M " seLars, Garaie Sale “EMMY Bttyt' ORCmSTRA' Innic tor all Occasion. For rates. and open dales.‘apply to M says BL il tttor â€I i “W. CASH SI'JIE 'im " " After having when stock. we fir d we are loaded " with a considerable numb†ot Odus in! Ends, which we are desirous of during out. Thug the Astounding values w', ‘ch we are listing below. Those no tll good stock.‘ but "orn* lines we slightly out\of style. may; m..\(~K A.NIt namvx mu; AND iitaic, 13a- _ . .. ..1rre.a A m In. to clear at .f.... " b btutte Earl standard . ..Nuuttt Mun Distanton Radios Model A ........ $70.†Modal l w....... $52.00 New . tube 'upertor" Mt,. . . . )nl/ ......s"". $39.50 ot sh†was. BLACK cum t In IISSES' ELM " ........: wo".' BLACK, BROWN a can to clear at ............'.'"" ass-s WOOL Mi'r'rs like the when I but: an)“, t wealth WCHHYI. . Jumawa »s a land of springs and forests. where'l loot odor-- the wlCte man set foot, tho native Carib: loved the paradise in which they hunted, fished, and onced, made canoes and smoked the 1etd of a plant named "tnhihx." And, to Sign")? the 35‘an of good things i the bond. the Caribs called the island Xymnxn. " _ The Canadian Pacific liner Montroyat, which left New lurk on January 28 tor the first West Indies cruise an: winter. is now carrying delighted tom-ht: to this mm island of happiness. The vessel also c‘alls at the Bahamas, a long stretch of verdant ialanda. rising only about one hundred feet above the shore line. V tThere are about 3.000 lslands in the may of Banana. but many of than are only tiny white coral “awnings from the ocean. Among than is Vatlina’s Island. the first spot of land that Comm - on his voyage of discovery. llama, the capital city. in a white, sunny place. witli long avenues on which are planted rows of royal pal-s. The have! an Ilka coloured illustration from a book " fairy tabs. All are low. but some are white, others phi. -_uh .9...- are even - aad bloc. tree {in new mono BET AM “MM!“ SHOW w. MOON, Machinist 1nd Livuy, Phone 140 ll February only la, MULE MiTTA', wlthout HACK AND BROWN BALS AND BLUC. IO!- ohm and heels. sin-.4 6 to Mt, to cigar at "e... LACK AND BROWN was. teatti"e"r Better, my); " mm. mm sizes 2% to B, to do" at .... .ACK AND BROWN BI i sport been. sizes 2% lulungnu. I an"... ..............-_V _ _ al.es '.tl a flooded meadow. reach half-way donrtt goon. There is an ominous quiet 1!!de hum-4 the svenes of the furious hauls: for no". long "o. mahogany-coloured men with yet- and forbidding looks, some in raga. others in Manned proud Spanish galleons arid.took their' PHIPPS. Mann!" Durham, Phonc MAN REPAIEING " USUAL BLUC. & 151t lo Day ories to clear at factory knit J. S. Iiitlljllhll'l'll TORONTO BUTTON, leather soles, . (Br arr-{ichWest Indies carryipg delighted Mum: inns. The vessel 3ng at}: After about we: work. the, thousands operators have cgme ment Rm! the. strike is "o long trusporv0ott has do†IUlla u-.~.n,....___ - " o tary, in (my way: it Mambo , to take stock at getting supplies morn our own eountrr.froP the Mer- ‘itimes and from Album. that woulrt make an independent of the strikrs that occur in the Pennsylvania m: ions. There is reaw'n to believe that operators and minors have been lmr tied into [race by seeing they aw likely to lose a good customorif home trading becomes established. Work is to begin today. it is announced The steps already taken to brine, coal from the West and East in our own country. should be (allowed up by "ective measures to make the trading normanent. Such trading Would help Alberta and the Marr times. it would help the railway) and ‘il‘ freight conditions are not too ex- acting. it would help Ontario. lb um SUPPERS Inger! an ad. in the Review Tt-ll it won" and v0ur ad. will sell GOAL STRIKE SETTLED -----_--"- put seV'en- months oft PRINCE ALBERT GlVls huusands of miners and PREMIER A MAJORITY OF 6000 nave come to an agree . mu strike is "oft." The . Opponent Lou; HU oe/wt mm heart done Rood to It".'. 1.20 ms \ "tl ..r. . we Sti.eet By The Sea The mic alga-Bahamas‘hu t'atde way into law My! w _ erg and poets. . he coloured htue houses. th ting?! streets, tht sunny gkies _the â€may blue sea, m 5 have attenstWed to pinata hic tulty. Mark Twain. the immortal American humorist. iand Bliss Carman, the Canadian poet, we among Ithesc. Mr Carman sings this song okthe islands: '. I _ , p ' i "What do you no". John pamplejoln. _ 1n Bay Street by the Seaâ€. Ce" ' ', . "'t turtle-shell is whet I sell, ‘7 . I; n grant variety. .", A. .. f 'Tis none of these, John camputame, _ ' " - t --- Though curious tdat, be, l t But something. more "m looking for. _ . In Bay Street. by the sen; -- .. ( . ' "Where an I buy the ma ie etarltit' p; ' " Of the Inhaman sea I ' E f _ . That fills mankind with peace " mind’ ' And soul's felicity? _ . _" _ _ Look from your door and tell me now - The color of the Be.--- . Where can I buy that wondronn dye .' And take it home with me?†' ' . . _ So when the 3.8. Montroyal retort-Tron " trip to the West Indies, there will)†so may non _, r travellers ready to visit ohn camtitebtirt, uw, Street by the son. that there. has been mound a.- other cruise from New York: soiling In". Nf J: Member Canadian Weekly Newspapv l ( org' Aunt-Inca. 1. f, RAMAGE & BON. Editor and PM prietortt. I, People and 'Review' Want Ade. ','.'e are as harm you as: mm- tete m otto.ne. Ottr "toâ€. "o t C' _ ' A gimme at the Glenelg Commit minutes “wearing this week. shows a. statement of the vital statistics that “gram the question "t tho' heading During 1925 there wore 26' Tut-tbs, 20 [Maths and 2 Marriages'. " is gnawing to see tho births pre- portderatintr over the, deaths. but etumrly Vin thnunht tho lads and las- "ins of the good Township are not .dkgttfrttt shv of eter'tt other as the fig- "re "2" wnuld indicate ', In Heaven. jute good book an “they neither marry nor are given in man'lage" _ 1:! C.lenetrr, would swim to be qual- ifying . us GLENELG GETTING MORE LIKE HEAVEN ? Ave manor-t. howevor. there Is a} "tttISP, for this low gmire:'the proximg 'tv or Durham and Mnrkdale to tho townnhip no doubt lead. swalns on matrimnnv bent to thr-ze urban cen- tws for tho marr'azo commute and then- tho marriagn is recorded. All the same we think there should. be Mme way of notilvlng clerks of inar. r'nzns taking place outside their hounds, though recorded elsewhere. The election in Prince Albert on Monday last. aroused interest over "ll the Dominion. The con/stituency was thrown vacant by Chas. McDon- ald res‘gn’ng to allow of PPemier "Jog ttrattintt.tt seat. Conservatives nnd Pro.zros",tvPs .hoth decided to wIve King a walk-over. but a few "nys before, rtprttmtrttort, Capt, D. L. nui‘gess. M.C. came. out amn inde- n“went ond has been decisively de- "t-utmi Burgesss is a native of On- tarlo. has an, excellent-record ln war ~ml more. hilt the voters seem to have thought that this was no time to gratify his ambition and so rolled) up a remrd maysrit.v--atraimst him. Of course Ottawa Liberals demon- strated when the news came over the wire, congratulations were show- ered upon the victor, he was hoisted on a table and a speech demanded and given. The victory makes no ditterence, in the voting strength ot the House but gives a halo ot vic- .., t3tsett rt tor'y in the meantime This byway in the interest ul "party" is more arid moreucadini', thinking men to urge some changeln the method or lav? making that walla obviate the sparring for power to the neglect of the country's basin ass .ihat is too much In evidence at this and at other tum-s. THE LEGSLATURE WAKENING UP The Legislature is now in {session and Leader Sinclair of the' Liberals and Leader Raney of ife Progres- slvs are showing wonder' ul light and firing questiins at the Ferguson Gov- ernment in a. manner that plainly says “who's afraid.†The questions are largely demojding what their purpose is in regard to the O.T.A.. which topic. though looming largely in the public mind, was not mention- ed in the Speech from the Throne. Mr. Ferguson w!!! not be drawn Ham ver, tit-alts the interrogator: suavely, though he shows a mm more bitterness towards Mr ganoy There are; it seems. five vacuole-Hz "he. House at prhmnt that should by constitutionil ldw have been filled and this also furnishes ammunitio: to Sinclair and â€my who tltrurt that 16,500 citizen _oters are unrep resented. tt ls expected in many quarters that Premier Ferguson with spring' an oleetiorCthis coming sum mer. _ tra/i' Boy kn It Is, ociation . Meets in Windsor T3 The 15th Annual Provincial Boy Scouts ContePem6'e, was held in Wind. sor last Thursday and Friday. Feb. 11 and 12, 1926. The Durham Boy Scouts and Rover 'stput" were rep resented at this Conference by As. slstant Scoutmaster Edgar Clark. The Conference opened Thursday at 9.30 mm. and the am hour or so waxl devoted to delegates becomlng acquainted. The Mayor of Wind-ml welcomed all to Windsor and wished them a successful amrpleasant con. ference. . - - The tuit' speaker of the day was Assistant Chief CommisMer John A. Stiles (’Ottawa, who spoke on the "Play way" in Scouting. He illustrat- ed how the boys could be taught chuting while playing zamem. The morning setuion closed at 12.30 rum. and immediately after the sessiop. the delegates and all taking part in tho Conference, posed for their pho; tozrmph. 1.F4H ly IRHAM PFVIF“ Thursday afternoon session was given mgr to the 15th annual meet‘ inf: of the Provigciai Council for Qtr) tarto. Tho same t-veping the Mtir' gates attended a banquet and cainp lirt at St. Andrews' church: Just provious to the banquet. the Fire De- partment of the City of Windsor ex- tended the use of one of theirmotmr trucks to give a demonstration om ftrrhhtitur. The principal speaker of the evening were Chief Commis- sioner Dr, James W Jtobertsott ot Ottawa, who In also celebrating his ‘76th birthday. and A: D. Jamieson, ot Detroit, reprcuersting the Boy Scouts of America. . Friday a. m. was given over 10 demonstrations in "Artitlcial Respir- ‘auon" bi. W. MaeLachian, consulting Engineer of Toronto: "Scout Pub. licity" try Franklin. combs. editor of "The Scout Leader," Ottawa: "The Plump! Shaun: In the Scout Pro- gram." by Dist. Scouunaster L. Wheelqr. ot Galt .." 'fBoy Scouts Fire, Smice" by L. J. Bishop. Toronto. ‘A “Round-Up" ‘luncheon Wu; held 'at the Savoy Cafe at noon for all members who had attended the an- :nual Gillwell Camp at Ebor. Park, l Brantford. An invitation was extendéd to the dePorates by the Ford Motor Co. Ltd. to visit their plant at Ford City, On- ttrio and Wm accexud by about 60 Scouts, who were a own through the 15 acre Nent at Ford. a ['0 at“: p nu. an nv-u. ' The 'd,'Taiii, closed, Friday night WI! " Jamboree, put' on, by the Bots der cttr' Scouts at St. Alphomus Hall. and _cottsisted of short skits.' aerobatic stunts, plays and qrchestra ktrteetiosia., In all about 150 dele. gum attended the Cotsterenph. em hers pleading from such far V§ints an m;moaue.~ Huntsville, my, as, oilnanoauiG Hutttsrvioe, Mun. Cobalt end Du'rham. The delegates were veil mkea after and given ti' pleasa'nt' time during their My in Whidsor '. CFiiiicxt" annual cotmr.rerusevrin" most likely be held " either Nteh- euer or Londdn. . FARM STD I. IMPLEMENTS , ind Hou old Furniture Will be held on t 41, '. .. . . ALL MK m . . ON mm Fee. 19th r' ‘Also the Farm w I be offered tor GL. 1 MRS. GEO. LAC?" R. BRIOHAM. Ptapdetnes Auction“. --..- a.“-"" . Aachen SALE m. was given We! to Mt 0, IMPL u om Fumi on t 41, LL PARA IIDA FEB. Throughout the game, Unx’num new a decided edge on the play and dis- played the begt team' work of any: game this season.‘ As one player re-'; marked ."'At home they don't see usl at our best: this-ethen the game in' Chesley were the"best we have yet played." There were no stars in thel local line-up: every man gave hiss) best and the team worked like ts' well-oiled machine. in the Brst per-' iod an Elmira spectator remarked, so persistent was the Durham attack: "Hayen't had much opportunity to judge the defence, but you've cert- ‘alnly a star forward line.†Speed was a big factor in the result. and two or three of the Durham had a little more of it than the homesters. The local sytrs, Kress and Morlock. did ssome.etrective Work while in the game, but their time and opporpuni- ties were limited, as the regulars lwere strong throughout. and appal- ently tireless. Though far outscored. Elmira had m ll)l'0'-i(~. I more of the play than the t1gures -.---a-----. l would indicate and not till the last n'" d. did Durhem have the sum“ GREEN GROVE l "on lee." The H0tig boys and Det-' Miss Jean Floyd, Holatein, spentt weler were the piek of the home over. the week amd with Miss Ellzw crew, along with goal-keeper Rudow, Patterson and Mrs Neil McCannel. 1 who continued the tr'rmiiurt,exhibr Mr David Hamilton spent Sunday lion he displayed here. This sixteen! with ttit-laughter, Mrs Farr hwy. year old lad has a hockey future and ence'. Bll Durham's goals were dittieult,- Mr. Ed. Lindsay has purchased close-in shots. Mrs Jas. Allan's farm on 2nd con., Swift two-man team play was re' Eswefnont, and intends to occupy it ‘-spons}ble hr the only Roal of tite March Ist. Mr Lorne Allan has first period. McGirr carried the puck rented Mr. L's farm for a couple of ‘down to defence. passed to Elvidge yeRrs. who, shot. McGirr went right in, gut Mr and Mrs Will Glass and child. the rebound and scored. ren, of town, spent Saturday last Durham's second ttoat was the with Mr and Mrs Will Lawrence. prettiest ot the night. Hillis came Mr and Mrs Jno. Marlee. Norman- speeding with the puck from behind by, spent a day last week with Mr. the nets, when E,tvititreutettty poho- D. 'Iamilton. . checked the disc away, and hurled it Quite a number of.the folks from into tlw nets while the home team this vicinity, attended the funeral of 'wondered what had leg,",') J),',',"?:' late Mrs Peter Black Sunday., the third goal, Elvldge ma e, a on C t ... . . ". -. pass from behind the new to "use†M1,T,iir,22,e'"du" $531133" 3m}; lem in front, who flipped the rubber iii, pint cohrle of week; p In. .Elmira got their lone countel We ;ll‘f' "lad to hear that " . . . A 7 's" t teddtv grhen Hints sped around the back ol Arnett is able to be up again, arm hats and scored. 'rl . -A__--- being bedfast tor a eodrm/ot weeks Any doubt an; to the final outcomg was removed at beginning of last period when McGirr rushed, circled around defence and lodged puck in top corner of the nets Hulls of El- mira, scored Durham"s 5th goal. EI- vidgd shot. Rudow blockvd and El vldge sped insfor rebound. When Hil- Avis in his anxiety togzlear before El- vldge touched dt, accidentally knock- ed the rubber into the nets. In the last period, seeing their own team's chances wer? nil. many home Spec- tators amend the “mum's bril- liant plays. . v c. . This†(â€tuna “was and the Iocahs span): in the highest terms ot 'the kind treatment accorded them 8.an good wishes ior further newâ€. by both Elmira. players and fans. 2 The teams; , Durham: E. McDonald. goal: 8, Schutz and A. Clements. defence: C. McGirr. centre; 1. Elvidge and C. ATuschlen, wings: H. Kress and K. _ Moriock. subs. Elm-it'; .."riudow. goal: A, Selling and w. wins. defence; N.‘llullls. centre; C. Shultl amt lmtweller. wings: Ruppell and G Selling. subs. Rev. Mr Cole Entertains Tcam V I Folowlng the game Rev. C. G. Cort“ former Methodist pastor here, now stationed In Elmira, took the Dur- ham team and contingent to his '“""â€"~' "WV“"B “Iv-Bur: mam u. 'tiorne, where Mrs. Cole served an ttie this Week. intrtetui of tttrt 26th. Arte: R.J. Corleu, A. 11tustits ' No L' il Petlzlng lunch. The boys much air the bum"! meeting the school Hs: s" C. Lawrence, J. Gris-' oreciifted their kindness. _ .Chlldm‘ will tmt on tt good iiroeram. 333;: Meyer, W. S. Willie, H . l ' Our r . ' n: No. 4--L. Dian. J I Oscar Hahn Extends gout-tutu 'leett J/lf',,'."',',',,,':',"",':",',. J/,',1'A',"','i, Dodsroru. wi. Mantle. Following this courtesy. alktoolt Valentlns parttrrt her home m up! Pound keepers: No. I-it. Ledmrt the car for Kitchener to spend the ham lust sigma. The chitdi item: J. 6. Davey, N. Mellougall , No jitrht. Here the team "re the "n not 'oon forget the hllv ntmsz-A .Phrk, W. KeCrncken. K. no». linear: of Mr 2t',',:1tna',"J' of the noon am! with their ieaGer.' germ No. 2-9, Hum. I). not)» ca; mm. , o .r -expcn-y. Mrd'Areit. ' , . ll rater ', oio 4---g. Tullocll. 4; I85 as a reward for anion-tn. . "the week iti2gtr,upttt't, 'tttti, Hustle. C. Will-intuit. Civic Welcome Tonia-0d Poll. " I Ptrtvoimen: D. A. Campbell. Ja, 'w, Arriving home Solurdny noon. the' Mys mn ,who Is apt-mung the mn_vWaluh, D. beean, D. Stewart , ltr6rscarut mm auivie velme. Dur. ter ,rittrtter daughter, Mrg “We. Bwam. C. Petty, J. Hudson, F. 1'nvul hum'Bund .1th the nation to we» Ttirntttsn, toettt 1th Int wdee with m t . PINK; Br., A Grlcrwn. ll coti'e theme-and I. prom-ion ot ttery9n -Wm. " the 91d homo. lacuna“ with. B. Comte. ll band. 9375511 and â€Milt-4'10 the; _ ----_--_ "' 1',itt,tr':,1ylyt,?iiii: W1. Adi-m. w maln- oqmet. than team and MtieHiy _ Take a .. ' . and. S. Hopkins-, (lrt'/'ii',Ci'i motility": an: . an "io WI In ','li,',Xu,f1,,t'euLtl'1,1 2: ','ttfi, J. WeMeudort, W. Bieman, MaAte Home- Jon-1mm. when mummy...†on ".000.000,000 attet a?! ' “Wiley. J. I". Dodsworth, P. , 'tte'.",', rn8isCatad Men otogmd ts-,'ets, My to the GGii m air/tll." R. Mectatin. u Dietx, IT ‘ Fell Murdock in I short w'm my. owtttq iuirciu.ai/, "Ill. A. mule. B. Batter,' P. Rob ira.afexr-dttuamtttre dam“. wed-tar)! biaiiraia'ii guild n.g. M M. sum" A halal ad wound. a Mr "t uy. Tutu bounds m u LT WI “Journal to. meet Monday ,eopuol when they met! _In ale" trfttt1Prrtt_t11tetr. tlit/St' 15th. tor "r"'"" ot Ken- iiG with the Northern f: victory In ..dul: a .ship. Mr ghtp. Mr “Blunt" -_- - also congratulated the team who; were a credit to t e town and to; -meselm J. F. Irwin briefly re- plied on behalf ot the hockey Boys..' . ' 3 .7 NOTES 1' “ A contingent of forn’dmham nee in Kitetusnervetur"' up to Elmira for the pine. .1141.th enem6tfe voc- at support. .' ( The most euttsturtairtie router - \ur. Harry mater of Toronto, who l‘ The meeting of the Domocll Wo. 1 Imen's Institute was helm} " the home l !c~f Mrs. J. Crutchley n Feb. 10th. I 'ill members were Present and one I ‘vioitor. The meeting wagon“ in l Ith? u-snulvhy try singin‘ the. Immune “I lode. mirowrWtry the [an Payer. [ In was decided to send $12 to help_ .', keep one Armenian boy. The pro- itrram was: Reading by Miss McIntosh i,: r. 'Afottirittg fame 1y old mge'; Mrs (il. H. Ledlnghsm. a selection on My EYt-Jterday': Mm Manley. a club lMeeting'; Mrs McIntyre ‘When you y'i"'" down and‘ out; music by Mrs. il,',,",,',;, reading, onto Jessie Leding- lham; Mrs E. Darggvel. comments onl 't u.venience ot the city women to " ttw country: reading by our Presl- 'gdent. Mrs A. McIntosh /Then and "Nowâ€; roll call word for next meet- 'l ing will be ‘Hints on Farming.' Our . _',i_' :t meeting will beheld at the home, y, of Mrs Darglwel. March 10th. I, _'il Mrs Bryce Bargavel and children! “: leit yesterday for her father's Mr g.) ,_‘LOWi‘. near Crawford, who has been U in pour health for some time and was . removed to Owen Sound Hospital on g, Thursday. Mrs Dargavel'accompan- 'r. led him to Owen Sound and will re.- a main for a day or so. a The young people of the Y.P.A a are planning for another delete in a. the near future. C Rev. D. Sillars is improving very ii, little. However when the tine days r come we hope he will improve and be .3 abit' to sit up. al'nr over 6 mouths _ in bed. Mr. .Harry Hut" etune up to see the town in. action. Miss Jean Floyd, Hohtein, spent ovetsthe week and with Miss Eliza Patterson and Mrs Neil McCannel. Mr David Hamilton spent Sunday with ttit-laughter, Mrs Farr 1awr. ence'. Mr and Mrs Will Glass and child. ren.of town, spent Saturday last with Mr and Mrs Will Lawrence. Mr and Mrs Jno. Morice, Norman- by, spent a day last week with Mr. D. drtuttiltttrt. . _ We. are glad to hear that Freddie Amen. iu able to be up again, after being bedfast for a Couple ot weeks with initatumatory rheumatism. Mesurs Alex AUoe, Wm Weir and John McGirr attended the Township Council meeting Saturday last. Mr and Mrs has. "Lawrence spent a day the tlrtrt of the Teek with his parents, Anthony and Mrs “mace. lure Guy Sherk. Detroit, has been pending a month ,with her parents. Mr and Mrs Thos. McGirr. [reuulug a """""-""" urn v""'"'"' Mr and Mrs Thos. McGirr. Grierson - Magwood: That 0. tl . vttltttttortt, feruw-viewetm und 3m w ----"'."'--'-- keepers be appointed. Carrie-" ROCKY QAUGEEN Magwood -Turnbull: That Wm _ men retain their pay sheets for v,ll, The U. P. W. 0. held their monthly ter work until April IM and tum-mu mungâ€: and"??? (iM',',',', L. I',: am to Supt on that date. (Hun-“i n ay 3. . e y n; he . . . there was a splendid Mtettdatuse artrt ', Magweod-- rurnbull . Thm- R... ' i an inurestintr'timi, macaw 7Lhltf Clerk be authorized ur. high .nu nan meeting will be held limehome a19Pit to the Miullttr ot Hulrirtu) _ k In furuvreu'co. Hid)! 12th. of thq Province. oi Ontario, inn pr}. Mrsikndrev Hattie and no}: Do (ion ot the Corporation .ot tbe. q I' al of Crawford called on Mound“: ot,Barrtittek, showing thatdurinttCic min-am Sundly' " period, Jan. 1 to lhw. 15, was, in.» Mr and Mrs inc Mekeehnie a " his been expended upon the' Toun family. iiuriaaF were “short: 'il chi. Roads the sun: ol t'72tirii my Mr Wuiier cutk'o' the tirst of the ei'intenden'oe $305.04 Uacludrd mam -__., - for Fine ience_o( 1924. um requed Mr and Mrs Jno. McKechnie any! family. menroadinf were visitors at Mr Walter (INK. the tirtst of the week. . Mr and Mrs Jan. Ledinghlni and daughter Elsie, spent Saturdayl‘with Mr and Mrs L. McLean. 't . Mrs H. Trattord m; recent visit- or with her daughter, ‘Mrs J Miller. The'U.F.O. will hold their regular' monthly meeting Thursday 'nlght of this week, Instead of the, 26th. After, the buainest meeting the.. school’ children will put on I. good program. . Our “'99†Weber. um Jsuttr, lean Firth, 'treitted her pupils to a} Mr. 1mi- beam mm 1. hon. m titirGGLaaon of an» cable and honest and â€day. In: on] Wine». . It Isn't Mun m on! Hep! no.1 J. H. CHI'rT1CK, Clerk S: Ludla' and Beeve Beit ml... pt enety6tfe voc- _ an a: . . J which mule root" m radius of Toronto. who ly in boys of his home smile _ I w. gallon“!!! t I w. P. McDonald. 'Sunln. Aqricur tun! stereos-ree tor Lambton ico., and that nm In Ontario hm ilncreued to 250 In number thr pm! yen. It was originally intended tha' they should be only 20 miles ame but in Lunxn Co alone. there an 10 Agrlc’l letles and 10 Pairs, L' well In two additional on the Indian mung The expense of running up. [ tof Wt! "ttmated " $25,000. Recon! oeritt to Fall â€caution oimtd to Ce F.rtuntiitit.v. now la Inger than n 'vis when the {Mrs were not uo llllm emu! And there is a wider linen-u and rid: the Increased interest in m operative production and marketing _ there ruin! lucreued interest ii the cq-operutlve product, and less in , the ihdlvmual effort" as deplch-d n. .the lldlvfdunl's exhlblt. M Most ot the dolomite: seemed In , feel that the small Tovnshlp mu . had 1 detinit'e place In the commun l lty, and that there would be a dir- .‘tlnct loss, particularly to the young r people. if a few “In; in the Imp-r ulcentms were tatbatituted. _ " the annual local Fair to mm. buck stronger than WNBT or is it lo bt. m "on for only the larger centres yuan will'druv as crowds from .I Mm tf/eg milea, when former ly In t t radius were many lor'alm The Mire of fall Fairs ‘dlstrlcts. he stated, and he gave as inn instance of the economy arrow-u itry such Cooperation. the saving m n lday in the busy aetrson-the fall. a) ‘a result of holding two furs in con- lnectlon. If I proper basis of agrev iment--a point in whlch that school Ichlldren be admitted to the Fair .lree of charge, he could Bee no "an ‘OIi wast coordination ohm-school moral Fair. Identity ot School Vain must be Maintained Explaining that the purpose m iiiv School My“ educational, with " View to tmiuyizint.t the boys and. girl; with good clock and crops, am making them prospective intelligent exhibitor-gt these Fairs. Hon. J. S Martin declared that there was no Hawaiian on the part of the Svhnn; Fairs management to disagree mum- point with the munuement of thr, Agricultural Fairs, but that the iii-i tity of the School Fair must be main- mined. Some Agricultural Fairshzm been brought hick to life by 00-01» ention with the school fairs or tin-i: districts, he stated, and he gave m _ Monday. Feb. ti. IM." Pursuant to adjournment council met on above date. MemSers all present. Minutes of Int mo-etin: were read and wanted. _ Mtuorood--_sott : That com rm of, mwnmip printing be given to th Hanover Post. their tender being th lowent. --AUrried. M-ood---. Tirrntrun: That Roa Supt. be authorized‘ to attend the our ferment 'of Engineers Ind Supvrh tendents at Toronto. Fab. M. and I and that his oxponsas. be tatid.---Co Magwood--McGregor: That l of V. deurman for sheep km. dogs' be pafd.---Carrled. ' Orfttrtton-- Magwood: Thu it-, be authorized to order 2 Saw“; lf away No. Cgrtrders. carrie?. Tttrnbutl-42rieraott: That Audiu Report be accepted and they}; 1- thelr lulu-y. Garried. 'Nratbttlr--MeGregor: That Hum: McKechnlo be appointed 5:550:5501' I the Tttwttettip. Carried. b8 the mm on tlta.t Imounl us pm “M by the 0mm. Highwaw Art Curried. \ '8th anua'ors: Hugh Riddell, T K. hmloe. B. G. Hopkins. Wiltrid Wrtttht, . . leewers: No. I-W. Mclwan R.g. Corie". A. Hume ;' No. 2--ll, Ray. Br. C. Lawrence. J. Urlenmn No. 8---A.. Meyer. W. B. Willis. H human-1; No. 4---L; pun-.1 F 00413me w.d. Hutu PM keepers: No. l-it. Leditttt ham. " Davey, N. ucnougnn , No b-A .PArk, W. “mien. E. Roe" bonuh: No-."-.', Hun. D. Kobe B. â€winner ; .No.4-a. Tulloch. G nude. C. qunnou. FER 18. I946 Bentinck Council Policy to Fan. Fain As " Getttraiiotiort cla BAUtiDERt"r--ttt Durham, oh Fndm. â€In. “It. to Mr and Mrs Bert Saunders. a son. Depart" - At Portland. Oregon. on Friday. Feb. mu. m Ir and Mrs Wesley De Funk . “Inâ€. (Tlu- mother in a and Minter or the Inte 000 “w. and I New ol In. John W) men . wArtrote-aeugtrm'rt - On Mon . (by. M. mu. It " Admiral Rd. Tmu.'.y the Rev. mun“ Parke-1 lug Isabel. daughter of Mr am In A. B. McArthur, In Wrl'c-, Bltt bundle of old Pape, at Review OMco. Jun th “mum; ftrxNt. Cnying and mum. etc. Shelvme Wmon, tr il The Upper Town Grocery Our Stock of Grocer“ our. Cull or phone fo you deeue ta this handle Baire Products, “cats. Fish. Flour. Cereals, Cart. ned Goods, Coal I il. Lu. =O=O===C D Price- the low beat. Give us (ii?, ll; FEB. 18, m2 lt Custom BORN PHONE 139 THE l um or w nd So Uri m no In mm 'ii t in wm