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Durham Review (1897), 31 Dec 1925, p. 4

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TEE? Eventing tor your Chm-u Cake; Raisins, Oates, gigs. Nuts, Peels. Outback. Chocolates and oth. uCudIesol all “scripting . . FRESH BREAD filEN0EpSON'S BAKERY To add to. the "access of daily meals or Christmas dinner well blind, wholesome and tatstr---its ideal fttr curving at the tahlsr---stuffing the turkey - for Prices Seating Ah The Review received on intereIt-l in; letter iron Mrs. Tirol. E. lege.) who with Mr. Brown. ore spending their second winter in Florida. While the letter was not intended for publication. we ore taking the liber- tr oi culling some interesting sec» tions therefrom. Mr Brown has put-i [chased a lot at Lauderdale but will) that build for a time.---Ed. i Fort Lauderdale, Florida; “This place has grown so much) since we left last spring, we would ‘scarcely know it again. it used to be called Oakland Park, but there have been some new developers come in and they changed the name to "rtoranada," I don't think they improved the name very much. They ‘are called the British American de- ‘velopers and say they are going to ,mnke it the prettiest spot in the world. I will give you a little idea ot some of the prices prevailing. The Presbyterian Manse was recent- ly sold tor $45,000 and they were of- tered $175,000 for the church for a business site. but turned it down.. Living is much higher this year than last: Potatoes $1.25 a peek; packed eggs 65c a dot: butter tGe tt lb. Fruit is not nearly so plenti- ful and much higher in price. Board is $10 to $14 a week in private homes and a four roamed house will bring $75 a month rem There were threw men landed here Sunday last from Toronto, started work Tuesday at plastering, each getting 818 per day. They were certainly lucky. The tramc here. is something ter- rible. In Lauderdale they have started one way tunic. Miami has nothing on Fort Lauderdale now. At the Post 0ttice they will be lined up away out on the street, each waiting their turn. I went up to Pompano to post some mail and the lady told me I could leave it but perhaps it would not so out for one week. they were working overtime, so took it back to Lauderdale. All being welt, we are planning to spend Xmas on the beach." " YEARS AGO From Review fyle, Dec. M, 1910 Vote. tor Calder for Keen for 1911 That she was appreciated as tea. cher was evident from the kindly words received by Miss G. Backus from her pupils at Rivyrview on leaving before Chriatmas. At the closing concert she was presented with an address. a set of silver spoons. a fruit dish and a gold brace let. Next year she will preside ov. er Corbetton school. Born. lit Glenelg Tuesday, 20th Dec.. to Mr md Mrs Arch. Benton 3 daughter. Married on 22nd Dec, by Rev Mr. Berry, Prieevme, Mr Henry Morrow, N. Line. Glonelg. to Mrs Ferris.lat9 ofProton.. . NOMINATIONS Bantinck: B. Putherbough is op- posing Alex. Wilson for Reeveshlp. A. Grierson Is deputy "try scam- tion. Hanover: Mayor Knechtel and Reeve Mearns are re-eteetd. Egremont: Reeve, Geo. Lothlan. John McArthur: Deputy, W. McFad- den. J. R. Philp, W Wat-on. Council. Jas. Metlvride, McLachlan, McRobb. Roberts. Proton: Reeve, Daniel Wilson. r. Corbett. Deputy. Jog. Cronin, R. Cronin. Council. Jno Aldcorn. W. Henry. Jacob Half. Geo. Wideman. G.H. Metheral, W. Hastie. Normanby: Warden Schenk, ac- clamauon. Deputy, W. Umbuch. R.1. Shier. Council. C. Baetz. W. Kenna, D. Leith, Gllman Stewart, C. Helm. Jno. Whiteford. From Review fyle, Deg. 27, 1900 Never we may safely say In this section ot the Province. has there been such a loss by tire as that ot the great Knechtel Furniture Co. in Hanover. when the plant was cola- pletely destroyed. . " IN DAYS OF YORE Miss M. Large who for four years) has taught school in s. s. No. 9.2 Glenelg, closed her services there' last week and was presented with an‘ address and beautiful silver tea serv-) ice and fruit basket as a. mark of appreciation of faithful services. From her fellow workers in the Methodist church came 3 beautiful gift of one dozen beautiful sterling silver tPaspoons and one dozen pearl handled fruit knivea. From her B. s. class came 1 china ii o'clock tea sot. Miss Large has been organist in the church for some years. and has been a force tor good in the church and out ot it. The members of Dr. Gun's Bible Class presented him with I hand. some easy chair as I memento of association with him for years past as teach” and pupils in the Presby- teriln church. Mr Nett McKechnie leapegt this week Mr Detroit. where in company with Mr MeWiititutvr, tho promoter of the enlarged Cement Cat.. he will proceed to interview Capitalists and otherwise push the affair. Rev. Mr. Stewart sold his the cor- ner lot the other daydo Mr A. B. Hunter. The prlye paid was nearly $50 a foot (roman. Mr Rabi. Picken was married on Christmas Day to Miss Maggie 14nd- Bay, of North Glenelg. daughter or Mr. Andrew mutiny. Gle-nelg: Old council re-elected 26 YEARS AGO Sunny Florida l DURHAM PUBLIC SCHOOL Ryan. Lottie MeryynLGeo. Traynor, Moore McFadden, (Norman Bt cker and Audrey Bell) equal. John A. Graham. Principal Jr IV B-Beryl falkingham, Mary Tobin, Gertie Harrison, Josie Fat. Cotter, Lawrence Whitmore. Br Ill A-Ethel Mervyn. Doris Ttry- Ear. Frank Goodchlld, Grace Becker, Velma Noble. 'iirrv- iC.ndrottiy bickering. (Clen Rowe and Gordon Mche) equal, C. Sadie F MacDonald, Teacher Sr III B--Jattet Watson. Ruby Wil- lis, Alma Kress, Reta Willis, Norm- an Dean. Jr. lit-Genevieve Saunders. Helen Young, Annie Campbell. MerldnHav- ens, Floyd Kearns. Edna A. Browning. teacher Sr II-Margaret Dunsmdor, Louise Jamlmon, (Alma Wilson and Clifford Resdhead) equal. Abbey McLean. (Margaret Sibbald and J. D. Murd- ock) equal. Sr p Ir-olive Bqrtwhistle, Frances Hay. Lorne Prew, Hazel Moore, Mar- le Allen. Annie Mucdonald, teacher Jr II A-tLilly Long and Shirley McIntyre) equal. Florence Havens, Arthur Koch, Clara. Jack, Mary Pickering. Jr ll B--Harotd Trattord, Margaret Watson, Olive Dunsmoor. Nathan Ritchie, Marlon McCaslin. ' Mary E. Morton, teacher Sr I-tJean Rowe and Oleida Hahn) equal, Mary Firth, Ross Wilson, C. Thompson (Marion Moore and Jim. mie McAullffe) equal. Jr l-Geqrge Braithwaite, Bobby Grey, Cannon Noble. Lewit Whit- more, Iris Huglll. Donalda McEachern. teacher Br Pr A-GeorgeoPrew, Gordon Gra- ham. Percy Murdock, (Kathleen Mc- Fadden and Gordon Kennedy) equal Delbert Moore. Sr Pr B--Veima Dean. Jean Mc- Lean. Clifford Johnston, Thornton Snell, Jean Murdock. wSrPr C-- Eddie Wells, Dorothy Ashley, Vera Collinson, Elmer Glen. holme. _ Jessie B. Witthun, teacher Jr Pr A-Robbie Milne, Eileen Tucker. Raymond Gardiner, Sarah Dyer, Helen Lawrence. Jr Pr B-Mean McDonald. Helen Young, Douglas Dunsmoor. (Janet Robb and Patrick Clarke) equal, Al. lan Pinkerton. "In Pr c-Ruth Nichol, Arthur Al- Ian, Qack Gibbs, Stanley Falklnsham Florence Bryans. Br IV --Bermud Ciarbt, Parry Sr Iv-Lawrence Hopkins, Carman Rosebomugh. Mayple Armstrong. Jr Iv-pearl Armstrong. Violet Arm. strong. Tom Milligan. Br m-M. Pickett, Reta Vollett. Sicily Hopkins, Elvin Vollett. Sr "--Clarenee Rit chie, Raymond Hopkins and Jim Armstrong equal, Anetta Manta, Al- lie Hopkins. Br I--Dawsotr vollett, Fred Roseborough. Jr I-Irvine Mountain, Minnie Manto. Pri-Freda Ritchie, Dan Armstrong. Smith Hole kins. A-Margaret Murdock. U. NO. 2, BENT. & GLENELG Br Iv-Katherine McLean 60 p. c. Jr W - Corinne Lawrence, Jean Clark. Sr m-Myrtle McLean 55 p. c. Br Ir-Ay-ttCe Ritchie, Herbie Miner. Jr Ir-items Clark. Muriel Brown. Cheater Miller. Jr I---) Vin-lie. Arch. McLean. Jr Pr--Geor gina Miller, Jr Iv-Annie McArthur, Douglas McArthur, Amelia Legato. Beth Mc- Gllllvray. Sr Ill - Willie Trafford, In Trattord. Jr III-Mary Moore, Jean McArthur. Jean McGlllvruy. Mal. McArthur, Jim Trafford, Feral Legate, Teddy Moore. Jr Ii-War., McArtlfur. Jr i-John McArthur. Gordon MeGilllvray, Laura McArthur Glen Moore, Ellzabeth Brown. Jr Pr. --g. A. Brown. Erma Stewart. Allan Mclnnls, Teacher THE DURHAM REVIEW s. B. MW, NORMANBY Reading, Writing. Arithmetic, Geo- graphy, Grammar, Composition, Lit- ernture. Spelling. Art, History. - Jr Iv-Mtsttel Sharp. Wilbert Petty, Myrtle Marshall, Melville Watson, Jack Smallman. Br tir-Ted Morice. Claire Notice. Br ll: Read., Writ., Arlth.. Art, Comp., Geo., Lit., Bpetl.--irene Petty, Wallace Marshall, Elgln Petty, Susle Marshall. Jessie Marshall. Tommy Watson, Howard Marshall. Sr l-- Wilfrid Marshall. Murray Marlee. Pr -Aiitut Wagon. Mae MeEaehttrn, Martha Eckhardt. Archie McPhail. Florence McPhnil. Annie McKinnon, Katie McKinnon. Alice Préudley. Sr. "r--Roddie Me Eachcm.' Gladys McKinnon, Robert McIntyre. J.James Eckhardt. Jr"! ---A. line Macintyre. Archie MeEactr em, Minnie McPhall. Br II-Cecil Proudley, Alex. McKinvnon. Florence MacEachern. A. Mae McEachera, W. Proudtey, Damian. McLeod. Edna Eekhardt. J--sutie MeEachern. D. Eachm. Andrews Eckhardt. . Pro- Cl. V-Helen Curdt, _ Frances Me Eachern. Mnry Prou.dley. Cl. nr-- Allie Eckhnrdt. Anna. McEachern. Liked ti, u-swe MeEaehern, D. K McKinnon. S. B. NO. IO, GLEN. & EGRE'T Links Schaeter, teacher Kathleen Firth, teacher Elizabeth McCuni-g 'aeher NO. ll, BENTiNCK L. NO l, GLENELG E. W. Petty, Teacher A. E. Thuell. teacher ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO We wish editors. suit and readers} ot the Review I. very happy tusd, prosperous New Year". . [ A pleasing feature of the closing or the school for 1925 m the excel. lent program presented by the pup- ils. The parents were “so invited and a merry time was spent. all ex- pressing the interest Miss Watson has taken in the school and the training she has given the pupils. Rev. and Mrs Crickington spent the Xmas holidays with friends in London. . . Mr Gerald Brunt, student at Me Master University. Toronto is spend lag the holidays with his parents, Mr and Mrs Jag. Brunt. era Geo. and James and little Edna, spent Chsmtmaa with Durham friendI The annual Christmas entertain- ment at the church was held Mott. day evening, Dec. '21, and was a. de- cided success. The children and all who took part. did well. The pastor, Rev. H. Crickington presided. Supt. A. C. McDonald gave out the pres- ents and candy to the children at the close. Mrs Jam. Summon and son Alister, of Port Elgin, are spending' a ,pleas- ant holiday with her sister. Mrs A. Hustle and Mrs Mary Brown. Mr Walter Boyce ot Hamilton via. ited his parents over the holiday. ' Mrs H. Dunn received a telegram Saturday from Toronto, swung that her daughter Irene was seriously ill. We are pleased to know that at lat. est word she is somewhat better and expects to come home in a few weeks Pleased to Bee Mr Alex. McGregor of townllne Bent. & Sullivan ls run- ning for Councillqr in Bentlnck. We wlsh him success. He is a relative of the Hobklrk family through his wife, who was formerly Miss Belle Mc- Klunon. A Happy New Year to all. . Misses Isabel and Mary MeQuarrie ot Toronto, are holidaying withthelr parents, Mr and Mrs D. McQuarrle. Miss Mary Lamb, teacher near Blenheim, is spending the vacation with her parents. Miss Mary McCallum spent a couple days last week with the McLean family. - Miss Carrie Grierson of Hespeler. is spending a week with her parents w and Mrs Rom. Grierson. Mr and Mrs J. Knmey and daugh» ter Ruby of Durham, spent Xmas with Mr and Mrs Jas Hahn and family. Mr and Mrs D ate Christmas d Mrs. Thom Torry Misses Hazel and Ada Chapman. also Master Bert. spent Xmas week with their aunt, Mrs Geo White,near F'ieaherton. Mr and Mrs E. Noble and son Alymer. of Hutton Hill, spent Sun- day with Mr and Mrs Jno. G!'!ert'on. Quite a number from this line at- tended the Nomination at Lamlaah on Monday. _ Mr and Mrs Fred Cut! spent Xmas with the lutter’s mother, Mrs Rom. Bell, Glenelg. Misses Stella Lynn and Ruby Hes. tits attended the Xmas Tree at Craw- ford on Wednesday night: of last week. . Mr and Mrs Jos Miss Merron McArthur attended a party at Mr Dave Ritchie's in town, Wednesday night of last week. We wish ye Editor. tttatt and read, ers a Happy New Year. . Mr and Mr: And. Park and Miss Lillie spent Xmas with Mnover rel- tttives. Miss Ora Livingstone, Hamilton. spent the holiday with her parents, Mr and Mrs Wm" Livingstone. Mr Jas. Henderson of --, Sui. is visiting his slam. Mrs Rom Johnston. Mr and Mrs Geo. Allen and son, Mr and Mrs Alex Alice and famlly. ate Christmas goose with Mr and Mrs David Donnelly. Mr and Mrs Robt. Lindsay and family, Glenelg. spent Xmas at W. G. McCullough's. . Mr and Mrs Wm Torry and Mr. and Mrs Geo. Torry, spent Christ- mas with the farmer‘s daughter, Mrs Robt. Cripps, Hanover. Mr and Mrs Jan. Heughnn. Dun ham, spent over Christmas with Mr, and Mrs Chas. Reay. ' Mr and Mrs Thou. Wilson, Durham. spent Xmas with Mr and Mrs John Wells. Mr and Mrs Wm Livingstone visi- ted recently with Mr and Mrs Henry Brigham, Allan Park. . Mr Wm Heughan and daughter. Erma, Mllverton, and Mr Watt Ed- wards. Toronto, made a Bring visit with Mr and Mrs Chas new Friday. A number from here attended the nomination " Lamluh Monday. We undersnnd H. w. Hunt ig coming out for Reeve, “that D. McDonald, the present Reeve. The annuals Christmas entertain- ment was given in No. 9 school Tues- day afternoon and the teacher. M153 Park, deserves great credit for the interest she had/uken in training the children. Mr Wm Weir acted“ chairmen. The program Cohatated ot songs try the school, recitation. and dialogues and short “dresses try the older people. After the program, Santa moaned and candies were dis- tvibuted from the tree. Lunch was NORTH BENTINCK GREEN GROVE D. Lamb and family. dinner wlth Mr and Porter and Mast served at the - Mr um Mrs Jm.'81ncldr and two children, Muriel and Min ot Hope- ville. spent Xmu Day with Mr. and Mrs w. Welt. " The ”11qu funny with Mr and Mrs Wm Vlckers. Violets. Mr W. Noble of Kyle. Sum. spending a few weeks with his 51 er, Mrs Jno. McGirr and other Trial in town. _ - __ A.-. My; "I “In”. We are sorry to heu- thlt Mn thur IAwrence is confined to her with In grime. _ .1 an“ Mr Alfred WI" spending some time Mr W. R, Watson. Mr Reg, Arum! SpKover luc .w. lday with friends in orarstreviile. Mr Wm. Lawrence is spending a few days in Toronto. Miss May Andrews spent a week with her aunt, Mrs W. R. Watson. Mr and Mrs Jno. McGirr spent Xmas Day with Mr and Mrs Vlctor Noble of town. . _ == _.-' tum. Mr and Mrs We ily, spent Xmas 3 Mrs. W. Lam-elm! The. annual meeting of L01. no. 1192. was held in their Hall on Mom day night for the purpose of instal- ling the omcers for the coming year. They are as follows: W. M., Wm. Hewitt; D. M., Geo. Whitmore; Chan. Geo. Bell; Ree, Beet', Wm! Atchlson; Fin. Been Harold Lawr- ence; 'Treasc, Geo. Hopkins; Mars shall. Thos. Bell: lecturers. Inc. Am drews. and L. McFadden. The. Dist. Master, Wm Erwin of Durham. acted " installing officer and also gave a short address on the work of the Orange Order. A number of visit- ing brethren from Varney, Durham and Egremont. Refreshments were served at the close. . Mr and Tin/iv. R, Watson enter- tained some of. their friends to dinner on Christmas Day. , Mrs Murray _l{l'tchle and Mrs Farr Lawrence spent a few days with their father, Mr. Hamilton last week. A Happy New Year to you and yours and readers of the Review. Christmas Day was wen quietly kept around these parts. Family re unions, where one visited with an- other, were of a quiet Order. Mr Jan. Henderson ot Lumsden. Sash landed In Durham last week one. visit to his mother and relath'es In and around Hampden and spent Thursday with Mr and Mrs Andrew Fulton. "ii/ine Mrs Geo. Willis and two sons. of Elgar, Sank. are on a visit to friends and relatives m tut East. Mr Clifford Whiteford. Detroit, paid a holiday visit to his old home and left Mondny morning. We are sorry to learn that Mr Wm Ford was operated upon for append. icltis lately. Hope he will have a speedy recovery. Those who were interested in the weifire ,or- the Township. attended the Nomination in Ayton Mondny. But it was undeaded whether there would be an election. Quite a num- ber were ready to mist if assist- ance were needed in the line of run- nirur"towmship aim”. PARK POR SALE Lots ;. Div. s, Con. 1 and Lot 4, Div. l, con. l, ln Township of Glen. eur, on east slde of Gar-Iran Road. one mile from Dornoeh Ind eight from Durham. School lull a mite south. Stone house. 100 ncres. A snap for cash. Apply at Review or. tice. Too Much Hockey Ruined Donald's Health It It often and that tours are Jun eaten removed from tor. Poor Donna knows that. At the Are of " he vu tttendintr high school, plsylnz on I hacker team. going to parttoq and do- ins n I the “an“ that a red-blooded youth will do. hen toy wu at In height gloom made its nppeunnce In the Ihnpe of consumptton. There wu nothing to do, the doctor Igidhbut ttrovpve.rrt.ttiyts Ht.d so 12 0=°=°=01 lulu. In”. u-uy cvc.;uuu. - " u. the Hulkok; P/IT/ke tor a thorough rent and "tt ut, c taunt Hellman. Donna It“ now forgotten " relent- ment at fate In MI hvptnou over the MY'! that he in soon to be "nt ttot_ne4-tprtte.r.' _ . -- "tfiirtritaiiiiti" my be sent to Hon. W. A. Chartton, ngldgng. 223 Col- iibristiai," "i‘Xi-bn't'o'i; Titian-'16; Airréd Watson (liar-ar-d Business Sale is Still in Full Swing Prices badly Smashed. . Come and share Middaugh House Block HAMPDEN it Amott'and mu' with MI 'AII Accounts still unpaid must be settled m (if Sash. " with his brother as of COL No. eir Hall on Mom M1110” of instal- the coming year. spent xn chunoush A Bright and Happy New Year to- All WM. llllllilMlll over the hol 'gy, Sui. fl rith his sm- other friend! nd fam- Mr and Ar or ey. Mr Wu. Cancun. w..-“ Mm Hunk. Toronto. an ”the holiday under an man! not Mr Cmpboll Ilia-hell. gunman. spent I few my: this week with hm sister. Mrs Neil new“. Miss label Lawton. Toronto,tspent - _-...., home. Mill Ina-w. - Xmu It the parental home. . . “am-Me. Toronta Miss Isabel Iowan“. ”a---” Wu: 3 visitor with her comm. mu Esther Hebe“ this week. Mr and In "o. Venue entertain. ed a family gathering Kw Day. - _. “-- whole com. ie The ICWI “an”- success . Pine weather tnvored the event and I good crowd gambled to listen to the splendid program pre- pared by Miss Firth 3nd pupils. Ar ter’the program I lunch was served and all went home feeling they had spent a very tlne time. Mr and Mn Jack Cuwell have movpd to the tum or his brother Al. vin, tad COB., Bentlnck. -- -- - A-- tBo..-tras.." Mrnéampbejl McLean, is spending the Xmu holh parental, hee. [Ritual- "v...“ Mitra Stale Lawrence, Toronto. is spending a couple of weeks " her home here. - The te-nlhers on this line arehomv tor the hollduys and are helping to brighten the Christian season. An interesting debate Wu heardix the isettooihotuse Thursday evening the occasion being the debate be tween Edge Hill and the Rocky. tin former winning by 1 mail mnjorit) Miss Robinson of Edge Hill read i very good GaBette To our numerous Custom- 'i ers and Friends, we extend t our Best Wishes fora very I Merry Christmas Bright New Year C. L. GRANT DURHAM MACHINE SHOP For Public acoommodnuon. Good outfits, good len'lce. Home Clippers Shupened. SKATES SHARPENED Sun annulled. General Repairing Done. Machlnory a Radio. hte Sate. Morse Livery DEC. " F. W. a OSCAR MOON Apply " F. w. MOON, Machiniot WI .w.9r-"-'" one son. Archie ma daugtr '. her ulster, in Jim Wat. «A ".4 three brothers, in the Snaps. Y' holiday: " the EUR“ AM wu heard in I." evening. B526“ Ild n I have mm uncann- 1.. WOO. in» " the E a: the oomph New m the ma the chair M or lull meeemd tttd Mot" 3,..." No appointim' T “v. N. Whit tttd Jli IMI - tbehool .ndwrr Um" I." to be ‘- In our bu: sud luring- _ II If lam-mink _. - the moat. Tile ” m yew-Maw 10-h I. an. morning and 1 - III of old who wa, . I." [number m bnnnm _ w made, and whr-r, u - done. mm thru., w left to had} 9th - we and at, out 4' "m {at (Ya!ily f “on w ”carom ‘NN'S BIG flour. 1 uh Fl t our Ptice befote you _ _...-" Wheat to I os mm. No trali Ill W and with HE PEOPLE' Prid Flow (rm. t OHN l tnt-td W DELIVE'EO “Ni Mit & GLENELC "r, t. 1925 qi, s CACF, on BEEF Chopping NY Prosperousi ttlo IN TOWN El pHONE "a AN scan Mo off MELOI in!“ Wit let M End B It

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