The Mother stands alone. mutant. mentoWrs and her character In '6 ad in men and nations. "Prtsoner. did you ateal that rttgt" "No. yer honor. A lady [no tt to no and told me to but It, and ldld." Columbia produces more .150de than my other country In the Vol“. Few women ca to.) from tryhttt t and to improve nu you trom what h any be, into am an Arm-0mm." Laughter-vane ot the most precious of God's um; the very salt, the very lulu. th" very fresh " of life; the divine tlhMnteetattt, the heavenly guru: -"Love," by the Author ot "Elizabeth and Her German Garden." People are Invariably more ready to Isle nook ot mu- "ltetiotttt than they In to retoiee with " when we ro. bin." "The l‘arillon of Scraps," by Hun Klivkmann. Whvu In] men recognize that wo. umn in all that apertalnl to their own Inn-rents and the inteeettu of those they love, Are ten times an clover In men, thanks to the bio-sod doctrine ot compensation? They have to beer children, they have to beer end fors bear much that is unbeueble to the male. but intuition never fails them In Lho hour of need.-"Wltllntl for Worth." by H. A. Vnchell. Work to my idea I: not. enough tor my man or woman; one ueedl love u well. Work and love are the full complement of contentment. no one helps the other to make a perfect whole. "The Spice of Ute." by Olive when any if! Mo degrees helm Mr. Gellatly a thud-st- tat the been experiment t'oil.eted a van data on Mbort "olumbit *7 but]: t'iimatic condltlo system of plant too lengthy to p available to those upon this promis: needllnn withstand! to Notions From New Novels. F ILBERT GROWING IN BRITISH COLUMBIA 80mm " 1am in the province who in" I experimenting for yam, but med a vast amount ot valuable on nibert growing in British mbia location. mil requirements. atic conditions. time of planting, Pm of planting, varieties. etc.--. longthy iv print hero but mainly lubio to those desirous or entering I this promising phase of horticul- in the News coast province. In tt still growing of mum in eel his promises to been. I “by ry tit some importnnce in the and its opportunity in IN! not. ry David Gelintly, who has been the pioneers ot nut growing in with coast province and is one most ardent promoter. of the lvl'r- The experimentnl “we in prioclt " horticulture h†M. l and It has been 'hettnttelr t that the illbert can he encase- gmwn in British Columbin, no K treFrs in many districts ntieu. H and hauls are one of the a! or nrtt-ttoaring trees. no it can hilly Mm that their culture on e [Trial scale would he e nimble in British Columbia and I re- ' well worth developing. The , not a perishnble one. and the m of marketing is therefor. vastly wit/ed than is the case I perL~hable crop. i Lilliimi out that the Pacing St " t in one of the few beauties} V wntlnent where illberte thrive; Hilly well to make their growing while from a commercial lee A profitable met-hot is nwnltn l amount? production here. In: m fiscal year the Province of "l t'oltunhia alone imported 'v "urls of nlherta for distribution' stt'rit (Kimmie. Large quantities In“ “"1! the prairie markets from st, tho, Dominion importing alto- 1,314,008 pounds worth $84,871 the United Kingdom. United Italy, Spain and other conn- lu the opinion of the moat re- 'Apt rls. the quality of the home- . (Elm-rt compares mast favor- mlh the imported produCt. and lined nu: he the slightest appre- N recs Yield 20 to " Yuri. I tings ot tiltrerttg can be "e,'t,ct.',",'/ Lrn prutitab'.o yield. in trom 31: ll 5mm of planting, though il, its villi generally be tound 'el mud and third yours. [11(1qu! aing until they reach 1iiifG"a " is not certain at just what w rent-h the maximum produc- l' "Crt'. In Washington and Ore-l " have continued to !"Te:ei im-tinn for twenty you", whilst, tho-m Ontario two pinning: ot y ot forty and alxty years ot as. till yielding good crops. The age are quite resistant to cold, The Land of Emu-Ida. Into something elu.A“Mar- "mm." by Sinclair bowls. "rr-oue ot the most precious “fun; the very salt, the vary a very (rash air of lite; the disinfectant. the heavenly Low," by the Atathor ot the furty and .1111 years ot an yielding good crops. Tht are quite resistant to coid " temperatures of twenty Oboyed orderg. th m " loue desirous ot entering mixing phase of ttortieul. pUie coast province. In equls ot practical work in this direction by the aperunenta1 nation on and, of which too little been taken, are there the. nowvmner to the itt. OW aero. and a few other an- or, greuxer ndvmuxo‘ ' tho great amount of 'n nut vulture on the ' man and the 'row. ol nuts will be enter- xmnslve scale. There " that ultimately 811-; an be tho nut-produc-I Canada, providing for! tic need and possibly! upon trade. : n1 ' long periods mm their men, o change a Pet" whatever that 3 I i The given name is a very ancient one, and is found spelled variously I "Diarmid," "Derrnid" and "Diarmeidh." lit Is one that is found all through the ihistory of Ireland. long before it was {taken from that country to the land ’destlned to be known in the future as (,ii,,iyji,iji,i. by the Irish clans known as .the Dalrtadic Scots. But probably the most uoteworthy "DV.rmid," at least the one who had I the greatest Uttiuetttre in the history of Family names of this group are com- mon in both Ireland and Scotland, com- ing as they do from the same given name. But the evidence is that they originated in both countries independ- ently. MacDiarmld, Darby. Racial orlttirt---Gaelic. 8ource-A given name, Variation-emu-mid, Mac Damon. a on Your Fox Wire "Prince Edward" Band English Fox Wire-recognized by the above label on every roll-has given more, than fourteen years ot perfect service on pioneer ranches and la being used for most ot the new ranches. "There's a reason." Write or wire for tree sample and prlcoc. A Ontario Sales Acorn w. H. C. RUTHVEN ALLISTON - t HOLMAN’S Opportunities in the Veterinary Profession If you desire a profession you should Consider what the fuld of Veterinary Sclence has to offer. Graduates have splendid opportunities for a successful career. The live stock lndustry is the corner-atone ot Agricultural development and the veterinary profeulon in its grates! AMllmd wlth Unlvenlty of Toronto. Um o! Agrlcultun. uranium. Write 'or bullotln Ind calendar to C. D. McGllvr-y. D.V.8e., Prlncipal See That "This Label TEA"is good tea? The ORANGE PEKOE is extra good. Sometime! Why not this time? Jis:dr,, Washing water is hard and requires a lot of soap to makeahtther-"Snowf1ake" added to any water Immediately turns it into soft water. Use "Snowflake" on wash days and you will not need quarter the usual quantity of soap. "Snowflake" will sweeten the clothes-make them soft and clean and save you much labor. Ontario Veterinary College MacDERMOT m Chi _ mil: gif Surnames and Their Origin Sgdion Begins October 1, 1925 Summon-slag P. E, Island ONT, At all grocers no large puma HON. JOHN G. MARTIN, HIM-tor Ireland. was one who lived later. at the time of the first Anglo-Norman in. vasiontg. He was a king of Leinster, I lrmnaduc figure, though a traitor to {his Celtle blood, who invited the aid of il-Iarl Strongbow and the English in at- gtacks on neighboring; high kingdoms. Strangely enough, the connection between the family name Sims and the biblical name of Simw is one which does not m'rur to mus! people. Yet. to-day it is not unusual for a man whose christian name is Simon to be called “Sims" by his friends. Back in the days before the old Att, Variations - Simms, Simpson, Sum mom. Simonds. Symondl. Sim monda. Symondson. Racial Origin-Anglo-ttaxon. V Source-A biblical given name. Under the Ontario Department SIMS Try it I Lire. therefore, exists on Man; Plants take the mum of the air and use it a: food. But even it plants do exist on Mars, nothing enables III to claim that animals or even human be. ings inhabit the planet. m use people lived on Mar. it must have been a long time Mo, and tint race must hare per- ished under the hard condition. ot life which now exist on Man. Recent observation showed that both had a different coloring according to the season; a greenish blue dominated during spring. became yellow at sum- mer time, and finally had the shade of autumn leaves. We cannot doubt that Mars has a sycle of punt lite quite u we have on earth. -- The big blots of dark color on Mm are therefore not oceans. The long lines of the same color are therefore not canals. The former can only be lowlalnd plains. and the latter long, more or less fun-rowed wallow. on Mars. The estimates which I took up this year. unfortunately give rather low results. The air seems much thin. ner on the surface of Mars than on our earth. In tact, it is as thin as it is sixteen kilometers above our earth surface. At that altlitude the omen is very lightly distributed end the average temperwture is never motto that 50 degrees below zero. Yet Mars may have a temperature of some 30 degrees above zero during the hottest summer. This tsrnperature re- sults trom various, causes, the chief of whtch is the water vapor which satur- ates the air of Mars, on account of the feeble atmospheric density. All the water which exists on Mars is trans- furmed into vapor during the summer and in snow during winter. This. therefore. is the proper time! to make known the knowledge acquired i 'iurintrthe roron.‘ observations made: upon Mars. I hear my readers tar' mediatoly put the eternal question: ( "Yes or no. is Mara inhabited?" i Mars is surrounded by a. layer of! air where the spectroscope discovered! the presence of oxygen and hydrogen! Snow accumulates at the poles ot Mural Just as on earth. We can get an ideal even of the deadly ot the atmosphere; Mam is rapidly moving away from the earth and appears no larger than a star of medium size. Even the most powerful telescopes fail as new at- tempts are made to study the planet, writes Dr. Thomas Moreux in "Le Petit Journal" (Paris). When the baby is ill; when he cries a great deal and no amount of attem tion or petting makes him happy, Baby's Own Tablets should be given him without delay. The Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which regulate the bowel: and sweeten the stomach and thus drive out constipa- tion and indigestion; break up colds and simple fevers and make teething easy. They are absolutely guaranteed to be free from opiates and narcotics and can be given to even the new-born bttbe with perfect safety and always with henoficial results. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at :15 cents a box from The Dr. Williams‘ Mealtime Co., Brockville, Ont. Every par. of the instrument is made or bamboo and some very ingeni- ous devives were included by its build. " While making the organ, the priest built a tiny model. a perfect copy of the big instrument. This he sent to the Queen of Spain, who, in appreciation of the present, sent 3 number of valuable gifts to the church. Some of them still remain, and are ab most as much treasured as the organ itself, This organ was built about 1818 by an old Spanish priest, who must have been an extremely patient and devoted worker. as he used more than 900 lengths of bamboo in the organ, every ttue of which was buried in the sand for at least two years in order to season it. Although the bamboo is a very soft wood, the old priest did his work BO well that the organ is still in good condition after a century of use, and is used (very week in his services by the Belgian priest in charge, Father i'ivtor Deck-rm. Every part of the Instrument is Still is in Use. One of the most remarkable organ- In the world, says a writer in the Wide World Magazine. is the bamboo organ In the Roman Catholic church of Los Finns. a littlo town about five miles from Manila. in the Philippine islands. Then, as the population grew, along about the twain!) and thirteenth cen- turies, the method of identifying dit- ferent men of the same name by tell- ing whose sons they were grew to the point where the description such " 'Sim‘s son" became permanent in the family and was shortened to Simson. Sims is this name with the final "on" dropped. sic-Saxons f1nts1lr went down before the sword: ot William the Conqueror and his Normatt-Ptench army, in the days before fottiir names had been thought of by any nation other than the Romans, these Anglo-Saxons de. lighted in nicknames, apparently. Simon. or Simeon, was a popular name in England then, and they shortened it to Sim. They were also tond of diminutive endings, ot which "kin" was one (it corresponds to the Ger- man "chen" ot today). Hence the old parchments often contain the name Simkin. meaning "little Sim," or Sym- kyn. Later the Normans used the diminutive ending ct." and Symonets began to appear on the records. Century, Cull! Bamboo Organ WHEN BABY B ILL Is Mars Ihhabited? Bower Company Limited, Toronto For reteretaeeis--Head othtee, Toronto, Bank of Montreal. or your locnl bunker. hum-nod for our thirty years. No other authority in Church or State can take the place or do the work of the Mother. We supply can- and My ex charges. We my daily by " money orders, which can be ca anywhere without any charge. To obtain the top price, C must be free trom bad tittvtrrg contain not loss than 30 per To obtain the t must be tree trpm conuin not loss tl Butter Fat. French holders of the bonds of the Suez Canal Co. are disappointed at having to accept the interest on those bonds in paper francs instead of gold. But they are not in such hard luck as those Germans who invested in the Berlin to Bagdad railway. Canal Century Old. The present year marks the 100th anniversary of the completion and opening of the great Erie canal. CREAM Discoverer ist Antarctic. Further evidence that the Antarctic continent was discovered in 1820 by Branstield has been published. thus proving that SirJ. C. Ross, who sighted South Victoria Land in 1841, was not first in the region. Fitthermettt'tt Lies. lat Fish-J‘My gills burn!†2nd I0ish--"Bomeotut is lying about you'." Minard's Llnlmont tor Colds Holy Days. Every one may not know that each day of the week is observed as a holy day by some nations. The story oi' the nations and their respective Sabbath. is premly put into rhyme in these Hues: Christiana worship God on Sundays, Grecian zealots hallow Monday; Tuesday Persians spend in prayer, Assyrians Wednesday revere; Egyptians Thursday; Friday Turks; On Saturday no Hebrew works. You can get these pills from any medicine dealer, or by mail, at 60 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.. Brockville, Ont. I was badly rundown and Mtttered from headaches as well. Finally I was advised to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. and through these I found complete relief and to-day I feel like a new per- son. I can therefore strongly recom- mend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to any one suffering as I did from this trou- Isle." I The must a. rheumatic suiierer can] hope for in rubbing something on the; itender, Iching joint is a little relie ‘No lotion or iiniment ever did or ever 'can do more than this. The rheuma- tic poison is rooted in the blood. To get rid ot it you must treat it through the blood. Any doctor will tell you that this is true. it you want some-l thinf that will go right to the root ot the rouble in the blood, take Dr. Wil. lisms’ Pink Pills. The whole mission of this medicine is to purity and on- rich the blood, and when they do this all blood troubles, including rheuma- tism. disappear. Among those who have proved the value ot Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills is Mrs. Annie Wright, Woolchester. Alta., who says: "i was a sufferer from rheumatism tor six years, and during most of that time my lite was one ot misery. I tried several doctors, and many reme- dies recommended, but never got more than temporary relief. The trouble seemed to affect my whole system and. GOOD NEWS RR 2glilMh'l'E PEOPLE Now Known That This Trouble Must be Treated Through the Blood. WE WANT CHURNING "FORT VICTORIA†and , "FORT ST. GEORGE" ' For [Hunt-cod Book [on Wilt. l FURNESS BERMUDA LINE 34 wmlluut . In Yorkm k or hub“! You!“ “an. Al who Boy-Ida I. mm with , Pu---.- dare toe "a or play. Painful. Twin-Scar Shaman express expres- cashed Cream and can Pure ormtien"rhosouto, known trt moat drawn: u Bitro-Ptrosphiue. is an nmoxbtuaced. tiredout people mun hue to win none torce and energy. That’s why We gnu-mead. Prion u Per pkg. Arrow Chemlu! Co., " Front St. Eur. Toronto, Ont, t which contains proven directions Aspirin I. m ("an wk (nu-tend tn annual) of Bayer Hunt-um at low “daddy-tu- at We“. het "Bayer" Boxes of 12 mm. Also we: of " 1nd 100--Druggiata Music gives us a new life, and to be without that life is the same as to be blind. Music is n language of the soul, but it defies interpretation-Max Muller. Say The item began: "William Binnc. who Is encrusted with the public funds. . . " 'i8ill"lte @ SPI It N "Here " is." lndlgnantly continued the public oMeial, pointing to a newa item. That Proofreader Again! "What do you mean by implying that l have dishonestly covered myself with the peoples money?" demanded the city treasurer, as he rushed into the othee ot the local paper. "What’s the trouble ?" casually quer- Ied the city editor. The iuayor and Corporation of that time were not mttistted that the hal! was safe, for it is built over the open Corn Exchange. through which pedes- trims pass daily. At tittt it wu mp- ported only by great beams, and they requested Wren to erect four pillars in the Corn Exchange below to give the beams on which the upper atmo- ture rum additional support. It won in vein that the great Archi- teot assured them that the“ pile," were not neon-aw. no the tour ptlurra to all appearance. aided their quota to the security ot the hall above. Now it has been discovered that Sir Chris- topher left a were of an inch at the top ot each, so that the four pillars have never given the Town Hall the least support. The space between the pillar and ceiling was hidden by a thin crust ot cement, and now that this has fallen out the spaces are clearly re- vealed. one ot the moat remarkable cases of tvnurctaiteeturrr1 Joke may be seen by any visitor to Windsor, England. High- er up the hill so well known by visit. ors to the Castle stands the Town Hall, which has often been ascribed to Mr Christopher Wren, the architect of M. Paul's Cathedral. But Wren only tin. lobed it, for it was designed tad more than hull built by another nrchitect who died before his work wu accom- plished. For Sore Throat Use MInard'I LleenI Moment round Not all the trumps that all the Joshua. blow Nor philosophic t1utes shall slug them to the ground. Strong. Nerves ttoor; Bing simple, silly stream, sing Now Or Now Is o'er. I can make lines blossom in the now And “rev the sky with Bilver stars at noon. Aye, it the day be bright l wheel the moon About my little kitchen to and fro Become I win it lo. But the steel walls that hedge the â€all? If I bat look [see The silent-footed slayer and his'lmlfe Symbol of instantaneous immortality. Bing sacramental warns on the shore; Bing sweetly solemn stars on haven't Impalpuble. unreal reality That men call lite The past and coming, what do they Take empire ot the Moment. In the Away with thought. Tomorrow no: still-born And shrouded In the gnu ot yester- thy. There is but Now and many-fashioned Clay. . . . "A moral." quoth he, "In the windy spumo Ot yearly-springing corn: And cock-crow by the barn gate in the morn: Salvation In time's wet-chuck): ‘pllme. In spring-tide and in nap-tide and the spray Recurrent on the thorn." For Colds Neuralgia Lumbago An Artful Architect. " Bayer Headache Rheumatism Pain Bayer package " TORONTO --Hugh Orange Insist! vThe t',r,2,gf, Lydia E. [ginkham's em e mppynd intold y worn." to etch other. "any women know by etperienoe what thin medicine will do mg they m gnxious tor oIhetat to know. Do you know that in ancent cnnvau among women use" of the Vegetable Compound over mm replies were re- coivod. To the question, ' Have PP re- eehedbeneftt b akingthis medicine?" â€percent. we, " es." tter. have given an. median. "Yr Such antimony should cause any wanna suffering from the trouble: so common to her sex to give this well, Imgwn Maine . fair trial. This means but 98 out of every 100 women we in better health bee-use Relieved by Lydia E. Pink- ham'a Vegetable Compound tl PAINS ACROSS THE BAGK ""tgd'tg'p,tt't t,'t'p,hlfd'r"t 8-h- non-mu... nu out-Imam Ancient Account. A butcher's bill more than four thou. sand years old was found In the ruin. ot Ur of the Cheldeeo. It In In the form od a small block or tablet of Inked clay. on one face ot wind: the Account, for three lambs delivered to the temple. is cut. Whether it nu yet been paid has nol been determined; but if modern bills were rendered in the same form, 'tottt8 men could pave their driveways nnd Mor their gums. “if 3.pjtii'/t',t',ti!i',ii : _ Jinan. nu Juana-um.- Bll' E "irriifs.tiil'itltl!.i,ttl'lr, with indsed tiles tor Summer Course In the - an! molt uptoduo School In COMI. KENNIDV HAIIDLL‘OOWO PARLOIO AND ACADEMY Toronto, 0M. 71‘ Yongo.2l1 Yonge. G17 momma Av. and I Him I Minard'o was (no we relief ALPIION tDEAF'h MINARD'S Relieved His Rheumatism Here Is one of many long" taut!- Ing to the relief Min-M's tttvm sn Cllel, ot rhoumnuom: “I I)". been relieved of rheumatum " yuur lmIment. I thought I wmld P.'?Ter bo tron {run this maladr and I 12104 mum remedies. but Minard'. was we Hui}. mm" which Minlrd'l is ttls" non of tttm Joint etc. J. A. Anderson & h. No detroelt or payment of any kind. Jun! um] your name. “um. and free trial "qua“. to, or can on. The new radio-tttgilt ACOUSTI- CON is I mun! of Human. con- tort, itseormpieuotmn-. A Joy to wear And use. We are no lure It wttt delixhl you. ragtime“ of what an" dulce you Are now lulu, that Go invite you to try it 10 am without a penny ot risk. No rod tape to to thrown. Enroll an 2379i: _ .. fund mreeythirtg I eoaid think dbul noun-g helped hm. I read An ndvenlumenl (or Cudeura Soar and Ointment and sent for a free ample. I purchased more, and " ter using one cake of Cuxicun Soar and one box of Cutlcun Uinmm she WIS bald." (Signed) Mrs. R. B. Crou. OI Bantu Funny. Rochester, N. Y. I " My daughter's met and chat me very badly broken ow. tr'ty: ied pimples that {canted ind itched bully. She scratched the New“ pans and trntgaad the trouble to spread. At night she could not sleep and me breaking out mud ditfipimetymt. Neck and Chest Broken Out. Cuticura Healed. 367 " Catherine 01. Weet Monti-“l. Ono. No Dope-It. No Expense RED PIMPlES RlEll BADLY MINARD‘S LINIMENT ISSUE No. "--'a. 533mb. l' Q. “undid for all sprains. brat-om u Kl)