let n I: Practical allocations. l , r'm- music memory content, it it 's .'te musical and valuable, must be . 'ary' an only of memory, but tho ot _ .n Judgment ind knowledge. d In order to develop the child r; .mmrly. there thou-NI, it poulble, be a r Nemalic course in listening which tusuds zhmugbmn the you. Unqua- '-:..lh:_v tho test. should be than from v... classroom com-u. and int that no u _ there should be B aileron: contest HM for each grade; _ It is impossible to give a that; In: lly musical not to I very large r . n,» The r-hildren on be tenet! _ l y. 'mportant thins beside. the .. of communion, and the con- , -r'".h4 Qualities of imam“. dtb hw-n: types of dined. information , ..,- pieces studied. In! my}. Ind -e ‘n unfamiliar 'nagqitr--aat hue in- nu possibilities for m. , we frantic prewuion of which _ T b. 110015 are mrotr u harmfttt to ' , HM hum musicelvly and physical- I'Il‘s may be avoided by undue l 4 "_. i'ottteyt only I. 10W dur. be!!!" " 'e ty (n cut' Hy tohowing this pin .- .e-hrrrLq that have done comm. . -" mark throughotrt the entire you , nuke the best showing. f l'lte rmhnnary elimination con- '. _ 's mly ho dispensed with by M " /" final (-mitentantn. the†child?“ I Var. e Orue tho but music thinking tlr .‘hnul the year. u rm. ttme in the echool mum “Van to listen!“ in on limited am it new... uawtge to opend any ot it in banning to upon the mMrteq ot cow was and competition- that If. hr too mum" for the and. .0001 child. It is preferable to H the - ot Nero ts 57d}; in. used "0o,000 Worth of perfume at In 0'03.th The condor is the only It' mu - its young in its nut or a par. Th0 young can" " (or "It!" c- . muons M on". and Mve th., ~I~xtdreu chock than by come cam- , . testtertt tlm, It." Mme. rose And. white, all "Jr out. We lg tty? wind mt“, ll. Ow! in the ',iGuiierr and MII, and In an trprurg n " tho plum av m a spate And let them when " "I! them ll. R. R. The young and " " months Mr Mn. Mind. »‘H both muslealu'y .nd phrrrieal- Once in the course of a day's lulu-[my homo for the past tttteen years and l c. , may he aroided by “MW my through the mountains. Idtscover-lr ban-w the good health my children "otitegt onby . tew duytr be,†ad I Mk in full ttower on the road. i enjoy ls dug entirely to (hi! “Wiping. lt thr "l†Hy following tlt% tplan side btnk. My first impulse to rsecmre'The Table-i5 aw helpful at teething ' 'te "-5 that have do†wn’cm‘ the Bower melted into a desire to otr-,titrte; relieve colds and um always brt' k throughout the entire year min the root. When I p'.autml it he‘lbeneiit-ial in the minor ailments ot lit- mm tiw best showing. hind tho liken in the dusk of 'he even 1 tie ones. I have recommended Baby's in» luls"rittuar.T elimination eon- inn. I am Mire that I helped it with10wn Tablets to other mothers whose :nl)‘ bo dinponsed With try ettooo. toarl. for the shelter root was cutiexperienco with them has been as _ tiual momma“. than children clean arrow. But there it still stands I satisfactory no my own." ' 130 dun» tho but music thinking in the company of a dozen or mom ofl Baby's Own Table“ do one thing [h'vui the year. its kind __ coming up every spring in anniy. but they do it well. They act as i‘in mum in the school lar'.",.'.."."]'.?.','.'.? disk of Jeans and allowing an l n gentle laxative which thoroughly re- '. in iiatru‘r.‘ in to “mind that it l smire look ot mwnable ambition otl, guinea the bowel: and sweetens the I unwise to spend any of it inlgrowth. in July it begins to show ii'iltiC2tits, thus banishing constipation ring to avail the name. of com-Hall Bower stalks. and noon the donut! indigestion; colds and simple a: and competition. that no tuillmtoiy fringed and srineteaveesrl!t,vrrs and turn the cross, sickly baby limtvult for tho and. wool child. 1 tbrweim tro feathering up and down mi into a well, happy, lluxhing child. W'*"erabie to a the - ofltsttrin. lapping so closely one over mi mors ()wn Tablets are sold by muons M m and havegoiher that it becomes a solid spike or, medicine dealers or direct by mail at ltldpet: ctt.ett M by come oim- l bloom. pervaded with an odor like Gil" cents a box from The Dr. Willinms' “mm 1,t violets. Tho characteristics " moulliodivine Co., Brockville, Ont. Fruiruaaizts the enjoyment which!urouly expanse:- are dignity and t .-d-------- 'slettt will tom tho music it- lli‘enoe. I Md that tho reoerve . "-i‘ough 'i'iWdlllld annuity! which i m minus in the char-om? Summer Air. .,l by the an“. A hail-r of thin iiowor itgthMsttetNt my mannorotl'rho wind blows through the borough _ of made is - more that showing it to my triermitr.-catsdatoel trees. V unjoyd in I'M“ beenâ€. Wheeler. in 'Contont in a Gordon." The wind blows down the lane. runny " hooomol tho rhiid'. _ cr" -rt-t-r'L " - And t,t1.ayi,e.'1tt.lyy','t Moe- Improving the Music Memory Contest vwn â€casino. Ey a Teacher of Mud. In a School Hunt more - Iona a†rml d, or win lower? tt in not ar an to ow. require. ism. if . need. no irrigation if we" â€on: the dry union not. in. w 'mulifui when in bloom. The! â€.1- much like tho poppy tni l Lemme millionth not no 'll',,,'.") h stalk hears many his“ or) mm the poppy; tho venue is| Iieront. too, but litre the POPPY} Jr: tvltNtt. up at night. A. the; M: "pen um. and the other-l " wilfullinn. tho â€deli; in. ' 'rrng-'.'lverd daytime bouquet-I i‘mmu The plants will now “I: f..et Hub. and branch free tualur " good -oumt M "van-a. Thom are um. ":16- ',) t Qutroduoo the music {a é , f the contest. but let tho â€no as tar as â€able. as s a )x-ar's classroom work in pror‘atlon. ot slight tho touch!“ of a. ualitieq In tho hills to W 'dying themes. This malt: numurouo errors. were they am, as me confusing at .av" with "To a Wild R056." wt spend valuable time In to spell names that come lthitt tho ability nor the ex- .f tho) student. Poul-an; in , kind of memory contest hos mu to kill the proper to" ot 'url as to Ina-em tho tn. n or music. Pitfall. to Avoid. ' {lute too may cal-pod- F Lat Very law clan. will . i in a musician†my more y -.orthwmlo selection In z==-===cu.-..====,a-eb' Food Fail. to Nourish - Rene! “lo-3t widowpread arr] it" Can be Mad “mm Dr. 2., malto good null-Er: r , aver-s2: number of porople' Williams m Pub- _ f. an popular nlrllfler-7 tr, your dWlon on strike? Do you _ ri. music memo" Cork turn away tram your food " not] ,- in?“ part to t.he in- tlmeo. although you know you need f r,trodue.irig Iatgtru- the nourishment your food should give m '_i.'. there ““1â€?" you? 1. what you on rollowed by v-' va Rattle in Bmubuntr paint, "tu'.enee or nuns? The†‘2 l: “WW“? u, a “W Symptoms show that your stoma-ch in _, Milo mum. Some- in no state to digest toad even it you T "m armrest ot the eo.. eat it. Do nu. rely on remedies that _:; tho competition aad merely give temporary relief. A loud . f than in the music lt- stomach depends upon rich, red blood. l [us Bern claimed who and it it does not do the work “MIN ..k [half ability to nan" intended. the trouble must be correct- 11 sh appearance ot thar' ed through the blood and there is no . mo, and to spell the better way to build up the blood than 'useri' names oven to by taking Dr. Williann' Pink Pills. ' "L‘s" and the dotting, Every dylpeptic who has tried them in ‘ no interest. wle"'ideruhted with the improved appetite .,'r:t as a work of art. and renewal atrongth that so quickly m. (all think that men follow their nu. Mrs. A. Quinlan, s'ild of itself batsmen 'tiuattorit, Ont., is one who has tooled . v'rt.site, yet the music the value of those pills in trouble of T 4 can be l0 organized: this kind. Sh. "rtr.--"l teal lt I dun Alike identiticatton can mind. but to no mat were». the man by taking Dr. williams' Pink Pills. ' Every dyepeptic who he tried them is ideritrhted with the improved appetite and tenured strength that so quickly fnilow their use. Mrs. A. Quinlan, six'nttord. Out, is one who has toned the value of these pills in trouble of I this kind. She "ys:-N feel it I duty (to let you know what Dr. Williame’ iPink Pills hue done for me. Some l time ego I suffered severely from indi- ‘gestion, which left me run down and i nervous. I could neither eat nor sleep well, end decided to consult a doctot. rHe told me that I was elmoet blood. ‘iess and gave me some medicine. but he it did not upon to help me, I de lcided to try Dr. wuumr Pink Pille. ll not three boxes and by the Pe I WHEN DIGESTION I B on STRIKE" the nourishment your food Ihould give you? In what you on followed by; Pains, flatu'.enem or now? Thmi symptoms show that your stomach in in no state to digest food even it youI eat it. Do not My on remedies that. merely give temporary roller. A sound} stomach depends upon rich, red blood,, and if it does not do the work nature intended. the trouble must be correct- ed through the blood and there is no better In] to build up the blood than had taken them I felt better. I then got the more boxes Ind when I Ind Icahn them I felt like 1 new womnn, tusd I 1m “min ablo to do my bonu- work, and have not since had my n- turn of the trouble." Dr. Williams“ Pink Pills are sold by alt medicine dealers. or will be IBM by mail " 50 cents a box by The Dr. Wllllamq' Medicine Co., Brockvillo, Ont. A little booklet "What to Eat and How to Eat." will be sent flee to any address tor the taking. Fringed Orchids. There is a place in the garden. be tween the projecting south window of the studio and the two great lilac clumps which dude it, where l have planted as many specimens of the rare 1aventder-ptntt [ringed orchid us l have been an. to and in my drives or walk. shout Onteon. It mud be dimmit to tell exactly how and why thin Bower mung“ to convey Inch n sense of its own luperior value. ot deHcate and priceless worth: yet the tact romaine! that no Bower in tho ttarden inspires to proud a can» of Won. When I found the ftrrt ones in a “not! wet meadow, and brought them home and planted them here, there was a sense of 'mrrepttttousrrrss about the whole proceedinu. like the hiding of Jewels; sad I am t'omgciousi of a curtain iLrtive wstchiulneu it) my tenduncs- which the plants themselves do not Mom to exp-act or require. They nhow an up- parent cttrelr'vsuers as to what is done to or with them, that ha; an effect of tho extmme of good breeding. and cor- thinly adds to, instead of taking from, an idea of their importance. Loyalty of Highest Order. True loyalty requires no considera- ttou. “cow none. It springs from bones! acknowledgmont of obligstton and to unwind by funk recognition of right. It In the htatteot possible ox- pnulon of Independent manhood in in relations with man. community and p... aid. 'lttt Mylar-hm." " tot m I “'0 I.“ U ".m""- In autumn-unto. tttet,." - .... -... nun-n I. New Lima.- for Old. When making mer for mm bore tho do!!!“ of mm eldors n is worth while An buy a couple of yards or very thin new good- and line the small ur- menll. They will In: as long again if um u done, when" without auoh reinforcement' often they hardly r. my the work put Into them. anon iiater Andrews, Ltd.' '"."Gic' a... m .m. in .aah, mu. .2. In "on". Toronto' Mlnard‘n Linlmcnt King of Fall. h MEDICINE THAT i, ALL MOTHERS PRAISE: Babyh Own Tablets Banish Bahyhood and Childhood Ailments. Nts. ll. (lakes, Sal-nil, Ont.. all)“ "1 haw used Baby's Own Tablets In my hmue fur the past tttteen years and l hellwv the good health my children enjoy is this- entirely to this mam-in». The Tablets era helpful at teething time; renew colds and are always beneticitU in the minor ailments ot lit- tie when. l have recommended Baby's Own Tablets to other mothers whoma experience with them has been as satisfactory as my own." Summer Air. The wind Nous through the borough trees. The wind blows down the Inns. Ami soft and plaintive as it - It Huts a low retraltt; O, Lad. who lovod grow old and dlo, But love shall ya rennin. This job of getting out of bed only every morning you no outer. though one has been practising It all our. o, mun a man ha rant! 5 house That since but gunk for “no; And many a 1mm some proudly onco Who now Is lent to tuna But I mind many a lad and lass Who only garnered blame Two mama-faced [oven yearn ago Had same I word to say; The love thor whispered In this lane Shall whisper here for aye ’ And O! What empty words of klnu Since then I’ve blown away! - -Konueth A.ttley tn the English Re- life, Illcll. All“ 13 - “I6 VJ. â€VIII. Vb bett, of bell, aria. outwit. u 1'g'Ltf) b/tt Canadian a- tional Railways, west of Hudson, and is one of the entpareet, into the Red Lake Gold Fields. le was there that Mr. Corbett received a Now which might, well have discouraged any but a trtout "tl.',?',, and it is " the same Quibell t at he is striving forward towards a remarkable reha- bilitation. - _ Fate is oftentimes mag. in tu manifestations, yet. quently victiml of its strains are compen- sated in such 3 manner u to renal that human kindness continue: to remain a vital factor in the lives of men. This is the tale of Jphp fiot- John Corbett, at one time section hand on the Canadian National Rail- ways, set out to perform a kindly act one winter's " over a cg ngo, having underulon to deliver some groceries to a feeble old woman who resided some distance from the village. While in the house, Mr. Corbett felt faint, but 'ttet,', nothing of it us he had oeeaaiona ly suffered dizzy spells, the result of injuries received while serving than of turrm1dik 1ei#ilttirtr A mist ot nlnbow dyes, he burnished sunbeam brightening, Prom tiower to flower he tiiee. ' “John B. Tabb. View The HueyigpBir h of urmiGis' “pruning No Euler. A Comeback with Chickens Bird. After consultation with represen- tative: of the Department of Colo- nization, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Canadian National Rail, ways. the latter recommended that the most advmtegeous occupation in which to place Mr. Corbett would be poultry raisig‘. Under such circumltmm and with lune}; g 1mm handicap, the tt tare m tot very bright tg r. Corbett, but the clouds did and what followed brought the Inmhine back to his lift. An up to-dale poultry house was erected last November, while this spring additions were made in the form of a modarn broader house complete with stove and feed bop- pee. This building u large enough for three to four hundred young chicks. Mr. Corbett bu found a ready market for eggs. and as the hens laid well all winter he u. been obtaining some revenue right from the start. Prom this it will be seen that the project is now wall utebliehed as a going concern. Broadly speaking. there an- lhrea (Henna kinda ot blush. One ig the charmingly mrIt-cottsciouq blush of the bashful youth of pretty maid. The second In that of the habit- ual hummer. And the third is the care- fulLv-tinwd blush of the experienced Birt. Shymu la the general (ausc- of Nub- ing. and it is thir, type of Mush which MIN-ts the boy or girl who is growing up. - Blushing in itself is caused by mul- den eruotlott, which operates on the bland system. The blood is instantly driven to the numernuu tiny vessel‘s that form a vast network directly un- der the akin of the (m. dilating them and imparting the characteristic red tiutsh. " wears ott in time, but while the awkward use lasts. the young people are ready to Mush an the elhdm‘nt pro- vocation. The habitual blusber is a person to be pitied. Having experienced the blushing stage of youth. and at the same time being more than uaually self-oonsrious. the dread of blushing begins to master him. It but: tho un- fortunate ettect of making him homely my and timid. He grows frightened of being no- ticed when he is among others, and mentors. blushes on the slightest purl vocation. Unlequ, he takes himself in hand and determines to master " failing. he will so through life a con- tinual misery to himself. Blushing, normally, is Manned)“ to the one who blushes, but nevertho less it anon nukes a person look rw mummy attraciive, The oxperfontatd flirt knows this. and can blush to or der, Amient Hyman artists have put 11ml the modern world, whether intan- tionally or not any never be known. The artists of today are unable to ox- piain why it is that the chimed por- traits on all the union: Egyptian monumenu chow foot which no - rights and lotus Always the big too at both feet are in tho from and not on drawing showl'tho mull toe in from. It the cutting wow. n 9911011 turning “who 'etr2thd,2tT,,'dt',', m it e We}! â€on. in)" a The third kind of blink» the "blink to order" -itr easily thn rarest of All. “hum on the loft “do both Net no Harris Abattoir Co., Limited f1teft, Ave., Toronto FLEEGE WOOL Can You Blush to Order? No Left and Right Feet. Redbirds, redbirds, Don and long ago, What a. honey-call you land In hills I ' to k. ow; Mbud. blackberry. Wild plum-tree And proud river "new“ Southwsrd to the 380.. Brown and gold In the sun Sparkling tar below, Trailing Mately round her bloc. “Were the poplars (new. I. This in the tltth yearly competition on political economy subjects which Mr. Simonds has offend prim for, in an endeavor to arouse a. more “new interest in the subject ot mnomica u routed to individual and general welfare. Redbirds, redblrda, Are you singing still As you sang one May day On Suwn's Hill? --Satxr Teasdale, in "Home and Buduw." Prizes aggregating $1,500.00 are he in; offered by Mr. Mun T. Simonds, of Fitchhurg. Maas., for the but essays on "Saving & spending" as actors of prosperity. The competition in own to Gust. dun: sad intending competitor: no invited to address for Information, "The Contest Editor." Simondl BO" 5 Steel Co., 470 Main Street, Muh- bug, Mus. No â€that†to. or other expense I. involved. $1,000.00 will go to the writer ot the best essay-and $260.00 each to the next two best. The contest close- December M, 1926. ttttd Is open to "errtsodr--everywhere. A Baggage Hint. When preparing one's baggage tor a trtm If two use (one for going and one for coming home) are written, no small amount of annoyance may be' done away with when the return trip to to be made. If the to†are to Iris lucked out" " trunk, the mm with the retun: address should hr- placed be heath the one with the going-away " dresa and both tacked on together.‘ When the traveler is ready for the re- ' turn trip. the top one may be torn oft, having tho other in Its proper platter If the tapes. are to be Inserted in a’ leather hunter the same method can be unpd. ', "Does your wife wart. Bill?' “Naw. she just takes care house and our seven kids." U" MMard'l Llnlment In tha stables. Prizes Offered for Essays on "Saving & Spending." _ The Place and the Girl. "Rave you a court yard?" "No, I do my courting Indoon: Are you bein'g bored to death? STANDARD OIL co. (NEW 1mm Duteibutad in Canada by Fred J. Whitlow a Co,, Toronto. IU a eiut of Flit handy. - Flit spray elm 213 home in 8 MI minute: of dir. eastbearing flies mosquitoes. It is clean. do and '3SSY td me. Mit 'tW,', also destroys boa bu , roach-I tad am. It m out t e mob and erodes WECI'I M?,tt Ind breed, Ind destroys insect! md their out. apt-lb lit on gr Emma. mit kills moth: and their It? vb eat ho rferahrs tun Ihowod that Hit spray d not Main the moat delitatq fabrics. m u the remit. of Wt!" Rerflt I1Cttpf,rt mat Ciiitriiii ',cliiii,,iiit -- Tifiriiioisiiii muted the ol mating haul. M does it quickly. Get 1 it an sud-1 Easy Jon OSQUITQppryurojs quickly ended if you keep Kills All Homhokl Inocu- of the I would know them “when†mom 1 foreign Mud, Or on returning um Ion; absence. Know than and mm with all we don black teapot. Tho wide white truttom-- How many hwpy mull In" can. from their bright “who"! They pun before mo three (Lulu I day. you In. your out. With “diminished hospital!†and cheer. England in that poll-bod m And not it on tta shelf Deer handy dunes, troodasight'. --uord Reborn You AM Not to Bi-por your features. but you can change your er premium. Tendorly, meantâ€, I will can wipe eaoh digit water and dry them on . tower-. Each glut and cup and mm. Each pitcher, plate and bowl; With their planning curve. and com. Greens 3nd btues and ydiowg Wowerss and birds and can Mud. of gold Paula; before my dreaming â€on. “to homely yellow Jug, the shin!" ---rtrr. the family you are born into, but you choose the - you mcny into. --Por tho things that ugwen to you, but for the attitude you toe toward them. For harm: poor music. but for enjoying It. --Por the on] in the world unions you no Indifferent to It. I wash the dishes and sing, t dip them into steaming chant" --F'trr the [onto you hour. but for that winds you repeat. - For your hula.“ mandala. but you can ch00" your Manda. Insect Bites "Wiilinm, what did Newton do?' "invented any!“ “Hint down.’ (9mm ' tear, " mu 'it'diteitl " )'sedigtf Bee stings, mosqunn bites. 080.. ï¬re greatly relieved by applying Mlnard's. Dish Washing. The Answer. .. Nth! ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO One physical: - will!“ “I†diets. which valid admin I do. 2 pox-non at nny nodal qtaqggagt& &tttrte. than u: Minor-II. 'Strtar6' ha, carbonyl“. and M. Ab senoo of minerals and â€not" b put tieri.ely dawn. to - Locum lnoooldn‘ hon-uh MtmusaMtottimntttghFe. phutsbmludoaclnpm Send 10c for m-nemus sample. WINOATE CHEMICAL CO., LTD. “I 8t. Paul St. W, "an"... PAINS ALL Two Mute Can of Feminine Ili- In! Relieved by Lydil E. Pink, Inn's Vegetable (10-me Ber. N. S, "I bud and“. Minn, hunches. book and II who. and pains all war my body. would “veto go to bed every man and nothing would do 1:10:00de hm mg pr Nthet di "my no hub-ad and my father did my work for me u I have two children Ind we have quite a big phat. I read in the per about Lydia E. Pinkhnm'o 2thet Compound, and then (at a little book than! it thump theinail and my husband at nt w mum‘s ma (at me a bottle, and then we an more from the awn». I am feel . fine now and do ull my work and um able to go out ground more. I tell my friands n in Lydia E. Pinkhum'a Veg- etable Cumppung cut ".ett me feel no aiirir 1‘91? sFruJtrcsiastmro", Barrington, Nova Seam. St. Thomas. Ont. "I took four bottle. of Lydil E. Pinkhmn'n Vette- “bl. Comm“! and found great ro- liof from dull, heavy I mm in the null of my back and the madman from which I suffered for five year. “at my bog wu born. After taking the V on Io Compound and unin‘ Lydia a. Pinkhun'l Sunni†Wash 1m fed ' better than I have for the past seven yarn. and advise my friendlmykc 11:12: 'VyTey'b, 'd/i'ii'iri' "iiiii"ier: aim" u. Ont, C CuticnraComfortsTender 1 Aching Irritated feet Bathe the (out lot several minute. with Cuticun Soap and warm w.- k. then follow with a light spru- uuon of Coda. Ointment, gently mbbed in. Thin vent-mm In moat twin! in "harm and com- $ttetirtg dud. trot, in. burn- ,,a, an r.- N In: “on. no“... - .,_L‘_ n ---a.-t. m- Emu. of 5.1.1" 1.135%? in a as. o WI 2llrWah'= fast and rid your" self of that dio- Dull Pubs in Back CirrriLriiirTiirAa Ir" -. cum. Shrine - It: A blot Warning. MU! Nu 20-426 [IVER BODY Cg "