el DURHAM ADVERTISING is simply salesmanship in the mass. . It is an effieient, llow-priced sales- man. Investigate its merits. ADVERTISING in the Review would help you to promote your business. It would at- tract new customers, retain the good will of old ones and increase public confidence in your store and service "Business is just as good as we make it" is the answer of business leaders. And it is worth while to note that most big businesses owe much of their success and prestige to the steady use of Advertising. In addition, DeForest & Crosley Radio has been specially designed and built to meet local conditions. Before we euggest any set we analyze your location and determine the type of circuit that will operate most satisfactory. This is part of our service which you get without cost. It moons you get a set actually adapted to your particu- lar requirements. Telephone or call for a demonstration, free, in your home if you prefer. SMITH BROS Authorized DeForcst * & Crosley Dealers TO-DAY'S prices place the best that radio.offors within the reach ofeveryone. 1'eForer"' Greeley, through large production, have achieved new standards of value. And a moderate down payment puts any set in your home DE RtiItEsttCttosulEY Ps RADIO How's Business , =====""ao =O=°1 HOLSTEIN MERCHANTS ADVERTISE Console is Unquestionably Radio's Greatest Value This Beautiful MOUNT FOREST We had an extra cold snap The iiret of the week. There seems to be u kick in the weather sine? the elec- "Tae,, ‘Emma and Sadie Oliver, spent the but of the week with Mr. and Mrs David Hooper. ,, _ -iiriGrGiditl is" spending aweek or so with relatives in Durham. Mr David Hooper he? a radio in- sulled this week. Mr Thou. Hurl- son. Jr., also had one installed rec- ently. Mr and Mrs Neil Livingstone spent I day this week at John Legate's Neil taking the job of cutting 30 cords of 'wood for Mr Legate. The annual beef ring meeting was held Monday evening at Mr Wm H. Well's. The average beast this year was 435 lbs with no diseased cattle. The ring witt continue as usual next year, 32 weeks. There are tstill 2 or 3 shares to be taken up. It was de. cided to move the slaughter house in the near future to some other place. We might add that in the seven years the rlng has been held at Mr. Wells', there was good accommoda- tion given, no doubt appreciated by all. Though election day was stormy. Mrs Scott of the town line, who is 95 years old, went out to vote as usual. A record we think for South Grey. Mr Matthew Hooper. is stalling an Arctic owl for Mr John Nelson, who shot it lately. Don't forget S. S. No. " concert, to be held Tuesday evening, Dec. 21, in Russell Hall, Dromore. L. O. L. g61 held a dance in their Hail Friday night last, good muslc being provided by the Hooper orches- tra, assisted by Wm Gordon on the piccolo. Premier Ferguson was wrong when he. said that the girls would not dance with a fellow now. adays unless he had a ttask on him. We had four dances this tlme and didn't have a fiatsk on our hip either. Miss Edith Hunter has been quite sick with grippe recently. _ _ "Hr W ii. Wells has istarted bum. sawing wood for some of the farmers this week. An Education Course in Swine Marketing is being conducted under the auspices of the Canadian Swine Breeders' Association: The Indus- trial and Development Council ot Canadian Meat Packers; The Live Stock Branch of the Dominion Dept. of Agriculture. bttawa, and the on. tario Dept. of Agriculture. Toronto. at the Union Stock Yards, Toronto. This course is open to 7 Junior fa!" men; from Grey County. The young men selected should not be over 26 years of age. They may ccme from any section in the County. The course starts at 1.15 on Wednesday. Dec. 15th. and con- tinues to Friday noon. The Course consists of lectures and demonstra- tion in cured Wiltshire sides, Grades and Grading ;’ Judging hogs and Judging carcasses. In addition there will be trips of inspection to the air attoirs and lectures on animal dis- eases and meat inspection. Through the generosity of the var- ious Department of Agriculture. Breeders' Association and Packers, liberal prizes are being awarded rot Judging live hogs; grading hogs and Judging carcasses The fimt prize is $9; 2nd, " em, till $1 is reached for 9th prize. A letter to the local branch, Dept. of Agriculture, Markdale, will brink a reply with all information neces- sary. Every boy should take advan. tage of the opportunity who can pos- sibly go. The tirttt seven to apply will be selected. The Swine Breeders Association have given a grant tor the work suf- ttcient to pay every boys railway tire over " That is it a railway ticket cost $6.85 return, a. refund will be sent the boy shortly after the Course of $3.85. The Abattoirs in the past have always provided a tree dinner for the boys on the last two days of the Course. Therefore any boy will only have to get tive meals for himself till he returns. There will of course be two nights lodging to be provided tor. Education Course in Swine '. OF AGRICULTURE 'ie-err/rt".'?."'.', t LOCAL All) PERSOIALE A,iiiiiiidiiiLuui-" , HOLSTEIN LEAN-:5 Miss Blair, teacher at Orchard, was the guest of the Arnlll family over the week end. Mr Arthur Smith who was in tho West for the past year and a ham] renewed acquaintances in the vlllagel the first ot the week. l Mr Chas McDougall who went West on the Harvest Excursion, re-I turned to the village last Friday. i, Dr C. McLellan with Mr McCauley.; motored to Fordwich Monday on 1 business. I 'iiTiiiid a plenum call from Mr.! Geo. Sharp, of the vicinity ot Win-1 nipég on Thqrsday of last week. Iti, Mr Albert Abba, who has rented the rink for the season, has. a good bottom of rough ice on the rink and another cold snap, he will be ready for the season. . my]? .vGufs -iiia"ue was here and we enjoyed the little time he had to spend in the village. "Fiii, KMESés Roilnson and Irvin of Listowel, are spendisg a few days with Mr and Mrs Wm Sanka,†- In order to assist in making Christ- mas festivities in Butulo. Messrs C. and W. Calder took a car load or Christmas trees this week. Mrs R. Irvin went to Fergus on Monday to visit her parents, as her mother is quite ill. Muses Floyd and McKechnle spent last Saturday In Guelph. 7 Mrs C. A; Drum bpent the week end In Brantford with her daughter. Again we are called upon to reel ord the death of another of the [lion-i e958 of this vicinity. in the person of Mrs Jas. A. Ev ns, whose maiden name was Eliza Sénmonds. She had i been ill but a few days ‘and passed away on Friday, 3rd inst. The deceas- ed was born in the Township of Nasv ‘sagaweya. 82 years ago. in 1860, she married James A, Evans in the! Township.of Pusiinch. and 55 years ago the family moved to Egremont, where she has almost ever since been a resident. She lived alone the} greater mut ot her time but was. very cheerful. She was taken llland conveyed to the home ot Jas Lewis, where she received medical care. But neither medical aid or tender nurs- ing could avail. Her son Chas. pro- vided for her in her declining years. She leaves to mourn her demise one tyother and two sisters and three I sons: Chas. of Holstein, James and John of Washington, Also four daughters: Hannah, Euphemia, Sar- ah and Mary, all of Washington. The funeral took place Monday to Mount Forest cemetery on the 6th inst, Rev ‘W. Johnston having charge of tho services at house and grave. The Pall bearers 'were Jas Lewis, T. Mc. Millan. F'. Love, W. Nelson, Geoand Alex Aitken. A beautiful wreath was placed on the casket by L.O, L. 2296. Further articulars made known on applicatl n to W. J. Sharp, Esq.. Jas. F. Du t, Esq.. Executors. or ta the undersi ed Solicitor for the £8- XECl Valuab Real: Villa 0 of H of G y. The will In Public Auctio Auction r, on Saturda , 11th at 2 o' k in premises heir No. 29 n tl Street. Intel property t t that co modi situated welli dwelling, ith good rep r. The P pert sale nub ct Title tt a pletion of an chaser wll pa: posit equal to chase and he in 30 days he Further an on applicati n Jag. F. Du t, the undersi e tote. Valuab Residence and Lot in the Villa a of Holstein, in_the County of a y. The will te offered for Sale by Public Auction, by W. J. Murphy. Auction r, on Saturda , 11th day of Dseember,1926 at 2 o' k in the afternoon. on the premises being composed of Lot No. 29 u the West side of Main Street. lsteln, and known as the property t the late James Durant, that co modious and .conveniently situated Welling of 1% story brick dwelling, ith frame addition, all in . M nt raiiuiiiliti'r Two good ll bred Le'leeater rams' tor Ex rs one and two y rs old. Apply" to H.’ Dated an. Mth " of rod',',',',", '26 B. MeLetus, Prt ile. i Brick dwell! house, stable and garden. lmmed e possession. THOS. Dt WALL, Holstein The P petty will be offered tor sale nub ct to a. reserved price. Title tt and possession on com- pletion of ate. Terms : The pur- chaser wll pay at time of sale a. de- posit equal to 20 per cent of bl: pur- chase and he balance thereof with. In 30 days hereafter. We: wish to t nk friends and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy in our rec t bereovemont. by the death ot wi and mother, the late Mrs James B wn. . NOTICE The Ann' I Meeting of Egre- mont Plowm' 's Association. will be held In the all, Yeovil, on Sat- urday, Dee. lllh. at 2 p.m. to pay oui prize money an to tnnsact oth- er business. WM. PHILP, NE CALDER, THE DURHAM Revue“ RUSSELL HAL , DROMORE FRIDAY EVENI a, DEC 10th There will be me . useful artlcles for sale for men, w en and child- ren. Refreshment : Sandwich- es. mi, Cake, lee C am, Tea and Coffee. At close of Sale. tt s on program of music, also a. play an tled "They Admission to Hall: Adlits 10e, President XECUTORS’ SALE CARD tttr THANKS --Husband andWamny - R. O. Kllgour M m Forest Solicitor for Executor: Jo RENT TORONTO NEh CALDER, Secretary HHDHIV I; Practice has begun for Christin“ trees. box welsh and vnrlous Yule. tidg “attainments. Mr and In D. Bruce spent I few any! in Guelph visiting friends and attending the Pat Stock Show. Mrs A. Ross and Murray, recently visited " R. Kirby's at Orchard. Mrs Whyte was recalled to Dro- more last week. owing to the illness ot her brother, Mr Jno. Bunston. - Mr and Mrs visited her sister. last Wednesday. I Br m-Beverly Gibson, (Marjorie: Nelson, Velma Hilton equal), Irene: Ellis, Bert Mather, Walter Aitken.', Geo. Stevenson, Norma Johnson. Milton Aitken. l i Jr III-Irie Rite, Alma. Leith, E.', Gadd, Mary Christie, Vincent Ellis.‘ Helen Smith. l I Average attendance 30. , Misses Margaret' Tyndal and Isabel Haas. Holstein, were Saturday visi- tors In the home ot the latter's uncle. A Haas. Mr -i., Troup returned from his Western excursion last ngay. Murray Henderson also arrived home from the Yet! last Monday. Saturday and Sunday's extreme cold resulted in cold houses, frozen house plants. water pipes, pumps, etc. it seems early for such severity. And now the merry jingle of hells remind us that Winter is here and Christmas " our door. HOLSTEIN SCHOOL REPORT 'iiiiirreaV -kre prevalent owing largely, in ttll probability, to the very changeable wenher. Senior Room Br Iv-Hazel Smith, Cecil John. son. John Lewis. Beatrice Smith, Sadie McCall, Inez Leith. Vera Al- lan, Clara Arnill. Bobbie Christie, Irene McCall, C. Tyndall. hir iv--Maurateturvin, [slay Sim, Jos. Kearney. Margreta Hea,aer, Mary Woodyard. Morris fldler. A“ . -"_r. F. J. Floyd. teacher Junior Room Br u-ago" Tyndall and Willard Stevenson equal. Ivan Christie, Mar- Jory Johnston. Frank Gadd, Murray Altken, Aileen Brown. _ - - - Jr II-David Aitken, Eileen Smith, Charlie Bullet. Esther Gadd, Wallace Lewis, Bruce McKenzie, Bill Fldler, Grace Carter, Fred Mather. " I-Aura McGuire, Kathleen La- mont, Elmer Love. Jim McCall. Br Pr-Helen Buller, Vera. Leith Jr Pr-Hsrry Mather, Murray Rae. Pr tar-Kenneth Carmount. Lloyd Gibson,, Elma McGuire, Velma Lam. ont, George Dyer, Hazel Leith, Doro. thy Dyer, Bert Gadd, Herbie Fidler. No. on roll 34: average att'ce 2x. U. B. B. NO. 12, BOREMON'T Sr iv-iliac-. Adnms, Florence Patterson. Jr Iv-Mohr, Matthews, Cannon Wllson, Morris, Matthews. Sr Iu--willie Patterson, ‘Clara Wat. son. Douslts Nelson, 'Chrence Nel. son. Cannon Hargrave. Jr m-41eo. Wilson, 'Lewll Wells, Dave Daley. Sr Ir-Funny Hargrave. Wallnoe Mot- thewa. Annie Hooper. Jr Ir-Lloyd Brown. Br I--ildwyn Nelson, 'Ray Adams, 'Annie Andrews, ‘Jecn Brown. Jr GrPReggie Wlllon, Ed. gar Patterson. ‘Robert Hunter, ‘Jas. Hargrave. ‘Hazel Watson. Francls Duly. Pr-Hamid Hunter and Alice Daly equal, 'Roy Andrews. Norman Wells, ‘Orvllle Use. - No. on roll 32. ‘Present every day. Violet Mervyn, tencher man. Jr nr--cuire Morlee‘. Ted Morlce, Howard Rely. Royden Reay, Jr lll4mle Marshall. Elan Petty, Irene Petty. Tommy W:tson'. How. ard Marshall. Jessie Marshall. Wal. lace Marsh". Jr Ir-clayton Ray. Murray Marlee. Wilfrid Marshall. Jr I-hilt) Watson. Pr-Bernice S. S. NO. l, NORMANBY Br nr---Myrtie Marshall‘, Wilbert Petty, Meivile Watson', Jack Sunli- 'Presént every day. Sr Iv-kenneth Alles (abs.) . Jr. Hr-af.) Alias. Laura Ellis, Ken- neth Ross, Reid Ketchabaw, Doris Troup. Sr II-George Horsburgh. Wilbert Schenk, Laverne Bilton,Htus old Bilton. Jr Ir-Marion Homburgh Bert Ross, Franklin Ketchabaw. Pr -Wallaee Hilton. Perfect spelling-MSU" Allen. Best in Arithmetic, Kenneth Ross. M. Byers, teacher Jr iv-Eileen Aberdein. Toe Camp belt, Mary _Cnmpbell. Br m--Peart Gordon. Tommy Davie. " Hi-Vera Johnson. Norma Ferguson, Sadie Davis. Br Ir-Norman Gordon. Doug. las Johnson. Jr li-Mmm" Fergus- on. Willie Campbell. Sr Pp-ivan Johnson. Jr Pr-Percy Gordon, Bob hie Webber (absent). Pr-Bobbie Atrerdein, Lenore Davis. No. on roll 17. Av. attendance 14. Sr IV-Dorothy Caldwell, Douglas Grant. Sr m-Billie Caldwell, Cle- ments Patterson. Jr Iu---velma Blyth, Dorothy Bogle, Marjorie Kerr, Elgin Blyth. Sr It-Tillie Brynns. Jr I-A3ttltiwen Kerr. Pr-Florence Bryana. Vernon Noble. S. S. NO. 9, EGREMONT S. B. NO. 2, EGREMONT Marjorie Caldwell. Teacher roll 17. Av. attendance 14 Mary E. McBride, teacher J. A. McKedhnie, teacher Daisy Mather. teaeher VARNEY SCHOOL pa SALE iviiiner, Cedarville, Mrs J. Nicholson, ( cased. spent a few dlys ll un- home of James Lewis. I Mr Ritchie Campbell is engmd with Mr 113 Wilton for the coming “may -- T"" ,7 maina were marred in Mt Forest cemetery. The Orange brethren ot Holstelnr contributed a beautiful wrench year up... Mn Jae. Eden and daughter. Mrs. John Queen. spent a day recently in Listowel. A surprise party was held at the home of Mr Ben Woods. " when all enjoyed themselves tripping the fan- made. St. Pnuls B. S. enterulnment will be held in Allan's school on Dec. 17, when th good program is being pre- pared. The Durhamlees life again favoring us by putting on a play. Lad- ies the requested to bring lunch. Mr Geo. Pollock who leased his farm to Mr Wesley Andrews, for a term ot years. It haying an auction sale ot rum stock and Implements on Dec. 16th. Miss Mary A. Bradley Is engaged tl the home ot Mr and Mrs Cecll Ec- ces. Safeguard Your Body Against Winter-Ills With Vitamin-Rich Nourishment--. Take Scott & 80mm. Toronto. Ont ft Abounds In Cod. liver Oil Vitamins SCOTT'S EMULSION Conway of Arthur. niece or de- . went a few dlys at the - . . A first class Cleaner run- Westem (his ' Screenings tting MP the only one ofits kind in the district. Call and see it work. Yuu will be convinced. Repair or Renew that Leaky Roof THE PE0PLE'ti MILLS, Mt. Forest W. M. GROAT G, SON before bad wouher comes." Call and see our stock of SHINGLES. gitgllllhlliS STORE Midday! Block -. “if†tttave just received another 'shipment of those $1.00 and $1.50 FLANNEL SHIRTS Come early while they Int. Bargains ll Underwear Bore Combination Undomur O 1.80 Men's 100 per cent Wool. Combimr lions a ............. $3.50. [wavy Men’s Light weight Combinations. 6: m................". 81.9610 $3.5" I A choice blend of Indian and Men's heavy double buck and from. 100 per cent wool. also donva but IBM. 0........83.§0 to “.00 tsuit ladies.' Silk and Wool Underwear,) DEL} Hyman Underwear. luv-in - weight. SimaI-Kande brand Black Tea [anther top short Gd height. All Rubber have“ fully slur-mm d In give satisfaction. FRESH PEEL6 A FRUIT, IN STOCK _ -ru. Your Christin-o Baking MINCE MEAT ' Libby Sauerkraut FREBH GROCERIES and MEAT Crf hand. Phone Orders Dehvered [Ii-Press Goodtich Rubbers 1 good Violin cue And bow, nrw 2.11““ Tourie Violin bow, _ 1 â€we single barrel Shotgunn- v, l 's--" Winchester nine. used 1 Churn Pump. 3-inch e.vllnder, mm 2 m Lantern: , Pipe -he.c Hr» Hunting & Tapping licenses 1m rah J cy. MYERS. Holstein WM. BRIGHAM For Sale ',.'9, 1926 TRY MY Cevtor 'toe tt VOL. Km B. . Cu The Christma the childrvu of will be (Wm , the church. Th tut, on“ eight ané “All. In Dec. 22. Mer wit Conan and " WIN" held south 22M. Queen St. Cr Th tum d Adm awn Clut the l tor" we! Rural De Rev. F Church. I tor of T, nnnou His 1 Hobo! Bram Uncomin We Darin: his! d il Tt Ind n rim