I the Owen Your mum, for further “.1. Nor. Ftoote Ell! man blue-l mt , recon! Lo nun- he Stoc- lrom Dar 0. are to ' We. [ Shim n hotl- mum "I? to x‘rl'ERSON the {In W: my Stti" NT ‘HESTRA " ear n ut I. I expel - " I“... Mu n ted " ' f . Rom! House'h'd Flour. who; 4.60 , "Lu-HUG Flour. per ttatt .... 4.25 " Canada Flour. per huh... 4.25 “3. Emma: Edward Flour. not III-$00 I.' Fund Hour.‘per has .....'...'2.00 Palm Lily Flour. " . In... 1.00 i I'anadian Beauty. " ttt 3.8.. 1.00 3; Prairie Pride Ptottr, verb-I 4.00 St. Columln T. Ps .. .n, Toasts Propoud and Imi- ed to by Young Poem 3733373331 , W t' Get our Price Hue you Sell your Wheat 1 " I intend My!" What to ship try the CNN GOODS DELIVERED IN TOWN EV ERT DAY. PHONE NO. I. DAY Ott - than on good wow 1 Crtrater 'd that t: Qustom Chopping Every Day Best Quality of Flour & Feed BLATCHFORI’S CALF. PIG AND POULTRY FEEDS. A100 GUNN'S BIG " BEEF SCRAP AND POULTRY FEEDS. Pres, Mrs Prod Knrntodt. - lho- speakitttt tn a In drtrrtgmt- ' speech. “our Km." the oa t, was honored by on tttina i "(ind Save the King." "Our c. ' coupled with the none ot my Oliver and the nudicnco in mm» Leaf." Mr Oliver uter- ' and spoke of the ml“ ot " which was a lasting mentorini vi‘fortn of the only pionoorl. more good tttings he Mid. Mill Human gave a piano solo and wt gave "Hop Scotch. Recita- y Robt. Whitaker wu given. toast to "Our Church." pro by Miss Kate McMillan. show- the tact that tho church had 4 stood for truth an?! righteout No other institution had Inch "achirte possibilities. Establish- all countries. wherever it goes. :ttitm follows: being founded on Himself. With the formation on, our own outlook has broad- with greater increasing inter- Ian ever before. ttttd hoped that rod work in the future would be greater than in the past. She that they rise with her and to our own and all other ma throughout the world. Re. to by W. (l. Watson who hoped he Methodist Ch. would still a helping hand to the great m (‘hrist's kingdom. and by McCormack who swim on tho- mint: out principle, not losing of other rhurrhes and ottterde, :tt-ionrl in tho land. all striving and. and reritinz a story that at we should have a feeling of will to all nurh. all striving for m ,;.nqm-t under the ail-pleas of an: Prople'tt Society or Bt. ha I'nued Church. m hold ht Martini)!!! ot the church M mixing. About 5 month In, ~\'.-rv chosen with like†RID! (rad) and Annie Stutetmed, (H captafm. A "an of was amazed for sum. A Int-mbers and vitsitsmr, with vlvrotandlnz that the losing rr ,. him-s in this ease) put up ;.p.-r for the winnen. This n strtrlly adhered to. 'ttthelp. bl JAN. 7, was J CHIN . McGOWAN mquut-the In! of the kind " m Priceville. was , m RUCCP.'1N. The human: wu rutmm‘d with the colon of Shiva. red and blue decon- .. pillars “to being mee- wd. The table- ware at- m two long mu. with one a- ,- end. which constituted ttto yle. Community singing as .-r .uppor. "Pack all your 111 uour oid kit tatt"; "It lmubin just to smile or to "Hilver Threads among the TH E PEOPLE's MILLS 3hMWStS*oatWS*teltt'aaaata-aatt . £3 We solicit your patronage vu mm; by Wm Rim-go. Likiiio Balm a M†in!!! @erng PM! And Humid and sell them at Reasonable Prices I; .... 1.5a batt....' 4.26 " bu..4.00 .......2.00 ply-3.. 1.00 tttatt.. Loo perm 4.00 apeotively. merited on encore end replied with “The layout Return." liu than Mord me o reams. "The toast to our Visitor-I," try Miss Allie Pmlov. voiced the pleasure ot welcoming the repre sentative of the Guild. in Flesherton and the notroottcurring one in town. (Miss Futon and Alex Irwin respect- ively.) A splendid opportunity was tsttorded by these visits of creating good fellowship, exehnnge ot ideas. and a mutual interest promoted in tho work. Miss Parslow wished that tho New Year prove even more suc- cessful than the past and that the meetings may prove a. help and bles. sing to " concerned. The toast was duly honored. Miss Paton said we cooperate with other Young Peoples' Societies sno- cessl’uily when we meet the obliga- tions placed upon us.“ Mr Irwin ap- preciated the invitation. had e Joyed being present. and urged hold; for- mat! to the gm! church beyond. A piano solo was given here by Mrs. Hueston (nee May Muir) which was much enjoyed. Al to customnry in Pricevme, the tables were loaded, lots left over, ev- eryone in good humor and willing helpers to clean up at the Baiah. A spondid, sociable and lnntmctlve ev- ent. "The Young Nopies' Societies" toast was replied to by Mr Walter Williamson. Sevenl subjects or questions. were here introduced. Miss Ruby Muir was asked to state. the advantages of bobbed hair. Mr. Corrie McTaggsrt to sate " what age a gonna man should marry; Mrs Stellar . why the young men always chose the back some in church. R. J. Turner had to tell the benefits, of living m the country. while Miss Bertha James we! to recount the possible improvements in our young peoples' meetings "it is an advantage ot being an, rather than short." was a debate on the spur of t he moment. The " tirthative side won sponsored by Miss Edith James, leader. Mrs Pinkerton and Ste‘art Muir and the negative by Mrs McCormack. Mrs Btaftord and Will McKechnie. No oftieiat decision was given, nor was it necessary. Mrs Pred Knmtedt in some well chosen, appreciative remarks closed the'meet- mg. the audience thereafter Joining in Auld Lang Syne. Chopped Oats. per 100 lbs 1.50 Crimped on: per 100 m. 1.50 Strong Chop, per Ittittt" 1.50 Crimped Oats. per ton ..M.00 Oat Chop. per ton .... 27.00 Mixed Chop. per ton 27.00 Gunn'u Tango. 100 lbs 3.00 Bran, In ton lots .... 327.00 Shorts. in ton lots.-...' $28.00 "A said)!" Year to we and a†e handle the nd ucondo re- i It ls needless for us to go to! Miss Ina Burnett, Durham. spenta f Prfepvillrs for news as the good cop, few days with relatives in this vicin- {xgpondpnt from there gives all ot ity and attended the Gillies-Mitch. ' e' passing events, we were going‘ ell nuptials ‘to say irrespective of partiallty to, Miss Tens. Christie came home dHforerteoy, arising from denomina- ,' from Toronto and is visiting her sla- rional troubles. E ter, Mrs Jno. McEachnie. " This Monday finds us all at home) Sorry to hear Mrs Mary Thomp 'itt (ilonplg. Something newnno 0100- ', son's little sou Walter, has Teen l tion. But the snow is disappearing very sick the past few days. ‘fast and our good sleighjng will! Mr Alex. and Miss Alice Stewart, 3soon be spoiled. were visiting over the week end , Quite a number from Edgn Hill l with relatives near Hamilton. and vicinity attended the funeral of; she W. MS. of United congrega- the late Mrs Jhtrnett, Mrs nurnelr, ti meet Thursday of this week at was born in Priceville. as wa: soon! the home of Mn Jtus,"Miteheii. b"," years PRO, being a daughter 'or‘ Miss Doreen Scott is returning to the late Jno._McAuley, who wacmm , her position in Toronto. i Quito a numbvr from Edge Hill and vicinity attended tho (unvral of the late Mrs Jhtrnett. Mrs Burnett was born in Priceville, as Wits', soon 67 years ago, rowing a daughter ’or the late Jno. McAuley, who Wmmzn of the msidents of Pricevillo qo yrs ago The many friends of dorrn'mzi extend condolence to the bereavmi family. . ’ In last week's paper from our writ- ing appears an error, stating t'-at Mrs McPherson of Toronto and [Ming {than of Lumbton M. spent X- F e ming "with their friends, the Mn Maui's of Edge Hill. it sin-"i Mr Gordon Geddes spent New You. with his old putor. Rev. Mr. Burnett. late of Dromore, but my. of St. Marys. . We extend our Iincere tinnki’ul- nos: to the many friends who re minded us with their good wishes and gifts " the Christa“: and New Your holds". some far away and we near our reliance. Then on my mining in the diMNett It.“ in mono); And Price- vilh vicinity on in. the lat mt He, has only one brother Charlie, ‘of Bhothville. in this part of the country, his other brother Archie be- ing a prosperous tumor in the_West. Mrs Mchnel And Mine McLean. of mutton Bt., entertained I numb er ot. their my friends on New Year's evening. We are plump to hear that Alex. McDonald’s little girl is again: well again trom an attack-of pneumonia. Alex. and two children only cam: from the West a few weeks ago, and at present are at hitoitstar',ss Mrs Wm. Leith, of Dromm.‘ When his good little girl In well again, he in- tends to visit his many relatives, for a month or two in the future. _ The tuners] of the into In no. Atmsettof the B. line, was held _ from her home on Thursdny lost and us attended by n very large crowd, who “garbled to my their lust re- spects to one whom they held in m respect. She had been ailing for'jnenriy a yesr. but bore the ttttb ferings ~with Christian fortitude. Her passing not only leaves the van- ‘nnt chair in the home where she was be most missed and especially so ,by the screwing husband. Also ethett 3.e be the vacancy in the neighbor' ood, where she has spent in many years and where during those years. she has endeared -her- self to those, neighbors with whom she was associate! by her kindness sand amiabllity. She was born 66 yrs .ago, in this village,, the daughter or the late Mr and Mrs Jno. McAulay, who were almost, if not, the first oct- tlers in Priceville, while bush stood all around. About 44 years ago she was united in marriage to Mr John Burnett, and to them 'Were born 4 sons and 5 daughters. The sons are Wm., who live on the B. Line : Arch- ie, at home: Arthur in Alberta and James. deceased some years ago. The daughters (Lillie) Mrs D. Me Millan, Portage la Prairie; Mrs W. Barker and Jean, of Toronto; (Mate el,) Mrs Ernest Lane of Basssno. Alta.: (Evelyn) Mrs Cameron Smel- lie of Priceville. all of whom were home for the funeral. Besides the family there are 3 brothers, Alex ot Cleveland: Duncan, of B. C. and Wail- ter McAulay of Algoma: also 4 sis- Utri, Mary. of Toledo; Mrs J. o, Me- Millan. Ceylon: Mrs Lavigne (Kate), of Detroit and Mrs Tindle (Lillie) of Cleveland, who will mourn the. loss ot' a sister. b Her pastor, Rev. S. G. McCormack, took charge of the' ser- vices at house and grave. The pall bearers were the three sons and son- in-law, E. Lane and Angus and CD. McMillan. W. G. Watson, undertaker have boon Mrs MvCanml. Irs Mt" Pherson9 good wishes w re w‘iitu': although in person m Toronto Mrs Brown of McWill'iams is Shand- ing this week with her viece, Mrs, McLean Q! Woodbridge. Mrs Cam- eron in spending this week with Nr Brown _ and family ot Mewiliarna. Mrs Cameron is n sistnr of Mrs. Brown and like a good sister. giving Mrs Brown the privilege ot a week's outing. " Mrs K. Marshall of Toronto, is via- itintt her sister. Miss Sarah McLean. Mrs Wreaford McLean ls spending a few days in Toronto. A miscellaneous shower and dance was held at the home of Mr and Mrs Arch. McLean, G. R., on New Year's eve, In honor of Mr and Mrs Wrea- ford McLean. Mlny useful and beau. tiful gifts were mceived by this young couple and a very enjoyable even- ing was spent. . - Sorry to report Mr Hugh Watters, O.D.R., as on the sick list, also Mrs Duncan McArthur, N. Line, as being quite low at time of writing. PRICEVILLE & GLENELG n Mrs Heinbecker, Williamsford. via-g med her daughter, Mrs A. Stafford. ', Mr and Mrs Ronald McRae and son Corwin of Bridgeburg. visited the fonngr's parents. Mr and Mrs J. J. McRae and other friends here. PRICEVILLE tAp,, (tmme barn m-ar thatch â€crawl. No (Gr 111mm: due : deed.ed property. 'Pull posavmabn at (I00 If dashed. This r . 20:? up.“ and stock turn. 20 name (t Oats, , :crel of Peal. t an»: of Buckyheu. " um of Ba,» ' mun offered for “lo. i - Forjunher partteularn â€ply to Misses Mary, Alix, Edith and Mar- garet Edge visited their sisters. Mn W. G. Firth and Mrs_W. J. Ritchie during the holidays. The and-"signed one" mr' ale. lot " am te, con. ti. Glmlg. 106 no- . Gad rrttrtteutomte with Mone mutation. good cellar. Alla good Miss Marjorie Merarlahe of Ham/ man. was the guest of her aunt. Mm H. Mottat, recently. Mr Adam Anderson was in Price. ville Thursday last. when he attend. ed the funeral of the late Mrs Jno. Burnett. _ ., Miss Mary McNab spent the hello days with her cousins, Mary and Ag- nes Andm-son. ' THE DURHAM REVIEW A sleigh load of 9oung people took 711 a [IT ".' at Mr R. T. Edyards' home Wednesday night. . ...†...,.....w...., ......“ Mr and Mrs C. Mortiey, Misses Pearl. Lavina add Myrtle, spent New Years with Mr and Mrs Victor Wil- liams. . Mr and Mrs C. H. Mount. Durham, visited friends on the line lam week. The regular monthly meeting ot Women’s institute. will be held an. l3, at home of Mrs E. E. Hoekridtte. Program: Reading, Miss Jean Black; Paper, "The ItttiuetMee of Dress on Character"--) Jno. Sinclair: Roll Call - Exhibit something of my Grandmother's. Social half hour and music. m, . - Miss Ina Burnett, Durham. spenta few days with relatives in this vicin~ ity and attended the Gillies-Mitch. ell nuptials. Proton 15 beginning the new year with a January thaw, also a new Council, tour men being elected on Monday. Mr Wm Jack. a former Councillor. was promoted to the Reeveahip. The newly elected Coun- cll are.' Jno. Stewart, con T; Joe. Black, con. 14; And. Wiltshlre. con 15 and Howard Watson of the Park. For the last 2 years, Div. No. 3 has We are sorry to hear of the illness of Mrs Peter McDonald who is un- er Dr." Sneath'a care at present and hopes are sincere for a speedy re- covery. Also' Mrs Walter Knox Is not in the beat of mam). Her sister. Miss Nellie Haw is assisting her. We trust that her health will soon be the belt? our new rears song may no repeat- Saturday ion. A year again has passed away I That is an innocent little tet of Time swiftly passes along; . no" te','erutr, "l, per-12d“?- e come a in to and raise 1mm. pn ' " on Q o. WA.“ sing it“. tt,,l"ltU'l', sgng 'type hook Saturday evening, I saw Chorus' in the item great possibilities of ex- . . f. pansion. and of Buftteierut importance I come, l come again to greet yo ' that to quote a phrase of Sir Walter I come, I come with my New Year Scott. it might be well used to 'point song. . a moral or adorn a told I decided to ------_- - , use it to point a manager the ben- ettt ot' those, who, like yselt. have SWINTON PARK hoard and read something about . Florida and have felt that a man is Proton is beginning the new year' Just wasting MK time hartqitttt around with a January thaw, also a new places like Wiarton, where he "ig Council, tour men being elected on inst making a living while thousands Monday. Mr Wm Jack, a former and thousands are ffli,'T down to Councillor. was promoted to the thits new found paradise nd trettintt Reeveship. The newly elected Coun- t"tth without working. So mmday oil are: Jno. Stewart, con 7; Joe. afternoon t called up Lorne. inviting Black con If: And Wiltshire con him to the house, just to hear of his ' _ . ' ' . ' experiences in the land flowing with 15 and Howard Watson of the Park. milk and honey. and where the For the last 2 years. Div. No. 3 has streets are paved with pure gold. wen without tt representative. NOW For a couple or hours I listened and we have 2--Meast, Watson and Mele I not an accurate picture of Black, while Div. No. I-, in the odds and conditions there. south of the Township is without 3 Now, for the benefit of those of my representative. Mr Rich. Cronin has readers to whom Lorne Boyle is a tor many years represented that div- stranger. I may say that up to about ision but this year was not a candi- 6 weeks use. he had the mall route date, Mr Robt. Harris running in his on what its known u the Oliphant stead. but was defeated. ‘if " first et He lived in Wiarton, hats Tk you am sumo. try m.- Bob. y t,eyt,fog?etU?.i.lfartn.ntn.t/i, And sing our New Year's song. Chorus : . I come, I come again to greet " I come. I come with my New Year song. 'g in place of Miss Atkinson, who re. signed during the holidays. The trustees were fortunate in securing an experienced teacher so quickly. And the work will so on without a break. John B. Corbett's term ot omee as trustee, [expired at the and of the year and Mr Neil D, Clark was elected in his stead. The Board now are Jito. Porter. Hugh McLean and Neil Clark: Bert Martin, Bee'y. Also a new caretaker was Installed in the person of Norris Richardson. He will, have no snap. following the good work of his predeeeyorts, the Geo. Haw family, who have for a good many years taken care ot the school and gave general satisfaction in their work. Messrs W. J. and. Gordon McLeod and sister Marjorie, attended the wedding of their cousin. Craig McIn- tyre of Claude last Saturday and are spending a few days with friends in that vicinity. of the you "" Bo every New Year hu It: story to tell of the pn- aing of the predeeouor. And now tho New Yen-’3 song my be repeat- In Swinton Park School we also have a change, as Miss Dell McIn- tyre of Dundalk, has been engaged FARM ' CROP FOR SALE FUCK HILL HOPEVILLE ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO In the 1911 Reciprocity election, Itutd, tt lot 25x100 it at t2000 and the Tories coined a catch phrase miles “"3' from any house or' Bet- “My any." had the Grits beaten tt tlement. it by some magic. he could block at that Bort of thing) "Let Weill have transported his own little “tar enough alone." At that time I ton house down there, it would be thought it '83 a silly thing with VBIHM ttt 825,000. And the people nothing to it, but now as I grow old-' there are 7 limiters to ’every white er, I realize there's a world of phil- man. To PM Mr Boyle's "'T lang- osophy in it. "Let well enough a- tinge. Florida is the most miserable lone." How few of us know when place in the ‘rorld for the ordinary 'we are well oft. Well Lorne was not person. ~Of cours if you hare lots ‘one of the few. He trot the “Florida, of money and can live in the big lo, Fever," the land of eternal sunshine.’ teh, in Miami or elsewhere tt it, l! no work and easy money in real mr) ferent. 99 men out of every 100, tate for him. You know of one man; when they arrive there with a little ‘who bought some lots and built a. money have got to get working quick house which stood him about $6000,i for at the price of living, it won't land he sold it at $16000, and is kiekrlast long, and hundreds of them lo, ling hinlsen’ for selling it too cheap.' not realize this till they are 'busted. .Had he waited another month hei and have nothing left but their can could have had 322.000. Another ind thedt we)! 'tre tronoelled_to start ‘man holds a number of lots which home. " . cost him $300 each.and has been oI-j .- ut I am. wearylng my rend fered $2000 each. Therenre a num-, must draw this trip to it her of such instances right here in clo commending all and sundry town. Lorne. like a lot or others,' who may be interested in Florida, listened to those recitations and he either in the way of investment! in a 'ketched' the Florida fever. He little red] estate. or ot going down probably talked it over with his wife there for, any purpose, to first see its all we have to do; and she ‘ketch- Lorne Boyle," his wife. or Wilmot ed' it from him. He had no trouble Scott. They'll tell you a story and in getting a cash buyer for his mail it won't cost you anything. inciden- contract. sold his little homefor $600 tally Boyle has the gift of the gab, -Wiarton real estate value and plae- and when he is through. you'll have arded the town with auction sale been both amused and enlightened hills of his household effects. oonsis- v F tho lwwvr-rs put it, "matters re ting of dining room, parlor and kit- Florida. Then it will be up to your- chen furniture. and other articles too self. One or the northbound cars nhmerous to mention, no reserve, as carried on it, a sign bearing the fol Mr. Boyle is moving to Florida. lowing, "On our way back from terms cash. The sale was a success. Florida: Barnum was right." ahe'y always are for the seller these But before I close lot me mieyou ays. with a bunch of women for Boyle's observgtinn of business com 'e'hvg"idoJin1vg1 fu,fte.tcd"iA't' ditions ‘5' Ti,'irce 'lt U. 's/It,'"', /l'v' 1 ' . i', Compare t Jana a. he C ty 3an auction sale. They ll buy any there is busy, and possibly any oth, 221.925.2222: 2e? "t'i""t'iJ",1gettiho",,y. "as†"""t11eg,""i,ttf, "nlg'ut,1,t, ' . '»ous e o ose c es, us ess cor and particularly if they knowl is very bad, and work almost Inv that "that there Mrs. Grundy" in " “05.3%†to get if out ot a job. He ding against them. spent a day with his uncle in Cor- i . Well home's sale was a Show,“ rle, Pa., who wouldn't take a half day 3and with his family and Wilmot " his work for tear that if he was .Scott he started out in his Ford car tttttsent, his pltreo would be glled frmm :with a bunch of travellers' checks the hundreds who were out of work. lfor Florida. leaving Wiarton, Sun- His uncle told him that men were 'dav. Nov 8th, and on Saturday. Dec. "WV“?! to work at 50c 11 day in 1 12th, he landed back in the same old that rrity and ne thought it PPf " lFord car, having travelled in all a- bad all over the States. The land "rout 5200 miles. spending over $350 of the Maple for Ltrne, even though, lin.the meantime, returning a wiser, things trre not Justt booming. Withan and strange to relate, a happier mani the last a or 3 months from eeery Hr? is delighted to be back in Winr-i platform and in one-half of the press ton, is as pleased as possible with lit Canada, one t'pttld bear nothing his trip and fully recovered from his but blue ruin punched: busineul attack of 'Florida fever.' n is y do vu bad, terrible ', and unless some. lusion. a night mare, a pipe dream,, thing '“ done about it, mm--. 1 take, it from Lorne. Brien he madm the trip to 'hrl1'id'G'l7 in seven? dl',',',' f,?',' 'cfJllUp t tM',l',','te,U/,'Ti',': darts, he WI. mu hurry to getthere1 ttomparUttettt mmuon. in and.’ before real estate took my GGG) can only iii, properly realised by Idvnnoes. Returning he took 14, know them tn Emma “may days time, the ratio of speed e.ef'ilGiita", France Italy U Steins end ii tf "m “anâ€; tttatett ti,'nt,tt,t1t,gl etch and every Conndinn “It! VIII o get there spent " on suc- h“. can. tWit line: incidentally Wthnot Scott m. that and 'iStu'f a, WW3: to pay torttiatwrtare downsize! qrottid .ud - mind “my struck . deal " $M, BO that that God k; Iota veto not in Can-I 10MB .‘m attend on that deal. m, m Aad hm" my MI h. were ouOone not of timon theth io this an it you He Mich Ind didn't have I Mt eta: trouble h." M! ttvue have N ' “It. mun-r. They lully‘uot into the TW‘W W ' is G' procession ofeamrtteadfrtqforPtors IlP.rTr,dlairl'n,v, tdaattdtheraarthattherexrnasna on 0001 m w New average of lsaoomw"dnyonter- has†. Wham 'aut' 'tta' 'U'."' 'lt'l'llrdr'd: " rl)'r'i,':'i,e;?ticirtiit'iild5i' mwawoh tgttqrttttretntr. 'ed. 2teatsrgtPL.ttLt C Touruo, who intended. If poa- Mble a. ad a plenum plantain“ to [pew the vimâ€. m M w (the on a. little mat "tatrt to all“ A prom. , l. Carpenters, bricklayer-n. masons on! other skilled workmen who were going down . work and taken on their swung. along. with the lawn tion on buying n “we m of ml "teto ‘.. net! at . pron. Now, for the beneilt of those of my readers to whom Lorne Boyle is a stranger. I may say that up to about 6 weeks ago, he had the mall route on what is known as the Ollphant line. He lived in Wiarton, has a wife and a couple of children, owned a home. his Ford car and had some money in the bank as wen. His earnings averaged per week, well l'm not going to tell you that for I got it in eonf1denee, but sumcient to say that after paying living expenses, he Mil lhad enough left over to buy a new pair of boots. a suit of clothes and a new hat every Saturday night Jutd give them away had he been so disposed. So you can readily see what might be said 'doing woll'. could be applied to him. He had plenty of friends, was well thought of in bus- iness, had enough daily work to keep mind and body active. which is a great blessing, in fact. he had every- thing in this old world which is really worth while, and if he lived to be as old as Methuselah and as rich as Croesus or Henry Ford he could not be happier than when he was mailman on Route No. s, out of Wiarton. And it only takes time and experience to and that out. (hour the warm “Bald-Echo.) Mr. and In Lorna Doyle and Fam. ily Returned from Florida on Why is .i Built. hand with the immente southbound tratBe, there is slmost u lute . northbound tunic ot people thor- otmhly cured snd disgusted. En g,,',"u"tt'g,', they talked with dog. ens these people and they were "rully prepsred what to expect when they landed there. They were not disappointed. There is nothing in Florida. but people, climate Y', real estate. So mny people a going in there that the railways have been obliged to put an embargo against all kinds of freight other then eat- ables and necessities. Since this embargo went on. real estate hue be. commend. for the-reason that build- ing tensl. lumber, cement. and hardware are not available. This of course, takes the speculation out of term Brute, prevents employment of labor and‘ " the present time about the only job an ordinary man can get is working in a garage. Mr Boyle could have had a job la anon! gar? age at 840 a week, but but! mar ried man, he would have h 0 pay $200 a month rent for house. These conditions didn't appeal to his idea ot getting rich quick and he's'good on tuptress. Everybody is out for the coin. To get a bed tor the night costs 810 to $16. He tells of one in- stance he heard of, where in one ho. tel they rent cots in the hallway for $7.50 each. Each half hour there is a drunken," noisy parade. led try a woman up and down the hall. Some of the sleepers get so disgusted with the my that they get up and so out. That Immediately permits the hotel people to relet the wt to others, who are clamoring in the ofBee for some. place to sleep. A line scheme isn't it and profitable. It may be overdrawn a bit. but it illustrates the crowded gcondltion of things there and also the scheming of those on the ground Ito bleed the newcomers. Then the ireal estate, low tut, bnishy. sandy 'land, a lot 251100 tt. at $2000 and miles away from any house or set- ,tlement. " by some magic he could on God'. mcu earth. Fa} any ' I iteldg look Fee. When you mvel 4kliatz's M ' Tile ( to m" trlfSt 'teat 'tt ttt amas======a=sf===--a, 1:: Ill mu m _ green. up tad down like our on 'tf Arrived --A3leurnt One Can only get a proper 'trtpree- lotion of anything by contrast» anr Comparisons. Condition: in Cnnnda can onli be properly realized try, knowing them in Englnnd. Germany.‘ Russia, France, Italy, U. Sales and it etch And every Canaan could violrl those countries and see their condi-i tion and talk with heir people, we would not and every one d '"l than God r lots verve an in Cawi, ode. And bringing my nonl hone! to this town. It you Ire making 3 half decent living hero, be ten. Th~nvenge W‘monhn 1-3:- at - 9nd welt. u in any 'IIA'. But before I close let me tribe you Boyle's observation of busineau con- ditions in general m the u. States as Compared with Canada. One city there is busy, and possibly any oth- er auto manufacturing centre, but outside of those cities. business is very bad, and work almost im. possible to get it out of tt Job. He spent a day with his uncle in Cor- rle, Pa., who wouldn't take a half day " his work tor tear that If he was nbsent, his piece would be tilled from the hundreds who were out of work. His uncle told him that men were offering to work It 500 a day In that city .and he thought it {was as bad all over the Staten. The Land of the Maple tor home. even though things ore not just booming. Within the last ' or 3 months from every platform and In one-hull of the press in Canada. one could hear nothing but blue ruin gauged: butane“ In bad, terrlble an unlen nome- thln; we; done about it, wen---. men. mum-u! keeper- ind oth. er venom of modem. mean. who had sold all their holdings tn Itchi- gsn. Ohio, lune, lower, Ind other northern Sule- Ind Candi. 1nd Vere going to Florida to get Into Florid- out of WC]. nd Ind take- thelr saving: with them. In the “pounding nukdylooklublt " net} am that they could loll " bullion gain, tad inesdeitaur to buy n little ml Mute to Bell u I plum. and Lorne wu one ot them. Everybody going down to nuke a little money out of somebody else. A use ot dog oat dog. On the other .. at I tun.wetrr.ving my read! must draw this trip to a; eto commending all and sundry“ who mly be interested in Florida; either in the way of investment! in tb' little mil estate or of golmz down"; there for. any purpose. to first see Lorne Boyle," his wife, or Wilmot; Scott. They'll tell you a story and it won't cost you anything. holdsn-a tally Boyle has the gift of the gab.‘ and when he is through. you'll have been both Amused and enlightened v ryr tho lawwrn put it, matters re Floridn. Then it will be up to your- self. One of the northbound curs carried on it, a sign bearing the tot, lowing, "On our way back from Florida: Barnum was right." , Fungal-Au no no to!“ to 1"" Port "" F Winter Term Opens January 4th 1 Why then an I ensue? um! no water that is polluwt! and urrfte Mr ‘domeltlc use. when pun» 'TOttet' on Ibe had by hlvinz.‘ well mum. I in!†handle Pumps Ind Pump rr-pairt. l 8.1.le action ‘uaranleed i ED. JpettATT, R. n.4, Durham I _ Phone 9ti. r " Gales um mntdertce. corner Comm-g. Ind Lambton opposite old Pom om. 6tBeehottru:0tot1crn.,taotot 9.13.. ' to Dun, Sundays em manna on. n J. L. SIITH. IM., " PS. MS. JAMIESON & JAMIESOh IAIN OTIIIT. NOLOTIIN. ONT. - V_V,._.,. ___ "0mm "hAitt'A'TT Univcnmy an . -- . " Hux- offhand “Imnnlh " (M t " n†, b I wrv'vvrp-s w l. Omcl H “mm-n noun: t-a Evening- w. c. PICKERING. tms, LOS Licensed. Auctioneer for County Grey sue dates may be unused at the Review Omee or with self. Tonn- moderate. Satisfaction guaranteed. " you pin I we. phone 604, ring Her! Water! ! Waler!! The Science thy mid: Life to years and years to life. our and See a. Consultation It... In Durham Tuned-ya. TONI-oily. and Saturday. “can.“ Auction.» for Go. of any Terms. reasonable. Bale date. mun be unused u the Barium Moo. Durham. - Ruldcnco: R. R. No. 2, Prlcovmo What is Good Health W ' Uh? MIDDLEBRO’. SPEREMAN & MIDDLEBRO' human. Callahan, Etc. Mr C. C. Mlddlebro at Durham one. At Fluhorton on wasâ€. trom 4.80 to , p. m. MS. C. th, AND " BESSIE McGlLLIVRAY Llano“ Auctioneer Jar any County .6118. when on mush: tonal. Dates mused " Henldo 00.011.- dalk. also through Durham Wow and nonhuman Adv-nee. 000.3. Duncan. Dundalk P. o. Phone " r 4-2. J. F. GRANT. 0.0.8.. LOS. HONOR GRADUATE Toronto [1an lily; Graduate Royal College Donal Surgeons. Dentistry In att " brin- 'chel. once, Eu! ot Central Drug 8m Balance on Mill Street. ALEX. MAG DONALD Home“ Auctioneer for Go. of any Aoderato terms. Arrangement: M sales as to dues, ete., my be In“. " Review OfBeo, Durham. Terms 0. application. Address, R.R.1, 1)!!th Telephone 603, ring I-t Aiuiiir 3:53:1- 8.10. 11:16. a a u non REUBE" th WATQON GEORGE E DUNCAN Imam: Inna" ' Dace on mm m. Wes Enmlned and Corrected Hours: '--6 9.0m. '-' a... - Sundays excepted Chiropractic Speculum CHIROPRACTIC ite mum J0M.0'lllElt Adan-u R. R. I. Varmty â€urban