I “that ’d I-w'y 'd u . n . â€er law not†a chino .ms " in we k:- than -ate " settled 1oeirttia. Mm an tho rddition BYOB". "reeral a that morat iat hir " have sum Fur. 'bon reprinted, Mind" phyq 'om o' mere ottree "oid- ttteh “of But an: 'teant h the wick n M In 000.00 m inorat 33mm: "V. m The Camdun National Poultry M] and Anoociation has communieated itai h: to the Provincial Poultry tet) action. and is watching the situation My. prepared to make i'di'i'i'ii'2'l “In" to tho We of Aarci edtm when the United Stole. can, Thu mm:- stritstect regula‘jrm ture sometimes diffie Maury is apparent when tin dis, it is fair to eh we oitua'ivn is taken into eonaidvra. with their toys “at. and HM MM with which disease sand ttUrs is a I. carried and uprad by young chicks. much " In "tr: The accreditation plan in the United They soon Lean an... In prouosed. provides for the without any summon of fhseha, nftor rigid m; thought on tho "on!†of individuals and Boeto from bu boon known the standpoint of broeding, health, 1nd , movement in th mm. 'childmn. . t The m'utiun of the prob to not with the United that the laat annual meeting " in the first use the chicks.were for the most part for the improvement of .toek and cam" in duty free. In the second more the quality; of the chicks was entirely a hit And miss proposi- tion and for the moat pert they were not the type required in this country. but they also came in duty free, under I declaration that they were for the improvement of stock. In other words it was so easy that Canada became il dumping ground. Two years ago an attempt was made to correct matters and the Department I of Agriculture we. instrumental in having ndopted u u temporary ex- pedient . remintion providing for the; free entry of chick: that were accom- panied by a pedigree of breeding. This hug not been entirely satisfactory on I Account of-the difBetrttr experienced in suppfying the individual pedigree. l And the duty being so small on the 1 cheap chick tho m.trietion did not _ work against the new grades as much l u wu desired. though the total im- 1 portationa have been decidedly less.. t med. ‘ United States and this wu I which. ' you -e 6‘“ ll The festival that alfows the (Milton I comp." no share of pre,narattnn form, no a» l just a dations and maka no lion. Then ttinte, an tho children to work. They pool the; Then Ipplvw. they chop tho nuts. they pro-Who rest ------'--if_r Next to tt, and (wank-down; " In Joy mm†Thanksgiving. That u I great day for the children and I mt charm to tin them to thoir homo. 0nd tbrir poop'." with tho bond that neither time nor forum, an 0‘70? bro-k. But to mtnbliih that horn! on. “In. trouble. l favo re - count r the MI sun OX! and the ut their to cum Arr Bor, to talw ht? Baum ry ta emu; Mm grief bee the farm their cor many chi wrir: I 5. such a busy. hurry“ who come. along in of Mo. especially a Ah hrita ed ttl “fusions f " u hit on the calendar, for there is Hailowe'en. To be , a night of mystery Md fairy ms and witches' wtutiU---Jttst v-uphrre that youth ODJOYI. .Lxria: occasion of ft lhvays with " chdeinh thuexrrs, the apples am special dishes, the guest. and the tradition“! â€anon-'01: in particularly al -hi1d's delight. , ry now and again somebody a his hands and cries Cloud his because ehudre/, do not my on rmo. I am scarcely moved by convent became I km. Olin. M "Two: m " ddren in and go 1 ‘n ll THE muons HOME nisrmiis" commercial “diaries. t entirely different pro- nppoertm for the t They offer such der. C mm for storing happy ti 4tpy memories of home h re precisoly what unalte-l n ackground we desire. " all eh Let the muse I know that in“: their homes in out in search of life's ,uld do what 00112:! In. ' hurry)" worms A†I!" 5 NIGHT rm} and a with†the very heart 1nd soul of tho hoir home, tsnd, home. For Home is n cherished mem- md that neither ory and n baekttround that colors the rer bmk. Emlwhoh of our days, and the country od ort6 tttkm, home has the best chums to render} - blah beautifully tweet tnd strong and Ms the (hint-on compelllng to righteoulncu. It menmr, 'orms no awo- l just a blt of trouble and thoughtful-l tie. Then not new and no mother lulu at that. l in search of life', I do what could hey ldren home long f background that I May and their t to come Ind then i m friendly “onion and n the" concern the co: In seems United ', their e Fat at nn lry ex, [ms were experimented with. Liquid' for the Burdeaux was applied by means of I! accom- P'""r'r sprayer with a four-row twelve_l BY ANGELO PATRI tore that ' should ll! y. And -rdliGio,i.' (to, :N. the alone “may ht armorial.“ do , much nf an attracticn as a "Ruhr toy. They soon .eatm to Chung. the that without any watching and that ', thought on tho part of I buy mother I has been known to bring tanning im- , movement in the pay-harmony of her I chiidren. Alva." Little to lo who have no! od to w the time can be I b.',' harmoniously by an chap "egg-tinter" hour I! dron tirtd delighc in the id: “my to “take turns" under when lbs and runs out. wt sometimes diffictrt to (etch! nm.e the results new): considered! coneluisive, the experiment hlving, been conducted for only one year, n!. tabl, pubiished shows that better, News wowed the Bordeaux and than the spray as applied with poworf machines against such diseases ttsl early and Lats blight. l __ --_- -v-- B.""-...- on i1 mule booth and Bordeaux dust and‘in 2w copper carbonate dust by mung of tl spore N imam truth)" eAm duster '"ovidtdl varkr with a drateanvaa..,tmrtt, were made' As L, npply the dust and spny mixtumgobuh -the comp-um "s1rnppHeation of; this .1 which an given intabuhr form in the) inst" report. which is ttfbe had free on ad-f rust t dressing the Publication, Branch, Ot'fconrid tawa- in surh quantities that tyyuitisia, amounts of mota'.lie copper would "iwidiil used. Mrs. er rs. Noahiott -_- "I pro-um. whoa were abroad you VIM 3h. 8'!" Whilg tho results M's-m The report for 1925 of the Dohinion Bounist is particularly worthy of study and eottitation by every 1ng- eu'.turist and grower of any sort of produce. It is a report of r9re com- prehensivenetm, vovering records pt Egg Timer, Helps in Play. by giving bird. Tim turkey would not have said Thanksgiving to us M he not been borne it: on that old platter. , I don't believv it was worth more than a duilur and 3 hail in the shop but in the family i:, “as priceiesa for it said Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving meant something specinl and fine In ' uur lives. I _ Christmas means tho tree ind tho‘ gifts. But what use the gifts if each, child had no hand in making and morn, ing and whispering about them? What use the dinner if etch child had no hand in the making? Share the testi/ val preparations. share the fun aid; tho frolic. Bring in the friends and; make mom for the hustle and noise" and confusion of " all. For in that. pare tho pumpkin and they polish the dinner service from fork: to platters. They even stand by tutti lick the spoons and lap up the scrapings that Come from the cake bowls. They aak a thousand question: and they no oonw stzxntiy underfoot nnd only n yum country-bred man and woman 'under‘, mitttnti what rea'de is humanén-r in n.-? hen there are Mum-MM atl rest. Use them.' . V 7- ----......., n such rascal days. I remember a set f limo woodtbowis filkd with nuts ,34mpr" hour (has. Chi:- delight in the idea and are take turns" understandimiy sand rum out, when-a it is c'Ytics. t to teeeh them when to change shout in playing toys. Indeed, " first the And tr'e 8w." Family. a was: someone like AngeIo Patrt Ind remind. ul of tho ftrtee thint- coming generation. blot: someone like most certain to be as - r -'a my] man and woman 'uiuUr., mt realty is happening: in the , soul of the {estivuI-mad " him to work-tet his share 1r lid look wring as Nuts t hidin have not yet learn- h can be taught to , by means of a ine-and he wit": haveâ€; pirit far beyond anything «t and bravest of turkeys " FESTAL DAYS make a bit of ceremony "l on Hallowe'en and ' the full round year, ook forward to those . as the glad time up- Its tasted like) fairy man out. of the quaint md them was a certain: family tradition that m: to bear the Thanks- to mum ' .... .vuu snow-Cb! qunng the Betttron. b; As the report suggests the Inuit: “chained by the tint year's work of , this -kind no striking. In the firet , instance the wind dissemination of '3 rust spores over large areas and fo: if eomn'dermb.'e distances has been estab. . 'L_L. J " . V - vâ€" _.._- “mm". In.“ "r"""""""'" aw crime on; crop Wu . Aia """r" - râ€- ot Mo-. He 1tsdan.omemtrsi"ntCirii made into us.“ With much imam. titil, top before fr .np. cabling that of bio mat and enduring work, tare “1", com yet to be harvested, tk . P ant to winter. Thu Benson bo- He bu no tough. "hilt†and. by mixing eat in“. "It lbnormal, ht that cm" in†been, H. “I" not with you dead, but tive, and corn or am; sad corn won't! two weeks slower than and in mid!- u law. V I . better . i n . inc maturity, it my be rumble h The writer of Dmn~ “(my tok/e',',','.',,", 31 'tttee,',', mm! Ill' ndvunco the last da.te of mum g._tlhrwtrd tttrs, testimonv to N..- ' .ee. Pr?' A moon. o Sam M "Ash _“-_-Lv- - _ - -_..4._-_- “an . - -_ __ -- _.....-..... 1115'!!! " no monu- Ty'" co", "Mr. ."' ~-~-v a-" "w Ill... - . . . ti t entire . meat muhng the an resting place tfttutt m be plants tune to recover and Crow I pro- _ into ï¬n“; w ttetinpr top before {recto-up. mm!" It, yoee.. He needs no me. but Md. _-.- ------- " “In“ mr. THE UNKNOWN mm, 34:6-8.. The Inst date, generally recognised "rn the mm: The Hebrew View: by nifalfa growers,_on which it is per- mem- "glen," or “ravine," and prob- minsibio to-remove the fest crop of the d>ly refers to one of the mrrow ml. season is about Sept. 20 in a normal lays descending .ftom 'the high platen: year. The few weeks, of arming M theford.an pain. The paced!!!» weather fol-lowing, give the and“ Ie'.'? £3,392?" There "ro menu.- nl-ne- rl.., A- __-----, . The Inst. date, “mull: by aifllla growershon wh missibic to-remove the in! season is about Boot. 20 gushed. Over heavily wooded areas lwidely separated from eeretrl-trrowine idistricts indications were definitely iobtoined that even " an altitude of :5.000 feet the coneentration of spores was surprisingly high. And this up- I wards of three hundred miles from the ,nearest wheat-growing region. This.' , says Dr. Bailey, accounts in large imwum for the almost miraculously °udden appearance of rust over large areas. Because once rust becomes prevalent in the spring wheat area of the United States the run. spores can very rapidly be carried north in large rumbera by a south wind. , Elect all data mibio reg! Ion-lain and spread of black iin Western Canada by nu lil,'-':::,',',';',',,, of the upper 1 various districts during the [the Dominion Rust Research Labor: "Get the: up i,Ite, this mountain." 'ntory at Manitoba Agricultural Col- The word 1le.ry, "means, ,tt'wirte; Iege, given by Dr. D. L. Bailey path- mom over or beyond. lc is use wit ! l . t I ha ' reference to the Jordan river and the :00â€. ','? c rite, in ?y Dominion deep valley in which it lies, and is , Botanists report for 1926 are beyond the name given by people west of Jon: measure Interesting. .The Idea, of the dan to the people and countries east] â€investigation or exnenment was to eor. of Jordan (Num. M: 47, 48). Its use i leet all data posmbfo regarding the here shows pretty clear? that mrhate \origin and spread of black stem rust not words written by Moses, but the, in "we? Cay-1;, by Mm tho i223a£§..â€11§’~’§2}u"°§g§2â€Wu?- spore-con ant o t upper air over . . . A a . . various districts during the season. $1353": "ttU/hr, tl".,,:':?,.!',?,"':.':, g; N' tho report suggests Eh" results ianzuage in other parts of Deuteron..: obtained by the first yen- work of omy. Bee 1:1. ,5: 3:8; 4:41, 46, 47,I this 'ldnd “'0 tstriking. In the ilrstt 49; in all of which the proper render-) instance the wind dissemination of ine is "beyond Jordan," not "on this rust spores over large areas and to: side." "Mount Nebo" is also called _ considerable distances has been estab. Pisgah (see 3:17; 4349)-_ It “'88 9n ‘ lished. Over heavily wooded areas â€In western edgkeof 3:†bid; Moablte I giddy "in?“ from ','a"1"a.2?,t, r',1'ttt'e'ttitrsi"d, "N,th't7t,lt,,g'g,"ua istricts in ications were nitey " 'alt A ', 9btained that even " an altitmb " ttyet fnr ward and northmo. lit carefully) for e 'tt --F "-""V address you? he number "I" "Set your heart." Th . iWilson mung-73C? '),"tr: 1iiirr,,tte,y speech are qi'ii(,"tic"e'C'iiu] (hmu St., Toronto. iGii e1t Ado. Mofhtt JuicyCIgr miryi" in Engligh return mail. rns trent by I yrs Keep m mind ll h . l F hnvaarn l . n a t at l ll" you of. The refe ( --_-..... 3 not mereiy to the song in the tell)“ l H spurt of the eUpter b earner ow Rust S word f .v at to all the we?“ Are was 5.6 te,t"f,t,t,it,n, tutd warning . . i cont: us. The latte It is not alto "rartof v.469hould bunk“. " r Bethe . 'YO ml . that I?:,',,' that rust worst c,'io,,'lf,t1igLt d‘ren."y /ii','gtrht.I'.em"t .your ehâ€. m great distances, iiiii _ thintr," Moffatt re d . as no stain gum at very 'i'i7,'i'd.'l'la'"f, .to, btlr, "It in not usagesâ€; Td eer.ctivt- tywever, det . with. you; so she“ . J ', ns life to ex T . ails of Spore-tr . whi h you live .0113 in the land b Mrlments co-operatively Celt,',',',',',,',':'),",, pu "e eroasing the Jordan to l'Ltt,', RY.al Canadian Air For med n .py' Compare 8tF.i9-20.' t',',.t"t'ititg Rust Research 353d. 142:: 'f2"u',',",. or DEATH, 82-48_5n , , anitoba A ri - _ t up into thi . . '",Y tgt',, 1." charge, in the Dimpifh' 'r'l'llfd'J,'et' beyond." Ir is'used with- .'fl?yPt't report for 1926 ac be on deep “Mao the “ydâ€. river and the . _. Wad .L_ ___u Ir,_ln ‘whxch It lies, Ind is 1 - _ .._.... ....... cu “,7 M000. who spake with God on with}0 xit I hits friend. i he . I And ruled his people with the twofoid i' 'r power, l m (o) Wisdbm that can dam and still be ho in i meek. - I I " id .222 , The Bible record of his life covers the it'hree periods. that of his only lifor He ttr fund education at the court of Pharaoh. f nh in, ithen his sojourn in the wilderness with at ', i, l the Midiahites, and lastly, at greatest u no Hengrth, his kadership of line in tho INV, h I teat adventure for freedom, from‘ le " iEgypt to the threshold of the land oti' _ , b promise. It presents him as an ardent,; , 0 1 over and champion of the Aghu of , . his own people, no the founder and, d iorganizer of their. national life, their; 1; DIFFERENT AND MODISH. 1tttr.ter we! ruler thto.utrharloie and: T s The new silhouette tInd. trrneetutAfti,et!lt period, bu} ehiefl.r " ‘l m". u 3 expansion in this frock of moire of Vision and at: faith, seeing the handl 9 o t which is n l bel i ' of God in on this great movement, and pot s' arrow , ted n 'tttraetivo steadfutfy obedient to that voice of (cal _', Nsrhiom The eo.'lar may be worn God whdeh directed him all tong the! Roo , eioBed, or open in V-neck style; Whib way. The highest euiog pronounced: or y gathers " the shoulders provide soft upon him in the Old Ul/tl',",,",,',','; is'g ht ' fuilneu over the bust. The skirt front simply that he mu, God's faithful tser..' . [ shows . light "re, ttttd “my ,hevu'vant (Num. 12:7; Heb. 3:6). Il',','?,; ore gathered into cal-bands. No. 1222 I. mom' PAREwi, WORDB, 82:4lV47. "t,1,,t ‘1 is for the min and small woman, and "Moseo made on end of speaking." 3;" 'is in sizes 10, 18 and 20 yen-rs. Size 'r'h.e book of Deuteronomy remains a Md, il8 (so but) requires 4% yards M.. series of diseouroes attributed ho an i h 1. 1 . ,Mosea, spoken by him to the people in We? l ne mamria , yard ribbon. Me. . ' Our Fuhion Book iKuetr the last month of the (Ninth year of the, ' . ating the the iid f . m Th . i inewee-t and most tactic-D at , ill w omen! sojourn ( "y. o 1'u'It p yt, WI rf1rst of these is to be found In chaps. pepr ,be of "ern to every homo dress- 1-4, the second in chaps. G-ll, the thin l maker. Prieo of the book 10 cents the third. after the restatement of the _eopy. - 2t.1ut thugs. 28-80. In chaps. 30,» _ .31, a 82 t ere are various Conclud- Or HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. ;ing words and messages, fold of inter- Lock WY“? 'our name and I“!!! plain-fest and pathos, and nl: marked by tbs 0st b, giv'me numbor and sin of I0;h some high tone of faith and duty to Span patterns " you want. Enclose Me hiw- See 30:15-20; M:1-8, 24-29; and of r stomps or coin (coin preferred: "n; 32:45-47. K Give Alfalfa a Chance. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO .suetuor--ooe Hahn". [odors " chair. ! TI f threw {and4 Ithen \ 1 the 1 ileum J teat ism: prom g lover his c l orgax run 1 [and , or me Dead Sea. From it a View could? Cut , be had far westward and northward. the w with the mountains of lebanon Ind and cc Hermon in the dim distnnce (Md-8). and sl Compare Num. 27:12-14. 7 at fi "Tlespusod ugainst me." The story we cf the lin of Nose, and Aaron is toId lower m Num. 20:2-13.' It is not nt c,", (may preees. to understand, but there appears to hour a have been " act of imvntience or of cauiim presumption in wiiieh they fttiled to othgrl honor God, or as the narrative puty it, and se: to sanctity him in the eyes of thereon ple. In Dent. 1:37, however. the of..) lh fence for Which Moses was forbidden} entrance to Patzstine is ccnnected- with j Crop the return of the spins. I much earlier hive l occasion. ' ‘- If 'ld qu' ",' - VV‘UW -v - nu. thick was recent no ., " In ' b .---. “an, In I twdtftboeetiuir 1"'ttt't't,, 2trg Iehri, Peet- I C"'"'" 'with original but Ioonrch .1, MY. ‘~ 'll/gt it: but replete with modern comfort. “1 3 N'nttt de'" . _ I - . .lucmonttltluhn.w _ " ly 19t 6 Irc. .". _ V ' _ . T . _. ay t V . .tttre aihoe corn yet to be harvested, a bsi'.ars and. by mixing oat the-v0: and corn or did“ and com would Inch a better silage than immature icon: Ilene. an L Stevenson. of the lomrio Agricultural Colts“. 1 j Crops of oat: or aifalfa that have been dam-zeal by museum- 'lblo weather can be enticed with ltho mast of making I _fatir qunlity of siingc. Six your: Mo the out crop in the Frau: Ircer, .DI‘ --- , . . 'ttu.ttra.asrttrk, "mari" Broom Ind. thick was memlf lbld " thm, In a twdtfttroeetiai, nun-l! -e' __.- u-.. .u LII" rrl " VI-J’, B.C.. w“ damaged by water quite a severely u the crop has been in On, tario this your. The sifn saved the 3 Cat meat into smsfi picreti. put into _ the stew pan with a teaspoonful of all: land cold water, bring slowfy to a boil and skim we".. Meanwhile shred !et, tuce finely, cut off Hulk: of tho cauii- Rower and break flower into an“?! pieces. Let the men simmer for % hour afterward. Addtumio. fess and ttatr'dB6wer and cook shady for In- other hour. Add the choppei paeeey and union to mu. . Take 2 quarts of water, Z‘pounds of neck of hunts or mutton, 1 onion, 14 pint of sheTIed peas, rearrot. 14 tur- nip, 1 amnll esuf.if1ower. 1 good lettuce head, 1 tabhspmnful of chopped puri- 'ey. slit and pepper. ' in the side of the dish It pint of hot stock or but water seasoned with salt and pepper. Brush the upper layer of potatms own with warm butter or fest, cover with greased paper and bake for about 2 hours in a modsrate oven. The paper must be removed during the latter part ot the time to w'.low the potatoes to become brown and‘ crisp. Then serve, pouring in a little gravy, in a gnvy boat. Th? Hot Pot mm bs served in the dish in which it is baked. ! top Layer consist of small potatomeeut in half and uniformly arranged to im- prove the appeamnve of the dish, Pour in the side of the dish u' Mm A! ht Divide the Thsmtmun Mr, Part of the f, Prunes. the Ian t Melt a little dripping in a frying ', pan, put in the men, fry quiekty ant" and)â€; b ed onhoth skies, thet: ' remove J,0 keep hot. Fry the onions unti. brown on both sides. then remove and keep hot. Cook . potatoes and creme and season to taste. But back the onions and stir mixture until thor- oughly hot. then Add vinegar. salt Ind pepper, and turn into a hot dish. Place; the mega. on top and serve. i LANCASHIRE HUT P97. One pound of the but end of 3* neck of mutton. 2 lheepfu kidney: 6 ovsteract pound of potatoes. 1 small: Spanish onion, Balt and rapper, 19 pint of gravy. li ounce of butter nr fl. , Wet Cats and Alfalfa. T --. -...w u an.“ lull!- auoeo or'ootd mt beef, cold msurUd f keeping. Here an the ones I commu- Potatoes. cold (new at. any kind I the 6est; perhaps you can put m of (cabbage preferred), 1 onion shredded, y my helper: to work in your home.. good d“manna ttatt, pepper. and vine-' Tiny bay., of tissue “per or Nune- gar if deehed. 30! rubber glad to the back of a pie- Melt a little dripping in a fryirngitun'v on tha - W: m PM ptrn, put in the meat, fry quiekty until I that black streak that ttmall, .99." 93W! Wed orrboth Mdem the)!†the wail. remove n, keep hot. Fry the onions I If tho upper crust of Q [It u brus,l, unti brown on both trides, then remove led with milk Moro placing in the Gun and keep hot. Cook . potatoes and I it will bake a Heh, or0et hm . , we?“ and season to taste. Put back! Rub linseed oil into oitdoth and ti the onions and stir mixture un/til than l wih last twice " .'org. The oil 'tmet', 31;:th hot. then add vinegar. salt andzbe wiped off wa'l 1nd the oilcioth! nepyer, and turn into a hot dish, Place I Ct'owed to div thorougth befom,' he mega on top and ivy-w. g using. F IUIILI AND sqvnx. 'houuhok The Ingredients of this dish ave thin i' Pm'. and slice- of "0016 m9 hon! M.†“A“; haw"... _ W... - v. "a: pnv-cy up Boob, '. When she must ait in a told f?"tr.oe' spend the entire evening with ttie feats . Hy. Sh. my: from twenty to thirty ' doara n month for a phoe to “up l and the plaineut of fare. ' Any teacher. to do her best work for l the children committed to her care, 31mm have a warm room of her own to ,’ which she can retire when she will. I ! Perhaps we do not consider closely enough what a reapomihle and diffi, l cult position the muntry teaeher in ex- ’peCtod to fill. Besidea her work of teaching, which usually in more than ! enough for any one woman to do well, C _Ihe fihla the places of janitor, play-' 'ground supervisor. moral adviser, preacher and, in reality, mother, for she must see that the r. oless Johns, Init-s and 'Mc.rrs button up routs and do not form-c overmhrm. am: "a“..- Ord/tyt ui, go 0.1.. Euclid: byâ€; With dif T' M H, t mutton, 2 ohoepfu kidneys, 6 s.-1 pound of potatoes. 1 small h onion, sa'ft and pepper, th pint w. 14 ounce of butter or fat. ie tho meat into neat outlets. rim " the skin and the greater r the fat. Put'the short rib he loan trimmings of the meat. sngI onion into a stew pan.‘ hese with cold water and brii1 " gravy. Grain. a fireiueiot.. dish, put in a deep layer of, potato. arrange the cutlets" It happens, not ROTC" POTCH Names. WHERE SHALL niidiiiijjiii] aifn sand the gut crop in In. tl BY FLOR A AWtlt1 A banner. 19g“ ' need 1llCAttt,itt rer hp combat, i'ite'ik'i?j?: he needs, . qiiAtsaiitl room or, my. adu the fun,- â€TH-ion [ to thirty eat or to do I use two pct: ot"uyPr and out of “tar to 'w-h my in... baton bucking it. This cut. " m and nukes the Rankin stick. A piece of caner in the dawn whomllnva mymmmic (ram tarnirhing. A small quantity of “ugh-u lurk placed rm dried fruit: will hoop them free from wot-odor yum. i A tablespoon“! of "not†added hi the lard for frying Manta trt them from dumbing extra fun. _ tf your vinegar, kmut, pick). or men! barrel mk- get 1 piece of 00ft wood, burn it to a thread: and pd. veriro into I fine {Jordan Put tho dust on a Plato And with a In! on. knife shave off beef tafdow and work it into the coal until ft form. n moth dough, wipe off :11 d-mpno- and "ptr. 1'sT1vereaeoGtosmdiiGTTi this way in n picklo barn). The bar- rei is Mi", in we and it bu new lino; Inked mixture at I never cut open a tin can of fruit or smtetabros that I buy; instead, I not Q hot atove'id on the an and nm the Cid. The can. can then be MM and the Eda held in place with Dealing wax instead of solder. I I muting or tatletir I My brawn“, last 'xrneer und do better; that I do not disc, {work if I give them In occasion-n} bath. I thing- that be ie I use tour tab.'esroonruu or household i' quenttr "r to hi: Immohic'to two quarts of rquwu-m; nothing about this ,1 water. The straw: are phteed in this , might be mistaken,' martian for half m how, after which! will not: his moth jthey in thorough} rind and huntI She will toy him t Intraw end dam in a c062, dry ghee. , WW." I certain! I Instead of throwing potato peelinpyto be I “labourer. i.oe, .LA -- _, - _ V A pint or two of milk added to tbe’ddly Zita “an†in which the chicken is to boil if given fuvor. to the meat and make- it Thin . white ttnd iitiey.' An dd fowl cooked! . in this “rim: the mm of Q', young bird.. I , n-.. ,1, W'"'""-'". Inna-u“- into the nrbage an I burn them to prcwer./ the accumulation of not in the pipes. Help; 119‘».th hint. that h". them, talks t%i%rt'iiiiiU', Mr Best. {igusekeepln' money Binge I and En; gm one. I cor-lb: i' when" Fir" iii peeling-3w be I “Johann but how proud I up... wishaldbe ifin the mahomme heenn soot in 5 than come to me, unheeitatintrtr, to ( discus with m. a. probleml of his Ya, ALA A.".. â€a "T". - - m incident in which he himself is in- than td wind. So far, I law reason to bo- rn?" Have that ho has always given me an G" JIT. scour-to account of event: even if he ti ' in himseif in new discrediud'by tho m m moth}. If.tysuartenintuGoG P. I do not scold or punish but a, to him. . "Do you think you were in the right in. many-bout that?" or "Ctruldn't you have mg mph“ avoided the trouble?" give them! During hit “at you n: schm! In i l. C-fully hoe . balk. from your â€Eden p v the: now fall m the o I 1amerl, than when lit "r nrden next yea, Bet M 2. In an mun. mold _ qumtly say to him, “NW mm" nothing Iboqt _this to my o v. to " to inter- ye m. co that his qtft rhetodu- tu thwhuel“ up A..- " In 15.rhteeittiiiGa- 'r4alrheteehoruueut-iuiiad 'e-tttFr-a- a't?t, . '0'. ".-. was“ 1?f'a1"felP""reo.it "eeteetrsstuetrtridik'r a. It in important that the moo crop be dug uhd be stored “my Mom frolu arrives. It I. s minute to {an ponto- in the (mood that the hub. buy. Tiny will ripon as well in _"yeoeinthooGdul,uG “for from the tanks of Intact. and fungi. T. If your man have been he. in. the he... “plow" or Ntem y.ytr"!tmtrtloftoGtitia'ii". =,t,,rtdeegttiist and: In “I: any any to 'ietr4. LA w lining should he f2tttoyuektooiivjriotiUGoii M dist- ouch " "heads! wilt.†“It. mt" or those mused by uatdst-rsht.d {and have nttaehed tho em 0. " closeup“ no“ on†In your m M m ho mm and b dste. Imus to edd.rettt mutt , Pts any Eda! In.†which In". or none and be covered with and. With the “option of panmpu, {WM my be “outdoors unlu- re- _ quind for winter use, tho pints men- tioned " be Maud by {not if 241 '..rn.tted.rtr-r:vuet,oe rhubarb my be forced. the root- OIIGH m be lifted and " “injected to Mb: a nick or two. tttees bo M M10 {can ..\._..... wt was no my one, u you might be mishhan." or, “Pumps John will tell his mother all about it, and she will tell him that he was in the wrong." I certainly do not want him had l 'rhimmtopolrntseoetou, , Quéltioned. he explained. "Well, he (traid he'd give me a piece of candy for 'tX piece of my calm, and I didn't say i anything, but Just took the candy yuttteheuituntoG,ilrd thou! laughed and told him my cake was MI gone." "But, Little Son," I said, "thnt wun‘t fair pup, wu itâ€, _ Ho protested that Jane. had Nut- ed him in tho same way u number of times, but I fhtal1s persuaded him that he must play hlr rogurdleu of the behavior of others. sad I put an extra place of cake in his lunch box the next - to be (Inn to James. - A [mt may of the things he tell: In. do not concern him directly but ther in no In may; into Chg chu- M " cc. In“, _. L - came running in one after the - exclamation, "Sa Cot oven with June. to-ay at the trick. h’l play“ on Mr “an Inn. who in in his third mt at strhttol, usually begin an thc- oount of tho day's humming: u soon ubbuntsopontln dooronhis w turn. I have eeteoumtrrtd him in this a l lib to luv. him candid. in mo cud hope to retain this eoetfldetwe " the years pass. I In: never too bury or too timd'to be interested. And by questioning, I can usunily bring out both sides of 1 story if it relates to " Hm HINDI "Alum TALESOUTOF 1htt'e 95mm -iihiiiri at your n: school, II. n one afternoon with mtion, "Say, Mom-l una- 00-day for com. ‘11. ' “d I fre we'll In