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Durham Review (1897), 25 Jun 1925, p. 4

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JUNE HEITING 0' METHOD!" IRON SOCIETY Thr. June meeting of the w. M. s.‘ was {Md at the home of Mn T.R. “help on Thundu' last, when I good numb" we" [mm-m. The de- votiorml exerxrhretg were ted Sr Mrs. Gagno" who spoke on "t'rtaettistr nr-LH“ in Lite, and Thought and Pmyn-r. All" the Her-m Ind re. ported Mr their holds. away: tilt”! of pro-Cress and cheer. Mrs Pall-rs an ':'-\ report from Qe Convetr Sovereign Flour, Eclipse Flor, White Lily Pastry Flour What Folks Say l Wheat Cereal. Rolled Oats. Bran, Shorts. Feed, Flour. Oat Chop, Crimped Oats, Mixed Chop, MixelCrrain for Poultry Feed, Blatchford's calf Mull. Pig Meal and Poultry Feeds. Our prices are of the best quality and our Flour is guaranteed. Our prices are right for spot cash, Highest Price mid ior any quantity ol wheat delivered at the " Goods delivered every day. Phone No 8, day or night . Every Day Bargain Day Choice Ceylon Black Tea. 2 lbs for. Emblem Baking Powder, largo tin.. Largo bottle Tomato Iutsup.........., Laundry Bott...-..................... Ginger 8napa...,.-....................... Jelly Powdery. assorted (lovers... . ... Peanut Butter. largo pail .............. Folks say that our bread is satisfactory and folks know whatthey are talking about. It's a loaf of full weighted goodness that comes to you _as clean and pure as the sunshine. 1dfiN0EpS0N'S BAKERY _ McKEcriNIE's Grocery Specials for Saturday it's. Satisfactory JOHN McGOWAN THE PEOPLE'S MILLS J. McKEimNIE AT Hon held in Woodsth the In! wee may. This In: the lust gathering of th!! Human branch or m? Methodist. church and In largely attended,} ther being between 500 and 600 prom-i ant " nearly - union of the IS' days. It was found that from ttlil source: the members. Including woma on. circle girls and children of they bands. numbering In all 13,540, had', mind $53,108.31 during the pasti vetgt'. .............. J.00 .......'....... Me ................ Me . 4 bars for Mo ... 2 lbs for Me 3 pkts. for 250 w............. Me Durham At this last gathering we felt lik" those who were moving from their old home into a new one, more com- modious 'tis true, but we could not look back over the past happy years of our gatherings and feet thankful that we had had a share during the " years of our existence in raising $6,643.i66.46, whereby 248 of our daughters had the privilege of going into all parts of the world. and tel- ling the women and little children or the wonderful Father and loving Saviour. who belonged to them as well as to us, and until they carried the tidings unknown to them, bring- in: in its train all that Christianity offers in the way of education, good living, healing and service. --.Com District Meeting of Wma/s Institute The Stranger's Bee'y reported thntl notices ot removal. from this Branch‘ had been sent to every branch in the‘ Dominion. also to England. Detroit,) and New York city ,thug caring for CAI who had gone out from their" homes in Ont. There were 11 mis- aionnries introduced at the same time from the platform, three who have now retired and six who have received their tlrtit appointment this year. Miss Preston who has spent " yrs in Japan, gave a wonderful picture of progren'a and the uplifting innuen- cos of Christian training upon the women during these years, whilst the educational advantages offered the girls is giving the present gen- eration ot women a different status to the womanhood of Japan. Mrs (Rem) Hockey who has been visiting her 2 daughters in China,re- ports 1 women's hospital? in lour wes- tern Province of 60,000,000 popuia- tion. It is situated in the capital, Chengtu, a city of 500,000. The Children's Shelter. o. Sound, was the next item on the program. After learning there is a bill coming before the Legislature to legislate for each county to maintain their own County Shelter or Children's Aid, a resolution was passed that we pass same on to Co. Convention and then send it on to Legislature to support this bill when it comes up in the House. Next was a discussion on the adoption of an Armenian boy as a. District effort and it was de. cided that we do so, the Executive being a Com. to adjust an allocation for the several branches. T'he usuai donation of $10 to the Co. W. Institute and $20 to Durham Branch for entertainment of dele gatos Wet+ made. Anntytgncetttont was given of the Co. Convention to be held in Kilsyth on Aug. 12th. Mrs Sydney Banks. Shelburne, Federal representative for this div- ision. whose address of last year is still fresh in the minds of many who heard her. could not be present. A letter received by the Sec’y the morning after the meeting, contains her message: "I apepal very strong- ly to the Grey Dist. to support the Federation. both financially anamor- ally. Tell them that it is to meet the great needs that affect all that we must unite ourselves, all over Ontario in the matters of Prohibi. tion, Social Service, etc. We can do wonders united. but very little in- dividually." She regretted her ina, bility to oe present. Mrs Alex. Milne. Dromore, now favored the audience with a reading. The Committee rejoiced in having) an evening recently with friends in Mr Geo. A. Putnam. Supt. of W. In- this tprg. stitutos, present on this occasion to Mr. and Mrs Lawson Hopkins.Mr. give an address. He stated that this Gorman Johnston and MISS Margtrret gathering was as large as the first) McRonald, motored to 0. Bound Sun. Convention at Guelph, which he at-'; dav week and spent Ge day there. tended after taking the office of Supt! Mr Milligan Mighton and Wm. Pol. 21 years ago. Other activities which; lock of Toronto, Were visitors in the he then controlled have Cone or pas-i burg SUNNY Iturt. / sed over, other omtNNt being created Wm Luurrill, Windsor. is home on and he is um in the Institute. Thesel his vacation waiting his parents in having grown to such proportions de-l Hanover. Bill is a former resident mend more time and energy. He had! here Mid his friends are glad to see just returned from a week's visit to him btuek again around Durham look- Northern Ontario and although no 2 ing .so well. institutes are Just the some, he not-l Miaa Dolly Hopkins and W. C. ed the intense earnestness of worn-) Fletcher, Toronto. spent a recent en all over. It has become a world- week end with relatives here. wide movement. Special mention was Messrs Chas. and Howard Law» made of Denmark who appointed a enoe, David Donnelly and his. Lang- delegate to Ontario to look into meth- rill, attended the Conservative Con- ods of instruction in Domestic Beien-, ventian in Markdale Friday last. ce and Agriculture for women and Miss J. Reid. Toronto,) visiting she. After hearing of the w. 1., spent Mrs McKill Grierson and family. two weeks 'looklng into their meth-i, Quite a. number purpose attending iods. The development has been won- the June Assizes ot the Co. Court in dertul. it is important. he slid.th Owen Sound this week. women of Ontario think of W. insti- Glad to see Mr Frank Hopkins tutes. We should have it in our home from the Hospital after recov- minds that we will be guardian of erinx from a case or pneumonia. the best interests of the youth of our Hope he will be fully restored to his land and in the community wield an usual health again. The Sec'y Treasurer's and Branch reports were heard, showing prolF was and good work done during the year. AThere are now 11 branches in this district. one at Campbell's Cor. ners being organized in May. Eight branches We're reprosented. Some further business Ming disposed of. the meeting adjourned and all re- paired to the basement of the Lite rary for lunch. About 2 p. m. the dolozates as- sembled and the President called the meeting to order and all Joined in singing the "Maple Leaf." The nom- inatintt Com. which was appointed at the morning session brought in their report, as follows: President, Miss Sara Jamieson, Hanover; Vice Pros., Mrs B. Patterson, Durham: 2nd Vice Pres., Mrs Rogers. Holstein: Sec'y Treas.. Mrs Medlraith. Durham; Representative to Cir. Conv'llon,Mrs. D. Knechtel. Hanover; Federal twp., Mrs Jno. Clarke, Gleneden; Audi- tors. Misses Fl Scott and Margaret MeGirr, Durham. County Convention to be Held in Killyth. Aug. 12th. - Presuma- tion to Sewing Clan influence for that which is uplifting, TheW. l. in becoming a national force and it's success lies in the tact that the work has peen carried on by vol- untary organization. Women have put forth their best effort to help themselves and the Dept. will them come to their aid in sending Litera. ture, speakers tor the summer sor- ies of meetings. demonstrators for the courses. viz. Domestic Science, Nursing & First Aid, Dressmaking. Mlllinery. etp. A new feature at our Dist. Annuals was the appearance of a. band of girls "First Aiders" who were org- anized last September under the aus- pices or the Durham W. Institute. 14 girls marched in singing one of their songs. The Beer. Caroline Mitchell, gave a report ot their meetings. Mrs Harding, lst Guide for the Sewing class explained their wort: and told of the visit from Miss Siicter~of Kit- chener who judged the sewing. Mrs. Pickering. 2nd Guide, then presented prizes. which were financed by the Mother Branch. Others who deserve mention in this line are Mrs Burgess and Mrs Livingstone. Those who re- ceived prizes were: Evelyn Baird, Alice Nicholson, [is Allan, Norma Al. lan, Dorothy Douglas, Dorothy Pick- ering, Elizabeth Harding, Josie Fal- Poner, isabel Jamieson, Mary Mount. Violet and Abby McLean, Caroline Mitchell and Anna Ritchie. Mr Put- nam with some good advice and a deal of humor, presented a diploma to each girl for her sewing which consisted ot a specimen of darning,a patch, a bag and a nightgown. Mrs J. A. Graham and Miss E Scott were Guides for the business part of their programs. their health talks. demonstrations, contests. etc. Miss Scott gave a synopsis of their work and presented Miss Evelyn Baird, leader of the winning group. with a basket of chocolates as a prize. Mrs. A. McGowan. on behalf of herself and Mrs Farrell and Miss B. McDon- aid, guides tor the physical training of the girls, gave a report of their part in the work. These reports wre interesting and much apprecia- ted. Another song was sung andthe girls marched out. The meeting was brought to in close by singing the National Anth- em when the delegates made their way to the basement for lunch which was served by the Durham Branch The receipts of District tor the year 1924-25 were $196.79; expendi- tures $145.61. The combined re- eeipts of District and Branches were $2049.)15 and the expenditure $1434.42 of the meeting. and these, brethren were addressed on "The Symbolism of Masonry" by the Grand Scribe R., Henry T. Smith of Toronto. At the banquet tables, S. D. Croft. or Dur- ham. Grand Superintendent ot Wel. lington Dist.; Jno. Marr and Dr R. H. Hopkins of Toronto, and others. delivered interesting addresses. Tho Toronto Companions brought with them some of Toronto's best musi- cal talent. and the event was one of the most pleasant ever held in this part ot the country. ' On Sunday last the District Sets vlce of the Masonic Order was also held in Siielhurne. when Rev. P. T. Pilkie or Owen Sound, District Chap. lain. delivered an address. From Durham tho following brethren at- tended: E. A. Hay, John Morrison. Dr. Grant, Robt. Burnet and J. A. Rowland. The majority of the farmers in this and surrounding viciniries are busy plowing up their summer fallow. Mr and Mrs Wm Mather and chil- dren of Toronto. spent a few days with the farmer's aunt, Mrs McKill Grierson. Miss Rebecca Grolrson rm turned with them to Toronto Monday of last week after spending three weeks at the old home. Mr and Mrs Jog McCasIIn and sons Harry and Hammel. Durham, spent an evening recently with friends in this burg- From Durham wr-rmpresent Mos 51's E. D. McClocklln. HA. Hay, Dr Grant and S. D. Croft. Mr. 'and Mrs Lawson Hopkins.Mr. Gorman Johnston and Miss Margaret McRonald, motored to 0. Sound Sun. dav week and spent Ge day there. An enthusiastic gathering of Roy- al Arch Masons assemblPd in Shel- burrw Masonic Hall on Friday night last, when Rev. W.H. Hartley. Elrst Principal of Prince Edward Chapter, and former rector of Trinity church. Durham, welcomed inure than forty Companions from Shokinah Chapter, Toronto. headed by Petey Grant,tlrst Principal, as well as a lamp number of Companions from Durham, Orang- eville, Pnimcrston and other sur- rounding parts of the Wellington District. ROYAL ARCH MASONS VISIT AT SHELBURNE The ofheers or the Toronto Chap- ter conferred the WE. M. Degree with full musical ritual. altar which W. J. Wadsworth, on behalf of Sholo inah Chapter, presented to Prince Edward Chapter a beautlful silk Royal Arch Banner. heavily trimmed with gold bullion. A number ot Master Masons had been invited to attend the latterpart Messrs Chas. and Howard Lawr- ence, David Donnelly and Jas. Lang. rm. attended the Conservative Con. vention in Markdale Friday last. Quite a. number purpose attending the June Asslzes of the Co. Court in Owen Bound this week. Glad to see Mr Frank Hopkins home from the Hospital after recov- ering from a case of pneumonia. Hope he will be fully restored to his usual health again. THE DURHAM REVIEW HUTl'ON HILL H Arnett, Reggie .. Allan, Aylmer . Clark, Edgar .., Collinson. Geo. . Firth, Glenny '.. Grant, Florence . Havens, Seaman Haslett. Ruby Pt Kearney, Bea .. Kelsey, Fred ... McAulme. John McAulitte, Cecelit MeAulifte, Marg. McCulloch. Geo. McDonald, Flor. McFadden, Free. McCuaig, Pearl . McIntyre. A. D.. Mortltay, Myrtle Robinson, Alma Thompson, Hugh Wilson, William Mr and Mrs Thos. Henderson and Miss McGOlivray, Elmwood, also the farmer's brother, Mr Bob Hen. dvrson of Chilliwack, B.C., were the gut-513 of Mr and Mrs A. C. McDon- ald Sunday. The latter, gentleman is an undertaker in Chilllwuck and was in charge of the funeral services or Mrs McDonald's ulster. Mrs Peter Morrison In that town last year. Four of our bright young pupils of B. S. No. 6, purpo-e writing on the Entrance exams. which commence Wednesday of this week. They are Norah Walker. Reg. Adlam, Fred Vickers, Tom Adlam. We wish them all good luck and success in thall- exams. A miscellaneous shower was held recently at the home of Mr and Mrs. Edgar Boyce, in honor of Miss Reta Boyce, whose marriage took plam on the 17th Inst. About 50 guosts as- sembled on the lawn, when Miss Boyce was called to come forward, and a large basket loadod with pur- eels. was placed on the table by a number of girl friends. The bride read the witty verses as the parcels were opened and Mrs Edgar Boyce assisted in unwrapping tho gifts. Games were played on the lawn and a delicious lunch closed the evening. The Misses Gibson of ,are spending a couple of months with their aunt, Miss May Skene. _ Mr and Mrs Fred Bleach of Owen Sound. gave us a friendly can on Sunday while out tor a spin on the highway. Mrs E. Dargu’el leaves Fridayi'or Toronto and Michigan to attend hvr brother's golden wedding, Mr o. E. Farrier of Hillman, Mich. Sne ex- Pista to spend a month or six weeks among her many friends and will re turn via Detroit and spend a few days with her daughter, Mrs A. E. Smith. We extend congratulations to Mr. J. D. Brown. son of Mrs Mary Brown ot Wiarton, who has passed his lst Form exam. with honors. Mr and Mrs John Mckeehnle and Mr and Mrs Jag. McDougall Were in Hamilton Saturday attending the wodding festivities of their brothr-r Neil, who was married that day to Miss Mooro of that city. We extend congratulations. Mr Dave Smith. accompanied by Mr and Mrs Wm. Fulton and Mitstses Isabel Dobie and Pearl Wilson, mot- ored to Eugenia Falls Sunda; as al- so did Mr and Mrs W. H. Patterson of Prieevil1e. Miss Willa Patterson leaves for her mission at Wahstao. Alberta, shortly, taking we plan- of Miss Elma Ball, of Hanover, who comes home on furlough after tive years at that point. We all wishior Miss Patterson all success in hor missionary work. _ Mrs George and Mrs Wm. Ledlng- ham of Vancouver, are on a visit to the East, and ware; guests Wod- lwsdav of Mrs A. C. McDonald and Mrs. Ed. Boyce. Mr Walter Boyce is at the parontal home from Hamilton for a two weeks holiday. Miss Elsie is also home! from o. Sound for two weeks. i Mrs McCallum. Sr. took seriously m Saturday last and word was sent to her daughter. Mrs Phillips of Sar- nla, who with her husband hun'ivd to her bedside. We are pleased to say that she has since considerably improved. Congratulations to Mr Ern. Leuck who returned Thursday with his bride. We wish him all the happiness life can give him. The Misses Sullivan are holidaying at home with their parents, Mr and Mrs J. Sullivan. Mrs E. B. Dargavel and family are visiting with friends in Owen Sound tor a few days. Mr and Mrs A. Redford have mow ed from town to their recently pur chased _home, tht Iias1rins property. Mrs Geo. Tumbull spentiiAdry My!) he {nigthelers A. Knlsley. Mr and Mrs Chas. Petty moiorri, I on Sunday to Fergus and spent the dp.y thvn- with Mr and Mrs Davideom SOUTH EAST BENTINCK FORM ll. Form ll Medal awarded TORONTO Form I and Form ll Re’sults, Durham High School John .. c Cecelia t' Mal-g. . c DORNOCH MULOCK to Fred Kelsey and their daughter Marion at the Hospital. Mrs Wm Vollett of town, spent Tuesday with former neighbors in this vicinity. nuxyluu. ' Mrs Wm Vollett of town, Ire.) tThist Weeks Budget) Tuesday with former neighbors in On Friday night last a number m this vicinity. friends and neighbors gulwrod m We are Glad to report Mr Robt. the home of Mr and Mrs Jan. Hes- Pickett able to be out again after his, lett lo a reception in honor of their recent illness. daughter Marie, who on June 17th, Mr Will Knlsley has taken an Ig-' was married to Mr Geo Gray. Th" ency for Fuller Brush Co. In titiniil'gl young couple received many beau” and Egremont Townahipa. iful and costly gum and an enjoyable Mr Doyle Bradthwaite h" sold his I evening w” spent in music Ind an” farm to Mr Herb Mudock who will eing. We ttttdertrtgutd Mr and Mrs 're1potsaes11on l? Peeembtrtext, lamy intend mum; their home in The tine showers we have had has improved the growth very much and everything is looking ttne. Mr and Mrs Chas. Rosy were in Walkerton Wednesday, attending the funeral of the latter's uncle who died there the Monday previous. Mrs. Henry Cross, Durham. spent a few days last week with her sister, Mrs Livingstone. Miss Pearl Wilson spent Sunday with friends in Prieevi11e. Mm Thompson with son and titttt. ghter, Normanby, spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Allan Wise. Mr and Mrs Geo. Torry returned Saturday evening from then wedding trip and. are now settled " their home here. Méssrs Wm Pickett and John Mc- Kenzie expect to attend Asslzes In o. Sound this Wednesday. The W. M. S. will meet " th" home of Mrs Jack McKechnie next Tuesday. " 2 p. m, Mr and Mrs Jno. Veggie spent a day this ’week with their daughter. Mrs Louis Shelltrough, near Chesluy. Congratulations to Mr and Mrs. Jas. Miller on the arrival of a young daughter. We are pleased to know that Miss Kathleen Firth has been reengaged for the coming year. Miss Esther McLean Is In attend- ance this week " the wedding of her friend, Miss Irene Smith, Rock Mills. Mr and Mrs And. Park and child- ren and Mr and Mrs Wm Torry. at- tended the Torry-Boyee wedding at Crawford Wednesday last. Miss Reba Veggie In spending a few weeks with her sister. Mrs W. Clark. High School and Entrance pupils are busy writing this week. We wish for one and all the best success Mr Fred Kelsey made a business trip to Toronto this week. Mrs Rom. Burnet and son Royden. Durham, spent a day last week with her, sister. Mrs W. Livingstone. rFriday, June 26th é ROCKY SAUGEEN Nervous Diseases. Rheumatism. Bladder Troubles, Dia. betes. Bright's Biseasi, Stomach, Liver. Kidney. Neur- itis, Neuralgia. Blood Pressure; Heart Troubles, Con- stipation, and all Diseases. - Are You Suffering from any Disease? Hahn House, Durham, for he Day Only HERBALIST HERE There is a Herb for every Disease Remember the Date, Friday, June 26 MR. MERFIN, the proprietor of the Canadian Herb Gardens, and expert in herbs, will be at the EBENEZER CONSULTATION FREE Corbett, Cameron .. Dem, Myrtle ...... Ford, Mary ........ canon. Norma. ,... Goodchild. Christene Harm-ave. Minn ... Hey. Ellen ........' Hind. Elizabeth .... Hopkins George ... Henry, Ctittord .... Hooper, Alma .....' Lavelle. George .... Kearney, Elsie ..... McGowan. Wallace . Moon, Clifford ..... Morrison. Donald .. Marshall, Eleanor .‘ MacArthur, Marybell Moclntyre. Mary .., McLean, Sarah .... Moon, Eunice ...'., Milne, lna ......... Mountain, Vera ...r Murdock, Blanche . Mervyn, Nellie .... Moore, Esther .... Neaves. Ernest ..., Ritchie, Dorothy .., Rowe. Claire ...... Ritchie, Norman .., Ritchie, Bertha ... Storrey. Irvine .... Simpson, Martina . Tiniattov, Harry ... Traynor, Janle .... Vollett. Fred ..... Young, Donald .... Form I Medal awarded I McGlleray. 618514;. Durham where Mr Gray has purch used a house. Sorry to report Mrs J. S. Davev has been suffering from an attack 0: the mumps. Mr and Mrs E. Noble and son AL ymer, Hutton HUI spent Sunday with Geo. Chupmnn nod family. Mr and Mrs Fred Cuff. with Mr. and Mrs Thou. Hopkins and damn» ter Mme. spent Sunday with Mr and Mr: Fred Torry, unlock. Mr and Mrs S. McCarton. Toronto are holidaying with the kitten; pa. emu, m tad Mn B. Puthertrough, a! so visiting Mr and Mrs D. Stewart. Misses Ruby Haslett and sum Lynn, spent teunday with Miss May McCullum. Congratulations to Mr Geo. Gun and Miss Marie Haslett. who an bts itrnnrrted teday, June 17th. Mr and In -w. Cook of Zion, spent a. day recently with Mr and Mrs. D. Stewart. Mr and Mrs Fred Cuff, with Mr. and Mrs L. Chupman, also Mrs Gun. Stewart. Bunesun, spent Friday in Owen Sound. A number of the line attended th" U. F. W. o. meeting Thursday last at the home ot Mrs W. Clark. The next meeting will be held on July 10thot the home or Mrs Dougnld Clark. Mra Jno. 0119:1013 RYDER 2Gii.h 01 two with her parents. Mr and Mr, Richmgnd. '?flfr Chesley. Mr Geo. Whyte 1nd Manner Roy Chapman, of near Recherton, spl'm a couple days this week with thr. latter's rather, Mr Geo Chapman and family. Mr and Mrs P. Cuff, with Mr and Mrs Jno. Cut! and daughter Marvin-- or Hutton Hill. spent a day the tiry', of the week With Mr and Mrs Itobt Otters will be received tor the brim; dwelling on George Street. Durham, (was occupied by the late Mrs. Mo Gowan) up to Saturday, the uh July IMrs. No tender necessarily aetteptwl NORTH BENTINCK (Intended for last week.) JUNE M, WM. A. McGOWAN. and A. H. JACKSON, Execumrs FOR SALE BY TENDER to Ernest Neaves. [anything Is lovely in the 1 M. u the (mason ie tan m m. and hunsmno 'd not, And crops look Knod. a... of tho older meadows. ll. not up to standard. Ml ever been so Ions: ettauet in tho Park and In Nell felt. as HIH' am dr to do her bit In th, other work I‘th ”dim! In Oltrlnder who In. llolpital lam u artth I hmknn but, um I It will be a consider, she can be up and am no! to In home With 1 We hope all will br. w “an. Tho lick ones arr imp: “Mick who has hmm 8 MI. (allowing an a; nae-diam. Ill up for up. tMttdny. Wo all w new I quick nnd pnrman: we do not think during h m ever been so lam: a child! in tho Park and l Mm. Parker um um. Toronto, an W. In. G. w. Pa old friends in thi, mu laud» Haw W (mm Keldon wl M Mr I few day, mlmlncms At'OUrti " Will III: Mnrjorh- friend: In the vi It present. The Township VIII meet in Sal any at 2.15 and m hem: madu n label and it George ann m hem: madr t of our Mm an: to writ, Week. They Mr Neil MCL, Pmbytm' "IN Thundly cf thi Sutherland tittey, Swim»- Park a Sonia! Church. undo-d I tsttil to who preached Sunday. Min: source so the r" aL""') candida the old MN ntlufavmr dttterettce ot up "I of those v) This II a luna- work. comprisin er and Ssh-m, t. In the Primo m be able to hand come. Rev. a ttgtve been 1"'ry he expound to I m of July. it these datyr. FOR SALE mg h' yuan , Kill them all, and the germs too. 10ca packet at Druggists, Grocers and General Stores. WILSQN'S GET READY IN TIME John John John John ADO USED MACH One $lelt' Bindvr One S-foot Mow-l Bulky Rak.s. and 21m: DURHAM MACHINI F. W. Moor, i“ N SWINT ON PARK Mr be JUNE " 1925 ORDER NOW M M bl Ph" My woodworl than and eel look better * lens work titittl I USE ti. Sill

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