o,/i," Lua, our" for -. "a And iuatiee.-.orrs Sunk! Baldwtn. After a. week'l It†in Buonoo Arre. thr. capital of the Argentine, the Prince of Wales will no nomethlu ot the In- wnur of tho eottntrr-e-eta3tr of the Inigo cattle rancher, called “Munch." Theme estates. name ot them our hmclng hundreds of mum miles, an "FiiGiw3rts co “It unduly of can]. and their Je,flh"-'lfd'lrl. wool, and hides; or cereaxl mainly when and maize. so large that many I landowner can- not traverse his “hm†tn . day on horseback. Some of the but“! as- tancia owners have overcome this by usmg airplane. to any them from one point to male?! 'Rre W35 no.uehihin-r- broudownthirtrrr""'h" ." Same any million has: of had an unrhr cultivation. leavmg‘ont 800.- 000.0013 acres of agricultural had still available. No less than " “and: m In out". Ninety-revert â€plot." have A tax on thingies is proposed. Thu reversing the quotation “on: tumor- Lug the wind to the “on but. . ', w.':.'y years ago regarding the Roche! , n 1;; ('Iusme. in the Jun. which then : s.' .mnml to tall into the valley ot the 'v'- tlr-r'. Had this happened. the Vt)!†" [ ml have been blocked. “(I the Bo- _ : v,ittt'r, on which the district dopam- T 1 ft r its supply of electricity, would _r'.r' been stopped. ".zmr‘llialo action tttrd to be taken to '.N' r’ 'his calamity, which would 11310 p: mum! the countryside In (lunch. mi disorganized Its transport. RI- ,'.r.~vr~4 rushed to the spot. the mom:- run was shored up with concrete. and 1 u as well once more. I'm- Matterhorn, by the way, wee In Am; the scene or n (amou- momttaht. ov-rmx tragedy, when three Alpine gznnm-rs and a guide lost their live. L, Hug to the snapping of a. rope. Women In" 'e Hui for ten yous. and both men l women exercbo tho was share Life's Joy or Borrow. .\'hh-hever Fate might and, in. help him In an hour of need ', “I made for MMut--a Mani -P. N. Hart Scott. l tho constitution the President ts still the pain of aching hum. oo hurt and sore to woo». dull the throng of manor!“ od made a dream]... deep. cheer the world when things want wrong. m1 nothing seemed worth whites In-Ip to lighten Llfo'l hard load ml madeia pleasant IMHO. “WNW???“ unto over ltho Mending a Mountain. M0 days ot great republicl the " Ir,' not without interest. h Tavolara, a little Inland mu- In-n and a half miles trom Bar. n the MedtMrrmtetut. It is tit. y than a mile in length, ad has Minn of t1ttr-orur. sovereignty of the Inland was n 1836 to tho Butoleonl fturtilr, to 1882 Paul I. nrtgmrd pence- mt his Island kingdom. On his the islanden proclaimed tro- It you there's no music made, mm the heart is "candied new as laughter of a child. p --Edaar A. that P alarm has been and mu!- hu announcement that the Mat. 1 m in a distinctly all-I! condi- and may topple over idto the valley above which it tote". Eur {vars were entertained some xhtl'r of a Itttre “I . [inkling um!) arm ')e silver boll- ".urwi' _ I. '. "nlight softly m†. i 1x Ewnlng's when m. 9.4%; meek and mild , t! F lr. xnntle hymns of who , all: us in so mnny isâ€. , ,. who've watched by night 1.1 prayed ' It baby's bed of pain. g to sum her smite awn; mm for sign: that ("orb tile 'uu its course ttgtd 'Oll‘ nub- Into the Interior. Australian Mad. 5 than 1,13'rditret species Smallest Republic. seven per cent. of Arctic have returned “in than and Show. t musical and clear m-times tears of toy will laughter more In no“ m1 rapture for mankind ‘hings else the world can mm for the tragic blind. I" 'mubled. peace of mind; which ripple into thou .aut‘h charm our live. to laughter one cu: hear. [H of music and» In 1) Hr zither or “RIP, wynnd the pawn of mu alithtn the pipe. ot Pan. small child’s hyphen. or» it touch the hurt MM on the Anam- TONIC 'rmniiiiif The Surest Way to Relieve Stom- ach Trouble is Through Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Crossing the Atlantic seventreix times is the record held by a retired American doctor, axed eighty-three. His first trip was in 1864, in the last wooden paddle steamer. " We supply can: And pay ,expross charges. We pay daily by elm-egg money orders. which an be cashed unywhere without any charge. To obtain tho top price. Cream Inuit be free trom bad tiagers and contain not less than " per cent Butter m. For reterencete-Head Dulce. Toronto, Bank ot Montreal. or tour local banker. Established tor over thirty â€an. When the stomach is feeble and food lies in it undigested. the poisonous uses distend the walls ct the stomach and cause serious interference with the other organs. especially with the action ot the heart and lungs. These poisonous gases have other ill elects. They are absorbed by the blood and so weaken and corrupt it as to cause sches in remote parts ot the body and the formation of unhealthy tissue everywhere. Experience shows that these troubles vanish Just as soon " the stomach is made strong enough to digest the food. In other words, it needs a tonic that will enable it to do the work of changing the food into nourishment. The tonic used ought to be one that will agree with the most delicate stomach and this is exactly what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills do. Here is I bit of convincing proof given by Mm. Chas. Ladner, Ellerslie. " li' I -c -- . -- Here is a bit of convincing proof aivsn by Mm. Chas. Ladner, Ellerslle, P.E.l.. who "rtc--'Wor some years I was a suiferer from stomach trouble. Everything I ate caused distress, sour stomach. and belching. I could nu eat meat or potatoes, and I new weak and very nervous. No medicine seemed to help me until I was persuaded to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and these simply worked wonders. I took the pills iaithiully for a couple of mouths, by which time every symptom ot the trouble had disappeared, and there has not since been the alighteat symptom ot stomach trouble. No wonder I praise Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." You can get these Pills from any medicine dealer, or by TCI 'ii at 50 cents a box trom The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Broekrille, Ont. CREAM WE WANT CHURNING Bowes Company Limited, Toronto "'lllthiiaLEGRAM"Mt'oronto's Favorite r-Tar,.'.' iii.?)', m One of the stiffen tests in miniature penmanship was the engraving in per, tect calligraphy ot the complete his- tory of the discovery of America on the surface of a hen's egg. The Lord's Prayer has been in turn written on a grain of wheat split lengthwise and a. Some years ago 8. Derby man mam aged to write 9,000 words on a post- card. Then an Italian appeared on the scene with one on which he had writ- ten 11,000 words. 'This roused to activity a University student, who wrote 600 words on the back of an ordinary postage stamp. 'ut-u. eventin- in mm yield m they-yin. In ennui revenue ot npproximnteiylhetchofy we. I: “0.000.000 Ill! provide employment to I Government. th about 100,000 people, end while the im- ' in the Brst regult portance of this industry has beenEWorid built am somewhat overzhadowed by other 'te-itttettt expenoe. tivitiea, it has always been looked upon ', vice rapidly en as one of the basic industries of thelwere seven ha Dominion. Even before settlement beland the total sun in Canada, commercinl fishing was i amounted to " carried on by the English and French. 1 41 esublishmen end from the middie or the sixteenth‘xaged in diatri century to the present any, a period oi and older tigh ot nearly four hundred years, continuous! Era of sum operations have been carried on in the inland and coastal waters of the Do. amgsgnl: at: minion. I . . . i. - "World's champion miniature calli- graphist†is the title claimed by an Englishman living at Vancouver. He recently sent a postcard to London on which he had written 12,000 words, the equivalent of sixteen column of news- paper matter. Although Canada'. 'string waters! are the most extensive and mostI bountiful of any nation in the world.| it has always been realised that they', are not inexhaustible. and m perpetu-é ate the tttrising industry certain Irro-l toctive measures were essential. "rid this and the Federal Government has? in force a policy ot conserntive anal controlled exploitation. This has been) of immense benefit in replenishing stocks. but, not wholly "titstied, the? Dominion authorities have been active‘ for many years in restocking thel streams, lakes and coastal waters by ttrtifieia1 means. First ArtMtrlat Propagation. The flrFt record ot artificial propa-l gatlon of’sh in Canada dates back' over seventy years, when Richard Net-l tle in 1854 interested himself in the re-i storation of the salmon fuheries ot Quebec. Three years later he was tur-l, pointed Superintendent of Fisheries' for Lower Canada, now the Province' of Quebec. His first experiment was'. with trout eggs secured in the Jacques? River. and these were the first 1P!ie.i-i ally fertilized eggs successfully hatch» ed in North or South America. Nol new development along these lineal took place until 1867-the year of Con-i federation-when fish cultural opera-l tions became a recognized part cf the} work ot the Federal Department ot: Marine and Fisheries. I Patient Pehmen. IiBlH1ErigtMMTIfiiimtgiN ' ---‘ T HERE are a score of good reasons why The Evening Telegram has more tender- in Toronto than any other newspaper. It In the brightest, cheeriest and newslest ot them all. Every evening in The Telegram you enjoy a feast of the best teaturee--sth comic strips. crossword puzzles for children and grown-ups, serial and short story, fashions, recipes, fairy tales, iiiiiioTGrs -Giiau ot dddttiénal trout rank magazine material. The best writers and arusts ot the world contribute to it every day. Every member ot your family will enjoy it. Buy it tonight at your news agent's or lend in your tsubscription without delay. a feast of entertainment every night _ Latest News, Best Features Cleverest Comics The Evening TELEGRAM Toronto, Ontario lhctehor‘y in. built try the Dominion ‘Government. Bo tar as is known, this It the Brat regular, huchery in the New .World built and equipped at Govern- iment expense. From then on the ser- viee rapidly expanded. In 1878 there ‘were seven hatcheries in operation pad the total dutritMttion ot try ismounted to 9,500,000. but year over "I establishments were actively em ‘zaged in distributing 886,000,000 try and older figh ot all species. Era of Stablilty and Prooperlty. While the mator portion ot the labor and expense involved in tish culture is Icarried by the Federal Government, in Iwttiett control ot coastal waters is .vested, many of the Provincial Govern- .rneme also are keenly alive to the im- )portance ot this work and hear thett lshnre ot the cost. Whatever the ex- ipense. there is no doubt but that the v,ettort has been worth while. Many i,t1shirur areas that had been ruthlessly Iexploited hare been replenished, and as long " this work continues. the fish. .ing industry ot Canada will be pro: ‘tected with ample scope for develop- l meat and expansion. "It can't be done in our apartment house." A man Spent nearly ten years draw- ing 124 ditterent heads on the surface of a single cherry atone. Most people would need a microscope to make out the details of the faces. The man to- tused 82,500 tor the stone. Making Friends on Road. Sharing the road with others make: friends. Blocking the road makes an an unnecessary enemy. You can't " ford to make nemierr--they may prove expensive. , "Napoleon could sleep peacefully on the battlefield." At the opening session ot the Gene- dian Fisheries Association held re- cently at Halifax. Mr. J. A. Jaulhua, re- tiring president, summed up the situa- tion as tollowtc---"AecoMhur to statis- tics, the production of titrtt trom all quarters is well maintained, The con- sumption as a tood is also on the in- crease. There has been a general im. provement both in demand and in pro- duction, which aunts well for the tuture. The foreign markets have lately shown a better feeling, and, taken all round, it seems that the tiirtt industry is entering upon an are: of stability and prosperity. threepenny-piece. There is also a sig- net ring on the inside of which the same teat was accomplished. "it the prospects ot keeping up the publicity campaign which was Inaug- urated two years ago can materialise, I feel eottitdent that in a very short tlme the yield of the figh resources of this country will run into $100,000,000 yearlW' Andy Sleep. I Possibly the but u uu book. tor cum-l tending. 'Penn' Marr, was (“an to the wand one hundrod you: no, 122 years after the death of its author. The ttrat edition was entered at Bta- ltionera' Hall, on August 9th. 1525, and that date may, therefore. be taken as the centenary of the Diary. The Diary was discovered in the Pepyslan Library " Magedalent Col. lege, Cambridge. It was written In shorthand. and extended to six vol- umes. The members of the Bray- brooke family. who were hereritary visitor; ot Magdalene, became intercit- ed in these mysterious volumes, and showed them to their relation, Lord Granville. 0n examining them, this peer. who lied made a hobby at short. hand, we. uble to prepare a key. The key and the six volumes were then placed in the heads ot John Smith. an undergraduate. The quality of the Diary was recog- nized immediately on its publication, and if has been a source of unfailing delight to succeeding genentionl. Pepys gives himself away " complete- ly. He was a man of very ccnatredable abilities, who was Secretary to the Ad- miralty in the reigns of Charles II. and James 11. and James IL, and who did such valuable work in that capacity that he hag claims to be rmrded an the father ot the British Navy. But he constantly exhibits himself in the most ludricrous positions. The romantic notion, says a writer in "Beitsnay," that monkeys naturally climb coco-nut palms and throw down the nuts out of mischief or trom a. de- sire to oblige is pure fletiott. The mon- keys must be caught young and care. fully trained to their Jobs by attaching them to a long pole, on the top ot which is fastened a bunch ot fruit. The animals quickly learn to run up to the fruit end throw it down for their own food. Having once mastered the main idea, as it were, they can then be per- fected in their profession in the palm trees. Ftiertti---"We1l, I guess your’re glad the children have their vacations now?" m Pattani, a southern province of Mam, and in Kelanmn, one at the un- federated Malay States. monkeys are trained by the natives to pick coco- nuts and edible seed pods tor their masters. . Only the larger monkeys are success- tul with the coco-nuts. The smaller monkeys can manage the pods which grow in small clusters on the ends ot the branches of the sataw tree, and which provide the natives with an im- portant food item. The seeds re- semble a broad bean and are eaten as a vegetable, both raw and cooked. It is aid that a well-trained monkey can pick as many pods in a day as a man, thus enabling his fortunate owner to earn a. full day's wages with a mini- mum amount of effort. Mother-"Tttaths a ggetrtfom--when theirs begins, mine ends." Proeraetlrtating Man. It is curious that during the hall'- mlmon or more years that man has In- habited the was, he hats learned to cultivate only about 300 species of plants out of more than 100,000 that are known to exist. Smith took three years to tran- Lcribe the Mary, and then placed the complete manuscript In the hands ot Lord Braybrooke, who made the selec- tion which formed the first edition. Even in a dim Intended for no eye: but their own, few men would make the admission: that he makes. He re- ceives a present of venison, which proves to be tainted, and at once sends it to his mother. He accepts a bribe without looking at it "that 1 might say tint I did not know what there was in the Ins." KEEP CHILDREN WELL DURING Mf WEATHER Every mother knows how fatal the hot summer months are to small child- ren. Cholera intanturn, diarrhoee, dysentery, colic and stomach troubles are rite at this time and often I pre- cious little life is lost after only a few hours' illneu. The gather who keeps Baby's Own Tablets in the house (eels safe. The occasional use or the Tab- lets prevent stomach and bowel trou- Nea, or it trouble comes mddenly- " it generally does-the Tablets will bring the baby solely through. They are cold by all druggists or will be matted on receipt of price, 25 cents per box, by The Dr. Willieml' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Anittle booklet, "Care of the Baby in Health and Sick. ness," will be sent free to any mother on request. _ A vast new forest is being hid out in East Anglia. When completed it will stretch for sixteen miles in an unbroken line through Norfolk and Suffolk over what was formerly dero- Iict land. Ask torlMInard'ts and take no other, Making Monkeys Work. IU Fi" \i’ i i'ii'iihi?ri-;li,iijj "Father of the Fleet." . A Question. TORONTO in . recent urticle in necktie- Magazine W. Howard Mingoe has re- nted some of the deeds and dengere of the Bring mail service from coast to coast ct the United States. Some- thing of the variety ot perilous adven- ture these men are likely to encounter titer they have crashed or made a forced landing and escaped with lite and limb from immediate disaster in indiuted by the odd addition to their ttying equipment that experience bu prompted. Flying over the snow coun- try, they now curry snowshoes lashed to the side ot the pine; army canteens are carried in crossing the waterless Nevada desert, six-shooters and tidal to, protect them where wolf peck: range. in the " their worst enemy in fog or blinding snow, especially in the neighborhood of mountains. One iiyer, Clair Vance. came down in n snowstorm in the Sierra. Nendu n few weeks ago, and. though his brother pilots aided by men hom the truly sought him tor days. they had given him up for lost by the time he and. " way back to civilization, heif- starved and with his clothes in ran end " shoes worn through. Hours later Knight recovered con- sciousness and dug himself out ot the - and splinters at the bottom of the canon. His none was broken, and he Watt almwt frozen. From his path In the sky he had observed a ranch house some ten miles back, and with that as- his objective he staggered pain- fully and by slow degress through the drifts. Bob Ellis, caught in a downdratt, crashed against the side ot a precipice. where the plane clung to the now like a tty on the wall. Ellis could do noth- ing but .sit there and wait for help. An- other pilot found him a few hours later and spread the alarm. A rescue party worked tta way to the top ot the moun- tatn and lowered ropes. Ellis tied one ot them round his waist. and they hoisted him a hundred feet or more up And our the top. It wu many week- before the plans could bevsalvaged. Another, Jack Knight, started one day in bad weather tor Rock Springs, and on ranching the that mountain range found the peaks covered with mist 1nd snow. At that moment " engine begun coughing. With most ot his power lost Knight looked over the side tor a possible landing. He was unable to see the earth through the murk. Glancing ahead at that instant, he was startled to tind a cliff looming up in front of him. His plane was " most on the rocks. He reached the house. The people there carried him into Lnramie. when he was put to bed. Three (by: In the hospital and Knight was tlying again. He Wu “Moon Struck." After he dept under the full moon one night, the face ot n miner in Kay goorie, Austrauh, was twisted curious- ly, and it was several days before he "covered. Persons who have been sun-struck often will shiver in tho hot- test sun. doctors here say. Knight worked swiftly at the con. trols; bat he was helpless, tor a ter- rifle downgust swirling over the moun- tain peak beat upon the wine ot " machine. It kept on out ot control. The next moment it had crashed against the ledge high up on the side of Telephone Canon. The impact tore " the nose oLthe pine and knocked Knight utitsottaeiotta. The engine and the propeller 11y there in the ice and snow. The rest ot the machine, with Knight in it, was whirled out into space again, where it Buttered about like a falling leaf, still in the grip of that downward blut. Mlnard'u Liniment for Distemper Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer prod- uct proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for 25 years. which contains proven directions Say "Bayer" - Insist! 11936.? IBartr", km}! 13 tahle9 Aspirin ta the end:- mark (registered in my o? m Hal-far"!!! 0: Ion- muuckleutcr at "lltTlicarH. . ThB'SotuZ'J tiGiiic-iGiiiiiii Jiiiiiiius"trriiadl ted' The same good tea for 30 years. 1rr]it1 Order from your grocer his best to. ad he'll usually send "Red Roses" With the Flying Mail. Accept only a Bayer package i1'fiill!,!l/j)',f,ii,.i..l(i) ' about Lydin E. Pinkhnm'l Vegetable I Compound by rating the letters in the newspapers Ind tried it because t 2eiii,'iri,r,iiri'te"irri [bought good result: from it u I he! a lot ltmngcr _ and an not troubled with such bad 1 le,','?:,'.""','"', I used. to be and name“? re u. m gaming in wei t a I magnum and I tell 'dr frlendn what. i kindof medicine I an) _ ing. _You may Never “It the ma who won't trust others. I nanny women who were childless. also i to women who need a good tonic. I am I Enrich and my husband is Amrtcan, Inn tsetoldrniofMdin E. inkhttm j while in Exam I would twin; "eqrrye..tio1rfro.t_litti, kson women's gammy. , tugs up which I It doesn't need I In“ compliment to swell a mull bend. . Every mu: bu his price. but they are not all worth it. Good-bye in quite the lone“ word In my ungme. A little Ins-Inc's Iota ot fun it you Im- the proper one. Anyone an all. bat tt an. I rent- ly clever person to nodenund. Some people are to man that grudge. are the only things they ever my. V The linden tttings in the world to keep Ire your money and your temper. Some men are so Absent-minded that they are come-any forgetting channel's. Weighing only than pounds, I baby in a Bath hospital was booed u once in In incubator and fed etch hour with I teupoonful a. whey. meals; with pains and [munch and Giiik not sleep nigh“. I learn about Lydia E. Pynkhun'a Vegan! Compound by mating the letters in t newspgpets spa tried. gt because tilllldl NOT SLEEP NIGHTS ie,yLise, u’ a ('tttitheort, 'c. Mrs. .AIES keno, x 12, Dublin, Ontario. Halifax Nurse Row Halifax. N. s. - 'T an . mum? nurse and have moommonded‘ Lydia Pinkhm'n Vegetable Comppwd Ito heptobad. lwillw†I unmet letter. from my ','dl,te%' than: the Vegetable (bgnpound. "--the S. IL: Com-NAN.“ Una-ch Street. mug Nov: Seoul. 'NIGHTG‘ , ll â€MORNINGM KEEP Yov9Irlif.i, . LEA-1'5 “c L {AK In? " [LEN ‘17. III I“. It. “ W W. “am 'ains and Headaches Rena lined by Taking Lydia E. HUNTERS Dublin, Take I bottle of Mlmrd'o to the woods with you. Splendid tor sprains. outs. brunet Men who have ter.- ' der, sensitive skins. "sity irritated by shavingmill find Cu.. ticura PteparntiortsideC. ‘, The new freely-uttterine Cuticurn Soap Shaving Stick permits shaving mice 4-in without irrim-‘ tion of the skin. Cudcun Ttshams,) an end-emu: powder. in combing and cooling to the most tender skin. 1Ttt.. 'au2trd'huedrr $.11: It. 2iytrrout I Ind 'tte. Nam Sc. Iii." 'eGiarrrGuGHriiir, 15¢. Caj'ycua 7ii%"Jikyn Wavelets of Widow. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound l, otttario.-"I In: weak and r with pains md Munch l not sleep mu 1 s'i,'ii'iiii) mm E. Pynkhun'l Vegetable " by ',rtiit1 letters in the era sad it because I ISSUE 'dt . " jfttf shaving refrfshing is cooling and 'we'. ak 'Pr""'"':'" 'AU'dt Ah: t' 33W , L"i'iiarp':P, PPA; .tiitir , “as It}: