. & C. Wright. Inter. ment was made in Rapid City ceme- tery. Mrs Catherine McGrath and tam. ily, desire to thank their many friends and aequtrintaneea for the kind expressions of sympathy extend. ed to them in the loss or n husband and father. They very especially thank those contributing tiomrtn, and spiritual cards. CARD OF THANKS The groom's gift to the bride was} a gold necklace set with pearls. im-i mediately after the ceremony, the', young couple repaired to the home the groom's sister. Mrs C. M. Lee son, Varney. where a dainty wedding,' luncheon was served following which' 'they boarded the C. N. R. fer a wed-l ding trip to Toronto and Niagara: Falls. The bride travelled in a navy" blue serge suit. I I Mr and Mrs John Burgess in com- lpany with Mrs Neil McCannel and [her sister. Mrs McPherson. Tomato. spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Neil ‘McMillan at Swinton Park. I Mr and Mrs Robb of Whitby, have ibeen the guests of their son. J. w. Robb here, the past week. ' Mr and Mrs Sidney Hughes of Teeswater, were visitors the tirst at Ithe week at the home of J. H. Hard- jing. Mr Hughes was the former !manager of the Royal Bank here. land removed from here to llundns. (Five weeks ago he purchased a re- tail store in Teeswater and has since moved there. Previous to leaving Dundas, Mr and Mrs Hughes were presented by the officials or the Presbyterian church there, with a piano lamp, and from the Board on Trade came a Windsor chair and a bridge lamp. place the end of Juno. Mr. and Mrs John A. Graham. Dur- ham, announce the engagement of their daughter, Annie Georgina, to Mr. Stanley L. Pust, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Pust. Durham. The mav- riage will take place the middle of June. Mr. and Mrs Geo. H. Smith an- ncunce the engagement of their dau- ghter, Jean Elsie, to Cecil John Tow- nor. D.l).S.. Detroit. only son of My. and Mrs. John Towner of Stratford. The marriage will take place on Jun" 30th. A wedding of interest was solemn- lzed at Dromore Manse on Saturday. May'30th, at high noon, when George Peter, Jr. of the 2nd com. Norman- by, and Miss Elizabeth K. Booker, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Heu- ry Becker of Normanby, took the solemn vows of matrimony, Rev. W. J. Burnett omciating. The young couple were The bride was attractively ttowned in navy blue silk crepe with hat tol match and carried a boquet of sweet: peas and maiden hair fern. i Mr and Mrs Val. Alles of the 13th con., Egrvmont, with son Htttrttwere in town Saturday and Were Wil- come callers at the Review Other. Mr and Mrs Heavy, o. Sound,wprv visitors at the home of Mr Thos. Scarf Saturday last. Mrs Mink "t' the same city, accompanivd themand visited at C. C. Middlebro's. Mrs J. C. Nichol and daughh-r, Miss Fiorabel. leave for the city on Thursday mowing, where on Friday at Convocation Hall, they will attend graduation exorcism, and whrre Miss Florabel will receive the cove-ted 'U. A.' degree and blessing from thv hands of the Chancellor. Mr and Mrs John Wanamaker and children ot Welland, aw holidaying with her parents, Mr ‘and Mrs Dan McAulitre. Mr and Mrs Peter Muir, Ceylon, 0nt., announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Mary Acton, to Mr Joseph Henry Huston, son ot the late Mr and Mn; A. Huston, Pet. orborough. The marriage will lake place the end of June. Mr and Mrs John McQueen visited Tuesday with Mr and Mrs Jno. Me Millan, Ceylon and Mr and Mty, D. Hineks. Mrs. McM. and Mrs Hinckf aw cousins of Mr McQueen. Mrs Wm. Calder, we regret to state is in poor health at present. im- heart causing her considerable trouir lo and anxiety. On their return the happy couple will reside with the groom's uncle, Mr George Peter. Br. Best wishes follow them for a long and happy life together. TUCK--BEATON At the Parsonage, Toronto, on May 26, 1925, at 7.30 p.m.. by the Rev. W.A. Cameron, of Bloor Street Baptist Church, Homer C. Tuck, on- ly son ot the late Mr Cyrus Tuck and Mrs Tuck of Toronto, to Miss, Jeanie Bell Benton, second daughter of Mr and Mrs LA. Benton oi Glen. elg. Trhe groom was supported by Mr. R.E. Caldwell and the bride by her sister, Mrs Caldwell of Tommy. - After the usual congratulations, ii; the party journeyed by motor to the . home of Mr WE. Caldwell where " dainty wedding supper was served w to only Intimate friends of the com; . "acting party. A sociable evening“ was spent. - - _ iihk The young couple were the recur lent: ot many costly marriage gifts. After a. honeymoon trip to Ottawa, Montreal and other eastern points, they will on their return, reside in Toronto. The ttride'tt parent. from Glenelg, were present at the wedding. Mrs James Gun, Sr. ti visiting for a week or two with her son James in Hamilton. 4, 1925 PETER-BECKER ENGAGEMENTS HYMENEAL Durham Branch - J. A. Rowland. Manager -oqqqeotq--000000600000000000 til'.,' COLORITE--Straw Hat Dye g in . m 'ir, MCBETH 1"u"iha'hllu""""C,lii 'utaaaa:aaaraa:a a:saa:saaa:a:a:al " Policies Family gesteeeeeease Ftt.Fttt6tt6it, r . . to, _'Jit,!lse. Penslar Dynamic Tonic , Juulkvy c. P. ll. Tickets - New Wall paper ---fine Stationery Canadian Co-operative Wool Growers, Limited TORONTO. Ont. WESTON, Ont. CARLETON PLACE (m Is a wonderful blood builder and strength restorrr. Vim, Vigor and Vitality in every drop. Peptorm is our best tonic. We positively guarantee that it “ill give satisfaction. Twenty-tive million pounds of Canadian Wool haw lawman sold by the Growers' Own Selling Organization. Your Sales Department handles lhewool of 4,000 Ontario v growers. Does it handle yours t A combination of Mineral Salts required for Tissue I Building and repair of waste. Useful in anaemic and u- At hnusted conditions of the aystem. $M0 per bottle Et POMPEIAN MASSAGE CREAM 1.t CARA NOME is laden with the fresh, spring-like fragrances of eahs blossom-time. It makes you think of the flowers you love best. An exquisite perfume that will enchant you, as it has so many others. Include Taleum, Toilet Water, Cold Cream. Skin Cream, Vanishing Cream, Complexion Powder, Rouge and Face Powder, Twin Vanities Perfume and Sachet. McFADDEN’S Rexall Drug Store Cara Wome Bring your Wool to one of they points. or if mom» m. ship it freight collect to WESTON any lime. Wool sacks, paper. twine and furl lu-r particulars I'm] Publllhed Weekly m " 00 a ynr In Mum-9, To United Slum. 82.50 O year In udvunw. C. RAMAGE u SON. Publlnhm For your eonvonience, cars are be Colors old and new Straw Huts any elude you any desire. 16 different eludes. Will keep the complexion fresh and beautiful. Documents lying unprotected in your house k _ mm- demand the security of 1 Safety Deposit Box. Today the safety and security of steel vaults (llmr'l. me the danger of loss by fire or thch, and give peace of mud for the safety of valuable belongings. N a less enlightened, age cople mi. fought tosafeEuard their vaguables. th n they" laced t em in a strong box vulm'h they 'iU' in some secret place, hoping m protect them. RIKER’S PEPTONA DURHAM, Wednesday, June 10th HOLSTEIN, Thursday, June 11th MOUNT FOREST, Friday, June 12th MEAFORD, Monday, June 15th OWEN SOUND, Tuesday, June 16th MARKDALE, Wednesday, June 17th DUNDALK, Thursday, June 18th TORONTO WOOL 0teauty gtequisites Sold only at ET] if " f" " l l Li If J/li-v' rittl. -ir"Yrf,' (rlit I ' 'ir, gum W l _ ll, ri, i'tlt,iilliii,ille_rr-i) ii?' I Ill, 1llt _ WW1; '1 ( llllll! l ix ing loaded ,al Bank da “I V i