o l I T 4t Boots, Shoes, l Bubbefs,, Rubber Boots, , Underwear " 0 Men's Tali Grain Blacker u. .rl . . . . . . 3.90 Mcn'sCalIBlochcrat...........-..... 375 o Men's Mahogany Blacker at . . . . . . . . . . 4.65 n The new Tie Slipper, oxtoriia Strap Slippérs tor women THURSDAY " FRIDAY " ;'S_ATURDAY ' cum and WALL PAPER included-i1; this' sad}; "iljl'- OCTOBER’ 21, aa, 23 IMlcFaddutn's Drug Store sdi)ggtgsatcoo. .z"tteasisll.tlsam. Durban: The Reyiew to Dec. 1927s to I" ," .‘ New Subscribers "ttir tta) Buy Now and Save Dollars IMPROVE tout mm 35c Tube ot Klenzo Tooth Paste y Get our Price before you Sell your Wheat) l Unlawear lik " Women and Childmi FINE AND 1hl0ttsTfi0 nosnekv I"' Successor to C. L. Grant AG 3skrr,' k, tsae...],... 4.75 Mixed Chop, per ton.... 38.00 lgple but our. points“ 4.85 . ' Prune Pride P%rtr, per Bag 4.55 Gunn'l Tankqo. 100 nu. 3.28 ' BLATCHFOIU‘ CAL'. "a AND POULTRY FEEDS. Alao, Custom Chopping Every Day Best Quality Of Flour & Feed Royal “HIM! flour. per bag lunatic â€our. per h: '"", 0 CGUgn m. per In: ... Kim Edwnd Flour. not has Peed “our. pet bum an I intend buying Wheat to ship by the Carlo“. 0000. DEyIVERED IN 'towe EV EIYVDAY. . PHONE NO. 0. DAY on NIGHT (Adjoining City of Windsor) , 't i t . Me I935 to .i94s,s “It†ad 52 olo Bonds we. interest} yieldlnt5% pic. Bonds for 81000 and odd amounts between $100 and $900. . Order quiokly--they're going fast. A "reed Sound Investment. Intormution and prices cheerfully supplied regarding any kind of Bonds. . _ I We ctn sell your bonds and get your cash Ab' them st any time you may desire. - _‘ ' Buy Town of I?iversiidec0rlt. Willem the teeth bionic-s am to our son» AND {ovum FEEDS.. ‘JOHN McGOWAN . TH E PEOPLE's MLLS P. RAMAGE, Durham We soliciyryoyr trhtronatre. 2 for Mc A. A. ALJOE FIA.)it.)hC'hM M1 Write, tan, or Phone HOW. Belt them " Reasonable 4.85 4.65 4.75 4.50 2.10 Chopped Outs. per 100 ttta 1.75 Grimm om. not no ttrg" 1.7; Strong Chop. per 100 ml 1.75 Crimped pats. per ton ...t6.00 Oat Chop. per ton...... 36.00 Mixed Chop, per ton.... 38.00 0 Handle the I: . L; ' i . - .‘ ===q=o i Ho . n; For D rha )ers,- ft, Qld,',',') v., _ in the H . vear ll 't.11 I 3.90 . 21°51? 3.75 I ment . t th 4.65 O thong: in om ' I w orwomen [it:,'),,':,',.')",)"; . . vote. Chddrcn __ to .'"a4 'utttti.dt wane regretting tre have; to v61u.gglnst h.trn' l attached as he in to ' I governmegt pandérlng to the ll "Wen." .- _ .-" It L ----_--.- Practically this seems going back to conditions pefore the O. T. A. , This seems to be the View taken by 4 W. J'. Nlékel. Mr Ferguson's ablest . ~minister for failing to mad“: the - 1mm: wet policy, he has resigned , the Attorney, Generalshlp. with ita e- moluments. all for the sake of print clple, at action tsurely worthy of 'l commendation. - _ . i- 5 . s %" ve- V 1aLguAsudu'n Weekly input],- Ely; "lhtriit'"st 'tttsie??, :2 , At last {he BtutouttCttmettt is made ‘and n gonadal Election is to be. held od iredmst"iay, Dee. lat. Only 31x weeks to Polling Day. en’ Agaere%ttott. l 2 c. mum: tson. mum: and Prir . prfetor'n. -.'.. '. For the Brat time- in its history, Durham is honored in having a rem resentative h the Provincial cabinet in the peach. of Hon. Dr. Jtuniesptt.! He is' .otiottited I Member without' Portfolio. '1 position can-y . no e- molurnetttsr, bit. 2"L1'1'n'dri right ot sitting in .qonierencei on govern: ment issues. Hg could have had any ot the portfolios, but baulked " mu thought of baring to spend himyeara in once "at from Durham. _ Wp congratulat'e him on the race; Ferguson Smumbs‘ - ’ - to the Wet: /rhe Premier after apparent heal- -u££on.w decided that dfsaolptiortih 'tsatier'itsan holding 10 by-elections. he)! ot which ariové‘: I iatvasauu, and thevgoing uncertain.~ 5 Premier Wckeruie King, Hon. E. upointe and‘their retinue. arrived in Liverpool ‘on Sunday last. Some homely interviewers made an amus- ing incident and utounded the Pre mier. One naked “Have you a sum- mer cottage where you lpiit wed.'", Another queried "you do chop trees, don't you t", ' The Premier maver- 30¢"! like working in the'wooda. " 1ng tut gardens had? anything that he: to tie with nature†They were not yet lone: “Winning the elec- tions new! "tt won't have to chop ymneh wood t" queried a. reporter. The salient point in the contact is to be the o. t A. in tho contest of the Inner circle during the past month or two, the wet: lave won and we no to hue "Government Control and local option." The right ot the doctors to issue prescriptions u tak- en away and given to a. “Commie- alon '." " proyides for the aale’of alcoholic liquor in limited' qunati. use through Government (Humour-.9 ies, and permits the sale of beer in hotels where the munieUality has' declared in favor of such sale by ir, thr-ttttht, mljorlty.- / Mr Ferguson will ineet with many Mr. Nickle's. he has lost the Conti, dence of a. greet body of public 0- ittnioef and we hope Ontario. rural lad Tru?. will defeat his mdldstes in "tBeieatt number to overthrow his administration. that threatens to de. {trey moral luueq in Ontario. . DOES MacKENZIE KING W. F. Nick'll, Attorney General, ae- . sort: the Ship 1 . The average Bummer has but a ' . bass "you SAL! buy idea of Canada at best. but the . incident haa the uppearmce of a w 27, con g, Bettttttek, a Imartr or. taro tryntrto work I Joke hi; 100 acres. comm on par MyaPremler. 'No wonder's'itGiwood hush. well ,murred says the (Hop?! 'he réplled In ;-puz- AMI! to Andrew Katie. or giod tone.’ _ Jas. Hem“. R. R. 4 The Premier with Hon. P. C. Lar- my... ELECTIOM DAY, DECEMBER' 1 anons‘Tb Lin. JAMIESON - CHOP WOOD ? ': ?."' Afitt ,1}??? _ csgiiy'di'iiriib'rtiaiii. iigrt': ' Why use poisonous drugs when na- ture ih her wisdom and benincence his proiritUd ln'her great vegetable Itutoratorietr, the fields and forest. 3 tn1refor the ills ot man t Mr. Muran. the famous English herbalist, willbe atzthe Hahn House. Durham for one 67 only, Wedneam. Oetoberd7th. sillwiil give free consultation We" who are mttterttttr from any dineue. There are over 10 000 411mm herbs that are used ia tharditrerent dis- eases or the' human body. Mr Murat: is an expert of long experience in herbs end will give you free advice as to what herbs you need tor your disease. Don't forget 'the .date but some and see him. " is worth your While, no matter what you have tried. there is a herb for every disease. Aberdeen Institute Meet l at " I). liidlaarrie's The re'gular monthly meeting. of the Aberdeen branch of the Women's Institute was held on Oct. 15th at the' home of Mrs Duiitrut McQuarrle.with twenty members anti seVeral visit- ors present. a a.» “Wâ€... , After the Iopenmg l exercises and business has been transacted. at box of fruit was packed for the Sick Children's Hospital in Toronto. The program would.“ of' com- munity singing: Mrs J." 'r. McLean gave an excellent paper on "Wom- en's Responsibilities to Hamil." The roll call wan answered by chit. ver collection and "First Aid Helps." The next meeting, will be held on Nov. 1tttti, " 2 p.m. at the home of M11}: McComwk. All are cordially invited. The meeting closed by singing the National Anthem. Lunch was served by thsrttotsteas, assisted by a few ot the ladies. 1 Mr John (hour, one of our wor. thy baehehira, in sporting a Chrysler coupe thee days. . Mr Alex New lmded Jn Durham Saturday eienintr, having spent the put month or so visiting friends in the weitern put of Canadu. - Miss Ihariorie Little has taken a positidn in Hanover at the milllnery trade. , Mr Noah Miller of Mt. Forest paid a visit to this part the beginning of the week. I Mr and Mrs H. Livingstone and family visited with Mr. Andrew Ful- ton's recently. F Mr Wright of Hunover. visited with the school‘ children and tetush6r Monday morning. I '. ' Mr and Mrs H. Boeitger orHaner ver, spent a day recently um: Mr. and Mrs John Sharp and family. Mr Alfred Blrr has been busy er- ecting a new building for Mrs N. Mangers poultry and has it almost completed. . ’. j ' Mrs Forbes in the interests of the Women's Missionary Society of the United Church, gnve on nddreu in the Hafnoden church Sunday mer- noon. The, Victoria. Quartette, Han. over, were In attendance and (an a few selections. sfr P. Seibert paid i visit to hit home in Mitchell the end of the week Mr'Louis Yandf's threshing otsttit its humming' in this neighborhood this week, - l M UUMAJS KEV thi% , spent his tirst Sunday evening at serviceA Ja Westminster Abbey. HERB EXPERT HERE r, con g, Benunck. cont-In. tttture. acres. comm. good Mra a bush. wen watered farm. to Dat , Andrew Rude. or darts tt as. New“. R. R. 4. Elm- ing wl 4F4. Mrs TORONTO The Aberdeen Women’s Monthly Institute meeting, was held at the home of Mrs Duncan McQunrue on Friday last = goodly number Ming present.' Mr and Mrs Alex MoCormnck and male dmghter of town, spent Fri- day with the MeQuarr% familyf - Mr and Mrs Fred'Cuu entertdine4 a. number ot friends to a dance Inst week, when a good time-m spent. Mr And Mrs B. ungrul. Hanover. spent Saturday evening with Mr and [ Mrs Wm. Noble., _ . t i . ' a, yield , To the thick driving snow. . . A little while. And night shall darken down. in shouting file The woodman'l carts go by me home.- mud wheeled. Put the thanading atubhlea, hall concealed. ' Now golden-my. sowed softly through-with may. _ Where the last ploughmnn follows r still his row, Turning black furrows ttuxAgh the whitening snow. Threshing is the order of the day. Mr Jack McDonald is at the upper end of the section. but will be thint there in . short time. Mr a.tcArthur hu returned home and Mr White has taken his mace. "Messrs Wes. Noble and In Ewen were in' o. "Bound on business the in of the week. Mr and Mrs Ju. Pttllttrtort and son beater of Mooresburg. spent Sunday with the McDonald funnies, also Mrs J. D. Clarke. Mr and Mrs Thos. Collier and fam- ily of town, visited Sunday with Mr and Mrs Hugh McDonnld. Miss Merton Ewen bu returned home for a few days. Mr ar.td Mrs Hugh MacDonald visited recently with, Maui’s parents, Mr and Mrs Homeâ€, Crawford. Most of the people along the the, who are having phones installed; have their poles erected. Mr Ju. Ewen has I. sum ot men at work on the sidewall at Wm. Edger place. _We hope Jim makeou good Job " the road was surely in bad condition. We are sorry that If time of Writ- lug, Mr Fred Johnston has not re- covered his horse. All roads lead to Aberdeen school- house Friday evening, Oct. M, when the Institute are having 1 box soc Sal. Come one and all. Mr and Mrs Louis Kaufmuur and children, with Iguana Kautmtutr, ot Sullivan. visited: Sunny with Mr. and Mrs Archie Hustle and the Kauf- mnnn family. T Miss Lizzie Henderson and Messrs Nat and Tom Sule- of near Hano. ver, Tt visitors the t1rnrt of the week at tthoite of Mr And Mrs. Andrew" Katie. Mr and . Mrs Dougaid McDonlld, visited with the' former% outer, Mrs Wm unioni'lut Friday. Mn .14- mont’l eldest son Ronni wk with a very, painful aeeidesttt.wttms"ttomus kicked in the knee try a. home. l Miss Agnle Alexander ot Elmwood spent the week end at the home ot Mr and Mra Alex McDonald. Mina Blanche Boyce In the melt of her cousin, Miss Jeuie Udintt- hm. tor a few days lut week. Miss Elsie Boyce who bu not been in good. health for some time. in. been advised by her physician to un- dergo an operation for uppendicitis the beginning of the week. We hope she mny enjoy better health. in the Mrs Rotrt..'rwamler bu retained to Durham after will!“ V n In dun at her former home Ind visu- ing with may of her friends here. Mrs Richard Boyce and Mrs J. no. ugn Min/tuna" . hills and 1etgf1mug forests Blow. ABERDEEN CRAWFORD Kechnie spent from Fruity until Sundny visiting with Mr and In R. Ledinghun, Domoch. The rttanaromsAitr/'aiteettntr of the Crawford W.M.S.,' met at the home of Mrs. Richard Boyce on Oct. 18th. Eighteen were present and Mrs Rev. Young presided over I very Inter- esting meeting Her splendid reading on ‘Everydny Thanksgiving “3 much, enjoyed by all . The roll all was mwered by 'ruith.' The word chalen for the next meeting is "Hope." The collection amounted to $9.10. The remainder of the truer- noon was spent in putting together“ blocks for a. quilt to be quilted ll) the following meeting, which wilibe held at the home of Mrs Jae. Mc- Dougsll. The hostesses were Mrs R. Boyce and Mrs Geo. H. Torry and they served n dainty lunch. The Y. P. Society held their sec- ond semi-monthly meeting on Thur» day evening, Oct. 14th. ttttr tour be- ing present to listen to a very in- spiring and instructive mluionnry program. The convenor, Miss Mil. dred Henderson is to be commended for the planning of such a program and also for her tine paper. Mr John McDonald gave an edneetional geo- graphical sketch of India, outlining the position, size.‘ surface, climate and government' This was well and clearly presented to the audience. “vv- .....__'----'" -_ ,- I for the planning of such a program! School Furs. She pmposw! ', , and also for her line peper. Mr John; nate nimble prize. to the N-hm's- V McDonald gave an edncutionnl geo- all sections of exhibits. the NEW. IN graphical sketch of India, outtinintr,taiattw the highest pemwzmr' the position, trims," surfnce, climatei winning- ncoording to the al'rl't“.1! and government' This in: well nnd_which will be taken into tumor clenrly presented to the audience. Iutp, will receive the award, Je ' Mr Herman Blerworth gave us a' before the “New: of In: St humorou; and instructive .menul new. Mr Cooper, Ag'l repreror.' ,' _ picture of the liven ot the people.j'°" Grey, to whom must be V ',rs' dealing with their “tension. their' large unount ot the credit my v'r,r, cute. method at fuming, etc. Hrs Intt this interesting event, mm " Young spoke brienyvrend Innounced the vuloul plane. of work :1. , v that seven little girls votud act phonon with the School mm ww" ' Hie-ion")! rations. utter “Minn“ every parent to am ir-'.:. ' they_ung. Thin wt duel-wed them “I oMer to We them rm " PM†. . . immunity. Ir‘Cooper Was Pe _ Side; were chooen.with hie-r- 11; pleased with the an." in “l' Bhrworth Ind Dugud Hutu a “pm the school sections the taking n; H mm. Cheer your enptatns on by‘work end stated that the mu» fs, “tending tht meeting. "iiiieiFtin, an? you had ml ', um Ethel hm III M ed (0'de the number last 3...: appointed from our Society to 'ttend i------, the Y. P. Centerence in Owen Sound ' the end of thie week. ROCKY SAUGEEN Mr And Mn Hurry Steven]. Chec- Iey. ,uttended service In the IS etiuieh Sunday and visited with t Henuerson hmlly. Mrs Ju. Mather of town ma her auteu- Mrs D. Gilmaur of Burgess- ville, spent Thundty not with Mr. D. Hamilton. Mr und in W. Lumnoe Ind tam. lly. spent a any last week with Mr, and Mrs Adam Hull. / Mr and In Rom. Lindsay and lit- tle daughter of Toronto, spent stew do" last week With his pen-nu here Kn Adam Watson has gone to Toronto to spend the winter with her daughter. Mr Nelson bowling of Edmonton. in spending Iome tune irith m. uncle M Thompson. . _ Mr Gordon Moore or town spent may " the home of In Wm. Mr Ind Mrs Jan Weir tad Mr and Mrs Harrison of Egremont, spent Sunday With It and In W. Weir. Jr. The New Guiid ot Trinity chum:z Sony to hear Mr John V0551: l, will hold 1 fowl supper u. the To" not been so well “my Hip l Halt, on Nov. 4th. Putnam." later any soon be able to be around “PM Pemptrer the date. . I 1 Mr and Mrs Imam Mcl'nm' i' I Miatg Agnes, wow guests will; V. , . 1GtHgutt'f',t,'t, printed "s"".', In Baht. Lawson Fridsy Watt. .coluult a. w_ Mr and In Louis Shenmuv I 0mm "ttl mm: att-ttttte Mveat Chester, - Sunday mm m w 11P9t W’m. at. m, â€In. Ir and. In: Juo. Van.» Hargrave. It†Fttttumt. Firth meat the week and Mill her ulster. Mrs John Hamilton: . Our annual.8u|d|y School so will be held In the schooh house Fruity er'tt, Oct. Mth. ms. nmifmmfa: :: MERGER: a; M' "'t tion Ill? MRI. etc. Ind order: taker sick ma pneumonia ind tv" y. tor counter chock hooks. Plume i will u... h- um“ nah: See Bills . for Complete Emulsion Cod Liver Oil $1.00 bottle REXALL GREEN GROVE 2 for Tonic t List $1.01 tit': No. 12. o R. Grocer. No, term. No â€Jon. No. It me. non, Wo. 8, ey1t) N, s, s: “U U. No. T, on mm 0. tMtttr6r last “mo the - of an oratory contra-1. ',fl named and (ousted by Miss My,†e. Hanna-ll. M. P. A mu gm mud thet " 'sort-rs, an! hm tor en Inclement any. three m, .. would have been pie-em. The. , .4 am out†M three whenr rum, which to chose: "The Hipplm' c-, oe my ure," "Pioneer lit)» It; My community." “The Federal (n.1, meat." Eleven took the Hon.-.-,- '-s', tt, the other IV0 the In! gum-uh,“ none of them attempted to 10-4. tv" happy a)". The judge- The judge- wen Dr J. IT, Sm...’ con. ILL. Prof ist English an Hm -- A C., Guelph Mae unnatural n,» " â€nuke of mtttertn Co.; Mr I wtr. 3 bell union of Gauguin.» Thowinnen were: Mints hm»: lr, Ewen. No. t. new. She Wily, ir fend an choice of n gold “we t,' . My to on." and took the '31»: 'nd PHâ€. ntttid gold medal Wt,'.' ', Inn-‘1.“ new», No. In, Fr, M. Wo. 8,qCaq.et; Quirky Supp. tr. N. 2. Sal-Ink; Bernie Tum-n U. Ne. T, thtitirun; ‘Doda Kul'uxg No. 16. smenhun. 4th prize. silver _ Inter-Cheater Rrna Proton; 6th prte, modal, It" Either Benunck. War I prize winner: my pa; 3rd who. plated gold mm: In“ my Conn-on. No. 9, Clem-IL: 4th pdâ€. silver and and mm», Intel-Chum Ryan. No. 15, Saw! Proton; 6th Qt: silver and r1 l nodal. I“. El r Riddell, NI) ' Benunck. M Irirttr out 0’ than prlu “no". my show thr mm once ot Mu. MacPhai's pvrsmm,“ once ot In" IncPhu'n persorctl_ Ind [Hop-um Ttte other eonteatantis MIN-1Y1: complimented were: Irene Mun:- No .13. Attend“; Hu‘old have. No. 12. .otti1r-ood: Howard vs, Grow, tio. ' Derby: Plenum p,, tom. No .12 .Ecremont; Car, V ' on. Mo. 14. Euphruh; ma Arr," w.†by A.“ - The Sun Time: says: 'At tho I an,“ of the addr-, [In Inc-Hail swim . " Wm. outlining her tefr.ot'q tain um utter hearing dttertant tur', Demon nddmu them or the mm... v. “a hurdlhIpI they endured Harv mt would mm with her Ihr' uni object of an. work um war, Fr' In?“ Onion Prize Now Prim Non Year Next you, [In McPhnu anrm'nzv ed she hoped to inaugurate HEN?- eompeuuon an connection M11: l) mu" attttq home of Mrs Ant? )1er. {be any Wu tin" ',r'" M wan. i" good Ittendanrv m. I100 seremt visitors V itt “nil-l veryjelco-e sun.“ , lave I“. MattPttnit. U.P.. our P" W member. drop in "our mm' ', " Ibo did " thin moeumz. ‘IM m t (006 9mm. com» um “I!!!" by In Murray Ritchie V Middleton, “II bison, whirl] 4‘ Bhort - which was run or r '* MOIUOM. We “so had thr C'." tion crunch while Miss Mm“ “V0 I “left interesting talk. ‘7 _ mat Itatgnn of business I'I-n- v"u' naetod, and at the clone of 1hr I “It. In MeArthpr und twr it' at. toned . bountiful lunch “It meeting, which is thv a: a“. qrttt be held It the home of Mr Ind In Nell McLean w Sunny with Mr and Mrs v. Yum Brynn am has bum» a, the Br'n are the put fewut' q but In Mm nicely. Mr 'tsoc-ts, Nahum :1" ' . him this week “mm: w" " III-rank: Mr and Mrs An Tho-ttrt. A Mr W. Veggie Is this wevk. mm M " the threshing In this mm will Ion be welt gain. (Arrived too In. for In! wrrh ThrAr.P.W.0. held their tttor;' JT. 21, I94 Mullen ot I.rtd Tp DURIEIA .GJBI SyCBlC))(t? The School in mm " tnke up the foilo' 1. Junior Marianna ' Entrance to the tt Each mac [Mumm- a laced tam Intending pun enter at the _ tum. Intel-mum be chained tro Durban is thy (own an on be om The School In the put w uh In the ft Corn Syrup Granulate "Eiklare" (k; for W White Superior Com Green KARS SUPERIOR "IE CASH SHOE tmm When St( for Ice At Pecan It's th OCT. 21 THE STU John Marv-id HEN Wind Cups