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Durham Review (1897), 24 Jun 1926, p. 5

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=3°=°1 j t 3! RABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE ly =0 s Brooms at Less than Cost Price my news on MI- “ and ma.- the Corponuol of 2htiat. "nanny located. " new. under Amman. vol! fenced. two In“... x qty “would! Cam qeittt m se. pr' land adjoining. pm» rurthor partlcuhn "ply to THUS. GREINWOOD. "i , ..r 606. r I-d. RR. I. Durham mph read ‘Review’ Want Ada. "r" as nut to you as your tele- ' Our phone No. I: 0. 6 l good 4 string Broom for... ...... ...... Me The National Broom, 4 string for. . . . . . . . .. 490 3 Yb; Rico ............. Bulk mack Tea, per lb. Scotch Health Bran. pkg Kellogg'o All Iran . ... roman)... per ttn ...... J. a W. McLachlan Children's Silk Box at .... .. ... . .. Boys' Jerseys ...q.. q........-... Marquise tte (extra quality) at. . . .. Tapestry Mats, 47 x 22, at . . . . . . . . Bluebird Cropeaz................ This Week's Specials Pastry Flour ‘nrnnation Pastry Flour, 24 lb sacks. . . . .. 1.10 Hurt Aluminum Kettle with 8 bars Com- fort Soap and 2 bars Pearl Soap for. . . . . .1.29 JUNE 24, ms )zao====raomo=x===a-==t==m"aS Big Spring Bargain Grocery Specials GRANTS Bunenenn Softhnii team pinyed their return some with the O.D.R. teen on Westley night in the latter sec- tion. The Human mmhndthe long and of the play judging by the more. 28-44. After the game the visiting team were entertained in the 0.D.R. schoolhouse to n lunch. and A bright program by the home tttlent. Mee- urs Allan Mclnnls and John Moran lane supplied music on violin and or$tN1 respectively. I“. per jar .......: Swen Corn. per (in . Apex Chm-rio- and Peach“ in glau jars. par jar ....4! Sweet and Sour Mini Pick: IUNISBAN 20t O.DR. " o...... 40cperpr .......... at 400 l..............28c .......... 25 cts i Mrs Dan McDonuld and daughter, lDorothy. Toronto, spent u week with lher sister. Mrs Andrew Hincks. I Mrs Sarah Mills called on friends ‘to any 'Good-Bye' before leaving tor Montana Saturday morning. l, Miss Willa McCuaig and her friend Miss Alexander, motored home in \Viiia's new coupe from Tiverton to spend the week end at her home. Miss Jelly spent the week end at her homo in Shelburne. Miss Kathleen McMillan visited on Sunday with Miss Esther McLean. Mr and Mrs Afex Carson vikiGron Sunday Wit}: 4rifyulis, at Prpton. Miss Lyuia""Mekinnon, R N. was delightni to receive a toiegram of meetings from Fergus Hospital Al. umnae Association. The meeting was held in the Nukes' home on June l7th. the first annual meeting Miss Lydia has missed since her graduation in 1918. Mun, Esther McLean. Messrs Alex McLean and Alfred Hlncks we home from Toronto Norma). Miss Donald: Phenol spent the Week end at her home here. Miss Leone McDonald. Owen Sound visited friends here In! week. The Misses Simpson. Chicago, are spending the summer months with their sister, Mrs K. McArthur here. We are glad to know that Master Johnnie McVicar, who was operated upon for appendicitis in Durham Hospital last Wednesday. is getting along nicely and will perhaps be ab le to be home Saturday evening. His mother in attendance arrived home this Tuesday. Miss Kate Machllnn. daughter of Mr and Mrs Jno. MacMillan. Ceylon, was operated upon at General Hospi- tal, Toronto. Monday of this week, tor appendicitis. Word since reeeir ed states the patient to be doing as welt as could be expected. Her par- ents went to the city Tuesday to see her. A line meeting was held by the Y. P. S. of St. Columba Church on Sun- day evening last in the absence of the pastor, Rev. s. G. McCormack. supplying Ebenezer the t1rat and third Sunday or each month. " being mis- sionary night and in view ot the tact that one of our number, Miss Willa Patterson, has decided to go to Africa, missions in that dark con- tinent was dealt with. Papers were given by Miss Marion Muir. Miss Edith James on general conditions in Africa. by Miss Mabel Parslow on a day's work there, while Famuhar Oliver read alrtter of a medical mis- sionary whose field before Union was supplied by a Ctrngregationalist. The devotional exercises were led by Mrs F'. Karatedt. President. A duet, 'The Handwriting on the Wall,' following the reading of the 5th chapter of Daniel. was given by Miss Louisa Watson and Mr W W. Ramage, af- ter which the new leader of this group took the chair. The choir contributed a couple of appropriate selections during the evening. We were pleased to meet with Conductor Campbell and his wlfe and family on Sunday last when on a visit to his wife’s relatives here. thn McConkey family. Their car was a brand new Hudson 7 seater sedan. a. beauty. Mr W. G. Watson. repairing the roof ot his Hall with a metal root, will utilize the upper part as astore room for funeral supplies in the tut. ure, and also enlarge his workshop below. Messrs Geo. Arrowsmith and Angus Clark are the experts. . The acquisition of a new car by Mr Frank Reilly. prompts him to re- model his driving shed, now to be known as a garage Such is pro- gression in the last three items. The regular monthly meeting of the w. M. S. of St Columba United Church, Prlcevllle, was held at the home of Mrs Frank Reilly, Wednes- day afternoon. June 16th, the Presi- dent. Mrs McCormack presiding. The meeting was opened by sing- ing, scripture reading and prayer, after which Mrs H. B. McLean gave a wading, explaining the scripture lesson. The President read an interesting letter from Miss Willa Patterson, daughter of Mr and Mrs Henry Pat- tnrson. regarding her work at the Mission at Wahstw. Alta. A letter from the Presbyterlal Sec'y, regarding our share in the bale of clothing to be sent to the In. dians was read and plans were made tor preparing the same. ' Splendid- papers. based on a chap ter from the Mission Study Book. were given by Mrs Frank Reillyand Miss Martha Watson. The Misses MacMiiian contributed a sweetly rendered duet, after which the meeting was closed with the singing of a hymn. ' LADIES' AID At the close of the minionery meeting. the Ladies' Aid convened. The chief Maine" of the day was the inning ot nmnumenta for the gel-den party. to be held on the Ichool grounds Fridoy evening. June 25th. The meeting over, refresh- ments were Berved end- Ihort loc- inl hour enjoyed. We new in the Globe when . good Emerita presented Rev. Mr He Gillivny ot Chdmere' Prehyteriu Ch., Dovercourt Rd., Toronto. with: Brat clue automobile end cautioned the minister not to tell his meta HUGE/ILLS & GLENELG iii the street telling .n the good was: he bu done. He gave this. that and the other thin; and by the my tit automobile. were In use " the time) he would It: “I presented St. Columba W. M. S. PRtGlliiMLllLE $161.3; amen; to" in. iiai%r i THE DURHAM REVIEW The Anniversary of Presbyterian- ism in Priceville dates back to the year 1858 when students were the preachers during the summer mos. We do not know if the younger sen- eration will think of observing the anniversary in honor ot their father and mother, who so faithfully attend- ed those meetings in barns and school houses, walking for miles on rough roads to be in time at the op- ening of the service. And so prob- ably the writer of these reminiscen- ces is the only one living who re- members that far away date. it brings to his memory the thoughts of the many changes that have interven- ed since 68 years ago. Could we see as with a prophetic eye that we were to experience those long years in the future, we would have our doubts. And what will be the changes in the next 68 years is hard to tell. _ him to tell I" his bearer: how good I was in doing so. Just look at that miserable fellow there with head bowed down; he can lurdly put 8 words together when praying. Just listen to me, I can pray and thunk the Lord how good I tun." But wait, Mr Belt Good Man. thls poor fellows prayer went up higher than your self talented words. But we must say that Methodism' was in existence in Priceville aboutl 70 years and union in a. mild form; existed between Presbyterian, and‘ Methodists. As the latter had Al small house of worship on the late Wm Ferguson's place, they freely: gave the Presbyterian the use of it.i when not used by themselves. Bam tists also were there 70 or more years ago by the late Rev Robt.I Maclntyre as preacher, also the old, faithful Catholics had their church' on the hill in the early history of the place and was well attended by its faithful worshippers. ', the minister with . eu- and I want The aged veteran is reminded of his youthful days when on a beauti- ful Sunday morning in the month of June he put on his bent apparel and wended his way to the old kirk, and as the use might be, the large aud- ience in the old building was eagerly looking for his appearance so as to be in his place in the old precentor's box by the time the preacher enter. ed behind the home made pulpit. As the old Psalm was given out in the old language. the Gaelic, the young precentor or leader's heart could almost be heard thumping tty those near by. But as he got start- ed and by the young and old voices heard, he became encouraged and tulfilled the duty as well as possible. Now what a change! The leader now is supplied with ttrtitieial as- sistance to carry his voice to keep have passed away and the aid timers have passed away and the old tlwers have passed away and very few are left to tell the tale of the olden days of the fathers and mothers who faithfully worshipped in the old edi- fiee which was pulled down scores of 31.113 ago. The majority of those that worshipped there are quietly resting in the old acre and nothing but ashes are in their mounds while their assurance was ot a blessed home in the Kingdom of the Al- mighty above. l The (by: nre now " their longest land up nights on shorter. which are benelcm to the nick and those ", in attendance upon them. l We lave n number of lick among luupnnent: luGeo.Blncklant present under the Dr'tt are. Her ar',,".:,'; in R. Knox or Dnndalk, been with her for n few days. In Rom. Knox In um unwell end This Monday morning, 21st June, 1926, is somewhat threatening rain. This is the longest day in the year and like the tide, from now on, will be moving backwards. For fear of making two bites to a cherry we will not say much this week. We attended church service in the Hall yesterday and as it was Com. munion, quite a number were out on the occasion. The pastor gave a good sermon on the solemn occas- ion. The Queen St Church was also well attended to hear the lady lecturer, Miss McHarrie. We see the Presbyterian; are bound to have a building of their own, as the basement part is pretty well dug out for the erection of the church. Some of the younger generation who deviated from the faith of their forefathers should attend the anniv' ersary ot the Presbyterian at the Rocky next Sunday in honor of their good old fathers and mothers of long We were sorry we didn't hear ot the late Arch. McComck'e death until after his funeral. As there was enough said about him last week, we will refrain from saying more, only send condolence to the sons and daughters in the loss of a duuful father. Sorry to hear of Mrs Nathaniel Whitmore's Illness from pneumonia, but hope to hear better news Boon. Mr Hugh McKinnon is yet in Dur. ham Hospltnl, but la getting along fairly well Mr Russell McFarlnne. who ia In the Hospital for " open ation tor appendicitis ls also getting along well. but dattgttterr4rFtaw, In Bert Knot Oliver lmlner who ha been. hid up " spring with rheumatic fever. was up and out for n few dars but Uaqntninbedntrt R.KinneiN. u ,1tdeitoriPg to him shell! out Bttt Geo. Watson u, we think. an 'rtoettteHoqtae-atrren-tt& not] sum-ring tron: I eomptteation ot dia. 1 Mrs J. L Ferguson is at present {entertaining company from Dayton. I We are sorry that'scarlet fever 11113 developed in Boothvllle section. {causing the school to be closed for the balnnce of the term. The teach- ,er, Miss Christie, we understand. is marrying on with her Entrance class {of 6 in the open these days. E Mesdames J. Mitchell, E. Hock- ridge, R. Crawford and J. Sinclair, attended a W.M.S. meeting in Knox Church, Durham, last Wednes- day when a splendid address was given by Miss McHarrie. a returned missionary from India. i Miss Alice Stewart came home ifrovn Hamilton Saturday. Special services each night in Bethany Chapel unti the 29th. From Thursday until Sunday will be the annual missionary conventiott,PDr. Hooper, Toronto, in charge. iris, _Mclmyre ot Claude. is Halt- ing her sister. Mm Neil McLeod and Mr: Neil Clnrk at present. Miss Ruth Ricnirdson spent last week " her home here returning on Seturdny to her duties at Port Elgin. Hugh Hardy and family visited Sunday with the Martin and Hardy families in the Park. The aympathy of the neighborhood so out to all those in trouble and we hope that ere long, they muy again enjoy good health. Bert igartin spent some days last week in Owen Sound. Chickens in coops in the farm yards and chickens in coupes on the roads " present are much in evi- dence. We are informed down south that many buy cars instead of building homes and live in them. It looks as if the fashion may prevail in this cold clime ere long. as many sit in them for hours by the wayside. But the country is at its best now and there is both pleasure and profit in viewing the beauties of nature. - Dr Snail: and Hum Russell m In utendtnce than and the p.- tient than none slight improve. ment during the put few dun which gives hope. But he is still tar from well. Miss Ella Sturrock came home last week after spending over a year with relatives in New Jersey. Miss M. Ball, London. was 3, rec- ent visitor with her sister. Mrs Wm Dingwall. Mr and Mrs E. Hockrldge spent last Tuesday in Owen Sound. Mrs Feletead and daughter Phylls. Toronto, are expected to arrive this week on a visit to her brother. Mr. Chas Wale. Mr D. S. McDonald and family, at. tended the Nicholson-Philo nuptials Saturday. Miss Effie is going back Monday to spend a while with her aunt. Mrs Wm Philp. Miss Annie M. Dyce went to Matt. ara this week. Mrs Jack Is at present visiting Mrs A. MeEuehnie. Mr Jae. Plaster. Trail. B.C.. left for his home Friday last after a ahort visit with his parents. Mr and Mrs Jno. Hester. This was his first visit home in 27 years. Mrs T. Stumble is visiting her daughter. Mrs Jno. McLaren. Mr and Mrs Albert Ridden, Luth- er, spent. the week end at Mr James Riddell's. Mr Wallace Ridden was Mr Alex Spence left for Graven- tttr-at lac! week to spend the sum. mer on the boats. home also. Miss Edna Webater is spendingthia week with relatives around Dundalk. Miss Berta intends leaving shortly to spend the summer at Elgin House, in Muskoka. Mr Mitchell Burnet and sister. M'r's Ina. visitedthe first of the week with their aunt, Mrs Jas. Mitchell. A number of young people from this vicinity. intend motoring to Markdale next Saturday to take part in the Grey Co Judging competition. l Mr and In 1.1. Pout tad funny, Invent the first of the week with friend: near Hanover. I Mr and In Inn EdqmttU 3nd 3 v . _ t. dy and little son. She} Mme. spent the Amt ot the week l with Mr and In. R.T. Edwards. Among those present from a dis tance at the special services " Beth. any chapel Sunday were Messrs Ed, Armstrong, Ernvst Myers and Joe Leader. each with their families, from Maple Grove, Amaranth Tp. Last Friday evening, a carlond of youth and beauty started for Kano ver to attend a reception, but alas! their car was not of the same mind, and when at Dromore refused to go. A relief car went from Hopeville to convey them home again. Mr Taylor, Owen Sound,, was the guest of Mr and Mm R.T. Edwards the Brat of the week. His sister. Mrs J. Edge. Toronto, returned with him, utter spending a. week at the Ed. wards home. Mr and Mrs Geo, Peart and Messrs Rob and Jim, visited the firtrt of the week with the Hudson family. South Bentlnck. Miss Katie May Firth is spending this week with relatives in Guelph. Mus Vine Ptylor. Hanover, épent the week end " her home here. Mr and Mrs Geo. Robertson tutti Bit-kn, Molesworth. motored up to W J. Greenwood'a Soturday. Dirk and Cam Robertson returning Sunday " ternoon. while Mr tad Mrs Robert- Ion Are Maytag tor . few days long- Mr And In Humid laminae of North Egremont, entertained the young folks of this community to I moot enjoynble the " their home mt “My evening. HOPEVILLE ZION 3'11"” e the 9 ' "Dr. ad of - i The third annual reunion of the) Pricevilieites and their friends in: [Toronto took place in High Park in ithat city on June 12th. Owing to {weather conditions it was not as Ilargely attended as in previous years .but in every other respect it was 'pronounced " decided success." Our iworthy President, H. B. McKinnon. iwas unable to be present, but sent geeetinga from Ottawa and also a .iiberal contribution for the picnic fund. The refreshments were provid- et by the ladies and a splendid Burr per was served in the pavilion, after which all repaired to the picnic ‘grounds and the young people hada splendid game of ball, refereed by Mr Jas Coleridge. The score was 2'2 ---23. The Week's Canes in The biggest more ot the yen wu lut Thursday night, when the Mili. tia captured their second game. The A.Y.P.A, were minus two or three of their good player: and Just managed to form a team. " looked . wane Any when the Militia pounded out 14 runs to 0 the tirat innings, but in the first of the 7th, the Trinity boys had tied it up 2r---21, when the sol- diers staged a strong tinierh. 123456789tot. Militia 140160047x32 LYCRA. 01830450223 Butteries: Militia - Hepburn and Burns: A.Y.P.A.-C. Eividge. Mc- Farina and Stedman The contest between group 2 lead- ers Friday night was a cinch for the Stone Plant men, who batted the I. O. o, F. oil'erings all over the lot, though at the start it looked like a tight contest. Batteries, Stone & Sand Co.-- Aljoe and McDonald: i. The Clerks won their third straight game Tuesday night, when they proved too snappy and hard hitting an outtlt Mr the High School boys. Unless the Militia can stop them next week, the Clerks look to be dis- trict winners. Batteries: Clerks: - H. Rowe and F. Mellralth: High 8ettool-R. Connor and C. Noble. 0. o. F.---iriintr and Ewen Clerks Militia Public School High School Furniture Co. 1 Rand 0 Merchants 0 Neville Reunion in Toronto GROUP Stone & Sand 3 The evening was spent in dancing. Mr D. McDonald and Miss Peggy Marsh gave splendid exhibitions of highland dancing at intervals. Tho music for the evening was supplied by Messrs Runeiman and Sackett. and Mr Angus McDonald Rave a skirl on the pipes for the highland dancers. The piper for the afternoon was Mr Geo. McKay of the 48th High- landers' Band and the sweet strains of the pipes were heard all over the Park and delighted the hearts of all Pricevlllites present. All went home feeling thry had spent a. very enjoyable allernoon. and hope to meet again in 1927 when we will hope to me" many of our Durham friends who will be wel- comed by the Priceviilitea. Mr D. Mclnnis was chosen President for 1927. so you may be assured of a good time and a Highland welcome. MELODY BOYS' ORCHESTRA STONE a SAND WON EASILY CLERKS 29, HIGH SCHOOL " Will kill my times more tiles for the money then my other tir killer. Each pad will kill tiietg all day, every day, for three weeks. At all Grocers, Drug- gists and General Store-. 10e and Me per package. Music for all Condom For rntea, and open dates, tpply to H. E. PHIPPB. Hunger Portable Engine mm Madam. Durham Softball League MILITIA 32. A.Y.P.A. " GROUP 1 STANDING Won lost to play per ct 3 0 5 1.000 2 1 5 .667 School 1 1 6 .500 011001 1 2 5 .333 Imperial Machinery Truman 2 STANDING ONTARIGW ARCHIVES TORONTO 1.000 .667 " J. L. SMITH. MI., tt.0. P.S. once and residence. corner Contact and Lambton. oppooite old Post one. once hours: ' to 11 1.111.. 1.30 to G p. m.. T to ' p.m., Sundays excepted MAIN STREET. HOLSTEIN. ONT. {Licenced Auctioneer [or Go. ot any , Terms, reasonable. Bate dates mu! be “ranged " the Review 000.. 1 Durham. "teelderutet R. R. No. t, Friend“. Dit. WILLIAM A. BLAKE "we!“ and “new ot lean." IMny Clint: PM». 2. rt2 PMCEVILLE, ONT. :Llconud Auctioneer (or Bay County l Sale: taken on renaming urns Dates arranged at Herald once,”- [dalk, also through Durhun Review-Ill _r'iesherton Adranee. Geo. B. Duncan. ‘Dundalk P. o. Phone " r " - Human noun: t-a human a _ Sale dates my be arranged " tho inevlew Omee or with self. Tonn- ‘modente. sun-mum: slur-Mood. MS. JAMIESON & .IAMIESOI W. C. PICKERING. DDS. LDS Univenity. Mule 090’s! 0on of Dental Surgeon. of nurio Room. ovor J I J HUNTER? Now Rum HONOR GRADUATE of Torono, Univenity. Mute agoyd Coll... of Dental Surgeons of nmrio Room. J. F. GRANT, 0.0.8., LOS. HONOR GRADUATE Toronto Unint- tsity; Graduate Royal College Donal Surgeons. Dentistry In ttil It: bun- Chest. Omee, East ot Central Drug Eton. Entrance on Mill Street. MIDDLEBRO'. SPEREMAN 8 Mi00LEBRO' Barrleters, “Helm, Ete. Mr C. C. liddlehro " Durhum one. At Fleaherton on Fridays. from 4.80 to ' sun. The Science that adda Life to years and years to life. Call and Bee III. Communal: It... tn Durham Tuudaya, Thursdays and Saturday. DRS. C. th AND BESSIE McGlLLIVRAY Licensed Auctioneer for County Grey it Subscribers are reminded that when remitting subscriptions tothe Review by cheque that exchange should be sdded. Bank money orders or ex- press money orders do not need the exchange, neither do postsl money orders or postal notes. Water! , ater!! Water” The Durham U. P. o. the Stock mum: will “up .teteh from mgr. ham, on Tuscan. Bhlpperl we to queued to give (hm ann' Mace. What is Good Health Worth ? be had try having I well drilled. l the Inna. Pumps and My - Snudmion gnu-Intact wuer that In polluted And ttnttt for you plan a sale, phone 604. m REUBEN C. WATSON Graduate. Urtiveeaitr ot Touch GEORGE E. DUNCAN I zoom mind" I BR. h. M. BELL once on Lambton Bt. Eyes Examined and Com Noun: 2-a p.m., r-." pin. Sundays excepted M. C. McLELLAN ED. J. PRATT, In... Man NOTICE TO FAHEIS Chiropractic Speculum CHIROPRACTIC JOHN O'NEIL JAG. LAWRENCE, Shipper Addres- R. R. I, Vane] II

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