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Durham Review (1897), 22 Jul 1926, p. 1

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ktale an. M Cow! Mn Ian-u but blow tea fortte " I.” " locational to outdo- lo eon- _ the an» the m- 'it, lilo. Mm nup P.. ll do I but ad. th-g ub- yotr eon- ulc-nt or 0'0 lbw Lake ton 'olaelo are sell. Mo- tein bi m Hill [no no ton Ind ad COUNTY of I, nu- In to "tter rt Menon, ‘W lit-uh " Coming A in Prof. Kat the wrll known optical spo ciaOt. wt be at the Hahn House Durham. We mad-y. July 28th. to mamino eyes or head ache. tttad- ”was, defective 'slon, etc. All reltev- ed through pro ly tttttd shiatsu Prat Kat: is kno to be one of the nuts! skillrd optl In! in Western ontario. He can ti p you even it others hare tailed. Crops Good in Manitoba on remitting for the ReView. Mm. Jno Angus. of Angusvmv. Man. says: "Props art- good in thin part of the country and no potato bus." The latter condition would be very ac- wptablo here Just now. We thank her for the kindly remark “Woultl'nt like to be without the Review." so“ to Guelph Mr. Reginald G. Geen. organist ot St. George's Anglican church. Owen Saund. for the out " years. has IVS|IIIQJ that Damon to accept n ,imilar position in St George's church. Guelph. Rev. W. H. Snub. District Deputy 1;huui Master. will preuh " an Odd. 'rllows' service in Arthur at 3 p. m. Sunday. August I, in the Presbyter- ian church. This is the Brst day Of the Old Boys' Reunion there. Homo Destroyed try Fire Mr John Aldred last week. receiv- nl the unwelcome news that his for, nwr home near Ceylon. Soak. fell a 1ictitn to tumett. His Ion Peres mm owns and operate: the farm of mu acres and oécuplea the home. It appears that the hired man "one. kindled the Michel) are and left for the barn to do the morning chores. The lnram baby of Mr and In Aid. red had been sick during the night Em Hm Garden Party The Garden I'Aty that ls different under the ausplceq of Edge Hills-lun- may School. will be held on 8.3. No. .", grounds Thur“): ft Aug. mu. Good program and sport\ Admission 35e, rhllrlren "e. previous and this somewhat account- ed tor the fact that the parents were heavier site-pen than usual this mominx in question. Anyway by the time the parents realized the serious- ness of the situation. there was noth- ing left to do but quickly vacate their home. The house. which was a large. frame structure. was com- pletely destroyed with contents and while there was inaurance on the property money cannot replace many articles that have (one up in smoke and ttames. " is most probable that Mr Aldred’s son will again build. Anniversary and Reopening Ber. vices of Amos Church. Dromore. will he held Sunday and Monday, July 25 and, 26 For Monday evening the. Cor nnado Male Quarteue of London and an eioeutioeti" have been secured. LO8T: At Standard Bank corner, on evening of July am, a leather purse containing a “In or money. Rrward. Finder please leave at or phone. Review on“. 28.1 - - - - __ -- - - - _ V _ V LOST: In Durham, on 12th of, Durham Kirls' softball team will July, gold brooch. Finder will oblige.,' - pm. in Thornbury on Civic Holiday. by ll-avlng at Review Office. Reward; 2i'ull,'i, 'ree,' 'a,tlT.T :1: “WM" Auttust 2nd. LOST: On the afternoon of July! Clocklin gins Oddfollow Address LOST: Last Wednesday On Hur- 12m. in Durham. 3 diamond bar pin. -- ..-.7 hum Roam. between the Clo-n and Finder please lo-ave at Review okicel Some 50 or 60 of the brethren 0 human], a suitcase. Finder please m at Variety Store. lam), Lodge I.o.0.F., together witl " "V" at, or notify the Review Oftiee. Drilmuilln sahv,,a,.,,,,, Cardf-nltwo cars of brethren from Mt Fares Waudby Garden Party Waudtrv annual Garden Party con- tttturs to hold its popularity for the [wattle at North (llenelx and adjac- all points. for their crowd at this tnnction last Friday evening. “as one or the largest they have had. it want held on the grounds ot Mr Fred Totry. which were illuminated for the occasion with the Delco lighting system At an appropriate time Rev. Mr t'rirhinghott. pastor ot Centre "leneltr Baptist church, was appoint- "d to the chair and had the good at- tention of his audience a. the long program was carried through. The politicians were out in mlL\torce. Miss A. C. McPhail. MR. anuUr Oliver and Dr. Campbell at Mark. dale. being on the grounda. Misc Mephail spoke “on: the lines of the Changing Timen': Mr Oliver on. ‘Why Young People love the Farm) while Dr. Campbell eonitned his re marks to n tew good iota. Mary dnle Citisens' Band in! on the grounds and enlivened the evening with bright music; Rocky orchestra will on hand with their best. u were also Mr an! In Arthur Mex-Hy. Brynn Morlock and cum Cook on violin. omit. guitar nnd violin: ree- iunon “Cue! " ti. bat" Antl- Mclntooh; not. mu: will: Bolt Witt: Iona. Mr Lita-john a “his. M’ in the avails. . in..." an. m wit-ed be Mn “film Old I“. when tho for." v. G. Over a” m MOI I II. at VOL. XLIX. NO 29 PT-d 'iiirsi'eiti"" 'i." 1Jutce. Priceville Pre' yterian Garden corner, Party will be hel on the school leather grounds. Priceville. n Thursday, money. Aug Vl2th. An extra tr time being r at or prepared. Admission 850 nd 15c. S. S. No. g, Glenelg, held their Tl nual Sunday school picnic in Mr T.l Greenwood's grove. 2nd com. on Fri- day last. and as per usual was i) treat for the younger as well as old-' er generation. The summer season‘ is short at the. best and while tid/ picnic mason is on, everyone 'e pears to have the time to spare to: attend these outdoor gatherings.l Races and sports 'were carried on in1 an adjoining field and Tom Longboat] in the zenith of his power, could not! have had much on some of thesei youthful sprinters. For the supper all took part and enjoyed the picnic! repast. A large community ball' game was arranged after lunch. ossl, er which much fun arose. l, The Grey Regiment's annual train- ing camp opened Monday ot this week at Leith. Owing to reduced grants, the camp this year is taking the form of a school of instruction for omeers and N. C. O's. About 50 omens and men are under canvas. Linn. Col. T. J Rutherford is in charge. Cecil McLean of town, is in attendance. 8. S. No. 9, Gionolg, Picnic . Hospital Gar n Party and Street Dance, in Cent Park. Mt. Forest. on F'riday. July 2 . Guelph Band: good program at ti m.: softball at ';.4r,---Clitrord and . t. Forest girls. Tickets 50e. Grey Regiment in Camp Mr Wm. Shana. near Hopevllle, had a horse kllled in Monday'ss elec- tric storm. We learn that Dundalk station. also received a slight re. minder of the storm. The w.ht.s. oi' the Presbyterian) congregation in town. met on 'ii/iii, nesday. July 21st, at the home oi" Mrs Wm Smith, 2nd con. Bentirtck.; While there was a tair atterMiartee,itl was not up to usual. due to shifting! the meeting a day earlier. Mrs And.) Derby. Pres., was in the chair and; called on Miss Mary Calder to give! the paper, which was bearing on thei simple trusting faith ot the converts: in foreign Beidse and their zeal for. the extenalon of Christ's kingdoml Mrs w Derby, Jr. mm the Bible leg! sin and Mrs G. Geddes the mission- ary story. with the scene in New Ontario. At the close Mrs Smith) served a delectable lunch and the: meeting closed with prayer. ‘ LOST: st Tuesday. 13th July, a watch, bet on Will Flrth's, Edge Hill and Joh MeGiliivray'tr, Scotch- town Reward. nder please leave at itevirw omee o with Gordon Me- Donald. It R. No. 4. mwood. Presbyterian The w. M. FOUND: , n Sunday. July 18, In l'pprr Town, urham. a watch with black raCe. ner may have same by paying ape-us of this local. Arr ply at Rsvlew ome' . Home killed by Lightning Varney Miss Vida Ritchie, near Bracebridxe Mary Turnbull, No. 10, Egremont Merron McArthur. No. I, Glenettt Kathleen Firth, Rocky Saugeen Irvine Sharp. Ebenezer Esther Petty, Hutton Hilt Kathleen Firth. Rocky Saugeen Principal Andrew Morton of Lamb Irvine Sharp, Ebenezer ton Mills, formerly Principal of Dur. Esther Petty, Hutton Hill lliam Public School. was the storm F'lortmce Mellvride. No. H. Norman. ', centre of one of the most boisterous by. 1and unruly meetings ever held in Daisy Mather, No. l. Normanby lYork Township last Thursday, when Mae Byers, No. th Exremont about 200 ratepayers of the district Fred Reibert, No. ti. Normanby 'were present. The trustees had ask- Agnes Williamson, No. 7. Normanby led for Principal Morton'g resigns Reta Bailey, Allan Park ;tion and the ratepayers by a vote ot Marjorie Caldwell, Varney £5“ to 43. passed a vote of eontidenee Hazel Benton, Edge Hill {in their action, but not without de- Mary McBride, No. 2, Egremont itermined opposition. The main otr Marietta Park, No. 9, Glenelg ijections to Mr Morton evidently were Mildred Leeson, near Alsfeldt. Norylallexed lack of discipline and we Hazel Young. Caledon East rare not "tutied with 50 or 60 per Ethel Young. La Salute, near Wood-yen: of students passing." He has stock .bcen principal there mr six years. Florence Kress. No 6. Bentinck (ever since leaving Durham. stock Florence Kress. No 6. Bentinck Ruby myth. anford Vellum Carter, Separate School No 5, Glens]; Reta Barbour. No 5. Glenn]; Florence Kerr, Cache my. Algonquin Plrk Jelnetfe Kerr. near Clifford Elizabeth McCuam. S. 8. Na IO, G. Willa McCualx. Tiverton Islay McCulg. S. S. No. 4, Brant Emma Ollver. B. B No. 13. Egremont Rott Small. No. 12, Enchant Ethel Gmnwood. Arno". Hanan-1T9 Mr. P. Jot-Mm a Miss Jelly, to - Pti-ille Where the . Teachers Go iiiht il?) ttttttttit Remain}. I The past Grands and several breth-f I ren of the Lodge who carried beauti-I ix’ul baskets of tiowerg, then marched :to each grave of the deceased breth- iren and a basket was hung over each. Those resting in Durham cem-I :ettry, are the late Bros. Jno. Moodle.I 1Jno McLean. Ben Warner. Dan Camp bell Geo. Wilson Well. Fairman,Ar.' thur K. Smith, Jno. H. Rose, Dr g.G.l .Hutton, Adam Robertson. Wm Irwin. ERonald Giles, Wm Firth. The graves! ‘of Bros. J. Moodle‘and Jas McFar-! ilane in Trinity Church cemetery,) #werc- also decorated. and another de- lveased brother, J. Levine, is buried) in Chicago. I I During the decoration, “Shall well“ lumber at the river" was sung and It? ("Abide with me" later. The oaareI-! ot :lows' address was given as in past; 3r irears by Bro. E. D. McClocklin, in M wl (most impressive manner. The sing-i us ling of the doxology and benediction': 1b). Bro. Allan Bell closed the service! M I After the singing of the appropriate {hymn "Take comfort Christians" and yprayer by Bro. Allan Bell, Rev. J. H. 2Wheat“ read the scripture and de- Hive-red an address full of thought and (most timely. "Our Decoration Days .nre too few," he stated. God's world lie a colorful one, while we are in. clined too much to gloom, esgiecially in times of mourning. Watts, the ‘English painte r, depicts his death ascencs in gray. i. e., black shot with lwhite. To the Christian. the black .oi‘ despair, is shot through with the (white of God's promises. As Christ- iians we meet today to keep a cus- ! tom old as antiquity : to pay respect i to the living as well as to the dead '. {for they whom we call dead are liv- ing in our memories and with God. Joi). F. Hold Impressive ' Decoration Service This is a reminder also to us of. er the serious accident Which betel the duty laid on us. to care for their' his little daughter Doris, aged 6, in loved ones. to carry on their work.} being run over by a. motor carinTots and to lay a wreath of deeds well onto last Wednesday night. She done on their last resting place. 1susiained a broken arm, bruises tV The past Grands and several brethu bout the body and a possible fract- ren of the Lodge who carried beauti-l ure of the Bkull. She was taken to ml baskets of tiowers, then marched the Sick Children's Hotapital, where to each grave, of the deceased bretle she was unCongCioug for a tlme, but ren and a basket was hung over later appeared quite bright. Doris each. Those resting in Durham com-I was playing on the tstreet and sud- etrry, are the late Bros. Jno. Moodie, denly darted out on the roadway JnoMeLean.. Ben Warner. Dan Camp-y from behind a motor car, directly In bell Geo. Wilson Well. Fairman.Ar-‘ front of a motor car. 1aiter--We are. thur K. Smith, Jno. H. Rose, Dr J.G.y pleased to report the young patient Hutton. Adam Robertson. Wm Irwin. as making good progress to recovery. Assembling in the lodge room, the brethren marched to Smith's garage. where cars were parked, and drove to the cemetery where a large con- course ot friends and visitors were gathered to participate in the ser- vice in remembrance of the departed brethren. Bro. Wm. McGlrr, Noble Grand, was In charge. Cheating at Examinations During the. Lower School examina- tions at Kincardine a young man was caught copying from notes. and or course all his papers were can t'elled and he was prohibited from further writing for two years. Cheat- ing might have helped him to pass that subject but in a moment of weakness he took a chance and in so doing threw to the winds practi- cally all he had gained by his year's study, and his further opportunities to progress at school for two years. Not only that, but the stain will have left Jts mark tor many years, no matter how mnomble he may live. in the annual Decoration Day ser- vice at Durham Cemetery on Sum day afternoon. Some 50 or 60 of the brethren ol Grey Lodge 1.0.0.F.. together with two cars of brethren from Mt Forest and one from Palmerston, took part MEETING UPHELD DISMISSAL OF PRINCIPAL MORTON Mr. Morton said "I will be ieaving'l this school, happy to know that " have the love of the children with me. What's at the bottom of the! affair and I hope everybody hermit.I is this: I am not the only Principal who has been fired by : school} board that doesn't understand school! matters. A township or metropoli-' tan school board is needed badly in! this county: n board made up y) men experienced in school matters." Mr Morton white in Durban. j.i(tir) rled Miss Clan Greenwood, (hummer of the late Mr and In but Green- wood, formerly of Edge Hill. DURHAM, THURSDAY. JULY 22, 1926 With which is incorporated the Holstein Leader , All, the Durham Public Schoolntun had been re-engaged at end ot June, .but this week Miss Anne McDonald of Ripley forwarded her resignation. AAt the school board meeting Tues- 'day, a Durham girl, Miss Clara Mc- Crae was engaged in her place. _Ladi"' Tournament Monday 1 The Ladies' Bowling Club are hold- la Tournament on Monday next, when ,several lady rinks from Walkerton, Arthur and Palmerston aux expected to participate. With Durham's ag- gregation of players, there will be around 20 rinks on the greens. Tea .will be served the visiting members. Mr and Mrs Rom. Barbour, 2nd con., Egremont, anuounw the en. gagement or their elder daughter, Irene May, to Mr. Elmer E. Fee, son To-day the Royal Arch Masons or Durham. are hosts at their annual picnic at McClocklln's camp, north of town. On Thursday, July 29th, the annual congregational picnic of Knox United Church will be held in Mr Greenwood's grove. east of Up per Town. Mr W. A. Johnson, the new mana- ger of the Standard Bank here. has been experiencing much anxiety ov- er the serious accident which betel his little daughter Doris. aged 6, in of Mr. and the late Mrs Edward Fee. 3rd con., Normanby. The marriage will take place quietly early In Aug- ust. Met with Serious Injury The engagement of Mlss Anna Marie Foley. daughter of Thos. and the late Mrs Foley. Normanby, to Mr Benjamin Joseph Woods, of Fur remont, has been announced from St. Peter's R. C. Church, Ayton, the marriage to take place quietly on July let. Events of To-day and next Thursday Dr. and Mrs Culbertson, Mealord. announce the engagement of their only daughter. Reta Adele, to Mr. Robert Harold Wallace. M. A., Ham- ilton, the marriage to take place quietly in August. The G den Party ot St Pauls Ch.,; Egremont. ll be held on Robt. Bar-' hour's lawn,' Tuesday, July Mth. A; soft ball ga will be witnessed be- tween Edge I and No. ' at 6.30.l Supper served 0 to 8.30. Admit. tance Me and 2 . 5 Change in Public' School Staff l Bell a. Sanctions Pro- position for New Lines Onr readers will remember that, last February a largely attended meeting was held in Dumam of {an mers from districts at present with? out telephone service, to discuss with Bell Telephone otrtcials, the building of several new rural lines radiating from Durham Central. The farmers interested did not favor pri- vately owned lines. and the plan suggested by District Manager J. T. Patton and special agent A. A. Smith of the Bell Co. that the subscribers supply the poles, dig post holes and erect them, whereupon the Co. would take them over and finish the construction work, paying " per pole, wrs accepted by the meeting. This proposal has been laid before the head omeials of the Co. and in conversation with Dist. Mgr. Patton last week end, he Informed the Rev- iew that the Company had aeeepted the plan and were ready to proceed, and supervise the erection of poles and complete the lines. GardenYarty Will sell cheal Run 1958 than 2t Ford car for s\le, 1926 model Eight new lines with nbout 100 subscribers are eontemplated. These will run up the Gnrafnn Road from Jas. Lawrence's to Doraoch. up the 2nd con., Bentineh. tor 8 or , miles. along the 4th and 6th con's. Glenelg. along the 22nd con., Egremont eat to Proton townline and along the Garth-nu trom Varney to Orchard. Another meeting will be called and advermed in the near future, when Committees from each district will report detlnitety " to "northern ohmmble and eomtmctlon mul- ed tor. ANNOUNCEMENTS to quick purchaser " miles. W McDermid. Pric :ille, Ont. o. ' at 6.30.I Mr Kenneth Kerr motored to Elora 30. Admit] Saturday. accompanied by his sisters IMiss Janet and Mrs Nichol ‘Bell. al, Staff Iso Miss Elsie Grant ot Mt. Forest. School “all Rev. Chas. Ryan and sister, Miss end otgune,l Ethel, or Owen Sound. renewed old l8 McDonald friendships with Durhtunites this resignation. week. acting Tues-l Miss Lizzie Kinnee is spending a 5 Clara Mc-I week or two with the Cole family at ' place. [their cottage at Oliphanl. l Rev. W.A, Matthews and Mrs., at day §Lion's Head, Were visitors the first ab are hold-ior this week with their sisur and ’7 _t1ex_trwheTtrrother in Upper Town. i, Mr and Mrs John Sutherland and Mr and Mrs Robt. Sutherland ot IGuelph. visited at W.B. vollett's on Monday. l Mr. Rom. Burnett. Miss Eula and ison Ned, motored this week to Port :Carllng. Muskoka, where they will iholiday for a week. i Mrs Eddie King. Toronto, spent Etwo weeks with her parents, Mr and Mrs Robt. McLean, Mr King comm}! ‘up for the week end and returning Ewlth his wife. Miss [slay Wilkinson. South Egre wont. visited a few days with Mr and Mrs Jno. Aldred. Mrs Thomas and two daughters hare returned to North Bay, after spending some weeks with her sis- ter, Mrs E. W. Limit). After a pleasant visit with Mrs. Mantel’s bmther. Mr Irving Anders son. Glenelg, Mr and Mrs Mantel left for their home in Toronto, en route to Tilsonburg and London. Mr and Mrs Robt. Howell, Toronto spent a few days last week with the former's brother, C. J. and Mrs. Howell. Miss Irene Lawson. Miami, Florida arrived home Tuesday tor a few days visit with her parents, Mr and Mrs Robt. Lawzion. Mr Blain McFarlane of the Stand. ani Bank, spent his two week's va- cation with his cousins in; Flint, Mich., returning on the 15th. Mr and Mrs Adams returned to Detroit Monday, after a week's holi. day with Mrs A's brother, D. B. 33c- Fariane. Misses Marion and Ruby Scan. visited over last week end with friends at Mildmay. Mrs A. W. H. Lauder spent the week end in Owen Sound. Mich., returning on the 15th. I The monthly meeting of the W.M. Mr and Mrs Adams returned to S. of Knox United Church was held Detroit Monday, after a week's holi-'on Thursday July Rth, at the home day with Mrs A's brother, D. B. Vic-lot Mrs A. H Jackson, with Mrs Jno. Farlatte. it'," presiding. The scripture read- Mrs Harvey Cuthill returned Wed- " was taken by Miss M. MeGirr, nesday after spending two Weeks! utter which various matters of my. with her mother, Mrs John Marshalli ness were discussed and the visitors' Mr Percy Daniel returned Tuesday report was given. The topic was after a week end visit with his sis-'taken by Mrs R. MacFarlane who ter and uncles in Detroit. saw a splendid account of the up Mrs. E. A Hay leaves on Monday l ly missions of our church. dealing for Lake Scugog. in the Kawartha',with Korea, Trinidad, Formosa and Lake District. ' others Mrs Maerirlane't, paper was Mrs Knight and son Donald left on listened to with great pleasure by Saturday for Collingwood where they all the Society. The roll call was will visit her late husband's people ' answered by a Bible. verse on 'morn, tot. a month. iitur,' after which this very enjoyable Mrs Harvey Cuthill returned Wed- nesday after spending two weeks with her mother, Mrs John Marshall, Mr and Mrs David Graham and Miss Annie Burrm, Kimberly. visit- ed at Mr Jno. McGowan’s recently. Mr Jattray Elvidge is the new Jun iog. clerk in the Royal Bank. _Mlsaes Mary McAllister and Marg. aret Lauder. daughter of Dr E. Lau- der, Toronto, have left Toronto. on Mr Percy Sawdon and mother ot Toronto, spent a few days ths week at Mr Jno. McGowan'a. a trip down the St. Lawrence as far as Chieoutittti, Que. Mr. Ernest McGirr. B. A., was at his parental home over the weekend from Toronto. He was accompanied home by his sister, Miss Chrissie, and Miss Olive Fox. Mrs J. C. Nichol and son Walter. are visiting in Port Elgin a few days this week. Miss Edith Grant in company with Miss Jessie F'tu'quharuon, Toronto, have gone on a short vacation to Gananoque and other pair-ts on the St. Lawrence. Miss Jean Derby, nurse. Toronto, spent over the week end with her parents, Mr and Mrs And. Derby. ' Mr Bert Mitchell of Toronto, vie. ited with his cousin, Jos. Firth, Up per Town, last week. Mr and Mrs W. D. Mills were vis- itors " her early home in Bentineh the ttmt of the ‘week. Mr and Mrs Nicholas Fagan. and children. Huniiton. gre visiting his people in town. Mrs Fagin is a daughter of the late W. K. Reid. Mrs Herbert Ball of Winnipeg. re turned to her home Thursday, alter a couple of Weeks iment with her parents, Mr and Mrs Chas. Brown. __ Mr Thoma Flynn. Toronto, wa" a vlsitor hurt week at the home of Dr. J. F. Grant ,Illo with Glenelg friends Mrs Thou. Banks left the tlrttt or this wgek for Coltiuprood where qrtte intended visiting her missionary friend, Mrs Wee and funny. Un- fortunately they had gone summer ing to lit-km the Saturday before. In B. nothing mud. took train XII! n. uvuuua 'e'""" to Mealord. much! "iGiiu' G ' covered . lot of ground. Some tnveller! 5 Some three or four works ago, Mr 'Alex. McDonald sold his milk busi- ness here to J. J. Atkinson. Lam ’week however. Sandy decided he i,'eet',l to stay in the business and rt--purehtused it from Mr Atkinson. Trinity Church service at ' p.m. Anniversary services at St Pulls. :Egremont. will be held on Sunday inext. Morning service at 11 a. m. and evening at 7.30, the preacher for jaw day being Rev. w. C. Allison. Irector, of Hanover. Service in Trin- lity church, Durham. on Sunday at 3 1|).m. This will be a children's ser- (vice which will be taken by Rev. W ‘C. Allison. ‘III the Society. The roll call was In loving mem " of Archie Mnc. ‘answened by a Bible. verse on ‘morn- Donald. who was killed at Val-Le). ling! after which this very enjoyable July ttnd, 1925. Imeeting was closed with the Lord's ---fmtr deeply mo ed and sadly ':Prayer In unison. I mused by those in h' . old home. Sold MiIlinery Business Again Changed Hands After six or seven years in the millinery business here, Miss Hazel Caldwell has sold out her stock and good will to a local girl, Miss Frau. ces Hopkins who gets possession August 2nd. Miss Caldwell intends going to Mt. Forest where her moth. er and sister now reside. The new proprietress has had several years' experience in headwear trimming and selection. and should make good on her own venture. Mr David Milne and sons of be trail. Miss Ilene Cairns and the Mn sea Milne ot Forest, Ont. are visit his the farmer's brother, Robert here for two Weeks. Mr and Mrs Finlay Graham in company with Mrs G. Mekeetttttetutd sister, Miss Nan Gun, motored from Montreal. where the latter two have been visitors, and are at pix-sent in Durham with mends and relatives. Knox W. M. s. Meet Muss Mary Brown is holiJaying for a few weeks with her Natives, the Manarys and Heaw.vs, in Toronto. Mrs Donald McQueen and son Rom ald. of Windsor. are visiting her hus- band‘s parents, Mr and Mrs John McQueen for a. couple of weeks. Miss Mabel Sharp. of Guelph, is on a visit to her grandparents. Mr and Mrs Backus and other relatives in the vicinity. 'l TOILET PREPARATIONS Gay Paree Itci,, leTah Roger 6y Gallet Complete Line of Other Toilet Goods Published Weekly a 82.00 I year tn advance. To United 3mm. 82.60 . Fear Inadvnnce. C. “AGE & SON. Publuhm S. McBETH STANDARD BANK OF CANADA DURHAM BRANCH-W. A. Johnlon, 3hmuger Sub-I'M “MI. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO I'RCHASING commodities b: paying a "dollar down and a dollar a week" has grown in- to great popularity. Often the ob, Ject purchased is worn out before it is paid tor, and the purchaser con tinue: to pa). Buy yourself a fortune th the instalment plan In placing regular installments of yotwearttituss in a Standard tune Savings account The money is always m-ailble fo, use if required and there is no de- predation but accruing imam-m m time goes on. Buying on the Instalment Plan Face Powder and Creams, Compacts, Single and Doub- le Taleumtc THE This week we have made all cor- rections of dams up to July 215v. 1926. We ask. as We always do, It when“ perusal of the label and. it in arrears. bring it up to date at otice. Small to the individual subscriber. returns in the mass mean much to us. It in arrears. please oblige The Publishers Third but will travel New Route Mr Cripps. manager of the owen iround-4Netptt bus route. will, w» understand, place his third bun at the service of tnvellers from Hur- riston. desirous of making (-onneo- tions with the buses at the transfer point, which at present is Mount Pots eat. BORN MrLAr'GHLtN--At St Joseph's Hos. pital. Iondon. July 19tlt. to Mr. and Mrs Alex. McLaughlin. (nee. F'lo Limin) a. son. (John Mann.) Rexall Shaving Cream Thcllor .......... 39c lllknl)l)li'd's : Rexall Drug Store l SPECIAL-A whom: i Shaving Brush i RIKER’S MILK WAMPOLE'S Warm Weather Needs Relieves Heartburn. Sour HO- mach, Contttiratiott. An etferveseing saline. clean eel the sun-In. Draggist ani 'tetiorter Phone 3. BUREAU Perfumes, Talcums, Face Powders, Etc. Price soc per bottle Price 25c and Mc. and I Tube of m MMORIAM LABEL NEWS GRAPE SALTS OF MAGNESM C -----t..'

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